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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Aug 1952, p. 13

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ÉLCM'T.ýAUGUST 21. 1952 TH________ Il, OMAMtONA TMd*è 'r IVACAT1ON1?ýG BEYOND - OUR GATES" SThe wnitem necently took a otor and bat trip through ionthern Ontario and heewith ~rds a'- few impressions a! hinga seen alang the way. The bain ovemaîl tbought which stays Pith nc after travelling by way 1 Penetang, Parry Sound, North Iay, Sudbury, Manitoulin Island Md the Bruce Peninsula is that bere hs a great diversity o! Ienery in many places in this rovince of ours; and it is not ecessany ta go far ta look at it. There are the Tbirty Tbousand #Jands in Georgian Bay. Of ýourse there could quite easily be arce bundred tbousand o! tbem - who knaws how many there me? They are ail masses o! rock, orne covemed with trees. When rou look at same o! tbem you vonde1, bow the trees ever gained t oothoid on that bard, unyield- ng granite. The combination o! blue sky, green trees ,- and the green is of eveny concetyabie hue - grey rocks, blue-green water makes an unforgettable picture and weaves a speli which iTakes you want to look and look, and eturn ta look some more. The noad south to Marnitoulin Island runs through some o! the wildest and most rugged country you can imagine. The road twists and winds in sharp curves and up and down steep hilîs. Here and there is a tiny lake hidden in a valley. Farther south on Manitoulin Island at a place cailed Ten Mile Point there is one of the most beattaking views to be seen on the whole trip. The road is situated along the edge of a plateau high above Georgian Bay. You can look aver a lower part of Manitoulin Island, a part of the bay studded with isiands, and see the tree-clad hilîs beyond. The amea around Coilingwood and Meaford contains many beauty spots. This is the country of the Blue Mountains. The teatume that stands out in tbç memory is the Scenic Caves. There is a plateau that parallels the shore o! Georgian Bay near Colling- wood, resembling the Niagara escarpment, but tbree or four times the beight. The Scenic Caves are formed by great frag- ments which have been foced away from the clii! creating fis- sures a few feet wide and any- thing up to eighty feet deep. One is so deep that through most o! the summer it contains ice. An- other spot is the Eugenia Falls; although a large part o! the water bas been taken for a power development, there is stili enough to make an impressive sight. The river, although smali, makes a vertical drop o! nearly one hun- A UGUS T FOOD SPECIALS xellogg's large pkg. Supreme 16-oz. jar Ail Bran - - 27c Sweet Pickles - 29c Aylnier Il-oz. bott.le Allen's 20-oz. tins . t.up- . 23c Apple Juice - 2/21c FRESH PEACHES Arriving Daily ai BEASONABLE PuICES Donald Duck 48-oz. tin pkgs. Tangerine Juice 28c Kraft Dinner - 2/29c 1ý6sen's Instant vkgs. Monarch White & Choc. ipkig. ?dding 1- - 2/29c Cake Mix-* 36c GAINES DOG FOOD 2- 15-oz. tins plus L free- 29c APPLEFORDS SAVE-ALL WAXPAPER 100 foot rol 31c FEESH KILLED CAPONS DROILERS AND BOILING FOWL FREE DELIVERY YEO'S MEATS AND GROCERIES S5 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 3367 0TRAcyIt»n * POWER *LONG LIFée L0W COST ilM wu H.BROWN .91 King St. W. BOWMAN VILLE Phone 497 See the World's Most Powerful T.V. at the T.V. SHO]P 33 KING ST. W. BOWMAN VILLE It': the New 17" Admirai Television With Dynamagic Radio Buit In There Are Only 2 FREE INSTALLATIONS Lefi On Dur Get Acquainlerl Offer Bay Nov aid Save Tourseif $70.00 Be Ready for the Opening of C.B.L.T. - Toronto's New Television Station on September 8th. W., WilI Instail Your Toronto Antenna for $20.00 dred feet Into a gorge carved ci over the centumies; the gorge h; vertical cliffs of limestone ai below the falis widens out ta densely wooded valley.4 After seeing these supei beauty spots we can only sul scribe beartiiy ta, the sayin, "See Ontario First." 0 * * AT THE COTTAGES Mrs. Hopkins. Sm. and Mr. ai Mmi. H. Hopkins and Heathe Toronto, visited at the Leslie cc tage. At EI-Ti-Di-Sa Miss Ginny Le Howell o! Montreal, is with h( cousin, Sally Ott. Mr. and Mmi. W. H. McCartnE are back ait their cottage aftf a two week's motor trip thmoug Quebec and Northemn Ontario. Word received from Sheila Mt Cartney at Bangor Lodge, Bract bridge, tells that she was sui cessfui in passing her fi! th fori examinations. Congratulations! Miss Katherine Wood, Tur bridge, Eng., wvas a weekend guei at Back Acres. Visiting on Sur day were Mr. and Mrs. A. Arnoli Toronto. Gordon White is home on hol day from General Motors, msi Flint, Mich. Visiting with hfi at the J. A. White's have bee June and Eileen Griffiths, Toi onto, and Alex Krerz, Livonii Mich. - Mrs. Duncan and hem son, Er kine, o! Newcastle and Toronti were guests at Chequers. Jackie Fox is now holidayin with bis mother at The Cove aftE his stay as counselior at th Kinsmen Camp, Christie Lake. Edmund Barmick left last wee for two weeks at Camp Pinecres Muskoka. Last week's column has brougi forth the information that woodDigeon is now one of ou newly arrived feathered friend We also learn that our o. familiars, the skunks, are vace tioning in parts unknown. The have been greatly missed th' year. Holly Fox and Eleanor Pickar weme back on the job this wee collecting news for this colum: * 0 * THE CHAPEL-ON-THE-HILL The service at the Chapel-or the Hill last Sunday, with abou sixty people present, opened wit its customary order of hymr national anthem, and responsiv reading. Mr. Bail led in prayei then the congregation sang soir favourite hymns under the lead emship of Mr. Attwell. The Presi d nt, Mr. Robins, welcomed th seeaker, Miss Wood; announcel the visit next Sunday of a grouj from Evangel Temple in Toront, who will conduct the whole ser vice at 2:00 p.m.; and- memindeý the members of the annual meel ing next Saturday. A sopranq solo "Oh, How He Loves" wa ýgiven by Miss Adrienne Fox whose voice is notable for It purity and whose en'unciation i faultless. The speaker was Mis: Katharine Wood, an exchanig teacher from Tunbmidge, Englanc who has necently completede yeam's teaching in New Toronto and who is visiting Mr. and Mrs Robins in Toronto before retumný ing to England. Miss Wood spen six weeks on a trip througi Western Canada met u r n inj through the United States, visitini among other Places, the Granc Canyon in Arizona. Hem addi-es! was based on hem trip and it, subject was "Fellow Pessengers. She expressed hem thanks for thE opportunity ta speak at thE Chapel and hem pleasure at see. ing one place in which church- going is not neglected during the summer months.. She drew an analogy between ber trip and the joumney of ail of us through life, She remarked on how people could travel and get along to- gether in a harmonious way anc spjeially meferred to an incident xvhere a negro, an Indian, a French nurse, a gentleman fnon Pakistan, and a German reporter were thrown together as fellow' passengers and immediately be- came fniends. We are too in- clined to refuse to treat. people of othem races and colours as fellow passengers but to look askance at themn. In meality ai] human beings have the same needs, nobody is without faults, and their capacities xnay vary slightly, nevertheless we should accept them and get along with fhem as fellowA passengers. If we were to do this, we should al] be happier. and we could aI] have done with the strife and misery which 'beset the wvorld. We should, each and every one of us, examine ourselves to see if we measure up to being a good fellow passenger. A pleasing solo was given by Master Harvey Bottreil who sang "Bless This House." The service closed with à hymn and the benediction. The Sunday School was con- ducted by Miss Willa Simpson who toid the lesson ta about 30 children of the boy David and how he playeîi' before King Saul to cheer hlmn up. The annual picnic for the children o! the Sunday School will be heid next Saturday, August 23, at 3 p.m. at "Summer Haven." the home of Mr. and Mrs. Simpson. Ail the children are cordially invited to attend. DEAD STOCK DEAD and CRIPPLED Farm animiais memoved promptly for sanitary .disposai Telephone Coiiect: Toronto - EMpime 3.3636 Cobourg - 1266 \ pitai for an 2X-ray machine. Tiney lamp with the "goodwill" a! their also sent aiong $1.000 for the Hampton tniendi. Mmi. Reynolds building fund, and it must be me- was also tbe necipient o! ather bu ~membemed the Lions Club com- personal gittats ram the Women's pletely equipped a ward in the Instîtute of which she was a new building. vaiued member; also from the Service Club, and "Five Hun- dred" Club. The boys received Sheaffer pens.The best wishes of ;4À the Hampton community go with -q tbem to their new home. The Home League o! the Sal- vation Ammy beld their picnic in Ulm. aur park on Wednesday a!ten- noon. PUMP & OFTE ERSOur pastom's practical dis- LIMITED Pr _____ course on the subi cet of prayer at LOND)ON - CANADA tained inspiration and help. the choir selection was a well mnder- ed vocal solo by Miss Phyllis Niddery whlch was an apprecia- JACK DEOUGH ted contribution ta the service. PLUMBING AND HEATING Bowmanville Division St. S Water will bail at the top o! PHONE sis Mt. Blanc at 84 degrees Fahren- heit,, - __- eut Save Maay Tired Ny« Lt Roses Win Three Straight Cames, $2der SgtCnevto a E~mm. I:L.... ~Iii...en down, 15 pair of glahses were Fr m indsay aaga'ic mat, EIUW provided free o! charge ta needy nb à I -' Bowmanville people. The club Lb->Im ~II L h1-r si also paid for 20 yexmntos ig: mwUaAit amaauj - oziine e And there w"as a small outlay a! ________$2,200 just ta keep the Lions It's not enough ta be a good j .. ~ .,, Communit3r Centre in good con- baIl club these days-the virtue Bo -Bo MV.auler dition for community use. Patience, is essential. Again this year the Lions Club Lindsay crawled into Bow- io are paying fora Life Guard at ndmanville Monday evening for the the West Beach. *This cammunity er, third 'meigwt h oe service has neally paid dividends; )t- that wsmeenwththe drgoset two yaungstens and ane aduit ta 15-2 doom. It was just that bad. haebe -e fotdonn ee Hope, fight, and team spirit, if this summer byr Lite Guard Dor- ýer the merchants ever had it, were oh'Cune cerainy lckig. t 4 The club aiso buiitth$e ehlld- ey First o! ail, Doug Loucks got hit ren's wadîng pool at Memomiai :er on the ieg by a Hooper hit bali ,-"' ' Pr n hysple oto ghand he limped around the mound tepr' lyrudeup in the inning of the long wait. - t:pr' paynndeu- But he continued-for a whiie, -,' "Wel , yes," newcomer says ta c- thnh wn is neighbom, <11 guesi they do e- back en out, only ta came - need a lot of money ta carry on bakin. to go out again. teigod or" c- It ail ended up with the Lind- higodwr. msay catcher pitching, the pitcher "hysrdo"ainehbm shortng, he maagercatchng<'but what I like about it is the shoringthe anagr cachin, fact that members o! the Lions n- and Junior West moving fmom M" Club work bard to raise money st short ta third ta the pitcher's ta help us and aur kids lead a n- mound. Said West after bitting , happier and beaithier lite." d, Falls in the sixth inning: "TherstngSrtEal damn baIl dont know where it', supposed ta go." Ta' r i g h t,', newcomer ;t, Rases Hit Handily agrees, adding, "Say, what time lm And that just about sumi up Wee Wlllie Davis Camithval N ig utrto en the Lindsay pitching effort. The Cria ih? r-I pellet was wacked ail over the This good-looksng groaner who "Seven o'ciock sharp." ia, place by the Roses who callect- parades under the ring title of "Guess you and I betten get ed 13 bits in seven innings. For- Wee Wiilie Davis is siated ta down there eamiy if we want ta .tunately for bail fans. darkness maul Bo-Bo Brazil in a feature ge a seat," newcomem com- cisdi adtegmwscî- wrestling match ta be staged at menti. "And 1 think l'Il bring the ed in the top of the eighth. 7 p.m. on the High Schoo wife and kids. The wife's pretty Sa the Roses advance ta the Grounds, August 22, in canjunc- lucky at bingo, you know." ng finals against either Wbitby or tion with the Lions Club Carnival. "It's a date, pal," says neigh- er Cobourg hc ever enwid bom, 'It's a date." Say 1 aimost he u winwbic h eam wiesnsr life for a brie! moment ta ioad forgot, in case of nain the Lions ies. One thing sure, the Lake- the bases. It stood: Lewis and Carnival will be held Satumday, ek soreLeage fnalsmus beWittus on base with two fanned August 23. at ven within twa weeks. Ordernsdews tomle home bat en MAn-ed handed down from above assert thurwis sloed MTaihepitchand li that the local league champions the bî it hed Tscen forandu-AMPTON_ a must be ready ta go into 0.B.A tebl i h cenfra u un piaydowns 'by August 30. N0 tomatic base. Score one for Lind- sa;te epaeinth it. HAMPTON WOMEN'S more winter bail games. sy hyrpae ntesxh h For the record, the Roses took But Bowmanviile cbalked up ]INSTIITUTE Id Lindsay in three straight games a good one in the bottom o! the The August meeting took the 'a winning the first and third bere, third inning when Tim Cox sped fomm of a bus trip ta Cobourg ey1and the second, an 8-1 victory, borne on Yourth's cannection for Beach for a picnic supper and lsFriday night in Lindsay. 'Bring the only run in the frame. sports with 30 ladies' attending. on the next victim," says Mata- Bath sides went biank in the After. arrival a number went up d ager Maxie Yaurth. fourtb. Hawever, the Roses add- tawn ta look araund and some k The diamond at the B.I{.S. bail ed another three in the fifth. ta shop. Atter a deiicious supper, n. park wasn't in the beit o! candi- Tim Cax scored bis third run o! a business meeting was cailed by tion on Monday evening. Mud the evening, Maxie Yourth came the president, Mrs. Honey. bogged down runners on the home for his first, and Sonny Mmi. J, R. Reynold's nesignation third base line -spikes became Hooper earned bis second, tram the secretary job was nead akin ta Dutch clagi - but it Lloyd Tamblyn connected for as she and hem husband and lam- n-. worked bath ways. a double off McTavish in the top ily are movlng ta London. It was ut Lndsa Sins Slwly o! the sixth inning. He scored îeft in the hands o! the nominat- Llnsa SiksSloly the visitons' second nun on a ing cammittee ta secure a secre- h Fromn the apening kickoff clout by teammate vic Jewell. tary. Mmi. Theron Mountjoy was n,~ Lindsay sunk beiow water. Bowmanville nuliified the nun in appointed as treasuner for the e Gréen, West and Tamblyn f aced the bottom of the stanza wben Blue Cross. r, newcomer Bill McTavish in the McTavisb, on base on a walk, Mmi. Knox then gave a neat 'e top o! the fimst, and they went scooted home on Ted Bagneil's littie speech o! regret for Mmi. 1down in just that order. Then bit. Sa endeth the scoring. Rend'dpateadrsn- Loucks started pitching. enl' patrac rsn- e Ted Bagneli bit, Tim Cox got Lindsay Looked Sloppy ed ber with a beautiful cup and ý . ta first on an emmar, Maxie Yourth Lindsay iooked sioppy'thmough- saucer, for which Mrs. Reynolds ip bit, Sonny Hoaper but, Mike Mc- ouit the entire gamie. The Lindsay feelingiy thanked the association. to Arthur bit, Jack Parkem ruined centre fielder, who can't be nain- A number of conteits weme en- rthe run by waiking, but Roy Falls ed beçause the playens changed tered into. Winnems o! twenty !d hit and finaliy. Bill MeTavish hit. around s0 much, neyer appeared questions were Mmi. T. Mount- - When the hitting spree was confident under a fly ball. He jay, Mmi. Hindman, Mmi. Caver- io aven the Roses had eight uni eitber played toa short or toa ley and Mmi. Lutjaer Allun each as chaiked up on the scoreboard. It long. receiving a smaîl gift; clothes pins c, was- then that the lads took pity The. pitcbing was mostly hail- in bottle, Mmi. Chant; two iucky ts on Lindsay. Bagneli came ta bat heamted even though tbree pitch- spots, Mmi. White, Miss Minnie is stamting the secolind round and -ers were used. Junior West pnob, Horn; balloon bumîting, Mmi. Mc- ,s was thnown out at timst; Cox abiy turned in the beit effort ton Mahon; kicking shoe, Mmi. Lor- re cannected for an unintentionai Lindsay, but then, be was piay enzo Truli; guessjng beani in jan, I, triple and was forced at home, ing ta a lot o! people he knew, Mmi: Horn. a and Maxie Yourth ended the cansideming that he dlaims Omona Pictunes- were taken of the anxiety by being tossed out at as bis home town. group. Cobourg W. 1. were also the No. I sack. For the Roses, Bill McTavisb picnicking at the beach and came Round two: Lindsay, one bit went the distance and from the aven ta bring aur W. I. greetings t in four tries, no uni, no errons. bleachers, he looks like a solid and. wished us well for which we hC ec. Hall, playing first base for addition ta the Ontario Cham- eturned the compliment. Mmi. 9the night, collected a double in pions' pitching staff. He gave up Bloyd Wilcox and Mms. Bates o! g the bottom of the inning. Mike six bits during tbe garne ta win Cobourg, also visited with us. d McArtbur came up with a dou- bis first for the local club. Mr. and Mms. Wili Spry, Ke- be osoigHall. McArthur dron, were suppen guesti o! Mr. came home on McTavish's hlgh and Mmi. J. W. Balson lait weck. !iy ta centre field. Lions Carnival Quite a few went ta visit the e ýinsay core OneGirl Guide Camp near Babcay- e ~insay core Onegeon on Sunday, whene the Girl e Sametbing strange happened in (Continued from Page One) Guides are camping. They will be -the third. The visitors came ta Centre. Local organizations bave homne this Friday. L_ used the building for mare than Mmi. J. W. Balson had a quilt- e 90 different purpases, and during ing on Tuesday when sevenal la- n ~the year, have held a total of 700 dies turned in ta heip. emeetings. You are candialiy invited ta "O.K., the newcomem replies. the Hampton W.M.S. a!tennoon e "Sa the addtion will enlarge the tea on the law'n of Mmi. Austin ~-place and enable mare people ta Bamron on Tuesday, August' 26th get ta mare meetings ... commencing at 3 p.m. Admission t "And the Boy Scout Association 25c. xiii fsnd a permanent home in Miss Mina Hodgson netumned the basement of the new addi- ta Washington D.C., on Tbumsday tion,"hem arent, Mm.and Ms. R tin te egbo aunteers. a!ter ipending two weeks with Hodgson, and with other relatives _______lin TYRONE Lynn Stainton la holldaying with Carol Stainton, Solina. Mr. and Mrs. James Alldread, Mr. and Mn. George Alldread, visited Mrs. W. Robinson in Bow- manville Memorial Hospital. Mr. and Mn. J. Delaney and Douglas, visited their duaghters, Mrs. W. Polmeteer and Mr. Pol- meteer, Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. Frank ,.Sewell, Miss Lyn. Walton. Cedar Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Harris Little, West Hill, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Brent and Mrs. L. Phare. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shipman, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mountjoy, Kedron, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Jewell and Mr. Sid Jewell. Mr. and Mrs. Gordyn Brent, Gloria and David, were tea guests of Mr. and Mns. Lamne Hoskin, Burketon, Glad to know Jim Woodley is much impro ' ed and was able to return home from the Genemal Hospital, Toronto, on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. James Delaney and Douglas, Mr. W. H. Taylor attended the R.B.P. parade at London recently. Mr. Toni Janczyn's father has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Janezyn for a few weeks and has now returned to his home in Saskatchewan. Several children attended Michael Gibb's 5th birthday par- ty on Friday last. Mm. and Mrs. Raymond Clapp visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Clapp, Belleville, and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Simmons, Actin- olite. Mr. and Mrs. James Delaney and Douglas, Mr. John Hynes, at- tendeç the R.B.P. Parade at WelliIgton, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Shepherd and son, London; Mrs. M. Ben and son, Leeds, England-, spent sev- eral days with Mm, and Mrs, J. Gibbs. Miss Alberta Page, Honolulu visited her brother, Mr. Fred Page, at the home of Mr. and Mms. O. Beckett. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Page, Newcastle, also visit- ed them. Mr. Bert Mortlock and Tommy, Miss Joan Momtloc, Miss Kath- leen Mortlock and friend, Otta- wa, visited Mr. and Mrs. T. Gibbs. Mr. and Mrs. T. Gibbs visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Gibbs, Oshawa. Miss Bessie Huis visited Miss Arvilla Beckett. Mm. and Mm. Francis Hall vis- ited her brother's at Port Col- borne, also friends in Buffalo over the weekend. Mr. Clarence Pediar, Allan and Douglas, Toronto, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rahm. Mm. and Mms. Ted Wright, Mrs. F. Tavener, Mr. A. Tavener, of Whitby; Mr. and Mrs. J. Wismer, Mrs. F. Cowan, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. K. Colbary. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Thiessen, St. Catharines, are visiting her parents, Mm. and Mrs. H. Hall, also Mr. and Mrs. Sid Walkem and boys, Bowmanville, are tent- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Goodman, Miss Bevenly Goodman, Mr. Don Clapper, Peterboro; Miss Paula Smallman, Chicago; M. and Mrs. Have that e. e - DOOR GLASS % or -v-'-' WINDSHIELD Insfalled Now While You Wait JOE COOPER'IS Service Station 218 King St. E. PHONE 3432 NowIs The Time For . a. ,"P m EAVESTROUGHING SHEET METAL WORK ROOFIN -O0F ALL 'KINDS FURNACE WORK - PHONE US FOR ESTIMATES WALTER DAVIS & Cou 1 Phone 3412 or 691 Lo oI at this Value! GET THIS SENSATIONAL NEW hy the. mekers of the world's Home Freezeri ONL Y DeepfPeez. Refriger- ator hos the GentiIne D..pfrooze freezer Com- partmontl Stores more thon 50 Ibo. of fiasco foodad dctually keeps ice cer hard. Sepafate freezer sheif for ice cube srays and dessert tray. Full. widsh Froxen Scorage Draw*er. OMLY Deepfreeze Rofriger- uvor hos "The Door thui Stores More 1 " MANDY JUGS hold lulces or woter ready for instant us.! " murima BOX ko.p. butter ready 1e sprecd. Moidi on* poundl " HANOY BIN keeps imali greens, fruits and vegetables freshi 0 BOTTLISTOE hods tall quart 6ev. @reg*end milk bottiesi 0 IGOSTOR kees eggs tiandy, pro- tects thom from broakegol HIOGON ELECTRIC Phone 438 Bowmanvllle 42 Ringas. S. rour Generai Electio Appliance Dealer 2 MILL LANE Establishcd 45 Yeams- --l- Earl Goodmian, Peter and Douig. lau, Toronto, Mr. and Mfr&. Claii ence Goodman and Judith, Bow.,. manville, were guesta of ?&. anàd - Mrs. L. J. Goodmxan. Mr. and Mrs. George Afldradý visited Mr. and Mra. Harvey Hardy, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Larmer, Millbrook; Mr. and Mrs. Osca Lightle and famiIy, Caxuborne,,. were dinner guests of Mr. an~d, Mrs. J. A. Rosevear on Sunday.., Betty, Bille and Marjorie, Phiflips are holidaying at HaUl's L2ake. Master Henry Carlson, Torontoî1 is holldaying with Douglas Staino' ton.1 Mr. and Mmi. Don Stainton an&~ boý's spent the weekend at Gui!' Lake. % Mr. and Mns. Chas. Murney and children, Peterborough, spent &- couple of days with Mr. and Mirti Walter Park. Sharon Bail and Pat Larmée Millbrook, spent a few days with Ester Ann Rosevear. Miss Alice Delaney, Mr. -U Marr, Welland, spent a week wlth Mr. and Mrs. James Delaney. Mrs. A. Henderson and grand. son, Peterborough, visited heii daughtem, Mrs. A. Harvey and Mr. Harvey with Margaret Cham À berlain and Barbara Taylor rea. turning home after a pleasanit holiday. Holly, Molly and Michael TaV.. ener, Whitby, are holidaying with Frankie Colbary. Mr. and Mrs. Percy McCoy visited at Stouffville on Sunday their grandson retumning homeè after holidaying with them.'* Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Taylor and childmen visited Mr. and Mrg. Morley Tennant. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Park and Douglas visited at Paris Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Walker, Bowmanville, visited Mr.* ad Mms. S. Walkem and at H,. HaUÈ. Many individualE have, 11k. uixf. cut diamonds, shining qualitlç% beneath a rough exterior. -Jfý venal. -a

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