p.oe ~W1ENWTHE CANADUN! STATZSMMi. EOWMANV=XL, ONTAMTO BIRTHS COWLE,-Buck and Bonnie Cowle are happy to announce the birth of their daughter at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, Wednes- day, August 2th, 1952. 34-1 FRANKUM-Patsy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Frankum wishes te announce the arrivai cf her baby brother, Arnold John Frederick, on August î6th, 1952, at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. 3- GILHOOLEY-Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Gilhooley are happy to an- nounce the arrivai cf their son, Michael Jay, at Memorial Hos- pital, August l7th, 1952. 34-1 HIRCOCK-To Aubrey and Helen Hircock (nee Cameron) at Mern- orial Hospital, Bowmanville, Sun- day, August l7th, a son, Bryan Frederick. 34-1* ROBINSON-To Mr. and Mrs. Bill Robinson <nee Birdie Gibson) a son, William Richard, at Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrie, Ont., on Aug. 8th, 1952. 34-1* TREW-Doris and Ray (nee Rob- inson) announce the birth of twin daughters, Margaret Jane, 5 lbs., 14 ozs., and Elizabeth Ann, 5 lbs., 5 ozs., in the Oshawa General Hospital on Tuesday, August l2th, 1952. 34-1* ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. William F. Ward, of Bowmanville, announce the' engagement of their daughter, Willa Florence, to John Harold Cameron Anderson, son cf Mr. and Mrs. John M. Anderson, of Perth, Ont. The marriage will take place on Sept. 6th at 3 o'clock in St. John's Anglican Church, Bow- manville. 34-1* ,MARRIAGn%-ES LAIRD - SWALLOW - On Mon- day, Aug. llth, 1952, in Maple Grove United Church by Rev. L. M. Somerville, Edna F. Swallow, daughter cf Mrs. Swallow and the late Mr. F. Swallow, te Wil- liam G. Laird, son cf Mr. and Mrs. A. Laird, aIl of Maple Grove. 34-1 BRIMACOMBE-At ber late re- sîdence, 27 Elgin St., Bowman- ville, on Sunday, August l7th, 1952, Mary Brimacombe, daughter cf the late Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brimacombe, dear sister cf Fred, Toronto, and Laura (Mrs. Thomas Penfound), Bowmanville. Private service was beld at the resîdence on Tuesday, Aug. 19, at 3 o'clock. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 34-1 NOBES-At Grace 'Hospital on Friday, August lst, 1952, Thomas Henry Nobes, 1091 Wigle St., Windsor, in bis 82nd year, be- loved busband cf Annie Ewart Nobes, and dear father cf Norman Nobes, Detroit, and grandfather of Lois Nobes. Service was held at the Morris Walkerville Chapel, Windsor, en Monday, Aug. 4th, at 3:30 p.m. Bey. A. B. Vincent officiated. Interment Greenlawn Memnorial Park. 34-1 REID, Laura L. -At Memnorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Sun- day, August l7th, 1952, Laura L. Ellîott, beloved wife cf Thomas Albert Reid, mother cf William Elliott and John Albert, sister cf Milton Elliott, Bowmanville, and Harold, Mackinaw City, Mich. Bested at the residence cf ber son. Service was from Orono United Church at 2:30 p.m., Aug. 19. Interment Lakeview Cerne- tery, Newtonville. 34-1 CARDS 0F THANKS 1 wish te tbank my relatives and friends for cards and gifts received during m-y illness. The kindness cf Dr. S. H. Witzel, Mrs. Stephenson, nurses and staff cf Memnorial Hospital, Bowmanville, was sincerely appreciated. Mrs. Jack Crago. 34-1* We would7 like te thank our neighbours and friends for the surprise party and levely lamp whîch was given te us on the occasion cf our 25th Wedding Anniversary; aIse for gifts, flow- ers and cards received. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Dumas. 34-1* We wish to thank everyone of our many friends who centributed towards the beautiful walnut table and table Iamp we received on Thursday. They will always be treasured possessions and will add te the comfort and beauty cf cur new home. Please accept this as your personai. invitation te visit us any time. We will sure 'be glad te see yeu. David and John are thrilled with their new Sheaffer pens. Tbanks se rnuch. Jim and Sadie Reynold,% 34~1* Prof essioni Services PROFESSIONAL Carpentry Ser- vice - Are yoii intending te build gr remnodel, or cf adding built-in cupboards te your home?j if se contact Don for estimates. No obligations. Phone 3670. Every job fremn ground up, guar- anteed. 33-3* BRoom and Boatrd AVAILABLE -Newlv decorated room, central location, gentle- 1 man, office worker preferred. Phone 822. -r IN MEMORIAM McCULLOUGH-In loving mem- ory cf a dear son and brother, Gerald, who died August 27th, 1950, aged 17, from a car -acci- dent: We cannot forget your smiling face, Your happy carefree ways, The smile that won so many friends, In those happy bygone days. One of the best the world could hold, Your cherished smile and your heart cf gcld. Always se geod, unselfish and kind, What a wonderful memcry ycu left behind. Deep in our hearts your memory is kept, We loved yeu toc dearly te ever forget. -Lovingly remembered and ai- ways longed for, Mcm, Dad, bro- thers and sisters. 34-1 McCULLOUGH-In lcving mem- ory cf brother Jerry who died August 27th, 1950, age 17. Beside your grave we often stand Withi heart both crushed and sore, But in the gloom the sweet words come Net lest, but gene before. God knows bow much weqmiss you, He ceunts the tears we shed And whispeirs, he only sleeps, Your loved one is net dead. Se we'l1 be brave dear Jerry And pray te God each day And when He calîs us home te you Your smile will guide the way. -Ever remembered and longed for, sister Kay and brother Har- old. 34-i WILCOX-In loving memory cf Our dear sister, Pearl Wilcox, whe passed away Aug. 2th, 1951: Her last parting wish, We -would like te have heard, And breatbed in her ear Our last parting word, Only those who have lest Are able te tell The pain in the heart, In net saying farewell. -Lovingly remembered by ber sisters, Gertie, Mabel and Lottie. 34-1* The Bowmanville Flower Shcp will be closed from August 18 te 23, inclusive. 32-3 Dr. H. Ferguson's office will be closed after June 26th and during July and August. 33-2* L. C. Mason's law office closed until after Labor Day. open September 2nd. 34-2* The firm cf John A. Holgate & Son will be closed for holidays Aug. 18 te Sept. 1 inclusive. 33-2 Ahl bowlers wishing te bowl in the Durham Bowling League leave their names at the Bowling Alley or 'phone Frank Blunt at 858. 34-2* DO net read this if You have net a bouse or farm for sale. We need listings. Many good buyers are asking us for farms and bouses. For a satisfactory deai list your preperty with us. Donald Scott, Real Estate, 78 King St. West, Bewmanville. Phone 663. 32-4 CQMING EVENTS_ Memorial Park Bingo this Saturday nîght. Jack Pot, Share the Wealth. Refreshments. 34-1 There will be a dance in Solina school Saturday night, Aug. 23. Proceeds for the Hall Fund. 34-1 Cerne te Hampton W.M.S. after- neen tea on the lawn cf Mrs. Austin Barron, on Tuesday, Aug. 26th, cemImencing at 3 p.m. Ad- mission 25c. 34-1 A dance will be held in the Newcastle Cemmunity Hall on Saturday, Aug. 23rd, under the auspices cf The Board cf Man- agement. Dancing from 8:30 p.m. te 12. Russ Creighton's Orchestra ef Toronto. Admission: 75e per person. 33-21 Photo Service YOUR FILMS - for fast satis- factory and cheap service bring or mail te Alpha Studio, Bowman- ville, Ont. 616, 50c; 620, 40c; 127, 30c. Please send money with ord- er. Return Postage will be paid. Livestock For Sale TWELVE pigs, seven weeks old. S. E. Thornpson, Solina. 34-1 TEN pigs, York - Tamn cross. Phone 2335. Frank Dorland. Work Wanted RELIABLE girl for baby sitting any night. Phone 3047. 34-1* SEED cleaning-Clover, timcthy, wheat cleaned. John Griffin, Enniskillen'. Phone 2977. 32-4* FOR bulldozing, grading, excavat- ing, etc., caîl Taylor Bres., Osh- awa 3-3831 or Whitby 2687. 18-tf DARLINGTON Abattoir, Hamp- ton, for customn killing. Phone 3243. 32-tf INSULATION - Blewing method, with rock wool; workmanship guaranteed. Free estimates. Harry L. Wade, phone Clarke 2420 32-4* HANK'S Floor Service - Sand- ing fleors, fînishing. Caîl for free estimates, evenings, Bowmanville 2372. 27-tf DULLDOZING AND EXCAVATING By Heur or Contract - Free Estimates Given - Win. Tripp PORT PERRY R.R. 2 PHONE 109-r-42 14-tf John Maguire & Son 28 Brown Street BODY and FENDER REPAIR Duco and Dulux Refinishing General Repairs te Al Makes cf Cars. 33-.7* REPAIRS FAST SERVICE on ALL SHOE REPAIRS Two excellent shoe repair men at your service. 39 King St. W. Phone 3231 Bowmanville 18-tf Bowmanville 15-tf We have an unlimited amount cf first mertgage money available. We aIse buy, and boan money on mertgages. Donald Scott Real Estate 78 King St. W., Bowmanville Telephone 663 32-4 - With or Without Tires - All Makes ORONO PHONE ORONO 1031 15-tf Nursing Service Middle Green Villa Rest Home Bowmanville One or two vacancies, men or wemen, tray service, every kind- ness given. Approved by doctors. New telephone 2974, located one mile east cf Bewmanviîle on Highway Ne. 2, for reservatiens. 30-tf REPAIRS te alI makes cf refrig- erators, domestic and commercial; milking coolers. Higgen Elec- tric, 42 King St. E., Phone 438. 25-tf Custom Work WANTED-Plowing, discîng, cul- tivating, mowing and filling in ditches. Phone 496, J. H. All- dread & Son. 34-4* Wanted To Rent ROOM, sirgle man. Write Box 822, c/o Statesman Office. 34-1* rClassiied Advertising Rates The Ccaadan Statesman 1,Effective Jume 21, 1951 ARTICLES FOR SALE, LIVESTOCK FOR SALO, FOR RENT, HELP WANTED, CARS FOR SALE, LOST, FOUND, ETC. Cash Rate --30 per word with a minimum of 500 Must be paid by date of insertion. If charged, an additional 250 will be added. A charge of 250 will be made for ail replies directed to this office. NOTICES, COMING EVENTS AND CARDS 0F THANKS 30 a word with a minimum of $1.00 - for 33 words or iess BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES $1.00 per insertion IN MEMORIAMS - - $1.00 plus 100 a line for verse COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIEDS-(Includes ail adver- tising for persons or firms selling services, ideas or goods of any description) 30 per word; minimum charge 750 cash with order. To regular advertisers payable mon thly. Display Classified at $1.00 per inch with a minimum cf one inch Additional insertion at the same rates Ail Classified Ads. must be in this office not later than 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday.' -Send cash, stamps or money order and save money- (Clip This Out For Handy Reference) Articles For Sale FALL Wheat for se-ed.- Phone 2904. 34-1 USED piano, in good condition. Phone 965. 34-1* PIPE - 80' ¾,"; 20' 11/4, $25.00 for lot. Phone 3669., 34-1 KITCHEN cabinet, $5.00. Aýpply 43 Queen Street. 34-1 PARIS ice box, 75 lb. capacîty, $10.00. Phone 2852. 34-1* ONE uprigbt piano, walnut, good condition. Phone 556. 34-1 BABY Stroller and auto seat, good as new. Phone 478. 34-1* LADY'S C.C.M. bicycle, like new. Mrs. Jack Large, 20 Park St. 34-1 SLAB wood, $10 a cord, sawed and delivered. Phone Clarke 2530. 34-2 ONE Baby Tenda; one Sunshine tricycle, both in geod condition. Phone 3267.. 34-1 '47 PONTIAC Coach, excellent condition with mnany accessories. Phone 3527. 34-1* COAL furnace, in good condition, new smoke pipes. 48 Church St., Bowmanville. 34-2 BALER twine and gallon size fly traps. Bargaîn prices. Phone Clarke 28-r-il. 34-1* BRAND new Acme electric steve, with automatiec dock, large size, 60 cycle. Phone 3527. 34.1* NORTHERN Electric Television Set, won at a draw. Still in pack- ing case, $300.00. Phone 2852. 34-1* EATING and cooking apples, Astrakan and Melbas; also tom- atees. A. O. Parker, Newcastle. 34-1 SIX foot Massey-Harris tiller, in good condition; also 3,000 ft. 1", pine lumber, dry. Phone 2487. 34-1 ONE Findlay Oval coal and wood range, used only 4 years, warmn- ing cleset and reservoir. Phone 3683. 34-i CRESS WART REMOVER - really dees it. Your Druggist selis Cress Cern Salve - for sure relief. 34-1 ONE John Deere 8 ft. tracter cultivator; i set M.M. double discs. P. H. Hinton, Oreno, 14-r-12. 34-1* ONE new Massey-Harris 3-furrow tracter plow at a big reduction. Contact your New Holland Deal- er, Phone 2279. 34-1 GLADIOLUS-Cut bloom, $1.00 per doz. Daily delivery te hos- pital. Willow Acres, King St. E., Telephene 2456. 32-tf SEE the White Rotary Electric Sewing Machines at F. F. Morris Ce., your local representative. Easy terms. 13-tf BARN, 16 x31', galvanized roof and garage attached; hen bouse, 16'x 18', shed roof. Matthew Brown, Mill St., Newcastle. 34-2* 34-1 APARTMENT for young married WE measure and install finest -couple. Write Box 823, c/o The quality Venetian Blinds, aIse LAYING pullets, Bocks and Hy.. Statesman Office. 3' i regular cloth and plastic window brids. D. Grills, Phone 2715. Ishades. Morris Ce., Phone 480. 34-I THREE or four roins for young 9-tf - couple with a three-y-ear-olci girl BR,3'5' bu qae TEN chunks averaging 70 lbs.; Write Box 824, c/o Statesman d BRN i35ex55' aout 7 squareso six silo rods for 14 ft. silo, 100 Office. 34-1 cfouditin. el roigsi good goo jue bgs.Phoe 21534-1 FOUR or 5-room house or - apart- for apple orchard. Phone Clarke ment by responsiî,le. couple in 2530. 34-1 BEEF cows, some freshening Bowmanviîle, or Newcastle. ForBULIGFrSl -Ste 9details Phone Bewmanville 3140BULIG FrSl - te seon. Somne witb calves at side. Ivan -onjy uktn hn or Oshawa 3-2397 any'time. 34-1 covered barn with drive floor, 78-r-13 Port Perry. 3- ORo v om hueo 70' x 36'; aluminum covered build- 34-1__FOUR_____________________or ing, lined inside, 30' x30', steel apartment for responsible couple covered building, lined inside, DARK red registered Shorthorn w.ith two ,%ell bchaved cliiîdreni,!. 30' x40« steel covered building, bull. 16 months old. cf theage 4 and î yeas. 'Write c/o lined inside. 20' x.10'. Apply Elm- Augusta family. E. F. R. Osborne.1 Mrs. Chas. Hiarris, R. 1, Orono crofi Farms, Oshawa, Phone Newcastle. 34.1*ior Phone 25-r-17. 34-1. 5-4684. 34_1i Articles For Sale GOLD Seal Congoleum-ever 40 rolîs in 2 and 3-yd. widths; also large selection in rug sizes from 6' x 91 te 12' x 15f, at Morris Co. 28-tf HOME FREEZERS - 16 cu. ft. size, $565; 20 cu., ft. size, $649, at Higgon Electric, 42 King St. E., Bowmanville, Phone 438. 34-1 NEW Lada Sewing Machines - Portable, regular $129, for $99; console models, regular $169, for $149, at Murphy's, Phone 811. 34-i SWEET Cern for canning, cern roast, table use. Apples, potatees, cucumbers and tomatoes. Want- ed-6 qt. baskets. Shaw's Fruit Market, Kurv Inn. Cerner. 34-i BIG Stinky P'ly Trap. Draws flies away from bouses, barns, animaIs. Kilîs flies outside where they belong. Price $6.75 deliver- ed. Phone Clarke 1422.. 34-i BISSELL tandem discs for hy- draulic or standard, $210, 26 plates; Otaco wagon $140; spread- ers; Timken bearing tracter plows. Carl Todd, Phone Clarke 15-20. 34-2* 35 m.m. CAMERA, high quality F2.9 lens, fast Compur shutter, suitable for black and white or celer. Apply F. LeGresley, New- castle, Phone Clarke 11-t-30. 34-1 VENETIAN BLINDS, 25 different colours cf tapes, 15 slat colours, Flexalum. Aiuminum or Steel, measured and installed free cf charge. Phone 3121. Weber's Fabrie Centre. 17-tf RUGS - save up te 1/ on new, reversible, Bx'oadloom rugs made from your old woollens, clothing, carpets, etc. All the latest Decorator shades. Phone 3446. 24-tf NEW steam Irons, regular $26.95, for $19.95; G. E. electric kettles, $12; Pop-up toasters, $19.95; elec- tric irons, $12, at Murphy's, 52 King St. W., Bowmanville, Phone 811. 34-1 PLUMBING. Heating and Oil Burners installed anywhere in Durham -County. Reasonable rates and higbest qualîty. For free estimates caîl S. Blain Elliott, Heating, Plumbing & Tinsmithing, Phone 3348. 29-tf NEW combination radios, 6 tubes with 3-speed autcmatic changer, regular $232, for $199. Trade-in combination radio and phono- graph, automatic changer, for $69, at Murphy's, 52 King St. W., Bowmanvilîe, Phone 811. 34-1 ONE slightly used 1'1" Addison Television Console Set, regularly $479.00, now $299.95. One Deluxe Model Servis Washing Machine, used 3 months, reg. $219,95, now $169.95. One new maroon 2- piece Chesterfield Suite, regular $159.00, now $119.00. Terms ar- ranged on any cf the abeve articles. T.V. Shep, 33 King St. W. 34-1 BATHROOMS Beautiful - Kit- chens Colourful - That's what the new homes look like. Lovely fixtures for batbrooms in white or colour withf chrome fittings and glistening white porcelain enamel sinks with the same sparkle ycu enjoy in your best china . . . ahl on display at the new showrooms and warehouse on the Streetsville Road. When you visit the C.N.E. just take time eut te see us for fixtures, fittings, furnaces and aIl the th ngs for a nice home. We delive:you 'pay no freight. S. V . Johnson Plumb- ing Supplies, Streetsville, Ontario. 34-3 We gain nothing by being with such as ourselves: we encourage mediocrity. I amn alway s longîng to be with men more excellent than myself-Charles Lamb. IIIURSAY, AUGUST 21, 15 PEST CONTROL LET US RIID YOU OF ... Bcd Bugs, Roaches, Fleas, Moths, Rats, Mice, Etc. 24 Heurs a Day Guaranteed Service Telephone ORONO 13-r-16 OSHAWA 5-1601 34-4* DID YOU KNOW ? That you can have your work pants tailored te fit you at no extra cost. Just because they are work clothes is ne reason for a poor fit.' ILaist and cuffs are altered and séwn with the samne care given ail our qualit>4 clothes. Navy blue denim (heavy 8-oz.) sa nforized shrunk and guaranteed to fit. ONLY - $4.9j Ken's Men's Wear 75 King St. E. Bowmanville 34-21 Wanted To Buy BATHROOM scales and Kiddy car with pedals. Phone 3503. 34-1 WANTED -Live peultry, goose feathers, feather ticks, scrap iron, ragas and metals. Phone 3-2043 Oshawa collect. 29-16 BEFORE sel]ing your live poultry try us. Our prices are higher. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, Phone 7 r 13. reverse charges. 51 -tf *For the Latest Papers *For the Finest Paints *For the Best Workmanship S. G. PRESTON & SON PHONE - 2417 - 912 49-tf Wanted USED Ford tracter pulley. Phone Clarke 28-r-1l.341 ELDERLY woman would like housekeeping job. Phone 2603 Bowmanville. 34-4* TEACHER wisbes smaîl apart- ment or pleasant heusekeeping rooms or cemfortabîe room with board. Write Box 820, c/e The Canadian Statesman. 34-1 WANTED -Middle age couple (preferred) free rent, hydre and taxres. in return for board, i adult, 1 child, 12 yrs., centrally located. Apply Box 817, c/e Canadian Statesman. 34-1 Help Wanted HOUSEKEEPER required te care for sick lady and home. One other adult. Sleep in. Phone Oshawa 3-4761. 34-1 * BOYS - earn geed money in your spare time as pin beys. Apply George Elliott at Martyn's Bowling Academy. 34-3 WANTED - Two young men, steady employment. Apply at Paul H. Simpkin Cabinet Ce., Church Street, Bewmanville. 34-1 DOMESTIC HELP -with prac- tical nursing experience. Sleep in. Apply Middle Green Villa Rest Home, R.R. 4, Bowmanville. Telephone 2974. 34-1 YOUNG man, neat appearance, under 22 years cf age, te help in men's clothing store. This is a permanent position for semeone wishing te learn the men's cîoth- ing business. Apply in writing te Ken's Men's Wear, 75 Kin~ St. E., Bowmanville. V34-2 WANTED - Reliable man as Dealer in Bowmanville. Exper- ience net necessary. A fine op- portunity te step inte old profit- able business where Rawleigh products have been sold for years. Big profits. Products furnished on credit. Write Rawleigh's Dept. ML-H-140-163, Montreal. 34-i TENDlEIRS NWANTED Village of Newcastle SEALED Tenders will be re- ceived by the undersigned until 6 p.m., September 3rd, 1952, for the following position or positions. Stating salary expected. Combined position cf Caretaker of the Community Hall and Policeman cf the Village cf' Newcastle. o Position of Policeman for the Village cf Newcastle. or Position cf Caretaker for the Community Hall cf. the Village cf Newcastle. R. B. Rickard, Clerk, Village cf Newcastle. 34-21 Canadian defence expenditure1 cîîrrentl1v represents 45 per cent9 et the Federal budget., Reail Estate For Sale STOREY and a haîf bouse, on Jane St., landscaped lot, decor- ated. Phone 911. 34-1 STUCCO four-rocm 'house, re- cently decorated. Appiy 90 Elgin Street. 34-1* RESIDENTIAL lots, high and dry, good district. George C. Alîchin, 192 North Liberty St. 34-2 WINTERIZED cottage - East Beach, $1700 or less down pay- ment and terms. Geo. T. Forsey, Phone 2089. 34-1 GOOD frame cottage at Caesarea, f ive roomÎ, closed-in sunporch, 2-piece bath, hydre, well, good location. Appiy Mrs. Fred Bailey, Blackstock. 34-1* FARM for SaIe-100 acres, hydro, spring creek, gced well, 70 acres workable, balance pasture and bush. Barn 30 x 80; 6-room insul- brick bouse. Owner Leonard Gil- bank, Pentypool. 33-2* PEDWELL REAL ESTATE 100 acres, 6-room brick b~ouse, large bank barn, running wt: hydre, chopper; 25 acres tbushl and Pasture, balance worktible, close te Newcastle and No. 35 Highway. We have a large list cf farm houses, cbopping mill, garage and service station. H. C. PEDWELL Phone Clarke 38 SSL Agent for W. J. Warren, Broker, Agincourt 3 1-tf DeWITH REAL ESTATE 50-acre farm, choice land, good stone house, lots cf water, furn- ace, fairly good barn, no hydre. Price $6,000. Haîf cash. 100-acre farm, 10 - room brick bouse, good large barn, big hen bouse, 3 wells, hydre, silo, close te Bowmanville. Pr i ce $15,000. Terms. 50-acre farm, 15-rcom frame house, hydre, 2 wells, 3 barns, nerth cf Orono. Price $8,500. Haîf cash. Several other farms, homes, etc., from $3,000 and Up. John F. DeWith, Broker King Street W. Newcastle Phone 3341 34-1 PEDWEILL REAL ESTATE 8-roem solid brick house in Hampton, 2 acres land. Terms. 100 acres, 7-reem brick bouse, bath, hydre, furnace, etc., barn 35' x 100', close te No. 2 Higbway, near Welcome. $12,000, haîf cash. 100 acres, 6-room brick bouse, large bank barn, running water, hydre, etc., 25 acres bush and pasture, balance workable. Close te Newcastle and 35 Highway. Bungalow in Newcastle, Immed- iate possession, $4,500. $1,500 cash. 50 acres, good bouse, bank barn, greenhouse cemplete with boiler, two cottages on river which cros- ses the property. $9,500. Half cash. We have a large list cf farms, houses and other business pro- positions. H. C. Pedwell, Newcastle Phone Clarke 3855L Agent fer W, J. Warren, Iprok'er Agincourt 34-1 NIXON REAL ESTATE 7-room new insul-brick, 4 bed- rooms, 4-piece bath, hardwood floors, cil heating, heavy wiring, built-in cupboards, garage. $1,500 down. 7-reem frarne dwelling, bath, new furnace, built-in cupboards, bard- wood floors, floor covering, stcrm windows, screens, freshly paint- ed, garage, good garden, land- scaped. This property is in im- maculate condition. $7,500. Terms. 5-room brick dwelling, 4-piece bath, furnace, 2 finished rooms in basement, ]andscaped, good garden. Possession 30 days. $5,000 will bandle. 4-reom frame cottage, hydre, ap- proxithiately 13/4 acres, trout stream, on a good road. $ 1,000 down. 4-room bungalow, 3-piece bath, furnace, full basement, garage, garden. Possession shertly. $7,500. Terms. 4-roomn framne dwelling, hydre, town water, heavy wiring, gar- den, fruit trees, landscaped with outdoor barbecue. $3,500. Terms. James Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St. N., Bowmanvilîe Phone 682 34-4* Personal HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov-Rub- ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 2-51 "SKINNY" GIRLS! Get lovely curves! Gain 5 te 10, lbs., new pep. Try famnous health and weight-builder, Ostrex Tonic Tab- lets. Introductor ' , "get-acquaint- cd' size only 60c. Ail druggists- 34-li Room cmad Board ' Wanted BOOM and board for young man Write Box 819, c/o Statesman Office. 34-41b j~ HAS anyone an' unfurn 4ï. 11 room, preferably with boar , -. quiet gentleman, abstainer, cwn ' bedroom furnitd.re; or furnish#ed room and storage space? Write: Box 807, c/o Statesman Office. Cars For Sale '36 CHEV. and '34 Ford. Apply 85 Duke St. 3- 1937 DODGE Coupe, good con-1f dition. Phone Orono 23-r-19. 34-10 '46 PONTIAC, good conditio%: radio, heater and accessorlcs. Apply after 6 and Saturday. Gea. Brown, 35 Lamb's Lane, Bowmanville. 34-1* For Rent M'O or three rooms, 3-p!ece' Ç,ath, 95 Liberty St. N. 34-1 HOUSE for' Rent - near Oîroýno. Immediate possession. Write Box 821, c/e Statesman Office. 34-1* TWO or three rooms for youngî couple witbout children or eld- erly persen, kitchen privileges. Phone 3586. 34--i COTTAGE at East Beach, Bow- manville, furnished, available Sept. 1, 1952, yearly tenancy if desired. Would suit four or five of a family. Write Roger Bird, 1445 Kingston Road, Apt. 303," Toronto, Ont. 34-2 AUCTION SALE The undersigned auctieneer will î sell on Saturday, August 3Oth, ~ the property cf Andy Umbel, Lot 12, Con. 7, 1 % miles east cf En- niskillen, quantity cf household effects and cattle. Watch for complete list in paper. Sale at 1:30 pan. Clifford Pethick auc- tioneer. 34-1 Names Missed In Report of 2nd Bn. Reunion - A newspaper always takes the risk of names being omitted when a write up cf any affair contair< names associated with the ever. reported. Running true te forrnf in last week's issue in reporting' the 2nd Battalion Reuniori at Ot- tawa we find in the iist cf names, sent in te this office, cf members cf the "Iron Second" frap%,. this; district severai narnes eiqa vertently omitted. To protect Or selves on such an occasion wel asked people te advise us if they . knew cf any names net recorded. ï: The first letter was received by the editor from Rupert Ham- blyn, Ottawa, whose letter ap- pears elsewhere in this issue, bringing te cur attention the name cf T. E. Flaxman was missing. The same day Col. L. T. Mc-# Laugblin received a letter from A. D. MacDonald cf Kingston, formerly cf Bowmnanville and aý member cf the 2nd Battalion,: listing the following names which> had net been included in the Honor Roll as killed or since. died: Jack FrenCh, D. M. (Dan) Douglas, Ira Scott, Sergt. Rom- ans and Ken Masoh. He also stated that Wm. Hughes, wheM we reported as stili living, was killed at Vimy Ridge. Along with Col. McLaugbiin we regret these mistakes and' offer sincere apologies, and if our, readers know cf any other omis- sions please advise us and theY will be recorded in The States- man in due course. Miss Winnie MacIntyre. Toron- te, spent the weekend with Miss Jennie Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wade and son, Grant, have a cottage at Darke's Beach for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Elliott and infant daughter have been on a motor trip down threugh the States. Mrs. Clinton Brown and Son Ross spent the weekend with friends at Bronte. The manaking committee of Newtonville Lakeview Cemetery have purchased a parcel cf land from Mr. William Laing. This will allow the present cemetery te extend westward. Bob Stapleton, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Stapleten, walked in his slecp one night and feIl downstairs. H-e was taken te, the doctor and it took several stitches 'te closetb wound in bis head. Mr. and Mrs. William Milligan and daughter, Bernice, spent the weekend with friends in Toronto. Betty Marie Gibbs is the new paper girl for the village. Mr. Robert Urry and daughter, Anne, Ottawa, are spending a few days witli friends at Barrie. Mr. and Mrs. CleîandU~-%Ue. Gloria, Ted and Barry areN% daying at Darke's Beach, Port Britain. They have a cottage for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. H. McKay, Mr. and Mrs. P. Boyer, Moorefîeld; Mi. and Mrs. Ross McEwen, Beamsville; Mr. Howard F. Wil. son, Kitchener, were visîtors with Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Johnston, efiirkey Brae Farm. A guli is one-eighth of a quart.,