/ ~HT3R5DAY, NOV. 20. 1952 ?I~W PA MAflTAM ~'rA'rW~.I A M mr'~unIA mmi' ' ~ a - -- -. ..,. -. ..,......*....~.,....,, ~ W C~.i~ili. ~ A Z~Ab.L~I FAUE FIFYZEN Fenton Fallis of Pontypool Niamed Durham Potato King &ith 580 Dushels Io the Acre Fenton Fallis of Pontypool won the gold watch for potato king of Durham County for 1952. The presentation was made at the an- nual banquet of the 500 Bushel Potato Club heid in Miilbrook on Thursday evening. Oct. 30. Mr. Fallis won the award growing Chippewa potatoes. His yield was 580 bushels to the acre. The yieids were flot as hîgh this year as they have been in some form- ýLer Years. However the quality 7'fMr. Fallis' crop was excellent. '~Out of a possible 200 points he s»ored 180. Ernest Cavano also of Pontypool was placed second., He too grew Chippewa potatoes. His yield was greater than Mr. Faliis'-660 bushels to the acre- but the quality was not as high. He scored 177 points out of 200, and won a large silver tray and $25 cash. Albert Olan of Cavan Town- ship, who placed first iast year, was chairman for the banquet, held in St. Andrew's Church hall, with about 170 guests in attend- ance. Belongs to Durham Boys The Ontario Crop Improvement Association Trophy, which is awarded to the higb team of the boys' and girls' inter-potato club was on display . The winning team this year is Joe McGili an d Grant Werry of Enniskilen. As this is the third successive year it has been won by Durham County it now belongs to this county. These two boys will. rep- resent Ontario at the _Dominionj finibls on Nov. 12. TIhey go to Toronto as guests of the 4-H Club. The two top boys in the po- tato club, Lavergne Morton and Alan Johnson, were too young to be on the team. Ed. A. Summers, Agrtcultural Representative for Durham, said he was looking for- ward to baving themf on the club in two years. Mel Wood, club leader, presented Lavergne Mor- ton of Cavan with a book, "Out of the Earth" by Bromfield. Honorary Membership Another feature of the evening1 was the presentation of an hon- orary life membership in the 500-1 bushel club to Hénry Blakely of1 Pontypool. Mr. Blakely was one1 of the original members of thei club, and bas been one of its most ardent supporters. He was thei winner of the gold watch in 1946.( The life membership was sign-i Name Address 1. Fenton Fallis Pontypool 2. Ernest Cavano Pontypool -e. Clifford Curtis Pontypool 4. Chas. Weatherilt Bethany S5. Deibert Olan Millbrook S6: Albert Olan Millbrook 7. Joe McGillb Enniskillen 8. Harvey McGill Enniskiilen 9. Alfred Johnsoni Pontypool 10. Earl Weatherilt Bethany 11. Thos. Ward Pontypool 2 12 Donald Lowes Cavan 1 13. Mel Woods Millbrook 14. Gary Ward Pontypool 2 15. Harold Little Pontypool ~.Hector Morton Cavan 1 L. Porter Pontypool JUDGES: R. E. Goodin, E. A. Average busheis per acre- ed by ail the other winners since the club was formed. They were: 1944, Alfred Johnston: 1945, Ern- est Cavano; 1946, Henry Blakeiy; 1947, Deibert Olan; 1948, Melville Strong; 1949, Thomas Wood; 1950, Milton Weatheriltý 1951, Albert Olan; 1952, Fenton Fallis. In making the presentation R. E. Goodin, Assistant Director of the Crops, Seeds and Weeds Sec- tion of the Department of Agri- culture, paid tribute to Mr. Blake- ly's inborn love of the soîl. He had built up a farm which if some men had owned, would have blown away; the farmer with it. Mr. Blakely loved his farm and every animal on it. Wheni he re- tired in the near future he would leave the land much better than he had found Wt In his repiy he thanked the members of the club and briefly reviewed the history of the 500- bushel club. Greetings and best wishes were brought by John M. James, M.P. for Durham, and Harry Campbell, Warden of the United Counties of Durham and Northumberland. Delbert Olan, Reeve of Cavan, and Allen Beer, Reeve of Man- vers, were also among the speak- ers. Mr. Beer led in commun- ity singing with J. O. Medd at the piano. Major John Foots, M.P.P., sent regrets that at the last min- ute be was unable to attend. R. E. Goodin, in introducing the guest speakers, said it was the f irst time the club had had a womnan speaker, Miss Betty Boyle of the Department of Agricul- ture, and editor of the Junior Farmer News. The second speak- er xvas Harold Beatty wh'o show- ed slides taken of the Junior Far- mer delegation to flritain. The pictures and commentary told the story of young farmers' work in, Britain, showed scenes from live- stock shows, some of which were attended by Queen Elizabeth, and of the British countryside. Donald Lowes moved a vote of thanks to the ladies of St. An-1 drew's Women's Association for1 the turkey dinner. Mrs. J. T.1 Crowley replied. a The watch presentation to Fen- ton Fallis was made by Neil Mas-1 terson of Agricultural Chemicals, Port Hope, on behaîf of his firm who donated the prize.I Complete list of prize winners in the Durhamn 500 Bushel Potato? Club for 1952 and their standing, Estimated Yieid - Bus. Variety Per Acre Chippewa 580 Chippewa 660 Sebago 439 Sebago 471 Chippewa 506 Sebago 484 Canso 457 Chippewa 483 Chippewa 423 Irish Cobb. 532 Chippewa 405 Katabdin 420 Katahdin 271 Chippewa 390 Chippewa 348 Sebago 375 Katahdin 336 Sumnmers. 445.8. Yield QuaI.S Poss.2 180 17' 164 161 157 156 155 154 1 53 151 150 148 148 147 146 144 143 and Score 200 0 and the beautiful scenes in the SOLINARockies were shown in these pictures. Piano duets by the Mr, and Mrs. Harry Knox en- Fisher sisters of Zion, and violin tertained friends at a Lost Heir selections by Janet Nayior and party on Saturday evening. Mrs. Mrs. Dickson, accompanied by George Knox and Ross Cryder- Mrs. Chas. Naylor at the piano, mani won prizes for highest were ail much enjoyed. Refresh- scores. ments were served by the comn- Congratulations to Bruce Tay- mittee in charge. lor who with team members Bill Visitors- Ferguson, Blackstock, and Earle Mr. and Mrs. R. Baker, Toronto, Brown, Newcastle, were the at Mr. Geo. Hamlin's. proud winners of the Jeffery Bull Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Ellicott, Memorial Trophy, in the Inter- Sandra and Donald, Peterborough, County Livestock Judging Comn- at Mr. Ernest Hockaday's. petitions for Junior Farmers un- der 26, at the Royal Winter Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bickle Bruce received the gold medal as and Penny, Ebenezer; Mr. and hig idivdul i te see jug-Mrs. Chas. Langmaid and Mar- ing competitions. ln tM.JeSodns The Solina Home and School Mr. and Mrs. H. Farrow, Stark- Club will meet on Friday night ville; Miss Lorraine Farrow, Bow- when Mr. Ed. Youngman will be manville, at Mr. Geo. Knox's. the guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox at Mr. and Mrs. L. Brome, Ronnie M r. Hilton Tink's, Ebenezer. and Larry, Mr. and Mrs.W.* Mur- Miss Lena Taylor, Bowman- phy Shiag an Keny'were in ville; Miss Evelyn Taylor, Toron- phy. Shelforghe an a Kennv ar-to, at Mr. E. R. Taylor's. Toota frteSate.asPr Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilbert nde. J. Yellowiees, Master Har- BowmTan Ok ad auhtrs vld Yellowlees Mrs. Ralph Davis Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor at and Patsy spent the weekend with Mr. Herb Ogden's, Oshawa. Mliss Ida Reynolds in Toronto. 14r. Verner Caverley, Mrs. F. Bradley's Communitv Club met Burrows, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. on Friday night whien several Crouse and Richard. Mrs. G. L. from Baker's and Solina Clubs Crouse, Miss Elsie Stev-ens, Mr. tvere guests. The main teature of D. Burns, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. the program %vas the showing of W. J. Spires, Millbrpok, at Mr. E. beautiful coloured slides by Miss Spires'. Mo13u Badgcr, Bowmanville. xvho Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Knight, enjovýed a trip to the West Coast. Oshawa; Mrs.' Geo. Wilson and The natural beauties of the West Georgie, Mr. Oliver Glaspeli, Pet- ICE TIME AVAILABLE BD WNAN VILLE Memorial Arena FOI DETAILS Phone Dlowmaniile 728 HosPital W.A. Solidly Bhn Emergency Appeal Members of the Memorial Hospital Women's Auxiliary above are but a few of the people who are throwing their energies into the campaign to rid our hospital of debt. Pictured in the auxiliar?' room at the hospital are, left to right, back row: Mrs. Wes. Cawker, Mrs. Dr. Norman Allun, Mrs. Chas. Bagneil, ý1Wrs. Morley Vanstone, Mrs. Joe O'Neill, Mrs. Dr. W. H. Birks, Mrs. Dr. V. H. Storey, Mrs. Dr. C. W. Siemon. Front row: Mrs. Lloyd Ayre, Mrs. E. H. Colç, Hampton; Mrs. Norman Kennedy, Kendal; Mrs. Bruce Mutton and Mrs. Ivison Munday. erborough, at Mr. 1. Hardy's. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johnson, Pbillip and Elizabeth, Peterbor- ough, at Mr. J. Baker's. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker and children at Mr. E. Ormiston's, Eb- enezer. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Boutillier, Mr. L. Blewett, Mrs. Skinner, New Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Glynn Eastwood and Linda, Greenwood, at Mr. A. J. Balson's. Miss Ileen Balson at Mr. Allan Balson's, Kingston. Rev. G. D. and Mrs. Empey and daughters, Hampton, at Mr. C. D. Pascoe's. Mr. and Mrs. Walter McEiroy, Mrs. Sam McEroy, Peterbor- ough; Mr. and Mrs. Art Young- man and sons, Tyrone, at Mr. J. R. Kivelî's. Mr. and Mrs. N. Fice, Marilyn, Douglas and Keith, Taunton; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Moore, George and Heather, Bowmanville at Mr. Frank Westlake's Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Cyrol Smith and family, Fleetwood, at Mr. Frank Westlake's, Jr.1 Rev. G. D. Empey will conduct a baptismal service at the church service next Sunday at 3 p.m. Mr. Chas. Sbortridge visited his aunt, Mrs. Veale at Whitby on Sunday. Mrs. A. L. Pascoe with rela- tives at Pickering and Claremont. Mrs. Mabel McKessock, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilson, Oshawa, visited at Mr. A. L. Pascoe's. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Werry andI Mfr. A. L. Pascoe attended the funeral of Mrs. J. Metcalfe. Several from here attended the funeral of Miss Lyla Osborne at Bowmanville. Mr. A. L. Pascoe underwant an >peration at the Shouldice Sur- gery in Toronto on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Milîson and Glenn visited on Sunday with Mfrs. E. M. Carr in Toronto. On]y sait and vegetable colour- ing are added to the Canadian Cheddar cheese. The colouring -s added to give the distinctive gold- 1 en yellow colour and sait at the ate of approximately two pounds to the hundred pounds of curd is added as a seasoning agent and to help itskeepingquaiity. United Counties Health Unit Announces New Dental System Effective Nov'. 1 an entirely new scheme of preventive dentistrv was initiated in the United Coun- ties by the Northumberland-Dur- ham Health Unit and the dent- ists. Children resident in the United Counties xii be eligible for a free dental examination lby the famiiy dentist at or befire the age of three years. Th5 family dentist wiîî comn- plete the examination and record j is findings and recommendations on a special report card, and re- turn it to the Medical Officer of the Health Unit. The dentist will then be paid for the examination out of Health Unit funds. Setting the pace in this field of Public Health Preventive Den- tistry, the Counties Health Unit becomes the first Unit to initiat2 such a scheme with the co-oper- ation of the local dentists. For many years empbasis was on the dental care of children of school age. Extensive studies car- ried on throughout the world have now shown that a most important factor in the prevention of tooth decay and deformity is the start- ing of adequate supervision at an early age. Modemn authorities now recommend that cbildren should be placcd under the care of the dentist at or before the age of three years. The most practical method of improving the dental bealth of the children in the United Coun- ties bas been under discussion by the dentists andi the Health Unit' s medical officers during the pazt ye4r, and advice xvas sought from authorities in the Dental Faculty in the University of Toronto and the Dental Association. This scheme was approved by the Board of Health of the Nortbum- berland-Durham Heaith Unit at one of the regular meetings. Dental report cards will be giv- en out to mothers at Child Health Conferences and during visits of the Health Unit nurses to homes. In addition, a supply of cards will be made available to the dentists whose offices are within the bord- ers of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham, in order that the dentists may co:n- plete examinations for children whose parents have of their own volition taken tbem to the dentist. If .the family dentist is resident outside the United Counties, it will be necessary for the parents to secure a dental card from the Health Unit in order to have this available for compjetion by the family dentist. It is empbasized that the scheme will be limited to the ex- amination of children at or be- fore the age of three years: that is, once the child bas passed bis fourth birthday. he will not ha eligible for examination under the schem e. By a review of the results of the examination of children in the United Counties, it is hoped that fromn time to time during the nexti few years the course of the dent-i al health unit can be determined and the value of this scheme esti- mated. Durham LeagueBowling Team Standing W L Pts. A &P --- 21 6 49 Foundry-------- 19 8 47 C.0. F.--------- 19 8 44 Enniskilien IIl-- 18 9 43 Sheppard & Gili 15 12 34 Statesman ----- 14 13 32 B. T. S.-------- 14 13 32 Tyrone ------ - 13 14 31 Maple Grove- 12 15 25 'Blackstock- 9 18 20 Enniskilien 1 6 21 12 Hampton --- 4 23 9 Averages J. LeVitt ----- --- ---- 226 W. DeGeer----------- --------- 222 K . Veo ------------- _ 218 J. Thompson ------215 J. Siemon -------- -- ---- 210 N. Cowle ---- ------------- 209 B. Engley -----------205 T. McLatighlin,---------- 204 F. Smith.----------------------- -204 W. Westiake --------------- 202 J. Stacey ---------- --- --- 202 L. Ellis ---------------- 202 G. Perfect ------------------- -202 L. Wearn _.--------- ------201 High Single-W. DeGeer, 305. High Triple-J. Siemon, 750. FOR NEN IONLY.. Send flowers to your i Iady fair TG Jet her know you really care; To -show ber that you're flot so dumb Giv'e her a big, commercial 'Mum. Carnations are really at their best, Take your choice, we'Il do the rest: Selection good, the price is right, Delivery prompt both day and night. Graham Florist ENNISKILLENj PHONE 2468 Flowers for ail occasions c a e t a t0 §WU Ft'YPff I* ME need relioble a,5 nswers fa your'crisis . questions" this year! *.get them in TH. Of ten referred to os "a Snewspapermoan's news- poper" the MONITOR covers the world with a network of News Bureaus and correspondents. ' - Order a special intro- -ductory subscription t CIdy-3 months for ýa $3. You'II find the SMONITOR "must" reading and os necessary as your HOME TOWN SPAPER. The Christian Science Monitor One, No<woy St., Boston, 15, Mass. U.S.A Peir o dmeanintroductory Moni. tor S#bscpto _ 76issues. f enctose $3.. ioddre ss) 1 DINGO ZMON Zion W. A. met at the homne of Mrs. Empey, Hampton, in the ev- ening, with an attendance of 27 members and six visitors. It was the rnisionary meeting and open- ecd -ith prayer by the President. Mrs. Harvey Balson had charge of the devotional and read the story. Mrs. Russell Stainton read the scripture. Roll caîl was answered by "mîssionaries". Cards of thanks were read, and bis paid. Mrs. Herb Fiintoff, a former resident of Zion, (now at Cobouirg), and a valued member of the W. A. when she iived at Zion, has pieced two lovely quilt tops and presented them to our W. A. We aiso received a nice cheerful letter from Mr. Jesse Arnott in L.ondon Sanatorium. Therewas a discussion on repair- ing the piatform that is used for piays and concerts. Our Harvest Home collection amounted to $235.50. Mrs. R. Stainton had charge of the following program: piano solos-Mrs. Charles Nayior; vocal duets-Mrs. Hans Geissberger and Mrs. August Geissberger; reading -"In Flander's Fields", Mrs. Alex McMaster; piano dy~ets-Marilyn Fice and Peggy Davidson. A very interesting missionary story on the life of Carolyn McDonald, also known as the "White Angel of Tokyo", was given by Miss Doreen Trevail. A social chit chat was enjoyed while the group, Mrs. A. Geissberger, Mrs. Harvey Balson and Mrs. Russell Stainton, assisted by Mrs. Empey, served refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Ciare Allen and Wayne, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cochrane, Courtice, at Frank Sobil's. Mr. and Mrs. L. Powers, Mr. and Mrs. James Killen. Oshawa, at Robert Killen's. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hulatt and Lois, Oshawa, at Russell Perkin's. Mrs. Jack Cameron. Mrs. Wes Cameron attended a miscel- laneous shower for Mrs. Bobbie Storms at Oshawa. On Friday night a real old- fashioned charivari was held when Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stainton were weil serenaded at Russell Stainton's. Knowing that Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kilien werè visiting at his father's for the evening they went down and serenaded them as well. The boys went and got- treats of ice cream, cookies and pop and everybody came to Rus- sell Stainton's for a good lively time. Mr. Ralph Day is getting the roof on his bouse. W. A. had a quilting at the Sunday School on Tuesday last. There has been a lot of intestin- al flu going around. Mr. and Mrs. John Gerry and Phillip, Mr. Ivor Gerry, Toronto, were Sunday visitors at Gerry Giaspell's.i Mr. and Mrs. K. Bruehlmann, Mrs. A. Goetsch, Chatham, visited at Hans Geissberger's. Mr. and Mrs. S. Fuller, Brian and Beverly, West Hill, visited at Henry Dart's. Mr. J. Maybury and Miss N. Claude, Scarboro, called at Henry Dart's and visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dart. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dart, Bob and Kenneth visited at R. Aps- ley's, Highland Creek, and Wm. Dart's, Sr., Scarboro Jct,. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Davidson, George and Peggy, were dinner guests at Elmer Down's, Eben- ezer, on Sunday. Mrs. Davidson and Peggy attended the Thank- offering service at Ebenezer church. Mr. James McMaster, Ashton and Billy, Millbrook, vlsited at Alex McMaster's. Mr. James Brent is in hospital after a car accident on No. 2A Highway, Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. N. Porter, Toron- to, were Saturday visitors at Henry Dart's. BINGO AND HAMPTON Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Mountjoy visited Mr. and Mrs. Everett Mountjoy, Kedron. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Wray, Maxine and Deborah, and Miss Eiieen Wray, Reg. N., Oshawa, at T. Wrav's. Miss Betty Knox and Miss B. Anderson, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Knox. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hutchison, Port Perrv, with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Smith. Mrs. S. Kersey visited Mr. and Mrs. Mel McCune, Varcoe's Rd. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Widdecombe, Courtice, with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Widdecombe. Mrs. Roger Self who was guest speaker at W.M.S. Thankoffering service on Sunday morning mas a guest of Miss Lulu Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. T. Salter spent the wveekend in Toronto. Mr. C. E. Horn, Oshawa, at W. W. Horn's. Miss Annabeile Adcock visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Fernandez and other frîends in Toronto. Sorry to lose Mrs. Daw from our communitv. She bas gone to re- side at Ajax for the winter months, where Mr. Daw is em- ployed.a Rev. G. Empey was guest min- ister at Leskard on Sunday even- ing for anniversary service. Mrs. E. Storie has returned to Orono after visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. Hodgson. Mr. and Mrs. M. Mountjoy at- DANCE Bingo siaris ai 8 p.m. WITH MANY FINE PRIZES AND SPECIAL BONUS CAMES - 10c A CAME FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1952 Draw Io he made for FREE TRIP TO THE COIRONATION for Iwo - plus $500 expense money 1ý- Be sure and get some tickets right away 1 Dancing to LOU DEWELL and Orchestra ai 10 p.m. $ 1.00 Per Couple This is our first entertainment in our new LEGION HALL ON QUEEN STREET EVERYONE WELCOME I ~- BOWMANVILLE LECION BRANCHI 178, B.E.S.L. EVERVONE WELCOME TO GIGANTIC You've waited for a Wasker like d'ils! MODEL 43 $139.00 MODEL 43P with Pump $149.00 *Waterfiow gyrator. W lhite porcelain finish. *Long wearing machinei eut gears. *Super safe wringer with instant safety release. *Model 43P is equipped wlth a fast flow water pump to empty tub. THE RADIO SHOP 38 KING ST. E. PHONE 573 ADMISSION FOR DANCE 'j .ê f 1 Ice Capades in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Barron and Erlyne and Mr. and Mrs. Lorenizo Truil visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lawson, Long Branch. Don't forget to see the motion picture "The King's Man" in our church on Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock. This religious film cornes very hîghly recommended and should be of interest to ail. W. M. S. Thankoffering ser- vice was held on Sunday morn- ing and was conducted by Rev. G. Empey. Mrs. Roger Self, To- ronto, past president of the Do- minion Board, was guest speaker and her interesting message was appreciated. Assisting in the music wvas Mrs. K. Caveriy and Mrs. Jim Srnaies who contribut- ed a fitting vocal duet. C. G. I. T. members occupied the choir gaiiery and rendered a selection also, accompanied by Mary Nid- dery. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ferguson and Mrs. W. J. Trick, Oshawa, wvere tea guests of J. W. Balson's, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hoskin and grandson Paul Hoskin of Thornton's Corners, Miss Ila Hos- kmn Toronto, were Saturday nigh+ visitors for tea at Mr. J. C. Miacn ab's. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Billett, Jeromne and Mary Jean, Mr. and Mrs. James Hogarth. were in Cobourg Sunday evening to visit Mr. andi Mrs. Bioyd Wiicox land Miss Madlyn Wilcox who is iii at her brothcr's home. Hope she tended the Royal Winter Fair and soon feels better. 1 i qlMUDAT, NOV. 20, 1052 q THE CANADTAN STATE.qMAN. 1!tnwmAm".Ir.p. ewmAlRT^ «AMM 9