PAGE S!X C! A ?.IA 1'ITA M ~'l~ A 'l't~I.l A W UE'%U7II A W1~V? W ~ A ~ - -- -- - - -- - - ~flflÂ1. IN.~ VI V .atn, ~ I. *tL~1~.p TU~~A~', ~ , Dan SuIlivan's Now...Hear Th"sl1 ARTIFICIAL ICE Big topic ini most conversations these days is artificial ice-wiii the By-Law pass? Wiil property owners tunn it down? No one wifl know until late Wednesday, September 10, the day of the vote. Personally,' we think artificiel ice is the only.solution ta the arena problem. It's like hiring a iaboring man. If you giva him a shovel and à shove be can oper- ate at full capacity like he should, but if he only bas haîf a shovel handie. vou can't expect him ta do much, or aven pay his awn way. When we wera youngsters there used to be plcnty of ice most of the winter. Backyerd rinks were a dime a dozen, and hockey play- ers started their cereers at the1 age of five. Today, things are dif- ferent-they just ain't what they1 used ta be, like the oid gray1 mare.1 In oui, opinion, the Kinsmen1 Club deserves a great deal ai credit for taking the responsibil-i itv ta suppiy artificiai ice for this cammunitvy. They deserve whoie- bearted support ta the lest man. ATTENTION BABY SITTERS The Sttesman has something new and dffet-ent lined up for Bowmanvilie baby sitters. We cent bring it aut yet, but if you read thîs column next week you'll get the drift. Don't miss the big stary. It meens maney in yaur pocket tbroughout the school year. NEIGHBOR BOOSTING Biiiy Yeo, that grand aid timer ni the Bowmanviile Lions Club, made a short speech boosting his neighbor, Lion Lamne Allia. And he did a fine job. But what interested us was a bit ai a comment Lion Biily made ini advance ai bis flight into rhetoric. '«If yau cent boost e znan," he said, "don't knack him." Saunds like goad advice, doesn't it? DOG PAYS HIS WAY Tom Larmer is a baseball fan ai long standing. He's aiways around the bail park when the Roses are taking the field. And he's usuaiiy accompanied by his feithfui dog. One of the boys on the bal club tells us that this dog ai Tom's is entitled ta anv seat he wents ta take in the stands. Or s0 they say. It seems ha pays his way. When Tom Larmer hits the ad- mission table beside the High Schooi he planks down 50 cents. "This is for me," ha sevs indîcat- ing 35 cents, and pointing ta the 15 cent balance, adds, "This is for my dog." IT REALLY HAPPENED We thoiight aur littie tale about the horse in a picture an the Ra- tar v Club raam weli in the Bal- moral Hotel would put an end ta speculation with regard ta Bowmianville's caim ta fame, but it didn't. Eva Whitehead and Bert John- stan of the Domninion Stare have another interesting 'dig" at aur fair tawn ta report. A wamnan waiked into the Dam- inion Store and asked Mrs. Whitehead the folawing ques- tion: -Where is the livery stable." She explained she was visiting town and wanted ta take ber grandson out into the country in a horse and buggy. The startled cashier didn't quite knaw w'iat ta make ai the qtucstion, but she finally man- aged: "There isn't any livery stable in town." "No livery stable!" the visitar said, cocking an eyebrow. "My this tawn is really progressing, isn't t' f"' That. Madam. 15 a very goad question. * 0 * SECRET 0F SUCCESS Frorn time ta about a local boy in business or time you reed wha made goad industrv. The1 Fil Up With Comfort! You'1l gain completa year 'round indoor corn- fort once you insulete your home with The Oshawa Wood Products Compeny's quality Roc Wool Insula- tion. It's easy to instail, will keep out winter's cold and summer's heet . . . save $$$$ on your fuel bill. Stop in. or DIAL BOWMANVILLE 2130 or OSHAWA 3-4661 Tenus as Low as $18,00 a Month - Nothing Down - Your Satisfaction is Our Success - Oshawa Wood Products Co. 84 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA DIAL 5-4448 h SUPERCUSHlc*4 ALL-WEATHER N~o idle boa&t.T ACTUAL C.N.E. LABOUR PAY COUNT PRO VE AGAIN On the thousands of Canadian cars that were parked at the C.N.E. there were For severai years an independent research organization han made an actual count of tires on cars at the "Ex" on Labour Day. In euery one of these annua1 surveys, Goodyear has led all compctitors by a wide margin! Rare once again la proof that Canadian motorists prefer Goodyear Doesn't It stand to reason that the tires preferred by most nmotoriste «ne the tires for you to bujy? See your Goodyea Dealer sooni Statesman is always proud to head such stories "Bowmanville Boy, or, Durham County Men Makeo Good." But what are be- hind ail these success stories? The late Col. John Bayna Mac- lean, founder *of Maciean's Mag-1 azine and a host of trade publi- cations, wrote the answer in an editorial in the Financiai Post, way back in itu issue of N6v. 23, 1935. "I have observad that nearly ail successes are due to two fac- tors: First, sound home or sc'hooi training in character. And next, the training and inspiration thev get from their employers or sen-, ior associates in business or pro-,1 fassianal lufe." Employers pleese teke note. NAMESAKE NEWS We racantly read a story ia daily pper which wes date lin- ed: Sullivan, Indiana. It toid about a native of the town Nwho could go to the bank of a nearby river end have hundreds of cat- fish corne up ta the edge of the water just by caiiing "Fishie, fishia." Now isn't that some fish story. just like something that wouldi happen in Sullivan, Ind. STRICTLY FOR MOTHER When we were on our' hall- days wa barrowed a book fromn aur brother-in-law. '"You can hava it," be said. "I gat haifway through it and quit." We just finished the book-we didn't quit. Furthermore, we be- haeve it is one of the greatest books we have read ini recent years. It's not for bigh-brows, nor is it for youngsters. It is written in languaeaoa the street and it ap- peals ta us beause there is no pretanse at grandeur in the story that tells af the rise ai a great singing star. A rise out af pover- ty, carruption and sorrow. "His Eye is on the Sparrow" is the name ai the autobiography written by thet great singer, Ethel Waters, who was born out af wediock to a 13-vear-old mather in Philadeiphia. Pa. Ethel Waters is ana ai the great Ne- groes. She calîs wbites "the master race" and although she was mar- riad twice, she neyer had a child, but she adopted or help bring up 20 yaungsters, and why are we telling you aIl this? Because on page 247 af that book about a brilliant star who has at ber f in- gertips everything monev can buy, on that page begins two af the most memorebie paragraphs written. They are dedicated ta mothers ini general, they are dedi- cated ta yau. "Being a mother is what. makes a real life for a woman, not ap- pieuse, your picture in the pe- per, the roses and the telegrams yau get an opening nigiht," Ethel Waters writes. "A great many people who thînk of thernselves as poor bave that richness in their lives." "You are a persan af the great- est impartance when vau are a mather af a family. Jiîst do yaur job right and yaur kids will love you. And for that love af theirs thera is no satisfying sub- stituta." WEEK'S QUOTATION On the subject ai womon, George Eliot, in Felix HaIt, once wrote: "'Her lot is made for ber by the lave she accepts." SUCCESS I hold no dream of fortune vast, Nor seek undying fame. I do not ask when lufe is past Thet many know my namne. I may not own the skill ta rise To glory's tapmost height, Nor wun a place among the wise, But I can kaep the right. And I cen live my lite an earth Cantented ta the end, If but a faw shahl know my worth And proudlv call me friend. Ail in Favor of Giving Opera House A Needed Face-Lifting Stand Up and Send in Your Donations Forthwith If the renovation bug sweep- ing through Cobourg manages to get to Bowm4anville. the old Op- era House in our Town Hall will breath a happy sigh at the thought of getting a face-lifting. 4 subscription list, according to the Sentinel Star, has been op- ened in the County Town to raise funds for assisting the Cobourg Opera and Drama Guiid in its projeet of restoring the Victory Opera House located in the State- iy Municipal Building, where the venerable member of Counties Council hoid their deliberations quarterly. Aithough a general canvass is nlot contempiated by the Guild, several interested persons have aiready donated $250 to assist fi- nancing this long overdue renova- tion. The BowmnanvilIe Opera House is in just as bad, if not worse con- dition. Somne energetic, commun- ty-conscious group might earn "Can't" or Cn? IT'S A FALLACY to say "It can't happen here!" Just about then il doas happen - and it will happen again ivhether fire, windstorm, ex- plosion or other calamity. There's ana way ta pre- vent financlal lous - ask this agency. Stuart R. James [NSURANCE - REAL ESTATE 'Phone: Office 681 . ing Street, B 1 Re&. 493 the gratitude of mare than 5,000 rasidents here if they were ta take it upon themselves ta start a drive ta give the Opera.House a face-lifting. With the aver increesing activ- ity ai amateur dramatics and ather local enterteinment ini the faîl and winter months. such re- pair wouid seem ta be an absai- uta must. We understood that severai local graups in tawn are aiready planning ta stage gala attractions in the Opera House the caming seasans. Town Council cannot ba ex- pacted ta bear the brunt ai the finencial burden with their an- nuai Civic budget alreedy ovar- fiowing for a deficit. Sa it is up ta citizens who are interested iný the continuation ai amateur pro- ductions ta get together and se what cen ha done ta beautify aur "House af Entertalament'.' In keeping with The States- man's poiicy af cammunity bat- terment this newspaper wii will- ingly assist any group willing ta embark on such a project. Sub- scribers names wili aiso be pub- iishad. Don't crowd, falks. Lina up in arderly feshion and send in yaur danations today. Comments Mostly Favourable To Government Decision As is usuai, the officiai word that Milibrook would get a pub- lic institution ini the form of a Reformatory, brought ta ight a few who were opposed to the building. This, of course, is not unusual, as there is always opposition to anything, good or bad, and it's a good thing there is, for if ail were of one mind there wouid be no need uf two political parties or two of any- thing else, howcver, the objec- tors seem to be greatly in the miaiority. and those in favour cen see nothing but advantage for the community. It might be painted out here that Dr. J. W. Wright, our local reeve, is the man most respon- sible for this institution coming to Miilbrook. for it was through his quick action with the powers that be that the village was con- sidered after he had cailed a spe- cial meeting of the Chember of Commerce and the Milibrook Council, to get their opinion, which was very favourable-The Millbrook Mirror-Reporter. The bat là the oniy marmmal that can fiy. Another $&00 Bill Held by Ted Bird As a Keepsak. Canadian four dollar bis are certainly making their appear- ance ini this district. Recentiy, a U.S. tourist, slight- ly peeved with the exchange rate and the reduced value of the American dollar, pulled into a service station down east and paid for a tank af gas with.a $4 bill. The tourist was smug in pro- ducing the aid Canadian bil- he intimated he would show Can- adians how to get around ex- change. The service station at- tendant taok the bill; she later discovered it was worth $10. Now. a $4 bill has turned up in Bowrnanviiie. Ted Bird, Lib- erty St., produced one for The Statesman. He has had the bill for 25 years. It's dated 1882, and was issued on May 1, by a bank at Ottawa. Mr. Bird said the bill was given him as a keepsake by his father, the late R. R. Bird, C.N.R. opera- tor. So the keepsake awner can naw reat in the knawledge that the bill he awns has increased in value abotit 150 per cent ini a quarter century. How to Increase Sale of Apples J. Forbes Heyland, one of Dur- hamn County's outstanding or- chardista, bas brought ta our at- tention the foliowing article which appeared lu the August issue of the 'American Fruit Grower". We are glad ta pass it on ta our readers hoping it con- tains some information which will be of mutuel interest ta or- chardist and customer. If You were to observe closely the actions af 180,000 different consumers when purchasing ap- pies and found. that under a cer- tain set of conditions they pur- chased nearly double the usuel amaunt, you wouid think that you had discovered something of ines- timable importance. That is what has happened ta Max Brun k, professar of marketing at Cornel University. Four years of work and 180,000 observations have canvinced hlm that the best way to seli apples is to dispiay fruit both in bags and bulk on the same counter. Here is his "box score" of re- SURSe: Effect of varian. merchandising practices on Pounds of Mclntosh Apples sold'per 100 Customers, September-December, 1950 Lbs. Sold % Merchandising per 100 Above P ractice Cuatomers Standard Standard display* - 20 Modifications of standard dlaplay *Standard plus var- iety and use mark- in g ------- -------- 20 Standard plus win- dow streamers ----20 Standard daubled i size ------------ ----- Stanidard- with win- dow diuplay of ap- pies ------ - - - 26 Bulk onsy Prioed in 4-lb. unatî 14 Priced hn 2-1b. units l14 Package enly 4-lb, cello. baga --- 11 Size cf Package 2-lb Cello. bagas md bulk.............------14 1-lb. apen baskets and bulk -- -- -----2 4-lb. Polyathylene bags and bulk --- 6-lb. Polyethylene begs and bulk -28 Quality and price Standard dispiay of 2¼/-in. minimum appla. priced 35 per cent under 21/2- in. minimum -- --17 Standard display af bruise-frea appias 24 Standard dispiay priced 35 par cent iower -------- -- 20 Standard display of vary highly color- ed epples 38 -45 -10 Th e Important Place In Journalismn Played By the Proof Reader Former Midland Regt C.S.M., John T. Deyel Buried in Millbrook employed as a Gamne Wardea iab tii two yearu ago. At the tùnU of bis death he was a forester bu 1 was on leave of absence owing to iii health. tHois survived"- hi,'"'t; Manyconnctedwiththe c- te fomerViolet E. Leia~J Mýn coneced iththeacýdaughter Mrs. Neilis Fallis or tivities of the Midland Regi- een), of Cavan Township, rft ment, were shocked to hear last sons. William of British Colum.- week that John Thompson Dey- bia, James of Peterborough; Ger. ell, former Company Sgt. Major aid of Lakefieid. four grandsoni, with the Midlands, had passed and two sisters, Mrs. Harold Hub. away at his home in Mîllbrook onl bard (Florence) -of Millbrooir Friday night, August 22nd, in Mrs. Frank Whitfleld (Mary) his 57th year. Mr. Deyell was a North Monaghan, also a brothl iifelong resident of this district Fred of Manchester, England. and during his many years of as -_______________ sociation with the Midlands had made manv friends in and around Millbrook and district. A veteran of the first world war, the late Mr. Deyell contin- ued his armv activities with the!h Midlands fallowing the 1914-18 confliet. Associated with this Reg- iment when the last world war! broke out, he was stili with them when the Midlands were mobil- ized in 1940 and accompanied the unit to Ottawa. He remained with the Midlands while they were transferred to Saint John, N. B. then to Niagara, Edmonton and Prince Rupert. Just before his- discharge in 1944 because of med- icai category Mr. Deyellwas at ing Sgt. Major with this com * e pany. In private life Mr. De.veli was GET AHEAD. WITN BRYLCREEM hoir dressing Ulves hoir a %mort Weil- look, a naturel NO ou M N O SOAF oNO ALCOHOL 0 NO STARON Dolcin TablaIs $2.39 - $3.951 T.R.C. 650 - $1,81 Hay Fever Relief Estivin Dropt a ------ $1.23 Privine Noue Dropt ----95o Razmah cap#.-- 650, $1.35 Pyrithen Comp. Tabs. 650 Allergitabs ---- $1.00, $2.84 Duke Fingard Treatment -------- . 96 Pyrlbenzanîlne Taba. - $Se Beuzedrex Inhaleram 75a SPEC16~ 0<>. Noxseina 9h.,. Comm Arrid Woodbuv 15'. 41506P HUDNUT Bridgeport Bonds- SSi4I. » HOME PERMANENT KrIT FIy Tox Bomb - 1 $3.25 afe-Lex Bomb - Baby Scale« F«r Rent COWIJING'SI PHONE'¶ m o'w'~t AND LABOUR (Wlnnpeg Frae Press) Few readers (or writers for Instali a DURO PUMPING SYSTEM that mattar) stop ta coasider the for Greater Profits . . . save TIME daily miracle ai a news paper and-LABOR doing daily chores . . . whereun scores ai thousan ds of words ai news, comment and ad- a DURO gives added comfort and vertising ara prasanted ta the convenience in home and barif . . public ahl but free ai typogrephi- Running water at the turn of a tap cal and othar errars. Unfortua- sed p vr amcoe hr ately. it is trua that ana errar s ped p vr emcoe hr remembered whilst columns ai is a DURO Pump for every farmn perfect type are passed aver. But need. the truth ai the foragoing general statement cannat ba gainsaid. ~ ~ W l The patron saint o newspapr I« reeders, the London Times sug-1 gests, might well be the correct- ors ai proofs. By actuel count il bas been sbown that the numbar ai "proaf" corrections made in a daihy issue of a newspeper - the London KITCHEN TRUCK GARDENERS BARN Times bas made the actuel count Eliminate aId "pump depend on a DURO Why carry wter? -runs unta the thousands. These Cenfehrrnn corrections mark the differance and carry" - fresh WATER SYSTEM Clerait tes rnnf which the professioal proof running WATER ON .. . assured of plenty a tep savez WORK reader bas made in the accuracy TAF saves TIME and of moisture when and TIME ... gr..Wr of printing. Thus. says the Times, kîtchen drudgery. needed. PROFITS too4 the first folio ai Shakespeare which pre-datas proof reading Phone or visit us today for DURO Pumpo mand EMCO "contains about 20,000 misprints, Plumbing Fixtures. Write for illustrated foide. which shows clearly the sort ai 4, tbung that happened bafare thei___________ work af the reader was recognîz- ed as a necessary aid ta efficient printing. Il was rrany yaars be- fore readers attained any daim- ite status. Laading printers ai past agas often enlisted tbe service ai S. BLAIN ELLIGTT literary men for such work; Dr. Jahnson and Goldsmith are both HEATING & PLUMBING * seid ta bave acted on occasion as printers' readers. But the most Phone 3348 55 King St. M. outstanding figure amang reeders atSthe past was Cruden, compiler of the Concordance knawn in bis Learhier days as "Alexander the EPR RS F.C.~IE Corrector." tond..- Nnoîf.. . SI. C.NAdim hth -Su"M -wlmulpq .hu a Indeed, evervone who enjovsj , the prunted page. in whatever for- IO rmat, is indebted t0 the proof ----- APPLES WANTED ALL VARIETIES SUITABLE FOR CANNING APPLY TO,- Slokley - Van Camp of Canada Lid., Trenton, Ontario PHONE - TRENTON 5417 Slokley - Van Camp of Canadat Ltd., Whitby, Ontario PHONE - WHITBY 500 - - -Edgar A. G et ______________________________ GOOD' YEAR >r R 1 Bobbi Home Permanent $1.75 1 PAGE Sm THE CANADIAN STATPqj,&M- RMM,&NUii.T.lP emmàwTn Toni Home Permanent $1.75 1