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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Sep 1952, p. 14

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PAGE FOtIRTEEN TEE CANADIAK STATESMMi. IOWMANVff~LE, O~TAMO TWURSDAT. SEPT. NL lus PHONE BIRTHS DUFF-Ross and Aima Duff are very proud to announce the ar- rivai of their son in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Tues- day, September 2nd, 1952. 36-1* TIGHE -Christena and Murray Tighe are happy to announce the birth of a daughter at Memoriai Hospital, Bowmanville, on Aug. 28th, 1952. A sister for Christena, Douglas and Maureen. 36-1* MARRIAGE FOGG - JACKMAN - On Satur- day, August 23, 1952, at 4 o'clock ini St. John's Anglican Church, Peterborough, by Rev. W. P. Robertsoni, Betty Ileen, daughter of -Mrsz. Fred Jackman and the ]atr- V-. Fred Jackman, to Beverly George Fogg, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Fogg, of Bowmanvilie. 36-1 DEATHS FOWLER-Suddenly in Timmins on Thusday, Aug. 28th, 1952, Mari oie Annie Gay, beloved wife of Leonard Fowler, and dean mother of June and Kenneth, in hem 44th year. Funeral was held Sunday, Aug. 3lst. Intemment in Timmins Cemetemy. 36-1 FRASER, John M.-Passed eway suddenly at Pickering, Sunday, Aug. 31, 1952, John M. Fraser, of 319 Beech Ave., Toronto, form- erly of 1368 Queen St. E., husband of Helen Fraser (nee Kyte), father of Mrs. Peter White (Joyce), and Mms. Walter Mur- phy (Pauline) and grandfather of Kenneth, Shelagh and Cathy. Resting et the funerai home of Northcutt & Smith, Division St., Bowmanville. Interment Wed- nesday, Sept. 3, Omono Cemetery. 36-1 HOLROYD, Frank-In Bunketon on Satumday, August 3th, 1952, Fmank Holroyd, beloved husband of the late Emma Hoiroyd, in bis 8th year. Funemal service was held Monday, Sept. lst, et the Funerai Home of Nothcutt & Smith, Bowmanville. Inter- ment Hampton Cemetemy. 36.1* PLUMB, Eleanor Grace Morris- Died suddenly at ber uate esid- ence, 18 Rosevear Ave., Tarante, on Tuesday, August 26th, 1952, dealy beloved wife of Thomas Plumb and dear mother of Lean- ard, Gwendoline (Mms. Young), Eleanor Joan (Mrs. Kuhi). Rested et the HalIowell Funeral Home, 2793 Danforth Ave., Dawes Road, for service Fiday. afternoon, Aug. 29th. Interment Pine Hill Cerne- tery. 36-1* SCOBELL, Col. Sidney-In South Porcupine, on Sunday, August 31, 1952, Col. Sidney Scobeli, be- loved husband of Margaret Sco- bell and dear brother of Cecil, of Toronto, and Ethel (Mrs. W. Hoar), Bowmanville. Funemal ser- vice xvas held at the Hunkin Funemal Home under Legion aus-j pices and later at the Funeiall Home of Northcutt & Smith, BoW- manville. Intemment Bow;man- ville Cemetery. 36-11: SCOTT--At Tymone, on Tuesday, Sept. 2nd, 1952, Ronald Bruce Scott, beloved husband of Mary Florence Stewart, aged 61 yeers. Restîng at the Morris Funeral Chape], Bowmanville, u n t i Thursday noon, then et the resid- ence, Tyrone. for service an Fi- day et 2:30 p. m. Interment Bethesda Cemetery. 36-1 IN MEMORIAM EDGER- In Ioving memory of Elizabeth Edger who passed away Sept. 6th, 1934: Nothing can ever take away The love a heart hoids depr, Fond memories linger every day, Remembrance keeps hem near. -Ever remembered by the fam- iuy. 36-1 STRUTT-In Ioving memory of a dear hushand and father, Elias Strutt, who passed away Sept. 6th. 1933: -Sadlv rissed by his wife, Harmy and St"ll1a. 36-1 COMING EVENTS Ladies' Legion Auxiliary are starting their euchres on Satur- da'-, Sen)t. 6th, at 8 p.m. in the Union Hall. Ail weicome. 36-1 Tliere will he a General Meet- in;1 of the Ladies' Major Bowling Lea-,re et 8 p.m., Monday, Sept. 8th. 1952. AIl members are asked te attend. 36-1* Oveilin g meeting of Bowman-; '. e Hnme qnd Sehool Associa- teucn iI le held on Wednesday evening. Sept. lth, et 8 pin., in the Centrai School. This wili be a 'get acquainted night." AIl parents of Public Schooi chiidren welconie. 36-1 1CARDS 0F THANKS 1 We wish te, thank ail our friends and neigbbours wbo have assist- ed us with money and help after the fire. It was very much ap- preciated. Lavern and Betty Suggitt. 36-1 I wish te tbank ail my friends for remembering me wbile in hospital. Your cards and gifts were greatly appreciated. Speciel thanks te those wbo helped look after our famiy. Mrs. John Gniffin. 36-1* I wish to express my sincere thanks to my friends for their cerds and gifts sent me whiie in Memorial Hospital, Bowmenville; also a special thanks te Dr. Keith Siemon and Dm. C. W, Siemon, staff and nurses of the hospital. Wanda Maliey. 36-1* We wish te thank our relatives, friends and neighbours for their many acts of kindness end ex- pressions of sympathy during the illness and death of Aima Clark of Newtonville; aIse for the beau- tiful floral tributes. Mr. and Mrs. George Clark and family. 36-1* We wish te extend our Ijeart- felt thanks and eppreciation te the neighbours, relatives and friends for the acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beau- tiful flowers received in our ne- cent bereavement of our dear sister, Mary Brimacombe. Laura Penfound and Fred Bimacombe. 36-1* I wish te tbank my many friends and relatives for ail the cerds, fruit -and flowers sent te me duning my stay in Memoniai Hospital, Bowmanville, due te my accident. The kindness of the friends et the scene of the acci- dent, Morris ambulance and Drs. C. W. and Keith Slemon and the nurses et the bospital was sin- cerely appreciated. Thanks agein. Allen Werry 36-1 Notices Dr. C. W. Slemon's office wil be closed from Sept. 3rd te Oct. lst inclusive. 35-2 FARMERS - See the demon- stration of Case tractons, mounted plows, trailer plows, ene-way discs, etc., on the farm of W. Brock, 3 miles east of Port Hope, Na. 2 Highway, Friday, Sept. 5, 1952. 36-1 Help Wanted TOMATO pickers wanted. Apply H. Schmid, Newcastle. 36-1 TWO women to help at lunch counter. Appiy in person at Cream of Barley Park. 36-1 EXPERIENCED invoicing cierk. Apply in writing, stating ful particulars to: P.O. Box 15, Bow- manville. 35-tf BOYS - earn good money In your spare time as pin boys. Apply George Elliott at Martyn's Bowling Academy. 34-3 RAWLEIGH business now open in Bowmanviile. Trade well es- tablished. Excellent opportunity. Eull time. Write at once. Raw- leigh's Dept. ML-1-140-189, Mont. real. 36-1 GIRL or young lady with good appearance and abiiity wanted at once for Truii's Groceteria, Courtice, handling groceries, meat, vegetables. light hardware, gas and ol. Bus service at the door. Phone Oshawa 3-3051. 36-1 EVERY home in town a buyer of our daily necessities inciuding cosmetics, tonics, ointments, cul- mnary extracts, shoe polish. Won- derful openings now in your dis- trict. Why flot write today for details? Familex, 1600 A Delor- imier, Montreal. 36-1 EXCELLENT opportunity for in- telligent active young married man, for sales and service busi- ness in this district, permanent position, good salary and com- mission, give two references in reply, car essential. Write Box 825, c/o Statesman Office. 35-2 COMPETENT, reliable bouse- keeper for family with new baby and pre-schoi chiid, in 5-roomn apartment. Live out. Excellent wages. Employment commencing on or about Oct. lSth for one. month or longer. References. Write Box 833, c/o Canadian Statesman. 36-1* PERMANENT money making op- potunity for active eiderîy man, te sell exclusive products in this territory, poduct not soid in stores, you meke profit on ahi sales, service and supplies, free training, ne investment, car nec- essary. Write District Distni- - - outars, 386 Weter St., Petember- Harvest Thanksgiving Services ough. 35-2 w~ill l'e ht-ld in the Salvation Ammy Sundlav, September l4th. Colonel and Itîrs. R. Spooner, the Tn esW td principal of the Salvation Armv Training College will be the guest Tenders For Floor Coverint speaker. The three men sergeants TENDERS marked "Tenders for of the "Hc-ralds" session of cadets Flooring" will be accepted by the %ýflbe ar.ompanN ing the Colonel. undersigned until 12:00 p.m. Set- A -en Thanksgiving musical urday, September 6tb, for floor pro4rra*i ,nr( will he held in the cevering, either tule or battleship Arrny- Citadel on Saturday, Sept. linoleum, ýincluding laying of I-Ith, et 8.00 pro. featuring the same te the satisfaction of the Colonel and the Sergeants. 36-1 Speciel Property Committee) in -the Deputy Sheriff's office. Ten- For Rent ders te state type of covering used _______________________in quotatien. Lowest or any CENIRAL location, furnisbed tender net necessarily accepted. rooms. business men, absteiners. K. SYMONS. Phone 2379. 36-1, Counties' Clerk. 85-2 Articles For Sale WHITE eJamel Gurney cog stove. Phone 3056. 3 PIPE--8' - 3/4, 20' - 11/4, $ for lot. Phone 366D. 36. BUNK bed, with mattresses, arir type. Appiy 22 Silver St.' 36-: NEW Beatty 3-way force puir Apply Eber Mlison, Phone 264 36-: QUEBEC cook stove, practicall new. Phone 3624 between 5 an 6 p.m. 6 ONTARIO potatoes, 50 and 75 Il bags, deiivered in Bowmanvill Phone 2473. 361 TWO tables, 1 large, 1 smail; electric radio; 1 child's wagci Phone 2943. 36-1 FALL wheat and f ail rye fc seed. Frank Aidsworth, Coui tice, Phone 3-9081 Oshawa. 35-2 QUANTITY of seaiers, ais double bed, spring and mattres: Apply 78 King StSý W., Apt. 6.' 36-1 CHOICE varieties: plums, pea and appies. Lewis Clark, R.R. Newcastle, Phone Clarke 1113. 36-2 28 BLACK stove pipes, 6 in.;1 7 in. gaivaiized, 30 in. iengtl folding stove guard. Phone 2M' 36-1 2-TON Chev Stake, 8 x 12 pis- form and bigh racks, ideai fari truck. Alian Clark, Phone Clanl 2713. 36-1 RENFREW Compact cook stov with water front, white ename used one year. Murray Byer Burketon. 36-: COSY Home circulating beate: in good condition, and about1 iengths of pipe, priced reasonabli Phone 862. 36-1 FINDLAY Vega enamelied rang with bot water front and sheli reasonable. 67 Concession St Phone 545. 36- GLADIOLUS-Cut bloomi, $1.01 per doz. Daily deiivery to hm~ pitai. Wiliow Acres, King St. E. Telephone 2456. 32-t: SEE the White Rotary Electri Sewing Machines at F. F. Morr. Co., your local representativE Easy terms. 13-i KID 2-furrow Cockshutt plow Case 2-furrow disc plow; 25 hy brid, year oid hens. J. H. Mal ette, Phone 2616. 36- PLUMS - $1.50 per busbel c: smalier quantities. Please brinI containers. R. Hollingsworth Phone Clarke 1602. 36-1l MASSEY-HQrris corn binder,: years oid, in excellent conditior Apply H. Bruce Tink, Phon( Bowmanvilie 2232. 36-: PERENNIAL BORDER PLANTS Peony, phlox, arabis, saxifraga iris and oriental poppy. M~ Heard, Telephone 2887. 35-3' WE measure and instail finesý quaiity Venetian Blinds, aisc regular cloth and plastic windov shades. Morris Co., Phone 480 9-ti GOLD Seal Congoeum-over 40 ouls in 2 and 3-yd. widths; aiso large selection in rug sizes from, 6'x 91 to 12'x 15', at Morris Co. 28-tf VENETIAN BLINDS, 25 diffenent colours of tapes, 15 siat colours, Fiexaluni. Aluminum or Steel, measuned and instaiied free of charge. Phone 3121. Weber's Fabric Centre. 17-t: RUGS - save up to 1/2 on new, reversible, Broadloom rugs made from your old wooliens, clothing, carpets, etc. Ail the latest Decorator shades. Phone 3446. 24-ti PLUMBING. Heating and 011 Bunners instailed anywhere ini Durham County. Reasonable rates and highest quality. For free estimates call S. Blain Elliott, Heating, Plumbing & Tinsmithing, Phone 3348. 29-tf USED corn binder; used M.-H. silo filier; used hay loader, like new; 13 cu. ft. deepfreeze, $440. Barbed wire, steel posts; water systems. Full une of Case Equip- ment. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer, Phone 497. 36-1 BATHROOMS Beautiful - Kit- chens Colourful - That's what the new homes look like. Loveiy fixtures for bathrooms in white or colour with chrome fittings and glistening white porcelain enamel 4inks with the same spankie you enjoy in your best china . . . aIl on display et the new showrooms and warehouse on the Streetsvilie Road. When you visit the C.N.E. just teke time out to see us for fixtures, fittings, furnaces and ail the things for a nice home. We deliver, you pay no freight. S. V. Johnson Piumb- ing Supplies, Streetsviile, Ontario. 34-3 PEST CONTROL LET US RID YOU OF . .. Bcd Bugs, Roaches, Fleas, Moths, Rats, Mice, Etc. 24 Hours a Day Guaranteed Servie Telephone ORONO 13-r-16 OSHAWA 5-1601 I-1 e25 ny ap. 45. ly nd lb. [le. .tf :n. ror r- 12* s 3, ý2* 13 th; 2 1* - '4E ýr, le: [4 ne« le.- le,- ifFA CIO ~1G( 00 Fa tf frc li $2. I Plh e. CC f Reý -- frc haý cas iRE )rme rg Wl g, to Gai ie Fo fla ian IMI -pril Phç IV tf 150 - old. 0 - 0 100 ;f80- - shir t Phc *100 ~6r f Ph< RO( tpeoi 1 WH sstra casi payý vli Classified Adverting Rates The Canadian Statesman Effective .June 21, 1951 ARTICLES FOR SALE, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, FOR RENT, HELP WANTED, CARS FOR SALE, LOST, FOUND, ETC. Cash Rate ' 30 per word with a minimum of 500 Must be paid by date of insertion. If charged, an additional 250 will be added. A charge of 250 will he made for ail replies directed to this office. NOTICES, COMING EVENTS AND CARDS 0F THANK9 30 a word with a minimu m of $1.00 - for 33 words or les BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES $1.00 per insertion IN MEMORIAMS - - $1.00 plus 100 a line for verse COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIEDS-(Includes ail adver- tising for persons or firms selling services, ideas or g oods of any description) 30 per word; minimum charge 750 cash with order. -To regular advertisers payable moifthly. Display Classified nt $1.00 per inch with a minimum of one inch Additional insertion at the same rates AIl Classified Ads. must be in this office not later than 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday. -Send cash, stamps or money order and save money- (Clip This Out For Handy Reference) Cars For Sale [6 MONARCH Coach, in excel- nt condition inside and out, asonable. Phone 2496. 36-1* Seed Grain For Sale 'LL Rye for seed. Griffin Seed eaners. Phone 2977. 36-1* )OD quality Corneil Wheat and ill Rye. Raymond Clapp, Ty- me, Phone 2980. 36-1 * )RNELL Seed Wheat, grown -m registered seed, good sample, .00 per bus. Don Metcalf-., hone 2469. 36-1* )RNELL 595 Winter Wheat, eg. No. 1 and Com. No. 1, free >m smut, cieaned, treated and agged. James T. Brown, New- stle. 36-1* EGISTERED No. 1 and Govern- ent Standard No. 1 Corneli 'eat, treated and bagged ready 1 sw, free fromn any smut. aret Rickand, Phone 2813. 35-2 Wanted To Bent DUR or fîve rooni apartment or t. Write Box 832, c/o Canad- n Statesman. 36-1* MEDIATELY needed, three or ur roomed apartment or smail, vate bouse, preferably in town. ione 509. .36-1* .ivestock For Sale 0LEGHORN hens, one year J.Phone 2720. 36-1 0LEGHORN puliets, 6 months, ýing 60%. Phone 2069. 36-1* -90 YEARLING New Hamp- re hens. Ernest Hockaday, ine 2985. 36-1 0HAMP xWyandotte puilets, nonths old, iaying 40%, $2.50 Ch. Gordon Metcalf, Nestleton. kne Port Perry 104-r-22. 36-1* Room and Board )OM and board for one or two Dple. Phone 3232. 36-1l Strayed RITE, black and tan bound Lyed to Browview Farm, New- tle. Ownen may have same by ying advertising. Phone 1230 irke. 36-1* Lost LRT Persian black cat with ,y markings on chest. Lost in inity of Hampton. If found ase phone 2367. 36-if Tenders Wanted Tenders For Re-wirint NDERS mamked "Tenders for -wiring" will be accepted by îundersigned until 12:30 p.m. irday, September 6th, for re- Ïng the Chief Turnkey's cellar the County Gaol. Lowest or tender flot necessarily accept- Counties' Clerk. 35-2 A~rticles For Sale For the Latest Paperu For the Finest Paints For the Best Workmanshlp S. G. PRESTON & SON PHONE 2417 - 912 49-tf TI1L E CERAMIC -PLASTIC BBER -MARBOLEUM H. G. ea ne 2902 Bowmanville 14-ti C RUE Phon Wanted To Buy WANTED - Live pouitry, goose feathers, feather ticks, scrap iron, rags and metais. Phone 3-2043 Oshawa collect. 29-16 BEFORE seliing your live poultry try us. Our prices are bigher. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, Phone 7 r13. reverse charges. 51-tf Repairs REPAIRS to ail makes of refrig- erators, domestic and commercial: milking coolers. Higgon Eiec- tric, 42 King St. E., Phone 438. 25-tf Custom Work WANTED-Plowing, discing, cul- tivating, mowing and filling in ditches. Phone .496, J. H. Ail- dread & Son. 34-.4* Work Wanted FOR bulidozing, grading, excavat- ing, etc., caîl Taylor Bros., Osh- awa 3-3831 or Whitby 2687. 18-tf DARLINGTON Abattoir, Hamp- ton, for custom killing. Phone 3243. 32-tf HANK'S Floor Service - Sand-' ing floors, finishing. Caîl for free estimates, evenings, Bowmanvilie 2372. 27-tf John Maguire & Son 28 Brown Street BODY and FENDER REPAIR Duco and Dulux Refinishing General Repairs to al makes of. cars. 352 BULLDOZJNG AND EXCAVATING By Hour or Contract -Free Estimates Given - Wmi. Tripp PORT FERRY R.R. 2 PHONE 109-r-42 14-tf SHBO >E REPAIRS FAST SERVICE on ALL SHOE REPAIRS Two excellent shoe repair mon at your service. Lloyd Ellis Shoe Repair 39 King St. W. Bowmanville 18-tf ATTENTION! For Prompt Attention BRICK WORK - BLOCK WORK MASON WORK - ETC. Concrete Floors, Foundations, Sidewalks, Etc. - Fee Estimates Given - L. Turner Phone 3231 Bowmanvllle 15-tf1 TRAILER MXES AND W13EELS - With or Wlthout Tires- Priced from $5 Io $35 Ail Makes Sissons' Garage ORONO PHOINE ORONO 1031 1Real Estate For Sale1 AUCTION SALES- STOREV' and a haif frame house with 2/5 acre land. Apply Frank Osmond, Mill St., Newcastle. 36-1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE We have a large list of farnis and otber business propositions. H. C. Pedwell, Newcastle Phone Clarke 38SSL Agent for W. J. Warren, Droker Agincourt 36-1 EVANS REAL ESTATE 10-room brick bouse, small barn, 1-acre lot with streani, near high- way. $5,500. 8-room cement block house in Newcastle, cupboards, hardwood floors, furnace and 3-piece bath- room. $8,000. 6-room brick bouse in Orono, cupboards, oul furnace, 3-piece bath, hardwood floors. $8,000. New 5-room frame bungalow in Orono, cupboards, furnace, 4-piece bathroom. $8,000. Several choice 50 to 200 acre farms at $100 per acre. W. C. Evans, Broker Phone 84 - 8 Orono 36-1 DeWITH REAL ESTATE 100-acre farm, 10-room brick house, good large barn, big hen bouse, 3 weils, hydro, silo, close to Bowmanville. Price $ 15,000. Terms. Soiid 6-room insul-brick house, Newcastle, on Highway, with 17 acres of land, oul furnace, 3-piece bathroom, modemn kitchen, bard- wood floors, 10-acre orchard. Op- portunity starting nursery. Price1 $12,500. Terms. 5-room brick house, centre of Bowmanville, 3-piece bathroom, full cellar, modern kitchen, front room hardwood floors. Price $6,000. Terms. 50-acre farm, 15-room f rame bouse, hydre, 2 wells, big barns. Pnice $8,500. Haif cash. 8-moom solid frame bouse, New- castle, hardwood floors, new furn- ace, 3-piece bathmoom, nicely de- corated, double garage. Pnice $7,500. Terms. Severai other famms, homes, etc. John F. DeWith, Broker King Street W. Newcastle Phione 3341 36-1 NIXON REAL ESTATE Bowmanville 7-moom insul-brick, 4 bedrooms. 4-piece bath, hardwood floors, oul heating, heavy wiring, built-in cupboamds, garage. $9,000. $1500 down. 6-room, 1 i. stomey, iovely brick home, fumnace, bath, hydre, gar- den. Possession arranged. $8,900. Terms. New ranch type frame 5-roorn bungalow, ail conveniences, bot air heating, garage, garden. 30 days possession. $9.500. Terms. 5-noom brick dwelling, 4-piece bath, furnace, landscaped, good garden. Possession 30 days. $5.000 will handie. 8-room soiid brick, vacant, 4- piece bath, bydmo, handwood floors, double garage. Piced te sell. $7,000. Stucco 4-room bungalow, 2-piece bath, good lot, small fruit, eesily heated. Immediate possession. $2,800. Newcastle 7-room freine dwelling, bath, new wood floors, floor covering, storm windows, screens, freshly painted, garage, good garden, landscaped. This propemty in immaculate con- dition. $7,500. Terms. 6-moom framne bouse in vil lage on highway, hydro, bard and soft water, hen bouse, splendid gar- den. $6,000. Terms. 5-moom insuî-brick bungalow, 3- piece bath, garage. $4,500. Lot 100 ft. x 33 ft. Newcastle. Residence - Guest Home Outstandinghy attractive praperty, approximately 2 acres, highwaiy frontage, ll-moom frame house, hydmo, basement, fumnace, bath, gurn wood finish, 2 fireplaces, newly decorated, verandahs. gem- den with eppletrees, small 'fruit, landscaped. This propemty is in immaculate condition. $15,000. Cottage for sale in Orono, ta ke moved. $850. Lodge for sale or ent, East Beach, Bowmanviîie. Appmoxîmateîy 1 acre or 4 lots and barn, 26 hives of bees with honey and extras. Cen be bought together or separately. Garage and lot on nesidential street. $375. James Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St. N., Bowmenviile Phone 682 Photo Service THIS edvemtisement is womth One Dollar ($1.00) on evemy portrait of children, 12 years or under, from Sept. 22 ta 27 inclusive. Meke appointment now and bring this advt. ta Alpha Studio, Bo w- 11manville, Telephone 2800. 36-3* Farm stock and ixiplements, the property of J. A. Johnston, R.R. 1, Burketon, Tuesday, Sept. 23rd, at Lot 17, Con. 4, Cartwright Twp. Sale at 1 p.m. Tetms cash. Ted Jackson, auctioneer'. 36-2* 1 have received instructions from executors of the estate of the late Mrs. J. Scott Howard to selu by public'auction on Satur- day, Sept. 2th, at 12:30 p.m., at her late residence, Mill St., New- castleý the entire contents of her 14-room bouse. For further par- ticulars regarding this large sale see bis. Terms cash, no re- serve. Property soid. Jack Reid, auctioneer; Fred Lycett, cierk. 36-2 35 Reg. Holstein cattie, fully accredited and vaccinated R.O.P. Horses, tractor, impiements, hay and grain, property of Wilbert Jeffs, Lot 6, Con. 1, Thorah Twp., 3 miles north of Cannington, 2 miles east, Highway No. 12, on Thursday, Sept. llth, at '12-30 o'clock sharp. Ternis cash. Joe Dariington, pedigrees. Wm. Wel- don, clerk; Ted Jackson, auction- eer. 36-1 Nursing Service Middle Green Villa Rest Home Bowmanville One or two vacancies, men or women, tray service, every kind- ness given. Approved by doctors. New telephone 2974, iocated one mile east of Bowmanviile on Highway No. 2, for reservations. 30-tf Personal HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sea]ed envelope with price list. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov-Rub- ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 2-51 Lake Shore, Clarke Mms. W. Holmes and Master Bobbie Hoinjes, spent twe deys et the Ex., returning home with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Shupak. Mms. A. L. Gibson and femily, Courtland, N.Y.. Mrs. D. A. Val- leau and Mms. Boyd Valieau and deughtem. Oshawa,' with Mr. and W. Holmes. Mr. and Mms. Gordon Ashton, Ames, Iowa, visited Mn. and Mrs. W. Baskervifle. Mr. and Mrs. Bey. Jaynes. vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Bill Barchard, No. 9. Mr. Murray Dunne, Niagara Falls, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mms. Bey. Jaynes. Miss Lois Alhdred spent the weekend with Mm. and Mrs. Les Alldred. Orono, accompanying tbem ta the Ex. on Satumdey. Mm. and Mms. Bruce Whitney, Newcastle, visited Mn. and Mrs. W. Adams. Mm. and Mrs. W. Adams and famiiy 'visited Mm. and Mms. L. Milîson, Newtonville. Mms. Bob Benson and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Alf Brown. Mm. AIf Brown visited bis mother, Mns. H. Brown. Toronto. Mm. and Mms. Chas Alldred and family with Mm. and Mrs. Nom- man Gimblett, Columbus. Mm. and Mrs. J. Anderton and with Mn. and Mns. Ken Dean, STARK VILLE Scbool ne-opened Tuesdey with Miss C. W. Stewart; Sixth Line, in charge. Mr. and Mms. Allen Cornisb and Dennis, Tonanto,- with Mm. and Mrs. Victor Farrow. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dobson et Mn. E. Ruthven's, Zion. Mm. D. Shutka and Mr. Peter Andree. Oshawa, et Mr. M. Shut- ka's. Mrs. Howard Farro-w spent a few days with fmiends in the. Un- ited States. Mr. and Mms.- Deibemt Heiioweil and Linda, Toronto, spent the holiday et their. summer cottage. Miss F. White, Port Hope, visit- ed with Mm. and Mrs. Morley Robinson. Average wage of maIe f an heip in Canada et May 15 was $4.90 a day with board end $6 a day Without board. At the time of the 1951 census there weme 652,776 Canadiens of age 70 and aven eligibleFfor the universel old age pension. The average $pent lest yeer by evemy man, woman and chiid in Canada for clothes and personai furnishings was $18. A Secondary colon is one wbich resuits fmom mixing on or morç primamy colors. HAVE YOU LISTENEDf to the HE ÀL ING WATERS Broadeast t REV. ORAL ROBERT" Io preachlng weekly over 150 Radio Stations. This splendid message et Salvation and Healing mar be' heard every Sunday locaily over CKLB, Oshawa Sundays - 6 to 6:30 Every Week Inserted by H. C. PED*ELL Newcastle, Ont, Mock Turtie Soup miade of ceif s bead. .ELIEVI5,oN Here'a a real TV buy-a table model with big 17"1 "Black Light' Picture Tube. Stands up like at console. Legs are detach. able and are inciuded with this low-cost set. S09.50 Superb Stying. Nodel-nc 171d 17"# Console TV q Deluxe 17" pictume. set conie bines high styiing with the very.? best in video engineering design. Cabinet in selectedi mehogany, walnut or light oak, js mounted on "sulent roll" casters and bas niid - levàl ,swinging doors. $499.50 "Up front" performance for al the family . 0 model-nc 171 17"" Console TV 'rhe "King-Size" pictume tube brings the TV show rigbt into your home. A Gruen Syn- chmonizing Circuit assures a cheer, steady picture. .Prac- tically noise - free eception. Feshionable cabinets styhed in mahogany, welnut or light eek., $4N69.50 TUE RADIO SHOP 38 King St. &. PHONE 573 "r,' ~ PACM MMTM TEE CANAMM BTATESUM. BOWMANV=M. ONTAMO THMUDAT, Sm, 4& im-

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