IW~AY, SEPT. 4th, 1952 THE CAKADIA!( STATESMAN. DOWMANV!LLE. ONTARIO ,AM M The Newcastle Independeu.t elartare: A Ci Teiephone 2511 Newcastle I~~ d Mrs. Percy Tamblyn Brother Camp at Ancaster. LdM and Mrs. Roy Cowieson, Miss Dorothy Trewith. Toron- roronto, are holidaying east of to, spent the week-end at her Wontreal and returning via the home bere. Jnfited States and Thousand Is- We welcome to Newcastle Mr. snds. Arthur Gray who has taken up jEiss Margaret Ash and Miss residence ini the home of Mrs. J. Me yn Allun are spending a S. Dyer, Mill St. S., Mr. Gray bas nek's vacation in New York recentiy arrived from England itY., Mrs. Doreen Embly is sup- and his wife and family are to rying at Newcastle Post Office follow very shortly. .uring tbe absence of Miss Ash. Mrs. J. S. Dyer is spending a _1Wr. and Mrs. Harry Mercer, few weeks with ber daughter, ronto, spent the week-end at Mrs. Frank McKeown, Lansing. I~èr cottage bere, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. I. J. McCullough Sand Mrs. Dennis Darke. and family, spent the week-end 'ool bas opened once more with Mr. and Mrs. D. Nugent, .OÏ he 1952-53 season in New- Fenelon Falls. 9ftle and we welcome Miss Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Clark '*en Cole of Camborne to the and family, Orillia, and Mrs. John eaching staff. Mrs. Cole will be McCuilough, Oshawa, were guests etching Grades 3 and 4. of Mr. and Mrs. I. J. McCuliough. Mr. Paul Bennett, Hamilton, We are very sorry to hear that risitSd bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Geo. Farncomb bad the mis- :). T. Bennett, "The Hollows". fortune to fali from a tree whiie 'aul has just returned from Big picking pears and broke a verta- LEARNI * * * * * * SHORT HAND TYPING BOOKKEEPING PRIVATE LESSONS Mrs. H. BATEMAN 410 ATHOL ST., OSHAWA DIAL 3-3559 &4op gad6~ve ut-w O1UTSTANDING VALUE! CAMPBELL'S SRECIAL! TOMATO SOUP 210Z25<é REAL SAVINGI CLARKS-WITH CHILI SAUCE SPECIAL! PORK & BEANS 2 2 O.3k< EXCEPTIONAL SAVI NG! CULVERHOUSE-UNGRADED SPECIALI ilH IC PEAS 22002.7 ýARFIC VALUE! HUNTS-CHOICE SPECIALI FRUIT COCKTAIL .2lé *REAL VALUE! ÇUICK SPECIAL! QUAKE-R QATS _ --,.33ý 9@L "BACK TO SCHOOL SUGGESTIONS" AJNT SALLYS-STRAWBERRY BEEKIST NO. I Jam 240z. 4 40 White Honey 'Cl,-43c HABITANT RICH & SMOOTH-DELUXE Pea Soup 22,I,,"35c Salad Dressing '27- 42c FRYS-HEALTHFUL RCHMELLO-ORANGE PEKOE ,Cocoa ~41c Tea Bags '930034c PICNIC-SWEET-MIXED LX. ni'on Brand 16-oz. jar P kls 16 Cx.- 30c Peanut Butter 35c S-,-iii .- -2-lb. loaf -HI1-LO CHEESE - - - - - 75c FANCY 5O.1 STOKELYS CORN ""iTY 1n01.1 LYNN UALU-TY I00. P E A C H E S LN MALVES Ti0. 21 V ,BLENDED JUICE mRm 2 2 T,27ý CLARKS 200O. TOMATO JUICE FANCY -n.h, <7 27ruti & qa laa1/ie. Preserve thern now! Ontario No. 1i "Y" variety FREESTONE PEACHES ,r The quality is excellent and the price is low Callfornia Sweet Eating «RED MALAGA GRAPES* 2 lbs. 25c Ontario fancy grade - Cooking or Eatlng 6 qt. basket ST. LAWRENCE APPLES --55c Fresh, Crisp Green Pascal - Ontario CELERY - - - - Ige. bunch l ic Flrm, Golden Yellow l RIPE BANANAS - - - - lb. 19c Juiey California - Size 288's SUNKIST ORANGES - doz. 29c fflm EHafiy, rsd.ay. Friday & S.turd. ,Sopt. 4$*, SM & 6M ONGRADED E&«0 WANTUOI We py bghst piCOs fer Ungraded Eggs. S. mnager for détails. Reg. Gradng Statios, 0-29. 0w swuês. * * pP~ h. &~ 4 - h ~ U% ~uss a viec a a 1a m -t 1 t 08 4 brae ini bis spine. He was remov- ed to Bowmanviile Hospital for treatment. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Allin and Janie were in town oeer the week- end but have returned to -Cobo- conk to continue the construction o! Mr. H. C. Bonathan's cottage there. .Mr. and Mrs. Bill Allun are on a motor trip to the west to visit Mrs. Allin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hill at Beaver Lodge, Alberta. Mr. T. W. Enwrigbt is visitmng bis brother Clifford Enwright and Mrs. McCandless in Strathroy. Mr. Bill Thickson, Kingston, spent the week-end with bis par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Thick- son. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Glenney and Edward, spent the holiday at Miners Bay. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. W. Pbilp, Rev. and Mrs. L. Turner and Grace Marie, visited at Grimsby, Beams- ville. Hamilton and Gait. On Sat- urday it was their pleasure to be entertained by Mr. and Mrs. H. Jeffries o! Grimsby, the latter being Mrs. Philp's niece. Last April Queen Juliana was enter- tained by Mr. and Mrs. Jeffries and made a thorough inspection o! the estate wbere eighteen fam- ilies !rom Hoiland 'are employed enjoying the comforts o! tbe fine homes provided and pleasant con- ditions under which they work. Mr. and Mrs. PhilP, Mr. and Mrs. Turner and Grace Marie were taken around the estate. Newcastle Lions So much gratitude is due to so many for the coming o! the Swift Current Boys Band to Newcastle that your correspondent finds it difficuit to place in order o! menit those deserving thanks; To the Swift Current Lions Club, who brought the band to the atten- tion o! the Newcastle Lions Club, to the Massey-Harris Co. Ltd., wbo brought the band to New- castie, to Mr. Charlie Warren, distinguished conductor o! the band, to the band itself, it's baton twirlers, rope artists, go the 1 thanks o! this community wbo turned out in capacity numbers to witness and marvel at the ar- tistry displayed. C onductor Warren, who spoke o! the thrill that was his in iead- ing the band before an audience o! the town o! bis birtb, revealed the justifiable pride he had in bis organization and the thrill it gave him o! leading bis band with every member o! bis family re- united in the hall to bear it. Newcastle bas not in the mem- ory o! the writer, ever been 50 favored with such a versatile en- semble, which displayed variety o! entertanment and muscal ex- cellenice. Bravo, to ail who contrbuted in any way in presenting an even- îng o! outstanding entertainment. Memorial Windows To Be Unveiled Sunday, Sept. 7th The Sunday Evening Service in Newcastle United Cburch, Sept. 7tb, at 7 p.m., will be o! special significance in that four stained glass windows, the gift o! the Woman's Association, are to be formally presented by Mrs. Charles Cowan, President, and subsequently dedicated to the "Glory o! God" by Rev. Laurence H. Turner. These windows in pairs wîll present the healing and pastoral aspects o! Christ's ministry on Eartb in a blend o! colours, both pleasing to the eye and uplifting to the heart. The arcbitects are Ramsdale and Smitzs, Toronto. The illuminating o! these mes- sengers in colour will be so !ocused as to enable the worship- pers within, as well as the trav- eller without, to be arrested by, their artistic beauty and spiritual. appeal. These windows will syn- chronize their messages with the beautiful window in tbe Tower placed there many moons ao This adornment will make the main entrance and eastern facade o! the churcb "A thing o! beauty and a joy forever." Mrs. R. J. Doggett o! Welcome, will be guest soloist on this oc- casion. Public is cordially wel- comed to this service o! bistoric moment. WEDDING SLUTE - PRICE In Bancroft United Churcb, Saturday, August 23, the marriage took place of Emily Jean Prîce, daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Free- man Price. Bancroft, and Merlin Albert Shute. son o! Mr. and Mrs. \lbert Shute. Raglan. Rev. H. J. Bortie o!ficiated. The church was decorated with pink and white gladioli. The bride, wbo was- given in marniage by ber father, chose an Elizabethan styled gown o! wbite Cbantilly lace over satin with boop skirt. Her finger-tip veil was held by a tiara head-dress studded with seed pearls. She carried a cascade o! red roses. Miss Helen Price, bridesmnaid and sister o! the bride, wore a pink gown o! nylon net over ta!- feta with cape o! French lace and matching bead-dress which sparkled with rhinestones. She carried a nosegay o! pink canna- tioôns. The groom was attended by his brother, Mr. Lorne Shute. ,Messrs. Floyd Price and Lloyd Shute acted as ushers. Mrs. Roy Watson, played the wedding march and appropriate music during the signing o! the register. Following tbe wedding cere- mony, a reception was beld at White Pine Lodge, Paudash Lake. The bride's mother wore pale blue crepe trimmed with lace and Iwhite accessonies. Thegro' Imother chose navy blue it rnatching accessories. Botb had a coga ge o! pink roses. jF'or travelling the bride donned a ligbt blue suit and bat with navy accessories. The couple, wbo let for a trip to nortbern , ký! and New York. wiil re- vil.- Liberty Street, Bowman- Newcastle Communily Hall Packed Enjoy Thrilling Versatile Program By Famous Swift Current Boys" Band As a direct resuif o! this band project. Swift Current bas less juvenile delinquency than any town o! comparable size- in Can- ada. During the tour, a nurse (on vacation) is donating ber profes- sional services gratis. Her case book shows 35 entries between Swift Current and Newcastle. On the railroad part o! the junket; they required two coionist cars and one baggage car, plus a car for their supporters. No one should think these tal- ented youngsters are a bunch o! stuffed shirts. They are nor- mal, !un-loving Canadian kids, being taught, during their leisure hours, something useful, as well as discipline, plus the virtue of earning their own spending mon- ey, instead o! developing into bouts, hankering to get into bell- ery. The band's Master o! Cere- monies, Kim Aberdeen, voiced appreciation o! the splendid ac- coustic qualities o! the Newcastle hall. Harry Sewardý o! Reading. Pa., told this reporter that bis city, with a population o! 150,000, would flot have produced an au- dience o! more than two hun- dred for a concert like hast Fni- day's, wbich we thought was a well deserved compliment to Newcastle. While thanking the audience, Lions Club, Massey-Harris Com- pany, Bandmaster Charlie War- ren (a fine type o! dlean cut Can- adian manhood), told how happy ho was to bring bis band to the C.N.E. and Newcastle, besides having the Warren family enjoy a reunion in their ancestral vil- lage o! Newcastle. He voiced bis band's appreciation o! the fine hospitality enjôyed tbroughout Ontario. Lions Ciub's Thanka George Walton, President of Newcastle Lions Club, thanked the audience. spoke of the Mas- sey family's generous interest in the band and Durham County; thanked the band and asked the audience to show its appreciation, wbich was given promptly and enthusiasticaliy. At this point tbe M.C. read a telegram from the Swift Cur- rent Lions to President Walton, wbich expressed the home town's pride in their band, and wisbîng the best o! luck to Newcastle, and their efforts. Jim Cuilam, trumpet soloist, endeared himseif to the audience by dedicating bis number to AI! Stevenson o! Wiilowdaie, Ont., who had taugbt him tbe rudi- ments of band music years ago. Jim once played hockey in Osh- awa. It's nice wben a feliow re- members bis old friends wben he is on the way up. You see Jim Let a DURO do the Pumping! S AVNG IME... REDUC- IN AOR ... INCRI&AS- ING PRODUCTION. DURO Pumps, designed for Farm duty, supply fresh water where and when you need it -... in the home ...barn . .. poltry yard . .. truck garden ... provides reserve for fire prdtection. See your Plumber or DURO dealer for fuil information about the type of DURO Shallow or Deep Wei Pump you need, or Write for folder, "*Rtnnang Wate, the Farm Necessit7". bas won Provincial trumpet championships six times. We were told the very clever and charming rope spinning Gowan sisters are juat regular farm girls !rom tbeir dad's ranch, doing their stunts for a hobby. The acrobatic majorettes or ba- ton twîrlers, attractively costum- ed, would bave to be seen to be appreciated and believed. (Continued from Page One) Although they bave 12 spon- soring organizations, the bands are largely self-supporting, hav- ing earned $ 12,000 during the past twelve months. They have a credit banking system, !rom wbich they may draw reasonable sums to cover tour spending re- quirements. Each morning they meet with their "banker" to dis- cuss their daily monetary needs. Should a member lose bis or ber money, they need not be desti- tute, but are quickly "fixed Up". Each member must exhibit good character or leave the organiza- tion. Little Juvenile Delinquenog COURTICE Mr. and Mrs. R. Ormiston and famiiy, Bowmariville, visited Mr. and Mrs. D. Robertson. Mr. and Mrs. J. Little, Minden, Mr. 'Jack Goddard, Wbitby, visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. C. Fulton. Sorry to bear of the misfortune to Mrs. W. S. Boyce. Fortunate- ly in the fail no bones were broken but she wiil be confined to Bowmanvilie Memoriai Hospi- tai for a few c.ays. Hope she wili be home again soon. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Clarke, Murray, Jimmy and Harold, Brantford, were guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Penfound. On Wednesday evening friends and neighbors o! Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson gathered at Cour- tice United Church in honor o! their twenty-fifth wedding anni- versary. After spending the early part o! the evening at the thea- tre Isobel and George were es- corted to the church by their son Barrie and Miss M. Keating and were very much surprised to find everyone waiting to congratulate themn on their anniversary. The church was beautifuliy decorated with beils, streamers and baskets o! fiowers. The program consist- ed o! violin music by Mrs. R. Barber accompanîed by Mrs. C. Penfound; moutb organý number by Mr. Harry Hutton and com- munity singing in charge o! Mrs. C. Fulton. Mrs. C. Penfound, chairman. cailed upon MmRs.R De Coe who gave a short address and Mrs. L. Barrabal and Mrs. Carl Adams presented Mr. anc Mrs. Johnson with a grpe design tray, cream and sugar, also à China dinner set. Mr. E. Warbur- ton and Mrs. C. Penfound gave brie! addresses on remembrances o! the past. Lunch was served by tbe ladies and tbe- cake was cut by the bride and groom of twenty-five years ago. The guest book which was also presented, and was in charge of Mr. Robert Johnson. Everyone joined in sing- mng "For They Are Jolly Good Fellows and boping ail would meet again at a similar occasion. Saturday evening relàtives of Mr. and Mrs. G. Jobnson gather- ed at their home to present them with a cbest o! silver for eight, it being tbe "Remembrance" 1847 Rogers. Tbey were also presented with a basket o! twenty-five giadioli and a teapot, cream and sugar. The three-tiered wedding cake looked very lovely in the centre o! the dining table. Those attending from out o! town were Mr. and Mrs. J. Douglas, Ham- ilton, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Mat- tbews, Toronto, who spent the week-end bere. week-end at the A.Y.P.A. young people's camp at Lake Couchis- ching. Mr. and Mrs. T. Gladman and family were guests o! Mr. and Mrs. W. Evans Sr., Bobcakgeon. Tribute to Hometown Boy Although every item was gen- erously applauded, tbe one that had tbe greatest human interest, was the trombone solo by George Warren, who, at 81 years o! age, is tbe oldest practising trombon- ist in Canada, Mr. Warren gave out with the fîrst piece bie learn- ed to play in Newcastle many years ago, "Marching Tbrough Georgia". and encored it with "Believe Me If Ail Those En- dearing Young Charms". He was accompanied on the piano by bis brother Ted, o! Fairview, Alber- ta. It is possible that the tbrill o! playlng in bis home port, and the overwhelming reception b i large audience, gave Mr. Wre some o! bis hi! e's most happy moments. This reporter wishes to tbank the bard working p.blicity and pLublications man, George Mur- phy, also photographer, for bis kindness in belping out with vital statistics about the personnel, etc., o! this famous aggregation. The audience agreed with M.C. Kim Aberdeen wben he intro- duced the quartette o! clever ba- ton twîrling majorettes, as "some o! our pretty nice prairie chick- ens". Once wben Mr. George Warren was asked bis profession, bie re- plied that, hie was the most*suc- cessful boxer in Swift Current. He is ail undertaker! The band- master, Charlie helps bis Dad, and once told a nosey party that his profession was. "a very grave one". Perhaps a sense o! subtie humor is what makes the War- rens enjoy l! e. It is regrettable that space will not permit a more detailed account o! each individual num- ber, and a thumb nail sketch o! eacb artist. Goodwill Ambassadors Before these words appear in print, the band will have return- ed to their various homes in the West. They wili take with them our best wishes for their future success as a musical organization, plus our belie! that. as future citizens o! our great country, they will give a good account o! themselves. No finer goodwill ambassadors have ever graced our Province. PONTYPOOL Our village is now almost back to normal population. Practically ahi the tourists le!t for home over the week-end. It was considered the best year for a long time for the tourist ndustry. *Mr. and Mrs. Talhert Kelleth left Monday to take up residence in their new home in Millbrok. The best o! five series between Betbany and Milibrook concluded on Friday with Millbrook taking the series 3-1. Bethany took the !irst game and Millbrook the next three. The games were ahl keen- ly contested as the score indicates when the scores were 2-1 and 3-2 for Millbrook. Millbrook will take on the winners o! tbe Biack- stock-Port Perry series. Tbe congregation of United Church were again priviieged to hear Victor Bov-ins on Sunday evening. Tbis able pastor is leav- ing soon to take over a new charge. The choir was assisted by the Preston famiiy in the service of song. Morning service on Sunday, September 7 will be taken by our new pastor. Family Reunion JORDAN REUNION Fi! ty descendants o! the late Mary O'Brian and Thomas Jor- dan held their famiiy reunion picnic at Cream of Barley Park, Bowmanville. As ail gatbered a social time was spent reminiscing and chatting. The tables were prepared and ail sat down to a bountiful supper. The drops o! rain didn't dampen anyone's aiq- petite. Some ate until they groan- ed, after wbich any that could, enjoyed a program o! sports. Winners were: Children under 6-Violet Smith. Girls under 12, Lorne Jordon. Girls, 16 and under, Vivian Smith. Boys 16 and under, Elmer Jordon Jr. Men's shoe kicking, Cyril Smith. Lady's shoe kicking, Mrs. Harry Jordon. Paper bag race, Frank Westiake. Balloon blowing, Fred Cook. Dropping clothes pins in milk bottle, Caxil Jordon. Fat men's race, Earl Jordon. Paper plate race, Frank Westiake and Mrs. Fred Cook. Folks coming longest distance, Mr. and Mrs. El- mer Jordon; recently married, MT. and Mrs. Gien Kay; youngest ba- by, Patricia Ovenden. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Jordon and family, Cam- bray; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jor- don and family, Miss Ileen Jor- don, Lornevilie; Mr. and Mrs. Glen Kay, Sunderland. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jordon, Miss Mary Jordon. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jordon and Betty, Lindsay-, Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Smith and family Fleet- wood; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cook, the following members of this famous Durham County fanu1y present on this memorable cca- sion as follows: Miss Mary E. Warren, 321 Northampton Street. Buffalo, N.Y.; George C. Warren. Swift Current, Sask; Miss Odie E. Warren, Newcastle, Charles W. Warren, 103 State Street, Sen- eca Falls, N.Y.; Mrs. Fred Cow- an, Newcastle, Edward A. War- ren, Fairview, Alberta. Present too. was George C.'s son, Charles W. Warren, Swift Current. Sask, and his son Dick. The Editor o! The Statesman joins with their many friends in the "Homeland o! Durham" in wishing .the members o! this es- timable family the best o! health and happiness, so that we may have the bonor o! reporting many Warren family reunions in the years to come. We hope in next week's States- man to print a photo o! the War- ren Family taken at the Commun- ity Hall Friday evening. Peterboro; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ovenden, John and Patricia, Ma- pie Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake and girls, Solina; Mr.' and Mrs. F. R. Cook and Edwin, Mrs. Edith Marlowe, George and, Lillian; Mr. and Mrs. George Mut. ton and girls; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook and Susan, ail of Bowman- ville. Plans were made to hold our reunion at Port Bolster last of August, 1953. Hope ail wiil be able to attend. Filter Queen BAGLESS yÀc U UNM CLEANER FILTERS THE AIM YOTJ BREATHE Does your cleanlng bettes, easier and faster, no other like 1$. - Free Demonstration - Anytime. Sec thi. arnazing new ht- vention in your home. FILTER GUEEN Sales & Service Main Office 386 WATER STREET, PETERBOROUGHI, On' We Repair Any Make et Vacuumi Cleaner WE REQUIRE capeble, ambitious, Intelligent sle*. man for this district. Wriée above, permanent hlh I- coule. September Speolal! FREE $4.95 PLASTIC HAMR IYRYUE with every Filter Queek sold in Septenibes. One man with one Ferguson Tractor can atay seated, load, hitch, baul end spread manure by Finger Tip Control at the rate cf 40 loadu a day - with the new Ferguson Spreader and Loader combination. SEE IT HER E--OR ASK FOR DEMONSTRATION y -.»MRM, FÉGUO TAi Il bld Lancaster's Garage R.R. 2, NEWCASTLE PHONE CLARKE 2703 DBEAT THE COAL STRIKE!1 COAL MINERS ARE TALKING STRIKE WHICH MAY INCREASE COAL PRICES $ 1.50 PER TON, DEADLINE IS SEPT. 20. BUY NOW TO BEAT THE INCREASE. Famaus ]Reading Anthracite 0 Stave or Nut Coal S TIL L ;ERTON PUMPS & SOFTENERS LIMITE» PF ss LONDON -CANADAi JACK DROUGH PLUMBING ALND HEATING Bowmanville Division St . S PHONE 615 YGU'LL BE -WARNER WITH THE BEST' "Mi"ke" Osbarne's Coal Co. Go od Delivery Service Warren Family of Newcastle Hiolds Happy Reunion ai "HBoney Hollow» pHBON E 897 TO0- D AY 1- C. N. R. Yards nuw ý ýýA7, SEPT. 4th, 1952 ME CANADIAN STATESMAN. 1BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO LONG SAULT Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Sim. and Mrs. Mary Sim, Oshawa, were Sunday supper guests o! Mr. and Mrs. R. Sim. Sympathy is extended to Mr. Fred Holroyd, Hampton, in the sudden deatb o! bis father, Mn. F. Holroyd, Burketon; also to Mrs. Walter Murphy, Solina, in the sudden loss o! ber father, Mr. Jack Fraser, Toronto, who was drowned at Pickering Sunday a!- ternoon. Mr. Harry Fraser, On- ono, is a brother and Mrs. Wm. Brown, a sister, Cburch service will be at the usual bour Sunday evening. Mrs. May Johns spent a few days with Mrs. J. Dickson, Orono. School ne-opened Tuesday morn- ing with Mrs. West as our new teacher. There are-new pupils- Betty Moore, Murray McLaggan as beginners and Willie Johnson coming from Burketon. Mrs. Edith Murphy and Mr. Jack Actheson visited !riends in Brampton Sunday. Mr. Jack Johnson visîted friends in Tillsonburg. Mr. and Mrs. James Smith, Bnian and Jackie, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Bokins and Sharane, Port Perry, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mclaggan. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Partner and family. visited Mr. Fred Wil liams, Omemee. Mr. Harry Sheldon and !riend, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Goble. Mrs. Harry Sheldon, Toronto, with Mr. and Mns. Harvey Part- ner. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Goble and boys visited Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Martyn, Sturgeon Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Powell, Bowmanville, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Fred Partner on a trip to Montreal to visit Mr. and Mrs. Russell Haye (nee Marion Part- ner)., Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Harold De Mille, Burbeton, on a fine baby boy. Miss Bessie Yeo, Tyrone, Mr. Harold De Mille, Burketon, vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Van- eyk.* Family pienics or reunions are indulged in more ini Durham County than perhaps in any area o! comparable size in Ontario. The pages o! thîs paper carry news o! such affair ini great quantîty every summer. It is doubtful if any of them report- ed this summer o! 1952 were of sucb dramatic import as the one held last Friday, when the War- rens o! Newcastle met around the festive board in the appeal- ling dining-room o! Knox's Res- taurant in "Honey Hollow", just east o! Newcastle on Highway No. 2. Many years ago tbe Warrens scattered to various parts o! North America in pursuit o! tbeir respective professions. Most o! them are now approaching the1 evening o! their ives, and it was !itting that tbey should once more meet as a family unit wbile they were ail pbysicaily able toj enjoy the occasion.1 It is a pleasant duty to reportj LW -Umm 1 1 iý