THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 195 THE CANADIAN STATES»6AN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGIE NMN L ormer Local Bank Manager mpleles 45 Years of Service Foiled Bank Holdup While Here MavSttsmnredrswi say, Sunderland and Toronto. Fo binterested in the followirig des-1 the past 33 years Howard has patch tram Brockviile \vhich re- been manager ai these variaus fers ta a bank mianager who was branches. locaied in r-o -,ý,ian ville tor a Reflecting on the vast changes number o af . The staorv rea.ds: he has noticed during his 45 years BROC KVI LLE-Heward Lapp, et seryice, Mr. Lapp recalled that manager et the Brockville branch Of the 35 banks in existence ln af the Bank ef Commerce for the 'Canada when he entered the pro- past 16 years, quietly observed fession, only nine are now in op- the anniversarv et his à9th -"car eratian. Of these anly two failed, af service on Friday, Mr. Lapp, the remainder being absorbed by Who began his hanking career in larger establishments. 1907, stili entertains ne retirement Shertly aiter be entered the plans. An active man, in a quiet ýbusiness, the Dominion Bank in sort et wvay. b.- has every inten- Toronto employed the first girl tian of rcmainiin,, active'as long ever ta werk in a Canarjian bank. as passible ta enjo 'y net only his Bank efficials telt obliged ta put wark hut h' hobbies too. a glass screen araund this pianeer Mm. Lapp bc-an bis service witb ta shield hem tram customners! the Western boni: which wasj Other noticeable changes were taken over in 1909 hv the Stand- caused by the introduction ta ard Bank which w~as in turn taken widespread use ai typewriters over ia 1928 b- thc Bank et Com- about 191() and af adding ma- merce, chines in 1916. Served at Bowmanville Foiled Hold-up He movc.d te Brockville from W'hilc he lias never experienced Ottawva in 19.16 after a lenure of a bona tide bank holdup, Mr. sizx cars in tOc capital. The e- Lapp once foihed an attempted niaining 23 years were divided be- street holdup in the winter of tween Kingston, \Vhitby, Bow- 1923 ini Bowmanville. manyville, Canîphellierd. Lind- Noticing, a suspiciaus chamacter DO WMAN VILLE SURPLUS STOIRE ln ~SPECIAL!l MEN'S TWO - TROIJSER SUITS Smart New Fail Patterns Size 37 - 42 3-SEASON! ZIP-IN-COATS! Terrific for fali, winter and spring! Beige, grey and navy! 36 to 44. Reg. 39.75 $19.95 STATION WAGON COATS! 3/4 length! Fully quilted lining! Beige, grey or navy! Mouton (processed lamb) collar and lapels! Size 36 to 44. Reg. 39.75 $19.95 SF1 CIAL! WORK PANTS 8-oz. Blue Denim Guaranteed Colourfast $3.95 pair. GABARDINE PANTS C'rey, Tan. Blue. Zipper. pleats. Sizes 30 - 4o $6.95 O-N- HEAVY- DUTY DENIM ýVERALLS Bib Front Ilanîmner lStrap Ruler Pocket Reg. S4.95 Sizes 36 ta 46 SALE $3195 DENIM SMOCK to Match Reg. $4.95 $3.95 FINE QUALITY WINDBREAKERS of ail types Sizes 32 to 44 L0w est Prices In Town! ARMY GAITERS WITH BOOTS SIZES 7 to Il Sturdy Work Boots Heavy Duty Soles' Black Only SALE $6.95 Specia ! ... PLAID SHIRTS $2.45 ea. WORK SHIRTS $1.95 ea. Specia!... DRESS or SPORT SHIRTS Regular S3.95 Ca. SALE $2.95 ea. Rowma uvule SURPLUS STORE 24 Division St. BOWIMANVILLE Phone 3211 ZION (Hope Twp.) Mms. Darch held a successful sale of farm implements and hanse turn ishings at ber home on Wednesday under the direction of Mm. Jack Reid, Orono, auctioneer. The clerk was Mm. L. Marris. Mr. and Mirs. S. Jones attended the Teeswater - Omono baîl game at Orono on Friday. Rev. A. Harding conducted the Communion Service at Zion Unit- ed Church on Sunday niorning. I-is sermon, based on St. Luke 22, eutlinsd the arigin and meaning af the service as is bas came from the Mebrews ritual. Ta us bas. develaped the five-fold synîbol- ism-remembmance, fellowship af spirit, loyalty, fellowsbip af man, and faith. Owing ta anniversamy services at Welcome the next regular ser- vice is withdmawn and will flot be beld until November 9thý. Mr. Cecil Burley, Port Hope, ae- companied Mr. Ellsworth Caswell ta Tory Hill during the weekend. 1Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Marton included Mm. and Mrs. Wm. Morton and Glen, Garden fi; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ma- gahey, Gary and Sharan, Peter- borough; Mms. G. Eliiott, Newton- ville. 1Business Directory1 hanging around outside the batik duning a driving snowstorm, on a Saturday rnght, which at that time was the "big" banking day, Mr. Lapp prudently armed hirn- self with a revolver before leav- ing with the -day's receipts. The ensu4nrg encounter ended with the il "robber" legging it down the nearest alley! When asked the largest single amount af money lie remembers handling, Mr. Lapp recalled a cheque for $2,220,480 which pass- ed through his hands in the Tro- ronto head office. Another change he has noticed is that more and more af the bank's employees now hold higzh school matriculations. While with the Ottawa branch. Mr. Lapp was the only one af fifteen employees who had a matriculation which he had obtained by studylng nights in Lindsay. manville oack aroutia 18985 wter _______________ the Durham Rubber Ca. built it -factory on the property now oc. W. R. STRIKE, Q.C. cupied by Dave Aildread's weld. Barrister, Solicitor, Natai-3 ing and repair shop and Tonr Solicitor far Banik of Montreal Cowan's implement shop on Kini Money ta Loan- Phone 791 St. East. Bawnmanville, Ontario As the years passed alang anc the Goodyear Tire & Rubbem Co., LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. took aver the Durham Rubbei Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Ca., a group ai the original. ern- King St. W., Bowmanvjlle ployees kept together naming Phone, Office 688 - Residence 553 themselves the "Durham Olc _.__Guard". From time te time they MISS APHA 1. RODGINS. have held reunians ta keep up Barrister, Solicitar, NatarY Public the genial felowship ai those Successar to M. G. 'Y. Gould early days. mhe ranks are grad- Temnperance St. - Bwnanville ually thinning out as. Father Time takeà his' tale, but there is a fair W. F. WARDy B.A.. representation stili witb the Good- Barrister, Solicitor, Notary year, as weîl as a few on the re- Maney ta Lean tired list 9J'h King Street E., We have. checked up with A. M. Eawmanvilie, Ontario Hry n fté"rgnl h Phanes: Office 825 ý House 409Hrdaefte orgnlwh was Supt. af the local Goodyear CONANT & CONANT plant for many years, for the list of the Durham Old Guard. Barristers and Solicitors mhoue stili warking at the local Gardon D. Conant, Q.C. plant include George Bagnell, Roger G. Conant, D.Z Thos. Hayes, Dave Morrison, Les- Offices: lie Nichais, Frank Oke. Frank Pi- Oshawa, Ont., 71/2 Simncoe St. S. per, Herb Richards. Thase at the Phone 3-2227 new Toronto plant are Mrs. Wren Ajax, Ontario - Phone 25 Jones, Percy Mutton, Norman Greenfield, Max Quick and Phil. D E N TAL Williams. Those who have retir- çd and, live here are A. M. Hardy, DR. W. M. RUDELrL, »»g W. A. Edger, Alf. Richards, Thos. Office: Jury Jubilee Bidg. Veale and Wm. Williams. 40 King St. W. - Bawmanvile U ffice lHours: 9, a.m. ta 6 pan. daily O IU R 9 a.m. ta 12 liban Saturday O IU R Closed Sunday WH TIK Office Phone 790 WH.TIKO Hanse Phone 2609 One ai Bowmanvilh&'s weli known and highly respecied citi- DR. E. W. SISSON, L.fl.S., D.D.S. zens, Ex-Reeve William Henry Office in his home Thickson, passed away in the 100 Liberty St. N. - Bawmanville Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvihle, Office Hours: on unay Sept. 28, in bis 82nd 9 a.m. ta 6 p,m. daly year, after ali ilîness ai twa 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Wednesday weeks. Ciosed Sunday Mr. Thickson was barn in Per- Phone 604 'rytawn, Ont., on Oct. 11, 1871, the so fa Sarah Jane and John CHIROPRACTIC 'T>hickson. On Jan. 18, 1893, he married Ellen Tapson ai Bow- G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. manville. Mr. Thickson was one Chiropractor af the original emplayees ai the Office- Durham Rubber Company, stamt- Specialty Paper Products Building ing bere in 1898. Me continued on 63 Temperance St. wben the plant was taken over by Office Hours: the Goodyear Tire and Rubbei' Tuesdav and Saturday jCompany, and was for inany years foreman ai the Hase Dept. REA L E sT A T EI llhat ocdimtun Proî.perties Sold - Rented a eiu operation. Managedand Apraised a , T0hickson was a member ot Manaed nd Aprased Trinity United Chumch, and was L. M. ALLISON active in civic and community af- Real Estate Broker faims. Me was a member of the Newcastle, Ont. Sons af England. Oddfelhows. Ma- Phone 2566 sonic badge and Palestine Chap-, Twa blocks north of traffie ter, and was for a number of signal, Newcastle yeai's a member of Town Council. latterly served as Reeve. He was H. G. (Hap> GLLL wel-liked and respected by al Real Estate xith whom he worked and camne 8 Second Street in contact. Properties Sold - Rented Funeral service was held on Mlembers of the Canadian and Smith Funeral Home, with Rev. Ontario Real Estate Boards T. A. Morgan oficiating. Palîbear- H. G. Gi, Realtor ers were Lawrence Goddard, El- Phone Baovmanville 3514 gin Wight, William Nichols, Cecil Osborne, Reg. Hamding and W. G. A R CHIT E CT Pascos. Interment was ln Bew- - manvilie Cemetery. Before you build, consult There were many beautiful an architect floral tributes tram friends and HERBERT G. (COLE, M.R.A.I.C. neighbors, also fromn Durham Telephone Bowmaîyille 3653 Cliapter O.E.S.. Florence Nightin- gale badge, Jerusalem badge, A U D I T I N G Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co., MONTEITH & MONTET partment 273 Goodyear, Compara- Chartered Aceountants tion ai the Town ai Bowmrranviile, 37 King St. E. Oshawa and Palmer Motor Sales. Mr. Gardon W. Riehl, C.A Mrs. Thickson predeceased hem resident partnier. lîusband on Jan. 6, 1941. Survi-- ing ta moumn bis loss are ane lvi ET R ~ brother, Norman Tbickson. Osh- __________________ awa, and three sisters, Mms. T. Veale Annie), Bowmanyille, Mrs. KEITII A. BILLETT W. Loughman (Emily). Toronto, Optometrist Mrs. Greenfield (Gertrude)t, Office Hours: 9 arn. to 6 p.m. bandsdowne. Four ebtîdrent alsa Manday ta Saturday survive: Mrs. byle Burden (Lot- except Wednesday 9 -12 tie), Oshawa; WVilliam D. Thick- Evenîngs by Appointmeng j son, Newcastle: Mrs. William R. i4 King St. W. - BOWMand1 bMutton Uleloise), Bowmanville.- i that time operated the farm now D s owned by Clifford Curtis. - Potato harvesting is almost com- f - pIeted with fair yields repomted. n, Prices are not as f irm as they S 19 were sarlier but report indicate that a strang market will be main- 1 td tained for the entire crap. 1I Cutting ai Christmas trees is F. rcommencing this week and is -getting ta be a major industry fi bg ers. An effort is being nmade ta E d form a Christmas Tree Growers' ry Co-Operative ta stabilize the mar- v pket and improve conditions gen- Sý ;e erally, 1- This community will be asked E ýsoon ta support the campaign ta L ýraise funds for the Memerial 1v LHospital, Bawmanville. It merits your generous support. f Thanksglving services were well w attended at the United Church C 0on Sunday morning. Our new pastor, Rev. L. Vogan is a fear- o ;teIss speaker and well liked by ah. L Anniversary services will be held ,on Nov. 16. Many holiday v'isitors crowded local highways aver the weekend. A Toronto hunter's car landed in the ditch, upsids down, just west af Alvin Olan's. Fortunatsly no ans was seriouslyv hurt. Provin- cial Police investigated the acci- dent. Over the past 15 years Canada has had the largest percentage increase in steel production et any of the worid's major countric.s. Mrs. Harvey Palmer (Duaine), Bowmanville. Friends and relatives attsnded 1the funeral fram Ajax, W'hitby, Toronto. Belleville, Kinîgston and jOshawa. PONTYPOOL iNEWS & VIEWS Sorry but we teec two weeks' holiday. No A.W.O.L. charges frona the WHIZ 'have been laid yet. The yaung People af this coim- _________________________munity were sadly shockeci te hL-ar Saturday aftrnoon Miss Wil- Nokes o emn~l.Dcae helmna alke an Mr.Eveettplayed in the Ruth Wilson Orch- IWood were marrjed Rt Trinity estra heie for saine time and was Church parsonage by the Rev. T. very popular w;itil ail. XVe extend I Arthur Morgan. The bride asoui' sncere sympathy ta the dressed in a navy bitte suit with bereaved. a winter white hat and navy ae- Our congratulations go to Mr.' cessories. * .Jake Van Dam and Mr. George 'Van Dam' wha were awarded a Friday afternoon before the first and thwrd prize for their ta- bride left office, the employees bacco at a recent fair, Uni'ortun- pesented ber with a wine uphol- ately, some af the grewers in the stered Hostess chair. Marsh district were,-hard bit with * s fmast, but the Pontypool grawers' We are pleassd ta wekcome loss was very light.I Roly Shackelton and Clarence Mr. and Mrs. Fred Yeungrnan Yeo back ta work aftem an attack 'have ecently moved îr.te their of the 'flu. new home. Fred was the lucky *swinner af a $75 award teward Mr. Jack Knight Sr., attended te insulatien ef bis home. Ris the Hastings and Prince Edward ticket was drawn at the Lindsay Ij Regiment eunion at Peterbor- iF air.1 ough over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Farrowarc i *meving ta their fari, recently1 Mr. Charlie Bruce, Hilda and1 purchased, east of Millbreok. Charles, visited relatives in Ta- i Messrs. John Nimigon and Ray1 onta during the holiday. McGill have secured positions at' * * *the B.T.S. in Bowmanville. Bath Mr. and Mrs. John Watson at- have purchased homes there andI tended the football game ia To- Will be mnoving in the îîear future. onta Saturday afternoon betWeen Mr. l icel1h sbe Hamilton Tiger Cats and Ar9 rvn the sehoal bus te Lindsay nauts. has secured a position at Ajax. * *Mr. Mitchell alse took about 501 Mr. William R. Rabbins, Scu- Dutch people to church by bus1 gag Street, bas recently became 'each Sunday morning. We have an emnployee af the Company. flot learned Who will sueceed hlmn. J Welcome ta the WHIZ, Mr. Rab- Over a mile of the Drum road bins. east of the village has been ditch-1E * .ed, graded and gravellsd, and D Mrs. Bud Perfect, Mrs. Earl Me- everyone seems Weil satisfied with Quaid, Miss Hilda Bruce and Miss the job. This work bas ail been f Kay Moore, attendeci a miscellan- done wîth local and municipalt sous shower for Miss Wilhelmina machiniery. This werk sheulci 'o Walker whlch was held by Mrs. eliminate a lot of the flood and Harold Hammond and Mms. Seth snaw problems.F Hunt, Liberty Street N. We congratulate Mr. and Mrs. t Colin Richardson an the arrivai IF ai a daughter. Durham Old Guard Quite a number frem here at- 1, tended the 25th wedding anniver'- e Number 17 Originals sary of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cav- A, WithGoo yearPla t as beld in the Tewn Hall in With~oo yea Plnt ______ethany Fridav nigbt. We join t( with others in wishing them many E With passing af Ex-Reeve Wm. more years ai happy married life. H. Thickson it brings ta mind the Mr. Percy Berry ai B.C., visited c early days ai the first establish- this village recently. It was over a ment af a rubber lndustry in Bow- 20 years since he Ici t bere and at a ENNISKILLEN NE WTON VILLE stpight i traffic at 1 Congratulations tai Miss Bette Mrs. Adam Panas left on Tues- tinued for Svanefelt and Mr. Norman Wil- day for' Edmonton ta spend a evening. son, who were married October mnhwt e o.M. and I llth in the churcl. Mrs. McIntyre, Detroit, spentMranN Service Club met at Mrs. H.,the holiday weekend with hier SOfl Brucm Mills with 13 members present. 1 cousin, Mr. William Laing. Mr. andIl Following the business the re- Mr. Arnold Wade was in Toron- Kitchener, mainder of the evening was spent ta last week attending the Waw- and Mrs. working on hospital sheets and anesa convention. Bud Jon tickets for the quilt. Lunch was Miss Alice Nesbitt, Toronto ton: Miss served by Mrs. O. C. Ashton, Mrs. spent the holiday at home. and Miss E. McNair, Mrs. L. Stainton and Mr. Bill Thompson af F'ayette- spent the the hostess. Next meeting at Mrs. ville, Arkansas, has been spending Mrs. Willis P. Ellison, Oct. 21. a few days with lt uncle and M. and Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wright are aunt, Mr. George Thompson and ham and M visiting their daughter, Miss Mar- Miss Bertha. came up fo, guerite Wright and other friends Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stephen- vice in the at St. Catharines. son and daughter Jill, Cook .sville, Sunday evE Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ashton, and Mrs. Vernon Stephenson, Sr., Mr. and 1 and family. Purpie Hill; Mr. and, of Saskatchewan, spent the week- Mr. and M Mrs. Howard Oke andi Garry; end with Mr. and Mrs. George Marys, spe Mr. and Mrs. John Oke, Oshawa, Ovens. Mr. and Mi with theïr parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. John Pearce returned from Mr. and1 Walter Oke. Tarante on Saturday accompanied and Mr. ani Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Banks by hier little granddaughter, Car- Bowmanvil and Beryl. Weston; with Mr. and ai Whittake'r. Mr. and Mr Mrs. John E. Griffin.1 Mrs. Thos. Burkell, Hamilton, Mrs. Johi Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin, Dor- is spending a few days with lier funeral of een and Donald, at Mr'. and Mrs. daughter, Mrs. Cleland Lane. Welcome o~ Russell Coates, Port Perry. 1 Miss Drury, Toronto, spent the Miss Rub Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashton with holiday with hier sister, Mrs. Ern- the holiday Mr-, and Mvrs. Mel MeCune, Var- est Elcy. Mrs. Georg cee's Rd., Clare and Douglas vis- ited their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Kersey, ef Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Kay and Bill, Toronto, with Mr'. and Mrs. Adam Sharp. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Weaning andunM Rickey, Tharnhill, at Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moores. AA Mrs. E. Strutt, witli Mr. andi Mlrs. Zack Adanms, Bewmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Athur Leadbeat-S AM er and Georgie, with Mr. and VIrs. Murray Tabb, Tyrane. family, were on amotor tripTA Mrs. Verna Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick, Tarante, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Halden, He- .eil and Neil, Markham, were callers on Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton. Mrs. J. Adams, visited hier sis- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Bradburn, Blackstock. Mrs. Gea. Fergusan and Dor- othy, Mrs. ýlMax Johnson, David and sherry. Oshawa, visited Mx' and Mrs. Clifford Pethick an d Something else ilrs. E. Strutt. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn and fanily with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Wearn, Claremont, on th t makes Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stainton, :', Ai )orothy and Clarence, spet te man.. Thanksgiving ihMsEle Heddon, Columbus. Mrs. J. Adams with bier daugh i ter M. ndMrs. M. McDonald, (and ao.s oven Bawmanville. Mrs. Harold Milîs, and family g~ aIm ~ » were Thanksgiving visitors with More___for *UiIIJ .e gr. and Mrs. Ed. Jennings, Acton. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lamb, aowmanvills. Mr. and Mrs. Lamne amb, and Ruth, with Mr. and «Clothies make tbe man", says the old adi Irs. Wm. Lamb, Nestieton. more and more men are learning that Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn and enhance their standing with certain peoi lmily were Thanksgiving visitors ftfe insurance. rith Mr. and Mrs. Earl Parrott, Tk mlyrfrisac.T i halk Lake.Taeepoe@fo ntcéT h Mr. and Mrs. W. Stainton, Or- ownership of life insurance suggests th ' n, visited with Mr. and Mrs. sighted, thrifty, reaiistic. Above ail, it re orne Lamb. ness to accept responsibility - an 1 impresses every employer. In fact, anyone who learns that a muan oi Siafford Bros. ance regards him with added respect. TI Monu entl Woks t represents one of the most important et Phone Wbitby 552 Yet perhaps the moat important effect c 318 Dundas St. E., WhitbYinsurance is on thme policyhoider himseif FINE QUALITY a sense of achievement. For in no othej MONUMENTS AND create such a valuable estate for so hittl MARKERS a time. Precise workmanship and So life insurance can do mort than proi careful attention ta detail security for your family and yourself ii are yaur assurance when It aiso, influences people in ways that help yen choose from the wide selection af imported and THE FINUAC CO P IE 1 domsstic Granites andUF N RAC CMPNSI Marbies mn stock. 111T IS GOOD CITIZENSHIP TO OWN LIFE lh a a. e. ý52 .ual on a holidaY, the. at Newcutle stops the Newvtonville. This con.' .several hours Monday 1Mn. Raymond Bruce, 4ra. Chas. Watters and e.Oshawa, spent the xith friends at Bancroft. M!rs. Garwood Daynird, spent Sunday with Mr. James Daynard. nes of Quen',Kinig&- Shirleyl:ee s, Napanee, Fae JTones. Toronto, holiday woith Mr. and sJones. 1Mrs. Lewis Cunnîng- Ers. Johnson, Belleville, >r the Anniversary Se>. ePreabyterian Chureh, ,ning. M.'rs. Gardon Smith and Irs. Albert Jackson, Bt. ýnt the holiday witn rs. Jack Glover. M~rs. Roy Hall, Whitby, id Mrs. Mark Marchant, le, spent Sunday with rs. William Milligan. in Pearce attended the Mr. Gerald Pearce at )n Tuesday. :y Boyd, Toronto, spent weekend with Mr. anid ee McCullough. ~d4 dm 1 hge. But todur tbey. cwto al ql. by .tening let he j, attitude thaf mus life lueur. bey know thai issets any man of owning lhfe fIt gives hina >r way caa ho e in »e short ride financial ýn later years. Win succeas IN CANADA ISURAVECE", $29m95