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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Nov 1952, p. 9

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TEITRSDAY, NOV. 13, 1953 TEE CANADLM~ STAT~5MAN. EOWMA1qy~LL~* OWTARXO PAGE ND soin Women's Institute Neeling josk Form of Ail-Day Builiing Party 1 ïoiàplele 2 Large id 2 Cih Guilis Novémnber meeting of Sauina Womei's Institute was in the torm d an ail-day quiiting party. It was held on Monday, Nov. 10 i the church basement. In tbie morning about 20 mem- bers turned out to put f ive quits in the frames and start quilting. Mns. John Knox, leader of Group Il, and her assistants, prepared a sumptuous pot-luck dinner. Food in quantity, quality and vaniety for the menu for the day.' Eariy in the afternaon more menibers arrived to assist in the task of quilting. There were two largequilt# and three crib quilts compieted>iuring the .day.. Later ifi the aternoon, Mrs. Hardy, presîdent, called the meet- ing to order for the business ses- sion. Mrs. Burney Hooey, sec- retary, read the minutes and the treasurer's repart. She reported we had cieared around $15700 at our bazaar, held tWo weeks be- fore. Ail the groups were well satisfied with the returns and we appreciated having such a good crowd. In al, our bazaar was a decided success. We planned to send $5.00 to the Neighborhood Workers and a further donation of $100.00 ta- ward our Community Hall. The Super-Efficient OILO - MAGIC Oil Bealing MAKES TOUR PRESENT BEATING EQUIPMENT TWICE AS GOOI) * Saves Tou Money on Tour Fuel Costs *Phone or Consuit JACK PLUMBING -HEATING IDivision St. S., Bowmanvillo New Phone - Office 615 flouse Phono 2384 Rail cal, "My Reasons for Not Attending the Institute Meeting," was weli answered. Most mem- bers attend the meeting if pas- sible. Motta for the day "vas: Be a worker and not a Shirker." :This was very suitabie for the day's work. Mrs. Hardy related some af the highlights ai the bus trip ta the convention in Toronto when about 25 ladies took the trip. Al renjoyed the shopping, shows and aiternoon at the convention. Mrs. Gardon Leask described some quilts on exhibitian at the con- vention. Mrs. C. Hamer read the resolutians, which were intro- duced at the convention. Group III with Mrs. E. Spires in charge will conduct next meet- ing. Each member is ta bring a child's tay ta be donated toaa Children's Aid for Christmas. KENDAL (Intended for last week) Many strange characters pa- raded around the streets Friday evening for fun and frolic. Soarî on windows, and gates that wer< gone, were the usuai things the next morning. Mrs. McKay, Roy Mercer, Don- nie and David visited Mrs. Roy Mercer in Oshawa Hospital Sun- day and report she is comin. alang favaunabiy and hoping te be home soon. Much interest was taken lasl Tuesday in the moving operation.ý being carried out. Martin Man- ders had secured a 25' x 30' war- time bouse in Peterborough te put on bis pnoperty on the sixth line. east af Carson's Hill. The bouse was eut into two sectione, loaded onto tractor-trailers an< moved down, preceded by a police escort. Dean's and Elizabethviihc bis were successfully climbec but the transports couid flot get above midway an Carson's Hill, (within sight ai their destination) so bad ta back down, turn arounc and go down Lamne Martinell'.ç sideroad, finaiiy arrivîng aboui dark. Severai mare days werE required ta put it together on the foundation and,.put the ro on. A weli attended Hallowe'er party was held by the W. I. in the Orange Hall, Thursday even- ing. The judges, Mrs. Luxan, Mrs. Perey Burley and Ned Faster had a very difficuit time chaos- ing among so many good cas- tumes. The best couple were the bride and graom-Mrs. Hilditcl and Kathleen Geach; best comi: -Mrs. George Mencer; best girl -Miss Dorene Powell; best boy- Ray Couraux. The evening was spent in games followed by danc- ing after lunch. Almost a million dollars wortlh ai lipstick is manuiactured in Canada in a year. ;t 0 s it Phone 94-r-16 Orono .4 The Perfect Af ter School Snack . A Tasty MILK SHAKE! What kids love best (next to Main and Dad) *..a creamy, frothy milk shake ta top off the scbool day! Make delicious, hea1th-giv- ing "shakes" a part of the daily routine... with our creamy, enriched milk. Order nowv! GLEN RAE DAIRY PIJONE 444 BOWMANVILLE MORRISH There was a very good attend- ance at Sunday School and the church service foliowmng at 3 p.m. Just befare the close of Sunday School it was disclosed that the winning teamn in the present con- test was that of Mrs. Haines with over 100 ahead af the other team and as this contest will end the last Sunday in November, the los- ers are aiready beginning ta count the cast of the propased turkey supper, myseli among the num- ber. However, we hope that a satisfactory arrangement may be worked out sa that the winning side wiii in some way beip ta de- iray expenses. It was a grand idea for the iirst month or so but interest waned tawards the end. However, with a turkey supper in sight, co-operation must pre- vail. On Thursday evening Nov. 6th araund 18 members af aur church went ta Weicame ta see the authentie film "The King's Man." The story was filmed in warleest Africa and kept us speli- bound from beginning ta end, with native music, singing and costumes. It makes a very worth- whiie picture ai mission work. Mrs. Frank Anderson, grand- daughter Elaine with Mr. and Mrs. C. Anderson at Bowman- ville. Mr. Neil Anderson, Brantford, was home for the weekend. The school children were given an unexpected holiday Monday, due ta the Teachers' Convention. To some of the boys it was a pleasure in more ways than one for the thought ai those bard seats in school after the old-time pajnishment in the woodshed- aftermath ai Halloween tricks, were not toa good. Tuesday they ail felt better. The Leaders' Training Class was heid at Welcome. Three teachers from here are taking the course wbich wili finish Nov. 14. Friday evening, Nov. 7, severai W. A. members attended the bazaar at Zion. It was a good ai- fair, a large number were there ta buy fromn the well fiiied tables and also ta enjoy the hilariaus comedy performed by miembers af the W. A. and lunch provided at the close. SOLINA n Many from here attended anc ,f enjoyed the entertainment an< dance, spansored by Mr. Roy Wý nNichols, General Motors Dealer n in Newcastle Community Hall -Friday night. Miss Jean Montgomery enter- r tained ber Sunday School Class af Junior Boys and Girls ata -mast enjoyable party Saturday e aiternoon. à Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Broome anc esons attended a iamily gatherîng jat Mn. Harold Saitens, Hampton, -on their silver wedding anniver- S sary. The missionary program or Sunday aiternoan includeda vocal tria by Gail Baker, Heler and Patsy Knox, and 'a story reac by Evelyn Taylor. Ladies ai the W. I. had a qujilt- ing bee an Monday and at thc noon haun everyone pantook o! a bountiful pot iuck dinner. Sec repart in another coiumn. Mn. and Mrs. N. C. Wotten, Mr. anxd Mrs. Frank Gilbert at Dr. L. B. Williams', Toronto. Mrs. H-. Murphy, Long Sault; Mn. and Mrs. Harry Morden, Baw- manville, at Mn. Walter Murpby's. Mn. and Mns. Alec Blair, Mrs. W. A. Ormiston, Braoklin; Mn. and Mrs. Percy Dewell, Douglas and Caralyn, Hampton, at Mr. Bruce Tink's. Mn. and Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Ber- tha Sleightholm, Wbitby; Mn. and Mrs. Fred Crame, Oshawa, at Mrs. Rose Blanchard's. Mr. and Mrs. C. Ramer -and family at Mn. Walter Davis', Ked- non. Mns. Ernest Larmer, Miss Shar- on Larmer, Blackstock; Mr. Glenn Larmer, Kemptville Agricultural College, at Mn. Harvey Yellow- lees. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Yellowlees, Harold and Murray, at Mn. Mur- tan Waiter's, Maxwell's. Mn. and Mrs. George Knox en- tentained at a family gathering on Satunday evening, honoring Mrs. Wm. Knox, Brougham, on ber birthday. Mn. and Mrs. Donald Yeilow- lees, Taunton; Messrs. Ken Tink and Wes Downs, fbenezer, at Mn. Harry Knox's. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McIntosh and David, Toronto, at Mn. Roy Langmaid's. Dr. George Werry and Donald, Oshawa, at Messrs. S. E. and Wes We nry 's. Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Hamlin, IGreen River, at Mn. George Ham- lin's. Mn. and Mrs. George Boutillier, Mn. Leonard Blewett, Mrs. Skin- ner, New Toronto, at Mn. E. Cry- derman 's. Miss M. Stacev, Bowmanville, at Mn. Ross Cryderman's. Mn. and Mrs. Stan Milîson and Glen at Mn. C. D. Pascoe's. Mn. and Mns. Alec Barclay, Mn. and Mrs. Bryce Brown and Jean, Oshawa, at Mn. A. J. Balson's. Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Smith, Osh- awa, at Mn. Russell Gilbert's. Mrs. Grant Glover and daugh- ters, Oshawa, at J. Knox*s. Misses Eunice Leask and Barb- ana Loucks, Mn. Alfred Loucks, Toronto, at Mr. Gordon Leask's. Mrs. H. Harris and Billie at Mn. Wmi. Da *v's, Port Penny. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Ovenden and ch:idren, Maple Grave, Mn. and Mrs. F. Cook and Susan, Bowmanville, at Mn. Frank West- Iake's Jr. Cogrtuaions ta Carl and Hee aruga (nee Bnudek) on [the birth of twin daughters on [Sunday, Nov. 9 at the Oshawa General Hospital. Mn. and Mns. Alec Patter at Mn. Wm. Culling*s, Oshawa, and Mr. Harold Potter's, Hampton. See Coming Events for the date ai the Grand Opening and Turkey Supper in the new Communîty Hall. Mn. Bruce Patter, Inspector with the C.P.R., bas been trans- ferned ta Edmonton, Alta. Bruce is son af Mn. and Mrs. Alec Pot- ter. Town's New General Purp ose Truck Arrives Nanvers Township Council Sets Ruling for Reni of Township Hall Manvens Township Councîl met Nov. 4 with all members present, except Mr. Scott. Communications were read from Dept. ai Municipal Affairs, stat- ing ail municipalities in the Unit- Vd Counties o! Northumberland and Durham bave been put under the Tax Arrears procedure ai the Dept. ai Municipal Affains Act and that Sales for Tax Arrears have now been aboiisbed, as at Sept. 30, 1952. Dept. ai Public Weliare stating that medical ser- vices for persans in receipt af re- lief assistance bas been increased from 83 cents per persan per month ta $1,05 per month per persan. A number ai retiuests for adjustment ai taxes for 1952 were received. Accounts were received from: Hydro Comm., for bail lights; the Counties Treasurer for hospital- ization; Gardon Smith for con- struction ai sidewalks in Betbany; nequisition for school money from S. S. No. 15, and two dlaims for sheep killed by dogs. A. H. Monk, School Attendance Oficer, made bis annual report ta the Council. The officer was assuned that the Municipal Coun- cil were supporting him in bis method ai procedure in fulfilling bis duties. It was decided that ail churches în the Municipality be allowed ta use the Township Hall on two occasions each yean at haîf rentaI; that the Bethany Women's Insti- tute be given use af the piano at ail times, and that the full rentai charge be made at ail other times when the bail is used for any money-making prajects. Bethany Fire Fighting Commit- tee was given a grant af $100.00 ta help pay for the f ire iighting unit, and that the Durham County 500 Bushel Potato Club be given' a grant ai $15,00. Cierk was instructed ta adver- tise that the Tax Sale as adVertis- ed had been cancelled. These accaunts were passed:i R elief ---------- --------- $ 279.75 Gardon Smith, building sidewalks --------- _ 266.00 Aubrey Cain, sheep killed 25.00 Elmer Hart, sheep killed 47.00 Hydro, hall lights - ---- 6.07 Counties, bospitalizatian.- 20.25 Twp. Treas., noad voucher 4576.01 J. C. Cummiskey, salary as Clerk------------------- 110.00 S. S. 15, sehool money -- 300.00 A. H. Monk, Att. Officer 75.00 H. V. Shea, Assessing, (new system) ------- 337.501 H. V. Shea, select. jurons 4.00,i Allan Beer, select. jurons 4.00 J. C. Cummiskey, select. jurons -------------------« 4.00 Superior Fuels, cement -- 165.00 Bethany Fire Fund, grant 100.00 500 Bushel Potato Club, grant..................-------- 15.00 T. W. Davidson, livestock valuer................--------- .20 Cauncil adjourned ta meet on Dec. 9th at 1 p.m. NESTLETON Mrs. M. Emerson, District Pres. of W. I., and Mrs. H. Vine, Sec'y- Treas. W. I., attended W. I. con- vention in Toronto. Pot luck supper sponsored by W. A. and W.M.S. was quite a success when over $30.00 was cleared. Rev. and Mrs. Harry Atkin- son, Richard and David, spenti Wedne9dav evening with Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Stinson, and sons, Cadmus, visited Mr. andI Mrs. G. Johns. Miss Margaret Steele. R.N., To- ronto, with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steele. A number from here attended anniversary services at Black-1 stock ta hear Rev. Harry Atkin-1 son, Oshawa, preach. Harry i9j one of aur Nestieton boys. Mr. and Mrs. Wîlfred Vrine vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Reg Middleton at Malton. Mr. and Mrs. Armour, Irwin, and familv, Toronto, visited Mr and Mrs. Hf. Vine. Congratulations ta Mr. and i Mrs. Herman Wilson who art- cclebrating their silver wedding1 next week. Don't forget W. A. and W.M.S. at Mrs. H. Vine's, Thursday ai- ternoon. Nov. 20. Mrs. L. Job- lin's group in charge. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stephens, Mr. and Mrs. Lea Keenan and' ftamil, Lindsay, «viisted Mr. and Mrs. Elnio Archer.i PONTYPOOL A meeting of the Board of Stewards of the United Church was held on Friday evening with Rev. Vogan, B.A., B.D., presiding. These officers were eiected: Pres. -Keith Bradley; Sec'y--. Payne; Treas.-G. Fiske. It was decided ta have a turkey dinner on Nov. 2. Mrs. G. Fiske is chairman, to co-aperate with W. A. and other local ladies to arrange for the sup- per. Lorne Bowins and Clifford Curtis were, appointed ta purchase fowl. Clifford Curtis is chair- man af advertising. Charge is $1.25 for aduits and 50c for child- ren. Two members and the chair- man wili form a quorum when meetings are necessary. It tWas decided ta, hold a meeting aiter supper ta arrange, if necessary, for a financial canvas. Gerald Fiske gave a report af the pres- ent financia] situation. This sup- per deserves the support of every- one and tickets will be obtain- able in advance. Spatial church services will be held Sunday, Nov. 16. We were unaware of the pass- ing of Mrs. W. Robinson in time for last week's news. Deceased had been a crippie for many years and suffered for a long time,I spending sevenal months in Mem- anial Hospital at Bowmanville, where she died. We extend ta the son and other relatives Our sincene sympathy. We were criticized recently that we did not give a blast ta the hoodlums who did extensive dam- age ta many of aur summer homes in the village and also broke into the L.O.L. Hall. We bave found out and were glad ta hear that the cuiprits were not local chaps. The owners af these properties are non-residents now, and have no local police protection. They pay taxes toward aur schoois, noads, ligbts, etc., leave cansiderable money in the community, are iaw abiding and deserve ta have their homes unmolested from sucb wandering culprits. We cangrat- ulate the citizens wbo treated the younger cbildren on Haliowe'en when asked ta shel out. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Eddy, Newcastle, visited friends here an Sunday. Nominations for Manvers Mu- nicipal Counicil wili take place on Fniday, Nov. 21 at Bethany. ZION (Hope Twp.) Bazaar sponsored by Zion Wom- an's Association was held with great success on Friday evening in the United Church, being de- clared open by the Rev. A. Hard- ing. The many stalîs were at- tnactiveiy arranged in the base- ment. An innovation, the Mis- sion Band table with Mrs. N. h GRAND' FABRIC 59 RING ST. W, FRIDAY, THE Gerow in charge, was 'well pat- ronized, as also were the fish pond (Iris Caswell, vegetable an~d meat stali (Mrs. Meneiiley), home baklng (Mrs. C. Raby), candy staîl (Carol Caswell), aprons (Mrs. Tufford), fancywork (Mrs. Irwin), knitting <Mrs. Anderson), quilts (Mrs. McCuilough). De- xnands for freshly popped corn kept Doris Anderson ard Shirley Tufford busy. A program, convened by Mrs. E. Ruthven and Mrs. S. Jones followed. Mr. Wilmot Prouse, Osaca, ably carried out the duties of chairman, pinch-hitting for the pastor, Rev. A. Harding, who was unable ta remain. The accomp- anist for ail vocal selections was kindly taken by Mrs. F. Gilmer, Newtonville. Iris Caswell gave a solo, "Beautiful Dreamer." A very humorous one-act play foi- lowed, entitled "Wanted - A Housekeeper." The cast was: Ike McSweeney-Mrs. Irwin;, Abe Wilkins-Mrs. E. Ruthven; "Olga frorn the Volga"-Mrs. Meneilley; gum-chewing Gertie-Mrs. Ken Whitney; Mrs. Sweetly and son Gerald-Mrs. C. Raby and Ger- ald Best; an aid lady-Mrs. Roy Best; an attractive passer-by- Mrs. Carman Irwîn. The play unfolded in a hîlarious manner, the trials and tribulations of two aid rural bachelors who endeav- aur ta engage a suitable bouse- keeper. Ail repaired ta the base- ment for deiicious refreshments, arranged cafeteria style, by -Mrs. A. Walker and ber aides, Miss H. Raby, Mrs. Morton, Mrs. E. Cas- well and Mrs. Tuiford. On Sunday morning the theme of the service was Remembrance Day, and the hymns, prayers and sermon followed and developed the idea of not oniy outlawing war but actively working for peace. At the same time the moral and spiritual values of a comradeship in wartime should be recognized and sublimated in an adventur- ous peace. There were over eighty million clothes pins manufactured in Can- ada in 1950. By the terins of the GATT pact (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade), of which Canada is one of 34,inember countris, each member grants to anl other mecm- bers most-favored-nation tarifi concessions. Coing Shopping ? PHONE 56IB1 No Parking problems, no trait ic worries when you go shopping ln a clean King cab. 24 hour service. FURG $50 ta $1000 - on your own signature Get extra cash fosf - for any good purpose - et Household Finance. ans mode without bankoble security. Repoyment pions ta fit yoiir ncome. Up ta 24 months to repay. Phono, or stop in today for fént, friendly dépendabi. service l k MONEY WHEN YOU NUD ITI M. ».OUSEHOLD FINANCE Cj"ada's largt si d mohs recorima,,ded conam"inaceorg" 111/2 SIMC09 St.South, Secondi floor, phone Oshawa 5.-1139 J5HAWA, ONT. PORT HOPE BRANCH: 71 Walton St., 2nd floor, phono 3050 OPENING OF TQWN BO WNAN VILLE 21 WAÀT CH FOR OPENING S PE C1A L S IN . STATESMAN Everything by the yard.. -SILKS COTTONS -WOOLLENS -DRAPERIES PATTERNS -DRESSMAKING SUPPLIES For Gualiiy Merchandise ai Lowesl Prices Shop and Save ai FPAHRICTOWN 59 King Si. W. R.J.TAGGART, VoS., D@VUM. VETERINARY SURGEON Park Street - Orono Office Hours for small animais 7:00 'ta 8:30 p.m. Sundays and Wednesdays by appointment O N NOVEMBER Bowmanville1 Late last week, the Corporqition of the Town of Bowmanville took delivery of its new, huge general purpose truck from Roy W. Nichols, General Motors dealer. On hand ta receive the much needed vehicie was Councillor Norman J. Scott, Chairman of the Town's Roads & Streets Committee. He is the gentleman with the hat on. Alongside is Sidney Nichais of the Roy Nichais organizatian. The truck will go into general ser- vice immediately and is equipped to handie snow plowing and a hundred and one other jobs. . THMMAY, NM. 18,' 1052 TIM CAMADL« 8TATESMAN. BOWMA"nl4. ONTAMO PAOI mm -1

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