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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jul 1952, p. 9

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THE CANADIAN ~STATESMAN. EOWMANVTLLE. ONTARIO PAGE NINU how we give; flot how we pray but how we live." The main thought fnoma this fine essay was that to give the best of ones self in every phase o! living without compulsion is to truly live. On citizenship Mrs. Roy Lang- maid read fnom the pen o! Bruce West, versatile Globe and Mail calumnist, a letter, Canadas Bithday, written to a new Can- adian from Holland, pointing out wltat Confederation has meant to Canadians of the past and should ta those of the future. Mns. Langmaid also read Paulinel Jolinston's poem, "We finst sawl light in Canada beneath the British flag." Mns. Wesley Yellowlees very ably reviewed the earliest history of the provinces of Canada: the event of Cqnfederation, the in- clusion of Newfoundland and en- umemated the naturai resources a! each province. Mrs. Yellow- lees' information on the natural resources miglit weli be given ta an unthinking adult Canadian populace once a year. Mrs. Ev- erett Spires nead an article which emphasized the qualities o! cit- izenship sa necessary to rightfully #Iake use o! the great God-given wealth of Canada for the use o! all mankind. Mms. Isaac Hardy. President of Solina W.I., was introduced by Mrs. Eber Snowden and took the chair for the Solina program. President o! Maple Grove, Mns. W. H. Brown, presided for the business session When final arrangements were made for a bus trip to Orillia on August 14.1 Mrs. Brown announced that pmoceeds frorn the itnawbenry tea on June 25 on the lawns o! Mrs. J. D. Stevens and Mrs. Fred Stevens xere over $8000. A new neighbor. Mrs. Gould, was intro- duced by Mrs. T. McGuirk o! the membership committee. Roll caîl "How to improve our neighbomliness" was well answen- ed, severai giving the "Golden Rule." Mrs. Snowden extended cour- tesies to Solina for the very fine program. A large circle was formed witli a member o! ecdl Institute alternating.for refnesli- ments served by Mms. Snowdcn and lier gnoup. A pleasant social time was enjoyed by over 60 pres- ent. Maple Grove W. 1. enjoyed a visit to Hampton on July 10. ENNISKILLEN Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gim, Cadmus; Mr. and Mns. George Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lee, Durham Conty Holstein Club Holds Twilight Neeing ai Courtice Farm - (By Donald Jose) The annual twilight meeting of the Durham County Holstein Club was held on Tuesday evening, July 15, at Eldersle Farms, home of A. Muir & Sons, Courtice. An enthusiastic group o! aven 200. breedens and thein families were* present to enjoy the fine lias- pitlit oftheMuirs, District Ficîdman, Gerry Nel- son, gave a brie! talk and demon- stration o! desimable Holstein type, following which Mn. A. M. Barr, Principal o! Kemptville Ag- ricultural Sdliool. took charge of a judging cômpetition. Thene were two classes to place, and there were some lively discussions at the conclusion. The pnize win- ners were as follows: Men-Hilton Tixik and George Stapleon, tied; ladies-Mns. Mel McHoim, Mrs. Carlos Tamblyn; Juniors--Harold Yellowlees, Roy McHolm, Wesley Down, Carias Cryderman. Fresident's Introduction Following tlie judging campe- tition evenyone went over ta the spacious lawn whcre the nest o! the prognam took place. President Neil Malcolm called tlie meeting to order and then called on our host, Mr. Muin, for a few words. Genry Nelson then formally in- troduced Mm. Barr ta the gather- ing and called on him ta, speak. In a brief address lie told a little about the courses taught at tlie scliool, and paid higli tnibute ta the calibre of the students who have attended the sclool feom this county. Mr. Jim Brown, aur director on the board of tlie Hoîstein-Friesian Association o! Canada, spoke briefly. He brought geetings fmom the parent association, and mentioned the elatively low pnice o! cows at the present time because o! the American em- bargo. He pointed out that any- one wlio migît lie thinking about stamting a purebred herd or irn- proving their present lerd should do so soon, befome the embargo is lifted and the Ameican buyens can again corne over. Trip To Britain Our genial Agriculturai Repre- sentative. Mr. E. A. Summers tIen introduced the main speak- er o! the evcning, Mr. J. A. Car- roll. Assistant Deputy Ministen o! .STARK VILLE Mn. and Mrs. Walter Fengusan. Mm. and Mrs. Deibent Hallo- Miss Sharon Scott, Oshiawa, well and Linda. Toronto; Mm. and has becri having a weck's holi- Mms. Thos. Falls, Kendal, visitcd day with ber cousin, Donna Gail Mn. and Mms. Llcw Hallowcll. Imwin. Mm. and Mrs. Lloyd Bannes and Mrs. Raipli, Mrs. Audrey May daugîter, Pontypool, with Mn. and Garry, Lapeen, Midli., have and Mms. Victor Farrow. been visiting the lattcr's mothen, Mm. John Stark is having a new Mrs. John Doland. sunporch built. Miss Gloria Brent, Tyrone, Mm. and Mrs. Hanvey Pa eden witli Mm. and Mrs. John Siemon. and Neisla, Pheonix, Arizona, Mn. W. C. Staintan, Toronto, spent a couple of days with Mr. spent the weelçend witli Mn. and and Mms. Lamne Paeden. Mms. H. Stevens and Mm. and Mns. Mm. and Mrs. A. Drummond, W. H. Moone. Miss Isobel Dummond and Miss Mr. and Mns. Albent Oke visit- Muin, Hantney, Manitoba, visitcd cd witl Mr. and Mms. Bent John- Mm. and Mrs. A. Dobsan. son. Tyrone. Master John Logan, Betlany, Misses Ruth Lamb and Lama i's spending holidays with bis Jean Weamn are spending ten days sister. Mrs. John Stark. at the C.G.I.T. Camp at Camp Master Genald Hallowell spent Pretoria, Ont. a week with Miss Nomma Hallo- Mms. Minemva Tnewin bad a Weil. pleasant trip ta Niagra Falls Mrs. Lawrence Jamieson, o! witl a gnoup o! Blackstock ladies Bewdley, visited licr parents, Mr. on Wedncsday îast. and Mrs. Jake Hallowell. Mn. and Mms. Cecii Coulter, Mm. Lawrence Savcmv, Oshawa, Oshawa, with Mn. and Mrs. Leon- is spending a few days with Mn. ard Bradley. and Mrs. Ewant Robinson and Mn. and Mms. Ed. Strong, Salem' lelping build a garage. visited Mn. 'and Mrs. Adam Sharp. Miss Nomma Hallowchl, Gcnaid Mm. and Mrs. John Walken, To- and Jim, lad dinner with Mn. and onta, with Mr. and Mrs. Russe,, Mrs. Ro ss Hallowell. MeLaughlin. , There will lie no scrvice at Mr. Russell Giffin accompanied1 Shilol for a month while Rev. Mn. and Mrs. John Giffin and Lancaster is an holidavs. family ta spend a few days -with Congratulations ta Mary Lou Mm. and Mrs. George Badley Dobson, Helen and Amy Carson Bumwasl. Master Georgie Bradi for success in their exams at Bow- ley netunnied liome with them. manville High School. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill and Reva. with Mr. and Mrs. Fred NE WTON VILLE Billett, Scarboro Bluffs, Reva e- maining fan a week's holida. SMm. and Mrs. Fred Nelson, Mr. Miss Bannie Banton is visiting and Mrs. Howard Oke and Gary, lien grandmotler, Mrs. Vinson, Oshiawa, with Mn. and 'Mrs. Oshawa. Walter Oke.. Jîm Gilmer, with some other Mn. and Mrs. Frank McGill and boys, left on Friday ta moton ta Don. Toronto, with Mrs. John Newv York for the weekend. McGill. C has. Clarke, Buffalo, brought Miss Brendà Ellis is spending lis mother, Mns. Etta Clarke, aven hier holidays with hiem grandmoth- ta make an extended visit with cm at Cordova Mines. hem brother. William Cullens. Master Bruce Bradford,. lias ne- Miss Donotly Brown.i-ieft on turned ta Toronto aftcn spending Sunday for a week at Pnesqu'ile thrce weeks holidays witl bis Paint. grandparents, Mn. and Mns. N. E. Mn. and Mrs. Walter Whittaker Wright. and family, Toronto, spent the Mm. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson weekend at lier motlcr's home. and famnily visited Mn. and Mrs. Mn. and Mrs.- Roy Bray, Cam- Eph. Wright, Pontypool, and Mn. boumne, and Mn. and Mms. Donald and Mrs. Earl Wright, Peter- Fergusan, Cobourg, spent Sunday borough. with Mn. and Mrs. Ernest Eicy. Mm. and Mrs. Frank Denb, Miss Ruth Jones, Toronto, and Haydon. accompanied Mr. and Mn. Robent Joncs, Spokane, MmIs. Adiarn Sharp ta thc funemal Wash., are visting with tîcir sister-in-law, Mms. Thos. Joncs. Mrs. Florence McGee. Toronto,' is visiting hiem sîster. Mms. Ray- mond Bruce. Rev. and Mrs. D. T. Lancaster lcft this week an a month's holi- days. Mn. and Mns. Elmer Pollard and, of the late Mr. Milton Tliompson, Unionville. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Collacutt, Tvrone. with Mm. and Mrs. Wal- lace Griffin on Sunda.y. Mr. Wm. Lamb, Nestieton. ,with Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Lamb. Misses Margie and Wanda Flynnvr spent Sundav afternoon %vith Miss Linda and Master Dav- id Stainton. Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Ashton, Lois and Charles. %vere visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Billett. Scan- boro Bluffs. Mrs. Bettv White and Clark, Miss Jean McKeene. Toronto. at Mr. and Mrs. R. Mitchell's. Mr. Melville Griffirk, Black- stock, Nvas a Sunday caller at Mr. Russell Griffin's. Dr. and Mýrs. Clarke Dorland and family, Lapeer, mich., spent the weekcnd with lis mother, Mrs. John Dorland. Mr. Gordon Stevons is spending a few davs with friends in Kings- ton. Smiths Fallasand Carleton Place. Agriculture for Ontario. Mr. Carrall spoke of the changes which had accumncd since he lie- gan his work for the dcpartmcnt inýthis county 40 years ago.,Then he proceeded ta tell a !cw of the highliglits a! his trip ta, the Brit- ish Isles and Eurape last spring wîth the Ontaria ploughmen's teamn. They saw cattie on pastune in, Southenn Incland and rases biooming in Cornwall in early January. Thc cold bedrooms and the super-abundance o! frcsh air in the houses made themn a little homesick, hawevem. He mention- cdý the stnides being made over th'ore towards mechanization, but saitl that fanm help was apparent- ly I mare plentiful than here. Every available inch o! ground waê being utilizcd in mQst cases. Thie friendlincss and hospitality sliawn them cvcrywherc was ne- markablc, though many things which we are Inciined to take for granted are veny scarce and expensive. Mn. Camaill spake bniefly o! a trip through a number of west- ern .European countnies, mention- ing panticularly the napid stnides tawand recovery being made in West Germany. He said that by rushing back ta Londan fnom the Northi o! Ineland Plaughing Match tliey were able ta arrive in time for thc King's funeral. This was anc o! the highliglits a! thc tnip and one neyer ta be forgatten. Mm. Camaill closect by saying that a trip such as lis cauld not help but impmess an thc traveller wlat we awc ta those countnies for aur lenitage, aur culture, and our veny beginnings as a nation. Fine Entertainmcnt The brass quartet selections during the evening by Carias Tamblyn and Earl, Jerry and Mcmriii Bmown weme much enjoy- ed by ail. To close the evening, ice cream, cake, coffee and soft drinks wene semved. Tlie dinectors o! the Durham County Holstein Club wish ta sincercly tlank the following business men who sa generausly donated pnizes for the judginge competitian: Dan McGregam Hard- ware; W. H. Brown, Frank Jamieson. Durhiam County Fanm- ens' Co-Op., Wallace Manlow, Blackstock; J. Siemon. Enniskil- len: Palmer Matar Sales. family, Courtce. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walkey. Misses Beryl and Carol Reich- rath left Friday night by Colonial Bus for Montreal to spend two weeks with their father, Henry Reichrath. Master Donnie Maulson is holi- daying with an aunt and uncie at Indian River. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ovens and daugliter, Barbara, returned from their trip west on Sunday. They attcnded the Calgary Stampede. The George Henderson family held their annuai pienie at Co- bourg on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Paeden, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Paeden. Mrs. Cecil Walkey and her brother, Alfred Holdaway, left on Wednesday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Vice Holdaway, Brandon, Man. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Jones spent Saturday evenng with Mr. and Mr3. George Campbell and their daugliter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bickle, Three His, Alta. Cccii Burley icft Saturday morning for Cobalt to work witli his son. Harold. Mrs. Andrew Bandy underwent a serious operation at Memorial Hospital. Bowmanville, on Fni- day. Mrs. Willis Jones spent a couple 1 of days with her mother, Mrs.1 David Mcmriii, Warkworth. We are sommy to hear that Ken- neth Ciarke felI off a load of hay on Wednesday. He is in Port Hope Hospital, suffering from a back injury. More than 9 out of 10 Canadian homes are radio-equipped. One Canadian food chain store in 1951 paid $824 income tax per employee; on $100 million of food salcs, net carnings were $1.8 mil- lion, income taxes were $2 mil- lion. Clowning Around WITH smoking materials eau be very unfunny. Millions of dollars' worth of property is destroyed each year through carelessnesu with cigarettes, cigars, mat- ches.. t'se caution! And to be safe from $$$ loss to unpre- ventable fines, insure ade- quately wlth Stuart R. James INSURANCE- REAL ESTATE, 'Phone: Office 681 King Street. Bowmar Re&. 4931 2v1110 WEST BEI By The BEA( The sincere sympathy of this summen community and al their particular friends and acquaintahices, is extended ta the wife and family o! the late Mn. C. Bakcwell, who passed away on Tuesday, July 5. after a long ill- ness. Mn. Bakcweli and his fam- ily have spent their summens on this beach for many years. and bis happy disposition and friend- ly smile made for him many last- ing !icndships. Miss Edith 'Robinson with Mn. and Mrs. N. J. MuUyroland, Gail and Karen in hem cottage.' Mn. and Mns. David Ault, To- ronto, are hoiidaying in "Dav- el-ey". Mn. and Mrs. Norman Bottrell and Harvey, Toronto, in "Seldom Inn." Mr. N. Green, Mimico, holiday- Ing in the "Log Cabin." Mn. and Mns. A. Lowe and Bobby, Miss Shirley Fowler, To- onta, with Mn. and Mrs. A. Fowl- er in "Irma Dell." Mr. B. Edwands le!t Frîday for a two weeks motan trip througli Eastern Ontario and Quebec.> Mn. and Mrs. W. Barchard, Newcastle, with Mr. and Mns. J. Rice in "Sandhurst." Mms. C. Donney with liexÈsan, Mr. Fred Dorncy, Mm. and Mrs. Jack Dorney and family, Toron- ta, in hem cottage, X.T.C. Miss Mary Lee, town, with Miss Brenda Cooper. Mrs. Wm. Dunn, "Rusty Nook", witb 1er daugliten, Mrs. M. Law- son, Toronto. Mm. and Mns. Forcst Dilling, "Linger Longer", visited lis niece, Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Hannal and !amily, Bumington. .Mn. and Mrs. C. Lunney, town, in the Lunney cottage. Mn. and Mrs. R. Swindei, tawn, in "Feista". Mn. and Mrs. W. H. Canruthens and family Sundayed at their cot- tage. Mrs. Wilson Gambie. Oshawa, with Mr. and Mns. W. Mattbew in "Idlewyldc". Mn. and Mrs. P. Hayes and LCH NEWS CH COMBER !amîly, Taunton, wîth hem parents in "«Pop's Place". Dr. and Mrs. G. Miller and family, Mn. and Mrs. Sid Smith, Toranto, with their mother ini "The Lost Weekcnd". . Miss Nancy Varcoe, Civic Hos- pital, Peterborough, is vacation- ing with hem parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Varcae and Michael in "Rcst-A-While." Mrs. M. Allen, Judy and Janice visited with hem mother, Mrs. Scott, in Oshawa. Sonry ta hear Mms. C. Severs, West Beach store, is su!fering from poison ivy. We trust sIc will have a speedy recôveny. It bas been brouglit ta our atten- tion that thc Town Counicil have reccntly procured a flame thmow- er with which tley expect ta destrny weeds. There is anc patch known to the Beach Comb- cm on the West Beach, and it wauld lie an errand o! mcrcy ta emadicate this obnaxious pest and pravide a littie practice for those wlo will be openating this equipment. Thc higli water lias naw reced- cd ta thc place where it nonmally is found carly in thc season. Whule this high watem lias left damage in its wakc, it is. nat ir- reparable, and mudli less sa than in other localities. The geatest loss las been the children's play- gound which was completely cov- ened with watem. Thc West Beach road w'as forced ta retire for a while bencath thc higl watcm uine, but due to the efforts of thc Beach Association, thc level o?' tIc road was braught up ta a point whieh avencame the watcr level . Now provides that we can pmoceed on dry gmb)und the lcngth o! the beach, and the playgnound is rais- ing its head above the waten. Whule we are stili "on the road ta the cottages," let us take note that duc ta the efforts o! aur 1952 Town Council, thc road ta the beach has been graveiled. graded1 and dust-pooafcd! We venture ta say it is in thc bcst condition inJ New Canadian Beauly RANGETTES $49.95. New National ELECTRIC RANGES Automatic oven control, timer, etc. $189.00 New Westinghouse ELECTRIC RANGES Complete with light' and timer $249.00 GENEROUS TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD RANGE OR RANGETTE One Only New ROGERS tAR RADIO Regular $76.00 $69.00 New INGERSOLL WASHERS $ 124.00 Reconditioned BEATTY WASHER $49.50 Reconditioned CONNOR THERMO WASHER Complete with Pump $70.50 METAL ICE BOXES 50 lb. capacity $10.00 AUTOMATIC TOASTERS $19.95* many a year! Thanks. gentle- men, for a splendid effort The guards have taken their places at the crosslng and here also the, service is exceptionally fine. So, cottagers, frlends and guesta, just watch for the wave of a hand, to beckon yoia on, in safety, or detain you when danger is near. It is the duty of every driver, to assist the guards ini providing us with safe guidance over this crossing, by co-operat- ing and obeying, graciousiy, their every signal. Watch for the guards. The public property men of the beach have been busy repairing the sidewalks and generaliy re- pairing the beach. before the big event of the season, Civic Holi- day Sports Day. sets ini on them. Ail cottagers can assist these men by sprucing up the walks at their front door. Messrs. Green. Dilling and Mullholland will be happy to supply material for re- pairs to the Beach's Boardwalk.. Disposai containers have been set out on the beach for refuse. Do let us- be conscicus of where to place papers. wrappers and smali packages. When empty, place them in these containers, don't drop them on the beach. Let us keep our beach onie to which we can point with pride. It is undisputably one of the best sandy bathing beaches that Lake Ontario can boast. Guard is well, so that we ail may feel proud of this our own shore. The children were entertalned on Sunday evening to their week- ly movies. The men are enjoying horseshoe pitching in their leas- urely «hours during holidays and weekends. The bingo booth pro- vides amusement for young and old alike. The Log Cabin will entertain at bingo Saturday ev- ening. Several of the older ladies have arranged friendly games of euchre and 500. The dance pa- vilion is still the centre of at- traction for the young people. The smimming is fine and alto- gether there is fellowship for ail in whatever they choose to participate on the West.Beach. To ail governmentS last year Canadians paid more than $6 bil- lion or an overage of $1,720 (about the price of a new car) for every family of four. ______ New Norge REFRIGERATOÈS 8.7 cubic feet, freezer across the top with recessed racks on door. $369.00 New Norge REFRIGERATORS 8.2 cubic feet $329.00 New Astral REFRIGERATORS $149.00 New Deepireeze REFRIGERATORS 9.6 cubic feet, freezer across the top, recessed racks on door $399.00 GENEROUS TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD REFRIGERATOR OR ICE BOX One Only Used R E FRIG CERBA TOR 6 cubie feet, reconditioned and guaranteed $1 19.00 SUMNER SALE of SPACE HEATERS Norge Space Heater Large Size - Regular $149.00 $109.00 Norge Space Heater Medium Size - Regular $129.00 $89.00 General Electric ELECTRIC KETTLES $12.00 LOW DOWN PAYMENT -- UP TO 24 MONTHS TO PAY DiUltHyrS FURNITURE AND MURPY' SAPPLIANCE STORE - In Bowmanville - PHONE 811 52 KING ST. W. - In PHONE 3-8634 Oshawa -T.S 117 SIMCOE S.S VI-lqw r e_,às ïýATO7:UR5>U7MMiRc5HOl5 e mý TEM CANADUN "STATESMAlq, ]BOWMANVME, ONTARIO PAGE Nnm

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