<OQ 'HOSPITAL IN DES PERATE NEED 0FYOURHELP qw ras and Cons of Town Manager Legion TV Brings Santa Claus Parade To Young.sters Citizens of DurhmonyArNo Plan Which Electors Should Know Responding Aieuîl o ud To Vote Intelligently on Dec. 81h To Hospital EmeinyApa Twa years aga, on Canada's The manager is expected ta ca-Uls oe iiesof west coast, the City of Victoria! ardinate and supervise the wark services as voluntary canvasr hsia made news by introducngt o f the civic departments, ta sub-1i and get behind the MemorialHs council- manager plan, af governi mit the draft estimates and ta re- pital Emergency pe ment. Last year, in O ntario, the port as required ta the caunc'l. andopeat ma usha mara ospital fa- b fast-growing City of Saria The counicil contras the man- ta close down a wing kfMe brought in a manager ta run its1 ager's appaintment, sets the pat- at reduced efficiency. affairs. M are recently, on the terri n-f civic operaions, authorizes Such aci n w ud n e east Coast, Halifax turned ta thej the budget, and sees ta it that the seiu -,w e o si ei gt same plan and is advertising now manager carnies out his duties.uae fo r som eon e t a fill th e p ost of T h lo a electorate d eleg ates D r a a n Y m k f t e p r i u a . A l d s r c s d p n city manager. A mare striking authority for municipal services MmrandHovital.se eident ftwsisadBwavlea development is recorded in the ta the counicil as a unit and holds some 6,760 patients have been d files otyneec Province of Quebec where eigrht the council alone responsible for Mm iand Hs ito ic 99 pnMmna optal in Urn new municipalities have adopted performance in line with the * iiuecdb tonhp nih-j. the plan over the past five years. wishes of the community. boigBwavle Citizens of Bowmanvlle w-Il Works Well Elsewhere T eeat omnil be called upon, Monday, Dec. 8 Experience in ather municipal- obexc:Bwavl md-sCashdonationlw2,33be;pprec1 t a vote on the appointm ent of a ities seem s t a indicate that the36 ; C r w i t, 1 5 C a ke - w rk nd c n b ju t s u ef l To wn Manager for this commun- manager plan has a great deal ta missionsrtort 25; Nclatleaebttepldese sa ity. In view of thîs mamentaus cammend it. Like any other con- 173,; alnother2adissions 1 3; an gt on, 2.001ss an esor e a pe, i & wee t decision, articles relating t Town structive innovation, however, itth Managers and roanageri aI prab- must be well raated and widelyTbe e neray or eal wescm al hn1 et e lems are being *published in this supparted ta stand a good chanceT e E er nc Ap al h s e r p ri da au t ou d newspaper for the next tree f success. The electors cannot Every dolr cut an M weeks. They are intended ta escape their civic responsibilities many rathnsW lw pravide as much enlihemn by setting up this or any ather little mndornauin t andlien nuhttaeiacoidrio an the subject as passibe new system. Certainly in the in- ta a successfuî objective. hsia I n te r e s t in t h e m a n a g e r p la n itia l s ta g e s th e y m u s t b e p r e p a r -m a s d o ti n h t a d s U f a i i e s f a h a - il a no l r thse ounthrTh gn arg om- t the coeuc tonunipleaf- These kiddies and many more we couldn't get in the show had finished. They are happy and so are the To delve into building staiscsdy ad igt mnt ate thexioty. cvihe ratin ons bas airs. odcaltiofenishoulbe- the -picture have every i'eason to thank the Canadian Legion. several Legionaires standing around the back of the graup. briefly, when the new Memon lmnh caused people' ta look a bit cnit- cme acquainted with the mea- On Saturday morning, the Legion opened the doors of the Incidentally, Nov. 28th is the last day ta buy tickets on the Hst95scapete in ug- Frtoe hfrfr adnt ically at their municipal machin- sures that will lend support ta new hall on Queen St. ta welcome several hundred kiddies Canadian Legion's draw with the big prize a plane trip for funds n hand ta pay the Eniemybadesdadsnt a ery, and conscientiaus citizens are the manager system and be ready who couldn't go to Toronto ta see the Santa Claus parade. two ta the Coronation next year, plus $500 expense money. cast of $372,282.83, with the e akReik ooayTes asg pint e ensibeof a a atcgauld sabaei t. Pulic n- But, they saw it anyway, on the Legion's television set, Because their mail privileges have been eut off, they are sult that same contractonsaruerMmoilHsia Ee- try and bring current municipal terest and understanding prvide which had been set up on the raised platform so everyone having a difficut time getting returns in. You can help stilatinug dfo thei rae. gnyApa apin 0K headaches under contrai. the two guarantees that the man- would have a good look. Here you see the youngsters after by purchasing more tickets today. at the hospital are being conduth optl or uhnte The esenc of te maagerager plan will pay off. deomialan efCE Th se c f te m n g r The similarity of municipal tw l bei p s bea c r i plan ia im ivis h in st aimorganizatin under cuncil-man- IRegister Monday S!....I Clubthe Hospital Board, tTTpay t1i is aClub itcuwialdvbeiimpossibleffcaccardingg tama goodrechance ooftimeetingadcurrent sible between civic policy-making ager plan ta the structure of bus- For Regular Seats Opens p nig Ne oSaere a---.... at ayof ag by ee td r pr s n ai e n s corporations ha s a w y p rtn e e u n t e 00eetdrpeetaie n enoe of the system's chief at- At Hockey Games W l eaG a dan lra sA fi Sunday at 3 p.m. Interest is now accruing onth depriatehl. dagemen y apminsrtepaido- tactions. Business-like methods ______ Searnda d____usffi deta the extent of $3,000 a yer:fyuhv alti retm agci yals. nder tedpladmin- are as much needed in civic af- Tr acao nd do athecammunity ficstrativ euthe ityaiscentred fairs as anywhere else, and there The Arena Management Cam Iforl1105 .tretd eol also take inoacansiderationa vsea isrtv uhrt scnrdi slittle dutt heitou-mittee have annaunced that a&# e N any Giving a Helping Hand wMaeree t 0tesdegi aple To ad ta thi,07the . h esia uto orhns oute ab the hands of a single appointed tdn o ubthat thoe intraduc- Subscribers' Preference Plan fae ree n t Tusda e v or te n- a nk anr e tmof $ 0 000 Thr e s j b f r B w a vle a d W s melecete canil hiea meicncities has helped ta Intermediate "A" hocke«. games eBwavlee ocmlt oki h sansîlet f or lgîsimai d ybnng this about. The cenitrali played in Memoniai Arena will The introduction of artîfîcial tanks ta be used between perîods nual meeting of the Bomn i dta cmleeworkpu b the hs iegnrul hnacnas osbefrlgsainadgo into effect on Monday. ice at the officiai openîng of the ta freshen the ice surface. Albert Skating Club. Mrs. L. C. Mason,ptawhcwsputaoesd eralsnyu. em beevr kolicy decîsions. (Contînued on Page Seven) This is how the plan works: Memoial Aena at 7:30 p.m. ths Sturock, local Impeial Oil 1951-52 president, was in the in order ta keep csts at a mn olrdntdi eiyadla Anyone may become a subscrib- Saturday evening wîli go down dealer, donated one tank, while chitiedpanma x er by registering with the coin- alangside other great cammunity O. F. Robson, of Robson Motors, chumir.vested la yourpfuture lef- mittee and paying a $2.00 fee. projects in Bowmanville history. donated the other. pand the club fromn a famiiy graup I Young Durham Conty Farmers For thismoney, one subscriber Literally, thausands of people Binedanvile service clubs cor- ta ncue igr skating. Women's iCanadin LI p a e may ontactfor s mny esere ptchd i wit dolar, laor nd benchesnsue areheitr cwillhe castt w$l,200 1,20ta SIn Judging Contests ai Royal Fanr seats as he wishes for the 14 votes ta make artificial ice a for Saturday night patrons: Good- operate the club on the basis out- laè homegam seaonplus playoffs, reality. Unfortunateîy, only hun- year men cleaned up the' entire lined. This amount includes iceCam U ie Establih Recod W ith 3 GoldNedalsi f Bowrnanville finishes in the dreds will be able ta crowd into building pniar ta Tuesday eveoing rentai for the family group onUntd N io O Iy T i g Esabis R co d il 3God ed isP"The cantract assures the sub- èe-ne of a dream came true. work. nnwetea day ft,2o ernoo s a 14 Sun-Us sciber that his seats will be heid To get the Arena underway Win. Aluin and David Higgon for figure skating, and profession- et e n Usa d T ir W o d W r 4nother native son has brought Besides being a member of the for hîm until 6 p.m. the day of with a bang, the Kînsmen Club have joined farces in suppiyin lg ruintciosfr1hr h oosta Durham County.1 Durham team which won the the game. Unless the subscriber has arranged for exceptinal and putting inot position an a week. M. and Mrs. Destel- Mrs. J. C. Marjoribanks, Torn spae,"stenlofiaii; Brown, 20, son of Mr. and Jeffrey Bull Trophy, he also won pcks up hs reserved tickets by Orono, Bowmanville and Oshawa electric scaing dlock which will mneyer, of the Oshawa Skating ta,' spoke ta members of tetrainl mcieyi Mrs. James Brown, Newcastle, a Royal Winter Fair gold medal the 6 p.m. deadline or telephones skating taleht ta stage what be suspended above centre ice. Club, recognized prfessionals in Wmen's Canadian Club on Mo-wAdt-a snvn abit was judged grand winner with a for the highest scoring in judging ta indicate that he will pick themn should turn out ta be a memr- The clak will be four sidd s te skating world, have conisent- day afternoon, Nov. 17, n a sb bu ec. total of five pizes as the Durham1 dairy catte. For leading this up pir ta game time, the sub- able ice show. But perhaps the that up ta the minute informa- ed ta instruct figure skating in ject which, she said, "shouldbe MsMaoransadavi County entry swept thefil in rup he also received the E. H. scribers' seats will go on sale ta feature of the evening will be tin can be had from aoyhre Bwavle exercising the hearts and minsvcasadwi-namdsek the Royal Winter Fair judging Stnehoîse Memorial Trophy, and the general public. the hockey tilt between Cobourg in the rink. Fees are $10 for family Sunday of al peace loving people in teesece ihcaiyai competition. a pen and pencil set. For scaing The plan has worked well in Comets and Bwmanville Barons Ontario Championship Banner skating; $5 for each pre-grade 1I ,, ody-h Unitd For the first time in history, 923 points out of a pssible 1,000 other municipalities, manly be- - the arch-rivals of hockey wars Hooper's Jeweiery & Gift Shop figure skater; $10 for junior fig- tions. NtosS ha o er three gold medals, representing points, he received a pize of $25 cause it guarantees subscribers for many seasons. is supplying a new clak for the ue skaters and $12 for seniors. Mrs. L. D. Goddard, new pres-eshdapcueo h oea excellence in a particular judging from te F i. H a lo hg the sar ew sas ih t e ame reserved seats for each Mao o n W o t, VC. r n n a nc r sîl Thse fees will e inadequate un- dent, took the chair for the fi t th U N.b N w Y r, a d as field, were won by the three-man man in the swine division but gamne. Ministen of Reform Institutions, themombership xpands time, having bon ili at the tim entry from Durh am County. Cred- could be awarded just one god Thoso who are intrested should an Jo n M J me, MP fr (C ntnued on Page Sevn o sdeaî. F mly skating of the first meeting in Octobe. mtes a dter dte. Scl i t o r t h i r m a n a b e a h i v e - m e a i . A n t h e D r h a t a m o n a c t t h A r n a a s 5 0 0 0 a s D u r h a m , w i l l t a k e p a r t i n t h e s t a t s S u n d a y , N o v . 2 3 f r o m 3 t a M r s . G o d d a r d w e l c o m e d m o e rs t r e i f g r a a u e u n -ment gos ta tamn members Bruce mmber, Wm. Fepuson, received possible n on after Mnday ta openng cremny at which Rev. Y u<<4:30 for thse xho are members and*introduced the speaker. Is esa igwhtw edi h Taylor, R. R. 1, Enniskillen; Win. the god medal fo- swine judging. put hir naines n the list. First Warr en N. Turner, Rector of St. Yo ave M'o"e" of the Family Group. Marjoribanks, who was hro nd saeso h ciîis0 h Fergusn, R. R. 2, Nestleton, and Atugfv-im wnerldta subscibe xi, of course, get Johns Anglican Church an By Prompt yment earibnk inh holanade a tud JEarle Brown, R. R. 2, Newcastle. the Durham team ta victory at chic eas CarmnofNeewmavlî a hentinl xcuie fth as In one f the heaviest events the Fair. his efforts were match- Ministoial Association, wli dedi- Of Traffic FinesFv .eWJ e rs United Nations Association nfthU.Nsncisinoinad of its kind, 113 young farmens ed toalamost equal extent by the WAarn Children caetheiAleait inrsent Pei- pleInîtîatedticetsforCranda which is pnte ed~hsbe nosr ttess from 32 aunies and the Ontnia two oth r tam emb rs achcf ent h Teat wii re s en t he Peope h pic up tcket forC and a n w informie u lc ei nsashe G n ra eemdu Agricultural College, took part un whom was awarded a gad meda. Not to Block Vlay club in the ceremony and the vrtime parking n -Bowman- Kinsmen Club the rganization of the Unite e ok swl ~au~dt lhe inter-county judging cmpe- Thirty-two teams were entered i0Fnhtr much-famed Legion Pipe Band ville streets are eligibe for a e- ____ Nations, which, t qquote tition Thursda, Nov. 13, when judging. Of F ire Fihtr will ho on hand ta dolight an duced fine of.00 if the ticket Fuve now members wero Tues- the Durham County team amass- E are B o n w n d i y ctl x et d ca aiy c o d s p- tt e T w al ih n d y e e i g i iit d i t h ed 2,713 of a passible 3,000 pits t 288 preBoinnt dai Fr cattle d1 oýay vnî nunutCate b it ath ta take top honors. 1ih28pit;Wm egsn Afrl eman Frîday braked his Goodyear Men Work 241 hours. BMaanvyl Kîsme Cub t a aC scored 191 in swine ta take sec- car ta the curb, happod eut and But many more Bawmanville This concession was made Mon-1 regular meeting held un the Bal- Unexcelle Coach on place peMrpierhaveuthadna hand inrutheodaye ovoningl.ateapspecialha meetingi moralaHotel.ng a aispecia meetingl 1 HUtel Agneat deai of credit for the the modal; Bruce Taylor, R. R. 1, In his haste , he knocked aven a pragram building up ta the open- of Town Cauincil. The by-law în:tiated were: Kin Don Wright, Alle N wcastlefo team's fne cfineisman gos Elissh ments oreg97onss eEnniskiileng. he scared ood ea7 einngsheepffi yaungsterow - R ay Lat an ue, orn M c uar to E. A.(Ed) Sumers, ppular juging towin a gld meda in Thg.anTheunameshecfhiGoodycarlosotting dnupetraffirifcontraill insBomnde- RayrdLarianguerdC Lamen McdQuaar Agicultural Representative, who this division. the youngster. Children wone time are tao numerous tao ven ingly. Wilson. TLhî is ol has for mare than 20 yoars been In final individuai standing, of- standing as thick as flies on the bogin ta mention thein names. For those offendens who negiect u l turning out winning toams in ficial records report Earle Brown sîdewalk. It was just 4 p.m., and Other points that came ta light ta settle Up \vifhin the 24-hour Four members of the Oshawa Durham County. Ho is unexcoîl- in first place with 923 points; ail approaches ta the fine hall with the oponing are the spray deadline, the fine us raised ta1 Kinsinen Club performed the TeJc an ilMri ed as a coach, as the capturing of Bruce Taylor in furth place with were blocked with children eag-- $2.00, A hi n yo e excd ing ner onR y.Dibbas hDis dri t hGoe r-- Co pe Cl b f T int U it d Ca e v, l r n e Ra h m a d mrany provincial, national and in- 898 points, and Wm. Fergusn r ta sec tho red engino ral. in 48 huts. A yJ xce i tiatiRoe Ai WitherspoonCo pls.lu of Trni ni ternational championships will tied for fifth with 892 points. Firemen cming north from the Pheasant Season the 48 hur limit will appear he- team assied vRas e p-Cucllomniie ed u-ackndlyGaeBart n testif. To first 10 teams, their stand- Goodyearn bad their dash blocked I alnt fane a magistrae for a mare seIt-Governo Gro. RusseDance and W h e t h r e u l t o f j u c g . n g ! i n g a n d t o t a l p o i n t s f a p o s s i b l e b y c h l d r e n w h e n t h c y n o a c h e d f n .i ,n g t i h e c s l o i n Sdi DebentureieJt afRthebOsohaw asu. îhti hPNwatlromu-Wcrms rw were made known at a dinnerj 3,000, are as followvs: Durham, Cburch and Division Sts. More Records Only 65 Birds ity Hall and cailed it the OPshawa-clun.cr LaHtll anda:d a fe't.the givon by the Ontario Dept. of Ag- 2,713; Middlesex, 2,652; Weliing.. firemien from the Faundry fond ____Thfeo$2t5000 debenturo issue ta The secret cerlcilany x.as con- Pr. fv'l'a. iculture, w hirh sponsos the ton . 2,637; Sim coe North, 2,595; thenselves blocked trying ta a n t l ai n o ýa t -1d c e u c l u i r zÀ e competitian, it was found that Halton, 2,582; Perth, 2,581; York, penetrate the mass of kids anound The pheasant season has came payfo IteoinalAtiona f, as i queickl t i e~iey. Pry* ducterw ws opmnan he256;ten,2,6n amtturnheede al.P ol ohhee and gene in Dariington Township fina ceiMeoial Annawa inPesdn Bi Tait informe An ostimated crowd of 40)pgamveta rcnerKit Ea le B ow va op m n n th ,5563;an Ke n, 2,5625 L m to.th in1alj nCcn er aioput o itern- so tta teio inonS r niisfi sm n un ate d nc$ha1he0mmdmeeuidngtepien-Sngn h h d li e u p n i z - w i n i n g i 4 . , 5 5 6 a n d H u r o , 2 , 5 5 .S e r io us I n j u r y P as s ib l e S o m o nhco l d h a e b o n p o t t e h o s a n.f6cph aebe n$or o r t i o.f r010 0 6 e r s î o . o m e t i gt sol d h o r u t s h r t n n 1 î g a r n e d c o p l e ' l u s r e 1mouufpo caet l e t a d r a I seioqly njoed vonbefre he epltedver litieas a result of debentune. Six tenders wene oo- onden that Kinsmen cauld go 10, Whitby, Broorklin, o mbS eddt nrd'esre 7c FR ~COPurxNUMBER 47, w - w -- - ivore 27 admissions, 13 -di-«scharg--Mnyofthm ae ne ariot a BiH.S gi-ls whotunortd at on tMm a opthe Ti ijhavingtheior,. cnat virheýir Lr- od atnNe hr a BKLL F RGI~ON LEFT. EARLE BROWN, BRUCE rAVLO os, s ven maor op natien oîght bird 0 thei lifes-et h 'u- renpro Satu dav'mo nen;ot help off rinInir0 cfP'xirtina uses oi nane Dew ll and Bud O r' wor fiîNhi g trurh on uccessul an CETLLR minor, and fonr mergency cases pared ta build ut) a pheasant par- rcnv'mIb: aice poppies ta people in which e, :hr:stmas Stral dol-! the - rn ...-. nýI~ L r . .. oravr noa Durham Couatj' Team Wina Jettrey Bull Memorial Trophy Itreated. adise for otiien huntens. -ail three localities, 1I ans cao tue put. dances were won by Jin anti.rsLry VOLUME 'OF BELP BOWMANVILLE- ONTARTO 'PT-TTTP.0,T),&V ho _______"Durham County's Great Family Journal" - ý . . 3.11 V JLJUIJ12dl "IN 1£ M111V. IrlunnliAy- N(IVII:MHIII.w 6.7(lfh 10719 17- rhimn