PA FUITM Commilees AppoWned Io Look Afi 1953 International Plowing match To Be Held on Farm North of Coboi The 1953 International Plowing, could probably put the matc match will be located on and this year if it wasn't bookei around the fanm of the United Canp in Carleton county, Counties Home immediately north 20 miles froni Ottawa. and west of Cobourg. Meanwhiie, they'll be eh~ Aithough that date is one year ing on the bit, waiting and and thnee months hence, the ting ready for the bi.g week. sponsoring Plowmen's Associa- The International, with its tion of Durhami. and Nothumben- mendous demonstration of land have lned up committees cultural machinery, is nov with an enthusiasm that steadily signed to localities, switching acquires zest as the fan-off event west to eastern aneas of the1 slowiy approaches. ince, and in between to Warden Hanry Campbell, of central group of fanms, at Bailiebono, and his associates of tbree yeans in advance of the United Counties plowmen opening day. John A. Carroll trit sound% and firnily on its f or as te edofiseeui. WARDEN CAMPBELL The N. and D. farmena hi been whooping it up off and for the last year or more, and rgtheir Cobourg site they have i celient location. Warden Cair bell is the general chairman, a onL. H. Winsiow, of Millbrook, fchor the vioe-chairman. about Mn. Winsiow is one of the v eran members of the provinc iamp- plowmen's, association. 1 get- Edwin Wilson, of Garden HJ tre- to the date of the match wi agi- Wesley Down, of Hilton. Trei v as- urer is Ken Symons, cierk a: from treasurer of the United Countii prov- Committee chairman are: Tra some tors, Pat Lappin, of Cobourg. É îeast he bas to do with his helpers fthe to find 150 tractons. Il ieft Teams: Charles Wilson, C bourg, who lives oppÔsite t] match property. us delegated round up 20 teamns and anranj for their feed. Parking: Len Henderson, Miilbnook, whose assignment to provide 75 acres and desi, them for moton car parks. Lands: I. S. Allun, of Newcast] is given the job of securing 2 acres for the competing ploN men. Tickets: Stanley Mackiin, Ci - bourg, to recruit 24 on more sale 3O men. 30 EARL DROPE'S CHORE - Headquarters: Eanle Drope, Harwood, president of the NortJ umberiand Federation of Agnicu ture. Ail he has to do is ioc after the Tented City with detai' of water lines, Hydro-Electr: power, telephones and variot other facilities. Demonstrations: Percy Gooc ing, of Hilton, a former Warde of N.-D., has that sideshow. County Exhibits: Ed. A. Sunr mers, Bowmanville. agniculturE nepresentative in Durham.. Lunch committee: William A] lin. Newcastle, getting bag lunch es for the plowmen and wor]I men. Health: John Rickard, Newcas tie, to co-operate with the heaît] officiais. Horse show: William Scoti Campbellford, to arrange for th, best horses to be exbibited. Publicity: Foster Russell, edito: of the Cobourg Sentinel-Star. Biiieting: E. C. Taylor, Cobourg locating mnd listing accommoda tion for visitons. He bas beet one of the most active promoter of the match, as nepresentativg of the Cobourg Chamber of Comý merce. DINNER FOR 800 Banquet: Floyd Harnden, Graf. ton, to arrange for the catering 800 plates at the concluding din. nL.en Henderson, past presideni of the N.-D. piowmen's associa- -tion, says nearly every farmei froni Victoria, Peterborough anc Durham wili be tbere, with othe: thousands from the urban spot; including city of Peterborough. 0f course, the Ontario Plow- men's Association members will have an active hand in ail the planning after they have dispos. ed of the Canp show. ENFIELU Mr. and Mns. Franklin Tamb- lyn, Bobbie and Linda. Hamilton, Miss Myntie Tamblyn, Toronto, adMrs. T. R. Bowman, Black- stockMn. and Mrs. James Hos- 1 kin, Oshawa. Mrs. R. Best and Mns. G. Carson, Orono, at W. - Bowman's. * Mrs. Frank Lycett spent a few days with friends in Oshawa. Mn. and Mrs. W. Pascoe, Mrs. D. Cunningham, Marion and Evelyn at H. Beaton's, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Millicent. Toron- toi Miss Alta Benthami, Union, Mn. and Mrs. Frank Mason, Osh- awa, Wjth Mrs. W. J. Onmiston. Mn. and Mns. Fred Samis and family with Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Wotten at Musseiman's Lake. Largest Nuniber 0f Cattie Entries In C.N.E. History - --. - ~ ~T vcmA Y £.H.Wl 1r.i lAOTHURSDAY, AVUT " U, tO feet ave on ex- ip- Rnd U 's ret- cial' i, ner rith ýas 1 ind ies. ; s '- the to ige of is ýgn Je, ot her- oppotunity th is- yean t o in- crease their flock at tbe sale ofI ranis and ewes an auction of 49 animais sponsored by the On- tario Sbeep Breeders' Associa- tion. The sale is designed to give young farmers an oppotunity to bid for sbeep tbey have seen in tbe judging ring. The iargest goat entnv in the bistorv of the CNE Agriculture Sbow indicates a growing interest in these anima Is. Te Horse Show. Sept. 1-6, pre- sents a diversified prograni wbere visitons may see harness, saddie and jumping classes eacb nigbt.' Feature attraction of the show will be the Do-Si-Ettes, young square dancing group from Cal- gary. Canada's national income and the valLIe of goods and set v'ices dunînig 1951 totalied $21,200,000,- M.00*a Imorti. 1Bunieton. Mr. and Mrs. Heni W- Wotten and children, Purpie Hi visited Mr. and Mrs. Bill Joh '7- ston. David Wotten returnE ýs_ home after holidaying with the son, Willie. Congratulations to Mr. Robei of______MeCulough who celebrated I ;h- The former Miss Edna Viola Hancock, daughter of daughter, Mrs. Don Davey ai Il- Mr. Harold Hancock, of Oshawa, and the late Mrs. Hancock, girls visited with him. Ds became the bride of Russeil Calvin Mapes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Aima Yeilowlees an il .Csi apso otPer eety.Tecul girls accompanied Mr. and Mi .iC 'r.Cli aeo otPerrch .Tecul N. C. Yellowlees, Hampton, us plan to live at Courtice. Peterborough on Sunday wher d- she and children are visiting Mri Ivan Elliott for a few days. miss Margaret Milburn, Fred ericton. N. B. a Pen pal of Joai T hnro o N 'x sBeckett's, cal ed to vsther o -ai h r n e shrwy oefo rnei Miss Gwendolyn His, Toron 1_ Mrs,. E. E. Logan to, is holidaying with her parentý h- 1- Mr. and Mrs. J. His. k- Mr. Wm. Robertson, Hamilton, about 20 of her girl friends on er. .Kvnr r.F ae Svisited Mr. and Mrs. John Hen- Monday afternoon on the occa- e. Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. J. Col tdry. Other guests this week were sion of her 8th birthday. The bary, Brooklin, Mr. H. Onraughi Mrs. Henry's sister, Mrs. Wm. Gil- party was held in the Park. Co.H.bashwthM. n.Ms t, crist, Edmonton. and Mr. and Miss Marlene Graham spent a Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Vanblar e Mrs. Harris and Judith. Weston. week in Toronto with her aunit icom and family, Oshawa, visil Mr. and Mrs. H. Rowe visited and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd ed Mr. and Mrs. E. Doonan. r their daughter, Mrs. Wrn. Lynch Gaynor. Miss Ethel Hall returned homi and family, Woodbridge, on Mary Lynn Bailey visited her after visiting at St. Catharine 9, Sunday. taking home Kathryn grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. and HamiltoU. aand Bobby who have spent the Bailey, New Toronto. About 40 relatives and friend ýn holidays with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hancock gathered at the home of Mr. an( ýs Lucille Lynch was able to be and family, Belleville, visited his Mrs. H. Hall to celebrate Mi re taken home by ambulance from parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgerton Hall's birthday on Sunday to - Brampton hospital on Saturday Hancock. picnic supper. and is doing nicely after her ser- Mrs. Carlos Tamblyn and child- Mr. anat Mrs. John Saunden: ious accident. ren and Mrs. Everet Brown en- Guelph, Mrs. J. Aseistine and~ Su Visitors with Mrs. Ed Dean for joyed a week's vacation at Lake- zanne. Oshawa, were recent vis the past week were her nephew, side Park. Lake Scugog. itors of Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Cowl Mr. Geo. Shevlin, his wife and sMr- and Mrs. Ed Milîsoli and ing. Other guests wene Mr. anc sons, Charles and Gerald, Forest- Ellen"visited Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Mrs. Sid Hockaday, Solina an( ,t ville, N. Y. Miler and family at their lodge Mr. and Mrs. Alex Penwright anc 1- Miss Marjorie Hoidge, Toronto, on Lake Chandos, Apsley. family, Courtice. ýr is holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. S. Somervilie, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hilîs and Jac. d ChrlesanodM.Epra Wht was a guest of Miss Mary Somer- queline, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ale> Mr n r.EhinWieville. Sytnyk, Whitby. and Mn. and Mrs. Ern Hamn, Miss Bertha Cain has return- Mr. and Mrs. H. Spragg anc spent last week on a very enjoy- ed home after visiting friends in family. Hamilton. spent the week. -able motor trip through the States Hamilton. end with Mr. and Mrs. H. Halý [and visited in Quebec on the Mrs. Arthur McLaren enter- and Mrs. W. T. Worden, witi, ereturn trip.. tained on Monday evening at a Judy and Billie remaining fora - Miss Joan Allun is visiting this shower in honor of Miss Pats holiday. week with Mr. and Mrs. James Moffat a bride-to-be of this week. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue anc Lowery, Kirby. About 24 guests showered Patsy John visited Mr. and Mrs. F Miss Florence Linton, Guelph, with gifts and best wishes for her Hayward, Bowmanville. is visiting with her parents, Mr. future happiness. Delicious re- Mr. and Mrs. H. Philp and adMs Joa Rutrord freshments were served by the Marilyn, Miss J. Philp, visited Mr. itigss wee in Ftergud S vis- hostess at the close of a very en- and Mrs. Chas Wage, Bingham- Mn. nd Mris. JE. in Collsins nd oyable evening. ton, and Mr. and Mms. L. Hauber, fr.andmily.E olis n Mr. and Mrs. Harry Taylor and Philadelphia. family.Allan, Napanee, visîted with her Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Graham anc Mr. M. H. Staples had charge parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Allen girls, Bowmanville, visitec Mn. of the United Church service on over night. and attended Toronto and Mrs. Don Stainton. Sunday morning. The theme of Exhibition Tuesday. a * Mr. and Mrs. M. Hamilton anc his sermon was 'Peace" and The Evening Auxiliary of Or- Ann, Mrs. F. Ferguson spent Sun- *speaking from the text "How ono United Church held their Au- day at Lake- Simcoe. beautiful upon the mountains are gust meeting at the home of Mrs. Mr. and Mns. Russell Wright tidings."o hismesabgetwas ost Syd Rutherford, Kirby. After a and Marion, visited Mrs. A. Lang- helpfulmdhispirinag Hals o short business meeting with the maid, Oshawa. helfulandinsirig. e asopresident, Mrs. Carl Billings, in Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Yeo and P. Ronge prso B omallev.W. charge. The meeting was given Bessie, Mr. Paul Vaneyk, speni P. Rger ofBowmnvile illover to sewing and a social time Sunday at Hickory Beach. have charge of the service next was enjoyed by ail. Refreshments Mrs. Bertha Yeo is visiting in Sunday. . were served at the close. Oshawa Mr. and Mrs. T. Find- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fraelick Mr. and Mrs. Fosten Ferguson lay, Mr. and Mrs. B. Findlay, visited with their aunt Miss Ma- have returned from a most en- Thornhill, visited Mrs. Otto Vin- ble Davy. joyable two weeks' motor trip tue. Miss Shirley Porter R.N., Osh- to the Maritime Provinces and Mn. John Coombes visited Mn. awâ', visîted on Sunday with ber Gaspe Peninsula. They also vis- and Mrs. K. Schade and Karen, parents, Mn. and Mrs. N. F. Por- ited their daughter at Sherbrooke, at their cottage, Haliburton Is- ter. Que. They wene accompanied by land. Miss Gwen Chatterton, R.N., Mn. Ferguson's brother and his Miss S. A. Williams, Toronto is spending her holidays at her wife, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Fergu- General Hospital, Dr. and Mrs. home here before leaving for To- son from Western Canada. R. Armstrong, Toronto, visited ronto where she -has accepted a Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hamilton position in the Sick Children's and Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm, Ham- Hospital. Gwen graduated from A railway to tmp the iron ore ilton. St. Joseph's Hospital, Peterbono, deposits of Ungava, due to be pro- Mr. and Mrs. O. Grills and Del- last spring. ducing in 1954, wiil cost $75,000,- bent visited Mn. and Mns. G. Yeo. Mary Jane Found, entetained 000. ________ Douglas Stainton is holidaying with his cousin, Henry Carlson, Toronto. Miss Edna MeLean, Miss Myr- ftle Caîhoun, Toronto, Mrs. J. M. Oliver, Margaret and Manjonie, 1Bobcaygeon, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Elliott, Lakehurst, visited Mr. and ÀM.Mrs. Everton White and Mrs. W. 0 "YS" POmPLY t 4 ut o 5.Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Young, Bankable security or co-makers 1EXAMPLES 0F -LOANS Dartford, Mn. and Mrs. Don Hoar, flot required. Loans for balance SCA I5 »0 24 MO. 24 Mo. Campbeliford, visited Mn. and of down paymnent on homnes and y' u,599 r.J . oeer borni repairs. RMn. and Mrs. Ron McDonald Phone, write, or corne in i<><ay. 1$12 1$2 $40 and Paul, Bowmanville. spent the Ab.0 porme.5. copie 0,.p,,> ,,,t week-end with Mn. and Mrs. J. LO ns $50 t. $1200 6"nS1Poya.afa lot Broome. Mflwu Le pvepotia& *jCas._ Messrs. Harold Skinneran "?t OMAN rAFMg$ 0 A Raiph Glaspeil attended Ottawa .-~-- ~.'?.#CWAYM IAV «USTO A>'VESFair and is now attending the E'Ib.TEMT Co* Exhibition. SYSTM w tEW F5 INANCLE " 1 Mn. A. V. Edwards Welland bas 2nd Fi., Il 1/2 SIMCOE ST., NORTH (Ovgr Bank of Noya Soofla), GSHAWA, been v'îsiting his daugbter, Mrs. Phone. 3-4687 - John P. Alexander, YýES MANager T. Scott and Mn. Scott. taons mode ta rasidents of ail surrnunding towns * Personal Finance Cmpany et Canada pe ant are nldayin with tleir grandmother, Mrs. F. B. Glaspeli, Zion. Mrs. Harold Skinner spent a week with ber daughter, Dorothy SORE MUSCLESI Skinner, Toronto. '#- "IfIà_î*.1_ý ý_Severai from here are attend-