?AGIE POUR T~ AAINSrTSA OMNTL.OTROTtRDY O.1.25 CAPSU'LE ON A DOILY Every once in a wbile sume silly scientist cornes up with the predictior, that in anuther few years we wiIl be getting our roast bee! as weli as uur cod liver oil, from capsules. We bave always understood that scienlists were a race apart. TIbis unly gues toi prove the point. Tbey do not cal. tbey cannot eat; for what man, given bis chuice between a plate o! roast beef witb gravy, masbed pubatues, creamed cauli- flower. green peas, accompanîed Wani a ,à PHIRONE 561 dlean, miodern cabs at al hours - driven by skilIed, courteous drivers. KING by hot rulîs and home-made apple pie with ice cream, and a gurnmy littie capsule on a doily, wouid choose the latter'? Ah nu. We du nul eat just to keep life in bbe body. We eal because we love to cat. This be- ing the case, food in 11111e cap- sules is doomed. Unless, o! course, bbc world is nu longer able lu supply enougb food for ils population. This, actually, is a serious possibility, and is wby bbc scientists, bu give bhem Ibeir due, kcep un working lu perfect lutIle pis. Let us hope this great ca- tastrophe nover occurs, nul wbile we have enough tecth lu cnjoy turkey and mince pie and... well, you cao make your own lisI. THE ANNUAL BATTLE Celebrates 9 mince pic, flic baIlle o! nerves bas sbarted; in fact tbe opcning r'oundI was fired in Sepîcînher when peuple were still wringing out perspiration like an old dish- cloîh. Vos. tlhe batlle o! nervcs, the greatest oçu'n' test uf modemn limes is once mor'e xiîh us, because you sec, il is only six weeks until Christmas. or in obh- cm words, 36 shopping clays, coudnt- ing to-day. We wonder huw nmuch longeýr the public is going lu ailow ibsel! lu be pusbed around, whipped k- into a frenzy, aînd poî'suadod lu spcnd beyond ils nmeans, al b in ~ bbc name of Christ's birbbdav.. ' We bazard a guess that foi' a large pemenlage of Chrisîmas shoppers, bbc Christian îneaning o! the day ane season bas nu si- nificance aI ail, and for the tebMS.GOG il is ail but losI in bbchei'v-GORG wacking business of ehoosing more and c tbiler prosents than, Only the years, filled Ibey can a!!9d. 'sorroxvs ovorcumne, can achieve In Ibis welter o! commercial- surpasses the unlined face of ism il is bard bu attuno onesel! buotat fMr.GoreA the spirit o! a Christian festival,' prtrdat of iis eo'en a.ce The brunI o! bbc wbole business brha.wt l eeefc falîs un the woman of tbe bouse, charactet' and tranquility of a wbu usually must decide whab to the revolution from pionceri Ipulsion. Iwquldn't trust my fine drosses to aonytliing but magic SANITONE SERVICE! se Sure*... Always Insist on Our Botter SANITONE Dry Cleaning .If Cos iNo More! X'our finer dresses demand the spe- cial care our expert Sanitone Service gives them. They'llfcome back spar- klirîg fresh and spotless because ali the dirt's gone! No cleaning odors! Perspiration vanishes! And you'Il ap- preciate the beautiful press ... hand- finished down to the last detail! Try us today, and ee what a difference Sanitone makes. jPPRVIO Local Agent: HOOPER'S LADIFIS' WT'NR PHONE: OSHAWA ZENITH 1 30001 give whum, bUv it, wrap it and1 see that it gets theî'e. She must aiso buy enough Christmnas cards and address them. In addition to this she prepares extra food, extra fancy for Christmas day and a week before and after, so that Criends may be ontertained. The man of the bouse usuaily puts up the Cbristmias treo. and the rnoney. BY the lime Christmnas Day is over, Mother is apt to wish the next Christmnas wero -430 days away, instead of 36,5. Two Suggesfions It is about tirne that commni senso reasserted itseif, and we got back a littho of the truc meaning of Christmas. Wle have two suggestions toward this end. One-make up )your own mind andi stic'k to it. Nover mind if someone cIsc giv~s 150 prcscîits to .t0 people. Two pu-)Lt more em- phasis on the home and church celebration of Christmas. Insteadl of spending so mnanhours battiing tllrOLIgh crowds of shoppers, spend more singing Christmas carols, flot ail by your- self Of Cou rse, but with the famn- iiy andi with friends. as weII as at church. And 'vo cannot ex- press strongl.v enuugh our eager- iiess to sec carol singing. uiseci in the church. in community gather- ings, and in the homne, as a means to combat the frenzied coin- rmercialization of Christmas %vhich we n0w endure. We should start the first week of Decemiber. Goodncss knows. we noed somiething to combat 'Rdihthe Red Nosedl Rein- dieer". WTe do not knovw'whY the churches are alraid ot singing Cliristmas hYmins on mioro thaix one, or at musi two, Sundays. Popular opinion bas hcen ex- pressed over and over agai in favor of singing thein for several SundaN s. or for several xvccks be- fore Christmas at other meet- ings of church organizations. Wc have said before, and \we say again, thero is îîothing botterîfor the soul than sigigfamiliar h ' mn ns. WhY shouid chureh go- ers be put on a starvation diet at Chr'istmas. when the hest ioved and must famîiliar hyrrmns uf al are appropriate'?' 'Whx dCo people flock to Simnp- So* iii Toironto Ilhe wvCk ho fore Christmas? 'les, wo know thcy go to shop. hut they goî earlv on otirpose su that they mav join in1 the carol singing. They sing carols vver\' day andi ar'e fot afî'a id that thox' wîll becw'oary of thein bv Christmas SundaY or Christmvas dav. Here's wishing a saner, bap- the Greatest Valu'e - in Ginger Aies Am À0 e * V~7I 18Ç 2 for 35Ç W4cLuDING GOVT. TA2 i Current and Con fidentiaà By Elsie Carruthers Luxiney MORE TRUCK FOR YOUR MONEYI Get the price on the Chevrolet truck that'% the right size, type and capacity for yuur w(>rk. Vouu'Il find that Chevrolet gives you far mnorc for your money -because it's engineercd and buuît to unsurpassed standards of value. ROCK BOTTOM OPERATING COSTS! Yotî can't heat Chevrolet's Valve-in-Head engines for over-ali econurny. They just kecp roll- ing along. A choice of four time-tested high tur- que engines to match the 1usd. LOWER DEPRECIATIONI When the tirne cornes to trade in your Chev- rolet truck, bore's good news; 'ear after year, uscd Chevroiet trucks traditionally bring mure muney, cornpared to what they cost, than other mdakes. That's because of Chevrolet's wide eus- tomer acceptance. ENGINEERED ECONOMYI Every Cheviolet truck gets the job dune fast and sure - providing the widest sciection of body styles as weIl as chassis for special bodies in whecl- bases from 110-"-2 12". LMOTORS VALUE v-Another reason why more people buy kC I, O MepIk. When you buy a truck, whatcver yo'<Ure hauling, 'ou buy in for o<me reason and one only - to matkc money. And, in the long run the truck that saves you the most is thc truck tias going to make the niost. And that, without frills o>r fancy îalk, is one' of the biggest hasic reisons mwh\ more people buy and drive Chevrolet trucks than any other make. Look'at it an>' w'av vou want. Yot save because Chevrolet's economica 1, dependlable Valve-in-Head engines, famous four power and stamnina, keep fuel consumptiori low. You save be- cause Chevrolct's husky hypoid rear- axIes, deecp channcl-typc frames, Flexi. Molimtc'd cih Recircu latîng Biltl- Stecring aînd oîlîcr Adiv;nce-Dcsi'gn features Lcpmaintenance Costs cdown. And \ou kep on s:îv,,ing while you carmi hecauise these extra values are buit in to sa in, to protect your îmuc(k invesîmnent. But sceing islx'tter than savng, 80 C coie in aund loo)k these versatile, mont'>-mnaking Chevrolet trucks overj from top to hottom. Check the com- parative values of Chevrolet trucks, and prove to yourself that Chevrolet' doces save you mioney ail along the fine. Ci 75ïF ROY Chevrolet COURTICE W . a Oldsmobile Cars NICOHL -Chevrolet Trucks DO WMAN VILLE )Oth Bi'rLhclc.y LMr, 'M N u !nWsA oh r then very kindiy continued it for! the building-up of the Chu LAIV . m M.Dusan W ite Anoher a teacher training course. This1 and in attempting to satisfy t boy is now one of the valuabie unprecodentcd hunger for ti ry members of our staff. and bias' Faith wbhicb now eit ee rnieriesiii-gLeiler ai Ris a'issionary ear havg in e ay.\fî'odthctmesCan i FThis va e hvesent ais.onaries rmCnd beenteacing inc Max. ~v ned thoe lmes a Christian froin the Crimnal have' 4 Acliviies a Palam ur in Indiaof his community to do su. Temnyo usiethe last ne Trbe l cllg. hefistm M t a"Y fbe\oen cegodlhe stnneeoÎ adqut taiig fsome young 1lebter mwas et sy cn mg Zverv su often Rev. Tom Dus- Kashmnir, since il i a naine \vhich Christians beyond theo matricu-I agîne, letters from Canada are ai tan so o Mr T Dsta an apeas dîln ~ i ewpaprslabion level is of vital importance ways most welcome, and they ar the late Mr. Dustan of Bowman- and you aie no doubt aw'are 0f foi' the Churrb. especiaily su from you wvho ar ville, who is Principal o! St implications~ of the situation here. Historie meetings are scbeduled oui' culleagues inthe wvork hiy" Paul s llgh School, Palampur In addition tu being strategieally f0 be held in the Sebool in Sep- More than anythinosewv, India, writes a newsieller of his, located on the bordeis of Russiatme.Tels etng ftovu rvr o the Church h' mîssîonary activities in Ibis far'and China, it is une uf the 111osî Ar'chdeiconirv Counicîl\vill asfi h eolby n eache 0off country 10 the Evenîng Bianch etl ia o daadoeo!tecntttof the new Dio- for the rnissiunaîiesadfrmn othe W. A. of St. John's Ang- the most beautiful in the world. cese which is to ho inauguri'atd more to juin us fromi Canada,.Q lîcan Cliurch, wbîch sucîety sup- The road from India winds eaî'ly in 1953, and the Sebuol is hi siitual help we are cons ports a native aI bis school thioi-gh rugged coun try up tou obu e host 10 the eleî'i adla tantlv awaro. and lb often enabe Srinagar, 19,00<) teet, where il ente is a tun- delegatces foi' these meetings., the impossible tu o bdulne! Kashmir, nel in the pass. i Bishop Wikinson bias donc pî'o-: Our 'cordial gi'eetings in Ch 28 August 19521 The other end o! bbe tunnel digious xvork in urganizîng thb, lu each o! yvou. Deas' Friends: opens on a vievxý which cannot be DiOcese-to-be, and xve ail 100k jSnorî' This letteî' is bcbng writted on wls urp aed astdgrel en aly orvr 0'vrie?'eh"diI .Dsa sthe sun dock uf a litIle houseboat weil cate and vws ol vteed onaglassy lake in incomparable yylksadîie',cmltl Kashmiu'. Distractions are num- eneîosed by Himalaya n peaks. erous. Quibe close are twu his, India's greatest material pi'oblimIn Swbich. like the cypress, poplar and is the systein o! land tenure. l: I wiliow un the shores, are pcrfecbiy whicbh las kept millions landless ý" î'eflected in the lake. On une is and perpctualiy in debt. J a magnificent Moghul fort, re- lt is interosting to note that markably well preseî'ved. which ,Sheikhf Auii as b c ariedn was builî by the great Akbar' a istro Ksmibsc'ro\' 1- contemoraryof EliabethI tlrough land refoî'ms in îLîis stato e' are boping bu explore il Ihis ev- ibatcp-' - enîng. It is not possible, oui'am i1 coini- / > On the other is a smiali Hindu petont, tu go int politîcs of the uv.B.C. Kashmnir's beautifultatsnasafcoiv ulîlî birds live bore as though n t10 ill o ondfos bcs ak f hurnans werc present.Evrfc friendly, skilful Kashmiis and I minutes a port lithoe kingfishcr, for this whole sub-contineot.i a flash of iridescent bâue and Since bbc last ncws ltIer, th(- poach, sits bore on the dock bu nostsatisfyiigeeti h watch bbe tiny ,'fisb. A sudden S* b las îgeven ti the iounec nose dive, and hoe is back in the monvit of the mnatriculation results. sOme sot u en o bisael This is a public examination con- Our oui yea oi Micaelducted entirely by the University, caught bis first fish a few min - and ail o! the boys iin our seniur ------ Utes ago n lW ead ht class appear in it. This y~ear tbce 1 bake hlm our in the boat tu tbc resuit was tbe best in the histoî'v7 deep water this evening for bis of bbc Sehool. Ono-third of tbc Ail ay ong e sc hake-s boys wbo passed recevdfîs Ail'ave l ong rond sc lake i bclass honours, and three studénl5i (ij1«~ saelingboat wihe are he tId qualified for University seholar- ---RA I" A. TEPENSaî'd mode o! travel in Srinagar, The top boy was a Chr'istian. A.SEPESthe "Venice of the East". Their the son of une o! our priests, and Don't overload your wiring systemn. When you wares are the produets o! Kash- bis marks were the highest cveî 1with joys expeî'ienced and mniii craftsmanship. exq.uisite obtained by an Indian boy in the ýuiId or modernaze provide ADEQUATE WIRING. the beauty of age which far woî'k iin silvei', carved walnul. Sehool. Ho bias now gone lu Bar- youth. In this photographie olri~r ~tv ees n ing Colloge, bbc onilv Christian _______________________________ on hr teent 01hpapier miacho. I hope that, icn eeintePnab n li and folded hands, we sec the to beliing you something about !oliow in bis faîher's footsteps. H ilong life that bias witnessed Palamput' and the Scbool! Eacb year we bave soine Christ- H r r O L C I I days to the age of jet pro- But first, another woi'd about ian boys who should ho sent for EETI IIG EAR N ERGRTO tannsome bu coilege, others EECRI WRIG, REPIS D RFREATO childen, t whom Chrismaslu tecbnieai sehool. A few of youBo36 Whtmeans so mdicb. What do we have made il osil for Us to 4 KING STEGENERALO ELECTRIC 1 3 O pier Cbristmis for al of us. Wa want them 10 i'emoember'? Oniy send some of thom. A Montreai mnvle wc are doing now will hc, the j vo ça2i change what we have lady, foi' exaînplo. supported a Phone 438 HOME APPLIANCE DEALER Onterio - menîories o! b-morî'ow for the 'dune lu Chî'istinas. boy ihrough bis school voars and OnIy Chevrolef deli1vers so much__ A GENERAL TRE CANADIAN STATESMAN ROWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THURSDAY, NOV. 12; 190 Ir fi- -ý-1 1 ý ý- 4 fi e--l il, Il 1