~'HURSDAY, NOV. 13, 1952 THE CANADTAfl STATESMAN. BOWMANVTLLE. ONTARIO ~A~E NTV4 eèderation of Women Teachers eorganize Groups Tâ#teachers of the Federation f Women Teachers' Association Ontario of the Cartwright and arlington Unit met in the On- o Street School, Bowmanville Tuesday evening, Nov. 4. sident Miss Agnes Carruth- was in the chair and Miss ce Abernethy of Bradley's chool, recorded the minutes. It was decided to reorganize e groups of the unit. There are 0W four groups including Cart- right and North Darlington achers, South Darlington teach- Ontario Street School teach- and Central School teachers. bgroup will plan one meet- g which in future will be held on the second Wednesday of Jani uary, March and May. Mrs. Mackienzie was appointed conven- 1Watch yon, Watch Expert Repairs -Finest guaranteed work done' by experts. Prompt service. Free inspection. Bring in your watch. DuraPower Mainspring for ELGIN OWNERS Ahvailable for replacement ini rnost Elgins. Made of "Elgiioyl' metal. Patent pending MA RR'Is Jewellery 43 King St. W. Phone 463 .O WMAN VILLE s of Local Units or of the Sîck Benefît Committee and Mrs. Edna Phiip accepted the convenorship of the Superan- nuation Committee. Mrs. Olive Moffatt. Maple Grove, Association Pi-es jdent, pre- sented a report of the F.W.T.A.O. Faîl Conference, heid in Picton. Mrs. Moffatt gave many interest- ing resolutions and urged the teachers to do some serious think- ing about them. Would you like the Sick Benefit Fund available to teachers over 35 years of age and would you be interested in summer refresher courses were two of the questions laid before the members. The coniference discussed the value of more formaI graduatior exercises in Normal Schools anc also the issuing of bursaries and scholarships to students interest- ed in our profession. Teachers and future teachers of Ontario will be interested to note that the name, Normal Sehool, has been officially çhanged to Teach- ers' College. The conference, Mrs. Moffatt reported, stressed ir ahl its sessions, the thought: What ts good for the chiid? Miss Marion White, Ontario Street School, introduced the speaker, Miss Helen Weddel Kindergarten Directress of the same staff. During the summer vacation, Miss Weddeii attendec the l3th National Convention of the Business and Professional Women's Association at Vancouv- er. In a very informai and pleas- ing manner, Miss Weddell de- scribed the beauty and grandeur of the Canadian Rockies. Cleai and peaceful Lake Louise, colour- fui Banff, the rocky valley of the Fraser River and the fruit- laden trees of the Okanagan Val- ley were viewed by the deiegates from the private train. Miss Wed- delI toid of being a guest at a chuck wagon breakfast served ir authentie western style. In clos- ing the speaker gave an invita- tioni to ouit-of-tuwn teachers to join the Bowmanvile B. & P. W. Club. Mrs. R. Merkley, Bowmanville, accompanied by Miss L. Bragg of Central School staff entertained with three beautiful vocal solos. Lunch was served by the teach- ers of the Ontario Street School. itho u hearts there is n hme.-Byron. SELECT NOW ... Ladies' Brush, Comb and Nirror Sets SNlnBristled Brushes, Bevel]ed Glass lVrror - New Styles and ini Gift Boxes ~$3.95 - $5.95 - $9.75 - $11.75 - $16.75 Fluradene Tooth Paste 69(i Listerine Antiseptic 33c-65c-98e Pertussin for coughs 59o - $1.00 Take Extra Vitamins Wampole's Extract - 1.25 Halibut Oji Capsules 75e - $1.29 - $4.79 100 Beminal Tabs. --$3.75 Beforte Tabs. Multiple Vitamin $1.25 -$2.50 $1.60-$4.25 Tablets $ 4.25 C'od Liver 011 ---- 69c-S1.19 Scott's Emulsion ----- 79c-$1.33 Gin PUIS 50e - 79c Dolicin Ta blets $2.39 - $3.95 Bile Beans Buckley's iksR b -----53 Cough Mixture ---50e-85cek' u 3 Viek's Cough Syrup --- 59e Buckley's Rub --- 50e Creophos for Coughs ---- 1.25 Musterole ------ --------53e Croup Syrup -- .-35e-60c Analgesic BaIm ----- 29c-50c COWLING' S 8DRU G STORE RSF e rot&h9wh9 U4aeu&b n It&QwLor The Canadian Bank of Commerce ""Citizenship &-New Canadian Night" Fealured by Basic English Studenis On Home and School Club Program A fui] and enjovable programme toria, Ontario, Northumberland featured -Citizenship and New and Durham. Candia Niht"at he oveber Mrs. R. Hutchinson. presided meetin g fte he and School for the business portion of the meetng f th Hoe an Scoolmeeting. Miss Leta Bragg was at *Association, held Wednesday the piano for opening and closiný night, Nov. 5, in the Centra exercises. *School. Mrs. L. W. Luffman convened SL the programme in which Mr.% SL E D IN Merlin Slute. Central School ____ eteacher, and teacher of Basic Eng- INR. AND MRS. S. JEFFERY lish classes for New Canadians, presented some of the members of On Saturday evening, Nov. 8, these classes. A brother and about 75 friends, neighbors and sister duo, Henry and Leona relatives gathered at the home of Semplonuis, sang a group of songs Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Jeffery i n most. entertaining style. ac- Maple Grove, to help celebrath companying themselves on their their 25th wedding anniversar> sg uitars. Henry and Leona are which was Sunday, Nov. 9. 0Dutch and sang in their own A lovely corsage was pinned tlangue, though they are learning on Mrs. Jeffery, by Mrs. Elmo An- sEnglish and English songs. derson and boutonniere on Mr.i Teacher Conducted Interviews Jeffery. Mr. Slute then -conducted an in- Mr. Lorne Plummer, Port Hope, [formai interview of five class brother of the bride, acted as :members. representing three dif- chairman . After expressing his ferent nationalities. In introduc- reason for being there he called ing these new Canadians, Mr. 'on Mrs. Kyle Squair to read a eSlute said that about 60 people very appropriate address. Keith tregistered last week for this year's Cra-go and Donald Plummer made cclasses, and more are expecteci the presentation of a Mix-Master rto enrol in the next month. 0f and four bridge chairs. Master J these. 56 are Dutch. Last year Gary Jeffery presented his moth- fthere xvas a greater variety of er with a beautiful bouquet of J nationalities, including Chinese, 'mums. Several flash pictures -Finnish, Belgian, Russian, Ger- were taken by Gordon Plummer. -man, French, Polish, Ukranian Fitting replies were made by both and Swiss. though the majority Marjorie and Stephen and al rwere Dutch. joined in singing "For They arei r Couple Froni Germany Jolly Good Fellows." 1 Firs tobe ntevieed ere Speeches were made by Mrs,1 Mr. n r s. Mac ntrlikowskiwho Wmy. Major, Mrs. Charles Skip- cr.ame from Gerlniaouseven oper, Cecil Jeffery, Lloyd Crago, cam fomGeran aoutseenOwen Nicholas and Normani S1months ago. Mr, Marlikowski xvas Plummer. a Polish soldier taken prisoner Miss Gienys Nicholas gavea by- the Germans in 1939. Herednofaedig2yarag married a Frankfort girl. They ran Mof.aOwedngichola ao v are both _employed, Mr. Mar- anvey M osr e nNcoainog v likowski in Fittings Ltd., Oshawa, a ea utifuy ecad three ani? hs wfe n te Blmoaltiered wedding cake formed the MttiPaokwsi s ron heIcentre-piece foi, the dining roonm Mat aokwk siri h table which had pink candles il- northcrn part of Finland. lie xas silver holders at either end. fa student last year aiïd has re- Lunch was served and a social turned for further study this year. hour was much enjoyed with iHe is employed at General Motors eeyn ihn h rd n but would like to own bis own egron wihijyngdhe bie ad farm Tw Duth bys, ickbe with themn on their 50 years *Piersma, who has been in Cali- of marriage.t ada a y ear and seven months, and Other gifts received were a Klau Dyktrawbo as een eresilver cream and sugar on a tray, tbree and a haîf years, were the silver butter dîsh and spreader last to be interv.iewed by Mr. and chocolates. Slute. Mr. Slute drew the atten- Guests were present from Port tion of the Association to the fact Hope, Newcastle, Bowmanville. that hie could speak moje quickly Base Line. Courtice. Toronto, to thies-e boys who have progress- Chatham and Maple Grove. ed farther in their ability to speak __________ and understand English. Youth lis a factor in the rapidity of Cu 5O gnz ~class members in learning Eng- Cu 15O g nz lish. Mr. Slute said.Fo migS a n These boys both came from o nmn D ao Friesland, a province of Holland, Review Year's Worlf and in their replies to Mr. Slute's_____ questions gave considerable in Club 15 has resumed activitic formation about Dutch customis for the season and recently he! and standard of living. an election of officers. The o: Mr. Slute said in the course of, ficers for the coming vear an( bis remarks, that he finds the past president-Mrs. Paul Chant Newe Canadian students very ap- President-Mrs. Ronald Haw- preciative of anything that is clone thorne, Secretary-Mrs. Lionel for them, probabiy more so than Parker; Treasurer-Mrs. Russell the pupils in the ex'eryday classes Oke: Social Convenor-Mrs. Jim of our sehools. Crombie; Press Correspondent- rAlso contributing to the pro- Mr,. Ralph Mclntyre. gramme w-as Mrs. W. J. Leask,ý Two new members. Mrs. Elmer who gave two amnusing readings. Banting and Mrs. Arnold Beste. ~Foreign Views of the Statue oti man have joined the club. Liber-ty". and ~Little Baptiste". During the past season, Club 1~ Gift to Mrs. Clarke sponsored two successful Stay-AI Another highlight of the even- Home Bridges, one held in Di( ing was the presence of Mi-s. Wm. cember and the other in Marci- A. Clarke, a former president of Tlîey also held an evening at th the H-ome and Scbool Association Lions Centre at which Beti and always an active promoter of Moore gave an iilustrated talk o, that organization. In recognition home decoration. of the contribution made by Mrs. During the season three radin, Clarke over the years. Mrs. Ross were donated to the hospital Richards pî-esentcd ber with a Other donations include $100.0(: gift on hehaîf of the Association. to the Kinsman Artificiai Ice Mrs. Clarke, who \vas also chair- Fund, $2.5,00 to the Recreation mai) of the Board of Education Cotincil, and $30.00 to various, for 1952, bas moved to Oshawa. othier causes. In ber reply, Mrs. Clarke The first club activity'planned stressed the importance of Home, for thâs season is a Stav-at-Home and Sehool Association meetings Bridge to be held on Wednesday, 1where contacts ai-e madle with the Dec. 10. teachers. She urged memrbers to talk up the meetings and fil fli i-nom to overflowing. She feit ~ ~ ~ The Statesmafi SoId Clarke saiwd tat shterehadnand AtF1ow Soe anvreile Associahtinand hankd rul'sStoe ouic P UBLIC MEETINGI (RONO TOWN HALL ai 8 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 20, 1852 To Be Addressed By: HAZEN ARGUE,, M.P. (Menmber for Assiniboja, Sask.) EVýERY(>NE WELCOME Durham C.C.F. Riding Association (;()I SAVE TuIE QIJEEN The Greatest Sale of... MA4àDETOME ASUREP -CLO Ever staged in Canada by Tiip. Top AT Taitdors BOWMANVI LLE Year eni Clearance of VIRGIN WOOL FABRICS TAILORED - TO - MEASURE WELL BELOW ACTUAL AS LOW AS THURS. NoV va13 AT PRICES COST!1 4 DAYS ONLY FR1. NOVY, 14 SAT. No va 15 NO0V. 17 THEY'LL GO FAST AT THESE PRICES -Se ORDER EARLY FOR BES.T SELECTION, MADE-TO-NEASURE; CLUB CLOTHES $37.50; OTHER RANGES - $51.Cl and $58.50, FIT AND WORKNANSHIP GUARANTEED! DRESLIN'Ils DO WNAN VILLE exclusive Dealer f or Tip Top Tailors TEM CANADIAlq STATESMAN. BOWMANVMLLF. ONTARIO rà%qcm Rival tsDAT, NOV. 13, 1952