THE CANADIAN STATE~MAN nOWMANVTLL!1. ONTARTfl~ XTTD~1~A~7 ?,~P#%W 0* ina. EDJTORIALS Memorial Hospital In Desperate Financial Condition' Frankly, we are ashamed of ourselves ln this Emergency Hospital Appeal for Funds. Like so many other people in Bowmanville and throughout the rural district, we have sat back waiting for some miracle ta happen ta bring the need- ed $60,000 into the hospital treasurery. This week, we spoke ta the President of the Hospital Board and learned the grim details of this campaign and of the hos- pital's financial position. We think every- one in West Durham should know about it, because once the situation is made clear, we feel the people of this area will came through with flying colars as they have done in the past. In a page announcement in this issue, the President gives a true and revealing picture which everyone should read. We were amazed ta learn that after three weeks of campaigning only a littie over $3.000 had been donated ta the Emer- gency Fund. We have heard, as you have, rnany people complaining that they have given enough ta the hospital and are nat gaing ta give more. But, the simple fact is that each and every one of us must give mare because our Hospital is fînan- cially broke and worse. They owe long overdue accaunts ta contractors and ta the bank of over $50,000 and at present have no funds ta meet these obligations. We as town and rural citizens took on the obligation of paying for aur hos- THE CUTTING 0F CHRISTMAS TREES Certain parts of Durham County in recent years have developed a new and profitable industry of grawing Scotch Fine for Christmas trees. The cutting of young evergreen trees for sale at Christmas time usually arouses a great deal of controversv. Criticism of this practice cornes from those who feel that a great wrong is committed each tirne a young tree is cut for this purpose. An understanding of why this is done should show that such citicism is unfounded. Scotch Fine is one species used ex- tensiveiy in Reforestation work and has become very popular as a Christmas tree. This is a f ast growing tree which bears seed prolifically and at an early age. The waod of this species is of low quality. Its best use then, is as a Christmas tree. It grows very well on some of the poorer soils being reforested throughout the province. If it will grow an such areas and provide a short term crop of Christ- mias trees it is logical ta do so. Planted in stands at six to eight foot spacing, the trees develop a good overali form. When Christmas trees are cut from these stands it is recommended that a few of the poorer form trees be lef t ta grow, serving as seed trees which will restock the area. BEVANISM IN THE EAST BLOCK? Is Bevanism rearing its ugly head in the austere precincts of Ottawa's East Block? Recent utterances of Nik Cavell, Canada's Colombo Plan Administrator, 'Suggest that such a development is flot beyond the realm of possibility. In a recent Ottawa address Mr. Cayell, after paying lip service tu the necessity of rearmament in the face of tatalitarian aggression, declares that "ta survive, the free world must strike a balance between defence against an armed aggression which would wipe out fieedom itself, and the continuation of the fight for human betterment throughout the world." Colombo Plan Administrator Cavel may be right. It may be entirely proper ta devote part of aur energy and resources ta the economnic and social betterment of our neighbors while, at the same tume de- fending aurselves against an arrned ag- gression which, in Mr. Cavell's own words, 44would wipe out freedam itself." Doubt- less it is sheer perversity which causes thoughtful folk ta ponder whether by the sanie token, Colombo Boss Cavell would urge that part of the able-badied popula- tion of a village threatened with extinction by a forest fire, should devote theniselves in the face of the oncaming holocaust ta the task of raising funds for next winter's charitv bazaar. Nik Cayel]. like Aneurin Bevan, clear- ]y believes that even in times of gýrave international emergency, butter should flot take second place ta guns. Our' street corner philosopher dlaims there are three ages of women: the tee hee age; the lie age, and the tea age. How quicklY the vears pass! affl %0aunbizin %ttrman with which Is incorporated 'rhe Bowmanville News. The Newcastle ndependani and The Orono News 97 Years' Continuous Service ta the Town of Bowzanville and Durham County AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER UjDITBUREAU> SUBSCRIPTION RATES $3.00 a Year, strictly in advance $4.00 a Yecrr in the Ujnited States Published by ME JAMES PIJBLISHING COMPANY ,Authornzed as Second Class Mail Pott Office Departmnent. Ottawa pital. We were ail very praud when it opened and we had a chance ta inspeet it. Those who have been patients in the new hospital have been delighted with the treatment ànd efficient attention they re- ceived there. The campaign has been going for over three weeks, yet so few canvassers have most citizens in town and country are agreed ta give some of their time that stili ta be contacted. We say ta aur citi- zens in this dire emergency, if you are înterested in the Hospital; if you think you or your family will ever need its services, give now of your time and money ta help this most worthy cause. We know your help will pay dividends when an emergency cames ta you or someone you love. Ail of us and none of us are ta blame for the present situation on this campaign and, indeed, on the hospital's finances. Many of us prefer ta let someone else take aur load of the responsibility in com- munity efforts, while we sit back and criticize. It's no time now for back-biting or critîcism. It's time for action, united, wholehearted action, and we must all do aur part even if it hurts. Let's not leave it ta the other fellaw. If this editorial hasn't aroused your interest ta immediate action, for the campaign ends November 3th, turn ta the annauncement on page 5 and read it. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY Comparatively few citizens realize their responsibility when it cames ta selecting candidates for municipal offices on Friday evening, Nov. 28th. Nomina- tions wiIl be held in Bowmanville and there will probably be as usual a last minute rush ta nominate citizens for var- ious offices. The probability is that many .wîll be named but few will allow their names ta remain onthe ballot. Citizens fail ta realize their own responsibility on such matters. They are ready ta criticize the Council for this, that and the other thing, but neyer ready ta be candidates for office themselves. Too often criticism is unkind and un- just. Members of Town Council, Board of Education and Public Utilities Com- mission spend hours and hours of time on town matters and take reams and reams of abuse. It is ta be hoped that more business men will allow their names ta go on the ballot, thus realizing their respon- sibility as citizens. The town's business has become big business and these civic offices are a good place for business men ta give public service for the betterment and advancement of this community. OBSERVATIONS AND OPINIONS Heme's a thought for reflection when you are deciding what -ta give ta the Emergency Hospital Appeal Fund: "Not what we gain, but what we give, measures the worth of the life we live." Just as Bowmanville is plunging inb the new and modemn civic business of operating an artificial ice aena wîth al its headaches and uncertainties of success we see wheme Dunville, a town about the size of ours, last yeam netted $1,000 ta reduce ils indebtedness. Continued demands for higher pay cannat be met if Canada is going ta re- main an exporting nation of industrial pro- ducts. Higher pay and other advantages cannot be granted certain groups if other groups are ta have the privilege of re- ceiving a faim standard of living through an equal effort. -Estevan Mercury. According ta a recent survey com- pleted by the Çanadian Manufacturers' Association il cosîs more than $8,400 ta give an employee a job. The sumvey of a faim cross-section of Canadian îndustry showed that in 1951 campanies employing 335,560 people required $2,827,729,000 in invesîmenîs or, $8,426 tied up in build- ings, equipment, raw materials and other goods in order ta provide one man with a job. Timeîy tips for new résidents: When moving ta a new neighbourhaod, il is a good idea ta become famuiar with the local utilities serving the home, the pro- teclive systems ai1d any other contribu- tions la the safety of the family. Knowing just where the neamest fire caîl boxes are situated; the phone numbers for firemen and police; and where and how ta turn off water and electriciîy in casè of emer- gency are simple matters, but might be very necessary in the event of an accident. In one colunin of the dailv press we read glowing and boasîful reports that Canadian fammers will harvest this year a record wheat crop of 688,000,000 bushels. And then in the same issue wve read where Agnes Macphail has just returned fnom England and is worrying about the way the British people are eaîing. "Il doesn't seem sensible that Canada should have an abundance of food and the British should be limited ta one egg and a bit of cheese weekly," Miss Macphail said. She thinks that if the women of Canada made cnough fuss, the gaverrument wouldn't have any trouble deciding what ta do with the sur- plus cheese and wheat. In ather xvords we need ta gel away from aur greedy, grasping'selfishness and put int practice some of that good aId fashianed pioneer neighborly spirit of being aur brother's keeper, To the Citizens of Bowmanville: oitto ION On page fine ai last week's the prisoner was bungeti up, they cise Engliin £ctionary, means Statesman, we notîced a picture wouidn't accept hlm, claiming that "nathingless,' and the Saviel ai Bowmanvilie's new truck, anti he was in gooti shape when they palicy towarti the Western na- standing besitie il Messrs. Nor- hati turned him aver ta us at 10 tions is ta untiermine their ecan- man Scott and Sidney Nichais. a.m. We then drave ta the has- mepoicaanscalnttu The first, anti incidentally, the pitl, but wben it was learned omrlions by striking at their yeny las tie sa a ha na dSi passenger was a ward a! Gaver- foundations. As Neville Bray- ney Nichais was on a loveiy June nor McLaughlin, they said nix. Woeek in"t othemon the rt day in 1927. Gosh! That's 25 Sa back ta the haosegow we goes.Wel;"them en E years aga! Same thing! Sa back ta the bas: greatest danger cames from ne The Sidney Nichais linm writing pital we goes. Same thing. paltcal creeti, but from a posi- abou an I ecae aquante Aftr acoule f tiesat achtive belief in Nihilism. Andtiheb abou ani Ibecme cquante Afer cople ! tiesaI danger af the Soviet re- in a rather,*tiramatic fashion. place, we were afraiti we were gime is flot so much due ta the Some weeks before this eventful gelting in a rut, so decideti on fact that it is antaganistic ta the occasion, a farmer-neighbar bati desperate measvires, especialiy as poîittcal life ai Europe, but be- gane berserk, anti beat up some aur patient was in great pain, cause in ils own country il has af bis famîly, for which he was with a broken pelvis. pienty af succeetied in beiieving in Athe- cammitted to the boosegow at culs anti bruises anti suffering ism, wiîbouî realizmng tbat the Cobourg. from sevene shock. How we fin- On the daySidney Nichais anti lygat im * tiddow intheacknowledgement af such a failir I were destinedti tabecome ac- hospitai is sametbing that even dena bli Gothi s becomeahe quainteti, the pnisanen was taken, my elastie conscience tioesn't like dl o leiantsi be Com r- Cobourg ta Bethany ta stand Ihose two trusting, pretty nursesgianits wouîai benfoantisi-t trial. He electedt t be tnieti by a didn't gel finei. Ie iraion, "Thul einadende i n in he csotepiy iangO.P.P rom ta eeme oItot.h o e munirmatioancret fr this rnoi jude, 0 te pesiingmagstrle The poor feliaw ditin't live God." With such a belief there is ortiereti bim 10 continue bis fonceti many days. He was an ardent no neeci for a moral code or regard vacation at the County Jail, untîl Orangeman, wbo neyer miseti aI- for the cammon decencies without the trial juçige relurneti £rom his tentiing church an the Sunday be- wihIeecut en ec annual halidays. fore the Twelfth af July. Strange- wamang men anti nati ons. ac Il was up ta the Township îy enough, he was burieti from Tho enpads'naetibe ns. ' Constable to retunn the prisanen his church an the Suntiay before TeAote'Cedbgn:" ta the gaoi. The Township cap tbe Twelfth. believe in Goti the Father ai- was a brave man, scareti ai nath- Ilnyreuetapiuewh mighty,'" anti gaes on ta tieclane îng (sa he saiti), but he 'vas two names, la îurn back my eifi h ntmt eain anxiaus for me ta travel alang memanoy's dlock 25 yers ship between Goti anti man in just in case. Seeing thal I hati ime anti elernity. Il is upon those the limb af the iaw aver a bar- beliefs, in vaniaus forms, that rel, I tiemandeti five bucks, cash Crsincvlzto n eo on the banrel heati, anti a free Dyng Patience Crstiaon civiliaonaddeo car ride from Cobourg ta my Soviets are weil aware af Ibis, home in Manvers. I got il! By Joseph Lister Rulletige and they realize that tbey must Anti away we wenî; the cop lbsbcm ams ai first annibilate the idea af Goti tiriving the 490 Chev. tauring, I a eoeams ai the almighty if tbey are la suc- where a feliow caulti spit with- btb tink ai the public as a vast ceeti in establishing the Commun- out baving ta rolthe window graup Ibat can be victimizeti b st syste almighty. But such a down; the prisaner's lawyer oc- stnikes anti lockouls anti slow- s1ystern cannot endure because il cupying the other front seat, while downs without having any power bas no fountiation. Witbout Goti the prîsanen anti I rade in style ai appeai. It seems ta be believeti there is nothing-man is nathing, in the back seat, spinning saîîy that, if enaugb suffering anti in- anti as one of the ancient Greek yarns, anti each smoking the mast convenience are accasianeti, bene- poets put it: 'Nothing can be heliish tasting cigar that was ever fils may resuit ta the few anti createti out af nathing." Il is the inventeti. but as lhey were pro- that Ibis is just anti right anti as prime business ai the Christian vitieti by my fnienti the jailbirti, il should be. The reason Ibis churches ta restare anti maintain I didn't camplain lao loudiy. tbinking bas been as effective the faundtiaions af aur failb in For 25 years I've been tryîng as il bas been is because tbe pub- Goti for a faitbless democnacy is ta figure aut whethen he bought lic have believedti hat, in the past no botter than an atheistie Com- the cheapest trasb passible; anti even occasionally in the pres- munism. Withaut faith ail the whether he tiitn't like me; or ent, there bave been injustices schemes for social security are wbether be hapedth Ie stagie andti tey bave been ready' ta suf- vain, for wbere thene is no spirit- wauld make me sick antiveak, fer incanvenience anti hartishîp ual vision, the people perish. when he wouldti ry ta escape. anti loss ta see this remedieti. __________ We wene bowling merriîy along. There is a danger that, in reai- Highway 28, wben Ibere was izing the effectiveness ai a metb- N~ quile a bang. As bath aur cigars oti, the users may canclude that Nesilefon ..tafion were silil in warking condition, they bave a weapon against wbich ____ we decitied il was ane of the tires. thene is no defence, that sufficient Mrs. Lorenzo Mauntjoy anti The car stoppeti; sure enough, publie incanvenience wiil bring Miss Rose Mountjoy visiteti Mns. the left hanti binti tire was quite the resuits they desine, whether Chas. Briggs in Toronto who is fiat an the underside. Everybody those resuits are just or unjust. steaduîy improving. gaI out ta belp jack up the car If that \vere Irue then we shoulti Ms avnNebt eevt anti make the necessary change, be close ta anarchy.Mwo r the et ai e aunt, when along cames a bus. The Il is not true, andti hat is some- Mr Fa rdoth ew inofDelsake, pnisaner pramptly propelieti bim- thing that any user a!fafrce Ms rn rwi ei' ae self in front ai the bus, Ihinking, wouiti do wel b recognize. Citi-NotDat. (he tld me later) that if be re- zens are not belpiess before such Mrs. Norman Lansing bas re- ceiveti a bit ai a bump, il might tbreat. They may consent ta turneti home from a visit in To- be nicen in hospilal tbani the jug. suffeî-, as they bave in the pasi, ranto. The driver took ta the ditcb, but because tbey are too unsure of Mrs. John Williams visiteti Mn. was unable ta avoiti a collision. the rigbis or wrongs ta protest. anti Mrs. George Bowers. Afler we bati matie the pon vie- Il wouid be unwise ta argue fnom Mn. anti Mrs. Ted Rabm, Mn. tim as camfortahie as possible in the pasî that the average miem- anti Mrs. Earl Rabm anti Judy, the shatie af a bawthorn, anti ber of the public is always neu- Ohw,~stt n nhnHl phoneti fan a doctor, I asked for Irai. He may bave appeareti 50 beri. the bus tiiver's name anti ad- because abuses ai force were tao Mrs. Norman Rabi-er returneti dness. He saiti il was Sidney few ta builti up a weigbt of op- hame fnom Oshawa Hospital ind Nichais, Bowmanviile. Wben il position. But things have chang- is visiting Mn. anti Mrs. Ivan became apparent that the people cd. Stnikes now occur almost Robrer. in the bus coulti be of no funthex- daiiv, anti patience is , running DraniMsJ.NMaowT- assistance, the driver continueti out. D.adMs .N alw o on bis scietiuie. Ive neither The iaîest case was the propos- ronto, spent the weekenti with seen non heard of Sid since, un- cd stnike of the raiiroati anti thein families. tii thase cutl unes in lasI week's steamship cienks aI Fort William Sympathy is extendedti l Mrs. issue matie me wonder if he xvas! anti Part Artbur. This, before the Ada McKee in the sutiden death the same persan who drave theý strike was calleti off, resulteti in of her grantisan, infant son of bus on that blistering bot dune baiting ail grain sbipments ta Mn. anti Mns. Ray Barber, Cour- day 25 y'ears ago. lakeheati parts. What that meant lice. While I was bentiing aven the ta the citizens ai Ibese parts, ta Mrs. Bruce Heaslip anti Miss accident victim, a bystenicai fe- the western grawers anti the Ruth Proutt attendeti a meeting maie basheti me aven the noggin econamv ai the prairies is rather o! Part Penny Hospital Commîttee with a rolieti up bumbershoot, aI apparent. There was a crop o! Friday. the samne lime scneaming, -I saw 675.000,000 bushels of wbeat anti Master Douglas Davison cul bis wbat yau tidti t that pon man.' almost as much in othen grains ta ankie on a piece a! glass anti was Same kinti Persan led ber away be moveti, anti wintcn xvas ap- oui o! sehool for a few days. anti calmeti ber down. She, later, proacbing. triedti t apologize. but I just i Wle are not tiealing with the! Mn. anti Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt laugheti the incident off. Wc goI nirritý; of the case. The only ques- are visiting in Toronto. the injureti man anto a stretcher lion we ask is whether wage Sevenal. small folk andti heiri anti nto an ai9bulance, anti wbo' gains. the 40-hour week, or the eiders enja'-ed the tnip ta Toron- do you tbink xvas electedti t ride Ranci formula ion 1,500 1okr with the patient inside that su!- 'oîîtweigah the lass anti suffering lot r an be usedti b temanti legai focating sweat-bax.' Not the at- of tens of thausantis of farmers. protection against reckieSS anti tending physician, nat the cons - Wen lange numbers ai the pub- unjustifiable exploitation. Anti table, nat the lawyer, but pon! lic feel that ihey are being put- the just man's wralh might goý luitte aid me. .iipon. theY mat' remember that, fanther lban some mîght like ta W'e arrîved at tie jail, but as iliey bave ballots anti that a bal- contem-pl'ate. is et 'Y 7- ýh ,e 1- ,e e is ýe h e h 0 s e e n B t e The Cuit cf INothinqiness (By Lewis Milligan Before the Bolshevist revol- utiani in Russia there was very littie reterence ta Communismn in the news from that country, but there were frequent reports about the Nihilists, and my idea of a Nihilist was that he was an ass- assin-an annihilator. That was quite correct so far as actions of the Nihilists were concerned, f or they believed in direct action by assassinatian or arson as the only incans of getting rid of the Czarist government. The Nihilists were not necessarily Sacialist. Nihilism stressed the need ta des- troy existing economic and social institutions, whatever was ta be the nature of the better order for which the destruction was ta pre- pare. The Nihilists were nat al agreed as to the nature of the new order, and their published pro- grammes included the establish- Iment of parliamentary govern- ment. But they had no central au- thority and small groups and even rndividuals were encouraged to plan and commit acts of terror- ism independently. With the Bolshevist revolution and the setting up of a Commun- ist regime, Nihilism, as applied ta the new gavernment, was of course prohibited. But the Com- munists continued the practice of Nihilism by annihilating, nat only the former ruling classes, but also their fellow Nihilists who were oppased ta Communism. After over thirty years af power the So- viet government is stili Nihilistic in its policy. Thousands of people have been liquidated and hun- dreds of thousands disappeared inta penal servitude in labor camps. Lenin called this policy "The liquidation of the liquida- tors," the reference being to the Mensheviks who favored a dem- o cratic form of gavernment. It wvas a case af Nihilîsts trying to anni ilate each other, and the Comtr nists won. They have ex- tended this polîcy ta their satel- lite cauntries and toalal cauntries by means of propaganda and or- ganized disruption of industry through labor unions. Nihilism, accarding ta my Con- Classifieds Brin~ Quick Resuits. anti The Statesman Officp I. Citizens af Bowmanville have success- fully conducted many public projeets in the past, and more will probably be faced in future, but the greatest and mast important projeet we have ever tackled is the building of the Memorial Hlospital. Certainly the hospital as it stands proud- ly on Liberty St. is a concrete* tribute to the volunteer workers and donated dollars that form- ed its beginning. We cannot allow even a small 'part of it ta close down for lack of funds. We, as citizens of Bowmanville, must ensure that the present Memorial Hospital Emergency Appeal for funds reaches its $60,000 objective. We must put out shoulders ta the cam- paign wheel and open aur pocket books. We must make sure that the campaign succeeds so that we will know that the present drive for funds will be the very last, and'that aur modern, beautiful hospital is debt-free. As Mayor of Bowmanville, I arn asking you ta support the Emergency Appeal sa that we can get the job done. Only $60,000 stands between us and a debt-free Memorial Hospital. Iarn, Your Obedient Servant, Sidney Lifle, Mayor of Bawmanville. Ed Youngman 's Column The Statesman's Grass Roots Columnist I-4-7 Walton St. PORT hOPE Phone 3060 DGN'T MISS. CARTIVRIGIIT11IiGH SCIIOOL pre sent 5 ""THE EAGER MISS DEAVER" A Play iii Three Acts and Other Added Features at ANNUAL ENTERTAINMIENT THURSDAY, NO0VEMBEIR 27 and FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28 COMMUNJTY HALL, BLACKSTOCK ADMISSION - - Aduits 50c - Children 25c Jusi arrived- in lime for thai Special Christmas GiflA! HUNDREDS 0F SHIRTS of evcrY colour and variety. Whitc, plain shades and stripes from $3.95 up Your choice (J the best shirtings fromn Bril - Tooke - McGregor AlI collar stles availahlr' with or ,withojut Frenîch Cuffs. KEN'S MEN'S WEAR 75 King St. E. goBowmanville & q iL Dur Port Hope Representative for . .a SINGER SEWING MACHINE cou wiII ho in Bowmanville Tues. and Wed. each week It is aur desire ta give aur cîtstonicrs even botter service than ever before, for service, repairs or en- quiries about new machines, call aur Port Hope store and reverse the charges., SINGER SEWING CENTRE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVMLZ ONTARIQd . MmTr.qnAv wnv « icit4q il to to see the Santa Claus parade. Te S A goodly number from Nestie- IT eSatesmali Sold ton attended the turkey supper'~ in St. John's Parish Hall, Black- i Flow Soe stock, when wonderful food and ao wig S re fine entertainment \vcre pravid- TulsSoe orie ed. TulsSoe orie Ladies' Aid met at the mianse Strang's Store, Port Hope. with President Mrs. Gist in Reg. Edmund's Store, Bethan* charge. Mrs. Dickey reported no Dyer's Drug Store, Newcastle sale for the salvage paper collect- T. Enwright's, Newcastle. ed. Miss Ruth Prouit volunteer- s rwNwovle ed ta represent the societv at Port S rwNwovle Perry Hospital. Plans were com- C. Pethîck, Enniskillen. pleted for the pot ]uck stipper T. M. Slemon, Enniskillen. and bazaar. Mrs. Gist gave a F. L. Byam, Tyrone. reading. "A Tribute ta the late G .BraHmtn Miss Bessie MacMurchy": Mrs. Ne.ton Taylor', uampton. Gilbank "The Missionary Horse" Nwo alrs uktn and Miss Ruth Proutt "The Day H. T. Saywell, Blackstock.. and the Work." After a stimp- Keith Bradley, Pontypool. tuous lunch a vote of thanks w-as C. B. Tyrrell, Orono. given ta Mrs. McComb andi lier H. K. Reynolds, Kendal. assistants, Mrs. Dickey andi Mrs. J. W. Jewell, W. J. Berry, Gilbank. Howse Confectionery Jury & Lovel Elg"Ie Harnden's Handy Store PORT IIOPE Phone 3060 PAGE TWO