~'AGK SIITEEN TI!~ CANAflTIAW MTA'Y'V~I1AW ftflWP.D~ Wl? .t!W V~%WrA U?~ -- - -----.----', --.. -.-----* -. -c' ~ THURSDAY. AUGUS? 38, 3 3f3 BIRTHS COLE-Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cole are happy to announce the safe arrivai of their son, William Eugene, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, August 10, 1952. 35-1* LANGMAID-Charles and Aima Langmaid (nee Goyne) are happy to announce the arrivai of their daughter, Linda Marlene, in Mem- orial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Saturday, August 23rd, 1952. 35-1 SýALKER - Ken and Bonnie Staîker (nee Hawley) are happy to announce the birth of their son at Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville, on Sunday, August 24, 1952. -35-1* ENGAGEMENTS The engagement is announced of Dorathy Willamene Dilling ta Ernest Edward Perfect, both of Bowmanville. The wedding will take place on Saturday, Sept. 20, at 4 'clock in Trinity United Church, Bawmanville. 35-1* Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Toms, of Newcastle, Ont., announce the engagement of their daughter, Marjarie Frances, ta Ross Mur- ray Paterson, son af Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Paterson, of, Orono, Ont. The marriage will take place quietiy in September. 35-1 Mrs. S. G. Niddery, Hampton, Ont., announces the engagement of ber granddaughter, Phyllis Patricia Niddery, R.N, ta Robert Victor Fernandez, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Fernandez, of Toronto. The marriage will take place in Hampton United Church on Sept. 2th at 3 p.m. 35-4* Mr. and Mrs. Idris Hughes, Bowmanville, wish ta announce the engagement, of their eldest daughter, Betty Elaine, ta Mr. Harvey Alvan Finney, son of Mr. and Mrs. Phiiip Finney, Maple Grave. The wedding will take place on September 27, 1952. 35_1 Mr. and Mrs. Virtle Wilsor, Orono, announce the engagement of their daughter, Souzanne Jean, ta Keith Edwin Wood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wood, Bowman- ville. The niarriage will take place on Saturday, September 20, 1952, at 2 o'clock in Orono United Church. 35-1 Mr. and Mirs. Albert Ruiter, Bowmanville, wish ta annaunce the engagement af their daugh- ter, Edith Alberta, ta Robert Stewart Hilditch, son of Mrs. T. Hilditcb and the late Mr. T. Hild- itch, Kendal, Ont. The marriage will take place Saturday, Sept. 20, 1953, at 3 p.m., in St. John's Anglican Church. 35-1' DEATHS BALKWILL.-In Exeter on Wed- ,nesday, July 23, 1952, Emma Jane ,Balkwill, belaved wife of the late Jahn Thomas Miners and widoxw of the late Rev. William Coombes, farmerly of Bowmanville, in ber 93rd year. Funeral was held Saturday, July 26th. Intermeni was in Bawmanville Cemetery on Sunday, July 27th. 35-1* MARJORAM, Mary Jane - At Memorial Hospital, -Bawmanville, Tuesday, August 26th, 1952, Mary Jane Meader. age 68 years, widow of Walter Marjoram, and dear sister of Mrs. Jack Harris, Cooks- ville, and Ceaphas Meader, Tor- onto. Resting at the Morris Fun- eral Chapel, Bowmanville. Ser- vice in the Chapel on Thursday at 3 p.m. Interment Bowmanvle Cemetery. 35-1 PENNINGTONAt the residence, 29 Horsey St,, Bowmanvilîe, on Wednesday, Aug. 20, 1952, Annie 'Fane Pennington, wife of the late ý.ndrew Pennington and dear tnother of Thornley, Winnifred <Mrs. H. F. Osborne), Harry, Lena (Mrs. H. J. Mitchell), Alfred, Vera Cryderman (Mrs. Edward Adler). Service was held at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bawman. 'Ville, on Saturday, Aug. 23, at 2 'clock. Interment Bowman. ville Cemetery. 35-1 .Wanted CLEAN six quart baskets, 5c each at Yeo's Grocery. Any quantity. 35-1 FURNISHED raom with or with- out board for pensianer. Write Box 826, c/o Canadian Statesman. 35-1 TWO or three unfurnished rooms for lady with two children, age 12 and 14. Urgent. Phone 2213. 35-1 Livestock For Sale 100 - 125 LAYING hens. Phone 2902. 35-1 BEAUTIFUL bay mare, quean sound. Fred R. Stevens, Phone 2234. 35-11. 60-YEAR aid White Leghorn hens. Apply Walter Parrinder., Phone 2470. 35-11 75 PULLETS, 5 months, laying. Irish Cobbler potatoes. Roy Mc- Laughlin, Nestieton, Phone 332r3 Port Perry. 35-1* Room and Bord Wanted WANTED-Pensioner would like suitable furnished raom with or without board. Write Box 827, c/o Canadian Statuman. 35-1 IN MEMORIAM. FEWSTER-In laving memory of a dear husband, Arthur C. Few- ster, who passed away Aug. 29, 1951; also my only son, William Fewster, kiiied in action Dec. 8, 1944: No pen can write, no tangue can tel My sad and bitter lass; But God alone bas helped so well To bear my heavy cross. -Sadly mîssed by wife and mother. 35-4* KELLY-In lovîng memory of aur dear daughter and sister, Isabelle, who died August 29th, 1947: Her memPory is as dear today As in the haur she passed away. -Always remembered by mather, father and brothyrs. 35-1* MeMANUS-In loving memory of aur dear son, William John Mc- Manus, who passed away Aug. 31, 1950: He was a flower too sweet for earth, Sent here but for a while; Gad marked him when he gavie him birth And took him with a smile. - Lovingly remembered by mother, dad, brothers, sisters and grandmother. 35-1 * STAPLES -In laving remnem- brance of my dear wife, Jennie, whom God called home August 27th, 1949: I have lost miy soul's camparnon, A life linked with my own, And day by day I miss her more, As I walk through life alone. -Her husband Edgar. 35-1* TAIT-In loving memory of John A. Tait who passed away Aug. 26th, 1950: Fram aur happy home and circle God has taken anc we laed, He is borne away from sin and sorrow Ta a nobler rest above. No ane knows how much we miss him, None but aching hearts can tell;i Lost on earth, but found in Heaven- Jesus doeth ahl things well. -Ever remembered by wife AMY, son Jerry and daughter-in-law - I I Articles For Sale CEMENT for sale - Phone 3457. 35-1 BOY'S C.C.M. bicycle, excellent condition. Appiy 33 Brown St. 35-1* BEATTY steel tu b washer, model SB; C.C.M. man's bicycle. Phone 3503. .35-i APPLE wood, $12 per cord. saw- ed and delivered. Phone Clarke 2530. 35-1 STACK of dlean oat straw, and 3 pigs, 6 weeks aid. Frank Denby, Phone 2313. 35-1* QUEBEC heater and Quebec cook stove. Write Box 823, c/o Can- adian Statesman. 35-1* FALL wheat and fail rye for seed. Frank Aldsworth, Cour- tîce, Phone 3-9081 Oshawa. 35-2* PIANOS-Satisfactory, delivered, guaranteed and financed. Cal F. J. Mitchell, Telephone 492. 35-l* CRESS CORN SALVE for sure relief. Druggists seli Cress Bun- ion Salve - wear stylish shoes soon. 35-1 WHITE enamel annex stove, suit- abe for coal or wood, good con- dition. Phone 850 or enquire 26 Jane St. 35-1 SPRAY pa inting equipment, com- pressor gun, hose, paint tank, etc., very reasonable for cash. Phone Oshawa 3-2334. 35-1* GLADIOLUS-Cut bloom, $ 1.00 per doz. Dally delivery ta hos- pital. Willow Acres, King St. E.. Telephone 2456. 32-tf SEE the White Rotary Electrie Sewing Machines at F. F. Morris Co., your local representative. Easy terms. 13-tf COSY Home cîrcuiating heater, in good condition, an d about 14 lengths of pipes, pric' reasonable. Phone 862. 35-1* PERENNIAL BORDER PLANTS: Peony, phlox, arabis, saxifraga, iris and oriental pappy. M. Heard, Telephone 2887. 35-3* Myrle. 35-1* BARN, 16 x 31', galvanized roof and garage attacbed; ben bouse, CARD 0FTHA KS 16' x 18', shed roof. Matthew ___________OF____________Brown, Mill St., Newcastle. 34-2* I wish ta thank ahl my friends WE measure and instaîl finest' for remembering me while 1 was quality Venetian Blinds, also in Toronto General Haspital. regular cioth and plastic window Yaur cards and gifts were greatiy shades. Marris Ca., Phone 4801. aprcae.Jim Woodley. 35-1 9-tf GOLD Seal Congoleum-over 40 We wish ta express aur sincere rails in 2 and 3-yd. widths; also thanks toa ah aur Hampton friends large selection in rug sizes from for the lovely table and cushion. 6' x 9' ta 12' x 15,, at Morris Ca. They will always be aur prized 28-tf possessions. Thanks very much. UUIESb h uhlo Mr, and Mrs. J.,ICMESb h uhlo Douglas Caverly. Il qt. basket, free delivcry in 35-1* Bowmanville. Walter Frank, R.R. 5, Bawmanville. Phone 2403. We wish ta extend aur heart- 35-1 * felt thanks and appreciatian for ONE brown double bcd; one 50- the acts of kindness, messages of lb. steel refrigerator; one white sympathy and beautiful floral enameled annex, with bot watcr offcrings recéived fram neigh- front, in gaod condition. Phone bours. relatives and many friends: 724.351 also Dr. Fergusan, Dr. Birks and ________________ nurses in aur sad bereavement SWEET Corn for cannîng, corn of a loving mother, Mrs. Andrew raast, table use. Apptes, potatoes, Pennington. cucumbers and tomatoes. Want- Mr. and Mrs. Edward ed-6 qt. baskets. Shaw's Fruit Adler and family. Market, Kurv Inn Corner. 35-1* We wish ta express aur heart- felt thanks and appreciatian ta aur many friends and relatives for the many acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beauti- ful floral tributes; also we want ta thank Dr. A. F. McKenzie, staff of Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville, and nurses for their kindness during aur recent sad bereavement in the loss of a dear wife and mother. T. A. Reid and family. Newcastle Harticuitural Society wishes ta thank ail who so kindly contributed ta the success of the' Flower and Vegetable Show held August 2th: Eaton's; Simpson's; McConnell's Nursery; J. K. Gra- ham, Florist; Fergus Marrill, Willow Acres; J. Anderson Smith: Adams Lumber; Ferguson's Sun- ny Brae Service Station; Hoar's Garage; Mahoney's B.A. Service Station; LeGresley's Dairy; Elm- hurst Hotel; QueSns Hotel; En- right's Store; Toms' Gene'ral Store; Storks Specîalty Shap; Thickson's Store; Bonathan's Hardware; Quinney's, Barber; Mrs. Chitty, Mrs. Matthews, Miss Long, Mrs. A. Glenney, Miss War- ren, Mrs. Jose's Gladibrae Tour- ist Home, Mrs. Percy Hare, Mrs. R. Johnston, Mrs. George Walton, Mrs. Percy Brown, Mrs. Hillier and Ann Stephenson, Mrs. Milli- gan, Mr. R. S. Graham, Dr. J. A. Butlerç- Mr. Jack Wade, P.M., Mrs. E. W. Fisher, Mrs. L. Clarke Mrs. Ceeul Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. H. Britton, Jahnston's Drug Store, Mr. W. F. Rickard, Reeve John Rickard and Mr. F. Couch, Jr. 35-1 BISSELL tandem discs for hy- draulic or standard, $210, 26 plates; Otaco wagon $140; spread- ers; Timken bearing tractor plows. Carl Todd, Phone Clarke 15-20. 34-2* VENETIAN BLINDS. 25 different colours of tapes, 15 siat colaurs, Flexalum. Aluminum or Steel, measured and insta]led free of charge. Phone 3121. Weber's Fabrie Centre. 17-tf RUGS - save Up ta ½ý on new, reversible, Broadloom rugs made from your aid woollens, clothing, carpets, etc. Ail the latest Decorator shades. Phone 3446. 24-tf BATHROOMS Beautiful - Kit- chens Colourful - That's what the new homes look like. Lovely fixtures for bathrooms in white or colour with chrome fittings and glistening white porcelain enamel sinks with the same sparkle you enjoy in your best china . . . ahl on display at the new showrooms and warehouse on the Streetsville Road. When you visit the C.N.E. just take time out ta see us for fixtures, fittings, furnaces and ail the things for a nice home. We deliver, you pay no freight. S. V. Johnson Plumb- ing Supplies, Streetsville, Ontario. 34-31I SPENCER CORSETIERE (registered since 1931 ) MRS. J. E. RICHARDS Box 33 - ORONO Telephone 27-r-16 Articles For Sale FINDLAY Oval cookc stove, with warming aven and reservoir, nearly new; also International corn binder, in good condition. L. J. Brock, Bowmanville, R.R. 4. Phone 2579. '35-1* RECONDITIONED Singer elec- trie portable sewing machine, complete with drap-section utili±y table, attachments and matching stool , $98.50. Singer Sewing Centre, 47 Walton St., Port Hope, Dial 3060. 35-1 PLUMBING. Heating and 011 Burners installed anywhere in ,Durham County. Reasonable rates and highest quality. For free estimates eall S. Blain Elliott, Heating, Plumbing & Tinsmnithing, Phone 3348. 29-tf WE have a few reconditioned Singer drap-head treadie sewing machines, priced from $27.50 and one other Singer electrie port- able, complete with drap-section table. Singer Sewing Centre, 47 Walton St., Port Hope. Phone 3060. 35-1 DID YOU KNOW? That you can have your work pants tailored to fit you at no extra cost. Just because they are work clothes is no reason for a poor fit. Waist and cuffs are altered and sewn with the smre care given ail our quality clothes. Navy blue denim (heavy 8-oz.) sanforized shrunk and guaranteed ta fit. ONLY -$4.95 Ken's Men's Wear 75 King St. E. Bowmanvile 34-2 *For the Latest Papers *For the Finest Paints *For the Best Workmanshlp S. G. PRESTON & SON PHONE 2417 - 912 49-tf T1L E CERAMIC - PLASTIC RUBBER - MARBOLEUM H.- G. Heal Phone 2902 Bowmanville 14-tf Help Wanted SALES girl, full time, Howe's Smoke Shop, 37 King St. W. 35-1 FEMALE help wanted, 18 - 40 years. Apply Huyck's Caffee Shop. 35-1* EXPERIENCED invoicing clerk. Apply in writing, stating full particulars ta: P.O. Box 15, Bow- manville. 35-tf HOUSEKEEPER for Nurses' Re- sidence, must live in. Appiy Superintendent, Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville. 35-1 BOYS - earn good money in your spare time as pin boys. Apply George Elliott at Martyn's Bowling Academy. 34-3 housework and care of children. Five day wcek. Salary $15. Live out. Box 830, c/o Canadian Statesman. 35-1 WANTED -Two men for sheet mnetal and beating business; one cxpcrienced and one t% act as he]per. Apply D. Selby Grant, 6 Mill Lane, Phone 2674. 35-1 AVAILABLE at once nearby Rawleigh business. Good oppor- tunity. Trade well established. Experience helpful but not nec- essary. Write at once, Raw. leigh's Dcpt. ML-H-140-î02, Mont. real. 35-1 EXCELLENT opportunity for in- telligent active youfig married man, for sales and service busi- ness in this district, permanent position, good salary and com- mission, give two references in reply, car essential. Write Box 825, c/o Statesman Office. 35-2 PERMANENT money making op- portunity for active elderly mnan, ta seli exclusive products in this tcrritory, product not sold in stores, you make profit on ail sales, service and supplies, free training, no investment, car nec- essai-v. Write District Distri- butors, 386 Water St., Peterbor- ough. 35-2 Tenders Wanted Tenders For Floor Coverlng TENDERS marked "Tenders for Flooring" wiil be accepted b>' the undcrsigned until 12:00 p.m. Sat- urday, September 6th, for floor covering, either tihe or battleship linoleum, (inciuding laying of samne ta the satisfaction of the the Dp ut Sheriff's office. Ten- j~~~ CasFo al rs ta state type of cavering used 1 PEST CONTROL in* quatation. Lowest or any TRUCK for sale, G.M.C., 34 -ton,ý tender not necessariîy aecepted. good condition, best offer. Phone iK YOS 2125. 35-1 LET US RID YOU OF ... . YOS iCounties' Clerk. 35-2 '47 ONTIC Cachexcelen Bed Bugs. Roaches, Fleas, Maths, condition,- $1,300.00 cash. Phone Rats, Mire, Etc. Photo Service 3527. 35-lf 24 Houri a Day '51 WHIZZER motorbike, in good YOUR FILMS - for fast satis- conitin. . Brret, 7 QeenGuaranteed Service factorvr and cheap service bring St. East. 35-1. Telephone o alt lh tdo omn ville, Ont. 616, 50c; 620, 40c; 127, '27 CHEVROLET car, in goad ORONO 13-r-16 30c. Please scnd money with running condition. Water Fer-ý OSHAWA 5-1601j order. Return postage will be guson, Phone 2329. 35-1 3 4.4* paid. 35.1e 1. t I~ ~ ~ ~~~~jm 7-nefamwlplr,îh.l A UCTON SA .ES urnc i uit-in cupboards, bard. _____________________ 1___wood fl1oors, floor covering, storri windows, screens, fresbly painted, Auction sale of bedroom and garage, good garden, landscaped, living-room furniture, electric This property is in immaculate stove, dishes, glassware, tools, condition. $7,500. Terms. large quantity of new birch floor- Sing, doors, windows, roofing, etc. Exclusîvely and canveniently la- The praperty of Mrs. Belle J. cated 8-room solid brick family Galbraith, ta be sold by public home, 4-piece bath, bardwooc auction on Saturday, Aug. 3th, floors, double garage, extra lots. at 1 p.m. sharp. Sale ta be held $7,000. Immediate possession. inside in the Orofio Skating Rink. P.S.-Anyone building a new 7-raam new insul-brick, 4 bcd. home would ~e well advised ta romrs, 4-piece bath, bardwooc attend this sale. Terms cash. No floors, cil heating, heavy wiring reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. built-in cupboards, garage. $1,500 F. E. Lycett, clerk. 35-1 dawn. The undersigned auctioneer will New ranch type frame 5-rooni seil by publie auction the pro- bungalow, alI canveniences, bot perty of Andy Umbel on Satur- air heating, garage, garden. 30 day, August 3th, at Lot 12, Con. days possession. $9,500. Terms, 7, Darlington Twp., 1 1/ miles east of Enniskilien. Sale will 5-raam semi-detached bungalow, include the following: Empire hydro, 2-piece bath, garage, extra cook stove, new; extension table; lot, fuel for wintcr, immediate four kitchen chairs; cream separa- possession, vacant. $1,500 down. tam with stand, just new; two electrie radios; kitchen suite: Farms, dwellings and lots. small heater and pipes; two floor James Nixon, Broker lamps; coffee table; bed, spring 160 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville and mattress; extra mattress: Phone 682 side-drap couch and mattress; 35-1* five small tables; incubator; rock- ing chairs; 3-piece chesterfield suite; i-ug 9 x 15; ail brooder Personal stave: lawn mower; dishes; pots and pans; saw frame and mandril; HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubber jig saw; we]l pump, large size, goods) mailed pastpaid in plain with 22 ft. of 2" piping; maple sealed envelope with prîce list. top work bench; trailer with Six sampies 25c, 24 samples $1,00. 200-16 tires; 140 Leghorn puliets; Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov-Rub- 37 geese; one Jersey cow, five ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. years, due; one Holstein heifer, 2-51 due in September; quantity of hay; five barrels; wheelbarrow; "SKINNY" Girls! Get iovely three ladders; calony bouse; forks, curves! Gain 5 ta 10 lbs., new shovels, digger and a quantity of pep. Try famous health and ather useful articles to0 nurner- weight-builder, Ostrex Tonic Tab- ous ta mention. Terms cash. Sale lets. Introductory, 'get-acquaint- at 1:30. Clifford Pethick, suc- ed"' size only 60c. Ail druggists. toneer. 35-1 35-1 Memorial Park Bingo Saturday night. Jack Pot $15.Qp. Re- freshments. Everyone welcome. 35-1l Attention Ladies-The Business and Professional Women's Club will sponsor a film "Towel Tales," produeed by Caldwell Linen Milîs Ltd., September 23rd, through courtesy of G. A. Kennedy, Dry Goods. Further particulars later. 35-1* Nestleton Women's Institute dance, euchre downstairs, for Port Perry Hospital Fund, Friday, September 12th, in Blackstock Community Hall. Port Perry Orchestra. Draw for Afghan. Novelty dances. Belle of the bail. Refreshment booth. Admission 50C. 35-4* Reception_ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Allin, 55 Centre St., Bowmanville, will be at home ta their friends an Wed- nesday, September 3rd, between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. and in the evening 7 p.m. ta 9 p.m. on the occasion of their Fiftieth Wed- ding Anniversary. 35-1* Wanted To fient APARTMENT for yaung married couple. Write Box 829, c/o Can- adian Statesman. 35-1* YOUNG couple with one child desire 4 or 5-room bouse or apt. on ground floor, urgently need- ed. Write P.O. Box 333, Bow- manville. 35-1* Found WALLET (purse) at Lions Carn- ival Friday night. Owner may have same by paying for this advertisement. Phone 3619. 135- Seed Grain For Sale FALL Wheat for seed. Phone 2904. 35-1 REGISTERED No. 1 and Govern- ment Standard No. 1 Cornel Wheat, treated and bagged ready ta sow, free fromn any smut. Garnet Rickard, Phone 2813. 35-2 Tenders Wanted Tenders For Re-wiring TENDERS marked "Tenders for Re-wiring" will be accepted by the undersigned until 12:.30 p.m. Saturday, September 6th, for re- wiring the Chief Turnkey's cellar, at the County Gaoi. Lowest or any tender flot necessarily accept- K. YMNS ed.YMNS Counties' Clerk. 35-2 For Rent TWO unfurnished raoms, heatedt in winter. Phone 3522. 35-1 ROOM-suitable for one or two gentlemen, continuous hot water. Phone 3661. 35-1* HOUSE for rent near Orono. Im- mediate -possession. Write Box 821, c/a Statesman Office. 35-1* HOUSE and 30 acres of land. Apply Mrs. James Branch, R.R. 2, Newcastle, Phone Clarke 3814. TWO large roams suitable for four persans, private bath, very central. Write Box 831, c/a Can- adian Statesman. 35-1 COTTAGE at East Beach, Bow- manville, furnished, available Sept. 1, 1952, yearly tenancy if desired. Would suit four or five of a family. Write Rager Bird, 1445 Kingstan Road, Apt. 303, Toronto, Ont. 34-2 No1e BUILDING lots for sale. Phone Dr. H. Ferguson's office will 433. 35-1*1 re-apen Sept. 2nd. 35-1 RESIDENTIAL lots, high and dry, good district. George C. Alîchin, 192 North Liberty St. 34-2 STOREY and a haîf bouse on Jane St., landscaped lot, decor- ated. Phone 911. 35-1 PEDWELL REAL ESTATE 100 acres, 6-raom brick house, large bank barn, running water, hydro, chopper; 25 acres bush and pasture, balance workable, close ta Newcastle and lýo. 35 Highway. We have a large list of farmn houses, chcping mili, garage and service station. H. C. PEDWELL Phone Clarke 38 SSL Agent for W. J. Warren, Broker, Agincourt 31-tf DeWITH REAL ESTATE 100 acre farm, 10-room brick house, goad large barn, big hen house, 3 wells, hydro, silo, close ta Bowmanville. Price $15,000. 6-roam insul-brick bouse, New- castle, with 17 acres of land, ail furnace, bathroom, modemn kit- chen, hardwood floors, 10 acres of .orchard. Price $12,500. Terms. 8-room frame bouse, Newcastle, 3-piece bathroom, new furnace, hardwood floors, double garage, nicely decorated. Price $7,500. Terms. 50 acre farm, north of Orono, 5 room frame bouse, hydro, 2 Wells, large barn. Price $8,500. Haîf cash. Several other farms, homes, etc. John F. DeWith, Broker King Street W.* Newcastle Phone 3341 35-1 SCOTT REAL ESTATE $5,000-7-rooms an two floors, solid brick, three-piece bath, oak floors, goad furnace, heavy wir- ing, garage, central. This is a real bargain. 40 acres of choice land close in. $5,000. Donald Scott Real Estate 78 King St. West - Phone 663 35-1 PEDWELL REAL ESTATE 8-room solid brick bouse in Hampton, ail conveniences, two acres of land. Bungalow in Newcastle, immed- iate possession, $4,500. $1,500 cash. 225 acres, large stone bouse, bank barns and other buildings, close ta Lake Ontario. Would exchange for revenue producing property. 50 acres pasture land with trout strcam. $2,500. We bave clients waiting for small bouses in Bawmanville. We have a large list of farmns and other business propositions. H. C. Pedwell, Newcastle Phane Clarke 38SSL Agent for W. J. Warren, Broker Agincourt -1 NIXON REAL ESTATE 8-room salid brick, ail canven- ienccs, laundry tubs, ail heating, floor cavering, built-in cupboards, storm doors and windows. $8,000. Terms, Dr. C. W. Slemnon's office will be clased from Sept. 3rd to Oct. lst inclusive. 35-2 L. C. Mason's law officei until after Labor Day. Ail bowlers wishing ta bowl in the Durham Bowling League leave their names at the Bowling Alley or 'phone Frank Blunt at 858. 34-2* DO flot read this if you have flot a house or farm for sale. We need listings. Many gaad buyers are asking us for farms and houses. For a satisfactory deal list yaur property with us. Donald Scott. Real Estate,' 78 King St. West. Bowmanvil]e. Phone 663. 32-4 Prof essional Services PROFESSIONAL Carpentry Ser- vice - Are you intendinig ta build or remodel, or of adding built-in cupbaards ta your home? If so contact Don for estimates. No obligations. Phone 3670. Every job from ground up, guar- anteed. 33-3* closed Open Work Wanted TYPING at home by experienced typist, envelopes, circulars mailed etc. Phone 3631. 3- SEED dleaning-Clover, timothy, wheat cleaned. John Griffin, Enniskillen. Phone 2977. 32-4* FOR bulldozing, grading, excavat- ing, etc., caîl Taylor Bras., Osh- awa 3-3831 or Whitby 2687. 18-tf DARLINGTON Abattoir, Hamp- ton, for custom killing. Phone 3243. 32-tf INSULATION - Blawing method, with rock wool; workmanship guaranteed. Free estîmates. Harry L. Wadc, phone Clarke 2420 32-4* HANK'S Floar Service - Sand- ing floors, finîshing. Caîl far free estimates, evenings, Bowmanville 2372. 27-tf John Maguire & Son 28 Brown Street BODY and FENDER REPAIR Duco and Dulux Refinishing General Repairs to al makes of cars. 35-2* BULLDOZING AND By Hour or Contract -Free Estimates Given - Win. Tripp PORT PERRY R.R. 2 PHONE 109-r-42 14-tf SHOE REPAIRS FAST SERVICE on ALL SHOE REPAIRS Two excellent shoe repair men at your service. Lloyd Ellis Shoe Repair 39 King St. W. Bowmanville 18-tf ATTENTION! For Prompt Attention BRICK WORK - BLOCK WORK MASON WORK - ETC. Concrete Floors, Foundations, Sldewalks, Etc. -Free Estimates Given - L. Turner Mortgages I We have an unlimited amount of first mortgage money available. We aiso buy, and boan money on martgages. Donald Scott Real Estate 78 King St. W., Bowmanviile Telephane 663 32-4 TRAILER AXLES Bowmanville AND - With or Without Tires - Priced from $5 Io $35 AIl Makes Sissons' Garage ORONO PHONE ORONO 1031 Nursing Service Middle Green Villa Resi Home Bowmanville One or two vacancies, men or wamen, tray service, every kind- ness given. Approved by doctors. New telephone 2974, lacakèd one mile east of Bowmanville on Highway No. 2, for reservations. 30-ti Wanted To Buy DOG kennel or shelter. Pho 3503. 351 WANTED -Live poultry, gooi feathers, feather ticks, scra [rags and metals. Phone Oshawa collect. BEFORE selling your live po try us. Our prices are hîgher.b Fiatt. R.R. 1, Bethany. Pho, 7 r13. reverse charges. 51.. Strayed JERSEY heifer has been in m pastIre for past six weeks, ownt rnay have same by paying e) penses. Chester McGrath, Phon 2713. 35-1 STRAYED -Hoîstein heifer, te months old, no horns, vaccinate( white hair over both eyes. Ca Oliver. McCulloch, Brooklin 3r1 Tenders Wanted Village of Newcastle SEALED Tenders will be rý ceived by the undersigned unt 6 p.m., September 3rd, 1952, fo the following position or position: Stating salary expected. Comnbined position of Caretake of the Community Hall an, Policeman of the Villagec or Position of Policeman for th Village of Newcastle. PoitonofCaete or t osmuitnofHareoftke for t omNiatyle. fth ila o. B.ewcastle. lR.Bikard Cilg f ecsle. Villae ofNewcstle Repairs REPAIRS toa ah makes of refrij' erators, domestic and commercil milking coolers. Higgon Ele' tric, 42 King St. E., Phone 431 25-t DO WMAN VILLE BODY SHOP EXPERT BODY AND FENDE! REPAIRS Duco and Dulux RefinishinÉ 181 King Street W. PHONE 34 WANTED-Piowing, discing, gci tivating, mowing and fillingA ditches. Phone 496, J. H. '4 dread & Son. 3- Report Wastage Seedling Trees There are twa types of peopl4 who make the Ontario lands an( forsts officers hopping mad; thi reckless laons who start fores fires and the forgetful types wh( aobtain free seding trees fror department nurseries and thei don't bother ta plant them. The fire-foolish characters, oý course, are the worsc. And for, tunatey less than one per cent of the trees distributed by thE department ta municipalities an( individuals are wvasted. But theri is a moderately acute shortage oý seediings for the rcally conserva tian-mindcd people wha want t< rcclaimn wastelands and the deý partmcnt's officiais take a ver.) dull view of having their pro. ducts neglected. There is a third variety a: negleet against which the zonE foresters are fighting. Municipal. ities or individuals may havi obtained seedlings for reforesta. tain, and planted thcm. And ther forgotten ail about the planta. tions. There are 11 county or rivel authority forcsts in the province under the department's supervis. ion. Each has anc or more resid. cnt forester-caretakers. The tree~ are carefully thinncd and pro. tected sQ that, at maturity, they will prad uce valuable lumber. But not a few municipalitie~ have planted small acreage ai trees as a token gesture towarde conservation, and then lcft the plantations ta shift for them. selves. Occasionally some com- merciai-minded operator has came aiang and taken out the choicer trcelings for the Christmas trade Department officiais agrce that a small percentage of private plantations is better managed and tended than even the caunty far- ests supcrvised by departmenta foresters. WORKERS' PARADISE If you are ten minutes late get ting an the job- If you leave the job ten minut early- If yau take five minutes too Ion for lunch; Each of these counts as a hast day against you. When You have missed fou such days, your factary supervisa can and will bail you into court. Te court can then eut your Thge anywhere fram à&_ per cent. If you wan't gzo'~' the job, you may be thrown int prison for a six-month stretch. This is the law in Poland, since the Communists took over. They call it "Socialiat Discipline o Work," and the Reds call Poland a 'workers' paradise." The god "Pan" was supposed t be respansible for human fears- hence aur word, "panic". COMING EVENTS 1 Real Estate For Sale 1 Notices - 1 THE CANADiAiq sTATzsm-Am. nowummvmtLp. nmTAwrn - 1 ýPhone 3231 . PAGE sErrEm