I'AOU arn .-, -.-'----'- TflUII5UAY, AVUU5T 31, lUI TEE CANAD!AN RTATN~RAV ~WtJA N'VTI'.T.'U! I~s'rÂun W19ASTLIW LADS Lait tine wé saw wrasslérà lni action we were a kid back in Ottawa. We belonged f0 thé Y.M.C.A. in those dayg, and the closent wé got to wrasslin' was ini gymn cias. Maybe thé Inatructor, Louis B6nnefant by namné, harbored a grudge against us. Ëverytimne thé 200of us paiuéd off for some m~uscle bendlng exercise, wé ai- waya ended up with Bennie Êge, the fattest boy ln the clans. Wlth Bennie it wasn't wrasslin'. It waa grab and it on. As long au we could keep our skinny frame out of hi. reach we wére O.K., but soon as he got a grIp on an éxposed rnb we weré gon- flers. He'd just it on top until yau either sald "Uncle" or your shoulders sagged wîth thé weight an2d touched thé mat eveniy. You know, we're kinda looklng forward to thé Lion. Club wrass- lin' bout at the Carnivai tomor- raw night. If @tarts about 7 p.m., and weather and wlfe pérmitting. we hope to hé theré to plank down our two-bits and watch Bo- Bo Brazil take on Wee Willie Davis. Wish old Bennie was around. We'd like to show him that there's more to wrasslin' than juif sif- tîng on a guy 'filhé gives Up. IPRICE 0F STARDOM The other Saturday the West Kersiake 's Beach Association held a détfuily auccesaful Sports and Itégatte. They also hý baby contéaf. One thing fhey learned leautY contées - somebod ways gets mad. Take thé case cf Bill daughters. Bath were enter thé baby contéat. Karen, th tie walked off with third in thé six te 12 month class twin sistér Sharon didn't a vény gaod showing. So happons? Thé Vétérans Avenue Tail port thet aincé thé baby bi conféaf, Sharon juat ain't goo ing ta Karen any more. FUNNT FISH FACTS George Guahamn, natch of Sfàtesman staff, does a p posh job on thé keys of a In fet, you mighf evén calJ an expert. tut that deesn' much fer his fisbing. Hé spent bis holidays et steck Bay, Lake cf Baya, year. and hé brougbt an inte ing observation back fa this umn. Getting up eariy one me: ahortly afttr arrîving et the tage, our George bled himse thé rewboat and bégan ro acroas thé laké, tbrough thé ta a place wheue thé fishing supposed te hé good. Hé fiaI Rowing back te bis cettag fer, hé noticed people in1 Prom Sweet PickIe Mixture 1 Home Permanent Fer Beetiandm Cueumbers 20c - 35c Needs no neutralizer $1.75 Bal oit ly pe eAviation Clip-on Bail oint OlynpeneType Pens 8*1k sungîasses Sunglasses 35e ose9 9e$15 Fly Tex Bomba $1.49 Bridgeport Bombe De, Te@ Mot), Killer s9c Larvex spray Thermos Botties -. 18-19 quart Thermos -- $3.00-$3.25 Lunch Kits $1.25 Chlld's Kit Complete -- $3.25 Plenlo Jugs - 93.95-$4.95 LADIES, RAME BRUSUES Nylon Brintles $10 1.95 - $2.50 - $3.95 Conirol Body Odors Stoppera@ ____ -25e Voua - 25c-$1.36-$2.75 Clov-r 65c-$1.25 Sudroma 75e Olympene Liniment 175e-$1.25 Héalt), Salto 1-1b., 59o Enos Salto 69c-$1.09 Absorbine Jr. 1.19-2.39 60C Size Suave 69c Brylcreem Egg Creme Shampoo 25c Comb Both for - 60 e1 oth for - 69c COWLING'S 69DRUG STORE WBFIM MEUSSES [FIE!AIEE FIREEI Corne to Bowrnahville, m.a Dan SulIlivan'u Now.*.Hear This io 111vae I I I TO DO YGUER SHOPPING EVERY THURSDAY AFTERNOON DURINC TUE SUNNER MONTES Whule you are having that done . . . leave your children at the theatre for a free matinee . . . and. where they will be well looked afl er. Features to be selected from thé Children's Library whenever possible. TINE 1:30 P.N. Shop' wilh the followlng nierchants Who are the sponhors Of iho.e, Iree matinees:- BERRY BOOK STORE BOWMANVILLE CLEANERS & DYERS CARTER FAMILY CHARTRAN'S MEN'S WEAR ' COWLING DRUGS F. JAMIESON TIRE SHOP JURY & LOVELL DRUGS JEWELL'S "BIG 20" HIGGON ELECTRIC LANDESI HARDWARE MARRIS JEWE9.Le MASON & DALE HARDWARE F. F. MORRIS CO. PALMER MOTOR SALES THE RADIO SHOP SEVERN'S BAKERY SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER CO. STEDMAN'S 5c to $1.00 STORE TED WOODYARD WALKER STORES ALEX MeGREGOR, DRUGS I won- Day ield a about Iy ai- Tait 's éd in le cu- px'ize mnake what It ré- éauty -goo- fThé pretty Slino. i1 him 't Say Hay- this erest- Scol- orning cet- L'if to wing mist, jwas ied. e la- boats t j Wé had an Interesting chat with Major Gané when hé was visiting with Mr. and Mus. Rosa Stutt. Major Gane, as many know, is thé Chamberlain ef thé City et London. Qulte a high post, aid boy, what? Anyway, hé was feliifg us about thé salléaf possession un- der thé juriadiction of thé Britiah Govérnmént. It's an island calléd Trisan Da Cunha, a pièce et a volcano héad aticking ouf et thé Seuth Atlantic. If bas e coastal circumferénce et 21 miles. But it's stery la interésting. Thé island was firat discovér- éd by a Portuguése sailor, and later taen over by Britain. Wben Napoléon was on Elbe (it's near Elbe) thé Britiah put a gar- rison on thé isiand te prevént French forcés from uaing Af for an escape base for Nap. When Napoléon dîed, thé island was vacatéd. But one Scottish soldi*r. a Corporal Green by namé, liked thé isiend se much hé returnéd with his wife, se thé islend had a population of two. Latér, threé of bis maie friénds came eut ta thé Island te livé. Tbey teck a geod look at thé blistul marital litéet Cpi. Green and décided wbaftbéhy lacked moat was a good women. Se... A Dutch mérchent ahip bap- pénéd by and the boys rowed eut te thé ahip and prevaiied upon thé captain te brlng them each a wifé. And thé captain agreed. Two rmonths latér thé boat né- tunned from ifs trip te the Afi- can coast. And thé boys gof their brides. 0f course, they Weré cciored ladies, but thaf didn't matter very much down Tristan way. Cpi. Green did if up proud by marrying bis pals te théii- sun-fanned swéétiéa. Later, twe Italians and an American landéd on thé isiand from sbipwrecks. Lateaf dope from Tristan Du Cunha la thet éighf séparate lamily seéda have béen plented and are flouriah- ing fairly wéiil. * * 0 1 DON'T GET MAD, MOMMA Wé've run ouf et signa behind oui- désk, but we won't disap- point yeu. Benjamin Franklin, thé great U.S. gentlemen,. had a, keén wif and appanently a shnéw for a wité. Hé bas this te say about women in bis book, Poor, Richard. 'Are women bocks? gamys F{edgé, then wouid miné weré mn Almanmck, te change her eveny >,éar." HAMPTON Mr. and Mra. John Lyon, Mr iLloyd Lyon, Scarboro, Mn. and IMira. Harold Wilson, Donna and Cecil, Leasidé, wére Sunday vis. -item- with Mr. and Mus. Jacý Mr. and Mira. Ge. Mèaze and dmugter, Little Britein, weré vis. itera with Mir. mnd Mus. Garnelt Johnsfon, on Sundmy. Mr. and Mira. Wallace Jétfuey, Taorente, apent thé week-end with Mus. C. E. Jeffrey. Mr. and Mus. Walter Lawson and son Stéven, Long Branch, were Sunday guésta et Mu. and Mrs. Austin Bauron, and at the Truli cottage, Williams' Peint. Mira. M. Goodman and Miss Louise Goodman. havé been hi daying et Rice Lake. Mir. and Mra. Robt. Croft, Mu. and Mira. Lloyd Chute, Mus. J. Trimmer, Misses Mahel and Mary Virtué, Touante. wéré réiént guésta et Mir. and Mra. A. E. Bu.- left. Misa Mary Vu-tue remnained for a holiday. Mra. T. Suddaby, Burnf River, Mra. W. Réeds, Mu. V. Reeda, Fénélon FeUs; Mrs. D. Campbell, Jean and Gordon, Sault Ste. Ma- rie, were Sunday guésta wifh Mrs. Reed's brother, Mir. A. E. Billett. Mu. and Mus. K. Cavéuly visit- ed Du. and Mua. Norman Afin, Bowmanvile. Misa Elsie MacMillan, Alexan- der, was a week-end gueaf of Mus. E. H. Coe. Rev. and Mira. W. Rackham, Manille, wifh Mu. and Mra. Bruce Hogarth lest weék, Mrs. Rack- hem rémaining. Mu. and Mira. Theron Mount- joy visitéd Mir. and Mus. Will Chailis et théir cottage af Bewd- ley. Récent visitera with Mu. and Mrs. R. Hedgson wéré, Mr. and Mira. Dave Hoopen and Mira. Stoule, Orono, Mn. and Mrs. Ray- mond Clmpp, Tyrone, Mr. Ewerf McLaughlin, Oshawa. Mir. and Mira. Stuart Dow, Te- rente, at thé ernoe et bis parents, Mr. and Mira. C. Dmw. Misses Isabel and Betty Smaies, Toronto, with their parents, Mr. and Mra. James Smaléa. Mm-s. Charles Johnston and Eli- zabeth. Peterboro. Mra. John Ba- ker. Solina, with Mira. Jim Smaiés. Miss lvy Stevens. Tonante, with Mira. Elmen Wlbur. Mus. Idm Wiicox, Mu. and Mira. Orme Cruickshanks, Pêtérboro, with Mra. Percy Deweil, and via- ited-wifh Percy in Hamilten, on Satuuday. Miss Wilma Leach viaifed friendsati Columbus lat week. Mu. Lloyd Kersey, Toronto, if S, Kerneys.j Daily Star Hands Editorial Bouquet To Statesman on is 751h Anniversary Although thé Toronto Daily Star has a circulation reaching nearly 400,000 copies-the larg- est daily circulation in Canada- theré still might be somp readers of The Statesman who didn't see thé fine editorial tribute In Mon- day's Star paid ta Editor M. A. James and thé much appreciatéd and ail toc complimentary ré- marks givén Thé Statesman on its 75th Annivérsary under the guidance of the James family. Se with characteristie modesty and pride we are pleased to pass on ta our réaders thé editorial as it appeared in Thé Star: A Fine Family, a Fine Paper That excellent newspapér, thé Bcwmanville Canadian States- Business ierectory LEGAL W. R. STRIKE, Q.C. Barristér, Solicitor; Notary Solicitor for Bank of Motreal Money te Loan Phone 791 Bowxnanville, tIntario LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Baruister, Solicitor, Notary Publie King Sf. W., Bowmanvillé Phone, Office 688 - Residence 553 MISS APRA 1. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor,' Notary Public euccessor to M. G. V. Gould Tempérance St. - Bowmanville W. F. WARD, B.A. Barmater, Solicitor, Notary Money to Loan 91/ King'Streét E., Bowmanviiie, Ontario Phoneés: Office 825 - Ilouse 409 CONANT & CONANT Barristers and Solicitors Gordon D. Conant, Q.C. Roger G. Canant, B.A. Offices: Oshawa, Ont., 712 Simcoe St. S. Phone 3-2227 Ajax, Ontario - Phone 25 DENTAL DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilée Bldg. man, la celébirating thé séventy- fifth anniversary et ifs acquisi- tien by a mémbér ef the James family. And hy membera et that famiy it bas béén cenductéd ever aincé. If .vas bought on Aug. 1, 1878, by that grand old man, thé laté M. A. James-at that timé a grand yeung man et 30, a counltry achool téacher whe had emignat- éd from Devonshire. Engiand, and had acquiréd a faste fer newapa- per wark whiie éditing thé Ce- bourg World during the absence et ifs éditer. Thé Statésman was alréedy 25 yéars oid jand, whilé if was eniy a fouir-pagé shéet. if ig net easy te imaginé hew thé new propriétor was able te buy if on a salany Which had aveueg- éd lésa than $400 per yeau. Mu. James iran thé peper as a stuong exponént côf Libéralism and, affér thé manner et thé fîmes, hé éngaged in sometirnes bitter f ights with bis contémpor- aulés. But he teld bis sons te "léave party pollUecs elône as fhéy never did me or thé Statesman any goed." Whet theydid Inherit fnom. hlm was a détermination te "give thé people a good newsa- pér," and te advocaté good things -things important te thé home, thé chuuch and thé achool. Théy aise inheritéd bis discénniméntf e thé "country, correspondent" as a factor in thé populeritv cf e local newspapér; a field in which thé metuopollian néwspapers cannof compété. But thé Statésman heasbéén knowvn for ifs eritorials as well as for ifs rnéws and, whiie Thé Star bas bad occasion te différ tam thé viéws sometimes ex- préssed, fhey are honéaf views, and thé présent éditer, George W. James, bas thé respect cf news- papérmén in général. Hé leeunéd te set type whén se amali that hé had te stand on a soaphox, and we sometimes wish hé had leaun- ed to set it a littié mare L,Âberally. But hé la an able éditer, a good citizen, and wé hope hé may have thé geod heaith which hé bas at timés lackéd, te carry on bis ad- vocacy et goad causés. ENNISKILLEN 40 King St. W Bowmanvilie ThWMS.mtatéhoet Office Heurs:Th ...etatehoef 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Mira. G. Yeen thé événing et 9 a.M. te 12 neon Saturday Aug. 12fh. Devofionai wes in Cloaed Sundey charge et Mira, F. Beckett, open- Office Phone 790 ing with quiet music and Bible House Phone 3609 passages being read by Mira. H. S tévens, Mira. R. McGiil, Mira. E. DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Tréwin and Mira. E. A. Wérry. Office ini bis home Thé following programme was 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmenviflé under thé directien et Mira. R. Office Heurs: McGill, vocal scie by Téddy Yeo, 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. daiiy account et stay et C.G.I.T. camp 9 e.m. te 12 noan Wednesday by Ruth Lamb, piano solo by Closéd Sunday Rêva McGill and a fboughtfui Phioné 604 and undersfanding presenfatien et thé topic by Mus. W. Ashton. CHIROP ACTIC Mira. John Tyéira, Tom-ento, la _____________________ visifing Mira. T. M. Siémnon. G. EWIN ANND.C. Miss Marion Grills, Courticé, us G.EDiN MraNND.O visiting ber cousin, Miss Linda Office: CioratrYéo. Mr. and Mus. T. Rae, Osawa, SPtcialty Paper Producta Building wére'Sunday visitera at Mu. and 63 Tempérance St. Mira, C. Hutchison's. Office Heurs: Mr. and Mrs. Larme Grîffin and Tuésdey and Saturday Jean, Blackstock, wéré Sunday - évening callérs et Mira. J. Grit- REAL ESTATEun's. Thé tobacco tarméra airé in ful Piropeufiés Sold - Rented swing now, with a very good Menaged and Appraised crop.- L. M. ALLISON Wé are véry sorry te report, Real Estafe Broker Mirs. John Griffin is in bospital. Newcastle, Ont. We wish ber a speedy recovery. Phone 2566 Mr. and Mira. Howard Masters, Two blocks nerfh cf traffic Mr. Ernié Horsély, Bowmanville, signal, Newcastle et Mir and Mira. E. Masters. Mr."J. Lyons,*Mir. T. Chalmérs, H. G. (Rap> GILL Toronto. apént Sundey et Mn. Real Estate end Mira. W. Howeli's.' 8 Second Street Mn. and Mira. A. L. Wearn, Propénties Sold - Rented Lorna and Susan, apent a weék Maneged and Appraised et boiidays et Paudash Lake. Mémbérs ot thé Canadien and Sorry te report Mira. Clifford OntarioRel Estete Boards Pethick ia on thé sick list. We H. G. Gi, Reaitor wish ber a speédy recovery. Phon Bowanvll 514 Mir. and Mus. Ë. Stainfon and PhonéBowmnvulé 354 tmiiy visutéd with Messirs. C. Milîs and R. Hopes, Port Perry. A R C I TÈECT Mir. and Mira. Floyd Pethick and Mrs. Vérna Wood, Toronto, Bétoire you build, censuit with their parents, Mir. and Mira. an anchitecf S. R. Pethick. EERBERT G. COLE, M.R.A.I.C. Mr. and Mira. G. Bull. Mir. and Téléphoné Bowmenvil.le 3653 Mrs. Ben Locke, Oshawa, et Mir. and Mira. W. Howell's. A UD IT IN G Miss Shirley Avery, Burkéton, _spent a tew days ý%'ith ber grand- MONTEITH & MONTEITH parents. Mr. and Mira. A. Oké. Chartered Accountanfa Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stainton, 7 King St. E. Oshawa Oreno, with Mir. and Mira. Loune Mr. Gardon W. Riebi, C.A.. Lamb. résident partnér. Mir. and Mira. R. MeGill and Rêva, accompanied Mir. and Mrs. O P o E TR y Milton Stainton and Clarence on OPTOM ETRY a mofor trip through Omemee, Bridgénorth and Péférbero. K.EITH A. BILLE'1'T Mn. E. Dixori, Enniakîllen, Mn. Optometrit B. Olver, 'Toronto, with Mr-. and Office Heurs: 9 a.m. te 6 P.m. Mira. A. Leadbéatéir, Mira. Olver Mondey te Satunday and childiren returnéd home with excepf Wédnésdey 9 - 12 thém. Evenings by Appaintment Mir. and Mira. J, Osborme, Cour- '4 King St- W. - Bowmanvifl. ticé, Mirs. C. Snéder, Geneneque, Plione 3252 with Mr. and Mra. A. Leadbeater. 3 74 fiahing near thé ahan e h had forsaken for à furthèr field. Thé people fishig on bis ahore lived ini a cottage on the otèér aidé of the lake neer where Geouge had béén flshlng. They talk about greener fields. And anothér thing, dld yOu evér notice as you travél along thé bighway, loaded with fîshlng geai-, on your way ta ta spécial fishinig spot you know about 150 miles distant, did you éver no- tice thé number of cars you pans, loaded wîth fishmng geai-, and, going thé othér way? If would séêm thaf while you are travelling thé 150 miles ta your favorite fishing hangaut, thé people wha livé near your fa- vorite hangout aué travelling 150 miles in thé opposite direction ta whére you live and their favorite fishing hangout. People, pauticuiarly fumermen, aué funny, auen't theyl * s*0 SMALL ]ISLAND POSSESSION t t i WEST BEACH NEWS By The BEACH COMBER li Mr. Jas. A. and F. W. Werry attended thé funeral of thé late Mir. Harfnei Calée t Oshawa Sat- urday thé lSth mast.; and on the lSth Mir. and Mira. H. J. McGiIl, Mr. and Mra. Jas. A. WérrMus E. A. Wérry and Mir. and lrS. 1F. W. Werry aftended thé funeral ôf thé late Mirs. Howard Brown af Oshawa. Mr. and Mra. Arthur Brunt at Mir. and Mma Orir Jeffery's, Port Perry. Mir. and Mira. Donald Ellis and faanily, Buffalo wlth Mir. and Mns. P., Ellis. , We are very aorry te, report Mr. Allan Werry waa badly in- jured between their twa trucks and wam in thé Bowmanvillé Hos- pital for a week, but carne home on'Sunday and ia doing nîcely. Mr. and Mira. Jim Simpson and family, Trenton; Mr. and Mira. Haward Bradley and Brian, Ma- pIe Grove; Mr. and Mra. Clarence Bradley, Maurice and Beverley, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Rosa Pagé. and family, Newcastle; with their parents, Mr. and Mira. Leonard Bradley. Mir. and Mira. Cameron Oke and iittle visiter, Alfié. Oshawa, apent thé week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mira. Albert Oké. Mr. Will Smith, Oshawa; M. and Ms. A. Hawes and Cheryl, Hampton, at Mir. and Mirs. E. Trewina and Mira. M. Trewin's. Master Bert Werry spent thé week-end at Master Bian Lee's, FKedron, and attended Oshawa fair. Miss Elsie Oke, Toronto, who is hoidcaying with her brothers and aisters, accompanied Mr. and Mira. Albert Oke te visît Mirs. J. Oké and girls, Bowmanviilé. Mir. and Mira. R. Mitchell and childiren, visited relatives at Pe- terboro. Mu. and Mirs. Harold Ashton, and boys with Mr. and Mira. I. Travéill nd Mr. S. Kerséy's, Hampton. M. and Mrs, L. Fawns, Eldora, Mr. Laurence Sheil and friend, Toronto; Mira. Allen, and Miss Joyce Allen, Mira. Lambert, Osh- awa; were visitors at Mir. and Mirs. E. McNair's. Mira. F. Venstone, Toronto; Mr. and Mira. R. Vanstone and Gary, Whitby; visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. McNeii and aise accom- panied themn to visihêlir. and Mira. A. Mceil af Haydon. Mr-. and Mira. John Borrowdale and Brian, Oshawa; Mir. and Mra. Frank McGili and Don, To- ronto; Mira. John McGiii, with Mir. and4*!rs. Harvey McGill. Mr. and Mira. L. M. Keith, Mr-. Fred Van Néat, Toronto, af Mr. and Mus. N. Wright's. Mira. Harold Milla, Chester and Bruce, with lier mothér, Mrs. M. Wells, Port Penny. Mir. and Mrs. Paf Tresise, Gail and Kathiryn, rétunned home te Oshawa, frein spending holidays with Mu. and Mus. Norman Wright. Mr. and Mira. W. M. Henry, Winddor; Master Paul Henry, Bellevilleý Rev. M. R. and Mua. Sanderson, Toronto; Miss Bérnice Sharp, Spiringaide, Sask., visited Mr. ând Mirs. Adam Sharp. Misa Florence Van Néat. mc- companied Mir. and Mira. N. Wright, whe visitéd Mir. and Mirs. Fred Wiright, Mapie Groe. Misa Helen Dalton, Ottawa, is visiting a few days with Mir. and Mirs. 0. Cà Ashton. Annual C.G.I.T. picnic at Ruth Ashton's cottage, Ceesarea, on Saturday mftérnoon, Aug. 23. Thé Boy's Club entértained thé, C.G.I.T. on Friday évening, Aug. 15 at a wéiner roasf at Rév. and Mira. Seymnour's camp at Stèphénson's Point on Lake Scu- gag. Thirty membérs and fripnds were présent. ýMrs. Séymour led in camp lire, sing-scng and gamés. Mir. and Mira. O. C. Ashton,. Lois and Chaulés, Misa Helen Dm1- ton spént thé week-end with théir cousins, Mir. and Mirs. G. E. Jchnston at their cottage, Maple Lake in Haliburton. Neyer let a good spare tire ré- nain idlé until thé other tirés are wiorn out because thé apare wiii deteriorate tram disuse evén hough if may appéar to e énéw and in perfect condition,. Général Mfotors advisés. DO WNAN VILLE' 1110H SCHOOL, STUDENTS SCHOOL OPENINO TUESDAY, SEPT. 2nd, 19521< Grades XI, XII, XIII, Junior and Sen ior Commercial,- at 9a.m. Grades IX and X -at 1:30 p.ni-. Book Exchange Opens ai 3 p.m. L. W. DIPPELL,I .1 PrincipaLJ Can we afforcl.. I g' ~ ~ The chances are you CAN. TIousenda ' Il//iof Conodions who thought thé? lng thot the best ln s'iverwcre ls weII INCHANTRESS wlthin roch of oen moderato incornes. PRELUDE Core n e nd lot us show you how WILa Rosi 'COuOOkolI t 15 todoy. Marr' s Jewellery' 43KING ST. W. BoWMANVILLE PHONE 463 Sunlight, lanipllght Or th* ht Of a maiil candie la convertéd Into enough eleetriedl energy te spin thé light fiywheeli cf theé Sun Motor, a device developed in the Général Motour èeaurch labora- tories. Because the sun la nature's £reatest power réservoir, GM engineers use this machine ta illustrate how to hernes, an lnfInitely small portion of thé power available in the aun's raya. The device willi be seen in the "Previews of Progrems" démonstration which will bé part of thé hugt GM Travtlera dispal at thé Canadianz National Exhibition. We aire very sorry te hean that IMir. George Wiggins ef "Ke- tWig". wem serioumly hurt, récent- tly, whilé painting hîs cottage. Hé was taken te Bowmanville's 1Mémorial Hospital for X-rayýl thence te Toronto Eat Gênerai wberé hé was placéd in a caaf. Hé bas refurned te his cottage te recuperate frem serioÜs back in- juries. We trust if will nef be tee long until hé lsaraound again. Thé childirén wére enterfainéd te a movie show on Sunday even- ing. They enjoyèd a travelogue 4n Québe during spring and sum- mer, and accornpanied thé Bell Téléphoné while tbéy laid a lme across thé continent and installéd a téléphoné. Two musical'nuin- bers weré aise enjoyed. We say "thank yeu" for thé childirén te thé Beach Association. espécially Mira. Coe of thé ententainent Committée and Mr. F. Diling for provlding and opeuating thé movie. Miss Nancy Varcoe. Peterboro Civic Hospital, with ber parents in "Rést-A-While"-. Mr. E. S. Varcoe, refurned from a récent week-end trip te Wingloot Is.. Temagami. Mira. J. Coe, Town, spent a few days with her son, Mir, and Mira. Walter Coe and Merje in 'Baskey Dell". Mr. and Mus. H. Kelly and Shâ uAnn. Geergia, U.S.A., hali- daying In thé "Log Cabin". Mir. and Mira. Wm. Dllling and Donna, Whithy, with Mir. and Mu.s Forréat Dilling, in "Linger Long- Mir. *and Mira. Bruce Berry, Town, in "0-So-Ezé." Mir. and Mira. H. E. Thempson, Edmonton, Alberta, with bis ais- fer. Mus. -Wm. Dunn in "Rusty Nook". Mr. and Mira. W, Tomlinson and family, Orono, holidaying in Ioa- coma." Mr. and Mira. Russel Halîman, Fyvie, attended thé speed-boat racés in Wellington and Orillia. Misa Diane Hellman with ber grmndparenfs in Oshawa, Mr. and Mua. David Auit and David, Toronto. in "De-vé-ley"l Mir. and Mira. W. Ow.n4 sens, David and Robért, 'Osbawe, with Mir. and Mira. Wm. Severs EYES EXAMINEO MLASSES FITTED lIEa ous mo.eSAY. l Il PL ALIE LL III UIIUESIY EVENINIlS Il 110fel11? SOWMAN VILLE 2024 in "Pop's Place t Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Murchaon, »Billie and Peter; Mr. and Mmra N. Green. Donald and Marilou, eMimico, with Mies Edith Robiu.-ý 9son. Mr. Don Severs, Oshawa. maký' ing hi. home with his grandpar- ents while heing employed on the oil pipe-line. Mr. and Mrs. M. Allen, Judyr cand Janice, with friends inOsh. awa. Mr. and Mrs. J. Rice and far" iiy, Town,.in "Sandhurst". Af Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bounsie Milton, at "The Better 'Oie." Mr. Wallace Dilling, Linger Longer, accompanied the Oshawa Yacht Club on their race to AI- cott Beach, U.S.A., during thé week-end. Mrs. A. Dorney, XTC, apent a few days in her home in To- ronto. Mir. and Mrs. W. Mathews. To- ronto, in "Idlewyld". Miss Judy Burns, Peterboro, in 'lLinger Longer". Mr. Ed. F'eather and Miss Shir- ley Feather, "Birdland", have Èé- turned to their home in Toronto. The summer residents will wei- corne the opportunity to attend the Lion's arnivai on Friday evening. It is through the gener- osity of this Service Club that our Life-Guard is provided. LeLt us ail endeavour to show our appre- ciation by helping to make théir Carnival a huge success. Lichi nuts are grown In China,, m Tm CMADL4N BTATESIL4.x BôWMAxVMiýr ONTAMM 1 1 IMA« Mx