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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Oct 1952, p. 13

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-- - - --------.. -- .. ----. . --s .4-..-- FAC1I THIBTEEN TE! CMfADIAI< MTAT!~fAt ~O1MANvW.T~v A~AUR Th me lNewcasfle Independeni k taret Ath Telephone 2311 Newcastle Mr. and Mrs. George Smith irf 1 day and left for New York, where comàpany wîth Mrs. Evans, Orono, 1.e wlll spend the winter. hjPnt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Fred Treleaven, Toronto, W i1 Glass and attended Kendai visited Mr. and Mrs, Bill Trelea- thurch special services, yen, 'Elmhurst Hotel." Last Thursday the family of We are glad to hear that Mrs. Mr'. H. T. Manes gathered at his Reg. Meadows is progresslng homie on Church St. to fete him nicely after her operation in on hîs 84th birthday. Out-of-town Memoriai Hospital, Bowmanville.1 guests were Mr. and Mrs. Tracey Good luck to Bill Holubenko in Ml nos Jr., Leaside, and Mr. and' pursueing his studies at Queen's ts. H. A. Gray, Oshawa. University, Kingston. ~n Sunday, Mrs. Mary Stevens Mrs. Lena Law, Toronto, spent -1ertained her mother's Mrs. the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Brown's, famiiy on Mrs. Ce. egsn Brown's 86th birthday. Mr. H. T. Manes, Mrm. J. Em- W. are glad to iearn that the biey, Miss M. Oldfield. Mr. and màanY cases of mumps in the vil- Mrs. Ross Embley and Sandra and lage have been cleared up pretty Mr. and Mrs. Tracey Embiey well. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrm. We are sorry to iearn that Mrs. E. M. Parka at Ameliasburg. Alex Adair has been ili and con On Sunday afternoon Mm. iined to hem bed. Murray Waiton (Audrey Cora) Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rice and and her son, Theodore (Teddy) chlldren, Bowmanviile, spent -Murray, were christened in St. Sunday afternoon with Mr.aNd George's Anglican Church by Mrs. Chris Law. Rev. D. R. Dewdnev. Miss Barbara Bonathan, R.N.- NEWCASTLE W.C.T.U. left this week by car for Vancou- W.C.T.U. met October 16 at the ver. B.C.. where she has accept- homne of Mrs . W. Beman with pre- ed a position in a militarv hospi- sident Miss E. M. Blackburn in tai there.: charge. "Thanksgi-ving" was the Mrs. George Smith spent Mon-, themne of the devotional service day. with Mr. and Mrs. George! coînsisting of scripture and medi- Stapleton, Newtonville. tation bx' Mrs. T. Toms, prayer C.N.R. agent Mr. Percy Hare by Mrs. Bemnan. A splendid so lo and Mrs. Mare, are away on vaca- was given by Mrs. Percy Brown. tion and in Mr. Hare's absence Mrs. Beman gave a report fram Mr. Owen Brown is relieving. Dr. Kagawa, Japan, who says Mr. Walter Douglas closed his "After fifteen years of life in the home on King St. last Wednes- slurns, I arn convinced that two things are responsible for ail the Four Generations sin and shame which reign there -lîquor and social disease". "Moderate drinking" was the subject under discussion and was ably conducted by Mrs. H. Pearce. There can be no detinition of mod- e rate drinking because for one1 persbon it mnay mean an occasionalz glass and for anather several glasses a day so long as he is nota intoxicated. It is impossible ta fixt a quantity standard and the per-2 sonal decision of a man's owni moderation has ta be made when hit own power of judgmnent has been confused by his drinking. V There is no stage in a person's dinking that can be called safe- ty zone. The outcome of the first t drink can neyer be predicted. Why take the risk? The first drink breaks the habit of totale abstinence. - LIONS CLUB NEWS r Pictured above are back row, Ieft ta right, Mrs. Ross Embley, hgrmother, Mrs. T. W. Enwright; ed Mrs. Enwright's mother, 4* J. J. McCandless, and in front, Sandra Embiey, represent- ing four genemations, three of which reside in Newcastle. Mrs. McCandless lives in Strathroy to bv hi ch she has just returned after ppending several weeks in New- castle with Mr. and Mrs. En- wright. Stafford Bros. Monumental Works Phone Whltby 552 319 Dundas St. E., Whitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Precise workmanship and caret ul attention to detail are your assurance when you choose fromn the wide selection of imported 'and domnestie Granites and Marbles in stock. Home bmew talent was the tes tume o! the Lions Club meetini on Thursday at the Queen's Mo tel. Lion Dr. Sam Witzel was th( speaker and discoumsed with grea, interest the contentiaus questior 7o! state contmolled medicine anc npainted out unattractive event which could develop tram sudh a program. Lion Sam's arguments were well delivered and ho spoke with the knowledge , that cornes ronly from a study o! the subject. Vice-president John Rickarc occupied the chair in the continu. ed absence o! president George Walton whose complote recavery is constantly hoped for. Plans weme pmesented for the annual Hallowe'en party anda bumper crowd of children are ex- pected at this popular event. Bingo tonight, Jack Pot $75. ST. GEORGE'S CRURCH NEWS Evening bmanch o! W.A. met ai the home o! Mrs. Douglas Ctin- ningham. Theme was a large at- tendance, so large. in tact, thai we wondem just how much longer we can continue ta meet at mem- bers' homes. We were pleased tc welcome another new member Mrs. Alex Hendmy. A repart ol the Deanery meeting was given. A discussion followed on catering effort for the Horticultural So- ciety's ajinual banquet in Novem- ber. Next meeting is ta ho a OVERDUE Have You Purchased Your Radio Licence The abtaining af new Radio Receiving Licences lu mandatomv on April 1 or as soon thereaftem as possible. Undeir the Radio Act, 1938. the Department o! Transport is not mil 'v mquired to collect the licence fee from ail radio ownrems but rnay' posecute where necessarv ta enfonce the Act. Warnmug is given that investigation's and prosecutions have aleadY couîmenced 'in cases where Radio Receiving Licences are overdue t hmuugh neglect, rmisunderstanding or wilful intent. D)EPARTM.ýENT 0F TRANSPORT Ottawa, Ontario Prince ]Reductions! Save up Io $300.00 on new JOHN DEERE TRACTORS - Model 'À', 'B' and 'M' Series - AT UEN ASHDURY',S John Deere Quality Farni Eqnîpment LAKESHORE ROAD R.R. 3, PORT HOPE ýg t n1 d I1 Observe 25th Wedding *Anniversary 1 * Mr. and Mmm. W. J. E. Ormiston, 90 Chumch St., on Saturday, Oct. l8th, celebrated their Silver Wedding Anni- versary, when many friends and neighbors called at their home to offer congratulations. -PoobC.E edr Amound 100 friends and neigh- bars called at the of Mm. and Mrs. W. J. E. Ormiston, 90 Church St.. du ring the attemnoon and evening of Saturday, Oct. 18, ta offer congratulations on their 25th wedding anniversarv. Early in the evening a group of the neighiboms came together and surprised the happy couple with the presentation of a silver entreip dish and. silver sait and pepper, also a beautiful bouquet of Pink carnations. Many other beautitul gitts, bouquets o! tlow- ers, cards and messages weme aIma meceived. Mmm. Will Densema answered the door and was in charge of the guest book. Pouring tea were Mmm. Jack Gunn and Mrs. Mabel Hum- phrey. with Mmm. Eric Densem,I Mmsnto EgmrsTomdino aind To.gront mm.Edino atndg in serving. A iovely wedding cake appropriately iced for the quilting at the home o! Mmm. 'Chris Barchard. e On Sunday, Oct. 12. the Hamvest Thanksgiving service weme held with very good attpndances at al jthree. The church looked very bea6tiful indeed, decorated with elavely flowers, fruit, grain and rvegetables. On Thumsday, the Girls' Auxil- i amy met at Nancy Lake's and a avery hilariaus meeting it was; much enjoyed by aIl the members and with refeshments 4 kindly served by Mmm. Lake. tRev. Roy Rickard -Preaches at United tChurch on Sunday Next Sabbath Newcastle Unit- ed Church will celebrate the an- niversar-y of its Natal day with R ev. Roy M. Rickard, B.A., M.R E., of Colum bus United Churchj accupying the pulpit, morning and even in g. The Choir will ho under the direction o!fis Director and Org- anîst. Mm. Neil S. Stewart. At the close a! the evening ser- vice the congregatian will repair ta the Sunday Schaol Parlours for an hour of re-acquaintance. Mev. Lawrence H. Turner will preach in Columbus at Il a.m. and at Kedron in the attemnoon. Mev. Roy Rickamd attended Shaw's Public School, Bowman- ville Migh School and Normal School, following which he taught at Kendal and Newtonville. The caîl of the Christian min- istry dîrected his steps ta Victoria University tram wý%hich he gradu- ated in Arts and Theologv. His training in Victoria was intermupt- ed by the dlaims af Worid Wam 1,! finding himself in France as a; member of an artillery regiment. 1 Avid for culture Mm. Rickardi took post-graduate %work at Bos- ton University, ememging wmith the degree o! Master afIîlieligiotis Ed- ucation. Among the churchesi served duing a pogressively fruittul ministry were Oakwood, Coîbomne and Palmerston and naw a fruittul pastorate is ex- pressing itself at Columbus and Kedron. Mev. and Mmm. Roy Rickamd and childmen, Patsy and Allister, will ho guests of Mm. and Mmm. Gamnet Rickard.11 BROWN'S Vîsitors i vth Mr. and Mirs. MNashall Pîckering adfarnîly 1aver the Thanksgiviug week-end weme Mrs. R. D. Parkinson,. Mon-, treal; Mr. and Mmm. C. Pickering a nd Karen, Zepli\r, Ont A meeting .vas held at Browii's1 o n Oct. 14, at whichi tirne lMms. S.1 Shamples o! Oshawa Branch ai the Home and School Associationi and Mmm. K. Courtice ai the On- tario Home and School Federa- tian. Toronto, addressed a num- ber of the parents and atepay- ers me the advantages ta bath par- ents and child in the tamming of a unit of the Home and School Association, and hecoming a member af the chartemed Ontario Haome and School Federation. Fol- lowing their addmess a vote %vas taken on this issue. Sormv ta re- port that the vote was decidedly ,negative. 25th anniversary occasion, graced the centre of the tea table, flank- ed on either side by bouqtiets of clark red asters tram the garden ot Mm. Ormiston's mother, MSS W. J. Ormiston, Enfield, wvhowa present for the happy occasion. The bride and groom 'vere mar- ried in St. John's Anglican Church 25 years ago by Rev. R. J. Shire's and have madle their home in Bowmanville ever since. Mr. Or- miston, who is Foreman of the Shipping and Stock Room at the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., has been with that fimm for 25 years, having this year eceived his 25 year service pin. Bath Mm. and Mrs. Ormiston are active in the organizations a! their church, Mm. Ormiston being Peaple's Warden, for the past nine years. Besicles Bowmanville friends, a number of friends and relatives were present last Saturday tram Enfield, Toronto, Mount Dennis and Oshawa. e BLACKSTOCK E 1 Mm. Merlin Bailey, who lias 1been transfemred to Dunnvillei 1bmanch of Bank of Commerce, E iwas home for the weekend. T 1 Miss Marilyn Forder who has finished hier nursing course in Toronto, is staying at home for a c few weeks. a: IV Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beckerly, a Harold and Isobel, Grimsby; Mm. V and Mrs. Oliver Beckett and ' Dawson, Tyrone, called on Mr. ÎB and Mrs. O. Wright on Sunday. s Mm. and Mms. Howard Harris, Zephyr, were Sunday guests of bý Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bradburn. iv Mr. and Mms. Norton Van Camp S and famiiy, Listowel. attended the Drinkwater-Van Camp wed-, ai ding on Saturday night and spent ai Sunday with relatives. g Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.T Ronald Drinkwater (Wilma Van Camp) who were married at a ci Candlelight Service at St. John'sm Anglican Church on Sattîrday evening by Rev. George Nichol- vi son. Ivîlr. and Mrs. Lorne Bradburn and family, Toronto, with Mr. and M Mrs. J. W. Bradburn. t Miss Gertrude Henry, Toronto, C( with Mrs. James Henry. Mrs, George Fowler, Mr. and hi Mrs. Norman Edgerton, spent Sunday in Bowmanville with and Mrs. Ed Strong. ar Blaekstock Motors are havîng vi an addition put on to their garage. A] Carpenters are Charlie Venning so and Wiltred Williams. o Mr. and Mrs. Alex Johnston o have mved to the village inta hi' DEAD An STOCK 1lviý DEAD and CRIPPLEDf Farni animais remnoved i promptly. for sanitary M( disposa]iG Teehn lc:BToronto - EMpire 3-3636 Fil Cobourg - 1266 b GORDON YOUNG' Prý Ta LIMITED1 old Mr SPECIAL LOW RAIL FARES TO OTTAWA WINTER FAIR OCT. 28 - NOV7. 1 FARE AND ONE-HALF For the Round Trip tG00d uoing - Monday , Oct. ÎlW~ K fll" II 27th ta Saturday, Nov. lst l os n y7Îl inclusive. Return - Leave Ottawa nat Get Lovely Curves later than mnidnight, Sun- 5t.0lb NsPp day, Nav. 2nd. l Gi o1 b.NwN ITiiousandâ who neve ýcoeid gzin W.qht belo. nev Pull information tram Jhave s attacIvflu., N m atny agent. ne i m fgyoit o,v Il ç, n , 7 r h ___________________________0l bu,Il.ln h inprvr- a)pemp igMlfl Poo mi n . .:Lv'i0, e e.Linffog..igP ~r, rIw. '1 aTnfirîe , i w h. nr,,i I / <r e'.i,'q ,.m,,e~ * , ot. '<e LT ,!e rooms at Frank Hoskin's house. We are glad to have them in the comnnty. Mr. Charlie Lubsen has great- iy improved his house by remod- elling and insul-bmic sîding. On Thursday evening the O.N. O. Club met at the home of Mmm. Shirley Turner witi president, Mrs. -Gwenyth Thompson in the chair. Severai thank you notes weme , ead 4y secretamy, Ms.. Edith McLaughlin, including one from Mmm. Cari Wright, thanking the club for catering. The Club decided ta take their annuai bus trip on Nov. il, going to Toronto. Final arrangements were made for the first faîl dance in Navem- ber. After the business the hostess gave out bingo cards and she and hem' group had provided lovely prizes. The hostess and hem gmoup served a delicious lunch. Next meeting at thé home of Mms. El- eanom Wermy. Miss Norma Malcolm, Toronto, spent the weekend at Perey Van Camp's. Miss Clama Malow, Napanee, was home for the week-end. Miss Donna Farder visited Mr. and Mmm. Gardon Sturrock in Bawmanville. Misses Gale and Anna Farder visited their grandmother. Mmm. Charlotte Forder while their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Farder, maved ta their new home in Part Perry. Mm. and Mrs. Harry McLaugh- lin, Mr. and Mmm. George Wolfe and Bryan, spent Sunday wîth Rev. and Mrs. John McKibbin, Campbellford. They attended Christ Church wheme the mamn- ing service was conducted by Mm. McKibbin. Mis many friends will be very happy ta know that, while not yet fully restomed ta heaith after his seriaus illness, he us un- dertaking most of hlm Pamish due ties. Gaod wishes were sent by the McKibbin famnily ta ail their Cartwright friends. TYRONE Mm. and Mrs. Delbert Carr and girls, Cadrington with Mm. and VIns. E. Doonan. Mm. and Mrs. Will Johnson and Nillie, visited- Mm. and Mmm. Ray Bradbumn, Burketon. Mm. and Mms. Will Thornton, Queensville, Mm. and Mrs. W. J. Cann, Mm. and Mmm. Gea. Young, 3awmanville; Miss Mary Young, T'oronto, weme guests of Mm. and 4Ms. Luther Mooper. Miss Mickey Casburn and Mar- hall Miller, Toronto, with Mms. W. Miller. Mr, and Mmm. Arthur Harvey and Margaret visited Mrs. A. Hendemson at Peterbora. Mm. and Mmm. Everton White njayed a trip ta Maliburton and Algonquin Park and attended An- niversamy services on Sunday at Lakehumst. and visited hem bmoh- r Gail Elliott and Mmm, Elliott. Mm. and Mmm. Colin Taylor, Bowmanville, visited Mm. and Mrs. R. Cameron and Mm. and Wrs. A. Woods. Mm. and Mmm. S. A. Cooper-, Mmm. RJ. Cassidy, Toronto, spent rhursday with Mm. and Mmm. H. mrent. Mm. and Mrs. S. Daw, Miss Uwendolyn Huis, Toronto, Mr. ind Mmm. A. Sytnyk and children, Whitby. Mm. and Mmm. M. Grant ànd Darlene, Oshawa, visited Urs. J. Hilîs. Mm. His at present sîsck in Bowmaniville Hospital. lis many tmiends wish him a îeedy recovemy. Mm. and Mmm. H-. Perfect, Ca- )ourg. Mm. and Mrs. J. Gibbs and lichael were dinner guests on ;unday of Mm. and Mmm. T. Gibbs. Mm. and Mmm. Memh Scott, Mm. td Mmm. Roy Scott, Ann Mamie id Ruth, Clarke, were Thanks- iving tea guests of Mm. and Mmm. Scott. Mr. and Mmm. Lloyd Webb and hildren, Pontypool, with Mm. and .rs. Raymond Clapp. Mms. John Wotten, Burketon, isited Mm. and Mmm. W. Johnson.1 Mm. and Mmm. E. Foster -and Vayne, Ernie Colbamy. Mirnico, r. and Mrs. J. Colhamy and A r- mur, Brooklin, visited at Kami )lbary's. Mm. and Mmm. A. Smith. Colum- us, visited Mmm. F. Scott. Mmm. Owen Vanevery and Les- eOwana, Mrm. R. J. Keown, Mr. nd Mmm. J. Alstan, Powassan, isited Mm. and Mrs. J. Delaney. so Mm. and Mmm. Aubrey Mick- )n, Lindsay, visited their home aSunday. Mm. and Mmm. T. Findlay, Thorn- ll, visited Mmm. Otto Virtue. Mrs. W. A. Goodfellow and la, Codmingtan, spent the week- d at Howard Philp's home. Mr. Amthur Stock, Tiverton, is siting at the Hardy and Pres- tt homes and aima visiting aid ends amound Tyrane. Callers at McCoy's home were r. and Mmm. A. Poulter. Oshawa, lsmrs. Lamne McCay, Bmooklin, amnet McCay, Bowmanville. Mmm. A. Hawkey and Mmm. C. igelow are visiting Mrs. Mary rîdlay, Unionville. Mm. and Mmm. J. Murdoch and aby, Mmm. Peter Murdoch and iscilla, Bowmanville, at M. abb. 'Mr. and Mmm. M. Beckeriy, Har- d and Isabelle, St. Catharines, r.and Mrs. G. Beckett, Ed Keys, r. and Mmm. D. Beckett and Tom- Y, Oshawa. Mr. and Mmm. Levi ttage, Meaford, were visitors [h Mm. and Mmm. Oliver Beck- Congratulations ta Mm. and rs. E. Deeley on being the proud indpaments a! a grandson born Mm. and Mmm. Dudley Deeley. Mlr. and Mmm. R. Femnandez, Ta- nto. Mmm. G. Nîddery and Mary, mpton, visited Mm. and Mrs. .Rahm. Mr. and Mmm. Walter Rahmn were tea guests of Mm. and Mrs. Arthum Harvey and Margaret. Sundày evening. Cocile Park is ini Oshawa Hos- pital undemgoing teatments for asthma. Sevemai in the community have had the flu. Rev and Mrs. A. W. March, Paye and Raselyn, Toronto; Rev. and Mmm. J. W. Wilkinson and Margaret, Oakwood, spent Thanksgiving Day with Mr. and Mmm. A. Hilîs. Mm. and Mms. J. C. Cook accom- panied Mm. and Mrs. Ted Mc- Bride. Bramptan, and spent the week-end at Buffalo. Don't farget the W.M.S. Bazaar Oct. 30. See Coming Events. Women'a Institute W.I. met at the home af Mms. Frank Wermy Oct 15 with Mrs. A. Moar,] resident, in charge. Ral caîl was answered by tricks with Scotch tape. It was decided ta apply for gavernment grant. We accepted an invitation ta visit Bowmanville Institute ta see pic- tures presented by Miss Lewis on hem trip ta Copenhagen. Plans weme made ta have a Mallowe'en pamty Oct 31 in the hall. Charge is made for those nat in costume. Conimittee is ta have candy ready for children. Executîves are e- spansible for Navember meeting and don't farget Mission Band have Christmas cards. Mrs. Henry Stainton had charge of program. Mirs. J. Broome gave devotional on Harvest Time andI, Thanksgiving. Miss A. Aked gave a very glowing talk on her trip ta England, which was much en- joyed. Mms. R. Glaspeli moved a vote of thanks ta Miss Aked and Mrs. Wermy. Lunch was served. There were 2,872,343 mator! vehicles of ail kinds registered in Canada in 1951, one for every 4 .9 persans as campamed ta c5îe1fr every 5.3 persans in 1950. ____ Johnny, Mm. and Mmm. C. Lock,'was talking ta you." I w LONG SAULT Mm. and Mrs. Orme Miller vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. M. Wright, Bethany. Mrs. Edith Murphy with Mm. and Mrs. Hugh Murphy, Bow- manville. Mm. and Mrs. Clarence Bradley, Maurice and Bevemly, Bowman- ville, visited tpîeir father, Mr. D. B. Farrell and Mm. and Mrs. R. Sim. Mms. H. C. McClure and Jane, Lauraine Cook, Happy Valley; and Mr. Alvin Stacey. Bowman- ville, were Sunday visitors with Mm. and Mrs. Smith and Grace. Don't 'tforget the Mallowe'en pamty at the school Oct. 30. W.A. held a vemy successfui ba- zaar in the uchoal Saturday aftem- noan. Mrs. O. Miller welèomed aIl present and declared the ha- zaar open. Mmm. Rosevear, Tymane, wft lucky winner of the wooi cushion donated by Mmm. Partner. Mrs. Walter Murphy, Sauina, was winner a! 2nd prize. a dressed fawl, donated by Mms. R. Sim, and iittle Brenda Murphy, Bow- manville, wha drew the three lucky tickets was winnem of 3md prize, a cup and saucer, donated by Mrs. Vaneyk. Proceeds tram sale of tickets and bazaam, $94.61. Mr. and Mmm. Albert Murphy, !Bowmanville, and Mm. Earl Pený' warden were Sunday guests ofi *Mr. and Mrs. Harold Murphy. Mrs. Penwamden and Miýs Se_ la Penwarden, Orono, Mrs. F. Cornish. Mm. Jack Camnish and triend, Part Hope, with Mm. and Mmm. Wm. Penwarden. Mm. Paul Vaneyk attended the McKeen - Haines wedding in Burketon church Saturday atter- noan. Mm. and Mrs. C. Lock, Prince- ton, were guests of Mr. and Mms. W. Vaneyk. Mm. and Mmm. W. Vaneyk and LAME FMONTS RACK RoAsT lb 33c RIE CHOPS lb 65e DONELESS ROUND IRESH COD FILILETS Florida Marsh SeedessNo1-9618 Rot HOuse CORN 2 20-or tins 33c Florida, No. 1, Tender Stringlesa BOKAR COFFEEGEE N ib9 C -Ib..$ .7 WESTON'S I îb9c 3îbbg$~3 SALTINES SAVE 6c ON THE 3-lb BAG 11 -William Fredemick Book. Wife: "The maid quit.. She said you spoke ta hem InsultingI,,., over the phone."1 Mubby: "Ye gads! I thaught 1 A&P Special BI.nd BLACK< 1 CREAMI Strawberry <Pectinà KOI AJJI Lever'. DREEZE Purity OATS Campbells Tomate SIOUP, Lancia Reldy u Good Luck ffRegular) MAIRGAI ANN PAGE DELUX LOAF CAKE SPECIAL 3 9C REG. PRICE 45e - SAVE Oc A&P Evaporatad IULX Il tali tins ?.Sc Iona Halvez PECACHES Z 20-or tins 3.5C A&P Choice ]PEAS a 15-oz tins 29C Swift'$ PREX 12-or tin 33C A&P Choc. 31 C lac 65c Ulc 87c 33C iOc IC lb 29c q SHANK HALF STEW CUTS LOIS CHOPS STEAK OR ROAST RED OR BLUE BRAND BEEF 1Ofor 51 ', 19C lb 23e :TRA THUN 16 oz pkg 29< l27e lb 69C 1b 69C TEMTRDAY. OCTOBER 23, 1952 MEA :TTES added> Ma 24-or ja SAVE 3a s LARGE box 36C GANT bo 2½/.lb pi Z10-ar tiri INI 3-lb pks SAVE 4o MILK BREAI lb59c A SAVE l@ 24-oz bal *1 4C pkg 9C SLICID or UNSLICED SAVE 2o ar37c Dubarry SAVE 2o CHIOCOLATES lb box P m75c Hallowe'en Jely SAVE lo DEANS [b ceMoa3 ýkg Z lc Ha Iowe'cn l el 2AV RoISSESlbcH SAVE32o Spratt'sDog SAVE 4o Johnson'& Pasto ;g39c wAx lb tind SAVE 3c lona lb35c TOMATOES 28-oz tin Ann Page Salad DIRESSINVG 8-oz jar A&P Nectar TEA DAGS 90's boxl Sunnyfield Long Grain RMICE 2-lb colla Pullet EGGS - - - doz. 51 Zir-uil &_leajea4ei. MEAT SPEC IALS! GEN WNE FR.iSH KILLED PI G LM LEGS lb 6 3C FRONTS*. lb 29c Princeton, vlsited Mr. and Mrs.' H. De Mille, Bumketon. Miss Bessie Yeo was a Sundaye guest at the Vaneyk home. Mr. Art Stock, Tivertan, vislted:. Mm. D. B. Farrell and Mr. and Mrs. R. Sim. Mrs. Lute was hostess to t.he members of our W.A. Tuesday evenlng at the mnanse. President Mrs. Vaneyk opened the meet* 9. It was decided to send for nrý wool. Mrs. Gordon Baker offered- hem home for November meeting- in the afternoon with Mrs. R., Sîm, Mrs. Johns and Mrs. Baker as pragram committee. This pro- gram followed: Reading by Mrs.. Partner; piano solo by Mrs. Har- - old Murphy: reading by Mrs.- Fred Partner and duet by Mmi. Vaneyk and Grace Smith, Lunch was semved by the hostess and program committee and a vote of thanks given them. Chu ~h service will be held Sunday evening with Rev. Sey- mour as speaker. 6 LAW5 0F WORK The six iaws of work are: 1. A man must drive his energy, flot be driven by it. 2. A man must be master of his hours and days, not their ser- vant. 3. The way ta iuuh things through ta a finish effectively must be learned. 4. A man must eamnestly want. 5. Neyer permit failure to be- come a habit. 6. Learn to adjust vourseif te the conditions you have to en- dure, but make a point of trying, to alter or correct conditions so that they are most favorable to, a rý- Fmý-à THE CANADUN STATESM" IROYndANML?- ONTAIUM ift à à*- -

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