PAGIC FounTzEN ____________________ '*-='~ '... ~TIUJSDA, JUagir195 Naxie Yourt Coilects Homer As Roses Swamp Cobourg Legion 14 -5 for Eighth Win of the Seasai Manager Maxie Yourth clouted of the first inning caught a piece an over-the-fence homer, stretch- of leather for a hit. Johnny ed a double into a triple and col- Stainton, lead-off man, clouted a lected a second double to lead double; Manager Maxie Yourth the Roses on a 16-hit spree that collected a double but stretched swamped Cobourg Legion 14-5. it into a triple and brought Stain- The Roses' eighth win in nine ton home for Bowmanville's first starts was played Wednesday ev- run. cning at the B.H.S. bail park be- Yourth scored on a hit by Bob fore a good crowd. The victory Gallagher. and the big first base- tightens the local club's hold on man tallied the Roses' third run first Place in Lakeshore League when he sailed across the plate competition. on Sonn Hooper's long drive to Lefty Jack Buttonshaw starred right fielti. The inning ended on the mound in the seven inn n with Bowmanville three runs out tilt. He gave up five hits. wlk fron t. ed five, and collected a triple at o Cobourg retaliated in the top th4patein he hir ining ofthe second, however, when The Roses embarked on an rouneDalo n o oa early hitting spree which forced rondd the base path for good Fred Soup" Campbell out of the ones to earn the visiting club two box in the third. He was re- runs. But Bowmanville's Button- placd byMax mithwho aveshaw and Stainton cancelled the up seven hits, including a homerCbugefr y ocigcut durng is esson n te mund ers in the bottom of the inning to durng issesiononthemoud.throw the game into the third First Three Hit with the Roses on top of a 5-2 The first three batters to face count. the Cobourg pitcher in the bottom Cobourg neyer recovered al-1 ORANGES' Size27 288's Doz. FIrrn, Ripe TelIow BANANAS 2 lbo. 3-5ç Sweet, Juicy, Thin-skinnei FLORIDA ORANGES Size 200's Dom.. 39 y %' tn 31Ç Clark's - i'ith Chili Sauve Pork & Beais 2 15-oz. 1 Tins27 Queen's Royal -Std. Sliced heaches 215-oz. 2 Tins35 Aylmer - Fancey Apple 20-,. j Juice Tins 9àA~ Orange or Lime McLAREN'S Punch -. Mix B. L25Ç REAL SAVINGI IDEAL FOR SANDWICHES, SALADS, COLD PLATES CORNED BEEF "~~~23ý FAIRWIND-LIGHT MEAT SPECIAL! TUNA FISH SOLIDS 7 ,0.22/ DELICIOUS SPREAD-GOLD ARROW SPECIAL! PEANUT BUTTER % *29ý OUTSTANDiNG VALUE-SMOOTH & CREAMY-SALàAD BOWL SALAD DRESSING si.2 - Mieat Speclals Canada Parkers DEVON - Slced SIDE mAon -l Swjf t's PREMIUM FRANKFURTERS 1-1b. cello ipkg. 4! IgeAMe <A AIAIBI < II W4Oa Igf OsSf0marketlU though they had Buttonshaw working in the top of the eighth. On the local side o! the ledger, Mr Cox and Ted Bagnell -led off tLbottom of the third with hits and came trundling home on Jack Buttonshaw's triple. Maxie Yourth collected a borner off re- lief pitcher Max Smith to score Stainton and chalk up the fourth and final hit of the inning. Roses Score Four The local club coilected two hits in the fourth wbile Cobourg went scoreless on one good one. Ted Bagneil and Roy Falls bit and Sonny Hooper, Tirn Cox, Mike McArthur and Roy Falls scored. Both teâms went scoreless in the fifth although Bowmanville's Sonny Hooper collected a hit. Big switcberoo of the tilt came in the fourth inning when Roses playlers swapped positions whole- sale. Originally, Mike McArth- ur, stellar catcher with the club through last year's impressive mýarch ta the Ontario Champion- ship, was slated to stop Button- shaw. But hîs arrival was delay- ed and he didn't get into the fray ta relieve Hooper until the fourth. When McArtbur replaced Hoop- er, the big boy with the healthy clout moved into short, replacing Capt. Ted 'Pappy" Bagnell who took over Bob Williams' ieft field patrol. Ted Bird 'replaced Tim Cox in right field in the fifth. Cobourg started to operate in the sixth. Chub Melvor's walk to first set him up for Cobourg's third run. George Campbell col- lected a hit and moved to home plate on a double by Mat Beck- stead ta count the second Co- bourg run in the inning and the fourtb of the game. In the top of the seventb, Jack Buttonsbaw faced five batters. He walked onc and gave up one bit. The bit brought Clark Harnden steaming borne for the visitors' fifth and final run. Brookdale Roses Vital Statistics Batting AB Hits Ave. Legrec--------- 4 3 .750 McArthur 7 5 .714 Gallagher 44 20 .477 Stainton -- ---- 28 13 .464 Hall ----------l 4 6 .429 T. Bagnelli --------- 31 il .355 Yourth -- ------- 45 15 .333 Hooper 44 14 .318 Cox -------- ------ 17 5 .294 Hamnilton-------- 32 9 .281 Bird -------- 13 3 .231 Parker 22 4 .182 Williams 16 2 .125 Buttonshaw 8 1 .125 Falls ----------------- 37 4 .108 Brooks -------- 3 O .000 B. Bagnel O 0 .()() Team -------- 361 115 .319 Player Fielding P.O. Hall --- 5 Brooks ------ 14 Hamilton ----7 Pàrker -- ------- 6 Williams ----.5 Legre -----------O Stainton ~-.-4 B. Bagneli -- 1 Gallagher ------- 76 Yourth 30 VcArthur -----13 Eooper - -----63 3uttonshaw 2 C ox - .----- 6 ird ---------4 Falls 7 r. Bagneil --7 ream ---------- 2491 F v IV EJ Pet. 1.000 1.00p 1.000 1.00() 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 .987 .961 .941 .924 .857 .857 .833 .773 .7601 107 26 .932 Home runs--Yourth 2, Hooper 1, Ccc Hall 1 . Tripls-Yourth 2, Hooper 1, Legree 1. McArtbur 1, Button- shaw 1. Doubles-Yourth 4, Stainton 3, Hooper 1, Falls 1, Bird 1, Cox 1, Gallagher 1, T. Bagneil 1. Stalen Bases - Gallagher .8, Yourth 6, T. Bagncîl 5. Walks-Falîs 7, Hamilton 6. Struck out-Parker 8, L. Ham- ilton and T. Bagneli 6 each. Runs-Yourth 14, Gallagher 13, Stainton 12, Hamilton 11, T. Bagnell 10. Pitching W L Buttonshaw ---------------- 4 0 H all --------------- 4 0 ILegree ----------------2 1 Sturrock -------------- - ------ If vou've a cool room ta rent, an clcctric fan or air-conditianing unit ta selI, tell Statesman read- crs about it through a Classified Ad. Someone xvhod like ta be cool-as-a-cucumber is sure ta take i'au up on vour affer! Dial 3303. Brookdale Roses Continue Winning Sireak hy Defeating Peterborough 9-O Brookdale Roses Saturday ev- ening bad little difficulty chalk- ing up a 9-0 victary over Peter- borough Juniors at the B.H.S. bahl park in eeping with the club's winning ways. The Peterborough outfit was hopelessly outclassed in the con- test. Roses heavy bitters found the leather apparently at will to collect Il hits froru two pitchers in the seven-inning tussle. Peterborough earned six hits in the game that was callcd in the eighth due to darkness. The um- pire's decision to put an end to the route came at a bad time for the visitors. Gary Kcarns, Bus Jensen and Don Bigford managcd ta cross the plate for Peterborough in the cigbth but when the game was called the score rcverted back to the scventh inning. It would appear that the in- again-out-again Peterborough en- try in the Lakeshore Intermediate easelSall League is swimming in deep Water away over.its head. First Five Hit The first five batters ta face Peterborougb's Lawrence Foley wound-up safe at f irst. Lloyd Hamilton madte the jaunt an a walk. but Maxie Yourth, Bob Gallaghcr and Sonny Hooper al claimed bits. Mike McArthur, big dlean-up man with last year's club. connected for a triple but he died on base when Tim Cox flied out. Yourth and Hooper crossed the plate in the bottom of the first ta shave Bowmanville two ahead. - The second was scoreless, but the Roses claimed another run in the third aftier Bob týallagher piled into the Pete short-stop covering second and laid hlm ouI. Gallaghcr crossed the plate on a bit by Sonny Hooper.who play- ed short for Roses Saturday. In the fourth, Roy Falls rolled up the «first Roses' run. followed closely by pitcher Bun Legree and outficider Lloyd Hamilton. Both local lads scored on a single streîched into a triple by Manager Maxie Yourth. The four-run- count shoved Roses into a- 7-0 lead. Bun Legree pitched good bal for the winners. He fanned sev- en, walked one, and sent two Pet- erborough players ta first when they got their bodies in front of the bahl. Legrce gave up six bits. Add Two In Scventh Roses continued their scoring ways in the bottom of the sev- enth. Legree. Hamilton -and Yourth were walked ta first by Scribner who rcpiaccd Foiey in the seventh. McArtbur and Cox waund up with hile.- and two walkers scored wbiie hit collect- ors dîcd on base. For the fair crowd attending the tilt the game proved other than exciting. Oniy Peterborough player worth more than a casual mention was Gary Kearns, Pete second baseman, who measured no more than four feet bigh. He played a stellar game at second and proved bard ta pitch toata the plate. A fierýy little bail player. Nen's Sofihall Race Stili Sleady With C.O.F. Roosling On Top Rung of League Ladder Three very well played games during the past week saw every team ending up witb a definite place in the league standing. C. O.F. have taken over first place by virtue of three straight wins. Jack and Jilis are in second place, closely followed by Local 397. June 16-South Ward Park C.OF. climbed to the top of the Icague tan igbt by winning their third straight game. Final score, C.O.F. 5, Jack and Jili 3. C. 0. F. got off ta a flying start in the very first inning by sçor- ing four runs and wcre neyer beaded thereafler aithough Jack and JilI neyer quit trying. Low- ery pitched an exceptionallv fine game for C.OF. and also chipped in witb three bits. Sam Black made twa exceptianai catches in centre field for Jack and Jili ta ta nip COF. rallies in the bud. One of the best crowds o! the year turned out ta see this game and were treated ta a real thriller right until the final out. C. O. F. 4 0 0 i 0 O 0 5 15 1 J. &J. -0 02 01 00 3 6 1 Batteries-S. Lower.v. Dewell; Trewin, Strike. Winning pitch- er Lowery. June 18-South Ward Park Clif! Trewin won bis th ird game o! the season as Jack and JilI defeated Bilî's Billiards Il1-9. J. & J. started off at a torrid pace B.T.S. Boys Trim Campbellford and Seymnour Lads 9 - 5 An even dazen Campbellfoî-d and Se vmour youngsters receotly visited the Ontario Training School far Boys and were drap- Ped ta defeat 9-5 in a keenly con- tested hall game. The game plal-ed last Thurs- day evening saw Constable Don- ald W. Erskine o! the Bowman- ville detachment o! the O.P.P. responsible for importing the Campbellford-Seymour bail club. B.T.S. boys enjayed the bal game thoroughly. Afler the hectic tilt, botb the Training School lads and the O.P.P. team cnjovcd a lunch pro- vided by Training School author- ities. Priar ta the lunch. the visitors were treated ta a swini in the Pool on the school grounds, which was an experience new ta many of the lads. Thei-e is na such thing as an indoor swimming Pool in Campbellford. * SSTN r'1Oflt INACECO. 2nd FI., 1If91'/ SCOE ST., NORTH (Over Rank of Nova SCotia), OSHAWA PhýpI: 3-4687 - John Palisa, YES MANager tôc, eode 0 fq a Of ûl " Oumàng O*fl, - PtrýOncl Frct. cMPO.,Y of Canada and led 10-2 after two complete innings of play. Stevens carne in ta pitch for Bilî's Billiards in the third inning and held the winners ta oniy one run until the end of the game. Moorcraft had a double and triple ta bis credit in the hitting department and Trewin baci 10 strikcouts ta Billiards 2 0 4 O 1 2 0 9 Il .5 J. & J. 6 4 1 O O O 0 x 1l 9 2 Batteries-Perfect, Stevens (3), Piper: Trewin, Mclntyre. Wini- ning pitcher. Trewin. June 20-Franklin Park Bill's Billiards, by winning this game, climbed ta fourth place in the league standing and Kinsmen drapped ta last place. Score, Bils Billiards 15, Kinsmen 4. This game featured bitting an bath sides. Slip Rowe and Poul- ter hit borne runs and thcy alsa cbipped in with a double each. This garne was ver ' close until the sixth inning when Bill's Bil- liards scored seven runs for the largest number of runs scared in one inning ta date this year. R HE Billiards 1 12 4 07 01515 4 Kinsmen 0 0 0 O 3 1 0 4 9 5 Batteries-Stevens, Piper: A. Richards, Brown (3); Little. Win- ning pitcher, Stevens. j League Standing w L C .0 . F. ------1-- -- - 3 1 Jack and. Jill -3--- 1 2 Local 397 ----- ------- 2 2 Bill's Billiards --- 2 3 Kinsmen ------------------1 3 The Essential Thing when vou1 need heip is a Statesman "Helpi Wanted' Classified. Dial 330.3. PARKERs YU LUMBER SE 1You shouldn't eail a Plumber unless you are sure he is de- pendable. You'll find we are as dependable as any ln to-wn. Our work is guaranteed tii .atisfy. Our prices are mderate. Lindsay Takes Sth Place With Win Over Junior Petes A five-run rally in the fifth i- ning at Lindsay, Friday, June 20, proved enough to give Lindsay Merchants a 7-4 Lakeshore Base- baîl League victory over the Young Petes, junior entry in the intermediate circuit. The win pulled Merchants into fifth place in the standing. Lloyd Tamblyn hurled five-hit bail and fanned nine, three of the bits corning in the third for two runs. Youthful Jack Frizzelle twirled steady bail as be gave Up nine bits. and whiffed five, while walking only one. Junior West, Orono, led-,the winners at bat with a double and two .singles in four times up. Tanghorne got two hits in three to top the losers, as Pamnmett hit a double, and Kearns and Jen- sen each Icollected a single. The fielding was fair and on a par, each side booting four. Young Petes 020 001 1-4 5 4 Lindsay ------ 011 050 x-7 9 4 Pee Wee Baseball League to Open On SaturdayMorning The Pec Wee Basebaîl League had its apernng games June 21 at 9 a.m. Four tearns are entered in the league and each team bas 20 players. The, large team mcm- bership will ensure the fielding of a complete nine-man team throughout the holidays. Al games will be played at B.H.S. ball park. Teams and captains are as fol- lows: Na. l-Geo. Kennett, No. 2 -Bob Marjerrison, No. 3-Ron Button, No. 4-Don McGregor. Pee Wee Schedule June- 28- 9:00-2 vs. 3 10:30-4 vs. 1 July- 10:30-2 vs. 4 Second Hait 12- 9:00-4 vs. 3 10:30-2 vs. 1 19- 9:00-1 vs. 4 10:30-3 vs. 2 26- 9:00-4 vs. 2 10:30-3 vs. 1. Details o! playoffs will be pub- lished at a*later date, Local Tennis Club Drops Third League Tournament Sunday Althougb Bowmanville Tennis Club. June 15, chalked Up im- pressive victaries in men's doubles and mixed doubles on the Lions Community Centre court, the Kawartha Club proved superior in five other events ta capture the tournament 5-2. The loss is the third sustained by local racquet-swingers this season in tbe Kawartba Tennis League. Drs. Keith Siemon and C. Aust- in took the men's doubles away from F. Mercer arid R. .Lindberg of Peterborough 6-2, 6-2. ta establish an easy victory and dlaim anc paint for Bowmanville. In the mixed event, A. Wither- spoon and N. Allin waund-up victariaus over F. Clark and J. 1 35 Km; ySi. W., Clark of the visiting club. Tournament Results Ladies singles.-M. Charlton (Kawartha) defeated B. Knox (Bowmanville) 6-1, 6-1. .Men's Singles -W. Elmsley (Kawartha) defeated A. Hooper (BÔw.) 6-4, 6-4. Ladies' Doubles-R. Fletcher and J. Lye (Kawartha) defeated J. Hutchinson and D. Creasser (Bow.> 6-3, 6-1. Men's Doubles -1. Slemon and C. Austin (Bow.) defeated F. Mercer and R. Lindberg (Kawar- tha) 6-2, 6-2. In. the second doubles, J. Fletcher arid R. Lind- berg (Kawartha) defeated A. Lobb and J. Dunri, (Bow) 6-1, 6-1. Mixed Doubles-A. Wither- spoon and N. Allen (Bow.) defeat- ed F. Clark and J. Clark (Kawar- tha) 6-4, 6-2. In the second mixed doubles. D. Sercom and J. Lye (Kawartha) defeated L. Rundle and M. Hawthorne (Bow.) 6-2, 6-4. s BOROCCO BRIDES a STUCK BEFORE MARRIAGE! In parts of Morocco a bride is stuck even before xnarriage The priest sticks the point (~ knife against ber throat and ýe a drop of blood là drawn, she's single no more! But when a Bowmanville or district lady is stuck for an answer to an everyday problem, she caîls on Statesman Classified Ads for help. Through Want Ads folks sel, sent. find good help, recover lost articles. etc.. For an ad-writer who heips to unstick you fromn your problem Dial 3303. ASK ANYBODY who knows and you'l1 hear that Statesman Classified Ads. are simply wvon- #derful for solvîng everyday problems. Dial 3303. M j .00 Phone 474 You've Neyer Seen Anything Like This m - m THE MOST SENSATIONAL DARGAIN EVER OFFERED IN MENS SPORT JACKETS! Gabardines with ail around fie belis, or single breasted collarless styles, satins with contrasling piped trimmings ... Corduroys you'll be proud fo wear. Ahl this season's styles which we sold regularly ai $14.95 and $17.95. You can choose your jacket from a large selection in sizes 36 to 44. ON SALE AT A DRASTIC REDUCTION TO CLEAR AT ONLY HQ)EY-SWEETENED ORANGEJUICE ORANGE & GRAPEFRUIT ORANGEJUICE BLENDED JUICE 2 ..29<a%->32 " »7*29 confident that you'11 agree you've neyer seen anylhing so sensalional before. BIRESLIN'S Dow manville 1 flOt *i* au@i Eff.efiý. Thuttd&., MdaY &Sauwdoi, J,,. 2Mq,, 82 WE'RE MOVING Yes, we're rnoving Io our new location on or bef ore TUESDAY, JULY lste Our new store is jusi locafed one door west of our present location. If is not-bard fo find . .. just go to our aid store and keep gaing a few steps and you're there. Corne in and see our new store ai 35 King Sireel West BOWMANVILLE FLOWER SHOP -Bill Buckley, Proprietor 1 1 THE CANAMUN STATrSMA". INnwmANVTLTP- nwr,&Iqtm à ý» qpqpqqLý - .--- 1