taf -TEM CANAD"AI TATESMM#. DOWMANVffýLE. ONTAIUO 1UDA.AGS21153 Roses Win Three Straight Gaines From Lindsay Nerchanis, Now Awail Whithy - Coihorne Tussie Even Lindsay's great Gordie Loucks-the player voted mast valuable to bis team in 1951 Le.keshore League campetition- was unable ta stem the powerfui tide of Bowmanville's Brookdale Rosus at the B.H.S. bail park Wednesday evening. The Ontario Champions turned in a 9-2 victory performance ta wmn easily the first in a best of five semi-final series from the Merchants. But Loucks iooked good. For three innings the Lindsay lads had the Roses bottied up at the plate and tied tightly to the bags. He allowed four hits in the first third of the game but a pep- pery infield kept tagging incam- ing runners at home plate ta keep the big O's standing in the Bow- manville uine score. But the Brooks power proved too much for Loucks in the fourth. He faced seven men and gave up two hits for three runs as the Bowmanvile bail started IsPuritY and wholesOme Orange content make it ideal for Athietes ORANG- E AT ALL COOLERS ASIC YOUR DEALER FOR WILSON'S ORANGE BIG 12 OUNCE BOTTLE - rolling toward what could be an- other Ontario champianship. It was the Roses ail the way alter the initiai score, althaugh early innings indicated a possible Lind- say victory. Get To Buttonshaw The visitors got ta Jack Button- shaw in the top of the second ta break the ice with a two run effort. Grant Green crossed the plate lirst for the Merchants. and Mark O'Donaghue followed as the team turned in a four hit act. And the figure "2" looked pretty big on the centre field score board right then. But Loucks faded fast. The Roses scored three in the fourth, twa in the fifth, one in the sixth and wound up the route with three in the seventh for a nine run win total. Loucks was relieved in the sixth by Junior West, the Orono product now with Lindsay, who took the mound cold and pitched two innings. On the Bowmanviile side of the score sheet. big Bob Williams opened up the fourth inning with a hit. Roy Falls caught a piece of pellet and a throw from third to first went high moving bath runners an extra base. Williams came home on Ted Bagnell's base-loading hit through third. Falls managed ta streak home after Maxie Yourth's high fly was snagged in ieft field for the second Bowmanville run, and Bagneil added three ta the score board when he came in on Bob Gallagher's clout. And that's the way it ended. Roses Keep Scorlng In the fifth, Tim Cox and Bob Williams added a couple mare runs, and Sonny Hooper chaiked one up in the sixth. Rases runs scored i the seventh were mark- ed up by Ted Bagneil, Maxie Yaurth and Bob Gaiiagher. Lindsay raised a ruckus in the sixth and threatened ta protest the game when newcomer Bill McTavish stepped up ta the plate for the Roses negative sox. Lind- say protested the batter shouid wear sox at the plate, so the pro- test was announced, but few if anyone believes they intend car- rying the silliness through ta pay- ing $15 ta register an official pro- test. The thought picture taken away by many fans Wednesday even- ing probabiy hînged around the belief that the Rases are again aj threat ta any bail club seeking ta ta ke away their bard woni prov-1 incial championship. The Lind- say route indicates an aimost de- finite finals bid even though fouri games are in hand. Solid As Hydrant -Jack Buttonshaw was as solid V2 SInuCOOS-Süth, second floor, phone Osh w -113 OSHAWA, ONT. PORT NOPIE BRANCHI 71 WaIton S., 2nd fiee,', phen. 3080 School Togs Now!. Be4ore ;ou send the YOIungsters back to school - snd Us ail their wearables for a com- plete and thorough cleaning. Let us »ie~u kiddies' wear a just-Iike-new look for real econ- omny! Phone 520 for pick-up! BOWMANVILLE CIJEANERS & DYERS PHONE 520 FOR PICK-UP AND DELIVERy 77 KING ST. W. NPHONE 520 or Leave Orders at: JOHNSTON'S DRUG STORE - NEWCASTLE COOPER'S BARBER SHOP - ORONO BARRON'S GENERAL STORE - HAMPTON 1 ti N B 21 rf Sc L s in to er w ri er MI vi pe CI Fi th fir tic mi G - lc ID ic drc 30, ass off af t pia fin, Bo, tri, an( bot the dis twc vey (B) and ed 2-6, M feat t rs i In one of the most thriiiing Local 397 and Kinsmen are finishes ever witnessed by the currently engaged in a best af Town Softball League ue find three series ta decide wha will Biil's Billiards and Canadian Or- continue in league playdowns. der of Faresters ail tied for the Second game of this series wili league leadership with one game be played on Manday August 25 remaining in the schedule which at the Memorial Park. For future will be played tanight at South games please check with bill Ward Memarial Park. board at Post Office or with any Buck Cowie has his Biii's Bil- members of local teams. liards team ail primed and set ta A real good spectator turnout go for this encounter and the at ail future games would be same applies ta Everett King and greatly appreciated in order ta his C.O.F. team as the winner show the players that the fine will be league champion and willtyeo abl hyarpain be favored ta go on and win the ty apeia aebaiteyaep n league play-offs which have ai- j eaapprecaatedg ready started between KinsmenLeu tain and Local 397 who finished tied Won Lots for fourth place. Bili's Billiards --------7 4 Murray Tighe will keep ail fu- C.O.F -------------------------- 7 4 ture games posted on the sign Jack & Jill- 7 5 board in front af the Post Office. Kinsmen -------- ---- ----- 4 8 Ail teams will be playing as often Local 397 ------------------- 4 8 as possible now in arder ta get Remaining Game: August 2lst the League Piay-offs over by the Memorial Park. Bil1's Billiards first part of September. vs. C.O.F. Game time 6.45 sharp. SEWAGE DISPOSAI OR DRAIN16E SYSTEMI Let FIL put it in. TaIk over a Farni v Improvement Loan with your nearest WU RANN' B of M manager as soan as you ca. In case of emergency or for orders for work to b. done after September lst please cail Bowmanville 453 and you will be taken care of. DUI.&eagne &xecuuive uives u.ai. Contrary ta popular basebali His appearance ln the Lindsay- fan belief. Lindsay Merchants did, Bowmanvilie semi-final tilt here pratest Jim McTavîsh's appear- last Wednesday was bis first per- ance in the Bowmanville Ulne-up formance for the local club. He in the semi-final game played came in as a pinch-hitter. here August 13, but a meeting Andy Wittus, fiery manager of of the Lakeshare League execu- the Merchants, interpreted the tive threw the protest out. O.B.A. rule regarding players en- A special league meeting ta tering provincial playdowns hav- iran out existing probiems was ing ta play at ieast three league held in Port Hope Thursday even- games, ta mean scheduled games. ing with one of the major items McTavish had participated in under discussion the Lindsay pro- none, but he will get bis three test an Jim McTavish. games in before the provincial McTavish appeared in the sixth playdowns arrive. inning for the Roses and a howi The meeting ruled that league was raised by Lindsay when the plavoff games are cansidered the batter made his appearance with same as scheduled games by the rolled-down sox. But they offi- OBA. Pmd cansequently threw cialiy protested the player 1-2 -'_ t.u protest. cause he spent ail summe r in the It was revealed at the meeting US. even though Bawman ile that the Ail-Star game played in had him signed early in the sea- Bowmanvilie netted the players' son.. benefit fund $62.80.