TE CANADIAN STATESMAI, EOWMANVTML. ONTARTO The Newcastle Independemi 59argaret Ath Telephone 2511 1 Newcastle Mns. Ronald Sharpe, Teddy, Miss Eva Merriam, Toronto, is John and Ronald, Kingston, spent halidaying with her mother, Mrs. a few days recentiy with Mr. and R. J. Merriam. Mrs. Wm. McCracken, Eleanor Mrs. Allun Rowe and Glen left and K'enneth. last Tuesday for a three months' Mr. Fred Blackburn visited visit with her mother, Mrs. Iris with relatives ini Toronto for a Pattison. and famhily of Seghill, few days recently. England. It will be the first time Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adams of Mrs. Rowe has seen her family Montreal and three sons called on since coming to Canada as a war Mr. and Mrs. J. E. W. Phiip, on bride. Sunday. Miss Muriel Lake and Mvr. El1 Keyes, Toronto, spent the week- Misses Irene Watts and Diane end with Mrs. J. A. Smith. Mr. Baker. Norwood, are visiting Mr. Smith and Joey are at their cot- and Mrs. Cecil Ferguson. tage at Gore's Landing. Miss Lida The Newcastle Memorial Lib- Lake, Toronto, arrived on Sun- rary will be closed for two weeks day to spend a few days with the -Aug. 6-18 inclusive. Smith's. Miss Gienda, Mr. Wayne and Miss Linda Randall spent a Mr. Bobby McMuilen leit an Sun- few days recentiy with relatives day to spend a few days with in Guelph and Belfountain. their grandparents in Campbell- Mrs. Robt. Duck escaped the croft. Mr. andi Mrs. Frank Me- extreme heat of Toronto over the Mullen and Donnie started on a weekend by coming ta her home motor trip east on Monday. here an King St. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Tomkin- Mr. and Mrs. Reg Meadows and son and children, Toronto, visit- family have returned from a ed Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Barchard pleasant motor trip ta the St. and family on Sunday. In the af- Lawrence. ternoon the Barchards and Tom- Mn. Frank Clegg, telier at the kinsons motored ta Caesarea. local Canadian Bank of Com- Miss Donothy Trenwith, Toron- merce, is enjaying two weeks' to, is spending a vacation with vacation, at Petawawa Army her father, George Trenwith and Camp. her aunt, Miss Louise Trenwith at 'Clovermere." In 1939 Ottawa took 49 cents Mrs. Eari Walton spent a few out of Canadians' tax dollar, pro- days in Toronto recentiy. On vinces and municipalities took 51 Sunday. Mr. Earl Walton and cents; in 1951 Ottawa took 73 grandsoh, Terry, motoned there cents of the tax dollar. other gov- ta bring hen home. ernments 27 cents. FEIDAY - SATURDAY - JULY 25 - 26 INEI'IE SOINS THEIR WILG GATS! ý ý- MON. - TUES. - WED. JULY 28 - 29 - 30 Decorated Bicycle Winners Pose With Sturdy Steeds The parade over and the keen competition ended, j The attractive young. Miss at left, Jean Cully, won first these young winners in the best decorated bicycle contesti place honors for her attractively decorated bicycle, just pose for The Statesman camera at the Cream of Barley nosing out Bill Barton, who came second, and Jacqueline1 Camp where the Second Annual Community Picnic, spon- Bird, third place winner. The bicycle parade was led by, sored by the Bowmanville Recreation Commission, was held. the much-appreciated Canadian Legion Pipe Band. Newcastle Reeve Complains Thai ailunl .>IRUi 6y To the New Busini X At the Counties Councîl session heid at Cobourg last week Reeve J. Rickard af Newcastle painted - out that the high school levy for his municipaiity had been made a n an assessment which had in- ciuded the new business assess- M ment, which in itself had been in- jcreased by $23,000. He felt that it should nat have been based on any mare than one-haif ai the business assessment, in view ai the increase and he pointed out that the change in the levy shouid have been delayed until the new assessments ai ail the municipal- ities had been made. In this regard, Reeve Elmer Scott af Hope Township express- ed agreement. He declared that the high school board had no right ta use the new business assessment of Newcastle while using the aid equalized assess- ment for other purpases. Reeve M. Vanstone of Bowmanville said that it was not right ta penalize those who were re-assessed first. On motion it was reierred ta the equalization cammittee. Report af Children's Aid Report ai the Chiidren's Aid Society for Northumberland and Durham fan the period ai Jan. 1, 1952. ta June 30 in the samne year, covered the wonk ai the saciety in regard ta child weifare, i- vestigatian of iamily troubles involving children, adaptions Pand supervision af chiidnen in L foster homes. During the six months there were 84 interviews in regard ta requests for service or complaints. As af June 30, the society had 116 children in board- ing foster-homes, which is three fewer than for the saine peniod last year. Finances, Improve The financiai condition ai the societv had imiproved due ta the increase in the per dietn cosi of $1.16 per day which mare ade- qiuatelyý covers the looking aiter the wards ai the sacietv. The kpayrnents irom the caunties council on the unit or service b asis has helped ta caver the cast 1 ai the preventative type ai work. iTatal revenue for, the year 1951 ta 1952 was $64,456.93 and ex- penditures, $71.282.94. Estimated revenue for the *'ear 19.52 ta 19,53 is $74,810.00 and estimated ex- pendîture is $74,798.00. Increase o; One Mill Reeve Ralph Locke ai Camp- Ibelîford, chairman ai the fin- ance cammittee, submnitted a ten- tative budget foir 1952 which cail- ed for a milI rate af 1212 milîs, an increase ai ane miii aver last year. Much af the session Thursday afternoon was devoted ta inter- views with insurance agents ne- garding a propased pension plan for emplovees nf the counties. No action was taken pending con- sideration ai the proposai by the finance commnittee. Campbellford Asks $5,000 More A deputatian tramn Mernorial Hospital. Canmpbeilfond, which is in process ai construction. toid council that they wene grateful for the $15,000 granted by the counties council as a result of previaus requests for aid. As the fund was short by $20,000 ai its ultimate objective, the board wauid appreciate a further grant ai $5,000 irom the caunties. On motion the request was reierred ta finance conimittee. In connection with a Deparf- mnent retîuest foi ruîs1erezhiv crr- Ptiicatîon of aid age pensianens L F 100 rngitvue iess Assessment ibetween 65 and 70 where it was felt that they wene incapable ai laaking aiter their financiai ai- fains, council devoted some dis- cussion ta the matter and then passed a nesolutian that the pen- sions be paid ta the caunties with- out a forma] deciaration that the pensianer is incapable. ENFIELD Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Prescatt, Misses Ruth and Marie, Mn. Aylmer Pnescatt necently enjoyed a, two hundred and fifty mile moton trip ta Bancroft going by way ai Havelack and Madoc and returning by way ai Apsley and Peterborough. Misses Marion and Evelyn Pas- cae spent a few days wîth their aunt, Miss Evelyn Cunningham, Brantford. Miss Marie Pnescott is holiday- ing with Miss Shirley Smith, Oshawa. Ian Beaton, Oshawa, is holiday- ing with relatives here. One who desires ta excel shauid endeaaur it in those things that are in themselves most excellent. -Epictetus. for WEDDINGS and SHOWERS Euaglish Chinia Cups and Saucers Cake Plates Bon Bans and Novelties Crysftal Stemt.vare - Fruit Bowls Plates » Water Sets and Vases. Decarations and Gif t Wrappings. J. W. JEWELL "BIG 1120" 27 King st. W.. Bowimanvtle Cadmus W.A. and W.M.S. was Miss Jane Gribble, London, hel atMrs MavinNesbitt's wit hber parents. Mn. anid Mrs. last Wednesday night. A repart AlnGibe wiii be in this issue. Presentation af a Bible f Mr. and Mrs. Russell Larmen At the Sunday Schaal servic and Bernice visited Mr. and Mrs. in the United Church, Miss Elsie Harold Lanmer's Sunday. Richardson presentedi a lovely Mn. and Mrs. James McKee, large Bible ta the schaol in mem- Mn. and Mrs. Bert Gîbson and ory of her parents, the late Thos. Mn. Charles Gibsan visited friends Richardson and Sarah Stapies, in Uxbridge Sunday. bath of whomn during thein lufe- Master Douglas Thampson is time had been active wonkers in spending some summer holidays the old Methodist Church. with his grandmother and Jahn In accepting the Bible an be- Thompson. hali ai the schaol, Mn. A. H. Monk, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Malical m, Supenintendent, paid tribute ta Calvin McKee and Orma Moore! the Richardson famiiy, teiiing ai attended the Yelverton picnic at Mr Richardson's activities in the Orno Park Sunday. church and his term ai 20 years as class leader in the Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Dave Wilson and Schoal. His family, ai which Lloyd visited friends in Toronto Miss Elsie Richardson is the iast Sunday. surviving member, were ahl in- Mr. and Mrs. Norman Edgerton terested in the work ai the accampanied Mn. and Mrs. Harold Chunch and Sunday Schoai and Crawford ta Coîborne Sunday. members ai the Choir. Mn. Ivan McKee spenty Sunday Mn. Monk nequested Miss Rich- at Part Boîsten with frîends ta a ardson ta read the first lessan picnic. from the Bible, but instead she Mn. and Mrs. Bill Jackman and quated from memany the lO3nd famîly, Toronto, with Mn. and Psaim, aul 22 verses, beginning Mns. Pency' Wiliiamsan and Mrs. "Bless the Lord, oh my soul, and Williamson. aIl that is within me, bless His We are sorry ta hear ai Bîlly Holy Name." Hanna having the misfartune Of Miss Richardson lives alane in bneaking his knee whiie working the village and although advanced an a cruster at a construction in years she maintains ber active campany. Billy is in Toranto interest in chunch work; laoks Generai Hospital. aiter her awn large garden. A Master Denny Gay, Caurtice. tale nted singer and euacutionist, is holidaying with his grand: she gives unspaningly ai ber tal- parets, r. nd Ms. Ocarents and no cammunitv event is peare. ad Ms Ocrcomplete without a '*reading' with ber gnandmother. Mrs. Ona BETHANY The United Church Sunday School picnic was heid at Orono Park an Wednesday aiternoan. Thene were 125 in attendance and ail en.ioyed the sports pnagram planned by Norman Lowes. Mrs. Hilliard Bristow and son Allan are visiting at the haime ai her sister-in-law, Mrs. George MacBuirnie and her nephews Glen and Garry Davis in Eldorado. Mn. and Mrs. J. Cpbunn and children, Sally and Peter, have neturned fnom two weeks vaca- tion at Wasaga Beach. Miss Evelyn McKinnon, Mont- real, is holidaying with her par- ents, Mn, and Mns. James McKin- non. Miss Alta McGilI, Peterborough, is home for vacatian with Mn. and Mns. Herman McGilI. Messrs. Bob and Maurice Driv- er are on a matar trip thnough the United States. Mn. and Mrs. Reg. Jahnston, Tisdale, Sask., with Miss Lily Tt4ompsan and Miss Mattie Thompson. Misses Nancy and Carol Han- cock, Orona, with their gnandpar- ents, Mn. and Mns. George Wad- deil. Mn. and Mns. Miltan Wright were in Unianville attendipg the funeral ai Milton Thampson. Mn. Cnaig Nesbitt, Pont Arthun, and Miss Doroth 'v Shennîfi, To- ronto, wîth Miss Winnifned Nes- bit t. Aîrwoman Peggy Reynolds, R. C.A.F., Clinton, with hen parents, Mn. and Mrs. Charles Reynolds' Mns. Leonard McNeiI, Peter- barough, with ber sister-in-law, Mrs. Canleton Pattan. Miss Dianne Thampson, Taun- tan, with Mn. and Mns. Milton Wright.a Guests wth Mrs. Richard Fallis were Mns. Hugh McDonald, To- ronto, and Mn. and Mrs. Jack Fair, Smiths Falls. C Mrs. R. L. Bolton, Port Arthur, with Mn. and Mrs. Charles Reyn- a IdI Miss Norma Thorndyke, Mimico, Mr~ viss icharason. The Sun- day 'School members deeply ap- preciate the gift and her contin- tied interest in the Schoal. ____________________ T!!URSDAY, 3ULY 1<, isn Nestieton W. A. and W.M.S. met at the home of Mrm. Kenneth Sameils, Juiy 17, Mns. Sameils' gnoup in change. Meeting opened with a hymn, with Mns. Ailan Suggitt at the piano. There wene 14 ladies, sevenai ohildnen and Rev. Hutton present. Mns. Hut- ton gave the devational and Mrs. N. C. Marlow led in prayen. Ral cali was answened with "My Fav- orite Picnic Place." Study Book was nead by Mns. KC. Sameils. Plans were made fon a cake and ice cream social. Program: read- ings were given by Mns. N. C. Marlow. Mrs. George Johns and Mrs. L. Joblin. Mrs. Johns put on a quizz. Mrs. Sameils and graup served a dainty lunch. Ail wene given a vote ai thanksp. Mrs. Adelbent Beacock very kindly invitéd us ta hem home for the next meeting on August 21, Mrs. M. Emerson's graup in charge. Don't fonget W. I. Grandmoth- ens' Meeting at Mrs. Cecil Wil- son's on July 30. Our W. I. are invited ta, visite Biackstock, Aug- ust 6th. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mns. Wilford Jackson wha are celebnating thein silven wedding, July 27. Mn. Lloyd Nesbitt, Part Arthur, called on friends an Wednesday. Mn. Roy Wright, Toranto; Mr. and Mns. Rae Malcolm, Yelver- tan, visited Mn. and Mrs. L. Job- lin. Mn. and Mrs. Mervin Bird and iamily, Brooklin, visited Mn. and Mrs. M. Emerson. Miss Margaret Steele. R.N., To- ranto, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steele. Mns. Margaret Sprouie and Mr. Len Badgiey, Toronto, cailed on Mn. and Mrs. L. Jablîn. Mn. Francis Irwin, Toronto, and Mn. and Mrs. Reg Middleton and young son, Malton, visited Mn. and Mrs. H. Vine. We wene pieased ta have Mn. and Mrs. Percy Bradbury and family. Scugog Paint, at the ser- vice on Sunday. Donald and Raymond gave us some splendid music. G]ad ta hear Mrs. John Hoos'er is able ta be home fram Oshawa Hospital. The Central Ontario circuit opens with Belleville, Aug. lu ta 14, and ends 4t Norwood, Oct. ffee SIbp Il ta 13. i NESTLETON SPECIJ 15% REDi on MONDA« WEDNESI 0o1 PERNANI HmUYC HAIRDRES: Phone7 The rear of Cof [AL UCTION kY and iDAY [ENTS ' S 703 The Opening 0f The Powmanvi11e Television Shop ai 33 King St. W. SIEE A COMPLEEULNE 0F PHILIPS APPLIANCES JNCLUDING THE WONDERFUL NEW PHILIPS LONG DISTANCE TELE VISION N. WOODS, Prop. First Winner in Hooper's Treasure Hunt 4W A. Mrs. Berneice Budai, the first Treasure Chest Hunt winner, being presented wil a silver tea service and tnay by Arthur Hooper. Second winner was Mr. Ray Goode, Onono, who won an 1847 Rogers Bros. silvi carving set. There are stili a number of winning keys... If you haven't tried your key corne in now. PAGE FOURTEMI Everybody in town looks to our WANT-ADS for FAST ACTION! Litlie Ads With B 1 G ResulifsJ Our Want-Ad users are neyer disappointed! Tbey get the fast action they expect, alwa-ys. They use them to turn articles they don't need into cash they d? need! Tbey ent .buy . .swap seil through our action-packed Want-Ads at the lowest possible cost. Calil aur Ad-Taker, now! READ OUR WANT-ADS FOR PROFIT .. . USE THEM FOR QUICK RESULTS! i'<ead by 15,0)00 Prospec-tive titomnel 1 -ý ,hop THE GREATER STRENGTE I've seen you lift the heavy lo. And meet the crucial test. ' I've watched you plod the ma road .;. And neer pause ta rest. That showed you're ma6s sturdy stuff. But are you sure you're ure enough To conquen little things? Can you hold back the an word, Control the temper wld? Can you forget the sneers you heard And give an answer mild? You have the strength for mgh deeds- The strength the poet sings-, But have you got the st,~ one needs To conquer little things? -Louis E. Thayeêýý Each mile of railway track if Quebec has more than 800 peopl~ ta support it; in Saskatchewai there are fewer than 100 person, per mile of track. CADMUS Watch Fo'r