PAGE ETGHT THE CANADIAN ~TATESMAN. BOWMANVTLLE. ONTARTO 'rHURSDAY. OCTOBER 16. 1952 Cartwright Agriculture Society Holds Fine Fair at Blackstock Although rain threatencd most ]or. 2 and 3 R. Cochrane, 4 C. Wil- Lac ev.G. Coci anc Single on! of the day. Cartwright Agricul- son: Single crn Run- W. Shae: Rua '-F. Baldwvmn, R. Saddler. G.' tural Society was able to com- Best Ag-ricultural Tcam t(Eatons Cochirane; Saddle- - Nelson Bal1- plete a most successful fair at Slver Piated Entree Ds .lant.vre, H. Micheil. Webster Bros. Blackstock recently. Entries in Shae; Best Horse on Grounds-WX. PONIES r#ost classes of livestock and oth- Shae. BodMr olb ieL er exhibits wc'rc numerous and Ra rCraeo atr .Blîght 2ad 3R. cha n e;L of good quaiity while the coter- Ra rCrig nHle:M lgt )ad3R ohae taimet ad ace i frntof heBrood Mare foal by side-- i Mlii- Ponv Foal - 1 and 3 Rav Coc-h- grandstand w e re outstaoding. ton Lace 'v, R. Cochrane; 2-ycar- rane; Single in lIarness, fo ak President Neil Malcolm exrssdoid Colt Ralph Sadriler, Frani: nie'ý-. IM. Blight, Webstcr Bros., his thanks to the many xý ho at- Baldwin: I- a-l Colt - G., M. ai-d D. Burton: Sinigle in Har- tended and heiped toxvard ils suc- Coch rane, M. Lacc\ : Foui by sie incss. Iilackney - L. M. Biight, cess. The prize iist folloxvsÇ: of mother--R. Saddler, M. Lacey, Webstcr Bros.; Ponnv Single in 1____ R. Cochrane, G. Cochrane; Road- HIarniess R. SaddJler, " and 31 HORSES ster Team-Bill Rcid. Ivan Coch- Margarct and Don .'n Burton; rane, M. Laccv: Carniage Team- Single Saddie M. alid D. Bor- Light Draft on Halter: Brood 1l and 3 R. Saàdder. 2 F. Baldwin; ton. L. M. Blight, Wehster Bros; Mare. foal by side-Wilmot Shae; Pon.v Team- L. Mý. Biight. Web- Pornv Race-1, 2, and 3 -. Micheli; Two-year-old Gciding or Fily,,. ster Bros. Ray Cochrane; Road-, Osmiond Wright Speciai, Pony W. Shac; One-year-old Gelding or ster Singýle uinder 151 --I. Coch- Tanidem -L. M. Biight. Filly-W. Shac: Foal bY side o,' rane., B. Reidi. G. Cochrane, M. FamFot- ane cnig mother-W. Shae, Russel Coch- FRat-riigi ve i'Yone Greees, NaneVenning, rane. --G. Cochrane, B. Reed .3 and 4 Alla, i-~Bailey. Commercial, Percheron or Bei- 1. Cochrane; Carniage Single un- icceRce eirs-Fe gian on Haiter: One-.,year-old geld- derl5 1 and .3 R. SacUder, "2 cte RaeSiors B -ll eon ing or filly-W. Shae: Yeid Mare F. Baldwxin: Canniage Single oven unos cdicAtun oni or Gelding-I and 2 W. Shae, 3 Ii'2iand :3 R. Sadciler, -2 F.ý Leonard Stephenson. Baldwin: Gentleman's Turtl)Skn, aviIKye, arr o- Harness Class: Percheron or F. BalcKlwin I. Cochrane, G. Coch- kmn. Belgian Team-I and 3-R. Coch- rane; Lady Driver--I and 2 L. M (': ATTLE ran, 2 L. Stephenson;: Commercial Biit Datnghters, Il 1, Baldwin: Shorthorn, Rr'gisterei: Bull 2- Team-l. and 4 R. Cochran, 2 Sinzlc! 3-veani-old in i'arncs -R.yn. and up--Gannet Riekard, Les Scott Taylor, 3 Cccii Wilson: 4- Saddler; Single,.r)O',' Spee .51'Taylion: Bull 1 vr. and under-G. horse Team-1 W. Shae. 2 L. Ste- Qîit G. Cochrane, 2 and .3 Rie.kard, 2 and :3 L. Tay lor'; Coxv phenson and R. Cochrarne: Coin- I. Cochraîue: Reaidie' ,-Tcan 5'l;1,giving ml and2 G. Rickard, mnerciai Single Horse-1 S. Tay- Speed. 5(),, aiv He . lM. :> L. Tay on; leifer 2 'is. old G. I ickard, N. Tavior, L. Taylor; _______________________________________________________ Heufen I1 r. Old--I and 2 G. Rick. ard, Bill Fergcîson; H1eifen Caif - 1. '2) and 3--J0ili Rkard; Bull, Calif .1. Riekard, L. Tayvlor, G.1 Special Low Rates Shorthoro Grades: Cow giving mlk L. Taylor. P. Van Camp, N. Taylor: 1-Iifen 2 vr. oid-L. Tay- - I]or, P. Van Camp: Heifer 1 '.r. oid on I-p-lIand 2" L. Taylior, P. Van Camp; on Trips!Heier Caîf -P. Van Camp, 2 and :L. Tayvlor. Aberdneeîi Angfus - Malcolmn Bailcyavardec llhpnizes, except- No matter what the occasioniL i is vcry in- 'Foin Duif 2ncl on Bull Caîf. economical to travel by taxi to your (lestitiati<)n. Hleneford: Bull over 2-G. Shae, 'Cox giving milk 1 and 2 G. Cail us to-day and sec how cheap it is to travel Shae: Heifer Cal[ -1ianîd 2 G.j by taxi. Shae; Bull Caif-G. Shae, L. liosevear; Best Fat Steer -M i Bailey, G. Rickard, T. Duff; Bcst Phone 561 for a Cab Nighf or Day Herd Sire-M. Bailey; Bcst Herd -M. Bailey, G. Riekard. Holosteins: Bull 1 yr. and under 04 '-2-Earl Dorrell and Sons; Cow,, ,,iitg nnilk--l and ) Howard Tre-1 Th R diLCbinder 2-H. Trewin; E. Drel -1and 2-H. Trexvin, E. Dorrel: I ? Z P .E . _ H1-. Tuewiiu, E.Dorreli! I Licc Af'ed Rani-N. '4. .5' k q The infantry machine gunners The Canadian Infantry Soliîr is a vital ~ part of our expanding defence forces. Ini Korea hielbas built a wondcrfui reptîtation for hi., courage and ahilitv. '\Nhercxcr he goes, the Canadian Soldier lias a vvav of vvionin- frienids- of imprcssing both friend andi foc -with hlus out,,tanding training and soldicrlv qualîties. 'Flic Infantrv NMachine Gunners arc aîn integral part of the (Jan.di.un inf.sntry regimients. \\ith their heav and accuruc fine pov en. the lnfantrv \Machine Gutiners have tine and a.g.iiîo in Korca pros cd hovw extremeclv important the%- ine in attack and defence. Play vour part in Cantada*s most important huies odaN defence. You arc eligible if ý ou are: 1 - to il) ve,îrs of .sge. ( trîde1(sîncl to 45), phy sicafis fit and readv w s ý,rx aexsshcîrc. Apply to the nearest Recruiting Depof: No. 13 Personnel Depot, Wallis House, Rideau & Charlotte Sis., Ottawa, Ont. No. 5 Personnel Depot, Artillery Park, Bagot Street, Kingston, Ont. Coadian Army Recruiting Station, 90 Richmond St. W., Toronto, Ont. Na. 7 Personnel Depot, -Wolseley Barracki, Oxford & Elizabeth Si) , London, Ont. Army Recruiting Centre, 230 Main Street West, North Bay, Ont. Army Recruiting Centre, James St. Armoury, 200 James St. N., Hamilton, Ont. AîZUW-0 CANAD IAN ARMY ACTIVE FORCE/F#w/ Green & Sons, P. VanCamp. Foundrymen Get Shearling Ram-G. Larmer, 2 and 3 N. Green; Ram Lamb-1 and 3 5c Hour Increase N. Green, 2 P. VanCamp: AgedT N w C nrc Ewe-l and 3 N. Green, 2 PIn ewfltrc VanCamp: Shearling Ewe-l1 and a~ 3 P. VanCamp, 2 N. Green; Ewe Some 75 emplovees of Bowman- Lamb-P. VanCamp, N. Green, G. ville Foundry are now working Larmer. under a new contract xvhich in- Shropshire: Harold Skinner a- corporates a wage increase of five warded ail prizes. cents an hour. Southdown: Lloyd Ayre a-j The new agreement, signed by %varded ail prizes. the companyv and Local 2375 of Oxfords: Aged Ram-i and 2! the United 'Steelworkers of Am- F. Trexvin: Shearling Ram-i and erica (C.I.O.), boosts the basic 2 H. Skinner; Rami Lamb-l and hourly rate to $1.19. 2_ F. Trcwin, 3 H. Skinner; Aged Th 5ouwrkekwilb Exve -Iand 3 H. Skinner, 2 F. oThned5aosrwork thek vion b Trewin: Shearling Ewe-I and 2cteaine as xiihe vacation 1-. Skinner, 3 F. Trewjn: we-trm une whc emoee Lamb-l and 2 F. Trewin, 3EHe vith less than five years' service Skinner. 3H are given a wcek's holiday, and cHampshire: Aged Ram-R. B. those over five years have two I laspeil, Milton Fisher: Shearling .ek annualiv. There will be 1 Ram-i and 3 R. B. Giaspel. 2 eight paid holidays this year. M. Fisher; Ram Lamb-1 and Î The terms of the agrecmenit are R. B. Glaspeli, 2 M. Fisher; Aged to be made retroactive to Sept. 1, Ewe-i and 3 R. B. Giaspeli, 2 M. 1952. Filsher: Shearling Ewe-i and 3 Signing for the company were R. B. Giaspeil, 2 M. Fisher; Ewe T. F. Rehder, production mana- Lanb-l and 3 R. B. Glaspeli, 2 ger, and L. C. Rehder. secretary- M. Fisher. treasurer. Those signing for the Market Lamb, any breed-L. union were R. A. Sudds, C. G. Ayre, H. Skinner, R. B. Glaspeli; Wilson, T. J. Webb, C. E. Morris, Maret2amblexihie bsbo H. S. Coutts and M. J. Fenwick. under 1-Iand 2G 1spil.,3 F. Trewin & Son; Best Flock of Shecp (Bresl;in Special) -L. Ayre,1 Snowdens Honored R.B.Glsi~~win By Congregation On R.Yorkshire: Boar-P. VanCamp, Leaving Mission Field R.Larmer, E. Dorreil; Sow-P. VanCamp, E. Dorrell. R, Larmer; Boar, ovcr 3 and under 7-1. and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Snowden, ') P. VanCamp: Soxv, over .3 and (nee Anna Johns), have retùirn- undcî 7.--i and 2 P. VanCamp, cd from spending the summer at 3 R. Lar-mer: Ilerd, 1 maie and3 Glen Ewen. Sask., where Mr. femais-P. VanCamp. Snowden has been carrying on Tamnworth: Fred Trcwin awarc7b missionary work in behaif of the cd ail prizes. United Church of Canada. He has Poultry Plymouth Rock, Cock-E. Bre- thoun; Plymouth Hen-E. Bre- thour, Mrs. D. Edwards; Plymouth 1 ock, Cockerel - E. Brethour, Mrs. D. Edl,%ards: Plymouth Rock, Puliet-Mrs. Edwards, E. Bre- thour; New Hampsh ire, Cock- N. Taylor, E. Brethou-; Newv Hlampshýire. U7en-E. Bnethou-, MVickey Oliver; New Hampshire, Cocherel - E. Brethour; New Hampshire, Pullet-Mrs. Edxvards, P. VanCamp; White Leghorn, Cock-E. Brcthour; White Leg- horn, 1-en--E. Brethour. Allan Bailey; White Leghonn, Cockenel -A. Bailey; White Leghorn, Pul- let-E. Brethour; Light Sussex, Hen-E. Brethour, M. Oliver; Light Sussex, Cockerel-E. Bre- thour; Light Sussex, Pullet-E. Brethour, Mrs. D. Edwards. Gander-N. Taylor. L. Me- LaughIliii: Goose-E. Brethour, L. McLaughlin; Drake-E. Brethoun, M. Oliver; Dock-E. Brethoor, M. Oliver; Pen Chickens-Mrs. Ed- wards, A. B3ailey. Vegetables and Roots Early Potatoes-L. McLaughlin; Late Potatoes - L. McLaughlin, Mrs. N. Green, Mrs. C. W. Hut- ton; Turnips, Feed-Mrs. D. Ed- %vards, E. Brethîour, N. Taylor, Turnips, Table-E. Brethouir, Mrs. Edxvards, Bill Ferguson; Cannots, Table-H. Swain, B. Ferguson, A. B'aiiey; Cabbage, Winter-Verna iL1armer, Mrs. Leith Byers, H. :.w\ain; Hubhard Squash-Allan aiyH. Swain, Mrs. G. Baird; Pumiipkitis-B. Ferguson, Mrs. H. McLaki,,hio, G. Larmer; Beets- Mrs. Byers, A. Baiiey. N. Taylor; Onions, Dutch Sets--V. Larnier, Mrs. N. Green, A. Baiiey; Onions, Spanish-Mrs. Edwards, Mrs. N. Green, A. Bailcy; Mangolds, Red -E. Brethour; Mangolds, White- E. Brethoun. A. Bailcy: Mangolds. A.O.V.-E. Brethoun, G. Larmer, B. Ferguson; Tomatoes-H. Swain, Mns. N. Malcolm, Mrs. H. Me- Latighiin; W a t ermelons - H. Swain, V. Larmer, Mrs. Edwards; Citrons--Mrs. G. Baird, E. Bre- thour, A. Bailey; Table Coro.--B. Fenguson, V. Larmen; Sheaf En- siaeCon L. McLaughlin, G. Larmer; Col]. of Vegetahles.-V. Larmen, N. Taylor. Mrs. C. W. Hutton; Cabbage, FaîllA. tailey, E. Brethour, Mrs. McLaughlin; Parso ips-E. Brethour, N. Tay- lor, Mrs. McLaughiin. (To be continued next xveek) A Qucen Consort is the wife or a reig-ning king. Slash truck tire cosis wit h G00%/VEAR MARATHON Come in soon and let us equip your truck with long- mileage, îow- priced Goodyear Marathons! They run and Run and RUN!1 LOOK FOR THIS "MIGH SIGN" 0F QUALITY -z ~' '~% 9fR4. already resumed his studies at1 Emmanuel College. Toronto. Stanley is a son of Lloyd Snow- den of Maple Grove. Evidently Mr. and Mrs. Snow- den did good work while in Sask- atchewan and their efforts were appreciated judging from the fol- lowing items appearing in thec Herald of Oxbow, Sask.1 "After the regular choir prac- tice at the home of Mr. and Mrs.1 J. Ebert, a social hour was en- joyed in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Snowden prior to their departure. They both have taken great interest ini the choir's acti-1 vities. A presentation of sev eral pieces of china was made to the i popular couple and a deliciaus lunch was served. "On Sunday morning Calvin church was filied ta capacity, it being Mr. Snowden's last sermon in the field before leaving for the East where he will enter Emman- uel Coliege, Toronto, for his thea- logical training. In the evening the United Church was filled and a "Fireside Hour" was enjoyed by the large congregation. Several selections were sung by the choir also by the entire congregation. Mr. Snowden showed a number of pictures he had taken on his way, also local photos at Glen Exvcn, Oxbow and surrounding districts as well as Regina. The gathering despersed after singing "God Be With You Till We Meet Again", and prayer. ZION (Intended for last week) Zion \V.A, met at the home of Mns. Jack MacNab, Hampton, Oct. ist. Twenty-two members and 6 visitors were present. Mrs. Fice opened the meeting with a poem, "My Tapestry". Mrs. J. W. Bal- son had charge of the devotional. A story on "The Constancy of Love" was read. Roll caîl was an- swered by a "Thanksgivin thought". Harvest Home Anniver- sary Service will be at 2:30 p.m. Oct. 19. Rev. D. J. Lute, Tyrohe, wili be guest speaker and the W.A. Ladies' Choir will furnish the mu- sic. On Thursday evening, Oct. 23, the play, "Aaron Slick from Pun- kmn Crick" will be presented by Burketon. November meetingi will be a Missionary meeting. The foilowing program was given: Piano solos by Audrey MacNab, reading by Mrs. Mountjoy, "Le- vinsky at the Wedding"; paper on "Our Duties to Our Neigh- hors" by Mrs. Albert Balson, Sa- lina; reading Mrs. J. W. Balson; vocal solos, "Prayer Perfect" and "Smiiin' Thru" by Mrs. Foster Snowden, Kedron, accompanied by Mrs. Keith Billett. The group, Mrs. J. W. Balson, Mrs. J. Mac- Nab, Mrs. G. Trevail served a bounteous lunch. Mrs. A. Thomp- son extended a vote of thanks to Mrs. MacNab for opening her home for the meeting and al those who took part on the pro- gram. Mrs. A. Knopsel, Toronto, is holidaying at Hans Geissberger's. Mr. and Mrs. James McMasten, Ashton and Biliy, Millbrook, at Harvey Baison's. Oshawa. Satu Alex McMaster's. day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Robert KiU~n Miss Isia Barker, Miss 'Mr. and Mrs. George Killen, Mrs t Battie and nephew, Oshawa, at Wes Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Ae catr' Nemis, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nemis, attended a shower for Miss Win- Erc y'oL consuit fancy, consuit nie Powers and James Kilien at your purse.-Franklin. SASH - DOORS LIME BRICK CEMENT PLASTER ROOFING INSULATION FLOORING - TRIM $LUMEH Co. 1IE TEN-TEST ARBORITE DURATILE 'MASONITE SIIEETROCK GREENBOARD PREi'IT WINDO'W Fr..Xl'IJý, WE DELIVER Phone - 715 SHEPPAR. t.?C~ILL Lumber Ce. Limite 1 96 KING ST. E. BOWMIANVILLE -~ p r You' hof aniazsd at So Buick sales are booming. Not ju! ( the Ct'STOM-bUt also the SUPER and ROADMASTER. Folks find that cacla one is the buv in its fleld. When we tell you that business is great, we can back up that statement with figures. More people are buying Buicks than any other car at their price or above. Why don't you corne in and sec for yourself what's behind this popularitv? If you can afford a new car, pou can be the proud owncr of a Buick. A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Equipment, accesries, Iriez and rnod/cI. are oi/.jcÉ 1tochange u itholit botice. *Dy,,aflow Drii e and Wheel Cre)is standard on I&adnasicr, opItional at extra cost on ailier series. 0 T ODAY«S market conditions are the kind in which Buick really shines. Do you know why? Buick prîces start down within easy reach of the folks -who, in the past, have been in the habit of buying lowcr- priced cars. Fact is-a big chunk of Buick sales now cornes from the, folks who trade in one of these lower-priced cars. For very few extra dollars, they're getting a lot more automobile. They're getting more power-and the thrill that goes with it. They're getting "big-car" comfort. They're getting a ride that cost a million dollars and more to develop. They like the room, the fabrics, the extra appointments thev find in the smart-stepping beauty pictured here. And they like Dynaflow Drive.* They like the wav it handies. They like the way it's engineered. They like the satisfaction they get out of touching off the power of its Firebail 8 Engine-and they like the miles they get from a gallon of fuel. BUICK SUPER M-852 B 166 Ring si. E. EtBS ON PONTIAC AND BUICK CARS ,./4",' BUICK ROADMASTER Suien hetruto b ilsa.e2uf MOl aidTORS - G. M. C. TRUCKS Phone 585 Ma r ýROBSON MOTORS PHONE:'585 PONTIAC - BUICK 1sÀlll Il SERVICE 'PAGE BIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVTLLE. ONTARIO THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1952