TuE ~ANADIA!i STATESMAW. EOWMA1~V!LLE, ~NTAMO ?1!T3~SDAT, A~tST 10. 1010 Curnt3 I Confidential ným5 I By Elsie Carruthers Lurnney 1 am suarry to disappoint yau ladies and gentlemen <we hope) but- your usual columnist is on holiday and is beîng replaced by an,-amateur this week. If you firkcL the column upsetting and be- low standard- don't vent your wretli on Mrs. Lunney. She begged. pleaded, cajoled and tlireatened ail manner of dire resuits if she were flot reiievcd for one week froni the fear of tlic "Deadiine Ogre". Sa we final- ly agrecd ta f111 the white space with words of sanie description s0 that a. Mrs. Lunncy miglit have ane week free out ai fil ty- two and b. so that the Statesman wouid flot have ta face the awiul possibiiity oi using a paid adver- tisement in it.s piéce. WRONG NUMBER--SORRY? This may nat b. original but its somcthing of whicli mast peo- pie have experience - wrong ,phone numbers. Reaiising liow simple it is ta mnake an error or lie'in a hurry and diai a number withaut being sure ai it we arc wiliing ta make aliowances-but we find it liard ta excuse those who simply bang down the re- ceiver an bcing infarmed ai their en-or. We happen ta lie in the happy position aifliaving a similar num- ber ta ana ai aur busy fre de- livery. gracery stores. At icast once every wcek someane 'Phones ta place an order and more aiten than not ends up bcing rather irate over aur lack af supplies. One conversation went as fol- lows: "Have 'you_ any raspberries?" There was no mention ai the lady'%. namne or query about the number-simply-"Have yau any raspberries?" 'Yes", I replied, "I have". At that precise moment 1 had rather a gaad supply. -Will you save me six boxes?" -stiII no mention aifiiamc. "No, I don't think sa, I plan ta make some jam." "Well, I ordered some earlicr yau know." "I'm sorry lady but you did nat arder aqjy raspberries from me" etc., etc. , Finallvy. aiter considerable ef- fart on my part I persuaded the good soul that no raspberries werc forthcoming from this source whareupon she banged the receiver sa liard that I have had a persistent allergy ta rasp- bernies ever since. TOO MANY BABIES We have aiten thouglit that a doctor's lot is flot a hiappy ana but have seidamn heard ai greater conscientiousness than this.-The Cther niglit when ail other ardin- ary montais were sleeping (this excludcs new mothers) a certain local dactor hopped out ai bcd and franticaliy stumbled into his rcsisting ciothing. Fully dressed, eyes stili ciosed, somcething flick- ercd acrass lis mind, so he rang the liospital -tliat's right -they hadn't called him. More siowly naw lic dragged off thc clingîng garments and failing inta bed, drcamnt once more. PORT BOWMANVILLE We have aiten wondered why the Town ai Bowmanville lias failed ta, profit mare from its proximity ta the lake. It is said tIat Bowmanviile was once one Leave (Golng) Read .Down A.M. 7:25 Kawar 7:30 Janetv' 7:40 Yelver 7:50 Nestiet 8:00 Blacksi 8:10 Burketi 8:20 Ennis< 8:30 Hampi 8:45 Bowm< Arrive Returu Read Up Fare 1:35 1:25 1:15 1:05 12:55 12:45 12:35 12:25 12:15 $4.20 4.20 4.00 3.75 3.55 3.35 3.15 3.00 2.75 Ar. 10: 15 at Toronto Exhibition Bus Takes Passengers Right Inside Toronto Exhibition Grounds and Stays There until 15 minutes after Grand- stand Performance is Over, for your convenlence. Children - Haif Fare Fares INCLUDE Exhibition Admission For Inf ornation Phono Bowmanville - 2666 Llndsay - 5381 Patrons uslng sur buses may leave their cars in parking $Pace at Kawartha Maples, 7 miles south of Lindsay on Highway 35. Miss Joan Woolley Guest of Honour At SurpriseParty On August 18, Miss Ruth Du- mas was hostess at a deliglitful surprise party for Miss Joan Woolley when about 25 friends and neiglibors assembied at the home ai Rutli's parents, Mn. and Mrs. L. S. Dumas, 66 Ontario St., and made thc presentatian ta Joan ai a pantny sheli shower which inciuded aoven 80 articles varying from spices and vinegar ta sugar and cereais in innumer- able variety. The surprised bride-ta-be was escorted ta a seat aiflionon nicely draped witli pink streamers and near a large pink and white bas- ket overilowing with giits. Mrs. Stella Leask then presented lier with a rose corsage and an ap- propniate card signed by lier friends and expressing their good wislies alang with tIe gits. After tlic numerous parcels wene unwrappcd by Joan and in- spected by everyone. Joan voiced lier tlianks and appreciation. Mrs. Dumas and Ruth, assistcd by Mrs. Kirkton, served delicious refreshments. WEDDING f COWLING - HMLO 1Pontypool Unted Churcli was icolored gladioli for tlic wedding onSaturday aiternoon. July 26tli, oi Vivian Edna.Hamilton, daugli- ter ai Mr. and Mrs. George Ham- ilton, Pontypool, and George Mc- Kenzie Cowling, son ai Mrs. Jas- eph Cowling and tIe late Mr. Cowling. Rev. John Kitchen per- formed the ceremony. Mrs. Jim Richiardson played tIc wedding music and M.Ross Taylor was solaist. The bride, wîo was given in marriage by lier father, chose a strapless gawn ai white rase point lace over nylon net in redingote fashion. A Juliet cap ai lace over satin haid lier fingartip veil and she carried a nosegay ai red roses. The three sisters ai the bride werc lier attendants, Mrs. Kay Beggs being matran aiflion- or. and Mns. Joyce Fard and Miss Wiima Hamilton, bridesmaids. Thay were gowned alika in sky blue nylon marquisette, and wore matching bonnets with plaated brims. TIey carried nasegays ai pink gladioli. Mn. Clare Cowiing was grooms- man. and Messrs. Murray Cowl- ing and Floyd Hamilton were ushers. A receptan was held n tlic dhurci basement, the bride's mother receiving in a dress af iigurcd pink and grey nylon with navy accessanies and corsage af ned rases. She was assisted by the graam's mother, wlio wara a drass of navy sheer aven printed crape wîth navy accassorias and cor- sage ai ned roses. Following the reception, the bé4da and groom leit on a wad- ding trip ta Quebec city and northern points. For travelling flic bride wcre a iilac suit witî white accessories. Mr. and Mrs, Cowling will reside in Oshawa. An archangel is an angel aofIe highest rank. Wed in Kedron United Church of the buiut ports on Lake On- tario sa it seems strange that the area is now negiected exccpt for a few ardent sunworshippers. Every year the lake is allowed to steal a few more inches of land and ta flood complctely the main road on the "East" side and even ta iap linto the cottages. It does seem a pity that there is no pro- ject ta protect, enlarge and beau- tify it. Ia fact we have often thought that with a littie plan- ning the entire area couid be turned into a beautîful park and become an important tourist at- traction of the town. * .*0 WHAT A COUNTRY! Now the back-to-school adver- tisements are in ail the papers, the summer piaygrounds are fin- ished, nights are cooler and fali is aimost upon us. Having aimost completed the spring cicaning it is time ta turn around and begin again-the same chore, a differ- ent scasan. Your columnist should be en- joying the glowing fail colours of aur irresistibie north lands, big log lires and pure clean air. We can picture her waiking to the biueness of the lake to gaze into its depths in fascination. the sad trees wiil be refiecting their changing hues in warning of the bitter coid to corne. The wiid life wiil be foraging hastiiy for al extra food ta store in secret places for winter and such fortunates as the wiid geese wiii be winging south to pleasanter climes. Canada is a fortunate country with its ail inclusive climate, terrain, minerais, etc. From north ta south, from east to west, we can see almost ail that is worth- whiie in the worid. Who wouidn't lie a Canadian! NESTLETON The Nestieton W.A. and W.M.S. met at the home ai Mrs. Adeibent Beacock August 2lst with 21 la- dies present. Meeting in charge ai Mrs. M. Emerson's group op- ened witli the theme sang, pray- er by Mrs. Emerson, devotional Mrs. A. Mackie. Roll cail-name a missionary. Mrs. Robinson fromn St. Clinistoplier Camp, sang threc iovely solos. Reading, Mrs. J. Hooyer. "The Dutdli famiiy in the churcli," devotional by Mrs. Emerson. Severai hymns were sung. Each lady was asked ta give $1.00 talielp aur funds. Plans were made ta quilt another quilt and aiso pack a bale this fali. Mrs. Rogers froni Toronto spake a few words. Mrs. Emerson put on a missionary contest which was won by Mrs. G. Johins. A dainty lunch and cup ai tea was served and Mrs. Beacock and graup ail were given a ciap and vote ai tlianks for anather splen- did meeting in Mrs. Beacock's home. Next meeting September l8th in charge ai Mrs. George Bower's group. Mrs. Wilmer Fitza and Mrs. Harry Atkinson, Oshawa spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. George Johins, Miss Margaret Steele. R.N., To- ronto, spent a few days with lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Steele. Congratulations ta Dr. Bowles who ceiebrated lis 88th birtliday August l7th. Mrs. Victor Malcolmi and child- ren also Mrs. L. Joblin visited Mrs. Lloyd Hunter, Part Perny. Little Miss Nancy Bird, Brook- lin, spent a few days witli ler grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Emerson. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Malcolm, Toronto, spent the weekend witli Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fallis. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Emerson and sons, Stratiord. spent a iew days with Mr. and Mrs. M. Emer- son. Mr. Melville Samelîs spent a few days hlidays witli inîends in Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mal- colm and family visited iriends in Bowman ville. Mrs. John McKee, 'Blackstock, visited lier nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wilson. Messrs. Gerald Jackson, Har- ley Jackson, Donald Prott, Don- ald McKinnon and Errol Bowens1 leit an Sunday niglit for the west ta help witli the liarvast. Mrs. Wm. Vanderbosh and daugliters visited Mrs. L. Joblin. Mrs. Wesley Campbell lias gone ta Toronto and is ilying ta Bran- don on Tuesday ta visit lier sis- ter-in-law and bratlier-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Grey. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pullen, Oshawa, visited Mn,. Jas. Wil- liams. Mr. and Mrs. M. Emerson and Miss Irene. visited Mr. and, Mrs. Wilton Creed, Barrie. Mr. and Mrs. Jas Boe and Miss Shirley, Toronto, visited Mr. and Go $5 to 1000in 3 simplestp L PhOe. Or s0" la cd Iout.hold Finance. 2. TU us kow much cash You ne"d. Loess on yow 0wn làgna$ure. No bonicable securfty .squk. 3a lake up to 24 months to rnp.y. OSHAWA,, ONT. PoeT NOPE BRANCUs 71 Walten Si., 2nd floor, phone. 303e Mrs. M. Emerson. Mrs. Wm. Steele and Miss Mar- garet Steele visited friends at St. Christopher. Dr, and Mrs. Plewis. Toronto, and two grandsons fromn Engiand, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steele aiso Mr. and Mrs. Harry Peel and Mrs. Joe Peel, Port Perrv and Mrs. Jackson, Sask, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steele. No service in the United Church next Sunda.y. Rev. Hut- ton is stili on holidays. Gatun dam is in the Panama Canal. eir v J e 1 NEW FEATURES 8 sfio Cu. Ft. Size BIG VALUE! FRIGIDAIRE Master Model. " PuI-wldth Super-freezer Choat e Adjustable sheif e Ail-Poreelain Hydretora " Exclusive Quiekube Troy$ " SuPer-P@wered Moer-Miser Mochanism 40me in end s"ae ». W CYCle MMOie Prlglims -ond ail the ether »W Mrehgrme Hello Homemakers! Camne Sep- tember w. become as dlock con- sciaus ia household routine as chiidrea in the classroam. When lunches are preparcd at hgme it's wise ta setaside a corner or sheif for the supplies-a shar.p shicing knjfe, waxed paper cups with cavers, paper napkins, waxed pa- per and sandwich bags. A note book and pencil for scribbling a tentative week's lunches will be an advantage also. Sandwiches are the mainstay af most school lunches. Since they must oi necessity be made a long timne before ,they are caten. only those fiilingi which will be ap- petizing after long standing should be used. Lettuce and sliced tamataca are two items that go limp when siiced, sa it is better ta wrap a wedge ai lettuce or a whole tomato tightly in wax pa- per or foul. With a tiny envelape af sait and pepper many crisp foads become a "picce" salad. TAKE A TIP Lunch box suggestions: 1. Prepare twa sandwiches made of a variety of fillings. Purchase variaus kînds of hread tao- white. cracked wheat, cheese, raisin, rye and malt. 2. Make a contrast af bath color and flavor by wrapping crisp cu., cumber wedges, carrot sticks, pepper strîps. celery pieces and whole tamataes. 3. Fresh fruit is aiways wel- come-apple, orange, pear, peach, grapes, bananas or wedge ai me- ion. Ail tao soon you'll prepare jars af rice pudding, jeilied prunes, appiesauce and other des- serts. 4. Accompany fresh fruit with a piece af cake or two cookies. 5. If a beverage is also carried it shauld be piping hot or deiight- fully cold. Rinse the thermos for soup or cacaa with hot water, but if you send miik or fruit juice, rinse the container with coid wa- ter. 6. Since every chuld likes a treat, it may be an edible one- stuffed dates, a few raisins, marshmallows or nuts. However, a surprise item may.bring happi- ness toa, in an amusing picture, a note froni dad or new marbies. Sandwich Fillings Minced Meat: hani, park, beci, carned beef, veal, lamb, tangue, chicken. Flaked Fish: saimon, tuna, crab- meat. Cooked Egg: hard-cooked. The above foods are best mine- ed or diced, seasoned with sait and sllghtly maistencd with bail- ed dressing or creani sauce or sweet chili sauce. Prune: 12 cup cooked chapped prunes YÏ cup peanut butter 2 tsps. lemon juice. Pineapple: 1/2 cup drained, crushed pine- appie 1cup cottage cheese. Vegetabie: 1/i cup grated carrot %4 cup grated cabbage V2 cup chapped peanuts Mayonnaise to nimbisten Bean Relish: 1 cup baked beans 4 strips cooked bacon Savory Cheese: Put through food chopper: 14 lb. cheddar cheese 2 liard caaked eggs 1 tsp. anion 2 tsps. swcet pepper Mix well with saIt, paprika and enough salad dressing ta spread. THE QUESTION BOX Mrs. J. R. requests recipe for Tomato Butter. Answer: Tomato Butter 5 cups stewed tomatoes 6i apples 2 lbs. sugar 2 cups cider vinegar 14 oz. stick cinnamon 4/4 oz. ginger roat 19 oz. mace %4 oz. whoie clave Drain 2 cups af tomato juice off and use this juice as a bever- age. Put remaîning tomataes in an enamel kettie; add 6 minced ap- pies, sugar and vinegar. Tie spi- ces in a bag and put inta the ket- tle. Cook tagether for 3 hours or until thick, stirring frequently. Use electric element turned low. When thick remove spice bag and pour into dlean hot jars and seal. bMn. K. N. asks for a drop, cookie recipe suitable for wrap- -; Angwer: Date-Nut Rock$ 2/3 cup shortening 2 eggs, beaten 2 cups chopped nuts 2 cups suitana raisins 2 cups chapped dates 1 cup brown sugar 2 tbsps. milk i14 cups flour 14 tsp. baking soda li tsp. baking powder %4 tsp. each claves, alîspiee Cream shartening and sugar. Continue ta beat, adding eggs. Add nuts. raisins and dates. Mix in the rniiik and gradualiy the flour sifted together with bakinmp powdcr and soda and spices. Dro0 by spoonful on a grcased co6ktf- sheet. Bake in eiectric oven of 375 degs. for 12 mina. Makes about 5 dozen. Anne Allan invites yùu te write ta lier c/o The Canadian- Statesman. Scnd in your suggest- ions on homemaking problenis and watch this columri for re- plies. An ensign is a flag fiawn on ships. Caratiteed 33/4 Trust. I 33ACertificates A profitable investment for your regular savinga, Guaranteed lrust Certificates ... - are unconditionally guaranteed as to principal and interest - pay 334%/ interest, payable half-yè&rly - are short termn-5 yearu - are authorized investment for trust funds - have no fluctuation in principal In 5 years $415.24 accumulates to $500.00. Invest wisely and weil THk STERLING TRUSTS co0 HEAD OFFICE 372 bey St., Toronto R PO0R 1T0ON IRANCH O9FICI 1 .3 D u nl op I t. mu le 2 THANK The Members of the DO WMAN VILLE LIONS CLUB wvish Io express their sincere thanks Io ail who helped make iheir carnival a huge success lasi Friday evening. À speciai thanks goes Io ail those- who sold and bought draw ticket.s on the cars. Il is with this splendid co-operation and your financial help fhat the Lions Club of Bowmanville is able Io carry on ifs community work in this district. Ag ain a sincere thank you. B. L. Goddard, President. Carnival Manages. Our Port Hope Representative for. SINGER SEWING MACHINE cou will he iniBowmanville Tues. and Wed. each week It is our desire to give our customers even better service than ever before, for service, repairs or en- quiries about new machines, cail our Port Hope store and reverse the charges. SINGER SEIWNG CENTRE 47 walton st. PORT HOPE Phone 3060 iCarton Coach Luesi TORONTO ENDTION SPECIALS Coing Daily from Augusi 23rd Bide on the bus and avoid worrying about driving in heevy traffic, parking or crowding for street cars. Reserve Grandstand Tickets and Transportation Tickets now. TORONTO EXHIBITION BUSIES DAILY FROM Augusi 23 Io September 6 DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME rtha Maples rille......----- don ------- don -- tock ton-- :illen - .--- ,on ----- ,anville --- YOU!N Fred Colo, Married rccently in Kedron United Church by Rev. Roy H. Rickard were Agnes Muriel Werry, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence F. Werry of Kedron, and Maurice James Jebson, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jebson, Columbus. Immediately following. the ceremony the min- ister followed a tradition of the church and presented Mrs. Jebson with a white Bible on behaif of the congregation as she was the f irst bride in the new church. ý TIM CANAD" STA"M", igowliAlqvr=, ONTARIO AuctinT le, leu,