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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Aug 1952, p. 9

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TNURSDA'Y', AVUUST 2!. 115 f~T!~ ~AT~ATVA~T ~rA'rw~M'A~7 ~O¶~'7~I A~TrnT., W fl7'.79'A '~n Mrs. John Oliver and son, Uffalo, and Mrs. J. G. Jackson, rona, spent Thursday with Mn. dd Mrs. George Smith. tMisses Nelda and Canolyn Ed- Wards left on Sunday fan a twq weeks' vacation in Brampton ,and Toronto. Rev. R. Russell Gardon preacli- ed last Sunday and will preach ain next Sundav at St. Pauls esbytenian Chuncli, Walton St. t Hope, before returning ta *ew Glasgow, N. S. We are certainly glad ta see #Kr. Frank Gray home and out &round again and particularly iooking as well as he does after his unfortunate accident. 1. Little Miss Canal Gray bas been summen holidayîng at Merrywood Camp, Perth, but Will saon be returnng home to her parents, Mn. and Mns. Dave Gray, Mn. Collier Winslow. Countice, and New Brunswick, spent Sat- urday with Mn. and Mns. Alex1 Hendry and Miss Bette Gray. Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Byers, Birch Cliff, visited Dr. W. H. 'Walton-Ball at Harris Lodge. 1 Mr. and Mns. George Smith spent Sundav' with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Glass. Kendal. Mn. and Mns. George Dowling and family, Windsor, are occupy- îng Mn. Eric Walton-Ball's cot- tage "~Longwood", during Aug- ust. The Dowlings have punchas- ed the adjoining lot whene Bank- bain Hall.,xvich was destfroyýedl in the disastrous fine of the fail of 1940. stood. They întend ta buîld in the near future.1 Messrs. Albert Navlon, Fnankl Miller, William Holubenko, W1il- son McManus and Richard a attended a Finemen's Convention hcld at the Stamfond Centre, nean Niagara Falls. Mrs. Wm. Treleaven leaves on Sunday for Toronto where she will fly ta Anbong. Man.. ta holi- day witb relatives and ficnds. Laten she will continue, by air, ta the west coast where she will stay for a holiday. At present Mns. Treleaven is visiting iu Buffalo. Miss Inene Rinch is enjoying a holiday uitb flends in Toronto. Miss Barbara Bonathan, R.N., Toronto, spent a few days witb hen parents, Mn. and Mns. H. C. Bon athan. Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Stonks and Candy. bave netunned fnom ai ut __________ Ai Dominion Store OnIy DELICIOUS - HIGH QUALITY - LOW COST DELUXE SALAD DRESSING ifi-oz. 2I Jar21 32-oz. GOLD SEAL - RED CKEYE AL MON391 This Week Special - TUIOENOOUS VALUE! RED SEAt. "HM MEAT FLAKES SPECIALI TUNA FiSH ý -t»M YALEY-srD.-ÇREAM STYLE bLDEN CORN 21'"2%27st ateWrfS-CHOiCE PMUE PLUMS 41L HEINZ-ASSORTED INFANT & JUNIOR FOODS w». 29î H*iNZ-IN T-S. SPAGHETTI WELCH'S-PURE 2'27Y "Irs PRESERVING TlkME' WHIT SUGR0" i 1GRAPE JUICE CERTO CRYSTALS l:1 171 PARAWAX QUALITY ALWAYS GUARANTEED Jubilee Freestone PEACHES -SEE OURS FIRST - Callfornla Seediess - Size lOOls SUMNIST GRAPEFRUIT - 5 for 29c Plcked the Day You Buy Tt CORN ON THE COB SliI%'FET) Doz. 39c Now ini Supply ... Ried, Green Peppers Pickhing Onions j Cauliflowers - Tomatoes MAPLE LEAF BOLOGNA Sliced 33c 16 o 25î CHOC-6OLD--SILYER OIL VIE CAKE MIXES DOMINION PEANUT BUTTER SPECIAL OFFER! 1/2 PRICE SALE BuY One Packacge et Reg. Prce end Got Another for !/2 Price. RiN SO0 2 2t,59% CANADJAN MILD CHEESE 1b. 45C BURNS Dominion Breakfast BACON t,2-lb. pkg. 23c Values effective Thursday, Frîday and Saturday, August 21, 22, 23. The Newcastle Independem.t Ranraet Aah Telephone 2511 Newcastle ten passiug earl 'v Wednesdav, ug. 13, at his home at Elizabeth-l uIcl. Ceci]livas born on the arm now occupied bv Norman 3attan, ou Nov. Mbh, 1884. and 'esided in this district for sanie -ars after bis manniage ta Mary me Peacock. Two sistens, Mary 4rs. Eber Luxon sund Coa VIns. Norman Patton); aiso two )others, Roy and Bill, still ne-~ de here, wbîle Harny îs in nanao, and John who predeceased àm last Apnil, lived at Garden i ii.1 The high esteem in %vhich heý as held was clearlv shown bv e many beautîful fl oral tnibutes id the very large attendance at e funenal which was held fnomn e residence Frîday afternoon. Lug. 15, with interment in Orono ,metery. The rutabaga is a Swedish tur-. pleasant holiday at Kirk.anc Lake. ivir. Frank Clegg, teller ir Canadian Bank of Commerce ieft an Saturday ta enjoy anothei week's holidays. Be sure ta read in t1ris issue al' about entertainxnent the Swif, Current Boys' Band la putting on here In Community hall or August 29. It will be the bul musical event of a decade, plui the home coming of a native son, George Warren. Mn. and Mrs. Milton Robinson INewtonville, spent a day witl M r. and Mrs. GeongeebSmith. Mn. Robent Martin, son -of Mnr and Mrs. Larue Martin, No. 9 has been clerking in H. C. Bon- athan's Hardware store durink vacation. Miss Donothy Tnenwith, Toron. ta, spent the week-end with her fathen, Mn. George Tnenwith. and her aunt, Miss Louise Trenwith at 'Clovermcre". Mn. and Mrs. Tom Hardy and family were Sunday guests of Mn. and Mns. Alf Adair and Debarah. At the Sunday morning ser- vice of Newcastle United Church, Rev. W. W. Patterson, now ai Noranda, Que., was guest preach- er. Many of his former congrega- tien were an hand ta bid him we]come. Dr. and Mns. Clegg, Kingston, called on Mr. and Mns. George Smith. We have never taken the op- partunity but we wauid like ta now, of welcaming Mn. and Mrs. George Glanville ta aur fair vil- lage. Mn. and Mrs. Glanvilie are occupying the hause vacated by Mn. and Mrs. Fred H. Graham and Albert. Miss Edith Cowan. Toronto, spent last week with Mn. and Mrs. J. C. Hancock and Ruth. Mn. and Mrs. Adain Hancock and Murray were Saturday guests of the Hancack's. Miss Boulden. Toronto, is spending this week as a guest af Mns. P. F. Le Gresley. Visitons on Sunclay with Mn. and Mrs. Howard Pearce and family aud Mn. Ernest Pearce, were Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard and Mn. and Mrs. Garnet Rickard and family, Shaw's. Miss Peggy Pearce and Mr. Ed. Hane y, Toronto, visited her mother, Mrs. H. R. Pearce. Mn. and Mrs. David Law, Ton- anto, were weckend guests of Mn. aud Mrs. Tom Spencer. Mrs. Jessie Scultharpe, Part Hope, spent the week-end with Mr. Ernest Pearce and Mn. and Mrs. Howard Peance. We are glad ta report that Mn. Howard is convalescing nicely at home aften his senlous openation in Oshawa Hospital. Mn. and Mns. Archie Martin and family are visiting Mn. J. P. Martin and family. Messrs. Morley Allin and Per- cy Brown left on Sunday for Cobocank, whcne they commenced construction of a summner home for the H. C. Bonathan's. Mn. and Mrs. Roy Colwill and Glen, Toronto, visited Mn. Ernest Peance and Mn. and Mrs. Howard Peance. Mrs. L. Pemberton ànd J. Jackson. Toronta, are visiting ber I daughten. Mrs. Herbie F. Gibson1 and Mr. Gibson. Miss Etta Holmes, Oshawa. isi visiting Mrs. E. C. Hoar and resting comfortably after her very seniaus illness. Ray Aiken of the R.C.N.. in1 Halifax, N. S., is visiting his pan- ents, Mn. and Mrs. Keith Aiken. ]KENDAL Miss Kathleen Geach has re-, turned fnom visiting in Lindsay. j Mrs. George Clark and Missi Jerry Donnelly, Toronto, arej holidaying at the former's sum-1 mer home. Master Peter Reynolds is spend- ng a couple of weeks with bis undle at Bunford. Mn. and Mrs. Paul Smit. Ham- iton. visited Mn. and Mrs. Martin Manders. Saturday. Mn. and Mn5. H. R. Reynolds. Caesarea, visited Mn. and Mrs.' H. Reynolds. Mn. and Mrs. Don Little and' David, Toronto, were guests of his mother, Mrs. Neya Little. Mr. and Mns. A. Colon, Rager' and aunt, Mrs. Bell, Hamilton, visited last week with Mrs. Hattie Mr. .M-a. n.Il Mn Miss C.-W. Ste wart Jgave a very1 tonville and' as-fa--n-ôorth as interesting talk on "Memories of1 Omemee went ail the way t Pioneer Days' and it is to be Kingston to have their grain made regretted that there were nat ino flour. Despite the hardships more ladies ta hear this talk, of the early days, the settiers en- which carried us back a hundred jayed themselves in many ways. ycars or more whcn brave souls' Neighbours were always welcome from their homes in the British in cach other's homes and one of Isles set sail acrass the Atlantic the simple pleasures was the ta make homes for themselvcs in husking bee. - _______- ___- -- A peîvteî' communion chalice. a buttonhook which the ladies used! ~~jta button their baots a generationi Ke rô - ' :' or sa ago, a pretty paper weight BYMSN&De --*" and a mustache cup, were some of the antiques bnought ta the meeting. Miss Stewart also show- r d a metal article uscd for mould- ing candies. The singing of the. Institute sang brought the meet-! ing ta a close after which ne- frcshments and a social chat werc enjoyed. Mrs. W. Geanýy and Mrs. T. Falls being the hast-I esses. Current events in wbich al'; - iembers took part mcntioned' eg highcn prices for meat and coal.! the miarniage of Anthony Eden, and Canadians at the port of Seattle an their w'ay home on ro- tation leave. I <You Tnow, ma, that junk sure 1 ~belps at that", NEW FEATURES 8 /c) Cu. Ft. Size -BIG VALUE! FRIGIDAIRE Master MocieI. " Full-width Super-Freezer Chest " Adjustable sheif " Ali-Porcelain Hydrators " Exclusive Quickube Trays " Super-Powered Moer-Misur Mochanism Zome in and sue the new Cycle'. matic Frigidaires -and ail the other new refrigerators SALEM Salem W.A. wîll bold thein! August meeting at the home of Mrs. W. G. Wery.. on Thursday. August 21. Congratulations ta Mr. aud Mrs. Ernest Twist an the arrivai of a baby boy. Messns. Kyle and Laurence Squair, Miss Ida Stephens and Mrs. W. G. Wcnrv attended the funenal of the late Arthur Rey- nolds at Welcome on Saturday. Mrs. Ronald Hall aud childnen spent last week with Mn. and Mrs. J. Hall wbile Mn. Ronald Hall was iu New York State on business. They aIl rcturned ta Chatham on Sunday. *Mrs. Cline. Saskatcbewan, vis- ited lien niece, Mrs. Ronald Hall, last Fniday. Mrs. Bruce Little and children, Agincaunt, Mrs. W. Allin, Kinby.î spent Saturday with Mn. sudi Mis. Ken Shackleton.1 Master Eric Shackleton is hol- I idaying with Mn. and Mrs. BaIl,j Leskand.1 Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Welshý and family, Mr. and Mrs. K.! Shackleton and famil 'v enjox'ed: a motor trip ta Onillia and Bar-, rie on Sunda.v. ENFIELD Miss Ruth Prescott is spendîngý her holidays with relatives ini Western Ontario. Mn. and Mrs. Alfred Oleson, iMarkdalc, spent a week withi ber parents, Mn. and Mns. M. Gilroy. Miss My'rtle Tambivo, Toronto, is with ber sister, Mrs. W. Bow- mari. Mr. and Mrs. Millican, Toronto., Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hall, Brook- Iiii .Mdrs. Richard Hall and Mrs. Smith, WhitbY, Mn. and Mrs.; George Bray. Raglan, with Mrs. W.ý J. Ormiston. Mn. and Mrs. Harold Ormiston u-itb their daughter Lois, Brook- Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Bantlett. Whitbv. Mn. and Mrs. Walter Holliday, Brooklin, at Elmer Lee's. Mn. and Mrs. Edgar Pnescotti and Glenn, Mn. and Mrs. Donald! Prescotsud Marion v.itb Mn.!I anîd Mî's. Wilbcrt Smitb and Mn. and MNIs. Ross Smith, Oshawa. W. A. met at the home of Mrs. G. Bowmnan. This ivas a mother and daughîer meeting with a large attendance. Senipture was î'ead alternatelv:; reading on mis- ýionarv wonk was given bv Mis. Lloyd Smith. and devotional by Mrs. Rod Simpson. Pragnam con- sistcd of a sang by young daugh- ieî's assîsted by some visitons, a n; accordeon solo by Miss Mary He- len Bowman, and a veny interest- I i DD»mtWL um UMD They're Coming With Geo. WarrenN slùSain Bruce Heaslip to make plans for tura] Engineering, O.A.C. Thoe their euchre and dance in Sept. circulars are "Swath Comblnlng Mrs. Heaslip served lunch and ail Clover Seeds" and "Seed Crre. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ward, enjoyed a social hall hour. Roto Wsndrower for Mowers-, Richard and Sandra. Peterbora, Sunday evening service was and both are obtainable at the wlth Mr. and Mra. Gordon Met- again wvel] attended in the res- ofie o h giulua ers caif., byterian Church. Mr. McCombenti. Mr. Joe Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. delivered a very fine address and C. Jackson, Elmvale. Mr. and the Rîtchie sisters of Toronto, Mrs. John Webster, Lindsay; Mr. favoured with two splendid num- and Mrs. H. McComb, Moira and bers, a duet and a trio. Mr. Mc- Raymond with Mr. and Mrs. Hr Comb also announced the gift of. man Samelîs.r 25 riew hymn books to the church. Miss Gwen Wilson Ia home. This v'ery generous donation is having finished her summer greatly appreciated and thanks course at Queen's University. are extended to the giver who Mr. and Mrs. Albert Greig. wishes to remain anonvmous. Billie and Sandra, Toronto, Nwith Nestieton Women's Institute Mr. and Mrs. J. Harris. vated $25.00 lowards - Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Marlow. amiusement in the park for the Mr. and Mrs. Frank Symons and; children. Several interested citi- Joan enjoyed a motor ttrp to Zens are erecting swings and tee- Haliburton and Bancroft. ters wvhich it is hoped wili hielp" alt h)a) Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Tompkins' ta keep the children safe and1 Says: "T0a alt hI and Jimmie were in town follow- away from the highway traffic. LW_. ra saving usinE Marathons! ing their trip to England and re -___________ port a grand holiday.1 Mr. and Mrs. Russel Mauntjay, Impoe aretn Siash truck tr costs witli Blackstock; Mr. and Mrs. Merlin' poe n9etîgtr Hepburn, Enniskillen, visited Miss Methods of Clover The above charming trio are coming to Newcastle Rose Mountioy. G t ODftjP'EI4K Community Hall Friday, Aug. 29, with the famnous Swift Mrs. Cecil Siemnon is visiting J.evelopeQ at jj.C. Mr. Sleman and Mr. and Mrs. Current (Sask.) Boys' Band which is being brought here Lorenzo Mountjay. One cause o the fallhng off in Am u by a native of Newcastle, 83-year-old George Warren and Miss Rose Mountjoi-. Mr. Lor- seed productoof lgmsla his' son, Charlie. vtho is the Bandmaster. These young enzo Mountjoy and Mr. Ceci] been found ta be inefficient meth- musicians play the glocken spiels, which, according to Siemon visited their aunt, Mrs. ods of harvesting. In order to rc- Westî s anîntîmet f und eis 1aed~î~ ~ih*Crossman, Oshawa. duce the stripping lasses from ma- 1CmeIIoo n Westr i anistuen f undbel, lve po vihi Mn. and Mrs. Campbell, Baille- ture heads of clovers and gimilar Cmi so n hammers cwr sounded b.v rods attached Io a keyboard" boro. visited Mr. and Mrs. Bruce small-seeded crops harvested with let us equip your Heasiip. combines, a roto Windrower, an fr truck with long- Mrs. J. W. Irvine neturncd, ilexpensive attachment for maw- mileage, low- Ke da W me 'sIsttue njyhome after holidaying in Bow- ers las been developed at the priced Goodyear Mrs. George Bowers opened hier gentle notarv action of the wind- run and Run and Fine Address on Pioneer Days home Thursday evening for the rower forms a windrow having RN YPresbyterian Ladies' Aid meeting. mast of the seed heads on top, The ladies voted $75.00 towarci keeping them off the ground. J/ The W. I. met in the Sunday1 a land covered by forests. One the painting of the church and Such windrows are more wveather i School room on Wednesday nighit, 1 roomed log houses were the first proceeds of the next baking sale resistant than roped or twisted $99 6.00X16 August l3th, with the presidenit, ta be erected and the anly light to -buy hymn books. The waste ones, and greater seed recovery Mrs. N. Kennedy, in the chair. to read by was a blazing pine paper campaign is ta continue for resuits in the pick-up combinîng Th eeig pne ih h jkot il ritws lntfianother month. Several readings operations. LOOK FOIR THIS singing of the Institute Ode fol- 1 and this was preserved with ma- were given and a contest won wt cobingla be HI IGI lowed by repeating the Mary 1pie sugar or dried for use in the by Miss Ruth Proutt. Mrs. For- found ta yield fan more seed per 0F QUALITY Stewart colleet. The roll cali was iwinter. Game was plentiful, and der and Mrs. Nesbitt assisted the straight combining of alsike, red "1an antique, with a bnief history venison. Squirrels were salted hostess with the dainty lunch, acre than separatar threshing or of it.'. The minutes were adop- duwn in barrels made of the hol- The Institute hospital commit- lvr n aiocoe.Wt rclver a ord ladio ler. With O : i ted as read. There w-as more dis- low trunks of trees. Ail clathing tee met at the home of Mrs. oned claer, orexamplb e sat cussion on the articles to be made \Vas manulactured at home and for the Orono Fair. Miss Helen' Miss Stewart exhibited some per acre. while straight combin- Hoy. who was pianist for* the! home spun matenial which seem- ing talk by Mrs. A. W. Prescott ing yeledonlv 120 lbs. M T R metig lo avre it amu c a go a1nw.ionlhen trip through part of the Farmers who are interested in meein alo avredwih mu 1edas oo a ne. rsU.S.A. last June.1 impraving their harvesting meth- POE'8 sical selection entitled "Memnor- I Highwvay No. 2 a hundred years Mr. and Mrs. Fred TaylIor and odsofegmscn btite s ies" and Miss Ruby Col]ett fav- ago was littie mare than a path faioadMs .Sakvst aetifaregmtionan othi stetNIC UC oured with the selection "L*aval-lt hrough the bush. Grists had to amed frinds. J.enSound. and fro tw cinfcrmars jutist prereES& ERIC anche'. Both these numbers! be carried ta Port Hope and ear- er risintaSon n 1by mte Depcament opAricul- were very much enjoyed. j ier than that, settlers fromn New -______ AVUt-ST 21. 1957 ME CANADTAN STATESMAN. BOIMMANVIILT-I!- mmAmm

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