?HURSDAY. ATYGUST 28, 1951 TNE CANADTAN STATE~MAN. ROWMANvTLL~ n~'rA~Tr~ FA~K 4~1~ Nemorial Hospital's Firsi Birthday Reveals Nany Inleresling Conditions As Io Improved & Growing Demands The Memarial Hospital at Bow- manville has had its first birth- day and is aIl set ta be of great- er service than ever ta the cam- munity. The past year has been a very strenuaus one for bath the Staff and the Board. The transfer from the aid building ta the new one bas opened up a xîew set of working conditions, new methods, more pèrsonnel and new equipment. The staff had ta adjust itself ta working out new ways of doing their work and handling the larger spaces. The changes during the past year have been so great that they can only be explained by giving some camparisons. The greatest of these is found in the manthly financial statements made by Treasurer Ray Dilling. Ten years ago. $18.000 was enough ta pay for ail wages, food, coal and other expenses for a whole year. But for the first seven months of 1952 it cost $72,170 ta aperate the new hospitai. During those seven month!4there was $45,150 paid out in wages, and tbis does not in- iclude that paid ta special nurses iby different patients. These f ig- ures mav sound fantastic ta same people but they are correct and ino doubt wiil buîld up ta about 1$130,000 or mare befare the end 1 f the year. Drastic Changes Made These startling figures cause na more drastie change than athers that have been made in rounding ouI the organiz ation of a modern haspital. ta make it capable of handling the increase in came af the sick. One of the biggest advances bas been made in the three ultra modern aper- ating ifaams. The X-Ray has been staffed by experts so that the wark done is an a par with large city hospitals. The Baby Creche ig of the newest type. Along with PHONE 444 DAY 110111! NABISCO SSHREDDED WHEAT BOWMANVILLE u aumim this tlhere bas been a very recent ing other haspitals and has been donation of several thousand dol- doing an excellent job since comn- lars for the purchase of scientific ing here last December. She has Lab equipment that will be in- fine co-operation fromn the staff stalled soon. and has done a great deal ta make These advances in the iatest this a successful year. modern equiprnent have made it There are continuai changes in 1 possible for the pcople of this, the staff, many of which are due district to get the use of expen- ta the fact that nurses are in sive specialized care without the demand in ail hospitals. Bawman- added expense of going 1thect ville is fortunate in the fact that hospitals. there are a number of married The oid Hospital had a record xvomen who have their R.N. and that will alwavýs be looked up toi are willing to work part time. by the people 'of this district and1 Few people would imagine that by the staff of the ncw Memor- the treasurer issues between 75 iai Hospital. Many new features and 80 pay cheques ta different appear now because of difficul- people each manth. These are ties that had appeared in the the people who have worked sa past. hard ta, give the people of this Greatly Inîproved Conditions district the best of came and urian No lngerdo w seebeds whomn the gaod name of the Hos- tho alongaysdor aetson in pitli depends. The real story of thehal-wysorpatens' n he their work cames from the pa- operating room table waiting till tients who have benefitted. a bed becomes vacant. No longer StfBeldhecne do we see the kitchen staff ivork- Stf endhecns ing in a dark north room aso However, there is one part of crowded that they could not keep the Hospital staff that is flot fama- out of each other's way. No iliar ta the public. That is the longer do we see haîf a dazen group af people who prepare the nurses struggling on the ends of food,' keep the building dlean, a heavy stretcher ta, get some keep the steamn in the boilers for heavy patient up the stairs ta the operating raoms, laundry, etc., aperating room. No longer do we keep the huge piles of laundry have ta worry about what would dlean, keep the thousands of happen to the patients if the aid square feet of floor waxed and building started ta hurn around dlean, keep ail the ather caunt- the central stairs. No longer do less odd jobs dane that are ne- we have ta borrow the doctor's cessary in building such as the x-ray or send the patient ta three an the grounds. This group Oshawa. No longer do we have ta hae been greatly enlarged because cart ail patients in the front door of the increase in space, but they and up all those steps before any are ail working tagether and are attention could be given. No long- proud of the job they are doing er do the messy accident cases and of the nmodern equipment with ail the excitcd friends dis- suppiied. turb the patients who are sick and A few years ago, the Superip- should not be disturbed. tendent was able ta handie the Many flîrthday Parties office in her spare time, but with Sa the aid order changes ,giv-1 any business with a turnover of ing place to the new as the Mem- nearly $140,000 a year, conditions anial Hospital is celebrating its are very different. Ray Dilling is first birthday. During that period still treasurer but there is a full the Maternity Wing bas had many time staff of three girls who are birthday parties that have very busy handling the books, brought 10v and comfort into the telephone switcliboard and homes in ail parts of the couinty. the visitars. H-ere there is ail the latcst type Now Paying Its Way of. equiprnent ta enable the doc- Now after ahl these figures on tors ta handie thîs important xvork costs, it is a relief for the States- and ta prateet the lives of bath man ta he able ta repart that on mathers and babies.j operating costs the Hospital has The Creche is in two in '" sec-i for the first time in years been tions, anc for babies that have' paying its way. For the first seven anx' type ecin ifections discases manths of this year, il has aper- and ane foir normal cases. ln bath atdi h lc'udrMs the bab.yý is sur)plied \vith a com- Hilditch. This is certainiy ta her plete glass-xvalled cubicle or small credit, especiaily when il is men- room in whÎch there is a .glass- tioned that there has been more topped dresser, steel bassiette, than double the aperating cast of air- foamn mattress and individual the samne seven months of 1951 Supplies Of ail] knds. No anc but and that in that period of 1951 the sterilied nurse is aliowcý,d ta. there was a loss of $4,400. touch a baby. When it îs rnecessŽarv for a doc- Indigent Patients a Problemn or t secC a baby, it is broughit ont Just what the situation will be ao the central room for hlm. But at the end of 1952 is a problem 1 liere agnin care is taken, because that should be understood by the1 he is not even allowed ta this public. In 1951 your hospital lost point tlii e bas scrnbbed and axer $6,000 on indigent patients iisinfected his hands. This is ail] and in 1952 there will be plenty.1 a long sthp fromi the good aid During the month of July alone lax's ,,hen ail] the relatives had there were 119 days stay of in- o sec anid even kisýs the nev, ar- digents for wbich the Hospital rival and thien %ondler whv infant only gets $3.00 per day from thei mortalitv w1\aS higb. Modern Caunty and the municioalit.y. The nethods give the expectant moth- average cost per da *y in 1951 was 'rter aIsîranee of succcss at $9.17. This loss bas 'ta be absorb- his miost important time. ed inta general costs. Doing An Excellent JTob The town of Bowmanville, Duîring the past % car there have Counties' Council and the Prav- ceen many changes in staff. Miss Ince of Ontario have given grants Gertruîde Dewell found that ber ta help ont Ibis situation, but of ealth could not stanid the strain recent years there bas been no f handling the iarger organiza- assistance from athers. - Everv ion and askcd to be reliex cd of manth. Ibis picture changes buti er responsibilitics as Sîipcrin - for. Ibis .Jul 'v the indigent patient medent. She is now Assistant. The da.vs consisted of people fram oard "'as foriiiiiate in ,s,-cLring Bowmanville, 15 days: Newcas- 1e services of Miss M. Hilditch tle, 6; Caesarea, 31: Pantypool, 6; as Superintendent. She had sev- Darlingtan, 16; Manvers, 31; ýral ý'car*s iprînn minnag- Oshawa, 12: B.T.S., 2. Tt is un- derstood that the city of Oshawa1 pays the difference between mndi- Izent and regular public watd ftumw rte rate. Must Be Completely Stalfed Another angle that is nat con- sidered by the general public is that the haspital must be staffed ta carry a full load of patients, whether the beds are empty or not. Last week there was a day, %when only 10 beds were filled. but during that day 14 ather pa- tients were admitted. A fev weeks ago Ihere were 19 admis- sions in one day. A short time ago there were 15 and 16 babies in the nursery. This week there xvas ane mother and baby in the same wing but at bath times it was necessarv ta keep 24 hour service staff of six nurses and a maid as %vell as the staff in the kitchen. These people had ta be paid just the same. No one knows when a ward is going ta be idle or busy. Blue Cross Lightens Load Membership in the Blue Cross bas been a great help ta bath pa- tients and hospital. Men who are faced with expensive hospîtai buis and are worr'vîng about the debti they have to meet get a1 '1er wrni~ WIIR IMu 1 real thrili when theyý are handcd 1i that the Board alwax's realjzed a receipted bil and tola to use tli,,t the work could flot continue it on their incarne report to re- 1ihu hr.Wihteiees ducethei taxs. . bed&, lucre has been an in- Auxiliary's Wonderful Work ces in the dernands for sheets, During the year the Womcns ,,,pi (ovcvers, bed gv's and the Hospital Auxili arv-, have he-en do- dozcns of other artic-les thex' pro- ing a wonderful work. Since the vide, but the Auxiliary members old hospital started, this organ- have respondcd and are now ization has been doing sa muc h stronger than ever before. They1 Memorial Hospital,, Bowmanville, Celebrates First Birthday This Month heart-beats a day. E..amBco 0verndes in ssembly may twoand onie- -bly lines at Gener al Mot. at Oshawa. have increased their own number As many as 1,200 and have set up arrangements various stages of a&, with other women's graups in the be found along the tN surrounding district to help them. half miles of asseml They buy thousands of yards of any one time in the C material and do the sewing them- ors of Canada planti selves. Some idea of the quantity of hinen in use may be gained from the fact that it requires three peo-i pie for eight hours, every day'i with modern laundry machinery !e t ta keep the nursing staff sup-!! plied. The wear and tear on such i 9 a volume of mateinial is verY: ai ei great, but it is replaced by the work of these women.Ilu -The first year of service in the new building has passed and in1 i place of four or five hundred days stay for patients, there are eleven srerve bas be asucess ra flv oervicee hubenred. The -a more and more people are en B benefited by the Hospital.bin B 8 ' Hospital SURl Owes $53,000 The building bas been turned aver for use and is camplete ex-acg cept for a number of items that had to be dropped from the orig- inal contract because of lack of B e fusure What is the situation in the finance end? The hospital stili owes about $35,000 to contractors ' and about $18,000 ta, the banks with the resuit that they are in- H E curring a lass of aver $3.000a year in interest charges. This is a situation that will have ta be faced by the awners. The constitution says that the owners of the Memorial Hospital are the ratepayers of Bowman I ville. Dariington, Newcastle an d Clarke, and as such each of these have representatives on the W,11. H. J. Heini Board appointed by their caun- campan y of cils. o cd t. So the first year ends as a SUC-, Dept. SAP, Leaom. W cess, even thoueh it has a debt îngten, Ontro that can and will soan be clearedfo ikn up by the people of this district. frecpicbokln Doctors say that eight hours' V35 proper rest in bed will save 7,000 rif rt packs 145 responsive horsepower and yet it is lighter ini weight, re- 10, w sulting in plus pounds in payload particularly for bigbway hauling. ft has the highest horsepower officiency and produces more work per gallon of fuel. Thanks to this high compression engine, !'302" maintains its rated output with newv efficiency, sparkling performance, longer trouhlefree service and lower fuel cost! à Et has the high est compression of any gasoline truck engiïns. You'll find that its revolutionary performance in the trucks it powers is unmatched anywhere for value. Your nearest GMC dealer will be glad to give you nmore complete detaiL A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE ROBSON Pontiac - Buick Cars MOTO .RS - GNC Trucks 16KING ST. E, er t 'uz The Snack Everyone Loves Hoine froin school and straight ta the milk! No wvonder! It tastes so swell and packs just the right vitamins and energy young bodies need and grow on. Welcome your youngsters the healthy and oh, so delicious N'ay - wvith a glass of inilk. . and Icave loads more for "seconds." Order from us today. GLEN RAE DAIRY PHONE 585 TRUMMAY. AtMMT 28, 1051 THE CANADIAN STAMMAN, BOM&ANVILLe ONTARIO ý-- A-l lm a #qla PHONE 585