-----'IJ. a'THE CANADIAI4 STATESMAN, EOWMA1qV!LL, oTAIMO AET M l iiso omnileadDsrc 99Ç X'ou will want several of these thrif t price Bone China Cups and Saucers for yourself and for gifts. Buy noiv while the selection is at its greatest. */d2e Sc W, .?édf "TRULY A Phone 451 PLEASANT PLACE TO SHOP " King St. East Bowmanville é.iS.fvi iulVi ird 4J L.PL v Y a Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jackman are shown following their marriage in the parsonage of Trinity United Churcb on Saturday, Nov. l5th, as the bride prepares to sign the register. The bride~ is the former Ruth Cole, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Edmondstone, and the groom is the sol, of Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Jackman, ail of Bowmanvilie. -Photo by Alpha Studio. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bosgra were married on Saturday, Nov. 15th, in the Christian Roformed Church, IBowmanville. The bride, the former Edie Nydan, is the daughter of Mrs. R. Nydan and the late Mr. Nydan, and the groom is the, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Bosgra, of High River, Alberta. -Photo by Alpha Studio. ail around it. The rirn of the built and weli kept. Brigham.. spring was just a littho highcr Young, its foundor, certainly.laid1 than the watcr of the lake. It is a solid foundation, and aftcr said that a fishorman can catch generations have built well upon a fish, dlean it, then put it in the the foundation he laid. The Mor- jhot spring to cook and have a mon Temple and adjacent build- meal in very short order. There ings are perhaps, the most spec- are alIso many geysers scattered tacular, although many other through the park, shooting water buildings are in keeping with a and steam into the air, from a weli planned city. The Mormon few inches to 200 feet-sonie at- people are very friendly, ener- quite regular intervais, others un- gotie, peace loving, honest, and 1 certain. believe, live their religion. Perhaps the most popular is From Salt Lake City we took "Old FaithfuL" xvhich eruipts just a tour ho the Utah Copper Mines, a little over the hour and lias going up through the City of been doing this silice it ,v as dis- Biligham, through a long tunnel ccvered in 1870. It riscs in the and from a vantage point up air from 130 to 170 feet, dis- there saw their blasting opera- charging each time froin 10,000 tions.. This put you in mind of ho 12000 gallons of xvater. The machine guns and heavy cannon eruption lasts from 3 to 4 min- which went off at different inter- u tes. I saw Old Faithful fouir vals. The copper mine is like a times and once with a powerful mighty ampitheatre, wide at the searchlight on it afler clark, The top, and narrowing towards the illumination made it very bcau- bott om, with steps aIl the way tiful. Old Faithiful Loc. close down so the trains can take the by, was comfortablc, friondly and oreouot at any level. We were gave good meals. told that it would seat, if seats The next place w.as Canyon wer arranged in it, 2,000,000 Lodge. named after thec Grand people. Canyon of Yellowstone Park. The City of Binghamn is just This Canyon is qfry beauitiful one long and narrow street, bê- xith its waterfall of 306 feet and ing only 14 or 16 feet wide and formations of colouired rock rang- on that street there are side- ing in colour from' vellow, deep xvalks, telephone and telegraph orange and red-ali blcndc'd to- polos, and cars parked on bothi gether making a scole of ce0'<rava- sides of the street. When we gant beauty-something you can- wcre going up and down, it was not forget. start, stop, wait and more wait- A f t e r visiting Yellowstone'ing and thon moving, yet we got Park I wrote a fricnd of mine cx- through, thanks to a good bus piaining as bcst I cou id its îhot driver that knew how. A story springs and geysers and other in- is told regurding that narrow teresting things and mcentioned street. A man in a bus was to him how hot the uinderv:,orid stretching and hie threw bis arm must be and told hlm I v.ouid nott out the window of the bus and like to sec him go down theti e. slapped a woman's face as she was However, I told him that to ease! leaning out of the window of ber, the situation in that hot world. I home. heard thev were makin g asbeslos (Continued next week) coffins as a protection. lut hoped he would not need to use one. Twenty-five years ago Can- Likes Sait Lake City adians ate an average of 20'i, Tv^he ncxt pl-lce of importance pounds of canned fruits and vege- xvsSait Lake -It':. 1 lk.Sit tables per person per year; ho- Lake City-it ,iuerncd ~~ day tlicy cat almost 43 pounds. Here's Grand News FADRIC TýOWN OPENS TO*MORRO'f Friday, Nov. 21 at 9:30 amn SI! KS-COTTONS-WOOLLENI DRAPERIES m PATTERNS FREE OFFER ... We have prepared a charrning souvenir gift to be given away to the first 500 ladies who corne into our store. . . this is ahsolutely F R EE . . . you are under no obligation. IT'S FUN. ,.,. TO SEW! It's such fun to sew . . . and so economnical too. Fabric Town was conceived to help you on both accounts. You'll get inspiration fever as soon as you sec our bolts and bolts of wonderful fabrics. You can have the exact style, colour and fabric you desire when you sew yourself . . . or have your dressrnaker do it for you. 'OPEN ING 36" GUARANTEED WASHABLE COTTON PRINTS In a perky array of designs on white and coloured backgrounds. Excellent for aprons, housedresses and many other household items. Regular 59c yard. OPENING SPECIAL 3cyr 42" TISSUE FAILLE CREPE For that special dress or blouse - in 10 beautiful shades. Regular $1.98 yard ~ yr OPENING SPECIAL yr 56" WOOL AND RAYON AUTHENTIC TARTANS Firm full-bodied, neither too heavy or too light but specially suited to skirts, suits and children's apparel - in the 12 most popular tartans. Regular $2.49 yard. ~yr OPENING SPECIAL---------- 18yr 54" - 58" WOOL AND RAYON SUITINGS and SIKIRTINGS Checks, novelties, gabardines, Pic and Pics. Regular Values up to $4.50 yard. OPEINGSPECIAL - --$2.98 yard 36" *ENGLISU VELVETEEN Glowing shades that look so beautiful for littie girls' party dresses or snug jackets for the young deb. In 15 beautiful shades. Regular $2.98 yard. y r Be sure to take advantage of this outstanding offer. 36" IMPORTED PINWALE CORDUROY This goes to the head of the class f or continued popularity in fashion and wear- in 10 beautiful sh'àdes. Regular $2.49 yard.. OPENING$SP1.69 yard 36"91 B RO0ADCLOTH Ideal for aprons and quiting. In 7 popular colours. Regular 45e yard. OPENJNG SPECIAL 3cy r 52" -54" ALL WOOL 'TUBULAR 'JERSEY The season's favourite for street and business dresses - in 10 beautiful shades. Regular $2.98 yard. ~y r OPENING SPECIAL--------- $2I.49 yar THE ABOVE SPECIALS ARE ONLY A FEW 0F THE MANY GREAT FABRIC VALUES YOU'LL FIND ON DISPLAY IN OUR GREAT NEW STORE. COME IN EARLY FOR THE BEST SELECTION. EXTRA SPECIALS from aur DRAPERY DEPARTMENT, 48" IMPORTED PEBBLE CLOTHS AND BJARK CLOTHS In beautiful floral and scenic patterns in ail decorator colours. Pre-sbrunk - *at prints. Regular $3.49 yard. SP-C-A$2Z29 yard 48" PLAIN Washable Bark Cloih Ideal for drapes or slipcovers. A sturdy fabric that wiil give you years of excellent service - in 5 beautiful shades. Regular $2.49 yard OPENING SPECIAL $1.69 yard 48-INCH - RAYON DANASKS AND DENGALINES _ Now is the time to f ix up with new. drapes for Christmas. Sec these f ine ~: drapery materials in assorted colours and patterns. Regular $2.98 yard. SPE$1.98 yard 50" IMPORTED Sateen Lining Regular $1.35 yard OPENING SPECIAL uQo v a& FABRIC 59 KING ST. W. BOWMAI ~VILLE PHONE 3609 - TWO WEEKS' DELIVERY - TOWN m a Eveiything hy the yard SPECIAL OFFERING With every order of Drapery sold by the yard or made-to-order' we will supply you FREE 0F CHARGE steel drapery track with rollers, brackets and end stops - so when you corne in be sure to bring along your window mieasurernents. - THIS FREE OFFER GOOD FOR ONE WEEK ONLY - DRAPERIES SOLD BY THE YARD or -'-e- ~ arn r, T i v~I RVIL