C IWRSDAY, MAT 22, 1952 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANMILLE, ONTARlIO __ PAGE TmV CLARKE - BRADLEY Ian. Fram ber matcbing hea Pink and white snaptiragons dness af taffeta and eyeletc ~ecarated the altar ai Trinity gandy, felI t iingentip veil rUnited Cburch on Satunday aiter- Fnench tulle. She carnied a wbi n no May17. hen ormaFayBible v,,ith Talisman nse corsag noane, Ma 1 hen orm Fy Miss Elva Bnadley, Bowma: 13de agte iMn. and ville, was ber sisten's maid Mrs. Ernest W. Bradley, Bow- honon. wearing a gown ai yell mnanville, became the bride ai ongandy aven taffeta with matc] Donald David Clarke, son ai Mn. ing Juliet cap and gloves. Mi and Mrs. Rufus lanke,' Brantford. Shirley Nash, Toronto, and Mi Rev. R. R. Nicholson perfonmed Patricia Poster, Toronto, cous: the cenemony and Mn. W. E. C. ai the bride, wene bridesmai. Warkman played the wedding gawned alike in gneen ongand music. Mn. William Clarke, aven taffeta witb matching glov( Brantford, brother ai the groom, and Juliet Caps. Little M:! was sloist. Linda Clake, niece ai the groon . Given in marniage by ber fath- was flower girl, wearing a gow er, the bride was lovely in a gawn ai yellow angandy aven taffet ai white ongandy aven taffeta, Ail carried nasegays ai Talisma fasbioned with a full skint and nases. Mn. Lamne Penfouri bodice ai angandy eyelet with Whitby, acted as best man, ai long sleeves and Peter Pan cal- Mn. Edgenton Clarke and Mv ANIfS, JONES AN! CAMERON Barristers and Solicitors are pleased to announce the opening of their new ) 1BRANCH OFFICE 78 Ring Street West, Bowmianville Tuesday, Mlay 27th, 1952 OFFICE IIOURS: Tuesday and Friday - 2 p.m. -ta 5:30 p.m. Saturday - 9:30 to 12:30 or by appointment PHONE OSHAWA 3-2269 - BO4MANVILLE 3309 THURSDAY AND FIRIDAY AT M am$1,69 Ladies' Printed Cotton Baliste Gowns Regular $2.98 on sale - $1.98 Women's Haif Size Dresses Printed Rayon Crepes - in Sizes 181/2 to 24%, A Real Saving - ai $7.95 Girls' Flannel Blazers AII-wool Flannel Blazers, trininied with white piping. Navy or Iine - Sizes 7 to 12 Save ai - $4,98 Young Men's Suifs Double breasted inodels ini gabardines ni all-wool flannels. No charge for extra puits - $29.95 Nen's Sport Jackets Fingertip lengtli ini cordusroys or rayon gabardines. SSizes Snîall, Mlediurn and Large. Reg. t. $1995. Clearing ai - $9.95 OPEN FRJDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. CLOSED SATURDAYI MAY 24 M r he St. John's Scene of Marriage Murray Clarke, brothers ai t gro.Brantford, were ushens. For the reception held in Trir Sity Sunday School Room, ti bride's mather ware a gown( pnk bnocaded nylon with nav accessories and corsage of yelloi roses. She was assisted by th graamn's mather, wearing a dre. ai lime green figured nylon, wit gray accessonies and corsagec * Pink roses. ', Following the reception, th bride and groom lef t on a wed ding tnip ta New York State, th bride wearing for travelling gray suit with coral and white ac cessanies. On their return Mi ýad- and Mrs. Clarke wilI resideL or- Toronto. ai ite GORDON - JArMESON tge. an. A quiet but pretty double-risi of wedding was salemnized Satur ýo day aiternoon, May 10, in ti h- parsanage ai Simcoe Street Unit lied Chunch by the Rev. John X lisMafiat when Mary Violetta sin Jamiesan, only daughter oMr ýd became the bride ai James Al- ;sfred Gardon, eldest son ai Mr ýiJohn Gardon and the late Mrs ým Gardon ai Newtonville. wn The bride wane a iloon-lengt: ,ta gown ai white satin, with long ian fitted sleeves, pointed oven hei id, hands and a sweetheant neckline. rid Her finger-tip veil ai Chantilly Ir. lace was held by a crown af orange blassoms. She carrieda bouquet ai Amerîcan Beauty rases with sprays ai lily-of-the-valley and fern, and wone the bridge- graom's gift. a single stnand of pearls. The bridesmaid. Miss Marjoie Gardon, ai Whitby, cousin ai the bnidegroom, was in white lace net aven taifeta styled with a cerise coloned velvet jacket and match- ing beaddness. She carried a nase- gay ai pink and white rosebuds. Mr. Brenton Farrow, Starkville, was best man. Following the reception beld at the home ai Mr. arnd Mrs. Wil- liam Henderson, Sirncoe Street South, the happy couple leit on a wedding trip ta the United States and on their return will live in Oshawa. For travelling, the bride wore a navy blue dress with a shontie coat and a corsage ai Talisman roses, the gift ai Mrs. Henderson. GIBSON - LARMER In a pnetty ceremony at the home ai the bride's parents, Bunketan, on Saturday aitennoon, May 10. Edna Joyce Larmer, daughter ai Mr. and Mrs. Russell Larmer, was united in manriage with Norman Clinton Gibson, son ai Mn. and Mns. Clinton Gibson, Glen Miller, Ont. The ceremony was perionmed by Rev. C. W. Rut- ton, Blackstock, against a back- ground ai tulips. daifodils and calceolania. Miss Nina Johnston !played the wedding music. Given in marniage by bier fath- er, the bride wore an aiternoon dresa ai pale blue figuned lace over taifeta with corsage ai Sweetheart roses. The bnide's sister, Miss Audrey Larmer, was hier anly attendant, wearing an aiternoon dress ai Pink figuned lace aven tafieta and corsage af blue carnations. Mn. Norman Smith, Trenton. was best man. A reception was held at the home ai the bride's parents, the bide's mathen wearing a dress of navy blue sheer with corsage or Tlnman roses. She was as- matching frilled circular bat; bier ssted in eceiving the guests by jewellery was a single strand ai the groom' s mather who ware a pearis, and she carried a bouquet dress ai navy blue sheer and cor- ai white carnations with white sage ai deeip Pinkc carnations. sweet peas caught in the long rib- Floing the reception, the bon streamers. bride and groom leit on a wed- Mr. Howard Sturrock ai Bow- ding trip ta Toronto, Hamilton manville perfarmed the duties ai and Niagara Falls, the bride wear- best man. The ushers were Mr. ing for travelling a navy and Jack Childs and the bridegroom's white checked suit with navy ac- brother. Mr. William Hannden, cessaries. On their return, Mr. bath -of Bowmanville. and Mrs. Gibson wili reside in Arrangements ai pink carna- Glen Miller, Ont. tions and white and pink snap- dragons also red and yellaw tulips decorated the drawing raam ai HARNDEN - THOMPSON Adelaide Hause where the re- Whie crnaion onthecanieception was held. To receive the Whie crnaion onthecanleguests the bride's mother wore lighted altar. baskets ai mauve a streetlength dress ai navy blue sokwhite snapdragons and faille crepe, pink lilacs accented crains ilanked the chancel hier ribbon trimmed navy blue steps formyed the setting for a stra. what. Navy blue access- sinngime-w e dd in g in St. ories and a corsage ai carnations George's Anglican Church, Osh- in shades ai pink completed her awa last Saturday aiternoon whenenmb. The rigom' Cano Daid . Roe uite inmother who assisted wore an ai- marriage Joyce Beverley Thomp- ternoon dress ai flower blue 1 son with Douglas Bruce Harnden. crepe inset with matching guipure The bride is the daughten ai lace. Her hat was a small mod- Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Alexand- el ai petal pink straw with clust- er Thompson ai Oshawa and the ers ai îîowers and she wore elbowi bridegroom is the son ai Mn. and 1 ength pink nylon gloves. Pink Mrs. Elgie Stinson Hannden ai 'and white carnations comprised Bawmanville. her corsage. Mn. Lean Nash A.T.C.M., pre- ii-ftevlycrsdthè sided at the argan and accamp- Lili-i-the-vesale cretedate 1 anied Miss Leah Garnow Who the-tierwpeetleddting tca sang "O Periect Lave" preceding setin wtet ulle whcenwster il-the the ceremany and 'The Lord'slbriatae wih wt a sin l%, Prayer' during the signing ai the lumin ae with white tapers i register. iwanigebrst iss cander a PourindtaC Given i arhgeb er fath- wre MissJ.Estenawley afndh er the bride chose a floor-length bris.A.J.Rvig te, unts ai th gown aifnosted white Chantilly brid. HServingthe guests Bwn lace aven net and satin. The fit- Mrs HowardMisturenckaiow-of ted basque ieatured tiny back manill, Miss MJlen allow ai, buttons ta the waist, long fitted WMitbvDoiss Millie G adaghMiss sleeves and a jewel neckline edged RMiss Dois Chntacond and Mis with a petal scalloped collan. TheRthTopnacuiaihc skint was gathered into folds fa,,- bride. ing ta the scalloped hemline. Her The toast ta the bride was pro- t finger-tip veil ai tulle illusion posed by Mr. Howard Sturrock.i was caught ta a matching juliet The bridegroom praposed a toast h cap and she carried a round ta the bridai attendants whichh bouquet af white gardenias and was rcsponded to by Mr. Jack sweet peas wvith croton leaves and Childs. D adeanium ferm tied with white Mr. and Mrs. Harnlden Icit in satin ribbon. the early evening for New York jMiss Daneen Reddoch ai Osh- City and other American pyýnts a. awa. was bridesmaid, wearing a and on their return will live inn gown ai Victorian blue man- Oshawa. For the haneymoon e' jquisette aven tafieta fasbioned 1 trip the bride donned a grey wool w~ with a cuffed strapless bodice and suit and a close fitting hat ai a cutaway boleno. The bouffant1 blue velvet petals which match- n( skirt fell fram a carded waist- ed her corsage. line about the straight front~ Befone leaving the bride threw Si panel. She wore a matching juUiet her bridai bouquet which was S( cap, and ber flowers were a caught by Miss Teresa Riordan Hi round bouquet ai white carna- and later presented ta Mrs. Non- LE tions and sweet peas with white man Thompson, the bride's grand- RE ribbon ties. Miss Penny Brown, mother. W daughter ai Major and Mrs. W. The bride«s git ta the bride- De J. Brown ai Camp Borden, small groom was a signet ring. The niece af the bridegroom, was bridegroom's giit ta the bride was Bi ilower girl wearing a long inock a sterling silven brush, comb and L af Victanian blue taifeta and mirron. The brîde's git ta the i nîvuion manquisette. tied wvith a, bridesmaid xxas a triple strand afi sash. The tafieta bodice \v.as peanis and ta the iloxver girl a fashioned wvith a law neckline ' cd leather brief case. The besc accented wvith a gathered bertha, man and ushers receivcd cuif j hr ut9 marquisette. 8he wore ailinks £ram the bridegroom. at lie, and ner 'ey, 'on, John's Parish Hall on Wednesday evenirîg, May 21, when Miss Dan- othy Loch, beauty consultant, gave the ladies present saine intenest- ing facts on this subject so close ta ail feminine heants. Business Women's Week was inaugunated in the United States 24 yeans ago. Through its ob- servance once a year, commun- ities have become botter inform- cd ai the wonk ai B. & P. Clubs in their anea, and stimulus bas been given ta business women ta take a more active part in the affains ai their community. It is hoped tha. observance of Bus- inessWomen's Week in Ontario will achieve the same result. One ai the main objectives ai the Canadian Federation ai Business and Professional Women's Clubs is ta promote the intercst ai business and professionul women throughout Canada. The organiz- ation is also international, ta which 19 countnies belong. The Bowmanville club was formed two years ago and has 32 membens. It holds a dinnen meeting once a month in the Bal- moral Hotel, when many fine speakers are heard. The club has assisted the Memonial Hospital and ather worthy causes finan- cially since its inception, and seeks ta 'keep the interests ai Nomen alive ta local, national and international r o s p o n s ibilities. Violet McFeeters, president fan the past year, was recently ne- elected ta lead the Bowmanville Club for another year. The club believes that though women have a definite place in the home, the vorking waman has a duty ta ber country and ta hon sex, -to take ion place as a worker in aur so- iety, ta help Canada gnow in vealth, in social secunity and in standard ai living. Also in connection with Bus- iss Women's Week in Bowman- ville a spocial film entitled 'Wameri In Our Time" xivill be shown at the Royal Theatre, but lue ta the heavy demand for this icture, M\r. D. Buckspan was un- ie ta secure it during the week tay 19-2-1. It will ho shown next veek, an May 29. 30 and 3 1. The lm is being secuned thnough the dean Theatre, Toronto. 31ackstock W.A. %mateur Contest 'opular Event Thîîd Annual Amateur Con- rst sponsareci hy the W. A. ai .0 Blackstuck United Church eld in the Cartwrnight Township [al], Frida 'v. Mia. 16, 1952 with alton Dorneil as; chairman. JUdges wce lvIîs. Llovd AYrc Id Mrs. Nokes, Bowmnanvillc, d Mn. Jack Hill, Utica. Home- iade candy was sold during the 'ening. The meeting apened th O Canada. The variaus entries and win- nrs are as follows: CIhildren 5-10' vears: Bannie aywe]l and Shirley Snooks, )ng; Patsy Davies, solo; Billie utton, piano; Lloyd-Wilson, solo; anard Saunders. sala;, Otta instra, solo; winners-lst Lloyd lsoîi. Nestieton; 2nd Patsy vis, Sauina. Children, 10-1.5 years: Catherine île *v, piano; Alan Bailev, solo: han Ma ' wpiano: LouisJef- cY, tep) dance; Clifford Da\ os, ,il Ic C iCi e ()il 0 LI',puLt again lias Ki roken ail records mn Venezucla ,8051barrels a day. reciting; Joan Rae and Shirli St. John, sang and dance; Jo. Venning, Jean Thampsan, Doi na Forder, sang; Ray Asbtc piano; Elinor Heard, piano; Jo. Hoskin, piano. Winners-lst Li lian Marlow. Bowmanville; 2n Louise Jeifrey, Port Perry; 3r Ray Ashton, Enniskillen. School musical number: (a Junior-i Blackstock Rhythi Band, 2 Caesarea; winners-fl Caesarea. 2nd Blackstock Rhythi Band. (b> Senior-i Blacksta( Public, 2 Egypt Scboai; winnei -ist Blackstock, 2nd Egypt. Adults-Mrs. Harold Kyte, sol( Enniskillen, quartette; Dougla Hayes, recite; winners-lst Mn Kyte, 2nd Enniskillen Quartett( Comic in Costume--Joan an Pat Haskin, Phyllis Strang, Cath erne Bailey. sang; Lloyd Wilsai sala; Doug Davidsan, recîte; Fau Fools (Jean Saywell, El leen M( Laughlin. Shirley Turner, Noreei Malcolm; winners. lst Four Foolç 2nd Lloyd Wilson. Special prize af $5.00 for bes number af the evening was wor by Lillian Marlaw, 13-year-ol( pianist, Bowmanville. Mrs. Rus seli Mountjoy spoke on behali o: the W. A., thanking ail who tool part. Mr. Jack Hill gave the de. cision af the judges. District Ral7y For Anglican Y.P. To-night at St. John's Tonght (Thursday) at St. John's Church a special Even- sang Service will take place ai 8 p.m. The preacher will be Rev. J. E. Harvey, B.A., Rector af Port Whitby and Ajax. The oc- casion is the Annual Ascension Day Rally ai the Anglican Young Peaple's Association ai the Dean- ery af Durham and Northumber- land. The members of the local A.Y. P.A. cordially nvite their friends young and otherwise to share with them in this observance of the Anniversary af Our Lord's Ascension. This annual service was held last year at St. Peter's Church. Cobourg. As each year a different Church is chosen for the service this may be the last time in several years that we have this service here. The chaplain ai the Deanery A.Y.P.A. is ur Rector. Tonight's preacher is a grad- uate ai the University ai Toronto and af Wycliffe College and is known for the splendid work be is doing in the new parish ai Pt. Whitby and Ajax. A young man, he brings ta bis ministry ability and devotion. India bas formed a Nqational Arts Treasure Fund ta preserve India art treasures. WANTADS ley an LONG SAULT n. Mn. and Mns. Stanley Gable 'a and boys visited Mr. and Mns. ,il- Jim Darcb, Port Hope. id1Mn. and Mns. G. Symons, Bow- rdmanville, visited Mn. and Mrs. S. 1a) Gable. lm Mrs. Harvey Partner visited st Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Strong imand family, Ballyduf, visited Mr. mkadMs yro isn rs .and Ms. Ryerson Gibson Sandra, Patsy and Johh Wright visited Mn. and Mm .Gardon [0; Bentley at Pont Penny. rs Mn. and Mrs. Alex McLaggan, e. Toronto. visited Mr. and Mrs. id McLaggan, who is in Bowman- '- ville Hospital with a broken leg. n, We wish bim a speedy necovery. n KIRBY t On Wednesday evenîng, May ,n 14, the W. A. held a quilting in Id the Sunday School room with 15 S-ladies present. )f Mn. and Mrs. Win. Cochrane k visited Mn. and Mns. Jim Bal -on Tuesday evening. Mn. and Mns. Bodie Thampson, Pont Hope, spent Wednesday ai- tennoon and evening with Mn. and Mrs. E. R. Bryson. Mrs. Annie Pattenson visited on Thunsday aiternoon with Mns. C. V. Cooper, Onono. Mn. and Mrs. Bill Wannan and Ross and Mns. Annie Patterson visited Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. tLavenne Patterson. Mns. Neta Pattenson s spend- ing a few days with Mn. and Mns. BillI Mofiatt. Mns. Stanley Chapman, Mns. Bill Cochrane and Mrs. Bill Wan- Bill Cochrane, Mrs. Bill Wannan4 and Mns. Bill Reid quilted fan the I.O.D.E. at the home ai Mns. Jas. Wannan on Thursday aitennoon. The sympathy ai the commun- îty is extended ta Mn. and Mrs. James Lowery on the death i o their infant son. BROWN'S Mns. Freeman Eddy bas retunn- ed borne from the hospital and is coming along very nicely. Mn. and Mrs. Elmen Célements and Enid, Seagrave, visited with Mn. ind Mrs. Wellington Farrow. Mn. and Mrs. Tracy Embley with Mrs. Parks, Ameliasburg, on Sunday. Nancy Laaja ententained a few ai bier li ttle iniends on Thursday aiternoon, the occasion being hien 5tb birthday. Congyratulations ta Doris Martin and Wyllei..j Wilson fon the bigh marks they at!qined at the Pet- erborough Music Èe-Csival. Keep up the goad wonk, ginîsi-ý A few fnom hene attended ',be elocutian contest sponsoned by the W.C.T.U. ai Newcastle, in which Andele Pickering was a contest- ant. Miss Peggy Stephenson and Mn. Ross Boyd wene home for the weekend. PHONE 431 Mn. and Mns. H. Farrow visited - thut counis"l with Mr. and Mrs. J. Curson and Jim. Glad to tee Jim, Sr,. up. and around again atter hic red~ent illness. Remember Brown'a Home and Schoal Club meeting this Thuru- day evening, May 22 at the school when there will be a program of Educational Pictures. Everyorie welcome. Bring the chlldren. Refreshments served. Saturday, May 24th la Victoria Day when there wil be the usual display af fireworks in our com- munity. Please, children, do flot carry firecrackers in your pock- ets, as a spark from one burning on the ground could very easily ignite those an your person, caus- ing very serious injury to your- self and those standing near you. Have fun-but be careful! So New . So Exciting! you have to scee k ,;ýStO belinve ki J. B. Abernethy Paint & Wallpaper Store 85 King St. W. Tt takes more than a heavy wind to affect the Brantford Super-Tite Siates on any roof. In fact, we don't know of a single instance whene a Super-Tite siate, properly applied, has blown off. What's more, your Super-Tite Roof is impenvious to snow, sleet, ice and rain; Special Iock-type butts knit siates togethen into a trim keystone dlesign that's both weathen-tiglit and attractive. You'1l find the striking design of Brantford Super-Tites, in sollcd or exciting new duo-tone blended colours, particularly beautiful on large, Ask you7 anchitect, building contractor or neanest Brantford Roofing dealer for full information about Super-Tite 1/80's for re-roofing and 2/ 10'& for brand new homes. Brantford Roofing tompony Ltmftd Brantford, Ont. Torano-Montreul-Winnipeg-.Saînt John Shingles, Sealed-in Sidlng, Roll Roofings, Building Roof Coafings, Built-Up Roofings, Asphait Mastic fiooring, Waterproofing Moterials. The Sheppard & Gi Lumber Co. ING STREET E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 715 - r -«'-».«..é..;.....~". .~...s.. *......... * m £ * - e p. * . - ..~».» Leaving St. John's Anglican Church, Bowmanvi following their marriage on Saturday, May 3rd, are Mr.a Mrs. Maurice White Crompton. The bride is the forr Kathleen Alice Storey, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. V. H. Stori and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Crompt Agincourt. "Keeping Pace With Canada" Theme of Business Women's Week m 1 For the first time in Ontaria, Business Women's Week is being observed by Business and Pro- fessional Wamen's Club through- out the province from May 19 ta 24. The slogan far this special week by the 68 Ontario clubs who have a total membership ai aver 3,000, is "Keeping Pace With Can- ada." The Bowmanville Club got the week off ta a flying start with a luncheon at the Balmoral Hotel on Sunday, May 18, at which the Provincial Club Treasurer, Miss Lilas Trout, Brampton, spake on "Our Herit age". Also, an open Bawmanville and district were cordially invited, was eld in St. DBRESLIN'S Misses' Cotton Crepe Pyjamas Regular $3.98 Clearinq ai m qw