PAGE FOURTEEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN ROWMANVTLT~ flWrAPTCI Naple Grove Women's Instilute Hear Kay O'Neill Admiring Her Horse "Cappy Several Timely, Helpful Addresses Doute $30 Ia W.I. Ward ai Hospitalm Business a. the June 9 meeting piano solos, the lovely meloc of Maple Gruve Women's Insti- "Among My Souvenirs" tute was conducted by President Hiawatha's "Melody of Love:' Mrs. W. H. Brown. Mrs. Edwin Ormiston read Motions were carried to pur- humorous and timely art: Chase lumber for the school (.large quantities of mhilk leave pupils' bicycle stands. and to do-1 farms these days below $2.001 nate $30.00 toward the furnish- cwt.) o011Milk Economies"1 ings for the W. 1. Ward in Mem- n-iddle-aged farmer and his u orial Hospital, Bowmanville. on a two-day visit to the city 1 Mrs. Brown and ail group their eyes opened to the e leaders were apponted a commit- with which money flowed tee to arrange for a strawberry luxuries. The pay-off rea social. An invitation was accept- came when At took a can and ed to visit Hampton W. I. in July. haîf of top-price milk to pay: Reports were given of the a necktie, to the inexperienc District Annual at Tyrone by Mrs. eye marked 75e (the price m Cecil Milis, Mrs. W. H. Brown S7.50.) and Mrs. L. C. Snowden. Mrs. C. H. Snowden spoke It was decided to apply to the 'ýSmall Fruits in Your Gardei W. I. Branch of the Ontario Dept. Definite and most useful inf( of Agriculture for the extension mation was given on soil prepz servicý,, ',What Makes a Good ation, pîanting and care of straý MOsficeci iî,cnee fbernies, raspberries, currants a Agr.Cuc ltue ndCnineIndus-gooseberries and the high Vil Agriultre ad Cnadin Idus min C value of the black curra tries. was in charge of the pro- wsmnind gram. wsmetond INrs. W. H. Brown gave some Mrs. Snowden spoke of t soul-searching thoughts on the wonderful gift to mankind of t] motto, "Faith can light a candle soul for the provision of food; in the darkest night" and told the great satisfaction gained frc the story of Captain Eddie Rioken- working with the soîl, quting tl backer and his companions adrift i nes "One is nearer God's hea in a small boat on the ocean for lin a garden than any place elý 21 days. When desperate for on earth" and read the poem 1 food and drink, miraculousl 'y bothI Edgar Guest. "A packagei ,were supplied following a simplv~ Seeds" which expressed the vei worded prayer of faith to God1 great truth that in ten cents wori Mrs. Brown read a poem on Faith of seed is mystery of lufe unde to conclude ber inspiring words stood only by God. on the motto. Valuable information was ab Miss Edna Swallow played two given from The Girls' Homemal ing Club chart on the proper cool ing of vegetables and an amuý ?Iing poem, 'She Knows Hi o4#~va Ir Onons" from Mrs. Snowder scrap book. g Mrs. Milîs toldof the outstanc IMi II4M U ing financial success achievedb a war veteran on his small V.L.ý A D S holding by growing asparagus. W ANTRefreshments were servedb Mrs. Milîs and ber group and social time enjoyed. OSHAWA, ONT. PORT HOPE BRANCHO 71 Walton St., 2nd floor, phone 3050 LOANS TO MO CONSUMER 00000S IBJ!tT TO CONSUMER CREIT REGULATIONO dies, and Lda ticle the per The .'if e had ease for illy lda for ied vas on n.,, for- )ar- w- and ita- rnt the he of the îrt dse by 0f ary th er- so ik- )k- us- er n's il- Mn. and Mns. Glen Allin spent of Lakefieid. Thene wili b, bythe weekend with relatives in special music by Kirby choir as aRochester, recently. sisted in the afternoon by Mis Miss Agnes Ferguson and Mrs. Joan Black, Orono, and Mn. A -T. Lewis, Rochester, are visîting Cameron, Leskard, and in the ev the fonmer's sister, Mns. Alex ening by Mn. Ross Metcalf, Bow IWatson and Mn. Watson. manville, and a quartette fron Mrs. Doris Turnbull, Osbawa, Enniskillen. Iis spending the summer with On Tuesday, Junç 24, a Stnaw. Mns. Ken Gamsby. - berry Festival will be held, al Mrs. N. F. Porter is spending are cordially invited to attend th( this week with bier mother, Mrs. 'anniverary services and straw. Oliver in Bobcaygeon. berry festival. Mn. Dick Morten, Toronto, spent Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Tyrnell anc the weekend with his parents, attending a Druggists Convention Mn. and Mrs. Albert Morten. at Big Win Inn, Lake of Bays, Miss Mae Glenny, Toronto, Muskoka. visited with Mn. and Mrs. Bill Mn. and Mns. A. Keane were Glanxille over the weekend. in Toronto on Friday. Mr. and Mn. and Mrs. Harry Clark and Mrs. Mervin Keane and two boys family, Pnescott, visited with Mn. returned with them for the week- and Mns. Cecil McLaren oven the end. Other guests wene Mn. Sam weekend and enjoyed a reunion Keane and Mn. and Mrs. Bob of relatives numbering about 30. Keane and two daugbters, of Mn. and Mrs. Charlie Cooper' Brighton. and Mn. and Mrs. Wesley Elliott attended the anniversary service at Kendal United Church on Sun- W.A. MEETING day. The regulan meeting of the Mn. and Mrs. C. Wood attended1 Woman's Association was beld on the Long Sault annivensary ser- Tuesday, June lOth. vices on Sunday afternoon. and The president, Mns. E. R. Rain- wene guests of Mn. and Mns. ey, presided. The attitude of Harold Murphy and Mrs. E. happiness, was the theme of the Murphy. devotional, taken by Mns. Arm- Mn. Hanry Frazer is a patient strong. Happiness is flot doing in Oshawa Hospital following a what we lîke, but in liking what senlous operation. We wish forý we do. This message of devo- him a speedy recoveny.1 tion was a great inspiration to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Snodgrass evenyone present. and David, Rochester, are spend- The business session began with ing this week visiting relatives the minutes of the last mieeting bere. 1 nead by the secretany, Miss Ê. Mn. and Mns. McCallion and Penfound. Othen business at hand baby moved this week into the xvas dealt with, cards to the sick, home fonmerly owned by Miss shut-ins and beneaveci were ne- iMinnie Hall but sold recently to ponted. Treasuren's report bv Mr. Benson, Toronto.1 Mrs. Logan sbowcd a good banik Weekend visitons with M ns. Jas, balance. Accounts \vere paid and Dickson were Miss Elsie Basnett plans made for catening to sev- and mother, Mns. Geo. Gray, and Ienal different groups. Report of Miss Evelyn Gray, ail of Toronto. the moe~ning session of the W.A. Mn. and Mns. Wm. Mitchell, Mn. Preshyterial meeting in Bnooklin, and Mns. Gordon Cotten and daughter visited in Sudbury over Miss Iva Linton, Toonto, spent Ef k Meredith Linton. Miss Alice Basnett was plea- santly sunpnised on Saturday ev- ening when a miscellaneous showen annanged by Miss Flor- ence Gray was held in lier honor! at the home of Mrs. Jas. Dickson. IAbout 50 fniends attended and a' fjwl very happy time was spent as theil fr0 bride-to-be unwrapped and dis- k plaYed bier many lovely gifts. Later in the evening Mrs. L. Hcoey and Mrs. L. Lunn on be- hiait of Orono Skating Club pre- sented Miss Basnett with a beau- tiful mantel mnirnon. A delicious lunch brought a veny enjoyable evening to a close. Miss Basnett is the popular High School prin- cipal here. Another well known citizen of ont village, Mr. Arthur Allen, j pased awav 0o-i Monday monning iii 0shavva'Hospital following a., x ery sei us operation. He will 1 be ,retitl,,, missed here as hie was a Verv familiiar figure and well lîked 'by ail. To his xvife and' family we extend sincere sym- pallhv in thein beneavement There ,vas a lange attendance at Onono United Church on Sun-' day miorning to hear the guest speaker, Rex-. H. J. Veals. His vcr«V fine sermion was mîîch ap!)reciaud. In the evening Mn. V, als spokt- on Chiina whene along wutli Rev. Kitclien, hie had spent thie last 30 vears. Ife gave first hand informiation on conditions there unr thelb"Communistic regirne. which pnoved most in- teresting. Mr. Veals was brougbt uu) nean Bethoox- in Durbami Countv and be and Mrs. Veals xvere guests at the pansonage over 1 the weekend.I Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Tam bîvo, and farnilv and Mns. Fred Tamn- bîvn spent the xveekend visiting: at Niagaranalls.>X Master Waltfen R-ekard. Shaw's is visiting this week with bhis "Cke" s a Poutefid t de-mrk grindparents, Mn. and Mns. John' Authorized bottiez of Coca-Colet.tende E{endnv.i On Sunday, June 22nd. Kirbv A B YS A B N United Chunch %vill have anni- 1N NBY A B R .'ensanv services aftennoon and'OH W NAI be the Rtv. Wallouî Twee, B.A.,; Our readers wiil recali that in The Statesman of May 22 we ran a very interest- ing write-up from the CBC Times of the career of Kay O'Neill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe O'Neill of Bowmanville, who is C BC commentator at Wninpeg for the pro- vinces of Manitoba and Saskatchewan. We had boped to have had the above photo which appeared in connection with the articoie on the front page of The Times, but the photo only arrived this week. Kay has ai ways been an ardent horsewoman from ber sebool days at B.H.S. and is a graduate of the popular Cawker Riding Academy of this town. It is therefore natural to see ber in the above pose admiring "Cappy" who stands over 16 bands and bas won many ribbons at Manitoba borse sbows. The Orono News MsR.E. Logan - il was given by Mns. J. Lycett. Landscapingc of the church grounds was discussed, also flowers inside and neception com- mittee, Mns. A. A. Drummond re- ponted on the United Church Training School and a donation was given from the local W.A. A report of the afternoon ses- sion of the W.A. Presbyterial was given by Mns. V. Robinson, which was very full and complete and much enjoyed. The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. OBITUARY After an illness of two weeks foliowers a 4-3 defeat in Lindsay death called John N. Parninder, last Wednesday. beloved busband of Amy Scott, Both mixed doubles teams ne- at the River Rouge Hospital, in presenting Bowmanvilie were de- Michigan. feated in the seven match contest, He was a son of the late WIIl- but both the men's doubles were liam and Mary Jane Parrinder, taken by the local club. formerly of Greenwod, Ont. He Lindsay captured the ladies' was a vetenan of Worid War I doubles and ladies' singles while with the llOth Battalion. On bis Bob Martyn of the local club took return he bruugbt his wife as a honors in the men's singles bride fnom England. After spend- class. ing a few yeans at Myntle Station, Tournament Resuits he and bis family went to the U.S.A. and estabiisbed a retail An thie Znd AI.ed Doubes d playingth n ieDobs meat market which he operated for Bowmanvilie lost to the until bis deatb. Lindsay team of, Judy Carew and Besides bis widow, be is sur- Cy Ainsworth. Set scores: 7-5, vived by one son, William, and, 2-6 and 6-1. two daugbters, Thelma and Aud- The lst Mixed Doubles was rey; six grandcbiidnen and four won by the Lindsay team of brothens, Arthur of Port Hope;, Ethel Diokerson and Ryse Wil- William of Ashbunn; Archie oflas rmE.DnadTo M yrt e, nd alte of Sol na. G atcheli, Bow m anviile. Set scoresý He xvas a member of the 16-2,6-3. vofice a bs rves wide. May an, Bill Crawford and Cliff Trewin, viceat is gaveide.Man an Bowmanviile, won the 2nd Men's beautiful wcre the floral tnibutes. Doubles from the Lindsay team His romiains were laid to rest of Bill McArty and John Logn.. Mr. & Mrs. L White Celebrate Iheir Silver Wedding Man in White Suit At RoyalTo-night Another in the popular series of "'better" pictures at the Royal Theatre will be shown to-night (Thursday> only. This is the hilarious English comedy, "The Man In The White Suit," starring that master actor, Alec Guinness. Those who have seen Alec Guin- ness in such widely different roles as Fagin in "Oliver Twist" and the mild, respectable crook who makes away with the gold bul- lion in "The Lavender Hill Mob," know what a clever and versatile actor he is. Another famous British actor appearîng in this picture is Cecil Parker. The response to these good pictures ("Ivory Hunter" fîlmed in ,Africa was the last) has been enthusiastie. If you have seen the others you won't want to miss "The Man 1-n The White Suit" which ran for weeks in Toronto. It's on to-night only, two showings, at the Royal. On Saturday, June 14th, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence White, Maple Grove, celebrated their Silver Wedding Anniversary at their home. Mrs. White was the former Elizabeth Penwarden and they were married in Newtonville United Church, June h5, 1927. In the afternoon and early evening they were at home to a large number of their friends and neighbors. Mrs. Harry Fer- guson, Cobourg Rd., aunt of the bride, poured tea in the afternoon with Mrs. Ross Hallowell, Stark.- ville, sister of the groom. In the evening Mrs. Allin Penfound, Oshawa, sister of the bride, pour- ed tea with Mrs. Edna Anderson, Bowmanville, friend of the bride and groom. Duning the evening Elizabeth- ville friends, where the bride and groom started their married life, and the former home of the groom, came in a group to gîve thema a surprise party. There were around 80 present from Toronto, Cannîngton, Osh- awa, Bowmanvi]le, Port Hope, Garden Hill and Elizabethville. A good time was spent renewing old friendships. ,, Mr. and Mrs. White were also recipients of a lovely table lamp, walnut end table, silver relish dish and . three pieces of Corn- flower from the Elizabethville group. The three-tier weddîng cake was made and iced as a gift from Mrs. Allun Penfound, Osh- awa, sister of the bride. Thein four children: Mrs. Art Burgess, (Loryne), Maple Grove: Mrs. Melvin Edmunds (Jean> and son, Ted and Elwin, both of Maple Grove, at home, mother and sister of the groom, presented them with a plate glass minrr also rnany gîfts and cards of con- gratulations were received from their friends. Tennis Club Loses In Lindsay Wed. Bowmanviile Tennis Club drop- ped thein second tournament in the Kawartha Tennis League in the Memor cteny inDe Resuits sec penrimental Si season indicil peas retain- conbic acid wh xvater than in 0 « contjact with C LTED BEI riaI Park Lawn Cern- Set scores"""0 60 nborn, Mich. The lst Men's Doubles were aiso won by the Bowmanviiie :ured at Monden Ex- team when Art Hooper and Don ation during the past Rundie defeated Rod Ainsworth te that. quick frozen and Lorne Jones of Lindsay. Set somewbat more as- scores: 10-8, 6-3. ýhen bleached in bard Aura Trewin and Mang Haw- ýn soft. thora lost the Ladies' Doubles to Ruth Smith aiqd Mary DeGrout of uuLindsay. Set scores: 6-2 and 6-3. IjI i~iIiI laire Carew of Lindsay won i132Lt~I1 te Ladies' Singles fromn Donaida Creasser of Bowmanviiie. Set scores: 6-2 and 6-2. Bob Martyn of Bowmanviiie won the Men's Singles fromn Ches. Richmond of Lindsay. Set scores: 8-6 and 8-6. Fie bottle Whal Others SaY A MATTER 0F SURVIVAL (Fort Erie Review) Galiop Poil finding, that tide of public opinion bas turned against immigration, is disturbing. In 1950, vote for immigration was 50 per cent, vote against, 26 per cent. Today, vote for immigra-J tion is 36 per cent, vote against 55 per cent. Strange fact is that 56 per cent 7 ç of the farmn population are oppos- irdudiag Faderai axes ed to bningiag in more immi- grants. ln other words, they would rathen seli to uncertain~ ovenseas markets. with low pur- chasing power, than to assured y' domsetic markets, with high pur- chasing power. j Farmers, of ail people, should want to see as much as possible of Canada's food production con- sumed in Canada. Canadians are among the few people in the wrdwilling andabale to mee the present pnice level. l Menwie, f Mn. Walter Harris, Minste ofImmigration, reportsj that Canada cannot absonb more athan 150,000 immigrants this year. Globe and Mail points out that Canada absorbed more than twice that many in 1912, when * j ber population was only hait what r> it is today. Urgent tnuth, which must be impressed upon the Canadian' peoie ii hat for themn, as for A ustralia;vimmigration is a mat-ý ter of survival. Sparsity of Aus- j tralia' population invites military oeaCoa Ld. domiaton by Asia. Sparsity of ýý-Co1 Ltd. Canada's invites economic dom- VERAGES nation by the U. S. PHIONE 3.273.1 Example is always more ef- -fiCaciOLIS than precept.-Samuel Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Herb Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Lem, Hayes vid, Gerald, Bowmanville; Mr. d Mrs. Bert Brown, Coldwater, Mr and Mrs. Jack Cann, Cobourg; Mr. and Mrs. Cidrence Keeler,, and Wally, Cobourg; M. and Mrs. Don Keeler, Patsy and Linda, Port Hope; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Partner at Mr. J. H. Darchs, Port Hope, in honor f bis 8Oth birthday. Mrs. Harvey Partner and girls- visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Quin- ney, Bowmanville. M. Ed. Linkie, Oshawa ' visited, Mr. and Mrs. L. Linkie. Under the Feeding Stuffs Act7 inspectors of the Federal Depart.' ment of Agriculture are author- ized to "control and regulate the sale" f livestock and poultry feeds. Stafford Bros. Monumental Works Phone Whitby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby M. and Mrs. Bently, Port MOUET AN Perry; M. and Ms. Walter MARKERS Skarrath and Mary Manlene, Wil- Precise wvorkmanshîp and lowdale, visited 'Mr. and Mrs. R. careful attention to detai] R. Gibson. are youn assurance when Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hill, Mn. and vou choose from the wide Mrs. Art Cameron and Darlene, selection of imported and Mn. and Mrs. Ray White and domestie Granites and Judy, Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Mit- Marbles in stock. chell, Mn. and Mrs. Will Young, 1 Bob Stocker's Garag(i"" International Truck Bonded Brakes- No Rivets Lasi Longer We Specialize in Brake Drum Lathing and r lbaro "VVater on Tap" IN THE KITCHEN Fresh running water at the OQ turn of the tap . . . with a o DURO PUMPING SYSTEM /w <~ .get rid of Ritchen drudgery. IN THE BATHROOM Protect the health of your k jffamily ... add to the cmot of daily living -... modernize your home with a DURO PUMPING SYSTEM.L IN THE BARN Sa&fjLBORÏÇd;:M watering stock with a DURO Buy the BEST... ____ Phone or visit us today for DURO Pumps and EMCO Pltîmbing Fixtures and Fit.- tings. Write for illustrated folder. sc0p M 4 S. BLAIN ELLIOTT HEATING & PLUMBING Phone 3348 55 King St. W. EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. LIMITED lid. lmilisi, . St. Catharineu - Tarent. - suêury . Wlialp . vumu )e1 s- -i 153 King Si. E. Brake Service R y-; PAGE FOURTEEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO Aýmxlu THURSDAYý JUNE le, 1952 Mlt. AND MRS. L. WHITE JOHN N. PARRINDER PARTS - SALES - SERVICE Phone 804t, Bowmanville