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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Nov 1952, p. 18

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PAGE EGHTEENTE CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANviLLz, oimAiUo 3 3 ___BIRTHS1 IN MEMORIAM __Articles For Sale 9 a Aletsn Ris BRIDGES - Byron and Grace! ASH-To the memary of a deariy QUEBEC heater. Phone 2704. C0assied I5veriiu ae Bridges are happy to announce 1'loved husband and father, Gardon 47-1 TeC n da tts a the birth of their daughter,1 Frederick Ash, who left us sud-Th a cf nSt es m Wendy Louise, on Thursday, Nov- deniy November l9th, 1938: GIRL'S white figure skates, sizeEfetv Jue2,15 ember i3th, 1952, in Memarial I know there are no errors 4. Phone 2558 after 6 p.m. 47-l*Efetv u 2,15 Hospital, Bowmanviile. A sister In the great Eternal plan,-- for David and Paul. 47-1 And ail things work together WALNUT wardrabe, $15; Quebec ARTICLES FOR SALE, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, For the final good 'of man. heater, $6. Phone 3307. 47-1 FOR RENT, HELP WANTED, CARS FOR SALE, COWAN-Mr. and Mrs. William Know each sorrow has its OT FUN ,EC Cawan are happy ta announce the purpose. LADY'S gabardine suit, size 12,LST FONEC arrivai of their daughter, Brenda By the sorrowing oft unguessed, Phone 3391 before 6 p.m. 47-1, Cash Rate - 30 per word with a minimum of 500 Anne, at Memorial Hospital, Bow- But as sure as the sun brings- Must lie paid by date ofinisertion. manville, on November 2nd, 1952. m-orning, BOY'S beige station wagon coat, I hrea diinl2~wi eadd A sister for Billy and Barry. Whatever is - is best. size 12. Telephone 846. 47-1 I f hrea diinl20wl eadd 47-1 -Wife (Mary Wetherell Ash) and A charge of 25o will lie made for ail replies directed daughters, Margaret and Helen. DRY hardwood in stove lengths. t hs-fie DEAN- Mr. and Mrs. Manferd 47-1* Phone Orono 82-r-5. 47-1* t hs~fie Dean (nee Nornia Hagerman), WHITE figure skates, size 6 ½,_, NOTICES, COMING EVENTS AND, Markham, are happy ta announce McGILL-In loving remembrance ngo odto.Poe85 the birth of their son, James of my parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. 47-g1odconditon.FPhne 875 Manferd, on November llth, 1952, MeGilI: Mother, who passed away 47- a word with a miARmSm0f $.THA frNKS odso ls at Markliam HospiLal. 47-l* Aug. 28th, 1935; Father, who LADY'S white skates, in excel-______ - ~~~passed away Nov. l4th, 1941: lent condition, size 6. Phone BITS DE HEN A MNS M RR GE EN A E E T The years have past, but stili we 3055. 47-1 BRHDAHEG GM NS ARA E Neyer shail their memories fade; ONE panel door, 31 'i"x79"; man's$10peinrto Mr. and Mrs. William A. Loving thoughts wiil always blue worsted suit, size 38. Tele- Clarke, Oshawa, Ontario, former- linger phone 3435. 47-1'* IN MNEMORTAMS- - $1.00 plus 100 a line for verse iy of Bowmanville, wish ta an-__Round__t____graves________ _______are nounce the engagement of their Roun d.gae heete r BRIEF cse, brown leather, neyer COMM3ERCIAL CLASSIFIEDS-(Includes ail adver- eldest daughter, Patricia Frances, -D ae id n hsa bee sd Phn Nwctltingfrpso rfrm sligsrveiea to Flt./Lt. Gordon Maitianci Bar- ~agtrMlrdadhsad e sd hn ecsl ber, RAF., only son of Mr. and 47-'_326.47- or goods of any description) 30~ per word; minimum Mrs. Maitiand J. Barber, Under- WTE-nlvn eoyo ONE pair of boy's C.C.M. skates charge 750~ cash with order. To regular advertisers hill Maitob. Te mrriae wll OTTE -Inlovng mmor ofand boots, size 5, in good con- pybemnhy bil, aniab. he ariag wllArthur H. Wotten who passed dition. Phone 725. 47-1*pybe onh. take Place in the latter part of away Nov. 24th, 1948: ________________ ______ December in Londlon, England. XAlways remembered by Mrs. LARGE Marconi battery radio Display Classified at $1,00 per inch with a minimum 47-1 James Adams and family. 47-1* with 1,000 hour battery. A.ofoeic ____________________Ruiter, Phone 2672. 47-1 * foeic DEATHS A D OFT A K U THR i pc etr Additional insertion at the saine rates BEMAN-At Memoriai Hospital, good condition, medium size. lCasiedA .mutbinhsofceo aerhn Bowm-anville, on Sunday, Novem-, Mr. and Mrs. A. Brunt, Enni- Phone 2946. 47-1 Al lsife ds ut i n hsofieno aerta ber i6th, 1952, May Louise Beman' skillen, wish ta thank their manv AN' ue we pl ie 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday. wife of William E. Beman, New- friends, neighbours and relativesPAN'pueswtapecir castle. Service was held at the for the beautiful gifts, cards and hy the gallon or keg. Deliveries. -Send cash, stamps or money order and save money- Morris Funeral Chapel. Bowman- flowers on the occasion of'their Phone Clarke 2811. 45-8 (Clip This Out For Handy Reference) ville, on Tuesday, Nov. l8th, at twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. STOVE, combination coal and gas,_________ 2:30 p.m. Interment Bowman- 47-1* good condition, cheap. Phone ville Cemetery. 47-1 1 ol ietsncrythk 2069.i 47-1 -- A tce o S l O IGE E T CAMPBELL, James A. -At Ty- ail my friends and neighbors for ELECTRIC living-room fireplace, ArilsF rS eC M NGE NT rone, on Sunday, November 16th, their messages of sympathy, $40; aiso C.C.M. boy's skates, size For the Latest Papers Durham County Holstein Breed- 1952, James A. Campbell, beioved loveiy flowers and acts of kind- 4. Phone 3488. 47-1 * Foth FnstPns ers annual turkey banquet in husband of Riiocla F. Campbell ness, especiaily the St. John'sFrte int ts Orono on Tuesday, December 2nd. and dear father of Florence (Mrs. Evening Branch, W.A. in the loss ONTARIO potatoes, 50 and 75 lb. For the Best Workmanship Edna Jaques, Toronta, guest J. Bucklev), Iva (Mrs. R. Francis) of my dear father. bags, delivered in Bowmanville. S..PR TO &SN spae.4- and Charles J., aged 65 years. Elsie McDonald. 47-1* Phone 2473. 36-tf S .PHESON&SN seae.4- &ShsFuneral H edfome, 3Dl- MrrJhhMteifad aml TWO garage doors 4'x 7'; one 2417 - 912 November 25th, 26tb, 27tb and &iso t., owmeanlioe, on3WD- wMsh tothank Dr. Simn nurses outside standard door; four in- 49-tf 28th for Hîgh Schoal Commence- iineSy, No. ni9t, t n p.. I- of MeorihalHoDr.tle, rs oeyside standard doors. Phone 2622. ment Exercises, 3-act play "Life termeyNrov Ceeteryt2 .m.47- andMmr.SmyHeorpital er .ind- 47-1 PLUMBINO, Heating and Ou With Father" and school cborus, ________Ceeey 4- ndMs Syh orter id Burners installed anywhere in at Town Hall. 45-3 ness; and ail who sent flowers QUANTIT'i of mixed grain, bar- Durham County. Reasonable rates COLE, Mary Jane-In Toronto, on and messages of sympatby in the loy and oats. Ken Lee, R.R. 3, and highest quality. For free TrkyspeWendaDc Sunay Nveberl6h,192, asîn o a ovngwie ad uretn.Phone Port Perry estimates eall S. Blain Elliott, lOtb, cammencing 5 p.m., in the Mary Jane Cale, belaved wife of mother. 47-1* 165-r-13. 47-1 Heating, Plumbing & Tinsmithing, Orona United Church, followed Patrick Cole and dear mother ofPhn338 9tby porme Adls$.5 William A. Cale, of I3owmanvilie, The family of the late William COMPLETE Guide outfit, 14x;Pon34829tby pgrme Adts$25 and Thomas, of England, in bier John Cully wish ta express their wicker doli carniage; fur coat, 18; -hlrnudr 2 5. 4- 86th year. FuIneral xvas held heartfelt thanks and appreciation Axminster mat. Apply 25 Brown T 1 L E from Northcutt & Snitb's Funerai for messages of sympathy, beau- Street. 47-1 CRMC - LSI The Robin Hood Cooking Scbool Home, 53 Division St., Bowmian- tiful flowers and acts of kindness- EAIPLSC in Cartwright High School bas ville, an Weilnesday, Nov. l9th ta of their friands and neighbors, USED Beatty electrie xvashing RUBBER - MARBOLEUM been postponed from November St. Josepb's R.C. Cburchi for Mass especîally the Canadian Legion in machina, doas excellent work. . 25th and 26th ta December 9th at 10 a.m. Interment Bowman- the ioss af a loving father. Phone John at 480 af ter 6 p.m.1. elad1t 4- ville Cemetaery. 47-1 47-1* 47-1 " Phone 2902 Bowmanville FINDLAY Ovai cook stave; Cale- 14-tf Haydon W.A. bazaar at Enni- ELLIS -At Memorial Hospital, I would like ta thank everyone mnolsaehaebt in skilien Hall on Wednesday, Nov. Bowmanville, on Monday, Nov. wbo was so good and kind ta me godniion.aceheer,4bthin?6th at 7:30 p.m. Good bargains 17th, 1952, Kireii Ann Ells, aged while I was in Meniorial Hospital, gdcoitn.Pne24 -1 Vlork Nanted in homebaking, Country Store, 1day, beioved infant daughter of Bowînanville, for cards, flowers _________________ aprons, fancy work and Christmas Lloyd and Trudy Fuis, 63 King and fruit, and parcels since I've ONE pair lady's white semi- WOMAN wishes ta do knitting, gifts. Refreshments sold. 47-1* ýst. W.,Bowanvila. uneal came haone. Thank you. spoed skates, sizo 7, good con'- sewing at homo. Phone 3080. aiTaQ,ýments by Morris Co. In- Miss Betty Marie Gibbs, dition: baby buggy, fair condition, 47-1* Due ta circumstances beyond terVment Bowmianville Cemnetery. Nawtonville. S10. Phone 3562. 47-1 a ur contrai the L.O.L. dance at 417-1 47-1 FOR bulldozing, grading, exeavat- TyronetHallseheduled ta b GJRL'S white figure skates, size ing, etc.. cali Taylor Bras., Osh- held Saudy oeber 22nd, McMANýUS--At Memorial Hlos- The family of the late Mr. 3- '37 grey Plymouth. Apply K. awa 3-331oWhty28. 8-fasbecneieidfntly pital, flowmanx'ille, on Tucsdav, Frank Webher wish ta express Maguire, Orchard View Bivd. j--47-1* Nov. 18h,1bi95î2, Wilson Edwvarri theîr sincere thanks and apprec- 17-1* DARLINCTON Ahattoir, Hamp- McManus, in his 71st year, bus- lation ta their many relatives tan, for custom killing. Phone At Enfield on Friday night at band of iIrgrtMcManus friands and neighibours for their GENT'S Englisb Tweed overcoat, 32413. 32-tf 8:15 the Burketon Young Peoplec çNewcaslle, Ont.> Resting at the expressions of syînpathy and sîzo 38, nearly new, $25; davcn-NR will present their play "Araan Morris Fiiocrai Chiape], 1l3uxvînanl- floral tîributes extended d uring port $39.50, splendid condition. ASOY Slick from Pumkin Crick" with8 vil.SrieihleCae nterrcn a ercavemrent. Phonoe(977. 47-1::, 1 lls0NBymusic between acts. Admission:t Thursdav at 2 o'clock. Inter- Mis. F. Webber TWO pair boys' skates, sizes 4 and Brick - Block - Concrete aduits 50c, chiidren 25c. 47-1 ment Bowmianvilie Ceinecerv. and family. 471* 5; i pair girl's skates (white), Chimneys - Cellars 47-1 size 12, ail in good condition. Sidewalks Turkey Supper at Sauina Com- I wish ta thank the nurses and 21 Soulthway Drive. 4-1 . - GENERAL REPAIRS - munity Hall, Nov. 28th, commene- MITCELLClienceJohn At taffof emoral Hspial, ow-ing at 4 p.m. in the basement. « M I T H E L, C l re ce Jo n A s af o M m o ia H sp ta , o w -C o m p e te n t W o rk mn a n sh ip O f c a p n n g : 0 r g am the Petcrhorouteh Civic Hospital mnatville, Drs. Keith and C. W. 100 CEDAR posts; 8 cords of dry OffiEtcite D a onielevisi ; Dance. up on Wednicsdavý, November lth,' Slemoni and Dr. 1-1. Rundie for nixed wood reaacy for stove use. Fe siae rwo eeiin ac.Sp 19.52. Claiunce Johln btcelh- kindness shown ta me during iny ftalpbi Larmer, R.R. 2, Nestietoni, Poe2 per, $1.25. Evening only 50c. c loved of han lelci Smiîh and stav'yi the hospitai: aiso maav Phono Port Perry 196-r-i1. 47-1* hn 634 father of John Mitchell, Pornt thanks ta flrancli 178, Canadian 46-tf Hope, iln his (,slil *car. 11\1r. Mit- Legion, Ladies' Auxiliary foi. WOOD-eut any lengths bihrd- Sale of library discards will be chieil is awUthe(leoille jFiinci*iI fruit and flowers: neighbaurs and Wood, S20; înixed, $18; pbehldinteCuilhabro Chapel, Wallun strect. port Hopîe. frieîids for. kind wishies and cards. Wood, $16 par cord, dell appl BULLD uZING AND e inteCuclCabro cie Saturday, Navember 29th, 2:30 - Servit" ,illh lii)< Fiay 2l Ti46--3esieComeEhoe251 5:30 in the afternoon and 7 - 9- N v li u 1th t 2ha e3 Frda,1).1T it14 -1.esie Co mb s, Ph ne 25 1.A V A T IN G p.m . in evening. Your hoice, 15e IncreîtI l XVX' 'moer, Mera .vords are inadequate ta DRY hardwood, $18 co-rd; dry By Ilour or Contract a volume, twa for 25e. 47-2 Ncx oX le 1î î 'tl xIiibe'-le express mv gratitude ta o nan eaF ceîx'l ci he (' gel lîur.iav fiends neigborsrelatves a dar, $10 cord; softwood slabs, - Free Estimates Given - TeBwavieNre'A-' evening 7:,)u u o ocloii. 47-1* ta al ognzain for 'their 't od R-ae it tve sociatian will bold a Rummage b caIls, cards, fruit and flowcrs dur- 2530 IV LII. £IIv Sale Pnhosalelarhome cookingTonp SW\lBB Kcal o îg vilncs 'oai Ii mn47-tf pPORT ndPaleoRYomeR.R. 2on - . lns.T i hemnPR ER ..2 Friday, Nov. 28th, from 10 a.m. r( Satc <" rîu,195.), rom EBowmanx ic, Orono, Clarke LINOLEUM-Jaspe, Marboleum, PHONE 109-r-42 ta 5 p.m. in the Hospital Cam- w hive,~--- hlocî îî. l'xp. and Newcastle forthr tl'aiszsatsdegsat 14-tf paign Rooms, 30 King St. East. n c - f i'Xanbrc.t'dgrc'atlip in harvesîing fliXapple pî.ic-es; print'distuton fr47-2 G fat'rni 1< V.Garbutt, jto.\l îcr tîns aving supplied. Hf. G. HealP NTN T : t V "h J-lk. lBir- George Wallon. 47-1I Pho ne 290)2. 3-11P ITN Canadjan Legion Bingo and j in--i. ii 'cf iltf- - Dance Fniday, Nov. 28th. Draw si Re.N' ii < l' kid, I wish ta express niy apl)rcc- 1 VENETIAN BLINDS. 25 different1 PAPER $500 mt.oney. B'fi, ,i 1 a o- -, i l'c' iha ~h-'ncighbaDrs. relatives and rnnyFORAGE Suction Blowers- o e daHv ug o daývDcc.I. orst fria1ds:iai,,-RWv. W. 'eant- o 1 . nct alvt ixxnaxn ojîaPhone 555. 41-tf 12hi e fD 'ie, e Ian buv forage I aI xx'orkj 839 am. Tele-Hour 't '< -tzite wl be Bowles Dr. J. McArthcir n'xt ar*. If so, why uatltake poa38.4- tI distribL'i ci aandIl daimis Of IPallbcarcri' uur recent bereaxe- I atvantage of aur faîl pricas. Last li l ,19.4-1 Mide renVila R the ii h,.\t :îixna'. c nient iii the mss of a dear 1bus-1 minute bîin:g is often rogrettecdUK NUoi ::ot i-ceix'ecl -vc will ha barrati. 1 band andi faîher. olfrfhl adla pn w~l ~a'itdT etC Dattia> SiwmaiXîil. nt i~rs Ga. ra1ori liter a dollad ritpentîs aou _____nt______NU____SAING Aa frHOME, Cil Noxem.i t'13' I lObillO nt, Ciaa ai-id wc .47-, thse dolr se. Wse o uch SM.XLL. hetec apaRîentA or Hind e and G ond reoeAil- NN\E. N ADS. lost lima and troublaeau nha a dLit. Phone 513 or 2602 4iW] i \n ictEast, WI ______________________Forae IlApmoved by Doctors. r -ctîr.:eOntario,____\ate cte Bcwr.Bx rn x'otr 'IIREE -or four raamis w-hbah PHONE E. AUSTIN, Jr. t Adninzlran ax for Ilhle A FEW pigs, eight Xweceks or olcler, age2nt our direct from' uS. Si fe oi'.r rýi' ie !c' ple wxith 1%>'o Bowmanville 2p74 per Estate of ïraîîk Hoîrox d.< nust be thnifty. Phone 2-1. Bras. Limiled, Elmira, Oiitar. . .bu'm. \hainers. l'elephonoeTwo miles East of Bowmanville!iBo. 47-3 1 4-1--l 46-3 - 187 aiter 5 pin. 47-l* 44-tf R eal Estate For Sale GO in business for yourself at 454 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. Store will be vacant as of Jan- uary Ist, 1953. See H. V. Bate- man, 410 Athol St. E., Oshawa. 45-tf FIVE-room, 1 ½ storey, lovely brick home, close to schools, churches and transportation. Has 4-piece bath, fireplace, oil furn- ace and modemn kitchen. Apply 175 Church St. 41-tf $7,500 - 100 acres ideal pasture, poultry, trees, etc., six-room brick bouse, ail conveniences, furnace; good barn and other buildings. Reasonable down payment. Ap- ply W. Wright, R.R. 3, Burketon. FOR SALE or Rent - Five-roorn, brick, bath, hardwood with three- room apartment in basement, hot water heating, on paved road, one mile from No. 2 Highway. Phone 423 Bowmanville, 227 Liberty St. N. 47-1* Jones ]Real Estale 6%~ PRINCE ST., OSHAWA Listings Wanted on Bowmanville and District Houses and Farms. PHONE: Bowmanville 3230 J. O. VAN NEST 47-1j* SCOTT REAL ESTATE $1,500 down-eight rooms, solid brick, on King St. East, all newly painted and decarated, extra large lot. Immediate possession. Sce this and make aller. If yau wisb ta buy or seli consult us. Donald Scott Real Estate 78 King St. West Phone 663 1 47-1 NIXON REAL ESTATE Loveiy 8-room, il/ý starey brick and frame, bot air beating, 4- piece bath, ultra modemn kitchen, hardwood floars, gaod basement, insuiated, venetian blinds. $12,000. $5,000 wiillbandle. Income Home 2 starey, 10-roam, solid brick home, close ta shopping centre, one bloek ta stores, bus, etc., 3- piece bath on each floor, bot air heating with ail, new roof, beavy wiring, producing substantial in- came. $9,000. Terms. 5-room frame bouse, shed, garage, appraximately ¼/-acre, in Burk- eton.. $3,000 cash. Immediate possession. James Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville Pbane 682 47-1* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 200 acres, large bank barn 45x100, brick bouse with modern con- veniences, elose ta a good village. 120 acres, 6-room frame bouse bank barn 40x90, drive shed and other farm buildings, tagethei with 28 Holstein cows and a full [mne af equipment, close ta New- castle and Lake Ontario. 35 acres on No. 2 Highway, close to Newcastle, 6-room brick bung- alow, barn and drive shed, couid be bought as a gaing concern, reasonable cash and terms. Ai 6-room brick and stone bung- alow,. ail beating and ail modern convenienees, on No. 2 Highway, close ta Bowmanvilie. Reason- abie cash down payment. Hf. C. Pedwell Newcastle Phone Clarke 38SSL Agent for W. J. Warren, Agincourt 47-1 DE WITH REAL ESTATE First c?àss 70-acre farmn in Reacb Township, good clay ioam, good barn, cament floors, good fences, 2Wells, brick bouse, 3-place bath- room, hydro, 1/2 -mile from high- way, 14 miles from Oshawa. Im- 'mediate possession. Easy terms. Jood aller will handie. 150-acre farma in Clarke Town- nip, sandy loam, 80 acres work- hIbe, 25 acres af waod, spning, NaIl, one mile from bighway, 9- .omed frame bouse, hydro, im- laement shed, cament floors. Im- nediate possession. Price $9,000. erms. ýood 160-acre farm near Grafton, A8 acres workable, clay laam and ;ndy loam, 7-room frame bouse, )ara 125 x 32 feat, modemn stabi- ng, cement floors, pig pan, ben Ose. Close ta sebool. Price ;13,000. Cash $2,000. ,0-acre farm in Cartwright ,wnsbip, 7-roam frame bouse, 8x 36 feet barn, 2 welis, cistern, ement floors, pig pan, han bouse, ýrage. Pnice $6,000. Cash $1,300. ýakary with shop, la aide village, luecu wui 2jate model tr'ucks, FAST SERVICE -plemeats and building. Terms. on ýevralothr frms hoesALL SHOE REPAMS JvrlohF e farm, Rboretc. Two excellent shoe repafr amen King Street, West a orsrie rwatePoe3341 Lod zu 47-1Lly li Room and Board Shoe Repair OOMandBord aned or39 King St. W. Bowmanvlle ung gentleman warkiag in 8i nie. Write Box 894, c/o ThePesn [ anadian Statesman, Bowmaa- P roc le. 47-If,- HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubher 'HERE IS IT? Wiil anyane 1goods) mailed postpaid in plain ovide room and board withia! sealed envelope with price fist. ýeforts' dollars par monlh, Six sampies 25c, 24 samples $1.00. asion paid la Ontario? Write'-Mail Order DepI. T-28, Nov-Rub- )x 89.1, c/o Statesman Off ice. , ber Ca., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Notices Stouffville Legion wishes ta anriaunce that Mrs. Mabel Ger- row, Ontario St., Stratford, was the winner of the draw Novemnber 1 lth, on Monarch Convertible car. 47-1 NOTICE High School Plan for Reserved Seats for Commencement Is now at MIcGregor's Drug Store 47-1 FOUR-room apa.rtment, central location, aduits only, Protestant. Write P-0. Box 459. 47-1 ONE large room, suitable for two gentlemen, breakfast if preferred. Phone 3095. 47-1* UNFURNISHED, heated, bouse- keeping room or room with board. Phone 465. 47-1* THREE nice raoms. Vacant Nov. 30th, partly fumnished. Phone 3379, 69 Queen St. 47-1* THREE-room apartment, partially furnished, available now, aduits only. Write Box 895, c/o Canad- ian Statesman. 47-1 THREE-roomed apartment in En- niskillen, newly decorated, suit- able for adults. Contact Mrs. Sheard, Phone Bowmanville 2728. 47-1 Help Wanted YOUNG woman for light factory wark. Paul H. Simpkin Cabinet Ca., 160 Church St. 47-1i MAN for bospital, duties janitor work and general cleaning. Apply Superintendent, Memonial Hos- pital. 47-1 YOUNG man. Paul H. Simpkin Cabinet Co., 160 Cburch St. 47-1 BOOKKEEPER - Apply Garton Coach Lines, King St. E., Bow- manville. 4? 47-1 WANTED-Man for steady travel among cansumers in Bowman- ville. Permanent connection with large manufacturer. Only reli- able bustier coasidered. Write Rawleigh's Dept. ML-J-140-131, Montreal. 47-1 GET meady for Xmas! Dealers don't be satisfied witb a small income wben yau can earn more with our complete line including glît sets, cosmetics, culinary ex- tracts, tonics, cald remedies, fammi necessities. Get yourself - ail lined up for thase Xmas $$$$$. Write now for details. Fat ilex, Dept. 2, 1600 Delanimier, Mont- Pets For Sale COLLIE pups, seven weeks old. Phone 2868. 47-1* FOX Terrier pups, nicely mark- ed. Priced reasonable. Phone 2480. 47-l* FREE ta good home, maie pup, 5 manths old, small breed. Write Box 893, c/o Statesman Office. 47-1 B3ROWN leather wailet, cantains G.M. Union pin, driver's licence and large amount of money. 170 King St. West. Reward. 47-1 920 TRUCK tire and rim, between Pickering and Bowmanville on 2A Highway, Monday, Nov. l7th. Reward. Phone 2895 or 935. 47-1 Wanted To Buy ELECTRIC fireplace with mantel. Phone 3503. 47-1 DINING-raom rug, 7 x9, la good condition, stating colour and par- ticulars. Write ta Box 892, c/o Statesman Office. 47-1 * BEFORE selling your live poultry try us. Our prices are higber. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Betbany, Phone 7 r13. reverse charges. 51 -tf WANTrED - Live pouitry, goase feathers, feather ticks, scrap iran, rags and metals. Raw furs and deemskias. Phone 3-2043 Oshawa callect. 46-tf Repairs Rl EPAIRS toalal makes of refrig- eratars, domestie and commercial;, milking coolers. FEggon Elec- tric, 42 King St. E., Phone 438. 25-tf SHBO0E Public Notice ONE 1937 Olds. 8-cylinder Seàan licence No. 490Z5 will be s1l for mechanîc's lien if flot caliedj, for by Nov. 21st, 1952. Pairnerý Motor Sales, Bowmanville. Cars For Sale ~ '35 CHEVROLET Coach,' -oodl condition, new seat covers. Apply~ to Roy Stoneburg, Newcastle, Ont. '28 CHEV., motor recently over.J hauled with new valves and head added; also two new tires andî tubes, and next to new radiatoe, and battery. Can be seen at Elmer' Nesbitt's, Nestieton,. Ont. 47-3: USED Cars and Trucks-one 1941) Hudson Sedan, air conditioning, heater, in good shape; one 1951 baîf -ton Chevrolet truck, heater and canopy. Terms, at Farm Equipment & Automotive, 134 King St. E., Bowmanville, Phone, 689. ,47-1 LivestQck For Sale 50 ROCK hens, one year old. [Phone 2150. 47-1, 18 PIGS, eight weeksg ald. Phone, 2167, Nick Bonk, R.R. 2, Bow-! manville. 47-1* DURHAM cow, fresh renewed, and caif. Walter Ferguson, Phone! 2329. 47-L HOLSTEIN caîf for vealing Phone Bowmanville 3134 or Neil, Malcolm, Phone Port Perry, REGISTERED Holstein Bull, sire,: Ringwood Tealdo VII, aged twoý years; purebred Hereford BuU1,ý age 5 months. Raymond Clapp, AUCIONSALES The undersigned has receivedý instructions from the executors of the estate of the late Mrs.; Frank Peate to seli by publie auction on Saturday, Nov. 22nd, î at 1 p.m. sharp, at ber late residence, Main St., Orono, living- raom, bedroom, dining-rooman kitchen fumniture, stoves, dse,1 etc. Terms cash. No reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 46-2 Notice Io Credilorst AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE of WILLAi.. HENRY THICKSON, Deceased.ý ALL persons having dlaims against the estate of Willimn Henry Thickson, late of the T of Bowmanville, in the Countý,7 Durham, who died on or abol,. the 28th day of September, 1952,1 ;- are required, to send to the un-, dersigned at the address below full particulars of the same - on or before the 8th day of Janpiary,r 1953, after which date the(5~ of the deceased will be distribd having regard only to the claims of which the Executors shall then have notice.. Dated this l3tb day of November, 1952. Walter Pascoe and Laurence Goddard, Executors, by Apha I. Hodgins , 16 Temperance Street, Bowmanvilie, Ontario,~ their. solicitor berein. LOW RATES-ON' AUTO JNSURANCE DIRKRINKA R.R. 3, BURKETON Phone 78-r-42 Port Perry 47-2 KIRBY Sympathy la extended ta Mrs. Fred Brimacombe in the passing of ber husband an Tuesday, Nov. 18. Service wiil be beld on Fri- day at 2:30 p.m. from. Kirby Cburch. Circuit Riders' Film To Be Shown at The Following Places- (Time-8 p.m.) Tyrone. Sunday, November 16 Eaniskillea, Tuesday, Nov. 18 Blackstock, Wedrtesday, Nov. 19 Hampton, Thursday. Nov. 20 Bowmanville, Friday, Nov. 21 (St. Paui's) Newcastle, Manday, Nov. 24 Newtonville, Tuesday, Nov. 25 Orono, Wednesday, Nov. 26 Part Perry, Thursday, No,ý*27 TICKETS TO EVERYWHERE Air, Rail or Steamship Consuit JURIY & LOVELL Bowmanville 15 Kmgz St. W. - Phone 778 PAGE EIG

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