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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Nov 1952, p. 17

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I r - THUSDAY, NOV. 20, 1952 THE CM4AflIAN STAT~MAN~ R YAA1'JVTTi'I~ rmrrA~îr~ ÊxpIanation of Hospital Cosisf MAPLE GROVE Il M... UNMr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mal- uesciue in mo i Unquea'aa ner colm and family, Nestieton, were! 0 Fr day guests of Mr. and Mrs.i arc ndetedta D. W H.1 das, t wuld e S30.0 Leslie Collacutt. e ar ndbte toDr WH ida~, i ~oud b $3000mrs. L. C. Snowden, Mrs. Les- ÀB*-Ifor the fa la w ng article i' "'And that's for w~ages alone.'1 e Collacutt, Mrs. Roy MÏetcaif which appeared in a recent issue: It doesn't inelude materiai. Iti1 were dinner guests of Mrs. E. V. of a medicad magazine. under trie takes more than 400 fuli tîme em-j Hoar, town, last Thursday. itle "The Ho..'pital Dollar."' which ployees ta operate Paralta Hos -! ri.adMs sPicad [oints out one hosptals practical pital-2!2 employees for every M Nr. and Mrs. Archie Davidson, ethod o xliig optlpe orts, foe es. nsManotick: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. sW. -~This bill is terrible, and pro wife. In addition ta this him ,Jae, town, were Sunday Vst mors with Mrs. L. C. Snr dn ot going ta pay il? The hospital the hospital supplied food. lînen., Mildred. and Bob. cashier -,as having a bail lime medication, surgical equipment, Mr. and Mrs. A. Beeeh visited ith the hu.sband of the patient. laboratory services. telephone ser- M 'How cao -,ou expect a working; vices, dressings and techniques Mr~. and Mrs. Cecil Rahm at an like nie ta pay $28 for lhree, and skills which are aI least as, Mr and Mrs. Albert Brown, a ys f care' What wve nced is specialized as those off a skilled' Billie- and Betty Ann, Hamilton; spitals run hy the governmcnt.' trade such as yr.Inadto Miss Marion Snowden, Toronto; b The mans wife had been th1opta sedaîee Mrs. Bill Woolley, son Bobbie, 'rVI-nght int the haspital for an:'dcous responsibilitv for the safety j Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. C. B ernergency appendectomy three' 0f your -wîfe.' 1-H. Snowden. daysbefre. he ilIbroen There was a pause. 'Do y ou! Mr. and Mrs. Roy VanCamp, a~down, covered $52.50 for the room! stilil hink youc bill is too hig h" I Mrs. J. R. Metealf, Mr. Ross Jfor three days. $60.00 for the sur- !" 'For the first time. bhe said. Metealf, Base Line; Miss' Ethel Cgery, $10.50 for routine labora-! 'someone has taken the lime ta Axford with Mr. and Mrs. Sam tory, andl S5.00 for drugs, etc. The explain hospital charges to me, in Snowden, Oshawa. man did paY the bill finally-a I Ianguage 1 can understand.' Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Beech, of rliltle sheepishi', andl shamnefaceil- "As graeefully as he could. the Mî's. E. Ashton with Mr. and Surrly, after he 'uas favoreil with a! husband went out and paid hisi Mrs. Stuart Rodman, Scugog cool andl fricnidiv a nal.ysis of theý bill. He left with a good feeling.1 Island. charges and a comparison of them The incident inspiced sorte fiîrth- I Mr. Stan Snowden will assist ,rotwllh his own economv. er analysis of comparative hourlv aI the service on Sunday and pot"The mari-%vas a plumber. He costs off hospitalization compai'ed give an account of his work onV wvas asked, first, if the service his with going rates among shîllecl Mission Field at Glen Ewen and 1 camXVlfe bail recriv<'d .was satisfac-ý trades. An electrician's rate per' Calvin churches, Sask. tory. andcie1 agr-ecd that the mealsI hour is $2.75, a machinist*s $2.41, Second meeting of "The Cotton Ulie wece good, the lînen was dlean,ý a teamster's $1.131, a laborer's, Queens"~ was held on Nov. l8th peoiîhe nuises weie (ourteous, com- $1.70. An analysis made of 70,-J at Betty Carswell's. A discussion recepetent, thi' hospital was obviously: 516 patients acîmitteci to Bavý, Area 01f malerial xvas carried out and Unticarefuill.%- itiieftti.l operateil hospitals during 1951 represented 1 each girl was given seven samples- soflin ever 'v vxit' . Ne ad 10 coin- 374,027 patient daYs. or 8,9 î6.648 of niaterial. The girls hail to E in il plaint as to flhc prompt and com- hospital hours. Total mnoney paid wýork a buttanhole which was r petent trerîtmut of thc patient. by these 70,516 patients svas $10,- put in their record book and at rece " 'Vvhat venuldil cost to the 003,042. a cost off $1.11 per hoîîr. the end of the year they will not hospital.' 0e\vas eskrd, 'if %ou' for ail hospital services. inlcluld- put iii another crne which should werc to prm-ide it was plnmbingý ing laboratorv. suirgcr.\, etc. The have improveil.d service ov(-r a ('entinuous threeý prevalent publie misLindei'stand-1 .Fciday night was a gala night h' day period'i ing of hospital charges is a good for music loyers when the Oshawa an 'Plumber, rates are $2200 for example off our failure in coi- Chapter of the S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A. litiei vight heur dla,'-' lie repliccl. munications." Barber Shoppers, some 50 strong j can' 'W i hout tlic two nieht invadeil the United Church and shfs'h 'jakel ____________________Pto cga aass 'ei ,Thosc v'ýoîîld Or'aI double the organ and choir maintenance. Cutîme. That would ho $44.00 eaeîi' Under the capable direction of MaxOl 'So thecotst foi' one dav off t...L '~V~ Jack Snyder, chorus master, the we cnstnt ittndacebbv one Ini thie LUitor s MYailil chorus .on three appearances cen-T plumber wouldhSI$ 10.00.' dered some 15 10 20 of the oId and " 'That's right. Andl for three fashioneil numbers. Two quart- The--ettes fcom the Oshawa Chapter, CO!Cor. 141h Street and "The Dulcitones" and "The Note- ~ as~ 15th Avenue SWý. nvr ievie nor Calgary, contributed much ta the success reciOctbe' 28t, 152. off the evening. Russ Christie, master of cecemonies, introduced ber Thought your birtbday was a as welI as the quartettes and Bob gooddayla enew my subscrip- Wilson, Club President. In his lion ta your valued paper. Have remarks he expressed his apprec- watched with interest your climb iation tbat the Chapter had been coa , * 1 the peaks 'off .ournalisrn with invitecl la hclp in this very worthy an4 . The Statesman. Enjoveil very cause. t much your 75th anniversary is- They were assisled by John andsue andl add my congratulations Robertson, organîst of Albert St. weata the many you have alceady 'chiurch, who gave seleclions on wel bail. Especially those off Frank the electrie organ. Mrs. W. J. .i McDowell who it xvould appsar Leask, eloculionist, Town, also left is stili going strong with the gave several selections which C.N.R. wece enjoyed. Howard Foley Have just phoned sister Brita acted as chairman. Leslie Coll- Noi Paercongcatulaling her on her bicth- acutt thanked aIl for their fine In N te Pperday so you sec we alxvays remem- evening's enterlainment. Ve Th if ha aisber Brita andl you on Oct. 28th. The ift hat astsWe are enioying a very warm inabnt rerninder of the giver Fall this year and« .-re able 10TY ON t~~ play golf evecy week so fac YRN st ~ Easily inailed temperaîni-es 5(1- 60 to 70) during $41 the day and some frost at nighit Sympathy is extended to Mrs. enÏ - but no snow Yet. See you O. Beckett on the suiden passing Siiionery bave had il much woi'se thian off hec brother, Mr. Frank Web- Ihat. Hugh Bartîcît off the ber, Newcastle; also la Mrs. James ForLades:"Happy Gang" usually tells lis Campbell and family on the pasa- For Ldies:in their broadcast what is hap- ing off a loving hnsband and falh- th ihite, tinited and floral pening iown there. er. See that Sidneyý, Miles Scott bas The Tyro Boys are having a joineil the Ohd Tiniers like Carl crokinole pacty Satnrday evenîng. 1i F I :kent and others «inithe Old Timers, Cangratulations ta Ralph Glass- «Iw nl ns ie Club' (used tb 0e the Pelican peIl and Harold Skinner whio genlemn' si Club when R. D. Davidsun pla.veil were successfnl sheep exhibitors ai ~ Cl jdrn:thece). Give theni niy regards at the Royal Winler Fair. l For hlr: if von sec theni soon. Mrs. Perey MeCoy with h er, Jui'cniIe Desiguis We are all fine liera and would daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. Oliver, stay that way if ,ve eould oîily Fenelon Falls. keep the years fî'on creepîng up Mc. and Mcs. Lamne Annis and on us. So keep rip the good work ('hiliren with Mc. and Mrs. F. J W.JEWELL-and here's wisliing you maiiv gnl, oono and attendin«g __ "BIG "420"j As ever yours. andl Santa Clans Parade. Several Creight Higginbothanî. others 1n the communiîy also at- 27 Kng S. . Bowynanville ________ PHOEg56 Sec. yb_______ re no Mr. 'and Mrs. Lloyd Hoac and JO E 56e n ch li, v rii grapesia ara e n-0W fam l y, K ingston, M s. C hesney, isug gfrwi oenaigar Pn-Windsor, with Mc. and Mrs. A. instla fr wie-maing.Hoaî' and Mc. and Mcs. S. T. Hoar. Mc. and Mrs. Ewart Bragg and famnilv, Bowmanville, wilh Mc. and MVrs. Lloyd Skinner. Mr. and Mcs. C. Bombard. Nc Mr andMcs. George Brown' lia and Ronnie, Bowmanville; Mc. standFOsD William Acmstrong ii ai M13 LA A A VLL B rod iCs Chocolaie Cake Mix - Brod ics White Cake Mix - - - Br<od(ies Combinaiion White and Chocolaie Cake Mix - - FREE CAKE TIN IVITH EVE] . '- pk37c --pkg. 37c --pkg 37c ;RY PACKAGE Aylirer 20-oz. tin Yok2 o.ti Diced Carrais - - 12c Choice Peas - - 21c RED ROSE TEA BAGS 60s - Regutlar 80c Special -65c Supreine 16-oz. Jar Dole Crushed Sweei Pickles - - 29c Pineapple '20-ai, lin ---33c Place Your Order Early for ~ ICHRISTMAS POULTRY__ I ~FREE DELIVERY YEO'S SMEATS AND GROCERIES 55 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHIONE 3367 Cook andl John. Lauraine'attend- cd the Santa Clans Parade. \I.and Mrs. S. F. Cowling ac- conipanied Mc. and Mca. Elmerl Lee, FEnfîli, and atended 10e Royal Winteî-l'air. INr. and Mus. Hacry Hatherly Iand family, Dixie, visitci Mrs. R. Hatherlv. Mcs. W. Hughson accompanied licr iaUghtcr. Mrs. G. A. Arnold, Guîrrilex'. on a trip ta Athens, Ohie. L' iMr. and Mrs. Leslie Wight, Lis- to\veh: Mr. and Mca. Leonard WX'ighît, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mc.Russell Wright. .icMs. H. Hall and Wilfced, Mca.j K. Colhary and Frankie, visited! i Mc.r and Mrs. John Turner aniý IMca. K. Jacobsen, Toronto. Mrs. R. Hatherly is wvith Mcs.1 LD . Sykes, Hamptori. Mcr. and. Mrs. Leslie Fa\&cett,l Jevce and Muî'ra ', Mc. Elmerir Thoînpson, Meaford, w,%ith Mc. anîd IMrs. Oliver Beckett. .Mr. Robert H \ris, Stouffville:! George H 'nres, Toronto, wvith their bietIer. ,John Hvnes. -Mr. and Mca. iH. Johrnston and ifamrlx', Dunsford. visited Mc.! and M3rq. J. Giles. Mir. and Mrs. Hov.ard Wonna- tîott and Ross, New Toronto; Miss jVera Carr, Toronbo; Mrs. C. ISaeand Ralph, Oshawa, -withi r.and Mrs. E. A. Virtue aîdi Johnî. Mr-. Wonnacott's birthdav' %-- cI eleh ateil. 'NI 1' G. Nîddecv andl Mar., Hampton: Mr. and Mrs. R. Rahrnî andl Katbrvn 'vece dinner gu(-stsý ri'mdav wîth 'Mr and Mca. Waltecý Miss Da, n 'Miller and Mr. C., English. Peterborough: Mc. Mac-; shaîl Miller and frieni, Toronto, i %vilh IMrs. W' Miller.p :4c. and Mrs. George Bradle,, 1 Behind the Mike "Down Dairy Lane" The thrce men behind Daicy Farmers of Canada's Dominion network program. "Down Dairy Lane," heard Wednesdays at 9:15 p.m., EST, are shown takîng a breather. Wciter Dean Hughes (left), also authors "The Craigs," now in its thirteenth -vear on the CBC Farm Broadcast foc Que- bec and Ontario. Musical director and conductor Russ Gerow (middle) has been a network favorite for 15 vears w'ith his distinctive arrangement of songsý, old and new. The theme sang of the pcogram was written by Hughes and ierow. At right is producer-director Don Fairbairn. 1-is iNeigoouri vew brot ua s Sunday morning guest in th( Burwash; MrIî. Russell Griffin, Er. niskillen, visited Mi'. and Mrs. W Rahim. Glad to know Mr. James AIl Iread is improving nienlv fror is operation. Mr. and Mrs. Waller Rahic were dinner guests of Mrs. G Jidder '% and Mar ' . Hampton, anc M4r. and Mrs. B. Fernandez, Tc- ronto, Stiiinda v xenîne. Sunday School Election At the annual mneet ing of Tyrone Sunda 'v School the folIo\.- ing took o\'c1' cuties as officer To Our Already Now Great LUne of... INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER IREFRIGERATORS we add another first PHILIPS Radio & Television Corne in and sec the flawless performance of the new Philips Television Sets Aiso on display Thor, Washing Machines Thor, Eleciric Ranges Came in and see the 8 different sizes and the 8 differcîit prices International Harvester Refrigeralors and Deep Freeze Units on display from $290 up One Uscd IKelvinalor Refrigeralor OnIy - $75 10% Doviî ivili deliver ans' of the above appliances. Bus' out of incrne Farm Equipment & Automotive Tomi Cow~an, Prop. 134 King St. E. Phone 689 sts hav'e made nîm a favorite ousands of homes. and Mrs. Mary Penwarden. Mrs.1 Bessie Yeo Hampton, with Mr. S ALEM Parnr kindly offered hier home, and Mrs. Ïýalter Vaneyk. for meeting on Dec. 16 with Mrs. Sor orpr r.Hrl Salem W.A. met at the Shac-! B. Johnson and Mrs. Partner as'Murphy and Mr. William Marks keton home. President Mrs. W.,i program committee. Progra*ml--inM oraHspa, Wer onducted the business.: Readin-Mrs. Lute; solo îs rc Bopaein emrWe, wistal, Fnlpas for the bazaar were1 Vaneyk; reading-Mrs. Young- peey revierye ws te discussed. Mrs. Lloyd Richards' man; solo-Jean Baker: duet- and her group were in charge Jean and Bruce Baker-, reading-! (Intended for last week) of the program. Devotional w as Mrs. Miller; piano solo-Jean Mr. and Mrs. Rye Gibson and given by Mrs. Hilliard McClure. Baker. It was decided to exehange Sandra visited with Mr. and Mrs. Marion Buttery gave a talk oni Christmnas gifts at the next meet- A. J. McLaggan. "Life on the Farm,' which shei ing, valued at not more than 25c, ~I and Mrs. John Wright, had given at the public speaking also to donate $25.00 ta the hos- J ntil. vstd hr prns cotetintwn M.Ke hak-pta un. iocaitmews rand Mrsl. R. ibson ansn leton favoured with a violin solo1 held at the close. l dra on Sunday. accompanied by Mrs. Ken Shack- Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Rye'ý We regret an error in last leton. Mrs. C. Daw, Hampton, Gibson were Mr. and Mrs. Har-1 week's column in which it was gave a paper on "Hospitality" old Bentley and Stephen, Mr. andi mentioned thaàt Mrs. D. B. Far- Iwhich was much enjoyed by ail. Mrs. Tobey, Ajax, and Mr. and reil was in the hospital. The Lunch was served and a social Mrs. R. J. Parkinson and family,i item should have read Mr. D. B. time enjoyed. Wexford. Farrell. Salem was well represented at M the Circuit Riders' display at Mrt.c and Mrs. C. Penwarden, Tyrone on Sunday night. vartdeMr and Mrs. Wm. Pen- A number from here attended Mý, r s Gbon an an r th e Santa Claus parade on Satur- r.RGisnadSda day. were in Toronto, Sandra attenid- p Mrs. Bob Collacutt. Joyce and ing the Santa Claus Parade. Jim spent the weekend in Tor- Mr. and Mrs. John Hooyer and onto. Joyce, Nesteton: Mr. R. Donath Ms.LoW ANantan Mr. and Mrs. L. Welsh and Osawa;Mr.LoeshuianntandJ A DSrÀq family with Mr. and Mrs. L. MissW Vanderswet, Solina; Miss Rundie, Town. A number from here have been attending the Royal Winter Fair. LONG SÀULT Mrs. Halfyard and family, Bar U se d rie, visited Mr. and Mrs. 0. Mill Býruce emine wihMc. andi ýand teachers: Superintenierîî- Mrs. Wm. Miller foc a lAliday Leslie Coombes; Asst.--Bill Jew~- Mc. and Mrs. R. Sim wilh Mc. j dl; Sce'y-Larry Rosevear; Asst. andl Mrs. Lloy'd Skinner Sunday' -John Coombes; Treas.-Howarcl cvening. niPbilp; Pianists-Gloria Brcîîî. Ar- Mr. Harris, Uxbridge; Mc. and hune Rosevear, Joan Beckett, Mrs. Hugh Murphy aîîd familv, Jacqueline Rosevear, Juiie Tay- Mr. and Mcs. Albert Murphy, Ï lor, John Cook, Ron Phîlp: Teachi- Bowmanville; Mc. and Mrs. F. G. idrs: Bcginner;-Mis. J. Broome,Smt were Sunday visitors at Marian Wright, Mrs. A. Hoar; IMc. andl Mrs. David Lawsotii Helping Hand-Ms. L. Phare, andl familY, Mount Pleasant, with Mca. H. Skinner; lIlI Try-Paul Mr. andl Mrs. Gardon Baker. Vaneyke, L. Coonibes; Win One -- Mr. N. Kessler, Toronto, and Bessie Yeo, Mrs. L. Anîîis; 1'ing's Mr. anid Mrs. Geo Bino and fam- rsGuaci-AIbecI luils, Art Hamil- ily,' Oshawa, with Mr. andi Mca. G. - ton; Hli-Teen Class-S. E. White; Kovacs. Bibl Clas-H.Mackin.Miss Grace Smith visiteil Mc i BilLls-.Mcln andl Mcs. Geo. Willis, Toronto and We are glai 10 see the Young Mr. andl Mrs. S. G. Harmer, Erin- People's Class foriied. A gooi dale. îîumbec off young folks are in aI- SX'mpathy la extendcd ta the tendance-there is plenty off family off the late James Camp- room foc more and a cordial ilîvi- bell in their recent loss. talion is extenici ta ailthie young Home andl Sehool Club met Fri- people ta came along Sunday day evening wiîh a good attend- mornings. ance. These officers were eleet- ed: President-Arthnr Yonngman; B RO N'SVice -Pres-Gordon Baker; Sec'y- 13ROWN'STreas.-Mrs. C. Penwacden; Asst. ________-Mrs. Gardon Baker; Sick Com- Bron'sHoe ad Shol Cubmitlee-Mrs. Wm. Jnhnson ai-i Brow's omeaniSchol lubMcs. R. Sim. Next meeting Dec. was beld aI the school an Tues- 5hwt h olwn aiis day evening, Nov. 1l, with Mrs. 510 wrhyn Sith theflwngfmlles, chair.nA bter off resin tihasaffler the program andl lunch. We chai. Aleter f reigntio aswece then favoreil with this pro- president, fcom Mrs. Pickering, gram: Tio-Langerak sisters;î jwas cead by the secretary. Mcs. duel-Misses Doreen and Eileen' Curson was nominalci as the new Hlod apoadacrin presiient and Mc. Tom 'Wilson mHoiroyHMponPeani accordion 410 vice-presudent. Treasurer ce- musiehby s seariPewarn portei $4.15 was laken in att0e WLunch mewasietve hmeo.Ms W. A.metoaebbc omeaot-,.s Hallwe'n patv.Gordon Baker Nov. 18 with 12 jThc meeting -,as lurned avec ladies and five childu'en present. to Stan Couch whîo had charge off President Mcs. Vaneyk opened the a euchre game cansisting off five meeting. Seripture was cead by tables, and crokinole foc 1he chili- Mcs. C. Penwacien. Mrs. N. cen. Winners were: Laiy-Mcs. Wooiley kinily conducîcidcelc- IW. Farrow: Gent-Ray Brown; lion off Ihese officers. President consolations-Miss Jean Perrcin -Mrs. Doris -Baker; Vice-Pres- and Bert Clark. Miss Grace Smith; Sec'y-Treas -~ Lunch was serveil. Mca. H. Mca. Jean Youngman: Sick Com. Mcllcoy is in charge off next mcc - -Mrs. Grace Sim and Mcs. Part- ing, Tuesia, Dec. 9. nec; Auditos-Mrs. Grace Miller Ninisters and Newspapermen Lack Mutual Understanding Writes Ninisier in "Saturday Night" cîr o uderstanding betwecn bea." He was borcd. He couldn't affecting thc coverago religions the debates and lheî'e was no anc news gels in Canadiari newspa- ta give him much hclp. Sa, 0e pers. bai been reducci ta pcowliog This is flic Ilicune off an article along the corridors in searccboff a in a r'ecent issuie off Saturiay human imterest angle. SucO re- Night - Our Pi cachera and thie porters corne np with the trivia Press - written hy bhe Rev. A. C. about whal an unknown delcga'îe Forreat, minister off Fiî'st United from Nova Scotia thinka off To- Chîurch, Port Credit. conta's bar's or womcn n th10I Ministers fccquently complain miuistry.' that wben a minister gels jito A good Public relations commit- diffienîties or there is a row ini a tee at sncb confecences which cao congregation, it gets fr-ont page obtain mimeographeil copies off coverage. but thc cesuls off hard speeches, or summaries off impact- work and thc accomplishmeîîts off ant resolutions or legisiation cao religions men and wouiinn w'orlz- help reporters immeasureabl, iog iii local pariabes and mission Mr. Forceat continues. "Preacb ficlds arc often ox'erlookcd. ers, or beais off committees who Ministers Blamcd take the trouble ta drop into the press room, or stop at the table,j ho Mr. Forrest's opiniion, min-1 leaviuig a few copies off thc coni- abters themacîlves arc laigely Io mittee's findings will have gond blame for Ibis situaticn. "I have ,ove,,ge. A ffew preachors take often been ebagrinci0b the w. y thc trouble Ob'stink it is un- my bcchhceî off theCI hth treaýt dignifieil, but il ha good public m *v bretbren off thc press,"' be ministcy wcmes."Tby (minislers) believe Poaad ugtpbi e 10 the printeil word, they xii ltos ffiersadgboasoublinr- push thc circulation off Ibeir de- foration fiarendt boadswer ta- namninabiouial papers, eeon orato aebo teinwe I- dizethemheavly, ut rmaini(Oh question off bow churches catio dizethe beviiv bu reajnobtain better coverage off rehigi- suspiciornsdffao' etha bicite - otis ncws, but raîber, Mc. Forrest curemor an beterpubicîy ~thinka, "the basic cequicemeolln those papeu-s which go ont 10 great Inb gelclosm"fftcm sn numbers off non-chucch as welas I etîaniiufîg." o te is church people." esadn. The anslecta better ehurchi- I ease Suspicion press relationîs la for churches tan "Preacher"s must cease Io 0e improve bhîchu public relation-,- suspicions off reporters becanse off ho 010cr words, foc mi nisters Ia the aotics off tOc few. They are w'ake rip le thc fart (bat "the deceol, intelligient and ta 0e trust- press cati do a lot for thc w'ock cd. A preacher cao talk off t0r off O tebchi-" and that since a record to a reporter wijth. no fear minialer is 'a preachor aod a off bis remnarks being quoteil. No! teacrr. Iîolias a ireaponsibihit%- o reperter is gaiuîg ta alant religions belp moîîld puiblic' opinieon foc news because off lis or bis pnb-! gondl . . . heo nr'eds the press a, ' ishers' vicws. Thie preacher j vol]as *th( pulpit." ahoîîld know (b tat editors arc vert "Ini amali owns, vaîou iI hear anxiotiîs o give gond ('overage. thic prearhier speakoff tOcheij,' -oxever. the reporter ha3 tri paper us tuîe loeal i ag' andl per,- get color inIa bis news and he haps quii.hon t(-iitegritv and bas taocb left 10 decide what is abul i1,y off tlieclefr. w7in le ir r wocîh reporting aol what ia net. r îame gots spelîci wcenglY, or ýTOc newspapcr publiecv.on't he. somne meeting date gets mixei up. as patient as tOe morniog congre- Actîtalît, a amaîll town elît or ( 'n.galion wbo isten as though the., Oc hehe proeaulier-s greatest ahît " . wre intereshel, even ta dulI sec- Mr r. rcest continuîes. 100n'. Mr. Forî'ost ronulides wi(h thîr' ('arcess,îss -uggvstion <liat minislrrs might At iiic same finie. mr. J-orrt-et we!l profitb0v a lecture or lwo b' gi'es 10 *e press a verbal slap on ýa goolnd cwtspapcrman aI one off the xrastfor ecl~s~ç in thîcîr . Ocîr anoual con fàrcencecs aolthe treaimouit off :Iioles 0evs. ological st.:dent.ý ' might weli Hle cr-î li Xecec one :'e- focego an boucs Gricc'k or fi,, Porher c 0niiii ',0 a a licl 'a! a irc. he c final :,-ar iri or dfr' j religions conferenîce. "Mvax Ocif h ta have a gond reprler gr.-c h.- t tiirn in a Io;'.ic. n 1¶0k."c: on Prc;nchccs î.îd 1h ;ehiput mne bar'k on thc police Pi es ." Car Specials 1952 CHEVROLET TUDOR - - $199! 2-toue finish, sun visor, built-in radio, 6,000 miles 195.1 CHEV. CLUB COUPE - - $175( Immaculate condition, undercoating, air conditioning slipcovers, backup lights, windshield washers, 1949 FORD haif-lon PICKUP 1948 FORD DELUXE COACHK - - $109! 19,47 FORD CONVERTIBLE - 1946 CHEV. CLUB COUPE - - $115C Outstanding condition, worth $300 more than the average car of its year. h 1946 DODGE SPECIAL 1946 PONTIAC AMERICAN EIGHT SEDAN - ---$ Irnaculate condition, very economical. 1941 DODGE COUPE - Good sound car. OnIy one in a hundred as good as this. 1940 PLYMOUTH SEDAN « ' FuIIy reconditioned and guarantccd. - * $675 Just an average car. Not rcconditioned. $725 $25 1939n M AEA Runs iveil. 1939 PLYMOUTH'COACHI Good sound car. 1938 DODGE SEDAN - - Good serviceable car. Good niotor. 1937 OLDSMOBILE "6"' SEDAN a a $475 - $25 1934 PLYMOUTH COACH 1934 DODGE SEDAN - Good niotor, tnight ruji for a cc 5 T I 5 s j i .- $25 .ouple of y cars. SissonS! -Garage i- for "The Greatest Guarantee in the Used Car Business" - OPEN EVERY NIGIIT UNTIL NINE - I M M THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO $951 $95 $250 . $250 . $139%1 $1050 1940 PONTIAC SEDAN 1938 FORD SEDAN SEE un PHONE - OBONO 1031

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