tate~m~m "Durham County's Gjreat Family Journal" VOLUME 98 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 26th, 1952 7c PER COPYNU ER2 PLAN TO ATTEND LEG ION CARNI VAL FIDA Federation President Con gratulates Guest Speaker1 * Ralph Larmer, Blackstock, President of the Durham County Federation of Agri- culture, is seen, lef t, congratulating Howard L. Craise who delivered an informative ad- dress at the Federation's annual pienie held Friday in Orono Community Park. Mr. Craise has had more than 25 years' experience in the fruit producing industry and is well versed on the performance of marketing boards throughout the province. Standing in the centre is Robert Hendry, Bowmanville, who several months ago became Federation Treasurer, a post held by Walter Reynolds of Bowmanville, for mor-e than 12 years. Nursery kchool Closing Exercises jfeatured hy Varied Programme Enjoyed by Parents and Visitors A bright and varied programme off choruses, action songs, dances and a miniature operetta, high- lighted the graduation off Mrs. Chas. A. Wight's class off 19 Nursery School pupils on !'hurs- day affternoon, June 19, af the Lions Community Centre. Efght frilled and be-ribboned little girls, and ten little boys, wearing their best clothes and best be- haviour showed their parents and other guests some off the things they had learned during the past ;-ear. The boys wene one short off full strength, little Stephen Jefffery being absent xith the miuraps. The programme got under way with the class marching in wbile Mrs. H. Couch played the piano. They sang two opening choruses, xvhile bigbt eyes roved the aud- ience until they found mumimy or daddy, when a big smile got àm bit in the way off the wvords off the song. It was interesting to note that, in contcast to pcevious v ears, soveral fathers wecc pre- sent to encourage their children., Address of Weicome An address off welcome. deliv- ered in unison, was given by Jean Cole, Ann Hacking. Billy Crombie and Peter Bucklec. An interpretation off the nursery nhyme, "Jack and Jill" Vas next,t and very realisticallY enacted byv Jean White and Paul Buckley. with Jean Cule taking the part off the mother.t Everybodv enjoYed "Bucking-( ham Palace." one off A. A. Milne's poems in which all the girls took the lead, with the boys joining in the chorus. Larry Lunnemann was the unseen drummer who represented the changing off the guard at the palace. Another chorus folloxved. 'm aGlad That God Is Near," thon a scene with a sick dolly in which Heather James was the mother, and Larry (Continued on page seventeen) Legion Carnival Slated for Biggest Ever Held in Town The Giant Canadian Legion Carnival is slated for the High Sehool Grounds tomorrow (Fni- day) evening and customers arel guaranteed a good time. Proceeds off the one night stand will go to furtber equip the pub- lie appreciated Legion Pipe Band. Part will be directed to the Legion building fund. Twenty grand prizes are be- ing offered this year by Legion- aires with the lead-off prize be- ing a $500 Dominion off Canada Bond. A reffrigerator. washing machine. power lawn mower, vacuum cleaner and a Sunbeam Mixmaster are ottier valihle Find Bowmanville p-zestobe-W0.ýu For the youngsters ther Boy's Body South be a special draw for a d 0f M ple ro~eM. bicycle (boys or girls); Of M ple roýecourse the challenge bt game will again feature the Two Bowmanville mon Sunday ing. Victorious in the contE evening founid the body off Thom- year, Brookdale Roses w as Hector Rowan. 14-month-old tompt to stave off Port son off Mr. and Mrs. Ford Rowan, clouters to retain the c former East Beach resident, float- Legion Challenge Trophy. ing in the shallow \yater at Mann's As the midway barkerh Point. south off Maple Grove. -Com-e earlv and have a full Tomimy bas been missing since off fun." Mýany new andi the atternoon off May 7 when ho ont booths wilt ho introducc tocldled away ffom bis parents' vear and plenty off Carmiival cottage and walked intu the cold bas been ordered. ' waters off Lake Ontario. Ho had. been ptaying with bis sister,! Nancy, 3. :Make Sure Your Harold Knight and Bruce Jack- son found the body. The Boxv- Name Is On The manville mon wece inspecting the oes'Ls bluffs between Oshawa and tbis V tr'Ls town wvhon they saw the boy. Mi-, Knigbt reported the discov- The attention of elector ery to Bowmnanville police wbo Bowmianville entitled to sent the Morris Co. ambulance to uiîder the Liquor License the scene. The bov's bodv was oit July 16 is called to ai identiffied after bcbng celeased b.ý, vertisement in tis issue. Coroner Dr. Chas. Austin. niake sure your naneie Church Bell Crashes Io Floor On Si. Mary's lOQih Anniversary The apparatus opeî atmng (lie two-ton bell in the belffc off St.1 Mary's Angîcan Churcb, Lifford Lino, near Bethanv. litecalix- went to pieces on Sunda',- as liunclceds off xorsippers tui-ned out Io tako part in a Decoration Day Service -whicb ruade nmomurable th(, lOth annix-ecsacr(if the chbucch. St. Macy's is the oldest Angli- can chucch în the Panish off MLvati- vers. Rev. T. S. Gault is Rectom. A ncw puil-rope Nwas fixed to 7 the bell the Saturdav evening bo- fore the service. But on Sunday when the rope xvas pulled, the c-vu ndrical piece beside tbe bell s broke sending two tons off metal to the belffr,- flooi-. The accident could have pmoved disastrous. Manx' peuple w%,ece at Ille tîmo passing tlicoLigh ithe entrance to the church and xceî- imediateiy ummdet- the beff' , be the crash occurî-ed. Fortinatelv-. however. tho sturdv construiction )of the bell loft held. ýM ('entre of Activity 1 For a bundred years the beau- tiful ton off the St. Marx's bell congre, bas echoed oxer the countrYside d a.,,, bui calling Anglicans to wucship. peuple The church bas long been tbe still centr-e of actîvty in the com- Mary's. munitv. At o] St. Marv's had quito a lai-go Metbod uongcegatîon bin le cacîx dax-s bxteriai when pionoor blooci canie to Duir- off two ham Couîntv and began develop- day. St. !Ing the rïchnç&ê @ thl and. The iawwrive cre will :w C.C.i and off baseball ie open- test last will at- tHope coveted hollers: Il nigbt, dif f er- ced this il Food nrs ini Svote eAct m ad- -. To is ot omitted on incorrectly entered ini the votons' list as taken by the enumenators you have the oppotunity off examining the list at the Town iiClenk's office from June 23 to 27, inclusive, between hours off 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Sittings ivili be held ini the ('ouncil Chamber on Satur- day. June 28, aîîd Thunsday, JuIy 3. It is the duty of eveny citi- zen entitled te vote on July 16 to observe this notice to inake sure your îîame is on the votens' ist by consulting the ist at the £'Ierk's office on or before June 27. Exaumerators End lob With 3,405 Namnes on List The enumeration off Bowman- ville foc tho JulY 16 vote on the S establishment off a liquor store and bcexvecs' wacehouse îs comn- plote. Town Clerk Alick Lyle, xcbo xcilt act as Chief Returniftg Offtîueî on vote day. states 3,405 residents are entitled to vote. North W'ard No. '2 haý- the hcav- îest putential vote with West Ward No. 1 the smallest. Following is the uotential vote breakdown by ýgation has dwindled, to- ivacds. it manv descendants off toc estW ard- wbo ffirst bumît the cburcb es No. 1-355 generouîsly support St. No. 2-649 ne time thece xc ccc four! Norbh Wacd- dist churches and one Pce-;- No. 1 -.9o n ctuicb xitbin a rcdîîîi No. 2-819~ miles, off St. Mar\'s. To- Solîthi MWarcd * Mary-s is the onl.ý one to No. 1370 e. Ng. 2-622 Reeve Morley Vanstone Delivers Address ai Decoratlion Day Service Several lbundred people Sunday afternoon attended the annual Decoration Day Service held in Bowmanville Cemeterv. 'Sponsored by His WVorsbip the Mayor and Town Council, the Canadian Legion and the Bow- manville Ministerial Association, the Memorial Service was impres- sive and truly a fine tribute to the many xvho have gone before. Substituting for Mayor Sidneyý Little who was absent Sunday.! Reeve Morley Vanstonc, in a, brief address, said. " It is not possible for us to know what the1 Elected President reaction off those who lived 50 or 100 years ago would be if they could compare our town now with what it was thon." The Reeve pointed out, how- ever, tbat Bowmanville people cao realize how mucb theu' pre- sent well-being is directly the i resuit of tbe efforts off those wbo have gone before. Daring Pioneers "~The daring of tbe pioneers of tbis country in adventuring into the unknown, the vision of tos (Continued on Page Seven) B. & P. Club Officers Are Insialled AI Social Evening in Port Hope A dinner off creamed chicken topped off with strawberry short- cake, xvas one off the highligbts off a social evening enjoyed by 28 members of the Bowmianville Business and Proffessional Wom- en's Club at Idalia House, Portl Hope, last Thursday evening. Following dinner, Miss Mad- eline Rooney of the Cobourg club, who is secretary-elect to the president off the Provincial Fed- eration of B. & P. Clubs, Mrs. Marjorie Pewtriss, conducted an installation service for the re-1 cently elected officers off the Bow- manville Club.1 Officers for the comiîîg yeari are: President-Violet MeFeeters;' Vice -Presidents-Helen Weddell and Margaret Stacey; Treasurer- Pat Berger; Corresponding Sec'y -Ruth Burgess. replacing Betty Sisson whose resignation was tendered at the last meeting; Re- cording Sec'y-Margaret Purdon; Chairmen of committees: Pro-1 gramme-Reita Hobbs, Ways and Means-Frances Heari; Member- ship-Eva Whitehead; Bulletin-i Margaret Nichoîls; International1 -Helen Cryderman; Civic-Iso- belle Davis; Historian-Vivian Prout, Sunshine-Velma Gay; Red Cross-Anna Watson. Rec-1 reation representative-MarjoryE Couch; Pianist-Helen Nelles:1 Jury Service-Helen Weddell. A brief business meeting was conducted by the president affter wbicb the balance off the evoning was spent in an enjoyable pro- gramme off games arranged by Reita Hobbs and Helen Weddell, which included bingo and court whist. There were many prize- winners'and a good time was en- joyed by ahl. Beforo dispering for the va- cation montbs off July and Aug- ust, president Violet Me~eeters asked each member to take a dol- lar off her own money and try to double it or triple it by Sep- tomnber when the club will1 com- mence its Faîl squsion. A contribution to the evening which was much enjoyed was de licious home-made candy, donat- cd by Mary Jewell, in appreci- ation off the splendid response off the, mem-ebrs to her request for candy for the Hospital Bazaay held June tb. Guests included Dora Purdon and Madlyn Wilcôx fromn Bow- manville; Mrs. Lilian Richards, President off the Cobourg Busin- ess and Professional Womon's Club, and Miss Madeline Rooney, Cr4,ourg; President off the Port Hope club, Joe Carson. also Eth- el Murray and Mona Sharp, Port Hope. umiulici àauâit; ~uuurse Vi aiari . Nexi Week for Youthful Students A group off enthusiastic v oun- sters will soon be receiving ex- cellent instruction in band and orchestral instruments at the Central Public School. The much talked off summer course, wbich it is hoped xill pave the xvav for a Permanent orchestra in Bow- manville Public Sehools where talent abounds, will commence on July 3rd at the Central Scbool and will run to July 30. A con- cert to which the public is invit- ed, will be presented at tbe con- clusion off tbe course. There will be two classes in reeds, with Mr. Abby Darcb as instructor: tw'o in strings wbicb Mr. W. E. C. Workman will in- struet, and two in brass wbicb Mr. D. C. Peters, director off mus- ic in the schols, will înstruct bim- selIf. Tbcee une bouc lessons eacb week will ho given in instrument- al instruction, and these will be augmented by tbree one bouc classes in ear training and sigbt singing conducted by Mr. Peters, s0 that each pupil wili get a total off six boucs instruction per week. Classes will rin from 9 a.m. to Ila.mn. Durin., the fficst two davs off regîistration, 2.3 applications' were received, and it is estimated that froîn 30 to 40 pupils in Grades Five to Eight will enrol before reguistration closes. Those inter- ested are urged to send in their applications without delay so that Provision foi- instruments may ho macle, otberxvise there ma "v not ho enougb instruments to go round. Anyone who bas an instrument available is uîged to loan it for this excellent purpose. or donate or seil it if' no longer used. su that a number off instruments may be available foc those pupils who may not ho financially able to pucebase an instrument when a pecmanent orchestra is estab- lislied. A number off band instru- moents ffrom tbe now deffunct Bow- manville Band, must ho gathering dust somewhere. Tbey w'ould be off gî-eat assistance to our talented voungsters. International Councillor Insialîs New Officers ai Lions Club Meeting Herbert (Deaci Goddard Mon- ing off commnittee reports, occu- day evening was formnall 'v in- pied mnost off the meeting. It was stalled as President off the Box,,- pointed out the club bas a mem- manvillo Lions Club by ' Inter- bership of 62 and that regular at- national Councillor A. W. Lent, tendance fcom September to Port Hope, at the club's regular April xvas 94.4 per cent. Fortv- dinner meeting held in St. John's tbroe Lions had perfect attend- Anglican Cburch Pacish Hall. ance througb the meeting year. The inductiun off other club off- Durigtecus fteide ficers togaetber with the render - rn b ors fteidc tjon ceremonvý, International Co0uLncillor Lent told Lions that a successfful leader -leads, plans, directs and dicliarges bis duties Io the best of bis abilityý." He sai(l experience lias no substitute and stated that a Lion leader i works and does not shirk his duties. 1 The president. as installed. is the most important man in the VI club. Under bis supervision the ~4. directorate and club committees operate. lie is automnatically a meinber off the District Governor's Counicît. / Fir tx ice-president foc- the Lions Year 1952-53 bcl h Lion Jack Cule. Second vice-president is Lion Ted Southex-. and third, *Lion Barney Vanstone. * Lions Bill Oliver, Stuart James, *Alex MeGru-gor and Fmed Cule * xece inducted as Directors witb Lion Lou Dewell. treasurer. and Lion Norman O'Rourke. secro- tar% . The secrtarv's duties. Mc. jLent saîdi. ai-e primaimî concecn- ed wu liaison xxork betiveon the Herbert (Deac) Goddard - I(Çontrniued on Paâe Seven) .-t was named presidont off the Onario Four Millers' Association by the directors at the 17th an- nual meeting held June I 6th in Toronto. Mr., Vanstone has been vice-president off the association for the past two years. His grandfather, the late J. C. Van- stone, was at one time prosident off a similar association. Organ Recital Sunday Evening St. John's Church This Sunday even1iný, in con- nection witb the second off the Community Evening Services at St. John's Church, Mrs. E. V. Luck, the Cburch Organlist, will play in recitàl the following pro- gramme: 1--Sanctus. by Gounod; 2- Three Mendeisso hn numbers: (a) Y with ah yvour heart. (b) O for the vings offa dove. (c) On xvings off song; 3-Ave Maria. Bach- Gounod; .4-Air fromn D String, Bach: 5-Lost Chord, Sullivan. During the recital the Choir under Mî-s. Luck's direction wvill sing "Brother James Air". The usual order off service xviii be somewhat abbreviated to permit tbe inclusion off the Recital as an act off worsiiip. Maternity Wing Is Kept Busy at Memorial Hospital Oui- Memorial Hospital is a busy place, as a weekly report mndi- cates. During the week off June 15 to Jonc 21 inclusiv e, seven new citizens off Bowmanville and coin- munity arî-ived in the sbining. up- to-dat e maternit ' wing. Thece wece 35 admissions and 35 dis- chai-gos for the week. but tbis does not mean tbat the hospital xvas left withuut a population. Out-patients numbered thrcc during the week, and patients X-cayed, 37, su that excellent use is being made off the hospitaFs moderi and convenient X-ray equipmenit. Major operations pecfocmed numbered f ive, and moinor operations. 15. Indigent Patients Cause Deficit In Monthly Operating Costs ai New Memorial Hospital, Report Reveals Memorial Hospital showed a net operating loss of $657.47 dur- ing the month of May. according to a report rendered at the Friday meeting off the Board held in the 5Hospital Board Roomn. The defficit is attributed to the inadeq uate amount received. for the care off indigent patients. One hundred and firty-three indigent patient days were recorded dur- ing tbe month off May resulting in îa loss to Memorial Hospital off $882.31. Upkeep cost per- patient is fig- ured at $9.17 per day. In tbe case of indigent patients, a mere $3.00 per day is allowed the hos- pital by the nçunicipality in which the patient resides. The Hospital Board is off the opinion tbat municipalities con- cerned should attempt to assist in reducing the indigent defficit which will continually crop Up as long as $3.00 per patient day is the authorized allotment to the hospital. During May, indigent patients1 cared for in Memorial Hospitalj were as follows: Bowmanville, 77î indigent patient days; Manvers Township, 31 days; Caesarea, Cartwright Township, 31 days, and Toronto, 4 indigent patient days. For the first five months off 1952 the hospital recorded a rev- enue off $50172.23. This amount almost doubles the $26,529.49 rev- enue for a similar period in 1951. Superintendent's Report Memoriar Hospital Superintend-t Harold Gul ly Relaies Experiences In Mexico City While Aiiending Rotary International Convention "Yo tengo mucho gusto cn Canadian Rotarian.s making the conocerle, Senor," is a Spanish trip ran into sevoral- probleîna expessontha lierllymeasduring their 16-day stay. Lan- exprssin tat iteall mensguage was an impressive barrier "I have much pleasure in know- to social intercourse; water was ing you. sir." But if's an ex- far from pure and some types of pression that becomnes a must, food difficuit to take. Most Ro- along with a fcw hundred others, tarians developed dysentery, comn- if you're contemplating a trip to monly referred to by Mexican Mexico, according to Harold M. natives as 'visitor disease," and Gully', past president of Toronto the accepted antidote wvas 'ent- Rotary Club. CniudoPaeSv) Speaking at the FridaY lun- (CnnedoPaeSvn cheon of the Rotary Club held, in the Balmnoral Hotel, Bowman- New Desk Added villc-born Mr. Gully delved into bis personally compiled note By Graduate Nurses paper dictionary of stock Spai- ish quotations to give a much ap- At Memorial Hospital preciated bumorous treatment to casual observations made this At the timie of the opening of year at the Rotarv International the nev Memorial Hospital last Convention held in Mexico City year. the graduate nurses off the last month. nid Bflnxvixni1Hospital, frn- àmoflthly report. During May. 140 .persons were admitted to hos- 1pital as compared with 107 in the same month last year. One hundred and sixty-five patients xvere discharged whilo 121 were discharged in 1951. Continuing with comparative statistics, 24 babies were born at the hospital in May, a deerease by five off the 29 total in the same month last Year. During the mionth. the daily average number off patients was 30.93. Twenty-tbree patients were in-residents and total days stay was 1,061.'. Thirteen out-patients were treated. Twenty-four major and 76 minor operations were completed in May, 1952, while similar fig- ures for 1951 showled 24 major and 45 minor operations. * Secures New 'NJurses Miss .Hilditchi pointed out she bas been fortunate in securing two general duty nurses for perm- anent duty at Memorial Hospital as well as two additional nurses for relief work during the months off July and August. Donations in May were reeeiv- ed from the Stevens family. Mrs. R. R. Stevens and Mr. Ross Stev- ens supplied 74 baby diapers, 24 baby binders as well as surgical instruments. The Stevens family has generously looked affter ahl the needs off the nursery since the old hospital was founded in As introduced by Rotai-ian Ai--1 thur Ribey, the speaker is "a kee M observer with a briltiant mind who is steeped in Rotac 'y and fuît! off good humoî-." As Chairmian off the Toronto Rotary Club's dol- egation to Rotary International,j Mc. Gullv blad an unprecedeiîted1 opportunmtY to "obscr\-e' and asi speaker al Rotar « , Friday, for the second time this y-eac. lie had1 ample upportunity to exorcise bis effervescent wit. orial Hospital. Cow girl and Brother Head Orono Turf Club Parade 4 t isbed the Supermiendent's offfice as their gift ini mcmory of Mrs. Florence Smythe, now deceased, a former supecintendent under whom they trained. Another desk whiclb was greatly' needed, bias now been added toe the office equipment by the grad. uate nurses. This thougbhtffut gift is greatly appceciated by Su. perintendent Miss Mac Hilditch. staff and Board off the new Mem- The handsome imports from the old west complete with cowboy an-d cowgirl costumes are Charlie and Patsy Reid, chi Jdren of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reid, Onono, who %viii head the much-publicized parade prior to the grand opening of harness racing at Durham County's "Litt]e Saratoga" track at Orono this Saturday. Sponsored by the Orono Turf Club, the parade will get under-way at 2 p.m. and will wind up at the Orono Race Track which recently was converted into the second best track in Ontario. Saturday ti'ack xisitors will find the track has been extendod to a complote haif mile and that the grounds have undergone considerable repair. The Ocono Band wsil] highiight the parade along with visiting dignitaries and some of the horses which wiIl later race at the track 4 .0