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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jun 1952, p. 8

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PAGE ImmR iTne Orono News Mr. and Mru. Reg. Sutton of Grimnsby Beach vlited recently with Miss Bertha Cain. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reid and Mr. and Mrs. Syd Rutherford, zPent the weekend in Buffalo. Mr. and Mns. Ed. Millson and daughten. Ellen, and Mns. J. D. Brown are holidaying this week i.n Ottawa. Mr. and Mns. A. A. Drummond and Alex are visiting in Graven- hurst wlth ber sister and broth- er-in-law, Mr. and Mns. H. Eady at Muskoka Arts. Mr. and Mns. Chanlie Walken, Barbara, Frances and Nancy, formerly cf Camp Borden, are spending this week with ber par- ents. Mr. and Mru. C. V. Cooper, before leaving for Vancouver, B.C., wherc Chanlie bas been transferqed. Gail Wood, Lakefield, is with hen grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. C. Wood. Mrs. Wm. Armstrong visited friends in Buffalo over the week- end. Onono Wornen's Institute beld their annual picnic on Friday, June 20, when 35 ladies journey- cd by bus ta Bobcaygeon and en- joyed a picnic dinner in the park there. Rev. and Mrs. Little- wood spent a short tume in the park renewing old acquaintances and all from Orono were delight- ed ta see them again befone they lbave for their new change in Duzndalk. On the retunn trip the bus topped for two bours in Lindsay where supper was enjoy- ed In the park. The weather was ideal and the scenery all thati could be desired. Needless ta say, a very happy turne was spent by Rev. and Mrs. Walton Tonge1 and children, Lakefieid, spent thej weekend at the parsonage withi EWEST VERYSODY'.1 BABY CHAMP - $36.95 MIDGE_ m IÉNAGMa 0101( MIDGE - $27.95 YOM MNORIU EKCTEiC DEALER IS A OOOD MAN TO KNOW TUE NAM! TO REMUME O I OER XAUPPLIANCES LARGE & SMAtI The RadioShop 38 KING ST. E. PHONE 573 1Rev. and Mns. John Kitchen. Miss Christine Kitchen, Toronto, was also a guest. 1 Mn. and Mns. Wm. Irwin en, joyed a week's holiday in North- cmn Ontario recently. Mn. Harold Dean was a patient in Memoniai Hospital. Bowman- ville, last week. having his tonsils removed. We hope be will have a spcedy recovery. Mn. Archie Hendry, Ottawa, spent the weekend with bis par- ents, Mn. and Mns. John Hendny. Mn. and Mns. W. Leaman have been in Oakville aven the week- end, attending the funeral of bis fathen, Mr. Chistopher Leaman who inassed away at the home of bis daughter. Mns. Reginald Rob- son. Mn. Leaman was 83 years of age and died suddenly follow- ing a heant attack. We express sincene sympathy ta Mn. Leaman in the loss of bis father. Visitons with Mn. and Mrs. Percy Lunn are: her mother and sisten,ý Mrs. Philips and daughter, from Texas. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wood. Lakefield, on the birth of thein daughten in Civic Hospital, Peterborough, on Tuesday, June 24, a little sisten for Gail. Miss Wanda Hobbs. Toronto, was a guest of Miss Alice Basnett at Mrs. Dickson's aven the week- end. A large number of Orono people attended the anniversany services at Kirby on Sunday af- tennoon and evening and were greatly inspired by the fine sermi- ans of Rev. Walton Tonge, Lake- field, guest speaker, also the music by Kirby Choir, assisted in the afternoon by Miss Joan Black of Orono, and in the even- ing by the Enniskillen Quartette and Mn. Ross Metcalf. Bowman- ville, with Mr. W. E. C. Work- mon at the organ, was very much appreciated. Evening Auxiliary The June meeting of the Even- ing Auxiliary was held in the auditorium of the church on Thursday evening, June 19. The meeting opened with the business. It was decided ta hold the reg- ular meetings in July and Aug- ust. President Eileen Billings, presiding, called on Joe Barlow's group to take charge of the pro- gramn. Jean Allun led in the de- votional. A reading on Christian Stewardship by Joe Barlow was much appreciated. The rest of the meeting was spent in sewing for a missionary project. A de- liciaus lunch was served, straw- berry shortcake and tea, by the group in charge. # The death has been recorded of Mrs. Joseph Campbell, age 96 years, who passed away in Beech- wood Nursing Home in 1?enetang on June 5th. She was born 96 years ago in Clark Township and mnany of the older people re- member ber as Harriett Crooke, when she attended Clark school. Mrs. Campbell has made ber home in Midland for many years. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Carscadden, Thornbury. spent the weekend with his sister, Mrs. Wesley El- liott and Mr. Elliott. Mrs. Wesley Elliott 'visited this week with her sister, Mrs. Aber- crombie. Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Towns and family, Peterborough. spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Stainton. On Monday evening in the audi- torium of Orono United Church, the piano pupils of Mrs. W. E. C. Workman were heard in a recital when a large number of parents, grandparents and friends were present and enjoyed a delightful program. Mr. Workman was chairman and called on the fol- ]owing for piano solos: Julie Hawke, Mary Lynn Bailey, Ga- mey Lycett, Faye Nicholson, Ron- nie Richards, Dennis Thonipson, Linda Gibbs, Tony Mitchell, Patsy Jones, Laurie Thompson, Douglas Gibson. Gary Thompson, Roberta Hetherington, Paul Tamblyn, Victor Hall, Sheila Coverly, Car- olyn Mason, Marilyn Moore, Mar- janie Tyrrell, Ann Woodyard, Connie Tyrrell, Janice Beech, Shirley D'uncan, Malcolm McKen- zie, Doris Laing, Sheila Brown, Walter Gibson. Margaret Buchan, Morris Richards, Barbara Brown, Jacqueline Hall, Billy Tamblyn, Karen Clark. Heather Rutherford, Monte Emmerson, Joan Allin, Marilyn Cobbledick, Jo Ann Rutherford, Eleanor Osborne, Judy Goodman, Sandra Coole, Margaret Cunningham, Joyces Low. At the close of the prognam i Patsy Jones on behaif of the pupils presented Mrs. Workman with a gift. Ice cneam and cake t were served and a social tume en- joyed. Quite a number of the pupils wene fromn Bowmanville f and the rest froni Onono and dist- t rict, '1 Acconding to) preliminary esti- mates of the Dominion Bureau of Statistics, the net farmn income from farming operations in Can- ada (excluding Newfoundland) in 1951 was $2,221.2 million. It was the highest on record, being 53 per cent above the estimate of el,451,.7 million for 1950 and 32 per cent above the previous record established in 1948. Ever Hear About The Travelling Salesman Who Makes Over 12,000 Calis Each Week? This travelling salesman story is no joke - it is absolutely true. Quite a record? Not at all, this salesman does it every week and hopes ta steadily increase his number af cails as the territory grows. Is this salesman high salaried, beyond the reach of the average individual on small menchant? No sir, his service can be for almost any amount yo wish, even for as litile as under anc dollar! Does he handie any single line of goods? Not by a longshot' He selîs e-verything, from soup ta automobiles. Who is this super-salesman and how can you hire him? That's easy! This super-salesman is The Statesman, a salesman that can work for you and you and you, presenting your sales message to over 12,000 prospective customers each week! To hire him, just PHONE 3303 PRINTINI AND ADVERTISING SERVICE TH! CANADIAN STATESMA, EOWMIANV!LLE, ONTARIO Unique Cernetery Grave Marker The above unique grave marker announces the final resting place of Manson Morrow who passed from the world in the second year of his life. The stone can be seen in St. Mary's Cemetery, Lifford Line, near Bethany. The grave marker is indicative of the workmanship, involved in stone work over haif a century ago. ENNISKILLEN Mns. K. M. Benson, Saskatoon, Sask., is visiting her aunt, Mrs. T'. M. Slemon and othen relatives before leaving for Montreal whene she sails on the Empress of F'rance, dune 27. on a two manths' conducted tour abroad. C.G.I.T. met at the home of Shirley Ellis with il members present. Warship period was led by Vice-Pres. Ruth Lamb. F1ogram consisted of readings by Elenor Heard and Nancy Wood. EChapter frani the Study Book was read by Gloria Wright. Recre- atian was dinected by Ruth Lamb. A: delicious lunch was senved by the hostess and ber mothen. Next meeting at the home of Ruth Lamb on July Il at 7:30 p.m. Our male quartette assisted in sang at Kinby Sunday School An- niversary. Mn. and Mrs. Charlie Lang- naid, Solina; Mns. Goyne, Pres- tonville, at Mn. and Mns. R. Mc- Gill's. Mn. and Mns. Norman Wright have retunned home froni visiting hein son at Barrie and friends in Toronto. Miss Lamna Jean Weann spcnt the weekend with Miss Canal Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fenguson and famuly wene Sunday visitons vith Mn. and Mns. Raymond Bott- ell. Mn. and Mns. Elmer Pethick, MIr. and Mrs. Howard Pethick, Dorothy and Canal, Mn. and Mns. James Payne, Mn. and Mrs. Floydâ Pethick, Mrs. Verna Wood. o ronto; Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Chst ýr, Oshawa; l'4n. and Mrs. Arthun Redknapp. Newtonville, celebrat- d the occasion of Mn. and Mns. O. . Pethick's silver wedding nnivensary at Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pcthick's. Mn. and Mrs. George Marshall, oan. Arthun and John, Manilla: Miss Diane Lee, Kedron, wene Sundav dinnen guests with Mn. ind Mns. E.,A. Wernr. Miss Mar-v Elliott, Oshaw~a: Mn. indl Mrs. M. J. Hobbs and Miss Joan Hobbs with Mns. W. G. Rod- ir. ind Mns. Walter Oke with !r. and Mns. Bill Alexander, Osh- vwa. Mnr. and Mns. Herb Gibson and [cneb, Toronto, visited Mn. and, Vms. Clifford Pethick. Mns. E.Î 'trutt returned home with them. Mn. and Mrs. James Benneti. id Patricia, Tononto, at Mr. and Enrs. John E. Griffin's. Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater' a v n 1~ r J r r e F e E a F J s a n J '-Y iv a' I-i Lv S ai and Georgie, with friends at Cus- tor Centre and relatives in To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. Brent, Mn. Wm. Brent, Uxbridge. with Mr. and Mrs. H. Stevens and Mn. and Mrs. W~. H. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rae, Osh- awa, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Hutchitison. Misses Jessie and Marie Hall, York, England, arc visiting Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gniffin. Mr. and Mrs. George Rahme, Saintfield, in company with Mn. and Mrs. Leonard Bradley, had a very enjoyable motor trip through the *Muskoka district and Algonquin Park. 1Teachers and pupils of many schools attended the field day held at Enniskillen school gnounds last week. Solina won the tnophy. Everyone had a neal good tîme. Mr. and Mrs. Menvyh Bird, Nancy, Neil and Janîce, Bnaoklin, visited Mn. and Mrs. R. J. Or- miston. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp were visitars at Mn. and Mns. Wm. Robinson's, Kendal. Miss Ruth Adams, Mr. Steve Shnedd. Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adams and fani ly, Hampton, with their mother. Mrs. J. Adamis. Mn. and Mrs. Jim Ormiston and Helen, Brooklin; Misses Jessie and Marie Iall, York, England, were callers at Mn. and Mrs. Russell Griffin's, Mr. and Mns. John Griffin's and other rela- tives. Mr. and Mrs. R,. McNeil wene guests at the Hepburn-Farrow wedding in Oshawa on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn, Don- ald and Susan. were Sunday visitons at Mr. T. B. Bell's and Mr. Norman Wearn's, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. John Gniffin and family, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Grif- fin and Mar,, Mr. and Mrs. Wal- lace Griffin and Heather, Mrs. Walter Rahm, T\'rone. attended the Powell and Wotten picnic at Hampton Park on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stainton and familv attended the Avery picnic ai Cream of BarleY Camp. Classitieds Bring Quick Resuits. Dial 3.303. Now you can rake hay at bighen speeds wýith better returns. The new Ferguson Side-Delivery Rake lifts the bay gently with a continuous action ... moves it direct? v sidewards ta the windrow with its six-bar, offset reel, in haîf the distance it is usually ioved by older, leaf-shattering raking methoda! No pitching, kicking or tosing-far lems rolling and churnîngl Leua leaf loua. Power take-off driven-tractor-mounted-Finger Tip Controlled. Seo it todayl Sid Lancaster 's Garage IR.R. 2, Newcastle BURKETON The June meeting of Burketon W.A. was beld at the home of Mrs. Wm. Johnston with a good attendance. At the close of the meeting a gift of a pair of beauti- fui bath towels was presented ta Mrs. Johnston who is soon to leave here to live at their farm at Long Sault. There will be no service in this, church for three weeks when Rev. and Mrs. R. M. Seymour will be on their vacation. Mrs. Ben Hubbard, Mrs. Merle Hubband and Tenry were in Osh- awa with relatives recently. Mns. Merle Hubbard is now spending a week with her parents at Non- wich. Mn. and Mrs. W. Avis and fam- ily, Tôronto, called on iriends. Mn. and Mns. Sid Peddler, TQ- ronto, with Mns. H. Rahm. Mn. and Mns. A. J. Tompkins spent a week in Toronito with their family and spent a day at Niagara Falls. Mrs. Rilda Stevenson and Ai- bert. Toronto, with Mrs. A. Hughes. Mn. and Mrs. J. A. Smith, Bow- manville, with Mn. and Mrs. Jim Currans. Mrs, Lavery and Heathen. To- ronto, with Mn. and Mrs; S. Irons. HAMPTON Misses Jessie and Marie Hall, Yonkshire, England; Mn. and Mrs. .Jas. Ormiston and daughter Hel- en. Bnooklin, with their cousin, Mns. Charlotte Stephens. Misses Barbara Sterling and Isobel Smales, Toronto, visited Mn. and Mrs. James Smales. Miss June Wilbur, Ted, Frank and Jim Wilbur, Toronto, visited at Gilbert Adcock's on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Harold Trul, Mn, and Mrs. Harold Salten and Mn. and Mrs. Lorenzo TruIl visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Iý. Young at their cottage at Chemong Lake on Sunday. Mr. and Mns. James F. Clarke and children, Toronto. visited at W. W. Hornns on Sunday. A young fawn was seen in the village several tumes on Monday. It visited the park area, schoo] grounds, and sevenal private premises. Home and School picnic this Friday afternoon in the park. Mr. and Mrs. W. Cunningham, Fenelon Falls, visited Mr. and Mrs. Harland Truil. Mns. R. Widdecombe and Mrs. Hanland Trull attended the Bow- manville Hospital graduate nurs- es' reunion at the home of Mrs. Foster Bray, Mimico, on Wednes- day last. W. I. ladies presented their play "A Sauthern Cinderella" at Hartley, Wednesday night. Annabelle Adcock had her tons- ils nemoved at the Memonial Hos*- pital, Bowmanville, on Tuesday. Congratulations t o Douglas Caverly and bride, Lorna Sudds, Bowmanville, who were married on Saturday in Tinity United DEAD STOCK DEAD and CRIPPLED Farmn animais removed promptly for sanitary disposai Telephone Collect: Toronto - EMpire 3-3636 Cobourg - 1266 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED ~i J' I Churcb, Bowmanvile. Sacrament was administered at the Sunday evening church ser- vice, and our pastor pnesented a brief message. Mrs. J. Smales sang a fitting and much appreci- ated solo "I walked today where Jesus walked." The two beauti- ful baskets of flowers which adonned the altar wene placedl there by the family in memory of Mrs. C. Johns who passed away two years aga. STARK VILLE Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Tamblyn, Orono. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls on Tbursday. AnniVersary service at Shiloh on Sunday evening was well at- tended. Rev. Mr. Udell, Canton, was guest speaker and music was pnovided by Newcastle maie quartette. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Saveny and Elgin, Mn. and Mrs. Jim 'Sav- ery, Oshawa, with Mr. Wm. Sav-, ery. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hallowell, Newtonville, with Mr. and Mrs. Morley Robinson. Mn. and Mrs. Benson Dunn,1 TEMRSDA?, Jffl 281, 1lut Oshawa, at Mr. Lont. Tod's. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Turner and Helen. Newcaatle. with Mn. and Mns. Llew Hallowell. Mn. and Mrs. Hugh Kelly, Bow. manville. witb Mr..and Mns. Cari Todd. Re kJ Mn. and Mrs. Jinieyà and Miss Doris Reynolds with Mn. and Mrs. AIf Dobson on Sunday. Mrs. McCullough and Miss Aima Cuttel, Onano, with Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls. Mn. and Mns. Willie Farrow, Newtonville, with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Farrow. Mns. M. Bennett and Mr. and Mrs. Deibent Hallowcll, Taranto, wîth Mn. and Mns. Jake Hallo- well. Mn. and Mrs. E. Shier, Taranto', spent the weekend with Mn. Hallowell. On Monday, Miss Reynolds and pupils. along with Mis. Stapleton and pupils cf Crooked Cneek and same adults cf thc district went te Niagara Falls by bus. On Tucsday a bus load of pupils went ta Kingston f ram New- castle High Sohool, including Hugh and Frank Westheusen, Ray- mond Tnim. Maurice and Mary' Hallowell. Vote. Under Liquor License Act, Town of Bowmanville NOTICE 0F REVISION OF VOTERS' LISTS Public Notice is hereby given, pursuant ta Sec. 74 of the Votçrs' Lists Act, 1951, of the revision of the Voters' Lists for the Town of Bowmanville. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that Sittings wili be held by the Revising Officer at the times and place set forth in the schedule hereinafter set out. Any persan qualified ta vote at the pending vote under the Liquor License Act ta be held on the 16th day of July, 19È, in the Town of Bowman-' ville, and whose name has been omitted from, or incorrectly entered in, the enumerators' list of voters, is called tapon ta attend at the times and place hereunder mentioned for the purpose of having his name enrolled upon the Voters' List to be used at the said vote. Complaints which have been properly filed with reference to names wrong- fully entered upon the enurnerators' iists will be heard at these Sittings. V'oters' Lists for the Town of Bowmanville will be open for public inspection at the office of the Town Clerk at Bowmanville between the hours of 10 arn. and 4 p.m., Daylight Saving Time, front the 23rd ta the 27th days of June, 1952, inclusive. SCHEDULE Sittings will be held for al Polling Sub- divisions in the Town of Bowrnanville between the hours of 10 a.m. and 1 p.m., Daylight Saving Time, on Saturday the 28th day of June, 1952, and between the hours of 10 a.m. and 12 Noon, Day- light Saving Time, on Thursday, the 3rd day of July, 1952, in the Council Chamber, in the Town Hall, in the Town of Bowmanvîlle. Registration and Revising Officer, Judge M. A. Miller. Clerk ta Revising Officer, A. J. LYLE, Town Clerk's Office, Bowmanville. WANTED TWO THOUSAND PEOPLE Over Twenly-one TO VOTE "NJO" ON JULY 16 STOP LOOK LISTEN BEFORE YOU VOTE, THINK 0F THE CONSE- QUENCES. IS YOUR PERSONAL CONVENIENCE MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE WELFARE 0F THE COMMUNITY ? AT THE LOWERED STANDARDS 0F LIVING WHEN LIQUOR CONSUMPTION GOES UP, AS IT WILL, IF THERE IS AN OUTLET IN THE COM- MUNITY. AT WHAT IT WTLL DO TO OUR CHILDREN AT THE INCREASED TRAFFIC HAZARD. TO THE HARM IT HAS DONE IN OTHER COM4- MUNITIES. VOTE »"NM0" AND KEEP DO WMAN VILLE SAFE PUBLISHED BY The Bowmanville Cilizens' League 4 PI w s CHOICE TIe siguost LIftI Rcainluthe Woid 1

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