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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Aug 1952, p. 13

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UURDAY, ATYGUST M, 1952 __________________PAGE &XTEIRTE ýepsi-Cola Queens Loset Against [pmarket in Ontario Playdowns t,. Emma Braggs cammendable itcIhing effort fell short of re- ining a one game ead as the epsi-Cala Queens drapped a auble header to Newmarket at monial Park, Saturday, ta bow t of Provincial Women's Saft- ail Union piaydowns. The stary couid have been dif- ere,nt, accanding ta Coach Lamne aynes, except for an unfortun- te injury ta his star pitchar. Emn- a Bragg sprained han right i t the eveniag before the big est and the injury piayed S with han contrai. Most spectators agrea, hawever. Miss Bragg pitched a good game yen with a painful pitching armn. Nanc.y Hagarman, who hoids down a ragular backstop position with the club. turned in an equai- ly fine effort. The first game in the best af fiva sanies was played at Newman- ket. The Queens took the tilt 4-3. A single win herè Saturday Wouid have advanced them to the Ontario finals. However, iuck was against the local lassies. Newmarket Takes Twe In the afternoon game, the Nawmarkat Club chaiked up 16 runs through nine înnings while BRawmanville oniy managed to dlaim two. Main reasan for the ane-sided score was the eight waiks given up by Emma Bragg. The avening ancounter praved a iittla different story. Newman- ket took the game 5-2. but only aftan a determinad effort an the part of the Queens. Emma Bragg started the sec- ond contest but her anm paining ta the point af agany; she had ta ba rahiaved in the fourth inning by Doris Joli. But the Queens could not quta corne up ta the five run effort af Newmanket. Ail is not last, however. The P-C Queens will now play the winner of the Lakeside Ladies' Softbali Leagua for the League Champianship. Finals wiil soon begin betwean Whitby, Salem, Maple Grave and Ajax. Mean- whila. the Queens are idia. A caior-blind person usuaiiy can sea better in the dark than a parson with normal ayasight. A new $10 million truck as- sembly plant for Ganerai Matons of Canada now baing buiit at Oshawa, Ont., wiii caver more than 17 acres and wîll be capable of producing 50,000 trucks a yaar. w rWork Boots tvy Duty Soles Black Only ALE $6.95 bine shades. IDEAL FOR: (Firsi Qualiiy) *Drivers *Service Station *Transport Service *Taxi *Movers, Etc. Sait, Complets PANTS: Sizes 30 to 44 JACKETS: Sizes 36 to 46 BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL! BOYS" DRESS PANTS Tweeds and Gabardines $2.95 - $4.95 pair SIZES 361 10 41 Fine Suede Leather JACKETS - S11k lned, wool trlm. Reg. $24.95. SALE $64 SPECIAL! WORK PANTS 8-oz. Blue Denini Guarantead Colourlast $3.95 pair GABARDINE PANTS Grey Tan, Blue. Zipper. pleats. *~ Sizas 30 - 40 - -49 HEAVY. DUTY DFNIM OVERALLS * Bib Front *Hammer Strap Ruler Pocket Reg. $4.95 Sizas 36 te 46 SALE $3.95 DENIM SMOCK te Match Reg. 54.95 SALE $3.95 FINE QUALITY WINDBREAKERS of ail types Sizes 32 to 44 Lowest Prices MIES 7 te il Sturdy Beav SA Specia!. PLAID SHIRTS $2.45 Sa. WORK SHIRTS $1.95 ea. Specia!. .. DRESS or SPORT SHIRTS Regular $3.95 sa. SALE $2.95 ea. In Town! ARMY GAITERS WITH BOOTS Bethany Leads North Durham Basebali Seriés With Bethany Basebali team leading in the North Durham series, the first of the thrae out of five final games was begun hene on Friday night and Bath- any continued ta hold their iaad over Millbrook with a 6-3 score. Edmunds in the mound hurled good bah ail the way. having 13 strikeouts, Reynolds raceiving. Cam. Rowan, Wiii Rowan and Edmunds were bast at bat with short stop Ginn getting in some good work. Thein count 1 i.n the second. à in the third. McGiil in the mound for Mill- brook huried steady bail; Don Edmunds receiving; McDowell, Dawson and Edmunds were the hitters. Miilbrook-------- 1 01 1 00 0 Bethany -----O---01 50 0 0x Teams Milibrook-McGill p, Edmunds c, Skitch lb, Dawson 2b, Breck- ennidge 3b, Lords ss, Wright If, McDoweil cf, Lunn rf. Bethany-Edmunas p. Raynolds c, C. Rowan and R. Sisson lb, Stewart 2b, H. Ryley 3b. Gino ss, W. Rowan If, McGill and Stewart cf, B. Ryley and A. Stewart ni. Umpires: Borland of Peterbor- ough at plate; Harkness of Mill- brook on bases. The second game of the series will be held in Millbrook Monday avening. Janetville teamn was eliminated in the finals, with Port Penny and Blackstock meeting in the other haîf of the play off schaduie. The compatition in this sanies for the Duncan trophy is keen with ail Louir teams. The wioners af the North Durham sanies wili later meat the South& Durham champions in compati- tion ior the Jahnny James trophy. Pt. Hope Top of Heap In Kawartha Tennis Lge. With 50 Points The Part Hope Tennis Club wound up on top ai the heap in ragular season play in the Ka- wantha Tennis Leagua by amass- ing 50 points aven the stratch. Bowmanville iinished fourth with 31 points which look big enough ta arno a playolf berth. The Quaker Club finished with 45 points ta dlaim second place, and Kawartha wound up in third. Playoffs for Bowmanville wili begiian the Community Centre Court Sunday afternooo. The lo- cal lads and gals wihh face Port Hope in the finst of a home and home sanies with total points ta cournt. Powerfui Port Hope shouid put up a stiff cantest and tennis an- thsatbath activa and other- iiear ooking forward ta the Sundav clash. The Quaker Club will meat Kawantha i the other haîf af the semi-finals with Lind- say and Cobourg bowingz out. Final League Standing Port Hope -- -- -- ---_ ----- 50 Quake 45 Kawartha 4h Bowmanville 31 1 Cobourg ------_------22 j Lindsay -- ---- 21 - -. - - Mr. Blunt's telaphone number--is Office in bisahomne88 100 Libery St. N. - Bowmanvile 88 Office Hours: A I ~~~~9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily M C lu ' lyr 9 a.m ta 2 non dnesa Shut Out .Roses in Phone 604 Exhibition Game CHIROP ACTICBîookdaie Roses couldn't han- G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. dha the top-notch pitching of Mc- HIow Can I Start Chiropractor Calium Transporters' huniers of Office: Oshawa, at the bal Park, Wad- A n Investment Speclalty Papen Products Building nesday evening. The local lads 63Temparance St. ware skunkad 50i an exhibi- Pro ra me Office Houns: tion game. ~rog asn e iTuasday and Satuday Originall' intended for a nina inning tilt 'Just ta sorta kaep in R EAL ESTATE shape" while waitiog fon the winner af the Whitby-Cobourg contest. tha gama was callad in Properties Sald - Rented the seventh as darkness clased in. Managad and Appraised It might ha meotianed the Ra- L. M ALLSONses plaved with a sadly daphetad ea stleBOke. roster. Cec Hall and Bob Galla- NewaatleOnt.gher are holidaying, and sevaral Phone 2566 other plavers failed ta turo up. By Planned Two blocks north of traffiC Jack Buttonshaw went aIl the Jsignal, Newcastle wa.v for the Roses. Ha had ta. Ha Savings Through was the onhy availabla pitcher. H. G. (Rap) GILL Btosa aeu ih is Real Estate Btosa aeu ih is Lif e Ins r n e On the Transpontars' side ai ns ra ce8 Second Street the ledgar, Stone startad the Propart.ias Sohd - Rented game with his ovar-arm and side- Managed and Appraised Jan fathlsHaw eivd The amas of ~ Onembrsi o fR a t eCan a d sa d in the f ifth b y Thurston. Stone lan inmrae, Ontaia ealEstaonBara gave UP two hits; Thunston al- 1isouance. t ea n a R. G. GiUI, Realtor lowed the Roses three. .oundand egulr wa thePhone Bowmanvilha 3514BetOpsio Vt real objectives, of inveslment etOpsioYt - savingi for the future, a The fair crowd on hand for the retiremnent Ineomne and AR CH IT E CT exhibition igamne saw what was mone forvourfamiy -probablv the best opposition facad niony fr 'ourfanily Bafore you build, consuit thîs season bY Brookdale Roses. should anytbing happen te an architectTh far Tanptrs re n you. What is more, life in. HERBERT G. COLE, M.R.A.I.C. Oshawa Junior "A" club and surince acbieve these ends Telephona Bawmanville 3653 tom 1in a solicd performance, bath eronomically and wthout in the infieid and outfiald. worry or risk. Diseusawith a A U D IT IN G The visitors started off the Mutual L.ifé, of Canada re- sconing in the third inning by presc.nmaîive a 1f insuranee MONTEITH & MONTEITH notching up a single tahiv, only unvesînient plan for Yffl Chartered Aceountants ita follow with twa mons each ir~ future. 37 King St. E. Oshawa the founth and fifth innings. Mr. Gardon W. Riahl, C.A., Roses, meanvhiie were toddling _____________________________ahong in a rut that failed ta widen 14.1252 resîdent pantner. the usual' vu iOPTO ETR 'break. Six men made hase, but ý,f4 TUA 0 T M ÈT--rR-Y- nana made the complet@ circuit ta pav direct. KEITH A. BILLETT But the Transporters clash was Optometrist onl'v a "oractice game." The Ro- Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 are saving their power at the Monday ta Saturday plate for the finals in Lakeshore except Wadnesday 9 -12 League competition. Said corn- BRANCH OFFICE Evenings by Appointment pctilion muqt he over bv Augus' 69 KING ST. FAST, SHAIVA 74 King Si. \V .- ow'manville ii,-!. d n 4t, ().B.A. direc- Phone 32à2 lsue sa lst week. Newcastle Wins AgainstBethany Bethany girls softbaii team uuffered a 16-11 defeat here on Wednesday night in an exhibition game with the Newcastle visitors as they led off with five runs in the first, adding f ive in the sec- ond, three in the third, ane in the fifth and two in the seventh. Par.ker started in the mound re- placed by Bonathon in the last of the second, Ash receiving. Gar- ron ieading at the bat with two triples, ane of which accounted for three runs in the second; Gray aiso wtth a triple. Muiiigan hurled good ball for the Bethany team, relieved by Bristow in the seventh; Carr ne- ceiving. They counted one in the first and ten in the second. Mary Edwards. short stop played an outstanding game as did Hilda Bigeiow centre field, whose hom- er in the second with bases ioad- ed brought in four runs. Newcastle 5 5 3 010 2 Bethany 1 10 0 00 00 Teams Newcastle - Parker p, Ash c, Gray lb, Stoneburg and Allison 2b, Toms 3b, Garron ss, Enright If, Embley cf, Banathon and Brown rf. Bethany-Mulligan p, Carr c, Failis lb, E. Stinson 2b. M. Stin- son 3b, J. Bigelow and G. Bige- low If, H. Bigelow cf, G. Bristow rf. Umpires Bert Ginn and R. Brown. Business Directory LEGAL W. R. STRIKE, Q.C. Banrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Banik of Mantreal Money ta Loan Phone 791 Bowmanvîlle, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barristen, Solicitor, Notary Public King St. W., Bowmanville Phone, Office 688 - Residenca 553 MSS APHA I. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor ta M. G. V. Gouid Temperance St. - Bowmanville W. F. WARD, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to Loan 9"2 King Street E., Bowmanviile, Ontario Phones: Office 8,25 - House 409 CONANT & CONANT Barnisters and Solicitors Gordon D. Conant, Q.C. Roger G. Conant, B.A. Offices: Oshawa, Ont., 7 '12 Simcoe St. S. Phone 3-2227 Ajax, Ontario - Phone 25 DENTAL DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilea Bldg. 40 King St. W. - Bowmnanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 arn. ta 12 noon Saturday Closed Sunday Office Phone 790 House Phone 36Q9 Entries Requested For Major League The season for the great Indoor sport of 1"bowls" lJe fast approachlng. So fast, in fact, AI Osborne, secretary of the Men's Major League, requesta people wlsh- lng te bowl in the Major League aither contact hlm or leava their name at Martyn'a Bowling Academy. .Entries in the league must ha in by Manday, Sept. 1, ae- carding to the secreta.ry, who said the executive lu a.nxlous to get the league underway as soon as possible. Lawn Bowlers Will Compete for GoodyearTrophy The Bowmanvila Lawn Bowl- ing Club green wiii be tha scena, Saturday, af the seasan's final tournament. Competition will be for men's trebles with winnans awarded the Goodyear Tnophy. Last year, an Oshawa team skipped by Joe Wright. won the mug. Manv entrias are expectad from district lawn bowling clubs and local bowlars look brightly for- wand ta a record numbar of an- tries when play begins Saturday afternoon. Local Bowlers Lose Out Wed. In G.M. Tournament Bowmanvilhe's entry in the an- nuai Generai Matons Gold Cup lawn bowling taurnamant finish- ed out af the money. Mare than 100 entries were attracted ta the competition which took place in Oshawa and Whitby, Wadnesday. Rapresentatives af the Bow- manvilie Lawn Bowling Club wound up the day with four points. Thay dropped the first gamne to a Baimy Beach team skippad by a Dr. Wheeler. The second game with a Rich- mond Hill four skipped by a Mn. Yarax, wound up in a tia, but Bowmanville lost out by ana point in the extra inning piayed. In the final game, hawaver, they defeatcd an Oshawa entry,. skipped by Mn. Carsweih, by six ipoints. Doug. Carter skipped the Bow- manvilia entry. Other team nam bers were Sid Scott, Fred Cole and Clarence Oke. 'Durham League 'Wants More Men If ' ou arc a bowier and want to bowl in an arganized league this year, the Durham Bowling Leagua is on the lookout for new mamberis. The leagua swngs ino action September 19 at Martyn's Bowl- ing Academy. Names ai thosa ýwishinpg to bowl must nacassarily ha in the hands of sacretary Frank Blunt or left at tha Bowl- ing Acadamx' as soon as passible. more from our section interested keys ta heaven. BROWN'S. Mrs.Parkinson, Montreal. vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. M. Picker- ing. Mr. and Mrs. M. Pickering and family spent Friday in Toronto. Miss Joyce Avery spent a few days with her cousins ini Oshawa. Miss Dorothy Cowlard, Co- bourg, with her parents. We stili have sickness in our section. We wish them a speedy recovery. Visitors with the Stephenson's were Dr. and Mrs. Bill Frank, Betty and Beverly, Hamilton. Newcastle Hunt and Fish Club entertained their wives and fam- ilies at a picnic on Sunday after- noon. Congratulations to Mrs. Hillier, Mrs. Truman Clark and Mr. and Mrs, W. Farrow, ail prize winners at the Newcastle Horticulture and Flower Show. Mr. and Mrs. Far- row won several prizes with giadioli. Mrs. Truman Clark withi The T. Eaton Co. cup. Mrs. Clark has been the winner of this fine1 cup for severai years, whiie Mrs.1 Hillier has won the Wellington1 Foster cup, also the Robt. Simp- son prize for two consecutive yea ns. It would be nice to have1 Local Tennis Players Bow to Port Hope Play Here Sunday Tennis stalwants fnom tha local club went down ta a 5-2 defeat at the hands of Port Hope, Satur- day. on the slippeny courts ai the Recreation Tennis Club. Hamatowners ciaimad thein twa points in tha men's doubles sets whan Keith Siemon and Bob Stevens teamad up to knock off Gond Coîborne and Bihl Craigen (PH) 6-4, 4-6, 6-5, and Arnold Lobb and Don Rundie turned the trick on George Soead and Tom Moffatt (PH) by set scores ai 0-6, 6-0 and 6-2. In the singles department, Non- ah Allun (B> dnopped the ladies' avent to Doris Jennings (PH) 6-1, 7-5. Allen Lobb (B) hast out in the mens' classification ta Don Dixan (PH) 6-4, 6-2. Part Hope's ladies doubles team won tha contast from Marg. Haw- thorne and Lorraine Dewelh (B) 6-3. 3-6, 6-1. Betty Knox and Cliff Tnewin droppad the first mixed doubles ta Mary Douglas and Bill Vingo of Pont Hope 6-3, 3-6, 6-1. In the second mixed doubles, Aura Tre- win and Bill Crawford ai Bow- manvilia hast out ta Doris Snead and Ted Fulfard 6-4, 6-2. The local tennis club meats Pont Hope again on the Commun- ity Centre courts this Sunday whan the semi-finai round be- gins. The homne-and-home senies, total points ta count. wiil decide which club will go into the finals against the winner of the Quaker- Kawartha semi-final senies. Best sellers are books most fre- quently purchased and not neces- saniiy the best books wittan. ALLEY GRAND OPENING MARTYN'S BOWLING ACADEMY on SATURDAY., AUG. 30 th OPEN BOWLING ONLY Sat., Aug. 30 to Sat., Sept. 27 SPECIAL NOTE: League Presidents to eaul a meeting ta the coming season. Join one of the Leagues by Ieaving naine at Bowling AIIey -Home of Clean. Healtby Sport This Coming Season - set datas for h. DO WMAN VILLE SURPLUS. STORE INDUSTRIAL UNIFORNS Whipcords in choice of olive, grey or $10800 PRIZE TO THE LADY OR GENTLEMAN WITH HIGH - ANY 3 CONSECUTIVE GAMES BOWLED ON SAME DAY Dowmauvlille SURPLUS STORE 24 Division St. BOWMANVTLLE Phone 3211 in horticulture work. since it creates an interest bard ta beat. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Picker- ing, Ardele and Brian, vlsited Mr. and Mrs. N. Paxton in To- ronto. Our Daughters' Sewing Circle, accompanied by Mrs. T. Wilson, Mrs. R. Loaja, Mrs. M. Pic-kering and Miss Joyce Martin, held their annual get-tagether at Bowman- yl2 on Thursday. Masters Dayrahi and Grahami Pickering anjoyed a day at the C.N.E. with their grandmnother. Mr. James Ronaldson, Mont- real, vîsited Mn. and Mrs. Mar- shall Pickering and family on Sunday. Mr. Ronaidson is a mem- ber of the National Ballet Co. of Canada and is appearing nightly pt the C.N.E. with Jack Arthur's musical show 'Canadiana." Misses Audney Cox, Wyilene Wilson, Ardaie Pickering, Kath- leen Brown, Donna Mclroy and Marilyn McReelis were guests of Miss Doris Martin and her math- er at Orono Park on August 8. Mrs. R. D. Parkinson has re- turned ta Montreai after a 3-week visit with her daughter, Mrs. M. Pickering and family. St. Peter is the patron saint of hacksmiths because he holds the 1 - 1 -- 1- Bowling Leagues Startlng Dates Starting dates for league bowl- inig in Bowmaoviile ware neleas- ed this week by George Eihiott af Martyn's Bowling Academny, King St. In the tradition of gentlemen, the first league ta get underway wiil ba the Ladies' Major Leagua, af course, which stants on Mon- day, Sept. 15. Canadian Lagion bowlers wil swing inta action at 7 p.m. on the hfth, foliowed at 9 p.m. by the Jack and Jili Club. The Men's Major League will taka aver an Wadnesday, Sept. 17. On the l8th, the Foundry league will bowl its first of the season at 7 p .m. The Bowmanvilie Ro- tary Club is slated to take aven the alaeys at 9 p.m. on the saine evaning. The Durham Bowling League starts aperatons an Fnl- day, Sept. 19. TM CANAD" STATESMAN, BOIMAfVTIýLE, ONTAMO - DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. FROM m à à%ý BOWLING

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