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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Aug 1952, p. 7

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AV, A'D~US¶" 21, 1052 TRI CANADIAK 8TATESMA2i, BOWMANVTLLE. ONTARTO PAGI UEV~I - L MUn. E. M. Wells, Toronto, is giaùiting with Mrs. J. M~. Jury. Miss Margaret Allun spent a eek's holiday at Glenverdean. mms. F. 8. Phillips is visiting ber brot1her, Mr. Arthur Moore, Êt Owen Sound.% Miss GertrVde Ross, Owen $ôuftd làvlsit1l18 er aunt, Mrs. X. 3.Postr, Hrsey St. Rev. and Mrn. F. C. Bayes, Har- ,vislted their aunt. Mrs. J. E. ott this week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Durphy and Roger, Windsor, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. E. Ormiston. 1Mr. George Weekes, Toronto, O#Isited Mr. and Mrs. Alan Osborne for the weekend. Mr. Bill Dustan, R.C.M.P., Ot- tawk, was guest of his mother, Urs. T. A. Dustan. Mrs. Fred Wight, Oshawa, Is Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Melborne Wight. Miss Alice Hosback, Detroi t, Mich., bas been guest of her aunt, Mrs. T. S. Holgate. Miss Jean Cully is visiting her The Salvation Lieut. and Mrs. J. Hamn Vacation Bible School "OPEN HOUSE" A programme for parents, frientis andial Interesteti lu ehildren'. work. Salurday, Aug. 23 B P. M. 0 Boes Cornet Trio 0 Pwimary Prayers *Rhythm Bandi *Randicrafi flhsplay EVA N CELFISTIC CENTRE <PENTECOSTAL) IRev. F.,B. Fifield, Pastor Sonday, Augusi 24 SUNDAY 8CHOOL Praying As Sons EVANGELISTIC ~'The pastor will preaeh Subjeet: "One Man ln Heul and b Others on Their Way"' WEDNESDAY Christ Ambassadors .- Al weleorno DAILY VACATION BIBLE SCH001o Coutlnuung Another Week Auguui 18 Io 29 1 Age 4to 14il1i iaunt, Mn,. Wm. Watson, Hamil- ton. L Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Dale and daughtars, Janet and Norma, are hoiidaying at Bnitannia. Bob Spencer, - camp Bondan, visitéd with bis grandparants, Mn. and Mns. R. L. Mitchell. Mn.. J. B. Armstrong and Mn. P. H. Sargeant, Toronto, visited their aunt, Mrs. John Raid. Mn. and Mn.. Ray Dilling spent the weakend with Mn. andi Mns. jDean Hodgson at Glanvandéan. Mn. and 'Mrs. Walter DéGean and Jim ara balidaying et théir cottage, Gore*s Landing, Rice Lake. Mn. and Mns. W. J, E. Ormis- ton lait Monday on a wéék's motan trip through Eastern On- tario. Mns. Chas. Cassins (Helen), Bolton, spant thé weakend with han mothér, Mns. F. Tighe, Chuncb St. Mrs. J, Wallace Bradan and Elizabeth are visiting han bro- ther, Mn, Don Brown and Mns. Brown, Arnprion. Mn. and Mns. Ron Aider and Patty, Town, Mn. and Mns. Joé Marks, Oshewa, spent a weék's vacation et Christie Lake. Mns. Glen Lander and familV ara spending a iew days with Mrs. Blein Elliott and femily et Crowe Lae. Mn. and Mns. D. Rogers, Bien- heim, are visiting Mn. and Mrs. W. J. E. Onmistoh and Mn. and Mn.. Milton Wilcox, Town. Mrs. N. S. B. James, Town, and daugbtan, Dr. Danathy M. James, Toronto, leit Sunday on a moton trip ta Vermont, 'U.S.A. Mn.. Norman Willson, Edmon- ton, and Mn.. H. D. Waters, Ta- ronto, are visiting théin sisten, Mns. Howard Couch. Mn. and Mrs. Morley Vanstona, Fneddy and Helen have bean hoiideying et Mountain Lake, near Minden. Master David O'Rounka, 'Flétt St., bas returned fromn a tbree weaks' vacation at De LaSalle Camp. Mn. and Mn,. Frank Kinkan- dalland Mn. and Mns. Ahf. Ker- sbew, Toronto, visitad Mns. F. W. Kinkendaîl. Mns. Mine Colwell, Mrs. Bert Coiwehl and Irwin ara énjaying a moton trip ta Toronto, Orange- villa, Beeton and Barrie. Mr. and Mrs, Géo. E. Chase ane anjaying holidays et thain cottage ln Algonquin Park, in thé HigYiends ai Ontario. Town Clark Aiick Lylé Is an- joyîng bis annuel fishing trip with Mn. Herb Diiiing and Mn. Fred Downey in Maynaoth dis- trict. Mns. Chas. H. Mason, King St., and Master Wayne Purdy, Centre St., are spanding a few day. wîth Mrs. S. R. James, Norm and.Doug et Goodarbem. Mrs. A. J. Campbell, Maplé Gravé, populer Domastic Science téachan et Bowmanvillé Public Schools, spant twa waéks' vaca- tion with relatiVes in Mininiapolis. Mns. Alberta Densém and Mns. I Bessie Densam spént Sunday et Bowmanville East Beach with Mn.. Hoar wba was célehnating han hinthdey. Pnize winners et the Canadien Légion Woman's Auxiliery tee and draw Friday wana: Mrs. Rog- ers, Mn.. M. Clarke, Mrs. ]Davis and Petsy Carter. Mn. Ron kitson and Mn. John Staey havé beén holideying with Rlon's parents, Mn. and Mrs. Wilired Kitson and family at thein cottage on Sandy Lake. Miss Paggy Dippél isi.njaying baer dutias as swimming instruc- très. at Taylor Statton Camp, AI- gdnquin Park, and is et prasent on a seven-day canoa trip. TYRONE UNITED CHURCH H-ARVEST HOME Sunday, Aug. 31sf - 2:00 and 7:30 p.m. REV. A. E. CRESSWELL, Lindsay, guest préacher at bath services. Monday, Sepi. 1sf - 4:30 pa.. CHICKEN PIE SUPPER Play - "AN OLD - FASHIONED MýOTHER" by Columbus - Kédron Young People at 8:30 Supper and Play - $1.25 Play Only - 50e Children - 50e Children - 25c ST PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH Rev. H. A. Turner, B.A., B.D.. Minister Mrs. Reta Dudley, A.T.C.M., L.C.C.M., Organist Trinity and St. PauI's Congregations Worship Together. COMMUNITY SERVICE Sf. Paul's Sunday School Picnic at Orono Park U- Wed., Ang. 27f1h CARS WILL LEAVE THE CHURCH AT 2 PN PHONE 3303 Intenior and Exterior Brush and Spray Work Skilled Workmanship FREE ESTIMATES Phone 879 BOWMAN VILLE Sfafford Bras. Monumental Works Phone Whitby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Precise workmanship and careful attention ta detail are yaun assurance when you choose from the wide sélection ai imported and domestic Granites and Marbies in stock. iY oui find ok ec dikt-dufo .,&a Remember that leaky faucet you've been lgnoring? Ddes it bather you? Alil ru nead ih a tood plumber and it waon't Ieak' aay mare. We're ln business ta stop ieaky faucets, amont other thingi. Just raal us and your faujet's as good as fixed. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Symons, Robert and Janet. have returned Clubs, Mrs. Mabel BagneU aýnd to St. Catharines after visitmng Miss Mary Jewell wera after- Mns. Muriel Symons and Miss Vi- faon tea guests of Mrs. Tr. E. Hig- vian Bunner. glnbotham. a former Bowman- Mrs.Hary Fsterwasplesedville resident. Other former Bow- Mrsharry a vstur ws ased ..n-anVilieites, Mrs. Addinall, a tor nhaewandisit Th r Chr-msister 6f Mrs. Gui Bounsaîl, who hanesnaphew and Miecs. Mr. har- ,nôw lives ini Vancauver. and Miss TeoHronatois.gns ady Edna Hambly of Red IDeer, Alta., Toronto.Who was visiting in Vancouver, 1 Mr. and Mns. W. A. Edgen, were also present and enjoyed Town, and Mr. and Mrs. W.,1R* hearing about aid Bowmanville (Bill) Edgar> Peterborough, have friands. While in Vancouver, the r eturned from a motor trip four nepreséntatives from Bow- through the States. manvilie, -Miss Violet McP'eeters, Mrs. W. R. Strike bas returned Miss Helen Weddell, Mrs. Mabal £rom visiting friends in Wadding- Bagneli and Miss Mary Jewèll, ton, N.Y. Her naphaw, Richard alsa saw Miss Molly Badge r, a Cassalman, Monnisburg, returned féhlow memban af thé B. U P. twith ber for a visit. Club Who was holidaying on thé Mrs. Alfrad Gully, Oshawa, %vas West Coast, and Mns. Chas. 'Ma- in town Tuésday calling on bld son. the former Sally Cale of rfriands. It la rémankable hf) the Bank af Montreal staff. active and alert she is for -a womnan 88 years af age. Rev. Sidney and Mns. Davisai, S A K IL Parkhill, were in tawn this wétieTÀ KVIL visiting aid friands and acquaint- Mrs. Charles Yule. Oshawa, la ances. Mr. Davison is a former visiting Mrs. Ewart Robin~son. minister af Trinity United Church. Mr. A. Graham, Toronto is Miss Linda Miller and bier spending a few days witix Miss jgrandfather, Mr. J. W, Miller, are Norma Hallawell. visiting bis brother, Mr. Fred Mm. G. Plum, Toronto, with Miller, Pepin, Wis., and othar Mr. ArthUX McKay. friands and relatives in Minneso- Friands from the community ta, Wisconsin and Iowa. attended the funeral of Mrs. T. Mrs. Gibson Kerr, Miss Elsie A. Raid in Orono an Tuesday. Kerr, Moose Jaw, Sask.; Mr. and Mis. Llaw Hallowell visited Mrs. D. Harrison and daughters, liarîparendt, MS.ndy. hs Misses Laura and Alice Harrison, MFals edSuay visited Mr. J. W. Miller and Mn. M. and Mrs. Orme Falls and and Mrs. Geo. Thrasher. family, spent Sunday in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Falls. Miss Mabal Colwall, Winnipeg, Mn. and Mrs. B. Andréee Osh- 7Man.; Mns. M. J. Atkinson, Tor- awa, with Mn. and Mrs. M. Shut- ionto; Mrs. A. J. Lymer and ka. tDouglas, Oshawa, spent Monday Mr.. and Mns. Lamne Todd vis- with thé Colwell's af Carlisle itad Mr. and Mrs. T. Falls, Ken- Ave. dal. Mr. Ted Cohwell is attending Miss Mary Haliowahl and 1the Athletic Training School friands spent Sunday at Pres- Camp for leaders on Lake Couch- que'ile Point. iching at Longfond Milis whera ha represants the Bowmanville IHigh Sebool. LONG SAULT Citizans will not be able ta ____ plead ignorance about local mun- Maynd icNesoN - icipal affairs aftar readinig the park, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey page and a balf of editanials in Partner and family, visitad Mr. this issue by members a£ the and Mrs. Stanley Gable. Town Council. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Carson, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Weber, Diana Bowmanviile, visited Mr. and and Hazel have raturned fnam a Mrs. A. J. Mclaggan. pheasant trip ta Manitoba and Mr. Jack Johnson visitad Mr. Saskatchewan. Thay went thnough Harold Stephenson, Tbornhill. thé States and returnéd on the Mr. and Mns. Geo. Bell and scenic Trans-Canada Highway. Jania, Will Irvine, Dundas, holi- Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McDonald dayed at Mr. and Mrs. Bant John- and Karlyn have retunned from son. a motor trip .,rough thé United Miss Bassie Yeo, Tyrone, with States ta Vancouver, B.C., wberé Mr. Paul Vanayk and Mr. and they visited Mr. McDonald's Mrs. Walter Vaneyk. mother, bis sisten and family. Mr. Ed. Linkie, Oshawa. visited Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Henry and M.adMs enr ike son Robent, Windsor, have béa n Te'gte fabo r h visiting bier parents, Mr. and.. Mrs. E. J. Witberidga. They hava inside margins of pages where since returned home and wera hyaebun oéhr accompanied by han mothar for Wboavér challenges thé errors a shart visit. of others and charishes bis o wn, Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. can naithar haip himsalf nor Gao. Thrashar were bis grand- othars: hé will ba callad a moral moterMrs A.A.Thrasher, and nuisance, a fungus, a microbe, a mother, Mrs. A. ThA. h Oh mouse gnawing at thé vitals of awa, also his sister, Mrs. W. E.hmnt-MrBaeEdy Knott. hér husband and family, Cbristianity is thé highést par- Tulsa Oklahoma. faction af bumanity. - Samuel Lieut. Jack Kitson spent th Johnson. waekand with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kîtson. Hé has ré- Arifca Ie turned ta Kingston where hé is A tfca e Vote et présent taking an acadamic course in connection wlth bis (Continued from Pagé One) training. thé drivéway leading inta thé ica Mrs. Wmn. Jackson and Mrs. T. ara&. Thé wast end of icé wali A. Garton have retturned fnomn a wiil ba removéd and ahtéréd ta cruise on thé St. Lawrence River, suit this change. One axciting avent was whén Extra support wiil be supplicd théir' steàmer ran ino a schooi unden thé wast ind séating. of whaies and for about 15 min- Thé ice floor will hé lévalled utes thé monstrous creaturést off with dlean sand ta thé top couid be sean in ail directions, surface of thé brina piping; pres-i We Wsh o aoloizeforer-suré creosoted siéepérs will bc Wé wish reota alg izas eeorci-suppîiad ta run crosswisa of thé ronteosly retangMinshastnwéék's nink ai approximateiy six feet fatt who racéîved bigh standing Ti nhé cmplte st ftis in lier Upper School éxaminations h c wil ba spofrvis both at Bowmanville High School, Canian 'icab upried h camé ta B.H.S. from Newcastleé ada Ice achine Company High Schooi. Miss Moifatt at- is $8.396. tendd Orno Hgh Shoolbe- Thé Réfrigération Equipmént tfned on o B.H.Sc.o b-suppliéd by Canadian Ica Ma- Mora c lomince to d B.H. ack-chine Company wilba $30,259,{ MissFiorncé nd Lta Jck.daîivaned and érected, sales tax son enjoyed -a week's hahidays includad. with Mn. and Mrs. Roy Jackson It'. Up To You and Brenda Jean at Marmora. Sa, Mn. and Mrs. Ratapayar, thé Mn. and Mns. Leslie Jackson drove installation of artificial icé in thém 'own and enioyed a few Mémorial Arène is in youn hands. days. Mr. and Mns. Russell Gay, ýYour "For" or "Against" vote will Bannice and Jean, Courtice, weréý influence Council's action in ras- also Sudyeiitn o r. -And1pct t By -a-139-aB-law Rotary Club à(Cont1nueci from Page One) Charter, written ingAngla-Saxon, kUns as foilows: London's Royal Charter '<Williani King, greets William, Dishop. and Gosfirtb, Portreava, and ahl the burgessas within Lon- gon, French and Englisb, friand- IY. And 1 gîve you tQ knaw that Iwll that ye be Ail those laws *'orthy that ye were in King Ed- jVard's day. And I will that avary thild ba bis fathér's hein aftan hi& father'a day and I will not 9,uffen that any man offér yau any wrong. Gad keap you."e .The C4anter conierred no naw figbhts, according ta thé speaker, It menaly récognized rlghts ex- lsting At that tima. "Citizans' tights ware recagnizéd in 1215 by 'King John," Major Gané tohd flatanians. [n thet yaar, thé Mag- na Carta was avoked from thé King and thé first Mayor ai the City was appointéd ta sée that thé terms af thé Charter wére strictly cerniail out. Tunning ta modern London, thé speaker seid thé office ai tha Lord Mayor is an expansive pro- position ta thé holder. "Ha must spant bctwean £30,000 ($90,000) and £45,000 ($135.000) ai bis awn monay annuelly," Major Gane éstimated. Hé mantioncd in considanablé détail thé City of London's "pni- vate purse' which anables thé municipal govarnment ta relieve part ai thé tax burden of rate- payers. To Canadian municipali- tias attampting ta keap abreast of expansive municipal expanditure, London's "pnivata pursa" would pnobably ba welcomed hike man- na from héavan. Corporation Is Dlvidad The Corporation af the City of London is dividcd into two parts: On ana sida is 'the ancient muni- cipelity which includes thé "pri- vaté pursa". Thé pursa is made Up of money denived from as- tatés and rentais. On the other sida. it acts as an.,, ordinary mun- icipal government. FIy -Tnx INSECT BOiMBS Kîis ilies and masquitoas. 6-oz. 98e 12-oz. $1.49 The private purse sida proved most interesting to Rotarians. Money channelad into the purse is spent on education-the purse supports four schools in the City of London at no expansa to the taxpayer-with some being spent on open spaces similar ta the green beit around the city. The administration of open spaces runs as high as £20,000 a year, the speaker astimated. Also, from. the private purse comes money to off-set the ex- penses of the Central Criminal Court, more common4y known as O d. Bailey, along with the City o rLondon Court (similar to our County Court) and the Po- lice Court which convenes in the Guild Hall. Every alderman elected to council is elected for life. and each is also a magistrate vested with the power to hear cases alone. In other courts, a panel or bench of magistrates is required. Major Gane said the Lord Mayor has his own Police Court which convenes daily in the Mayor's mansion. London Chambers Differ In order to clarify names, Ma- jor Gane said the Chamber of London is in no respect connect- cd with the London Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber of which ha is Chamberlain (man- ager) is the oldest traditionai bank in London. "Up until 1694 when the Bank of Engiand was formcd, the Chamber provided King and Parliament with ail the moncy they required," the speaker said. Expensive wars. however, drain- ed the Chamber's coffers, and this situation gave the final push ta the establishment of the Bank of England. The speaker notcd that visitors to London must be astonished to see some of the most valuabla real estate now turned into flow- er gardens. 'iWill they ever re- build?" is a common question. Major Gane informed Rotarians that more than one-third of the City xvas destroycd by enemy action during World War II, and Rotarian Forbes Héviand cale- Hair and Dental Needs Drene -- . 39c. 65c, 99e1 Halo. . 39c, 65c, 98e Hludnut Crama Rinse- -- 75c, $1.25 Nestie Colartint -- 390 ('olgate Tooth Pasta 33c, 59c, 89e Fasteeth 39c, 59r, 98e that in thé ré-building pnognam, first things must coma finat. By this ha inienraci the construdtion ai pnivate homes befone business buildings. Soma 270,000 pnivate homes were dastroyed tbnougbaut Eng- land during thé war and ai this numbar. 116,000 ware in London and its suburbs. Tbrough six yaars ai war, no ré-building was accomplished; thé govérnment ai today beliavas its first dnity, in this respect. is ta ré-bouse thé British people. Steel Shortage Exista ]But aven 'though Bnitain I. meking more steel than aven be- fora in history, thené i. not enough ta supplv the building in- dustry. "Re-ermamént bas thé finst cail on steel," Major Gene said, "and axpant markats bas thé second celi." Little is lait for home construction. Thara i. also a shortage of man povter in thé building tradas, acconding ta thé speaker. Concluding bis fascinating adi- dréss in characténistic British op- timism, ha said, "Théra's nothing wrang with thé Old Country. We'il wéathan thé stonm and overcomýs thé obstacles wé face, and there is nothing wnang with thé City ai London. In that square mile," hé addad, 1'cen hé found thé bast banking known in thé world. Wa must go ahaad datarminad ta ovércome aur dii- ficultias." He closcd with thé words: Dom- ,ina Dirige Nos. Thé motta ai thé City ai London which liteaaly means: "God Guide Us." Rotarian Johnny James said ha considaned it a rare privilège ta ha called upon ta thank such a remankablé speaker. "You have given us an up-to-data pic- turé ai London," ha said, "and wa hope you can také away e feeling that wé, taa, ana optimis- tic in Britain'. future and wiiiing ta help." Mn. James addad an admirable santençé in conclu- sion: 'Many ai us saw thé dis- trict (London) at its worst, but thé people at thein bcst", ha said. SPECIAL 15% REDUCTION on MONDAY ansd WEDNESDAY on f PERMANENTS HUYCKI'S HAIRDRESSING Plhone 703 The rear of Coffee Shop. Ildependent COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE Maon~eSPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THURSDA.Y FRIDAY AND SATURDAY GUARANTEED! Pictures Thot Satisfy Or A New Roi! FREE! Ansco A~iinWahe im finM 1For Balanced Fitness PLEASANT Box of 12 .. . .. . eFRUIT SALT" ENO0 $0s différent from Peds thot luit foi soft at fiait toucIh 40Ç iWeek-End Specials! I.DA. Brand TOILET TISSUE soft - white, 650 sheets per ral Reg. 2 for 27e 2 for 23c I.DA. Brand EPSOM SALT Fine needié crystais 1 lb. - rcg. 25e 19C Theatnical COLD CREAM (Evelyn Hward)a 1 pound jan reg. 89c 73e 2 for $1.40 More I.DA. 1 Preserving A ids ! - - - - --- - - Certo --l------ ------26C SPECIAL [OW-PRICE OF ER Parowax, ------------- 16c Z/ef AIum Powder, 4-oz.-- -- ----lic aE. fe~ Salieylic Acid, 1-oz --- 9c [ýWith 10 . URtS as t T J u i . aGillette Blues fw For the Holiday vveekçeflndBldcmh CAMERAS --- $3.30, $6.25, $8.25 upý Dispenser.~ FILMS. popular sizes --42c, 47c, 58c, Household Remedies! Ahsorbi1ie Jr.- $1.19-$2.39' *gg' Bile Béans ---e--- ---- -------5 c I3roin-Seltzer -29c-55c-98c Dodd's Kidney Pls50eE Ex-Lax -----15c-33c L R Fruitatives ~-28c-55cý1BYCEP Sedicin Tablets ----------$1.00-$4.95 1 THE PERFECT ______________ AIS nmmee.u*a Inro duecta ry 3CMkstnt lann 1 %-oz tue 2 w'hite. Sweetans thé Economy '7 brcath. Léavas taeth 3-oz. tubae'.57c a n d ?nouth feeling dlean and frash. TRY IT.. if not fullv setisiied, ask ion yaur money back. uiassu ecd: WRITINCi PADS Note Size neg. 1lOc ge 2 for 15e Ladies' or ¶..etter Size reg, 15e 12e 2 for 23e Jeanette TALCUM 12 oz. cariister 22e 2 for 43e IIEEDS NO NEUTRALIZER! e becouse Prom neutrofiz* a utomaticelly 0 "Tokes" .very lime 0 Wav.s with ony plastie curlers on'y $1.75 PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY 1Alex. We Deliver MeGregor, Your Lccal I.D.A. Drug Store Drugs Phone 792 brated a birthday at the "rday meeting. Guesta attendinq_ wore: Rotarlans Hayden MeDlonaki, Ev. Loveil and Harold $proule, of Oshawa, along with Dick Ma. lona, Winnipeg, S. A. Sa y 1r, Osh. awa. and Col. Lorne T. McLaugh. lin and Dr. W. H. Birks, tow-u, and former Recreationai Director of this town. New Guest Book Ail these guests' names were fnscribed, with the distingulahed guest speaker's name heading the iist. in a beautiful new guest book presented to the club at this meet- i ng by the three Rotarian "James Boys"-George, John, antd Bill. Catholie Popes have beeri Ital. ians for more than three centur. ies. Low-cut specials ta save you monev this Tlhunsday, Friday and Saturday'. CASCARA TABLETS 5 grain, 100's, reg. 39ce .33c HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 4, 8, 16-oz.. reg. 19c, 29c, 45c 14c, 23c, 37c LINSEED MEAL 12-oz., reg. 35e 29c MAGNESIA TABLETS 100O's -300's, reg. :39c, 89c 33c, 63e SEIDLITZ POWDERS 7 sets .in box, reg. 29e 23c MILK of MAGNESIA 16 -32-oz., reg. 35c, 60e 29c, 49c FRUIT JENCiS"SALT"IIT THE CANADIAN BTATrAMAN, BOWMANVILLZ. ONTARIO *f, AIMMM M. 1§82 PAGE SICUN 1

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