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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Oct 1952, p. 12

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~AOE WELVETHE CANADIAN STATEPSMAN. EOWMANV!LE. ONTARIO Six Durham Junior Farmer Team. To Compete in Guelph Contests Faurteen well-trained Junior Farmers on six teams, caacbed by Agricultunai Representative E. A. Summens. will nepresent Durham County in the 22nd annual pro- vincial 4-H inter-club cantests in dairy and beef cattle, swine, poul- try. grain, potata, fonestry and tractor clubs, ta be held at the Ontario Agicultunal College, Guelph, an Fniday, October 17. The contests are designed ta pravide a fitting conclusion ta 4Junior Farmen club wonk in On- tario, and ta select teams ta rep- reent the Province ai Ontario in the National 4-H Club Contests ta be held at the Royal Winter tair. In 1951 campetition, Shirley Puantrill, Onono, and Hazel White, Garden Hill, captuned the Potato Championship at Guelph. They placed second in the Do- nlînîiin Finals at the Royal Win- ten Fair. At the conclusion ai provincial inter-club competitions, ail con- testants, coaches, judges and club leaders wiil be guests ai the On- tario Dept. af Agriculture at a club banquet in the dining hall ef th(ý Agicultunal College. Will Represent Durham Teams repnesenting Durham County are: South Durhamn Dainy Caît Club -Roy McHoim, R. R. 1, Part Hope, and Aluin Osborne, R. R. 1, Pont Hope. West Durhamn Swine Club- Keith VanCamp, R.R. 2, Nestle- ton and Harvey Graham, R. R. 2, Nestletain. East Durham Swine Club- Clifford Bristow, R. R. 2. Camp- belîcroit, and Genaid Dew, R. R. *,Millbnook. Durhamn Grain Club-Gerald Bnown. R. R. 2, Newcastle, and lionald Brooke, R. R. 3. Bowman- Ville. Durham Potato Club-Jae Mc - Gîli, R. R. 1, Enniskillen; Grant Wenry, R. R. 1, Enniskillen, and !Ted Werry, R. R. 2, Enniskillen, spare. Durham Tractor Club-Mý colm Syer, R.R. 1, Bailiebo: aghan, and Harold Buckha South Monaghan, spane. Many Ontario Winners Duning the 20 yeans in wh: National Club Contests have be held at the Winter Fair. 97 C taria teams entened have esta lished an enviable record by w. ning 34 National Cbampionsbil 29 seconds, 171thirds, 19 fouri four fifths, one sixth, and c seventh. Durham County h taken a fair share af national ho ors. S P ECIA L LOW RAIL FARE TO THE OTTAWA WINTER FAI OCT. 28 -NOV. 1 FARE AND ONE-HALF FOR THE ROUND TRIP Good going-Monday, Oct. 27t -Saturday, Nov. it inclusive, Returnu -L-cave Ottawa not late than midnight, Sun. Nov. 2nd. Pull mlormatio,, CA NÀ0 VÀFDYJ V JVArl#VLe PHEASANT LICENSES Available This Week FOR DARLINGTON TOWNSHIP 4-Day Season - Oct. 29 Io Nov Ist Licenses may be purchased from:- GORDON WILBUR, HAMPTON MeNULTY'S SPORT SHOP, BOWMANVILLE HERM SWEETMAN, COURTICE Non-Resident - $3.00 Resident and Members of Goodyear Rod and Gun Club - $LOO IHATE* £WAYI4,. THURS. - FR!. - SAT. - r7fT. 16 - 17 - 18 f la ppyPlture!I HappyPeople! CRY (61M w CARTOON AND NEWS WEDNESDAY - TP!hJ!ýnA! - OCT. 22 -23 1<WaIt Dlsneypeet ~ .~ O.ntdbyEIC O L~P<~OR A VEUREig is i R Ie BLACKSTOCK Mr. and iVrs, Norman Mount- joy and M11.%anîd Mrs. J. Roy Fer- guson enjoyed a few da,, s at St. Catharines, Niagara Falls and Langstaff. Mr. and MNrs. Dalton Donrelli and Nancy, attenldcd the Plowing1 Match at Carp and spent the' weekend with MVr. and Mrs. Rog- 'er Dorneli in Ottawa. Little Lean- ne visited with her grandparents, Mn. and Mrs. E. Dorneil. rMrs. McDonald, Head Lake, is visiting a mwhile with her daugh- Iter, Mns. W. G. Hooey. Mn. and Mrs. Wni. Vivian and family visited with Mn. andIMrs Frank Hoskin on Sunday. Miss Marilyn Archer, Wbitby,i [visited hen gnandipanents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Archer. Mn. and Mrs. J. Kercher, Miss Elsie Shantz, Mn. U. Shantz, Kit-1 chener: Mrs. E. E. Shantz, Ty- rcone; Mr. anîd Mrs. Ward Brown- ridgae and familv, George tqà-n, i %were guests of Mn. and Mns. Ibn- 1 aid Martyn. Captain and Mrs. Kaare Svlling (nee Docton Margaret Forster) VanICoC)Lur". x isted at the .horne of lMr. and 1irs. Earl Donîeil last w~eek. The\ liad I t luwiieaýtt t tend the wedding af Dr. Syln' Used Department Bargains Used Rangettes - Washers Electr~ic Ranges Combination Radio - Phonographs Priced To Clear USED) T.V. SET with Radio Combined New Guarantee % For - $199.00 MtUlRIPH3Y'S Furniture & Appliance Store In eowmanville - PHONE 811- uOaa PHONE 3-8634 52 KING ST. W. 117 SIMCOE ST. S. -.UWIÇLV niece, Miss Margaret Parker, Sar- sKENUAL nie. - - The Rev. M. R. Sanderson, Mns. Mn. and Mns. F. Mancini and Sandenson Roy, Hanny and Beth, sons af Toronto, were necent Toronto, with Mn. and Mns. C. guests of Mrs. Luxon and Mar- Marlow and other relatives on ion. Thanksgiving Monday. aI- Mn. and Mrs. Alvin Lawes, Gor- Mr. and Mns. Harold Kyte and ,r, don and Joan, Mn. and Mns. Mil- family with relatives at Tillson- im, ton Lowes and Ronny, Peterbono, bung. visited with Mn. and Mns. N. L. Miss Clara Marlow, Napanee, Patton. with Mn. and Mns. Wallace Mar- ich Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Pnice and low. Hello Homemakens! Fali wit] en daughtens are staying awhile with Mn. and Mrs. Melville Brad- its orange, t4ronze and russet col )n- ber gnandmothen, Mns. Thorne. bunn, Quill Lake, Sask., visited ib. Mn. and Mns. Martin Mandens with Mn. and Mns. Will Fonder oig adiscns.tiuai in- and Lanny, spent the long wýeekend Mn. and Mrs. J. W. Bnadbunn and air makes it necessany ta coPi [Ps, with her uncle, Mn. and Mns. athen relatives. with the mast ambitiaus appetites th, Wienmen, rs owy Fan otunately, the ganden pnoduc( ne M.Cahm n n n.GlwnFit is still in abundance, especiali3 ha M.and Mrs. Ted Cahm Valerie Vickie and Jane; Mn. and the , onions, pumpkin, sprouts )-Chyrreil and Kathy visited her Mrs. David Fainthorne, Toronto, squash and othen vegetables tha, parents, Mn. and Mrs. W. Mercer, witb Mn. and Mrs. O. Wright. add intenest as well as a littlE -Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. George Wolfe more ai that "staying" quality. Mn. and Mrs. Eddie Couroux, and Bnyan, visited Mn. and Mrs. Baked Onions Ray and Manie, spent Sunday Thompson at the Forest Range k meumsed non with Mn. and Mns. Ray Mooré, Scbool at Dorset. Si eimszd oin Toronto. Mns. Ed Darcy visited Mn. and Pierce the side of each withz ' Miss Irene Inch and some of Mrs. Russell Spinks, Purpie Hill. darnfing needie. Boil the anion ber pupils again enjoyed a rugby Mn. and Mrs. Frank Carter and ntil tender. Drain and core wit], game at Cobourg, Saturday aften- family, Maple Grove, with Mn. an apple coner. Fill centres witl. noon. and Mns. J. W. Bnadburn. a mixture of hait crumbs and hall Quite a crowd from Kendal at- Miss Marjonie Stewart spent gnated cheese. Season with sall tendedt the stock car races in Osh- the week-end with hier parents and paprika. Place in a baking awa Satunday evening and were at Nonthbnooke. dish. Add 1/ inch of potata wate: disappointed when thein Kendal Mr. and Mns. Geonge Ruther- on soup. Coven and bake in au entry lost a wheel towand the fond uand Allan, Oshawa, with electric aven of 375 degs. for about end of the 60 lap race. Next Sat- Mns. George Fowlen on Sunday. 30 mins. Remove coven and bake urday will be the end ai the ra- Mrs. Fowler went ta Oshawa anothen 5 minutes. ces this yean. .'with them ta spend Monday with Baked Eggplaat Fniday evening a good -éroxvd Mrs. Luther Mountjoy. 6 tomatoes attended the dance put on by the Mn. and Mns. Mennill Henry 14 cup onion Stock Car Club and enjoyed the and family. and Mrs. Aldsworth, 14 cup sweet peppen music supplicd by the Ramblens. Bowmanville, with Mn. and Mrs. 12 tbsp. bnown sugan Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Therteil Lewis Henry. Sait and Kenny Martinell were among Miss Eva Parr in Bowmanville papnka those who attended Roseneath with Mn. Clarence Panr. 1 eggpiant, sliced Fair on Fniday. Miss Pearl Wight. Toronto, butter Work began last week on Car- with ber parents. Cut tomatoes in thick slices son's Hill, just how much is be- Miss Mona Ferguson, Brou- leaving skin on. Place tomatoes r ing done this taîl, is as yet un- gtîam, with hier parents. in a greased casserole. Sprinkke certain. Rev. Mn. Empey, Hampton, took the mixture af minced onion. Bob Langstaff and R. Sleep the service at the United Church green pepper, brown sugar, sait bave commenced building opera- on Sunday evening wîtb Rev. C. and paprika oven them. In another tians on a bouse and garage nes- W. Hutton taking the service at pan place sliced egg plant dotted pectively. Maybe Kendal will Solina. with butter. Bake in preheater gnaw largen yet. Mn. Bob Smith, Peterbonougb, electnic aven ton 30 mins. Make KENDAL W.1. at home ton the boliday weekend. toast. Senve a slice of eggplant on An interesting meeting of Ken- Miss Berly Larmer, Peterbor- slice ai toast topped witb sliced dal WlI. was held in the Sunday ough, with ber parents. tamato. Sehoal room Wednesdayý evening, The pupils af Cartwright. scbool Tomato -Corn- Cheese Oct. 8th with the president, Mrs. area are busy pnepaning thein ad- N. Kennedy in the chair. Tbe raIl dresses for the Public Speaking 1 green pepper caîl was answered by namîing one Contest at the Recreational Cen- 1 small onion of aur trees, with Mr. Young- tre on Octoben 22. 2 tbsps. butter r-man's 'family tnee" causing con- Miss Chant, Mn. Allin and Mn. 1 cup cooked tamatoes siderable amusement. Paisley spent the holiday at their 23cpcr A letten was read fnom the homes. 2 tbsps. tapioca Cannington W.I., Bridgewaten, Mrs. Gilbert Manlow spent a 12ý tsp. Sait. Somerset, England, who bad ne- few days in Toronto last week 1/à tsp. pepper ceived aur namne in the Friend- with ber sisten, Mrs. Ivan Sbook few cayenne ship Link Service between the and famiiy. 11/3 cups gnated cheese W.I. ai England and Canada. Mn. and Mrs. Phil Campbell Seed and chop green pepper. Their membership ai 70 exceeds and Janet, and Mn. Ivan Camp- S5kn and chop anion. Meit butter ours greatly but il; is int eresting bell, Toronto, with Mn. and Mrs.' and bnown vegetables until ta study thein programs, which A. L. Bailey and Mrs. Fred Bai- brown. Heat tomatoes and corn tbey sent us, and tind out wîîat ley. in double boilen, tben add peppers thein W.I. is doing. One ai the Mns. John McKee spent the and onion and nemaining ingre- W.I.'s have cancelled their Slip holiday in Peterborough with Mn. dients. Cook for 5 ta 7 mins. Caver Course so the week iOt and Mns. Cecil Neals (MarjanieSevs5 20-24 is now available fon us, so Galbraith) and ather friends, Squash-Pineapple Dessert the ladies decided ta bave it then. Mn. and Mrs. Herman Hooey --l medium squash Thene is ta be a minimum ai are visiting thein relatives in To- brown sugaar 8 ladies and not mare than 12 take nonto for a few weeks. sait part in the course which wiîî start Mn. and Mrs. Hammel and tam- - Mon. aitennoon, Oct. 20 and con- ily, Montreal. with bier parents. eetn at rm"hsi fi tinue Tuesday ta Fniday tram 10 Mn. and Mrs. George Staniland, te rs Deiacts raie hsns ATi- a.m. ta 4 p.m. Any ai the ladies Glenn Larmen and Richard Van HoyCa" " Du. Mrs. D pr an rTe ai the community wisbîng ta take Camp are attending Kemptville read an article ai Edna Jacques, part please contact Mrs. Kennedy. Agicultunal College. jI Like Being Middle-Age". We wene very pleased ta bave Aiternoon Auxiliary of W.M.S. Mrs. Gardon Strong gave a piano Mr. Ed. Youngman, aur guest met at the home ai Mrs. Gardon solo. speaker, give uis a very interest- Strong. Mrs. Roy Fenguson, pres- ing talk on the Ganaraska pro- ident, apened the meeting by Mn. and Mns. Arnold Taylor and ject. Ganaraska, he said was an r eading an article, "The Etennal Dianne attended the Internation- Indian name, meaning spawning Message af Thanksgiving" by ai Plowing Match at Canp. Arnold gnound, tram the time the Indians Rev. R. J. Rennison. Mrs. Raiph was a Geo. White & Ca. repres- tram New York State region came Larmer took the devotional. Mns. entative at their macbinery dem- ta tish bere. It is thought the E. Donreli, graup leader, arnang- anstration. river was much langer then. ed this prognam. Mrs. Roy Tay- Mn. and Mns. Anson Taylor, Mr~. Atter the big iloods in Port Hope ion introduced the new study and Mrs. H. Brown, Oshawa, and a sunvey was made in 1941-42 ai book, "Along African Trails". Mn. and Mrs. Roy Taylor, mator- the 66,000 acres in the watenshed. Mrs. Roy Fenguson read some in- ed ta Midland on Sunday. Light sandy land, which wben______________________________ tirst cleared, had grown good crops but was now a sandy waste. The Ganaraska advisony board wE K TR S L S was tormed in 1944 and later CHK TR S L S changed ta tbe Ganaraska Au- C i tharity with Bert Reid represent- ing Clarke. On May 12tb, 1949 the tinst trees an the praject were planted an the Patton property. for Mn. Lamne Bell, who was presenL Wednesday evening was one ai the ploughmen an that occasion. Ditienent vanieties ai pine have V L E 1 been tried and about 2 U4 million trees have already been planted. Mrs. Kennedy extended a vote ai ORErAC 1E T R th sta Mn/I. Youngman ion hi OR E SP CE H AT R splendid address. Medium Size - Regular $129.00 Misses Ruth and Kathleen Jack- 1 o ~ '" an amuarinfirea0ing"Boys". Mis f 1 %cups pumpkin t 2 egg yolks 2-3 cup brown sugar 12 tsp. ginger '2ý tsp. cinnaman t1 Vs2 cups milk 1/2 cup crearn 2 tbsps. ruin 1/2 tsp. sait 2 egg whites, beaten Line a 9-incb (or two 7-inch) pie plate witb pie dougb. Prepane pumpkin by cutting a medium sized anc in bahf; remave seeds and fibres; then bake shell side up in a pan placed in a moderate aven until tender. Mash pumpkin pulp. Add beat- enî egg yoiks, sugan, spices, milk, creain and rum on lemon juice. Fald in beaten egg whites ta which sait has been added. Pour into shieil. Bake in electric aven ai 450 degs. for 15 mins., then re- set temperature ta 326 degs. and continue baking 30 mins. TARE A TIP 1. To prepare anions pour bail- ing water aven thein and let stand 2 minutes. Drain and skmn themn unden cold waten. 2. To French iny anions, cut them crasswise in 1/4 inch thick suices. Combine Y2 cup milk and 12ý cup waten and soak siiced an- ions in it for %/ houn. Drain on- ions, spread thern on absorbent paper and dredge with flour. Sea- son with sait and paprika. Fry in deep fat at 360 degnees until brown, Keep turning themn in a 2 inch deep fat. 3. Green peppers may be skin- ned by placing in a hot aven ion 3 ta 5 minutes. 4. Boiled sweet peppens may be served as a vegetable if pepped up with a well-seasoned sauce on a can af candensed ceieny soup. THE QUESTION BOX Timely queries fronT liwo men are published today, and may we thank everyone for such keen in- tenest in aur column. Mn. R. J. asks: Can you make grape jelly as readily main culti- vated ned grapes as tram the blue Concord? Answer: Yes, bath ned or gneen cultivated grapes wiil make ielly, jamn an spiced grape chutney. If the purple coloun is desined use hait bloc and hait red grapes. Mn. H. D. asks: Con we raast soybeans that are gnawn in aur canield? Answer: To roast saybeans, sheil, then bail in salted water about 35 minutes. Drain and spnead in a skallow gneased pan. Dot with butter. Roast the n i a modenate aven ai 350 degnees until bnown or about 20 minutes. th g ce ly at le aS s I1 Anne Allan invites you ta wril ta ber c/o The Canadian Stateý man. Send in yaun suggestions c homemaking pnoblems and wate this column for replies. Mn. and Mns. Bruce Heaslip and Mn. and Mrs. Rupert Byens, Bow- 1manville, attended the Ploughing Match at Canp, visited Ottawa and returned via Algonquin Park. Mn. and Mrs. George Bowens, Miss Jean Bowers and Mn. Ar- nold Williams, spent the Thanks- giving weekend at Trout Creek visiting Mn.-and Mns. Lannie 'Chapman. Misses Joyce Grahamn, Eunice Wilson and Elaine Thompsan at- tended the reunion, af Normai School students, in Peterbono an Satunday. Mr. and Mns. John Powens, Ronald and Joan, Lindsay, visit- ed Mn. and Mrs. Ivan Prout and family. Mn. Simeon Sanderson, Mn. Harny Sandersan and Mn. Her- bert Hoaey were guests ai Mn. and Mns. Hanry McLaughlin. Mn. and Mrs. Hanny Coulter and Bruce, Foxbono; Mn. Bruce Sharpe, Ida, visited Mn, Walter Sharpe and Mns. Farder. Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Willis, To- ronto, spent the holiday with Mn. and Mrs. Jas. Harris. Mn. and Mns. Nelson Marlow visited Mn. and Mrs. Alvin Mc- Gili, Lindsay. Mn. and Mrs. Robent Fard, To- ronto, called on Mn. Elmen Nes- bâtt. Mn. Arthur Hulbent spent the -ioliday in Peterboro with Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Freelove and fain- ily. Mn. and Mrs. Frances Gist and famîly, Montreal, wene Thanks- civing visitons with Mr. and Mns. Charlés Gist and family. Mn. and Mns. Milton Bail and family, Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. aNman Irvine and Shirley, Bow- ~manville, were guests af Mn. and Nirs. Bruce Heaslip. Mn. and Mrs. Grant Thompson 3pent the weekend in Piffenlaw nd Beaverton, Mn. and Mrs. ames Thompson neturned with -icin for a holiday. Mrs. Helen Smith and Miss can Barton, Oshawa, visited Sun- lay wîtb Mrs. Norman Lansing. Mr. and Mrs. J. McCalden, Scu- log Paint, visited Mn. and Mns. -.McComb before Ieaving for Jancauven ion the winten. Nestleton Women's Institute net at the home ai Mrs. Jas. edge with spleiictid attendance. [ns. Mc Comb gave a fine talk on he motto, The children of today ýte ýs- Vsz cup cnushed pineapple '/ cup sugar Vcup orange juice grated orange nind butter Cut squash and seed. Pl pieces in a covered colanden steain aven boiling water ui nearly tender. Peel squashi cut into 12 inch cubes. Pl squash and pineapple in ali nate layens, sprinkling each 1 er witb sugan and sait. Add dnge mmnd and juice. Dot ger ously with butter. Bake in el tric aven af 350 degs. for 50 mi utes. Newcastle Community Hall FRIDAY, OCTOUER 24th To HAROLD GODFREY and HIS ORCHESTRA The Best in Old Time and Modern Dancing ADMISSION7c per person IT'S THE PENN'IES THAT MAKE IT SO THRIFTY!' THERE'S no denying it! The thriftiest investment you can make is the extra pennies it COSs to buy a bag of BLENN! Those pennies corne home ta roost bringing along extra dollars for you in the form of mucb bigger tobacco yields and fine quality tobacco crops. Yes-tests bave proved ~ P and expenience bas confirmed ft that BLENN fulfilis every or S ift tbacco prodcton.rfial ntrient neeoducfonrfial Get the thrifty plant food in tbe NEW red plaid bag. Order your supply of BLEIN from your Swift dealer today. 4- Swift's specalized crop maker I SWIFT CANADIAN CO., LIMITED PLANT FOOD DIVISION F.O. Box 39, New Toronto, Ont. 'ace and intul and lace Iter- .ay- or- ren- ýec- run- if it it rl a fi sr ai JE dî g( H th I M a LANCtE TMMSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1952 are the citizens of tomorraw." The ral call, "Say samething good about the lady an youn leit" was well answered. Cunent events prepared by Mrs, Bruce Heaslip were interestingly eviewed in picture by Mrs. R. Davison. Plans were made ion a Hallowe'en par- ty with Ms. McComb, Ms. Lan- sing, Mns. Davison and Mns. Bow- es, a cammittee. Ms. Vine ar an alternative wee made dele- gate ta the Toronto >convention and the resolutions wene nead and dealt with. An appeal ion Pen Friends Cincle was read, Mrs, Kenneth Samelis read a tapic "Votes for Women", Miss Ruth Proutt read "Life in a Korean 1City" as told by Màdame Latta Hishmanova. Mrs. George Johns convenen af Citizenship and Edu- cation, read main several clip- pings, (1) Miss Lodden, Toronto, a spastic wbo is helping athers in like position; (2) Teaching citi- zenship ta children-a talk.given by Dr. Goldring, and (3) United Nations with explanation ai its main parts-All was summed up by good neighbourliness. Mns. Davisan's gnaup served a dainty lunch and a beanty vote oi thanks was tendered ta Mrs. Hedge and ber heipers and ta the visitons and citizenship cnvener on the goad meeting. LADIES' AID Ladies' Aid nmet Thursday even- ing at the home ai Mns. William Hooey with very fine attendance. Mns. Gist gave the explanation ai the scripture £ead by Mrs. Çkarge Wolfe. Re porib were given by the book rack cammittee, the rug cammittee and the paper salvage cammittee. The ladies also plan ta assist the board ai managers witb the cost ai installing a blow- er on the furnace. Al were asked ta bring inuits, flowens and veget- ables ton the Harvest Home Ser- vice. Plans were made on a pot luck supper and the rail caîl next month is ta be donations for the fisb pond. Ms. Earl Dorell waspeen and gave a veny excellent accaunit ai their ten weeks' trip ta Van- couver 6,000 miles by car and 3,000 by bus. Crossing at Sarnia thence via U.S.A. we leanned ai the 10,000 lakes in Minnesota, the beautiful white buildings and fiat country in North Dakota, the heaps ai grain already combined May lst. She described the pri- mitive Indian settiement af Loan Lake and a visit ta a Hudson Bay Trading Post. It was inter- esting ta learn ai the ail pipe line- fain Edmonton ta Sarnia and easteriy, the gold miner ai Genaldton and Timmins, sodium sulphate mines in Saskatchewan, and ai the hasts ai logs ion the papen milîs. Mrs. Dorrell's bumor- ous description ai thein bus trip through and aven the mountains tram Banff ta Vancouver and back was mast amusing. The haz- ards of mountain wasbouts, a, midnight taxi trip ta iniends in a fishing cabin bigh in the maun- tains, fishing for nainbow traîît and the beauties ai the glaciers, mountain scenery and sunsets wene 50 vividly described. Tbey alsa attended the Calgar.y Stamn- ýSprings and the Sinclair Canyon d and had the usual 5-xperiences of Ltravel over the gumbo of %etr Lroads. Weten1 p Due to the late hour Mrs. Dor- n eli cut her talk short and every- 'one .wished she might have fin. i shed the trip. Mrs. Fitze. Mrs. *Gist. Mrs. Hooey, Joyce and Mar- *garet served a delicious lunch and a hearty vote of thanks ta *Mrs. Dorreil and the hostess was ntendered by the meeting. c LONG SAULT 1 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sin, Osh- Sawa, were Thanksgîving guests sof Mn. and Mrs. R. Sim. -Mr. and Mrs. John Baker. Dun- -das, with Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Baker. Mrs. F. G. Smith retunned Sun- day having spent two weeks with hen brother at Goodwood. s M. and Mrs. Ted McBide, Ted, Keith and Kay, Inglewood, were Monday dinner guests of Mr. and àMs. F. G. Smith and Grace. Mrs. Edith Murphy, Mn. and Mns. Harold Murphy were Sun- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter Murphy, Solina. Mn. and Mrs. Ted Johns, To- ronto, and Mn. and Mns. Johnson, Lindsay, were Sunday guests of Mrs. May Johns and Mn. and Mns. G. Baker. W. A. will meet at the panson- Eage, Tuesday evening. Oct. 21, with Mrs. E. Murphy and Mns. C. Penwarden as prognam commit- tee. Don't forget the Bazaar in the 1sehool Saturday afternoon in aid 3of W.A. Home and School Club held their finst fali meeting Friday night with a fair attendance. President Mrs. Woodley conduet- ed the business and Miss A. Aked as guest speaker, told of ber trip to England this summer. A Hal- lowe'en party is to be held in the school Oct. 30 with pnizes to be given. Comý«nittces were slated ta look after the pnizes and prognam. Lunch will be senved. Mrs. Lizzie Pattenson, Bowman- ville, visited Mrs. R. Sim on Mon- day. Mn. and Mrs. Harny Sheldon, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pantnen on Monday. Mr. and Ms. Roy Thompson and family, Leskand, were Mon- day guests of M.. and Ms. H. Partnen.% Mr. and Mns. C. Penwanden, Mr. and Mrs. Harold DeMille and family and Miss Bessie Yeo, wene Thanksgiving guests af Mr. and Mns. W. Vaneyk. For evey pound of wood pulp that is made into paper in Cana- da, two and a quarter pounds go into industnial uses. TICKETS TO EVERYWHERE[ Air. Rail or Steamship ConsuitI JURY & LOVELL BowmanvilleI 15 King St. W. - Phone 778 1 pede and visited Radium Hot à at the il

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