_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AT H E L . F 4 A D I A 1N T A T E S M A N . B G W M A ! q V n L E , O N T A P M O -- THE JUNCOS JUNK WELD -~ WEEDS We are fond of birds. We are C u rn very fond of birds. We are very, very, etc., but why do they have and to have such expensive tastes? p i Once upon a lime a wild weed jseed was plenty good enough for a ElIJunco, for a flock of sleek feath- C,-o fidJJIa ered Siate Blue Juncos. But flot By EsieCarrthes Luneyany more. Or is it just that they By EoieCarrthes Luneyhave acquired one of the bad habits o! humans, and are taking "THESHO ISOVE'» tat hisprothe easy way out? "TH SHW 1 OVR" hatIbi prposal will be carried Whatever the reason, it's dash- Last week es we travelled to Out. ed expensive when thev make re-1 and front work, we looked fiown And now, afler the sharp frosts,1 gular meals off 90c a pound grass the long avenues of trees which we scuffle through the bright seed. Not for worlds would we arch in beauty over the streets leaves that have left their 'moor- hurt a feather of their shining of our lown, and were lhankful. ings, and pick up the shiny chest- littie heads, but we could wish We were thankful because there nuts. The pin cherry that glow-I thal they wvould tire of this diet are stili so many trees left to ed like a winter fire has gon out and crave the xild tang of the meke a golden canopy or a blaz- at last, and instead, some o! the wild %veeds. Grass, to those who ing flame, in spite of the oldsters apple trees have caught upi the have always had it, is something that have had to be cul dowvn, flame, their dark, irregular limbs to be walked on like an old rug,t and in spite of those that havej outlined against the brightness. but 10 new lawn-makers, those been sacrificed in the proud The beech leaves stili cling, shin- tim uttle green hairs that poke prime of their life spart 10 the ing and brown, but soon the broad through the earth are as preciouss whims of human beings blînd toi and delicate tracery o! ail the as gold.1 beauty. trees will stand out against the But there fs one great thing Onie has only to see northern cold blue and the great piled about grass seed. Unless il finds t villages, stark and bare. with clouds of autumn. while that in- itse]!, like Jonah, in somebody'ss every tree cut down, to realîze describable smeli of fallen leaves stonach, il is practically indes- t that trees are the difference be- fis the air. As Blisà Carman tructible. It may take its ownv tween beauly and ugliness. In de- said: lime deciding to burst into life, r termining 10 plant a tree where The show is over, and the leafyi but if one bas patience, il nearlyf one has been cut down, and to tent1 always does. Whatever would we h plant rows o! trees on Bowman- Ail gold and crimson where 'the do without it? In various typesc villes new streets, the Town sunlight linÉ!ered it is the setting for our homes, Il Council has seen the light before Through the slow afternoon, is feed for the cattle-and feed, ap- il is 100 laIe. We are confident coming down. parentiy, for the birds. We know ti ______________________________________________of a number o! people who have g scatîered the good seed on the F, land. Surely there wou]d be no IU harm in passing the word along s 10 this friendiy flock of Juncos? p BLACK AND WHITE nr CASH RIZESSouth Africa's racial troublesn appear in the news from lime 10 Pl '21 Camnes and $75.00 Jackpot - al for 50c lime and il would seem thal ab situation that has been develop ai - also ing andgrowing worse for many a SPECIAL GAMES and SHARE THE WEALTH years, is- reaching a climax. A t7 ADDED ATTRACTION FOR OPENING NIGHT beautiful and unusual novel about w South Africa.gives one some in- g' TIRU SDÀ% , -O T 2rd - 8 p.ý. sarp sight int these troubles. This is, THUR DAY OCT23r - p.m snrp Cry, The Beloved Counry" by NEWC STL CO MUN TY ALLtitle, but Ihen, as we have said,* Proceeds for Newcastle Lions Club Welfare Work il is an uruusual book, and well worth the reading if > vou have not alreadv had that pleasure. It is not a new book, as new- ness goes nowadays, having come out about two years or so ago. 1, But the liroblem with which it is iA(QIIY.concernied, the disintegralion of a black man's son thnough the disruption of the old way of life (Jand the influence of the white man's city upon him, is still the If1>IA Y/Iflroblemn of today in Johannes- Apart from its current interes l e is the facl that the black preaeh- d btbreaks bis heart and bis mi srntis oeo h ietchar- pei I -acters we have met in any book. to *His failh and his goodness are ine *stirring and reassuring in these pel *days. Il is altogether a book 1hE ~~ which leaves a lasting impres-su I sion. We think many of you wouldta eo il as much as we did. It is H lnour Public Library if you are w intenested. dei .~4. The Canadian B3an< of Commerce 1ý n ýc 0 v v C B. & P. Club Hears Discussion On. Convention and International Aflairs A plnddrepôrt bvpesident Mr W. R. Srik:, Chairman of tional Convention o! Business and Emergency Appeal, braved the Professionai Women's Clubs held women's meeting for five min- in Vancouver, featured bbe Octo- utes te present a few fadas on the ber dinner meeting o! the local canvass for funds now being club on Tbursday evcning, Oct. laumched. 1ý. & P. members have 16. ut the Balmoral Hotel. The re- been donatung their lime, byping port o! the president, wbo wasJ and clerical ubilities te assisting Bowmunville's voting delegate at in preparations for the canvass, the convention, was o! great in- and il is expected that some mcm- beresb te the members. . bers will also help bbc cause as Anoîher bighlight o! the meet- canvassers. ing was tbc period devoted te tbc Prior Ici business and other por- study o! international affains. lions o! Thursday's meeting, a This is now a regulan fealure of lively sing-song, led by Lena eacb meeting, ils purpose being Taylor wilh Helen Nelles aI the tei assist in creating a welli-pao a noydb l.Ln form d gr up f wo en o th w ill be officiai song leader for subjecl o! world problems. A thbb club this yeur. Mrs. Owen study group meebiulg every !ourbh Black, a guest for bbc evening, Wednesdjay now bas 15 members. conînibuîed two lovely solos, Helen Cryderman, chairman o! ".Now Sleeps The Crimson Petl" the International Committce, and "Be The Best o! Whabever said thal every Camadian should You Are." Helen Nelles was ber be proud o! bbc high respect in accomait ,vhicb Hon. Lester Pearson, Sec- mail retary o! State for Externai Af- In a brie! business period Mur- fairs, is hcld, and thal he was garel Purdon, secrcbary, read bbc ast week clccted president o! bbc minutes o! the previous meeting, General Asscmbly o! the United Ireasurer Pal Berger gave ber Nations. i rcport, and the president an- Parlicular lopic for considera- nounced a generai busin.ess mect- ion in Ibis portion o! the pro-'ng1behdaIhe amol gramme was the Declanation o! Hotel on Nov. 6 aI 8 p.m. All~ -iuman Rights drawn up by tbemebswreugdcibpr- United Nations. Miss Crvdenman c nt. For the information o! the aid Ihat alI w;.omen sb 1ould be club, president Vi also x'ead the proud thal the firsb head o!fbbce Resolutions whicb are 1e be dealt ouncil responsubue for this docu- with aI the Provincial Conference1 mient, was a woman, Mns. Elea- wbicb will be hcld, next monlhi ion Roosevelt. Some inîcresîing aI Niagara Falus. Isabelle Davis points in the Declaration werc !gave.an inbercsîing report o! bbc >rougbt out by Anna Watson aclivilies o! bbc Civic Committce.i and Apha Hodgins, who wcnc The bcauly o! bbc Faîl season isked by the chairman t- name was evident in the bouquets o! ýh Article o! the Declaration aulumn flowers which decoraledr xhich meant mosl 10 thcm, andJ the tables and colorful Hallow- ive Iheir reasons. c cm cul-outs on the place cards.s Hello Homemakers! Doughnuts id Hallowe'en are closely asso- ited as far as we are concern- dA baunting memory o! mak- ig doughnuts at this season re- iinds us o! dur firýsl teacbing ex- rience when the class pleaded )make doughnuts in the cook- ig laboratory. Withoul asking ermission each group trebled teir given recipe in order that a fficient number was made bo (e out o! the classroom for a allowe'en party . . . Well, that as the first and last lime a class tained this teacher afler scbool )uns! JJ. LJJVV.LI I>To deep fry food: Cool milk b lukewarnn, add îvony to Loan 1.________ae n iteSat ad9"2 Ring Street E., Browns Hom and ChoosCluba deep heavy sauce- yelo cken in wo atersf at anBowmanvil]e, Ontario metowesdaHomend S, cboolClub. pan with straight sides. A wirefouenuhIimksitbalr Phones: Office 825 - House 409 baset itha hndl tht fts heLet rise overnight. Add melted met Tua eening, Ocwl ber 14. bkelita anle tat o feilse sbortening, sugar, eggs, nulmeg, CONANT & CONANT DurHaloween art wil b hld etîe i a rea covenene, and flour. Let rise again. If loo on October 31. The firsl and third obherwise a slotled spoon and sofl Ita handle, add more flour. Barrusters and Solicitors vice presidenîs resigned. Il was fork will do. Turn on flouned board, pal, and Gordon D. Conant, Q.C. voled Ihal Mrs. Watson be firsl 2. Aboutd4 inches o! oil or mel- rol ý înch thick. Cul ouIwt Roger G. Conant, B.A. vice president and Mrs. McElnoy ed fia dvisable pnoviding lwo biscuit cuIter and wonk between Offsh : ~ SmoS.S be third vice president. Mrs. Cur- ortlhree inches is allowed between bands until round. Place on flour- Ohwa, Ont., 7ý iceS.. is and Mrs. Sharpelis were guests fat and the top o! pan 10 prevent cd board, let risc 1 hour, turn, and Phone 3-2227 nom the Home and School Feder- boilovens. let rise again. Fry. Ajax, Ontario - Phone 25 ilion o! Toronto, and bolh gave 3 Heat fat slowly. Dnop cime talks, lryirîg t interest the mem- înch ub of day-old bread mbt Fritter BatterDENTAL ers o! Brown's Home and School il I rcSd browns in 40 seconds 2 egg yolks -1_______________ Club 10 rejoin the e and th fat i ready for fnying dougb- kà cup water D.W .RDLDDS School Federalion. Il was voted nuls..«' cup milk Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. gainst by majority. The rest of 4. Fry only one laver of dough- 1 tbsp. lemon juice 40 King SI. W. - Bowmanville :he evcning was spent playing nuls aI a lime, usually 3 in a three 1 tbsp. melled butter Office Hours: ýards with the winners being, higb quart kettle. 1 cup bnead flour 9 a.m. Ici 6 p.m. daily ady, Mrs. Stan Couch; high man, 5. Lower food slowly into the fat, 1 tbsp. sugar 9 a.m. t0 12 noon Salurday 4Ir. Stan Couch: consolation pri- the bubbling will soon subside.! '., tsp. sait lsdSna ýes, Mrs. Pitt and Mr. Payne. Allow about 3 minutes for dough- 2_eg*g whiles Cffied Sunday9 unch was served. nuls 10 brown on one side then Beat egg yolks; stir iin waten House Phone 3609 Mr. and Mrs. H. Sinclair wiîh turn eaeh and cook on other side and milk. Beat in lemon juice, Or. and Mrs. ýStan Coucb and for about 2 minutes. j butter, sifted flour and sugar. DR. E. Wv. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. inda. 6. As soon as food is browned Wi g wbitcs and sait and Office in bis home Mr. and Mrs, Stan Couch and remove fromi fat and drain on ab- fol1di inme: b ,balte r. 100 Libertýi St. N. - Bowmanville inda witb Mn. and Mrs. Harold sorbent paper- paper towel or Apple Fritters: Peel and core Office Hours: oucb, Newcastle. nakn.applesCu them crosswise into 9 a.m. 10, 6 p.m. daily - ,2 inch suices. They may be soak- 9 a.m. 10 12 poon Wednesday ied for 1 hour in lemon juice. Closed Sunday Drain tbem. Dmp un fritter batter. Phone 604 Fry in deep fat at 380 degrees. Drain on absorbent paper. Sprin- CHIROPRACTIC kle wîth cinnamon and sugar. 0______________ Banana Fritters: Peel and cul G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. mbt halves lengtbwise. Dip bana- Chiropractor nas in fritter batter and. fry in Office: deep, hot fat. Specialty Paper Producîs Building IPineapple Fritters: Drain pine- 63 Temperance St. apple suices; dip in baller and fry Office Hours: until brown iin deep, bot fat. Drain Tuesdav and Saturday on paper napkinL EA ST T Miss S. H. asks: Please descnîbe Prperîc od -Rne a topping or icing for ginger- Managed and Appraised SASH DOORS FLOORING TRIM bread? L. M. ALLISON SAnswer: Brown sugar topping Real Estate Broker LIME W 1E TEN-TEST bine ýýà cup browý,n sugar, 2 tsps. Phone 2566 BRICK LME ARBORITE cinnamon, U. cup flour and 'l. Two blocks norîh o! Iraffie CEMENT DRTL cup sofI butter. Work with the signal, Newcastle DURATILE hnds unlil crumbly. May add ',à PLASTER M1ASONITE cup cbopped nuls. Spread Ibis B. G. (Rap) GILL ROOFING Go 1 uwnMI SHEETROCK over gingcrbrcad for thc last 10 Real Estate INSLAIO GEEHORD minutes o! baking. $ Second Street INSLATON MW RENBORD Mrs. C. M. ak: Do you use Properties Sold - Rented fat for deep frying that bas be- Managcd and Appraised PREFIT WINDOW FRAMES come dark? Members o! the Canadian and Answer: No. If fat for deep !ny- Ontario Real Eslate Boards ing bas become dark it may' be B. G. GuI, Realtor W E D ELI clarified by adding a naw, peeled Phone Bowmanville 3514 L IV Rand sliced potato. Heat bhc fat Phone slowly until bbe potalo browns, AR CH IT EC T P oe -715 lhen strain the fat through cheesecloth. I may be necessary Before you bui]d, consuit to do thîs twicc.1 an archutect Mrs. L. D. asks: Why do French HERBERT G. COLE, M.R.A.I.C. ~ ~ TIFried poatoes tun a greyish Telephone Bowman%,illc 3653 SHIEPPARD & IL nVer PtUoe cub ee hutiAMU DEI TIT IN Lumber Co Limitedb lng ONEIT &MONTEIT13 Lum er Co Lmiedwaten bhrough them. Then pal Chartered Accountants polaîcies dry with a dlean twl3 King St. E. Oshawa 96 KING ST. M. BOWMANVILLE before adding 10 bol fat. / Fat Mr. Gordon W. Riehl, C.A., should be 395 degrees on deep resident partner. fat thermomeler or a onme inch cube of daY-old bread sbould O PTOM E TR Y brown in 20 seconds. KEITU A. BILLETT Anne Allan invites you to Optometrist write to ber c/o The Canadian Office Hours: 9 a.m. 10 6 p.mn Statesman. Scnd in your sug-, Monday to Saturday gestions on homemaking pnoblems except Wednesday 9 - 12 and waîch this columnn for re-> Evenings by Appointment.. 1 7. Skimn off aIl food scnaps 10 pre- vent smoke. 8. Wlhen frying is completed, cool the fat or oil and store in Cool place. Afternoon Tea Doughnuts 1 egg, well beaten 2 tbsps. sugar 'iý tsp. Sait 3 tbsps. milk 1 Ibsp. melted shortening 1 cup flour 2 Isps. baking powder Add sugar, sait, and shortening to egg. Mix and sift flour and baking powder and add 10 first mixture. Force througb pastry bag and tube (using small lady- finger tube) into deep fat and fry. Serve with Julienne-shaped pieces of cheese. Makes 18 10 20. Raiseti Doughnuts 1 cup scalded milk 1 pkg. yeast, dissolved in U cup lukewarm water 1 tsp. salt '/ cup butter and lard mixed 1 cup lighl brown sugar 2 eggs, well beaten 11-2 grated nutmeg Information b ' which farmers' mav knoxv the use for which their land is best suited is provîded in a new circular, '"Kiow Vour Land," pnepared bY the Soils De -> p'artment of the Ontario Agricul- tural College. The circular divides all land into eight classes. Classes 1 10 4 are suitable for cultivation, with Class 1 being suitable for very intensive cultîvation and a wide range o! crops, and Class 4 for limited cultivation and a much ruarrower range of crops. (!lasses 5 to 8 are listed as not being suitable for cullivation and are suutable for a still narnower range of cnops. Photographs and detailed information are supplied for each class o! land. The circular (No. 151) is oh- tainable aI the office of the agri- cultural representative or from the O.A.C., Guelph. LEGAL W. R. STRIKE, Q.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money 10 Loan Phone 791ý Bowmanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public King St. W., Bowmanville Phone, Office 688 - Residence 53 MISS APHA 1. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor 10 M. G. V. Gould Temperance St. - Bowmanville W. F. WARD, B.A. ' Uicb. Tt x&mg St. W. - --BowmanviI, Local Baptist Mission Conclude Meetings By Rev. Alfred Bell Rev. Alfred Bell of the South tEnd Baptist Church, Owen Sound, 1completed a week of meetings at the Bowmnanville Baptist Mission on Friday. Mr. Arthur Bell of Bowman- ville, and groups from Oshawa sang at the evenîng meetings add- ing color 10 the meetings. Rev. Bell spoke forcefully ant7 earnest- lY as he Ireached the gospel. Fifty to eighty children listen- ed attentively, each afternoon fromn 4-15. Rev. Bell delighted them with object talks chalk lalks and mosl of all with bis own pleasant manner. On Friday night he closed his meetings by sh1Owig over one hundred beautiful colored slides on the Life of Christ and on the "Holy City". A cnowded auditor- ium of children and adults were thrilled with the realistic scenes following the life o! Christ from the Manger 10 the Cross and as- cension tb Heaven. 'Know Your Land" 4 e4v;,qtdo# Protinet of M1iss Arden's genius ih is the one permianent wvave for home use with oil actually spu)into thfie magie curling lotion,, so that v ou, too, can have that 8ilky, natural I9oking w~ave. BowmanvUJ.' mc. uc-n Pi dure News from C-I-L EXPLOSION IN MINIATURE I It happens frequently these days in the Montreal plant, wbere Sabre jets are made.Worker is usilng explosive rivets on a wing section. Developed by the chemical industry to speed up riveting operations, especially in hard-to-get-at places, they contain a tiny explosive charge wbich fastens the rivet when fired. everytl-ing that touches baby's tender skin. For bath-time, mothers ind that C-I-L Cellu- lose Sponges are just the thing -mwonderfully s<ft and absorb- ent. Available in smart colours - hlue, green, curai, yellow and Did pom *ew ? C-t-L products ore making mnighty contributions to Canada's air defence. In addition ta explosive rivets for the F-86E Sabre, chemicals, nylon, EVN CA DI S "Cellophane", play a vital rois. THOGHeEMSR ANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMOID - MONTREAL SWEETENING UP the air under sinks is donc differently today. The modern homemaker's helper is the aerosol - a ne- type of package that dispenses deodor- ants, fIy-sprays, paints, shave- cream just by pressing a hftton. "Freon" is the chemica! propel- lent that makes tbis handy ,P.'m 7~ k~. 1 - -I'n SDAT. OCTOBIM 28 . lut --.ýffljméJM dRe, AUDU jPromise Yourself- To be so slrong that nolbing can disburb your peace o! mimd. To talk hcalbh, bappiness and prosperity Ici cvery persan you meet. To make ail your !ricnds feci thal there is sometbing in them. To look aI the suRny side o! everything and make your op- timism come truc. To bhink only o! the best, 10 work cmlv for bbc best and expect only the best. To be just as enthusiastic about the succcss -of others as you are about your own. To forget the mistakes o! the past and press on le the greater achievernents o! the future. To wear a cheerful countenance ut ahll imes and give every living crcature you meet a snçile. To give so mucb limne Ic the i- provement o! younsel! that you have no lime to cniticize To be too large for worry, tw noble for anger, toO Strong for fear, too happy to permilt the, presence of trouble. The Sialeimau AI Following Stores Trull'a Store, Courtice. Strong's Store, Port Hope. Reg. Edmund's Store, -Bethan~ Dyer's Drug Store, Newcastle. T. Enwrlght's, Newcastle. S. Brown, Newtonville. C. Pethick, Enniskillen. T. M. Siemon, Enniskillen. F. L. Byam, Tyrone. G. A. Barron, Hampto n. Newton Taylor's, Burketon, H. T. Saywell, Blackstock.' Keith Bradley, Pontypool. C. B. Tyrreil, Orono. H. K. Reynolds, Kendal. J. W. Jewell, W. J. Berry, Howse Confectionery Jury & Loveli Elgie Harnden's Handy Store OVWPý dmAwavvà" NOW! with TEST Papers,- d fi te ci ti 9 Noi