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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Oct 1952, p. 14

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'AGE FOURTEEN ------~ .~. THIW.SDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1951 THE CAI'TAD!AN ~TATI~MMAM ~O MA~7VIT'IT.~ PROMU 1330 Turn Page for Additional Classfied BIRTHS DEELEY-Mr. and Mrs. Du( Deeley (nee Minnie Saunders) happy to announce the birth son, David, on Tuesduy, Oct< I4th, 1952, in Memorial Hosp Bowmanville. 4' ýdley are of a ober ital, GRAHAM-Mr. and Mrs. James Graham (niee Catharino Macdon- ald) are happy ta announce the birth of their son, William Gar- field Leslie on October 10, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmunvilie. 42-1 MALCOLM-'Mr. and Mrs. Lawr- ence Malcolm, (nee Gwendolyn Brooks), Nestleton, are happy to announce the arrivai of their son, Glenn Lawrence, a brother for Guil Doreen and Bannie Jean, ut Memorial Hospital, Bowmunville, on October 13, 1952. 42.1* MATHEWSON -Mc. and Mms. Vince M. Mathewson and Bannie Curai are happy ta annaunce the arrivai of a baby brother, Seat W. H., at Momorial Hospital, Bowmanviile, on Octaber 4th, 1952, 7 lbs., 4 azs. 42-1* McCARTHY-Mr. and Mrs. Lea McCurthy (nee Helen Jones) are happy ta announce the birth of1 their son, Francis Josepbh ut St.: Joseph's Hospital, North B3ay, onl Manduy, October 6th. 42.1* ROWE-Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rowe (formerly Audrey Farrow) are happy to announce the arrivai of a son at Memorial Hospital, Bow- mnanville, on October 7, 1952. 42-1 STOUT - Mr. and Mrs. Jobn Stout wish to announce the birth of their son, Thomas Arthur, ut the Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, on September 24th, 1952. 42-1* YELLOWLEES-Harvey and Lois' Yellowlees (nee Larmer) wish to announce the birth of their daugl ter, Karen Lois, at the Mem6kriul Hospital, Bowmunville,Ï on October i4th, 1952. 42-1* MABRIAGE, CALDWELL-DUMAS - Mr. ar Mrs. L. S. Dumnas announce tI marriage of their daughter, Ru. Laverne, to John Allan Caldwe' son of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Cal( well, Napance, Ont., on Saturda Oct. 1l, 1952, at 2 o'clock atS John's Anglican Church, Bowmai ville, Ont. 42-1 ind he th el1, Id- S t. n- .1* * DEATHS BENNETT, Florence J.-At the Memomial Hospital, Bowmanvile, on Wednesday, Oct. 8, 1952, Flar- ence J. Bennett, belovod wife o! the late Thomas Bennett and dear mother of Thomas, at Toronto; Florence tMrs. Sidney Bond), of Bowmunville, and Alice (Mrs. W. Paterson) of Rockwood, in ber '76th year. Funerul was beld from Nortbcutt & Smitb Funoral Home, 53 Division St., Bowmanville on Saturday, Oct. 11, ut 3 p.m. be- terment Bowmanville Cemotey. 42-1 ELLIOTT-Suddenly as the re- suIt of an accident at Bowman- ville on Tuesday, Oct. 14, 1952, Christine Anne Elliott, dearly ]oved daughter of Blain and Gladys Elliott, aged 2 years and 10 manths. Resting at the Mor- riis Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville. Private service in the Chapel on 'Thursday at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Cernetory. 42-1 Articles For Sal le OZITE under-rug feit. Size 6 ft. 9 in. by 9 ft. Telephone 3502. 42-1 SPY apples. Earl Trewin, En- niskillen. Phone 2351. 42-1 FEW bags of cernent. Phone 2813. 42-1 GIRL'S Winter Coat, size 12. Tel- ephone 3452. 42-1 NEW and used tires, ail sizes. F. W. Hoskin, Blackstock. 41-2 BLUE female budgie; bird cage, stand and nesting box; will sli separately. 20 Lamb's Lune. 42-1 CHESTERFIELD Suite, wine and green, in excellent condition. Phone 2343. 42-1 QUAKER space heater; electric stove; man's bicycle. 99 King St. E. 42-1* WATER system installed; cow bowls. H. Partner, Tyrone. TeIe- phone 2240. 42-1 QUAKER ail heater, automuatic fan, excellent condition. Phone 3076. 42.1*1 BLACK Electrie Seul cout, in good condition. Appby 72 Duke St., or phone 2173. 42-11 JUNIOR set of New Health AI- uminum, less thun 2 yms. old. Tele- phone Bowmanville 2601. 42-1 MeIINTOSH apples, just a few bushels left. Cecil Tomlinson, Seugog St., phone 727. 42-1 ONTARIO potatoes, 50 and 75 lb. bugs, delivered ln Bowmanville. Phone 2473. 36-tf MEDIUM size Fess ail burmner, in- cluding pipes; used 6 mas. Phone 3072. 42-1 SPRAYING lime, ta clear out stock, 50c a bug. Bob Cule, Phone 476. 42-1* KNITTING wool, fine quality, 20c oz. Womk socks. Bowmanville Wool C., phone 3612. 42-1* BOX, wine winter, cout, size 16- 18, silver fox collar. Phono 2483. 42-1* GENTLEMAN'S overcout, size38 in perfect condition, $15. Tele- phono 3200. 42.1* YOUTH'S winter coat, suit, jacket size, 18; brown, almost new. A burgain. Phone 2943. 42.1* A bi Pl v NOKES - At Toronto Generai Hospital (as the rcsult of an accident) on Saturday, October llth, 1952, James Nokos, aged 26 years, bolox'ed husband of Jean Crossman and doar father of Jeffry. Service was held at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- ville, on Tuosdlay, October l4th, at 4 p.m. Intormont Oshawa Union Comietcry,. 42-1 WHITE, Ronald White - in bis 21st year, foster son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnson. Killed in action in Korca Wednesday, Oct. lst, 1952. 42-1* CARDS 0F THANKS Mr. and isW. H. Carruthers wish to express thieir thanks and appreciation ta ail those who s0 kindly remomnbered them on -ýhe occasion of their Gýolden Wedding Anniversary, Oct. 8th, with gifts, flowers, cards and messages of congratulation. 42-1 * I would like te extend sincere thanks to the nurses and staff of the Menorial Hospital and Drs. C. W. Élemon and Dr. Keith Slemion for' the kindly attention they gave nie during rny stay there and also express my apprec- iation ta friends, neighb;ours and3 Salemn Wornen's 'Association, fora the cards, fruit, flowers andr znuny other acts of kindness ex- tended to nie during my illness. Alfred Richards. p 42-1* t On behaîf of our son Ray Dud-S ley we wish to express our grate- r fui appreciation by suying "Thank You" to evervone who bas telephoned, sent letters, flowe rs and called at our home te extend C congratulations to Ray, and re- Io' joice with us in his success ut 1 o1 Geneva, lso a spe- b cia! thanks ta The Press and ta 1- Mayor Sidney Little. Mrs. J. H. C H. Jury, Mr. and Mrs. Norman 1H Scott and anx' others who sent R~ cablegrams. We have been over- il %%$helmned by Ontario*s interest. tc Sincerel ,Si Mr. and Mrs. C. il Dudley 1c and Noe1. U-1* lm AUTOMATIC three-speed corn- inatign radio and record player. Phone 3561, or apply 8 Orchard View Blvd. 4- ar cr *e 75 BUSHELS o! choice sugui mangoltis, ulso genuine leuthei storm-pmoof manes coat. PhonE 2337. 42-I4 NEW Congoleumn Rug; wood an' nex; double metal bed; small table; armchair, ail in good con- dition. Phone 3050. 42-J SWEET cider, aiso custom grind. ing. Apiy Brenton Darch, R. R. 4, Bowmanville. Phone 2298. 42-1 * DRY hamdwood, $18 cord; Slahs, $10 cord; dry Cedar, $10. Re- sawed ino stovewood lengths. De- livered. Phone Clarke 2530. 42-1 CANARIES. Guamanteed singers, Hens, aiso finches. Loveli, op- posite Shell gas station, Hampton, Ontario. 42-1* PIANOS-Selecled for quality. %Delivered, finaliced and guaran- teod. F. J. Mitchell, Tebephone 492. 42.1* MEDIUM size Quebec beater; aiso wanted ta buy small size space heater. Phone 2606. 42-1 DRY elm wood, debivered, $20 Cuesarea, Phone 104-r-32 Port Perry. 39-4* TIL.E CERAMIC -PLASTIC RUBRER .MARBOLEUM H.a. Heaf Phone 2902 Bowmanville 14-ti OT AC0 '52 MANURE SPREA]bERS WAGONS - PLOWS - ETC. F. IHoskin BLACKSTOCK 41-2 OT AC0 Te-Ducialloy - TeGuaranteed Plow Point F. IHoskin BLACKSTOCK 41-' Articles For Sale TWO Goodyear tractor tires-and tubes, 14 x28, only had 6 months' use, good as new, baUgain. F. Werry, Phone 2539. 42-1* EMPIRE jeep motor tractor, good. sell or trade for stockers; Bissel dises, $215; plows, wagons, wheel- barrows, spreaders. Carl Todd, Newtonville. 41l-2* 1951 McGINNISS Monarch Trail- er, i excellent condition, 20' long, 2 rooms. Essotane store. Phone Bowmanville 2206. M. McClure, c/o Reg. Rueland. 41-2* CABIN trailer, insulated, heater and rangette, cupboards and sink. Can be seen on Jackman Road, evenings or Saturday mornings. 42-1* TWO-FURROW plaw, three-fur- row plaw, wagon, 7 ft. disc, har- raws, Ford-Ferguson plow shares. Ail priced ta sel! ut H. Partner's, Tyronq, phone 2240. 42-1 LINOLEUM-Jaspe, Murboleum, -tule; ahl sizes, latest designs, best prices; printed instruction for luying supplied. H. G. Heal. Phone 2902. 39-tf NORGE Space Heuters, medium size, regular $129 for $109; large size, regular $149 for $129 ut Murpby's, 52 King St. W., Bow- manville, Phone 811. 42-1 SWEET Cider; Apples: Mcîntosh, Snow, Talman Sweet; Peurs: Bask, Fbemmish Beauty. Bring containers. Shaw's Market, fleur Kurv Inn. 42-2* VENETIAN BLINDS. 25 different colours o! tapes, 15 slat colours, Flexu]um. Aluminumn or - Steel, meusured and installed free o! charge. 'Phone 3121. Weber's Fabrie Centre. 17-tf RUGS - save up ta 11/ on new, reversible, Broadloomn rugs made fromn your aId woollens, clothing, curpets, etc. Ahl the batest Decorator shades. Phone 3446. 24-tf PLUMBING, Heuting and Oil Bumners installed anywhere in Durham County. Reusonuble rates and highest quulity. For free estimutes cali S. Bluin Elliott, Heuting, Plumbing & Tinsmithing, Phone 3348. 29-tf Remember Moiher . . Give hem a box of red berried HOL L Y AIl gif t wrapped for Christmas. for details Write THE C. D. MORRIS NURSERY %Real Estate For ËaIe FIVE-room, 11/2 storey, lovely brick home, close ta schools, churches and transportation. Hux 4-piece bath, fireplace, où furn. ace and modern kitchen. Apply 175 Church St. 41-tf We have a large Eist of furms and other busin'ess propositions. H. C. Pedwell, Newcastle Phone Clarke 38SSL Agent for W. J. Warren, Broker Agincourt 42-1 SCOTT REAL ESTATE $7200, five rooms on one floor, with large living room, nice brigbt kitchen with built-in cupboads, three bedrooms, hardwood floors and fir trim, bot air heating, eleet- rie water tank. Taxes only sev- enty-eight dollars. See this and muke offer. For a satisfactory deal list your property with us. We have first mortgage money ta boan. Donald Scott Real Estate 78 King St. West, Bowmanville Phone 665 or 2251 after five Mr. Symons. 42-1 DE WITH REAL ESTATE 50-acre farm, east of Orono, clay boum, good stone bouse, good barn, large supPly of wuter. Immed- iate possession. $6.000. Termns. 92-acre furm, west o! Pontypool, nearly ail level good land, bight dlay loam. 9-room hbouse, steel roof barn, ail in good condition, good fences, close ta schooi. Price $8,000. Temms. Immed- iate possession. Nice 6-room bouse on bighway, with 17 acres of land, whereof 10 acres orchard, ail fumnace, nicely decorated, three-piece batbroom, hamdwood fboors, modemn kitchen. Price $ 12,500. lmmediate posses- sion. New, nice 5-room bungalow, 4- piece tiled buthroom, bot and cobd running water, fumnace, modemn kitchen. Immediate possession. Price $8,000, Bakery in village, good business with shop. Price $10,000, includ- ed with two bute model trucks, inilements and'building. Terms. 8 rooms, solid frume bouse in village, burdwood fboors, new furnace, 3-piece bathroom, nicely decarated, double garage. Price $7,500. Terms. Possession ar- ranged. Service Station in Orono, near the new bîghway. Good oppamtunity for the right man. Price $5,500. LIMITED P.O. Box 5, Ocean Park, B.C. Wanted for clients, good flarms 40-8 and ulso homes in Bowmunvibbe. Several other farms, homes, etc. *For the Latest Papers John F. DeWIth, Broker *For the Finest Paints King Street, W. Newcastle, Ont. Phone 3341 -For the Best Workmanship 42-i S. G. PRESTON & SONNIO REL ST E PHONE 116 acres dlay loam, 2 barns, 2417 - 912 steel roofs, basement under bath 49-tf barns, 8-moom brick, bydro, furn- ace, nat far from chumch, school IKEL INA OB -,andstore. This farm bas neyer REFRGERA ORS een rented. Owner retiing. IREFRIC IRA ORS Posesson rrage. $13,000, .MORRIS Co. New Stock Just Arrived! For Immediate Delivery 8:*7 Cubic Foot Models from $299.75 ]EASY TERMS 42-2 eUSED Astral Refrigeratar, new unit, guaranteed 1 year, anly $79; Used Garrod Combination Tele- 9vision Set and Radio, 10" screen, complote with stand and guaran- teed $199; used 6-tube Combina- tion Addison Radia only $149; new Chrome Kitchen Sets, Extension Table and four chairs only $69.50; Coul Range, bike new, white enamel complote wit4 resorvoir and sheif $75; Used Rangettes $19.50; New Luda Sewing Ma- chine, complote withbhencb, reg- ular $259 for $179; 17 cu. ft. Deep- freeze Home Freezer, regular $699 for $599, ut Mur phy's, 52 King St. W., Bwmanvile, Phone 811. 42-I FIXTURES - Furnaces - Filters Fittings - Complote bathroom fixtures - Bath ('2 or 5'), basin, closet, paxvdex' room sots, white or color with cbromed fittîngs. Kitchen sinks, white or color - chromed fittings and kitchen sink cabinets for porcelain enamel drain hourd tops or plastic tops. Furnaces - coal and ail gruvity or air-conditioning with contraIs and replacing Fibreglas Filters for forced-air furnaces. Fittings and pipe in copper, cast iran, black and galvanized steel. Laun dry tubs, shower cabinets, eiec- trie ranges, mfrigorators, pres- sure systems, ail hurners. Free Catalogue. Write or visit our new --, moctrnsIowrooms. We dlvr 3 BURNER Caleman range, new you puy fia freigbt. S. V. Jobnson and in good condition; 2-gallon Pumhing Suipplies, Strcetsville, naptbu gus cao; Caleman space ntaria. 40-5 heuter, suituble for a garage, stave Pipes and elbows; tea kettle and Baby Sitters boiler and numerous other ar -_______________ ticles; Genemul.Electmic bouter, BET'%ir BERRILL. Phone M067.1 Slumber King bed springs, 3/4 size, 4- new; feuther muttress, severul 4- quilts and a sideboard; 2 coul ail uamPs, set o! irons. Apply G. Personal vfcKee, Nestleton Station. 42-1 i "SKINNY" Girls' Get Lovely ONE D.O. Case Tractor, 2 yeurs Curves! Gain 5 to 10 lbs, new pop. old; I D.O, Case Tractor, 4 years Try famous licaltb and weigbt- ld; I.H.C. 10-20 Tractor on rub- builder, Ostrex Tonic Tablets. oer; M.-M. Tructor on rubber: 1.I. îoductory " get-acquainted " H.C. Tractor on rubbem; 1931 siz ony 60. Al druggists. 42-1 Cbevmolet Sedan, Quaker Oil Houters; DeI4.val Water Systems, HYGIENIC SUPPLIES -,(rubber Refrigerators alxd Deepfmeeze Un- goods) mailed pbstpaid in plain s. On and alter Satumduy, Oc- seuled envelope with prîce Eist. tber 18 we will close ut 8 p.m. Six samples 25c, 24 sumples $1,00. atumduy nights. W. H. Brown, Mail Order 1Dcpt. T-28, Nov-ub- use Dealer. King St. W., Bow. - ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ot. nanvi.le- Phone 497. 42-1 2-31 92 acres clay boum, 2 haros stables, 9-room framo bouse, insu. ]ated, close ta schooi, garage, pri. vuteby owned. $8,000, terms. 100 acres dlay boum, 0ne barge barn, steel roof, 6-room frame bouse, hydro, plenty o! water, on a good moud, 6 miles from Osh- awa. $12,900, temms. Immediate possession. 4-room, insulated, hydro, built-in cupboards, range with ail, floor coverings, screens and starm doors. Immediate possession, $3,200. Attractive property approximate- ly 2/5 acre in village, 4-room frume dweîling, bydro, busement, fumnace, insulated, gardon, $5,000. Terms. 5-room new brick bungalow witb 2 acres, modemn kitchen, tiled bath, bot water heuting, full hasement, hardwood floors, fire- place, insuiated, $11,500. Terms. Garage and Service Station Golden opportunity for the right buyer, in the heurt o! good fumm- ing community, 5-raom apartment heuted witb bot water, $6.000, bal! cash, many extras can ho bought, close ta school and churcb. Other properties and lotÈ JAMES NIXON, BROKER 160 Liberty St., N., Bowmanville Phono 682 42.1* For Rent FURNISHED room, central locu- tion. Eut out. Phone 3413. 42.1* F'URN1SHED apartment, suituble for middle-aged couple with no children. Phono 2273. 42-1 COLD storage space available for appmaximutely 500-600 bushels o! appies. Phone 2227. 42-1 3-ROOM upurtment, partiaUly fur- nished, new]y decorated. Write Box 868 c/o Canadian Stutesman. 42-1 'URNISHED bouse in Pontypool, 6roomns, 3-piece bath, pontinuous hot wvater, hydro. $50 per month. Vrite Box 856, c/o The Cunudian Statesman, Bowmanville. 40-3 ON 7A Highwuy in the village o! Nestieton, 3-room upper duplex; ew ail fumnuce, air conditioned, leW 3-piece batbroom, baundry in asement, bard and soft wuter, iydro and telephone: suitable for couple: abstaîners only need ap- lyý. Applv Glad.,is McKee, Nestie- n Statiou. 42-1 .1 Reception Mr. and Mrs. J. Larmer, Burke- ton, will be at home to their friends on Oct. 26th from 2 - 4 in the afternoon and 7 - 9 in the ev- ening on the occasion of their 60th Wedding Anniversary. 42-1 Mr. and Mrs. W. J. E. Ormiston, 90 Church St., Bowmanvjlle, Ont., will be at home to their friends on Saturday, Oct. l8th, 1952, fromn 3 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. on the occasion of their Twenty- fifth wedding anniversary. 42-l* COMING EVENTS s G oo dy e ar Reereation Club -Euchre, Friday, Oct. 17, ut 8 p.m. -in Goodyear Recreution Hall. 42-1 1Reserve October 29th for Hot rTurkey Supper ut Courtice Unit- ted Church. 42-1 Shilob W. A. will hold their un- nual buzaur in the basement of Shiloh Church on Friday, October 24th ut 8:30. 42-1* Public Speuking Contest of Durlington Townsbip will be held in the basement of Hampton Church on Friday, Oct. 24th, ut 8 p.m. 42.1* Old Time and Modern Dance, tTyrone Community Hall, Sutur- 1day evening, Oct. 25th. Bryce Bmown's Orchestra. Auspices of L.O.L. Admission 50c. 42-2 St. Joseph's Holy Name Society Curd Party in Union Hall ut 8 p.m. on October 20, 1952. Admission 125e. Good prizes including bag of potutoes. 42-1* t1he Lions Club Community Auction will be beld on Satumday, October 25th. If you have somne. tbing you wish ta donute please telephone 520 for prompt pick-up. 38-tf Eurl e Grey Players present "Julius Cuesur" in the Town H-all, Bowmanville, November 15, 8:15 p.m., auspices Bawmunville B. & P. W. Club. Stud-n3s SOc, uduits $l.00.42-1 Long Sa t L7A. Bazuar will be 'held SaturÇay, Ocj, lB1th, in the school bouse ut 2:ý9. Home oooking, f ish pond, han d crochet- ing, knitting, etc. Afternaon tea will be semved. 42-1*_ Haydon Thankoffering Service this Sunduy, October 19 ut 7:30 p.m. Dr. George Telford, St. An- drew's, Oshawa, President o! Bay of Quinte Conference will be guest speaker. Music by the choir and Hampton Male Quartette. 42-I Mr. and Mrs. James T. Brown, of Newcastle, wili show their pictures October 17th ut 8:30, in Enniskîllen, in aid o! church. Elecutionary numbers by Gary Cole, music by Bowmanville talent. Admission 40c, 20c.412 Women's Canudian Club, Mon- day, October 20th, ut 3:30 p.m. in the Purisb Hall. Open meet- ing, 50c. Speaker: Thos. Hansen. November, Mrs. J. C. Marjori- banks, United Nations. Decem- ber, Canadian paetess, Edna Jaques. 42-1* Heur Ednu Jaques, popular Cao- adian Poot, open the United Chumch W. A. Buzaur and Tea, October 24th ut 2:15 p.m. in Blackstockc Community Hall, Fni- day, and present ber lecture ut 8 p.m. Everyone welcome. Ad- mission, Evening 25c. 42-1* Thunkoffering service ut En!ieîd United Church, Sunday, October I9th,, ut 7:30 p.m. Music by AI- monds Choir. Rev. G. D. Empey, Hampton, guest speaker. On Monday evening, Oct. 2Oth, ut 8 p.m. there will be a variety con- cert, cansisting o! musical num- bers, readings and a short camedy. Admission, Adults 50c, Chiidren .Help Wanted MEN Wanted. Apply Brookdale- Kingsway Nurseries, near C.N.R. Station. 42-5 CLEANING woman to corne by the day, preferably Fridays. Ap- ply Dr. C. J. Austin, phone 584. -12- 1 EXPERIENCED girl or woman wanted for general housework. Live in. Apply in writing to P.O. Box 15, Bowmanville. RAWLEIGH business now open in Bowmanville. Trade well es- tablished. Excellent opportunity. Full time. Write at once. Raw- leigh's Dept. ML-J-140-189, Mont- real. 40-3 DOUBLE your income. SelI cos- metics, tonics, liniments, cough and cold remedies, sundry medi- cines, cosmetie products. Full or part time dealers wanted in your surroundings - neither capital nor experience needed. Write for free detais and catalogue. Fam- ilex, 1600 a Delorimier, Montreal. 42-1 1. Single Salin Colt. 2. Sem-Annuai Payments. 3. SeIect.d Careful Driugri. 4. Sauings Shared Msitually. DIRK BRINKMAN R.R. 3, BURKETON Phone 78-r-42 Port Perry State Farn Mutual Automobile Insurauce Co. 42i PAINTING PAPER HANGING Fuil Seleetion of -PATR4LAC FAINTS and PAPERS -FREE ESTIMATES - Howard S. Brooking PHIONE 2702 42-tf Bepairs REPAIRS toalal makes of refri- erators, domestie and commercial; milking coolers. Higgori EIec- trie, 42 Kin.- St. E., Phone 438. 25-tf SHO 0E REPAIRS FAST SERVICE on ALL SHOE REPAIRS Two excellent shoe repair men at your service. Lloyd Ellis Shoe ]Repair 39 King St. WV. Bowmanville Cars For Sale 1948 PLYMOUTH{ Coach. Tele- phone 3569. 42-1* 50 PREFECT, can be seen after 5 p.m., E. D. Knapp, Middle Rd., Bowmanville. Phone 2916, 49-1* '36 CHEV. Coach, in good condi- tion, cheap for quick sale. Mrs. G. Carnochan, Burketon, Phone 2854. 42-1 '47 CHEV. Club Coupe,- radio, heater and dofroster, excellent condition. Apply H. S. Brooking, '49 G.M.C. :î4'ton~ PICKUP, with new tires, A-i condition, com- plete with stock rack. Joe Craw- ford, Hampton, Phono 2552. 41-2* SAVE YOUR BUCKS ON CARS and TIRUCKS 52 Cadi]lac 62- Black -- ---- 42 Pontiac ------- 395 46 Chev. Sedan 995 47 Pontiac Sedan ----- ---- 1195 47 Chev. Sedan -------- 1195 49 Ford Tudor - -------- 1195 49 Monarch Sedan ----- 1395 49 Chev. Sedun ------ 1395 50 Chev. Coach -------- - 1595 49 Austin Coach---------- --- 595 51 Pontiac Sedan ----------- 1795 51 Morris Oxford -1185----- 47 Dodge Dump ____695 46 Mercury Dump, Rebuilt Motor 595 50 Austin Station Wagon 995 ""STEW" STEWART PHONE CLARKE 2020 N E W T0N VIL L E 42-1 Room and Board- ROOM and hourd wanted for quiet young mn. Phon 447. 42-1 Room and board wanted. Board optional. Witb middie-aged lady. Write Box 867 c/o Canadian .1L Statesmali. 42.1* y S, Is k- y EXCELLENT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FOR YOUNG MAN 18 TO 2ý Must be neat in appearance - of good character - ambitious and anxious ta learn rnen's clothing and haberdashery business and ta eventually manage men's store in Bowmanville. For the right man this is a wonderf ul opportunity. Apply in person to M. BRESLIN, Bowmanville. Take Advantage of These Trade-in Bargains THIS WEEK'S FEATURE Slightly -Used Crossley TELEVISION (Guaranteed) $199.95 Westinghouse Console RADIO- $75.00 (Pusb-Button) Like New Crossley Console Radio - - -. $50-00 (Push-Button) Lovely Cabinet 2 SLIGHTLY USED Large Size OIL SPACE EATERS $75.00 1 Servis WASHING MACHINE,. $179.95. (Used 2 months) Regular $219.95 i THIS WEEK'S 2nd FEATURE 1New Ingersol! WASHING MACHINE Regular $129.95 ---_____- $99.95 TheT.V. SHOP 33 KJNG ST. W. BOWMANVILLE Notices Readings, afternoons only. 19 East Beach. 42-1 Bowmanville Boy Scout Asso-I"N ciation will hold its annual Apple Day on Saturday, Oct. 18. Pro*l ceeds of the apple sale will help furnish the new Scout Room in the Lions Community Centre. 42-1 "The Harvey Dance Academy" Register for Ballet,;Toe and Tap Tuesdays, 4 - 7 p.m., Union Hall, 19 King St. East, Bowinanville. Mary Brotherhood - Irenie Har. vey, A.C.C.M., R.M.T. 41-2* Nursing Service STRATHAVEN Restholme, Home for the Aged, Invalids, Bed Pat- ients, 264 King St. E., Bowman- ville. Formerly the Glenn-Larra Tourist Home. E. Alice Hodgert, Phone 555. 41-tf Lost MAN'S C.C .M. bicycle, balloon tires, maroon, rose trim, valued as gift. Phone 3050. 42-1 ONE spring Holstein heifer, with a rope on its neck. About a week ago. Phone 5 r 15 Orono collect. .11* WALLETT, in the vicinity of Bank of Commerce, sum of money, valuable papers, driv- ing permit, ownershîp cards. Finder may keep the money. PIease mail to G. S. Kovacs, Ty- rone, or leave at Police Station. Worlk Wanted Reliable woman for baby sitting. 72 Duke St., phone 2173. 42-1 FOR bulldozing, grading, excavat- ing, etc., caîl Taylor Bros., Osh- awa 3-3831 or Whitby 2687. 18-tf DARLINGTGN Abattoir, Hamp- ton, for custom killing. Phone 3243. 32-tf INSULATION-Blowing imethod, with rock wool; workmanship guaranteed. Froe estimates. Harry L. Wade, phone Clarke 2420. 42-4* STRYROTILE plastic wall tile, installed in your kitchen and bathroom walls. Phone M. Jurko, 2753. 41-4'* NASONRY Brick - Block - Concrete Chimneys - Cellars Sidewalks -GENERAL REPAIRS - Competent Workmanshilb Free Estimates Phone 2643 41-2 BULLDOZING AND EXCAVATING By Hour or Contract - Free Estimates Given - Win. Tripp PORT FERRY R.R. 2 PIIONE 109-r-42 14-tf CONCRETE .and MASON WORK BRICK and BLOCK FOUNDATIONS, FLOORS, WALKS, ETC. - Estimates Free - L. TURNER Tenders Wcmted Township of Darlinglon TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up ta 12 o'clock noon Thursduy, November 6th, for mun with a truck of three tons or more for the purpose o! snow- plowing in the Township of Dur- lington through the winter of r1952 and 1953, tenders ta state price by the boum. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Signed: J. D. HOGARTH, Clerk, Humpton, Ontario. 41-2 Livestock For Sale PURE-BRED Leicester ram lambs. Phone 28le 42-1 LEICESTER RAM. Phone Orono 84rl. 42-1 NINE young pigs, 7 weeks aId. Phone Clarke 4130. 42-1 * y O U N G TAMWORTH boum. ready for service. Phone 2904. v 42-1 TEN good chunks o! pigs, il weeks old. ,.Apply J. Porter, Betbany. 42-2* PURE-BRED L.eicester ram and ewe lambs; 50 Yorkshire pigs 6 ta 8 weeks old. Keith Van Camp, Blackstock. Phone Port Perry 197-32. 42-1* Wanted To Buy QUANTITY of mixed hay. Phone 2793, Bowmanville. 421* CEDAR posts, 4" 8" top, uny quantity. Write Box 852, c/o Statesman Office. 40-3* WANTED -Live poultry, goase feathers, feàther ticks,'scrap iron, nd metals. Phone 3-2043 Osbawa colleet. 29-16 BEFORE sellng your live poultry try us. Our prices are higher. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, Phone 7 r 13. reverse charges. 51-tf ORGAN and small piano urgently needed. Will pay cash. State price and phone number. Write Box 851, c/o Canadian Statesman. 40-4 Wanted To fient HOU E txmgently required in or near Bowmanville by December Ist. Phone 881. 42-4 HOUSE or apartment, capable young couple with one td Phone 2643. 42- E{OUSE or fiat, 5 or 6 rooms, Bowmanville or vicinity. Box 866, co Canadian Statesman. 42-2 LJRGENTLY NEEDED - House. apartment, or ut least 4 rooms, in or near Orono or Newcastle. Tele- Phone Orono 44 r 16. 42-1* Pets For Sale COLLIE pups, black and white, ood cattle strain. Apply Oscar MecQuade, phone Port Perry 195r4. Poultry For Sale 50 NEW Hampshire pullets, just ready to lay, Phone 2900..ý 42-1 S.C. WHITE Leghorn and Barred Rock pullets, ready to lay. H. J. Brooks, Phone 2636. , 40-tf 40 BARRED Rock hens, betweexn 5 and 6 mos. old, starting to Iay, .$2.00 apiece. Phone 936. 42-1* Room and Board ROOM and board available for one or two gentlemen. Phone 669. 42-1 DANCING Saturday Nighl t 1 - 1 - 1 iý 1. MGE FOURTEEN TRE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOVMANVMLLF. ONTAIM a Murray Alter and his ORCHESTRA ai VARCOE'S Dancing 9 to 12 1 PHONE 3231 BOX 1271 33 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE

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