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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jun 1952, p. 10

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PAGE TENTURD.JUE2,15 STEPHENS - ALLCHIN Deep red snapdragons on the candlelighted altan and yellow iris, white and mauve lilacs in the chancel formed the background for a wedding in Christ Memonial Chucch, Oshawa, when June Marie Alîchin, daughtec of Mr. i«nd Mrs. George C. Alîcin, Bow- pianville, formerly of Oshawa, %vas uniied in macciage with Mc. William Austin Stephens, son of Mr. and Mcs. William J. Stephens of Bowmanville. Rev. H. D. Cleverdon performed the cere- mony on the anniversaryý of the wedding day of tbe bridies moth- en. Mr. W. G. Rapley, presided ai the ongan playing softly thcougb- oui the cecemony. Given in marriage by lier fath- er the bride worc a gown cf white Swiss eyelet embroideced or- gandy styled witb a fitted bodice and very bouffant skirt wbich felI in sofi folds to the floor. The York Dologna MIRACLI bodice xvas highlighted with lily point sleeves, and a U-neckline, accented with a soft collan and inset with a yoke fashioned in folds. Material fcom hec gown fashioned ber juliet cap which beld hec finger tip veil of tulle illusion and she carried a haîf cascade of yellow roses and lily- of-tbe-va]ley. Miss Jean Camenon of Zion was mnaid of bonor. The other attend- ant was Mrs. LeRoy Short, Bow- manville. They wone identical gowns of deep shrimp pink Chan- tillv lace and net. Their slim bodices featured a peplum of lace ai the waistline and the short sleeves were complemented with mittens. Their billowing skirts of net over taffeta wece floon length. Tbey wore matching cap and their jewellecy was a strand of pearîs. Sunset roses compris- cd their bouquets. Mc. Roger Alichin, brother of 12-oz. tin Libby's 5-oz. tins . . . 38c Spaghetti - - 3 for 23c 32-oz. 16-oz. 8-oz. E WHIP - 89c 52c 30c Jewel Shortening - - Shredded Wheai-- - Allsweet l28c Margarine - - lb. 32c Heinz Fresh Cucumber 2 pkg. 31c Pickle - . jar 27c BLEND COFFEE------b93c OUR OWIN I DLEND TEA-----------.î.77c Jello Pou der and Aylmer Red 15-oz. tini Puddings 3 "k- 29c Pited Cherries - 19c TREESWEET LeMON JUICE - 2 tins21c BROILERS, dressed-----b55C FREE DELIVERY Y EOI' S M 'EATS AND GROCERIES 55LS K 1ING 'ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 3367 the bride, performed the duties of best man. Mr. William Calver. and Mr. LeRoy Short, Bowman- ville, were ushers. The reception was held at Ad- elaide House. To receive the guests the bride's mother wone a street length dress of lilac sheer and lace, a matching hat of silk straw and a corsage of yellow rosebuds. Centering the bnide's table was a three-tien wedding cake ndsted in tulle and tinted iily-of-the-val- ley. Pouring tea were Mrs. Wil- liam Alîchin and Mrs. Art All- chin, aunts of the bride. Serving the bridal party and the guests were Miss Elizabeth Hilîs and Miss Ruth Andrews, Oshawa; Mrs. Orest Nicholishen, Oshawa, and Miss Gladys Miller, Weston. Mr. Oreat Nicholishen was toast- master. The toast to the bride was pro- posed by Rev. H. D. Cleverdon and responded to by the bride- groom. Mr. Eman Miller, Thorn- hill, iroposed a toast to the bride and bridegroom. The bride's at- tendants were also appropriately toasted. Mr. and Mrs. Stephens left in the late afternoon for the Mus- koka district. For the honeymoon trip the bride wore an apple green suit with matching top coat and beige and brown accessories. Yel- low roses comprised her corsage. On their return they will reside in Bowmanville. The bride presented hec attend- ants with costume jewellery. The best man received a Ronson light- er from the bridegroom, and the ushers tie pins and cuff ]inks.' Following the reception the out-of-town guests were enter- tained at a buffet supper at the home of the bride's parents in Bowmanville.11 LEGER - CRYDERMAN Eldad United Church was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Saturday afternoon, June 21, when Hazel Gertrude Cryderman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Even- eht Cryderman, Solina, became the bride of Joseph John Leger, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Leger, Rogersville, N.B. The cenemony was performed ty Rev. G. D. Empey against a background of orange blossoms, yellow roses, and mauve iris. Miss Ileen Bal- son, cousin of the bride, played the wedding music, and Mrs. Fred Fox, Oshawa. sang '"The Lond's Prayer" and "Because." The bride, who was given in marniage by hec father, was charming in a gown of white lace and net, fashioned in strapless style with redingote of chantilly lace buttoned from the waist to the pointed stand-up coilar. The redingote was cut away from the waistlîne, and feli gracefully to a small train at the back. The long sleeves came to a point over the hand. The bide's fingertip veil was held by a seed pearl tiara, and she carnied a cascade bouquet of red roses. Miss Elma Cryderman was hec sister's only attendant, wearing a strapless gown of mauve lace over net, fashioned with fitted bodice and matching lace boiero, with bouf- fant skirt. She wore a head-band of matching flowers and carnied a cascade bouquet of yeilow roses. Mr. Murdoch MacLeod, Oshawa, was best man, and ushers were Ross Cryderman, brother of the bride, and Earl Dingman, Osh- awa. The reception was held at the bhome of the bride's parents, Breezyvilla Farm, the bride's mother wèaring a dress of dusty rose faille with lace trim and white accessonies. Hec corsage was of white carnations. She was assisted in receiving the guests by the groom's cousin, Mrs. Leo Le- gen, Oshawa, who wone a dress of black net with white acces- sories and corsage of yellow car- nations. Following the recepiion the bride and groom left on a wed- ding trip to Western Ontario and the United States, tl&e bride wear- ing for travelling a navy blue gabardine suit with matching shoes and pink hat and gloves. Hec corsage was of pink canna- tions. On their ceturn, Mc. and Mrs. Leger will reside in their C new bonze, Town Line South, A Oshawa.S CAVERLY - SUDDS A very pretty wedding took place at Trinity United Church, wJ S aturaay atternoon, June 21,' fwhen Lonna A. Jean Sudds, youngesî daughtec of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Sudds, was united in macciage with John Douglas Cav- enly, son of Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Cavecly. The cecemony was perfocmed againsi a background of lange bouquets of white carnations and gladioli, by Rex'. T. A. Morgan. The wedding music was played bv Mcs. J. A. Cole: soloisi was Miss Eleanor Jillard of Toronto. The bride. given in marriage bN lier father, chose a gown of frost-wbvite organza, embossed in a flor-al design. The slimn bodice featured ant off the shoulder neck-i line with a sheer inset yoke and large sheath sleeves. Hec bouf- fant skirt had an interesting dcaped pannier effeci on eiiber side. Hec fingec-tip veil was idress tcimmed with lily-of-tbe- valley and she carried an aIl- I white cascade bouquet of carna- 1 tons. Miss Dorotbv Hawkin xvas maid- of-bonor. bridesmaid wvas Miss Jean Williams of Port Perr vand flower girl xvas Miss Mary Jack- man of St. Catharines. Thei imaid-of-bonor and bridesmaid chose matcbîng gowns of Nîlc: green net. over taffeta, fashioned" with sbiîrred bodices. accented' I with deep insets of taffeta at the waistline forming an Empire! silhouette. The cutawav boleroi had short sleeves and tin), collars and the bouffant sknts f eli from the waist in deep folds. Both at- tendants wone bandeaux of match- ing green net and small white flowers and canied yellow fans of gladioli. The flowen girl was pnettilv dnessed in a floor length, 1 full gatheced mauve ocgandv dress. trimmed ivitb a purple vel- vet sash. Ini ber hair she wre a purpie veix-et rîbbon and Imail mlrauve flowers and carried a' THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Recenily Wed ini Orone MIR. AND MRS. WILLIAM GERALD COX About to sign the register following their marriage in Orono United Church, Saturday, May 3lst, are Mr. and Mrs. William Gerald Cox. The bride is the former Lois Yvonne Dean, daughter of Mr. atid Mrs. Hesper Dean, Orono, and the groom is the son of Mir. and Mrs. Kenneth Cox, Bowm an ville. Wed in Trinilv Churcb. MR. AND MES. JOHN DOUGLAS CAVERLY vear happy smiles as the bride prepares to sign the registe following tlieir wedding which took place in Trinity Unite Church, Saturday, June 2lst. The bride is the former Lorn A. Jean Sudds, youngest daughitcr of Mr. and Mrs. R. P' Sudds, Bowmanvillc, and the groom is a son of Mr. ani VIrs. K. A. Caverly, Hampton. - Photo bY Hughi McDonal 'bhite basket of yellow suînnmcr 1 the bride wearing a navy bhu owe rs. corded bengaline dress wit Mr. Bruce Caverlv ,vas best mratchiug fitted dusters and re -an and the Llshers were Mr'1 and white accessories and a cor Donald Cole and Mr. Douglas sage of red roses. ýenneli of Toronto. The reception was held in the NESBITT - HEASLIP urch parlors xvhere the bride's iother received in a lace dress Yelverton Church was the sceni dQueen's Blue with white ac- of a charming wedding on Juni 'ssories and a corsage of deep 7 when Helen May, onlv daughte .nk roses. She Was assisted b ' of Mr. and Mrs. George Heaslip he groomns nmother who chose a becamne the bride of Creightor ivy> sheer dress with mnatchingi Maurice, vounger son of I\ir. Reg ccessories and a corsage of pink tnald Ncsbitt and the laie Mrs arnations. Nesbitt, Nesileton. The cer Foiiowîng flic t'ece)ilti Ili(,tti i\ vNus perfornieci k'Rev. jaý ride and groomn left on a nioior Hmso.BelihatilpiP 11ro-11g1 the LseuStatcs, Spring flowýers iorired ail ai SPECIAL NOTICE! Fe ch of pif th( nia ci To Clientele MILLER'S BEAUTY SALON WE WJLL BE CLOSED FOR HOLIDAYS From JULY IstIob 151h Inclusivc - Yotir Co-operation IVili Be .Appreciated- chac ni'wulbipbevie.n rs DeC oe read the scrîpture lesson I af te r which Mrs. Warburton read a very interesting story on Korea. There were 12 present and each one had a donation of a pencil or a book for the box being packed for Korea. Meet- i ng closed with Mission Band Purpose. after which a very large box waàtpacked for Korea. Mrs. Scorgie, 'Mrs. DeCoe, Mrs. Gatch i ell and Mrs. Warburton were in ~<charge of box which consisted of t~baby blankets and clothes, also Schildren's clothing. This will be : the last meeting until September. *Courtice Woman's At;sociation met Thursday afternoon at Cour- tice United Church with Mrs. Penfound in the chair. Meeting opened with several hymns. Mrs. J. McKenzie gave a short prayer. Scripture reading was given by Mrs. Warburton, followed wîth a reading by Mrs. Wilkins. Panel discussion, "The New Canadian", Citizenship Committee in charge, was given by the following ladies. Mrs. A. Hoy, Mrs. H. Scorgie, Mrs. M. D. Wyman, Mrs. R. Ste- phens, Mrs. S. Kinsman, Mrs. E. Gatcheli, and Mrs. C. Thompson. Reports of committees and treas- urer were given. New hymn books were bought and discussion took place on buying a booklet for Sick Committees. Picnic wil be held at Orono on July 17, Mrs. J. McKenzie and Mrs. A. Wilkins to look after transportation.* Special meeting will be called to make plans on trip to celebrate er Mrs. Hall's birthday. Picnic is on d the regular JuIy meeting date. a August lunch committee: Mrs. A. Wilkins, Mrs. C. Fulton, Mns. H. id jHutton, Mrs. W. Warburton. The USeptember meeting will be at Mrs. M. D. Wyman's as she has in- d vited the group to her home. Af- -tron teas will be held at the following homes as the treasury's le funds are getting low: Mrs. E. h Gatchell. Mrs. G. Johnson, Mrs. d R. DeCoe, Mrs. M. D. Wyman and r - Mrs. 0. Robertson. Mns. Wyman is opcning her home for a tea on Thursdajy afternoon. Lunch was scrved by committee in charge. Mrs. G. Barber spent several le days in Hamilton and visited Mr. le Barber who is at Mountain San- r itorium and is coming along very P, well. ýn Mr. and Mrs. Carl Adams and famil\, spent Sunday at Head sLake wilh Mr. and Mrs. E. Ding- mnan. Congratu lalitons to Mr. and Mts. C. SimmI)oIS 0on the birth of a - du'ntc .a]ýo Mr. and Mrs. T.! - Baroer onIlleho irth of a son. Both miothers anîd babies are finle. Miss Greta Adams, Mrs. Edna DowneY, Mrs. Byrmn Adams and, M'r. Melville Aoams, Austin, Mai., have been visiting their cousins, Mr. Cecil Adams and *Mrs. George Barber, also rla- ives in Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. C. Thompson and sons Allen and Orville, spent Sunday visiting fricnds and rel- atives ai Bellev il, Ivanhoe ànd Oak Lake. Manv bail garnes were played duiring the %veek: Wednesda.v èv- coing, senior sorcer plav1ed al Maple Grove and were defeated k', Courtice 4-0. Thursday even- ening, Jr. soccer. plaved at Enn-1 iskillen and Courtîce won 1-0: Friday evening. girls' softbal team played ai Courtice and de- feated Newtonville 12-9. Satur- day evening, sr. soccer teamn play- ed at Courtice and defeated Ennis- killen 3-2. Monday evening, girls' softball teamn played at Newtonville and again defeated their opponents 10-7. GIad to 1 hear Countice teams are doing so well. June 26. Courtice Jr. soccer, leam pia *%s at Tyrone: June 271 Newcastle girls' soltball team at" YOUR *ow Loobcs up «o You 'DoN'TrFA/LH/Iim rhink of the 'Consequences If You Vote " YES " July 16 If you fake a drink, if will be more conven- ienf for you Io gel your suûpply B UT .. . You will help make Beverage Alcohol an esfablished facfor in Bowmanville commun- ily life. Our young people will follow your lead and many of them will ruin their lives because of you. THEY LOOK UP TO YOU DON'T FAIL OUR YOUTH Vole for the Sons and Daughiers 'Voie for Happy Living Vole "N " m0 on JuIy l61h THINK 0F THE CONMEQENCES PUBLISHED BY The Bowmanville Cilizens' League Mayfair Fancy RED COHOE SALMON --tn31c Clover Leaf FLAKE» TUNA .-.-.-.-.. tin 29c Sotuthern Cross FANCY SOLID TUNA ---tin 25c THURSDAY. RME 26, 1952 tractive background as the bride Courtice: June 28--Courtice Sr. will be special music. came down the aisle on the armi soccer team at Tyrone. Mrs. - Len Barton is flot welU Iof her father, who gave her in Monday evening a meeting was and went to Memoniai Hospital, e'marriage. The wedding music held of Courtice Church Board Bowmanville, for a few days. was played by Mr. Lloyd Heaslip, and the Ladies' Comnmittee who Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Waltrs brother of the bride. Mr. Percy are in charge of the proposed house, Toronto spent Sueni Prstn an "h Lrds ra-plans for furthering the building with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gil er" and "Oh, Perfect Love." of the church. A discussion on Miss Ethel Drury, Toron is The bride looked lovely in a the plans and some proposed ai- spending a week with her sister, gown o bridal brocade. The, terations took place. Another Mrs. Ernest Eley. iitted bodice was buttoned to a meeting will be held in two Miss Alice Nesbitt, Toronto Peter Pan collar and long sleeves weeks' time. spent the weekend at home. ended in points over the hands. Mr.A E. inad ne Mr. George Moore, Castleton, Her fingertip veil was caught to Gladys L. Reynolds) who went spent a few days with his sister, awreath of orange blossoms and 0Aioafrhreatafe Mrs. James Stark. her bouquet was of red roses and years ago, has now moved to New We are pleased to hear that sTehe nismadisMro Mexico to live, Mr. Stanley Johnston has returned The ridemai, Mis Maionhome from Port Hope hospital. Ross, Toronto. was frocked in Mr. and Mrs. Don Stapleton, blue lace over taffeta. The full Barbara and Garry. spent the skint was topped with a fitted NEW TuNVILLE weekend with Mn. andMrs. Len bodice and tiny cape. She car- ____ nox Vasey, Port McNicoll nieda buqut o pik rsesand Mrs. G. W. Jones, Mrs. Gent- Mn. and Mrs. Don Vinkle, ds her headdress was of blue and rude Shaver, Mr. and Mrs. Mel- Gwen Jones and Miss Genevieve, pink flowens. ville Jones attended the Golden Boswell, Cobourg, had a cottage The charming flower girl was Wedding celebration at Toronto at Sharbot Lake for the weekend. Lois Fleming, Reabono, cousin of on Wednesday of Mn. and Mrs. Mr. Dave Denault attended the the bride. She wone a pink dness Richard Moase,- uncle and aunt funeral of his bnother. Mr. Geo. of net oven taffeta and match- of the former. Denault at Espanola. ing flower headdcess. Hen bouquet Mn. and Mrs. Lorne Allun and The L.O.L. of the district of Gom anwas Laverne Sug-y the Misses Thompson, Toronto, Clake. wilI hold churh par- Grttandtheusn s Lwere SGo spent Sunday with Mn. George ade on Sunday evenng, June 29, Hetanpdbther o hebwri dn Thompson and Miss Betha at 7:30 to the United Church, John Nesbitt, brother of the Thompson. Misstonville. Peeror groom. The Newcastle High Schooi uh acmaie is ooh A reception was held in Janet- pupils enjoyed a trip to Kingston Brown home for the weekend. ville hall. The bride's mother by Burley bus on Tuesday. The Mr. Arthur Redknap has stant- received, atticed in a gown of deep outing also included a boat tnip. ed re-decorating at the United blue sheer trimmed with Vien- Miss Bernice Milligan is i11 and Church. Service will be in the nese lace. Mer corsage was fa- under the doctor's cane. basement while the wonk is in shioned of deep pink roses. . Mrs. Mrs. Gilmer Smith who is not progress. John Nesbitt, also received, wear- enjoying the best of health went Mc. and Mrs. Rumble, daughter ing a powder blue dress of taf- to Oshawa hospital on Monday Barbara and hec fniend, Mn. Don feta, trimmed with net, with cor- night foc observation. Kirby, spent the xveekend with sage of pink roses. Mr. and Mrs. William McHugh Mr. and Mns. Ernest Elev. Assisting with the serving were and gnanddaughten, Caroline, Miss Iriez Gordon and hec sisi- Mrs. Murray Malcolm, Mrs. Jerry Toronto, visited Mc. and Mrs. er. Miss June Gordon, Peterbor- Bristow, Mrs. Laverne Suggitt, Vernon Stacey on Monday. ough. visited friends at Whitby Miss Betty Preston, Miss Patnicia United Church Sunday School and Hamilton. Bradbunn. Miss Rhona Walker, will hold annivensany service Mis idavan, Mis s Edithjrsn ext Sunday. June 29, ai 1 a.m. To sell un-needed belongings Woofon, Msse Edth nd ori tMns. William Wright, a mission- for cash, land an intenesting job, Nickle and Misses Judy and any home on furlough fromn ca buy a good car, etc., use States- Patsy Purcell. Mns. Sam Adams will be guest speaker. Threman Want Ads. Dial 3303. presided over a guest book. The bride and groom left for points in eastenn Ontario, theRO WA L A IEÉ bride wearing powder blue sheer PLUMBING &BO A E B ATN with navy accessonies. and cor- sage of pink roses. Gifi of theOLBU ES NT LE groom was a chinestone necklace. I BUNR ISTLE They wilI reside at the groom's in any type of furnace farm, nean Nestletor. Geusts were present from To- AS TKR ronto. Oshawa, Trenton, Lindsay, AS TKR Bowmanville, Blackstock, Nestle- ton, Yelverton, Janeiville. A. J. Heari & N. Bothwell COURTICEPHONE: Noon and à p.m. - 3473 Sunbeam Mission Band met at aorNgt 28 Courtîce United Church Tuesday, ai 4 p.m. Mrs. Warburton wsi ( --« ýl., - - . .- --

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