______________________________________ .* CJ~*, L~ j'ILJ~.1UC .L ~U, IVUE TEE CAKADIA!i STATESMAN. EOWMANVTLLE~ ONTARXO an ...~ I PAGE LETGHT OBITUARY MES. ANDEEW PENNINGTON Aiter an illness of thirty years ln which she was bed ridden for ten Years, Annie Jane Martyn, widaw of Andrew Pennington, building contractor, passed peace- fuliy ta ber eternal rest in ber 87th yean, on August 201h, at the home of ber daughten, Mrs. Ed- ward Adler, <Vera Cryderman>, 29 Horsey St., Bowmanville. SMrs. Pennington was bonn in Carnwall, Engiand. and came ta Canada as a child with ber par- ents, the late Mr, and Mrs. Rab- ert Martyn, who lived at Bethes- da in Darlington Township. Dur- i.ng al ber years of iilness in which she suffered intensive pain with arthritis, in spite of every medical care science could devise, she wash~ever heard ta complain, displaying remankable fortitude. Through it ail she neyer lost ber cheerful disposition and interest ma the welfare of othens and was a real benediction and inspiration ta ber many friends who calied ta seber. She took great com- fort in ber unbounded faith in ber Heavenly Fathen. We would be remiss in this obituary if special mention and heartfelt tribute were not given ta ber youngest daughter, Vera, for the devoted and ioving care she gave ber mother under al circumstances during the ten years she was bedridden when she made ber home with ber daughter. It is a remarkable re- cord of self-sacrificing service of a daughter ta ber mother that is ail too rare in this age of neglect ta one's parents in their declin- ing years. The funenal which was iargely attended was beid at the Morris Funerai Chapel Saturday after- noon. Rev. D. R. Dewdney, of St. George's Anglican Church. New- castle, conducted the servie, due to ber rector, Rev. Warren Tur- ner. of St. John's Church, being on vacation. Music was supplied by Mns. John A. Gunn. Man: beautiful floral tributes were si- lent but impressive recognitio:i to a waman who was much be- loved by a wide circie of rela- tives and friends. Pallbearers were Harold Os- borne, Sidney Martyn, Harold Martyn, Wm. Porter, Phiiip Pat- trick and Bert Parker. Interment was in Bowmanville cemetery. Surviving are three sons, Ar- thur Thornley. Hamilton; Harry James and Alfred Douglas, To- ronto; and three daughters. Eva Winnifred, (Mrs. H. F. Osborne, Courtice); Lena May, (Mrs. Gor- don Mitchell, (Whitby); Vera Mil- dred, (Mrs. Edward Aider, Bow- manville), aiso two sisters, Mrs. J. H. Williams, Bowmanville, and Mrs. E. Marshall, Tampa, Florida. Ail were present at the tuneral excepting Mrs. Marshall. Among those fram out of town attending the funeral were Mrs. Maud Wade, Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Peters and Keith, Toronto; Mrs. Foster Bray, New Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. John Carpenter, Janet and John, Guelph; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Penningtan, State College, Penn.. Miss Clara Pennington, Mr. Wili Pennington, Mr. anc Mrs. McLeilan, Port Hope;, Mrs. Fred Tamblyn. Orono; Mr. anc Mrs. Orme Falls, Newtonville; Mr. and Mrs. John Rutter, Wil. lowdaieý Mrs. Edith Molion, Sun- derland; Mr. Harold Martyn, Blackstock, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ashley, Mrs. Wiil McLaughlin, Mrs. Donald Glover, Mrs. A] Martyn, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Martyn, Miss Mary Peters, Mr. and Mrs. Drew and Lorraine. Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Smith Ferguson, Brock- ville. Le ýd n 3. n I ' '~ - j %Io said Taxis are a Luxury! Add up the cost of cleaning this man's rain-soaked clothes, and you'11 agree that door-to-door taxi service ACTUALLY SAVES MONEY! Cabs can help you in a hundred different ways. When you need one, cali 561. PHONE 561 FOR A CAB NIGHT OR DAY KIO AXI THEI RING TRADIO CAB Operated by Lathangue Bros. BACHELOR ... SHAVING CREAM - 55e LOTION - 95e Regular Value -- $1.50 SAVE 50C Both For $ 1.00 1/30OFF LIMITED TIME ONLY . . in advance New Dress on Harriet Hu TIFFANY o.. COLOGNE Creation - 1.50 PERFUME - $1.25 Regular Value - $2.75 CAMERAS.. Choose the ramera to suit your needs. For tht summer sports in ful swing, and autumn colour sean ta came . . . flaw's thet ime ta ehoose your own camera. For thrlft, preclsioa and speed, visit aur tam- era department today for ail your needs. ,eof a Yai n Famous ina n îbband 1 "LIPSTI SAVE $1.00 ]Both For $ 1.75 LOTUS LAVENDER BOND STREET by rdley nevw Case ECK" Style Ayer Soljd Cologne Quality Crearns and Each Only $I.50 Lotions JURY & LOVELL Wben We Test Eyeu t la Dong PpquI TOUR EEXALL IDEUG STORE PHONE 778BOMNLU Nesileion Station Mr. and Mrs. WiUl Mountjoy, Kedron, and Miss Beatrice Mount- jay, called on Mr. and Mrs. Lor- enzo Mountjoy. Mrs. Ada McKee ls - at home again after spending some time with Mrs. Passmore. William's Point. Misses Joan and Sharon Reid and Marilyn Scbanbeger returned to their homes in Toronto after spendmng the summer with Mrs. Croft. Mrs. Cale spent a few days at ber home here. Mrs. Annie Watson. Caeuarea. visited ber sister, Mrs. Joseph Forder. Mr, Sharpe and Mrs. Farder spent Monday in Ca.van with Mr. and Mrs. S. Staples. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Langfeld, Rosemarie and Heather, Bow- manville, spent the weekend wilh Mr.,and Mrs. T. G. Langfeld. Mr. Douglas Davison is assist- ing at Snook's garage in Black- stock until school starts. Recent visîtors with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompsan were, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ega. Toronta, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Philp, Stirling. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lee and boys visited Mrs. O. Brown in Toronto General Hospital. on Tbursday. We are glad ta report those suffering from 'flu in the com- munity are on the mend. The Ladies' Aid beld anather successful baking sait aI Wil- liam's Point an Saturday. PONTYPOOL Mn. and Mrs. Harold Tbompson and Mr. and Mrs. James Boggs left Monday for a week's hall- days ta Eastern Ontario and Que- bec. Mr. Bill Hackwood suffered a sevene accident aI work in Osh- awa. Ht bad bis right arm broken in Ibret places besides other minor injuries. Afler a wtek in Oshawa Hospital he returned ta bis home here. Our maie population fs In- creasing -yaung sons bave ar- ived ta the homes of Mn. and Mrs. Curtis McKay, Mr. and Mrs. Rasa Hamilton and Mr. and %Mrs. Keith Stinsan. We extend aur congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Talbert KelletI are maving Ibeir furniture ta their new home in Millbrook. Threshing is practîcally cam- pleted in Ibis community. Most of the early spuds are dug and lobacco barvesling is in full swing. Fniends may be interesîed ta learn that Mn. Ralph McCaw, B.A., a former teacher here bas enrolled aI Northweslenn Univer- sity, Evanston, Ilinais, where he will commencê tht studies nec- essary for bis M.A. a some future date. Mn. and Mrs. Coombes, Port Penny, visited on Sunday with Mrs. W. Caulter and Mn. Walter Porter. On Sunday evenlng a large con- gregation was privileged ta bear, fnom tht pulpit of aur local church, a former Ponlypool boy, Victar'Bowins. A son of Mns. Bowins and tht late Mn. Bert Bowins, Victor spent bis eanly boyhood days In aur village, until with bis mother be moved ta Taunton. While there be attend- ed public and bigh scbools, later finding manual employmént. However, approximateiy six an seven years ago ha feit tht urge ta enter another field o! work in which be bad always been in- tenested - tht field of church work. Enroiiing at Emmanuel Coliege he bas spent tht past years partialiy in study and part- iaily on mission charges. These latter inciuded five Years as pastor among tht Indians, Ibret yeans an tht Cape Croker reser- vation and twa yeans aI Muncey, near London. Duning bis years of his pastorate among these people, be won thein complete confidence and mosî sincere ne- but shouldn'tyou h-av, a car fao?" j Best tire buy in town 1 the LOW-PRICED GOOD/VEXtR MA RATHON WCnt real value at a rock-bottomn price? It's the famaus ion g-mileage Marahon-jt's a guaranteed Good- year buit to deliver trouble-fret service on your car. $10Ci95 Ste ustoday 1 100K FOR Tbus IIHIGH SION" OP QUALfl'Y spect. Many deep and lasting friendships were farmed between him and the people whom he befriended and aided in times of distress and tribulations. To bis highly appreciative aud- ience on Sunday evening he de- livered an inspiring message in a most impressive manner. While we hope to have him with us again next Sunday evening we wish to take this opportunity of publicly expressing our most fervent best wishes for bis con- tinued success in his chosen work anid our thanka for bis kindness in coming to our church and bringing us such a splendid mes- sage. Miss Gwen Stark is holi.daying 1,with friehds at Casîleton. Rev. and Mrs. John McLachlan, IWhltevale, cailed an several friends in tbe village on Thurs- day. Misses Gwen Jones, Connie Bebte, Doris Reynolds and Mrs. Don Vinkie are away on a motor trip this week. They intend ta take in Sarnia and Detroit. Little Jo Ann Glover was 7 years ald on Friday. She invited a few of ber smail girl friends in ta help ber celebrate the day. Mrs. Linda Stone is spending a few days with ber sister, Mrs. Clarence Mitchell, Port Hope. Miss Jennie Thompson invited a number of the village ladies down an Thursday ta assist at a quilting. They were pleased bo see Mrs. Jane Arnott looking so well. Mrs. William Brown and daugb- ter Karen, Wiilowdale, spent a ifew days with Mn. and Mrs. Harry Wade. Rev. and Mrs. D. T. Lancaster arrived back fram their hoiiday on Thursday. Service in United iChurch wiil be in the basement at 7:30 until the church is re- opened. Mrs. Frank Gilmer and son Jim and Mrs. Clinton Brown and 1daughter Donothy spent Sunday with friends at Niagara Falls. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Haskili and son Stephen, Toronto, spent the 1weekend with Mn. and Mrs. Harry Wade. Mn, and Mrs. Donald EliiotI bave taken a cottage aI Darke's Beach for a week. Mn. and Mrs. Lanson Milison and daugbter Doreen spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. H-ilton Avery, Baltimore. Ross Brown and Bnian Caswell are on a maton trip ta Nova Scotia. Mn. and Mns. Robent Urry and daughtër Anne le! t for Ottawa an Saîurday. Miss Minnie Ran- dail accampanied them. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thrasher, Lynden, spent Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. Clinton Farrow. Mn. and Mrs. James Stark and Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Brown matoned ta North Bay and Ot- tawa lasI week. Misses Caroline and Doris Clys- dale are bolidaying with thein grandmother, Mrs. Ernest Reid, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. O. Edgerton, Bowmanville, bave started ta build a home on the Base Line sauth of tht village. Miss Mari an Buttery, Salem, Is visiting ber cousin, Miss florelia Lancaster. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Jones atlended the funeral of Ernest Aisthorpe, Toronto, on Wednes- day. Mrs. Alice Jones accom- panied themn and spent the day with Misses Mary and Nellie Mitchell. Get The Most From Your Poultry Equip. Ottawa. August 20, 1952-Quite a lot of the equipment in pouitry fanming is needed only at cer- tain limes of tht year but the possibilities of damage or depre- ciation are greater during the idie peniods if provisions are flot made for proper storage. At the Dominion Expenimen- tai Station at Harrow, Ont., says W. F. Mountain, a reference ta tht last inventory provides an indication o! what may be expect- ed from some kinds of poultny equipment that bas neceived good cane. Tht following entnies show the percentage of original brood- ing equipment in use after 23 seamons; coal brooders 100 per cent; melal feed troughs 100 per cent; float fountains 80 per cent; vacuum fountains 80 per cent. The electric bovers bave finisbed their Iwelfth season in good shape. These items are in use fromn three ta six months every year. Thene is ont nuIt wbich can be applied la advantage anywhere; as soon as equipment is na long- er needed that season it must be cleaned and put away. A dressing of ail or better stili a coal of aluminum paint before storing tsp much la prolog.tht ife-o t c t c f: d b v fi Tt h ti ri ti ol nr f( el Ontario leads al Provinces o! Canada with the langest output o! augar and higbest per cent sugar in beets. Best sugar output in 1951 was 93,900,000 pounds Since mining final tarted In tht Sudbury district o! Nothern Ontario, 41 mines have praduced 334,000,000,000 pounds of nickel oz*_- PROPERTY OWNERS!l .VOTE Artifri "6F cmal WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 HELP THE KINSMEN CLUB PRO VIDE ARTIFICIAL ICE FOR THE YOUTH ? 0F DO WMANVILLE MAKE SURE YOU GET DUT AND VOTE - "lFOR""DY - LAW 1539 - LET'S COMPLETE THE JOB r' TRIS FALL 5SREASONS WHY M a. w You are asked ta vote «'FOR" By-Law 1539 which authorizes la. Town Couneil to bornow $25,000 which along with tht $15,000 the Kinsmen already have will complete tht job of installing artificial ice in Memnorial Arena. Tht Kinsmen have given their word that they will pay this $25,00 plus interest back ta the town in ten annual instalments in order that it won't cost tht taxpayers of thetotwn any increase in théir taxes. 2 niArtificial cet in Memorial Arena wiII provide healthy rceto 28 andentertainment tram October until Apnil, if flot longer, and will help aep ur young people in Bownianville. From a business point of view this increased activity will bring many visitors and customers to town to get acquainted with Bowmanville and its shopping centre. * mothsWith natural ice Meniorial Anena can operate for only three 3a mnthsof tht year, even then, there is fnequent disappointments because of a sudden thaw - jusI ivhen sanie important game or worthwhile skating carnival has been scheduled. A Without a doubt the Anena stands a much better chance of 4a paying its awn way witb artificial ice. Just last year, you'll remember, the Bowmanville Barons ivene fonced ta play many of their games in Part Hope and Cobourg - a loss' of almost a thousand dollars ta the Anena here. 53 Mn. Property Onr You are urged ta think of these things and ta think of your own youth when winters were cold and snow and ice plentiful. Think of your children and youn children's cbildren when you vote "FOR" Ibis By-Law. Mark your ballot "FOR" so the Bowmanville Kinsmen Club can get an with a job that needs doing. This Advertisement is Sponsored by the Following Public - Spirited Merchants :- McGregor Hardware Limited Bowmanviile Cleaners & Dyers J. H. Abernethy, Paint and Wailpapers Marr's Jewellery Store G. A. Kennedy, Ladies' and Men's Wear S. Blain Elliott, Plumbers Lander Hardware Y. F. Marris Ca. Mitgon Electria Stuart R. Jamen, Insurance McNulty's Sports & Cycle Shop Hooper's Jewellery & GlUt Shop Ted Woodyard Appliances J. W. Jewell, "Big 201, Cawker' I.G.A. Grocery Breslin's Stores Walker Stores Limited Jury & Laveil Drug Stor( Ken's Men's Wear The Radio Shop Northcutt & Smiith Jean'$ Beauty centre Balmoral Hotel Severn's Dakery Carter FamlIy Tea Room G. P. Jamieson, Geaeral Tire Distributar Howe's Smoke Shop <formerly Bagaell's Store) Coronation Cafe MeGregor's Drug Store The Canadian Stateaman 99 Ic .a4ýetd4;z û~c~iana TEA-BAUS SHAVING TffE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO -ddobbl ROBSON MOTORS PHONE: 585 PONTIAC - BUICK lAlll Il IIRVICIj NE WTON VILLE 19T"R-qnlv ATMTY" « land g 1