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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Nov 1952, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT TKE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVTLLE, ONTAR!O T!~URSDAV, NOV. 20, 1952 Mr. Frank Clegg spent the weekend with bis parents, Dr. G. G. and -Mrs. Clegg at Kingston. Congratulations ta Beverly and Oscarý Dubeau (nee Osborne) on the birth of their son, William Joseph Oscar, in Memorial Hos- pitl, Bowmvranville. Congratula- lions also 10 Donald and Betty McHolm (nee Alldread) on the birth o! their daughter, Deborah Ellen. in the Memorial Hospital. Among those fnom Newcastle taking advantage of the deer hunting season were Reeve John Rickard, Howard Toms, Bill Lake, Stan Graham, Gary Hancock, Don Alldiread, Keith Aiken Jr., Walter Farrow;, George Glanville, Rod Carvrth, Albert Graham, Inwin Co!will. Ross Dickinson. There %vere nr'aiîx' thcrs, o! course, en- joying the sport, but we haven't their nanies. Severai littie cones and their mothers or fathers viewed the ever w,,oniderful and very lavely Santa Claus Parade in Toronto Saturriia ,- You can write youn letters to hlmi any tîrne now, kids! Mii-. A. R. Randail and Linda and MiCr. Bill Storks and Candy pent ')aturday in Toronto for thc paraoà, Mr. Harry Dennis and Mr. Eric Wick: h Ii t on Wednesday for Mioîtroai where they will board a 'plane :o fly to the Old Country. Il. is the irst flight for bobh. Mr. r)ennis vhIîl spend a couple of months with relatives in North- e rn Encland w,%hile Mr. Wicks will. \'lsit his mother whom be hasn't' A&P Special Blend DBLACK TEA Robin Hood Chocolate CAKE MIX Robin Hood Mi CINGER DREAD Robin Hood EiISY MIX Ve vo' CAKE FLOUR Shredded Wheat 2 Anni Page Ketchup Buy 12 BOKAR COFFEE lb 93C 3-lb BAG $2.73 SAVE 6c C7riitii4anal seen for over 40 years. Bon voy- age! May we express Our sincene sympathy to Mrs. Frank Webber and family in the sudden loss o! a busband and father, at bis home last week. Mn. Webber was em- ployed righb up ta the time of bis vtimely death. We are sorry to learn of Jim- my Kirkpabrick's accident. Jim, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Adair's grand- son, went out bunting Friday morning and when climbing a fence accidentally discharged bis gun and seriously injured his left ankle. Jimmy was taken to the Memorial Hospital but bas since corne home bo convalesce. Mr. and Mrs. Lanson Millson and Doreen, Newtonville, have moved into their new home on North Street. We are sonry bo hear Mrs. Frank Branton is under the docbor's cane. We trust she will be complctely well very soon. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Emnbley and Sandra were Sunday guesbs o! Mr. and Mrs. 'Han" Hockin, New- tonville. Mrs. A. N. McEvoy is visiting ber daugliter, Mrs. Selby Spencer at Hamilton. We are glad to bean that Mr. George Meadows is resting com- fortably at bis home. Sincere sympathy is extended, to the family o! the late Wilsn' Edward McManus who pasSed away Tuesday morning in Mem- orial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mr. doz39 SAVE 10% lbpkg 5 3 SAVE 7%1 15ozpkg2,7c SAVE 7% 15ozpkg27Ct SA VE 7% 20-oz pkg 27c SAVE 6% 5fb bag33ci pkgs. ?a9c -get one FREE $2.76 Ann Page MILK BREAD SLICED or UNSLICED 24-oz loaf1 c WIEOR BROWN 1ve9/e1a/éei Florida, New Crop, Extra Large ÙAkRANVGES No. 1, 176's GRAPEFRUIT Fia. Seedless No. 1, 96's 10 F.,. 49C A PPLES B. C. Mclntosh Red, Extra Fancy 2 lbs 25c G REEN BEANS Florida Round Stringless No. 1il,~ 25c CELESRY STALIKS Pascal No. 1, Crisp 2 for 25c BAKERY DEEP CUT SPECIAL An, Page Sugared Reg Prie 23c-Save 4c DlbONUTS dozl9c MEAT SPECIALS' Grade "A", Young HEN TURKEYS 10Oto16 Ibs 165 5 C 20 to22 Ibs b49C Freshi PORE SHOULDER BORUT Fresh POIRK DUTT ROABT Sliced BREAKFAST BACON Pure Pork L»». SA S G COD FIETS ui 35c nt> 45c -lb colto plg43c 41 c 35c McManus had been in the hos- pital only a day or so, being treat- ed for pneumonia. Prof J. P. Sackville, Calgary. Alta., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. R. Saxon Graham, as did Mrs. Graham's brother, Dr. H. M. Brown, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Wynn, Port Hope, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Samis and Miss Elsie Samis, Enfield; W4ss Corsina Samis, Oshawa; Miss Joyce Abernethy, Bradley's, were weekend guests in the Blackburn home. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Drummond spent Saturday visiting Mr. Drummond's grandniece, Miss Mil- dred Shonacher, who is a patient in Peterborough Civic Hospital. Mis Lois Martin, Toronto, spent the weekend with ber fath- er, Mr. J. P. Martin. Sincerest syrnpathy is extended to the grieving husband and rel- atives of the late Mrs. W. E. Be- man who passed away in Mem- anial Hospital, Sunday after be- ing taken iii suddenly at her home. Mrs. Beman will be sadly mîssed by ail, flot only for her work in the church of her choice but also for ber kindliness and ber wanting to help in any way she could. Tuesday evening Newcastle Horticultural Society held a most successful banquet in St. George's Parish on Nov. 18 when St. George's W. A. did the catering. St. George's News A joint meeting of the After- noon and Evening Branches of the Women's Auxiliary was beld in St. George's Parish Hall on Tuesday evening, Nov. 11, where there were also present large delegations fnom the W. A. of St. John's Church, Bowmanville and St. Saviour's, Onono. President of St. George's Afternoon Branch, Miss Mclntosh, presided, and in- troduced the speakers. Mrs. Ewing of Toronto brought greetings fnom the Diocesan Board and a message from Rev. George Fenning of St. David's, Toronto, whose father, the late Rev. J. E. Fenning, was a former rector at Newcastle. The special speaker was Mrs. Marsb, wife of thc Bisbop o! the Arctic. She gave a tbnilling ac- count o! ber experience o! the work carnied on in tbe Dioceseý o! the Anctie, as sbe bad known A 1 in three places in panticular. At1 Aklavik at the mouth a! tbe Mc- *Kenzie River is situated tbc beau- iful Cathedral o! tbe Anctic, and Aklavik Hospital which ministers ta the spiritual and physical needs of the Indians and Esquimaux o! thip district. Fart George on tbc shôre o! James Bay and Eskimo Point werc other places wbere the Anglican Cburch brings the message o! the gospel and the ministrations o! the church ta eager and devaut congregations o! Indians and Esquimaux. The lecture was illustrabed by beauti!ully coiarcd slides depicb- ing scenery in these Arctic ne- gians and life amangst these Norbhenn Canadians. Rev. D. R. Dewdney ciosed bhc meeting with prayer and bene- diction, afben wbich al ncpaired ta the basement bail*wbere co!!ee and refnesbmcnts wene served by the Newcastle Brancb. COURTICE C.G.I.T. and Explonens met on Nov. 12. Recreation pcniad wasJ led by Miss Elsie Vetzel and Mrs. Pen!ound. A vesper service will be beld Dec. 7 witb guest speak- er bcbng Mrs. L. Somerville. The treasurer will pay for study books. Feb. 1 ta 7 was ta be set aside as "National Yauth Weck." Ex- plarens opcned their meeting witb president Miss Vingy Brown in the chair. The initiation cere- mony was the main feature o! bbc evening. New Explarers prov- cd ta be veny good sports as tbc aider Explaners bîed novelty bask- et bats on each anc which re- mained until bbc meeting closed. Devotianal period was in charge o! Miss Elsie Vetzel. Scripturc ncading was given by Caroline Balson, followcd by Vingy Brown outlining a fcw of the bighligbts o! her trip ta Buffalo. Scrap book project an "Our Home" was complcted by cacb girl. Explar- ens and C.G.I.T. then joincd in a Friendship Circle and closcd witb ,etaps". Evening Auxiliary met at the home o! Mns. Bill Marsh. Devo- tional was taken by Mrs. Ernest Georing, '"God's Grace-The Wat- er o! Life" Mns. Lloyd Courtice gave a very interesting report o! the W.M.S. RalIy at Orono. A reading was given by Jerry Marsh after wbicb Mns. Archie Muir gave a very bumorous read- ing. An interesring chapter from the study book on "Angolia", il- lustnated with rnaps was given by Mrs. Hanry Gay. A rcading was given by Mrs. Mary Grills !ollaw- cd with a social time. Yaung People's Union o! Cour- tice Circuit met Monday night in Maple Grave Chunch wibh bbc president Wes Down in bbc chair. Devational was in charge o! Miss Joyce Van Camp and Mn. Francis Johnson. The sribjcct was 'Faith and Evangclism". Tbey decided on a variety concert on Dcc. 5. The young people welcomned Mr. Allan Brudon, Barrie, and Mn. Bob Stewart, Glasgow. Scotland, introduced bv Mr. Ross Metcal!e and Miss Margaret MacGregon. Attendance 21. A short necrea- ional peniod was cnjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilkins, Danny and Fncddie, Mn. and Mrs. Gerald Balson, Hampton, visitcd Mr. and Mrs. Wil!ned Brown. Misses Janice and Manlene Wilkins, Windsor, visited their cousins, Nancy and Virgy Brown. Deepest sympathy is extcnded ta Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Barber in the death o! their infant son. Mrs. Jack Wilkins and childnen, Windsor, visited Mn. and Mns. Harry Gay. At bbc ime of tbc 1951 census, for every 100 Canadian bouse- holds there wenc 92 radios, 73 washing machines, 47 mechanical refrigerators, 42 electnic vacuums. Money Needed To Maintain Modern Kitchen Without a well-equipped kitchen a hospital would be severely hanidicapped. The kitchen at Memorial Hospital (above) is con sidered one of the most modern in Ontario. Generous support of the $60,000 Emcrgency Appeal for funds wvi1l ensure the continucd operation of this kitchen at full capacity. In this picture, Dietitian Mrs. Edith Prout is scen at the warming oven, lef b, whilc Mrs. Mabel Marchant prepares trays, centre, and Mrs. Nellie Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Leamen and !amily, Scarboro Jct., visited Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Leamen. Sorry ta hear Mrs. Frank Hall and Mrs. Wm. Stainton are nat in the bcst o! healtb. Miss Bertha Gilîman, Oakville, was in Orono for the funeral o! Miss M. Hall. We extend sympathy ta Mrs. Joseph Walkcr in the loss o! ber father, Mn. Frank Webber, Ncw- castle. Mrs. A. West visibed ber son, Mn. and Mrs. Junior West, Peter- borough, Congratulations ta Mrs. J. G. Jackson who lives at Wm. Mitch- ell's, on ber 88th bintbday. Mrs. Jackson is a very smart lady and is a!ten seen down town on visit- ing fniends, although it means gaing on twa canes, a! ter breakng ber hîp a number o! years aga. Mn. and Mrs. Bill Found, To- HAMPTON Hamptan Wamen's Institute met in the S. S. Roam witb Mrs. Roy Knox, Vice-Presideit, inl the chair wba apened with a nice1 sbory on "Frecdom." Rail cati was answercd by "anc quality o! a good ncighba," and many cx-jI celient answens. Mrs. Mountjoy was asked ta get a list o! tbc in- mates at Caunty Home at Ca- 'bourg so we can send Christmas cards. Mrs. Cale gave a report of the Bowmanville Hospital wanting extra dishes. Tbey decided ta boy an Institubb crcst for future use. A communication was nead fnom the County Hcaltb Unit ne- garding free dental cane for chul- dren under four years. Cornes- pondence and letters o! thanks for favors wenc nead. Bazaar cleared $122.00. Mns. McCuliougb rcad the mot- ta "Social welfare is as wide as the wanld and as warm as aur heants." Cornent events \vene by Mns. J. W. Balson. Next meetingi will be cxcbange of Christmas gi!ts. Mrs. T. Maunbjoy took the chair for this program: solo by Mns. Vine a! Nestîcton who sang "Wipe the tear fnom evcry eye" and "Rock o! Ages." address on "neighborlincss" by Mrs. Emer- son, District president. Nestieton.i gave ber audience plcnty a! food[ for thought and action. Mrs. Vine~ again favarcd by singirig "The RIGHT! " or "WRONG! THERE'S always ground for disagreement but, when fire, windstorm, explosion or other disaster stnikes . . . you've grot to be right there with the right insurance protec- tion. Guard yourself, agalnst fin- ancial loss. Cali on this agency. Stuart R. James INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE 'Phone: Office 681 Res 493 King Street, BOwmnanvlle ronto, was home fan the weekend. Mrs. Wm. A. Henron, Islington, passed away Nov. 7 in ber 85th year. She was tbc mother o! Mrs. James Ransbenry, Montreal, foi- meniy a! Orono district. Miss Shirley Ponter, R.N., Osh- awa, spent thc weekend with ber parents. % Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Cowan in Toronto and attcnded the Roy- al Winter Fair. Mr. and Mrs. McHolm, Marrish, visited Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Joncs and Mr. and Mrs. Richie. Mrs. Mary Phasey and Diane, Oshawa, spçýnt the weekend with Mn. and MrS. C. Wood. Mn. and Mrs. L. McComb and daughter, Miss L. Archer, Lindsay, *visited Mn. and Mrs. J. E. Rich ards. Mn. E. Myles is visiting bis brothers, D. Myles and C. Myles. Shepherd Sang." Refreshmen~s wcre senved by centre group un- der the convenorsbip a! Mrs. Mc- Cullaugb and Mrs. Armour. Tbe Want Ads help vou dis- pose af un-needcd bclongings, and round up for yau profitable workens. Telephane 66u3 for, an ad writen. Y MML N &- -L "ay. ' yIbs comesnt 15 wo*V' The Ideal.. Christmas Gif t e* * e FI'; Nil BLACKSTOCK Mr. Jack Smith and Mn. John Hoocy are visiting relatives at Richard's Landing, St. Jaseph's Island. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Gîbson, Tiverton, guests o! Mi. and Mrs. XVill Fonder. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Tbamp- son and family fromn England visited at tbe Smith brothens. Sympathy is exbended ta Mrs. Robt. Fond and family on the sudden passing of Mr. Fard on Sunday night. Mn. and Mrs. Hector Short- ridge, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fitze,. \vere at Midland. Guests of Mn. and Mrs. Stan Rahm were: Mn. and Mrs. Bill King, Oshawa; Mn. and Mrs. Art Rahm, Tyrone, and Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Hill. Mn. and Mrs. J. W. Pearce and Mrs. George Crawford took Mrs. Archie Ncwton ta Toronto Sun- day. Mis5s Carol Rahm entertained a few girls on Friday evening for ber sixth birthday. Syrnpatby is cxtended ta Dr. and Mrs. J. A. MeAnthur and family an the death of Donald McArthur of Gneenbank who was buried Saturday. Cartwrnight High School Com- mencement Exercises were beld in the Community Hall on Fia evening. Congratulations ta the winning team in judging at the Royal Winter Fair: Earl Brown, New- castle; Bruce Taylor, Solina, and Bill Ferguson, Blackstock. SYmpathy is extended ta Mrs. John Swartz and family, Cadmus, on the death of Mr. Swartz. Mission Band held their tea and hazaar Saturday afternoon. President Billy Hutton presided for this program: Chorus hy the group; neadings by Catherine Baiiey and Doris Griffin; piano solos, Sandra Ferguson and Cath- erine Bailcy: duet hy Nancy Hut- ton and Carol Rahrn. Dr. and Mrs. John Marlow, To- ronto; Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson. Nestîcton, with Mn.' and Mrs. Wallace Marlow. St. John's Anglican Church annual bazaar was held at the Parish H-ll! XVdnesday nigbt. The tunkey supper, and pictores of England. prosented by Mr. Chas. McLaughlin, Toronto, were great- ]y enjoyed. W.M.S. met at the home o! Mrs. C. W. Hutton. President Mrs. Taf He r back yard sutinifl9 She doesn't know He r pipes are running. That's real water that's drlp- ping from those pipes. Are you intending to allow that precious fluid to escape down the drain, or wiII you rail us and let Lionel stop it for you? .Iust rail us and every thing will he peaceful once more. Roy Ferguson opened the meet- ing by reading a poem "Faith". Mrs. W. Archer gave the devo- tional. Roll cail was "My Fav- ourite Beatitude." Literature Sec- retary introduced several books on the new Book-Shelf. Mrs. Laryner, Mns. Strong, Mrs. Dor- rell and Mrs. Ferguson told some: of the highlights of the Sectional Rally at Orono. Mrs. Kyte sang "God's Tomorrow." Mrs. Wallace Marlow gave the study book, "African Village Life." Mrs. Gor- don Strdng read a letter from Mrs. Mernili Ferguson, written Oct. 12. Mrs. Leith Byers read an article on Peace. A social haîf hour was enjoyed. O.N.O. met at the home of Mrs.! Eleanor Wenry. We welcomed a new member, Mrs. Dorothy Mar- low. Members who took the bus trip to Toronto on Nov, il ne- ported a good time. Secretary Edith McLaughlin read a letter of thanks from the Board o! the Memorial Hospital, Port Perry, thanking our club for the dona- tion o! $200.00 and invited us to have a member on the Hospital Auxiliary. President Gwenyth Thompson was appointed. Final plans were made for our Robin Hood Cooking School ta be held next week. We enjoyed a limer- ick contest very much. Mrs. Con- nie Swain was presented with a basket!ul of gifts, and good wish- es, for which she thanked us. A lovely lunch was served by the hostess and her group. The first meeting o! the Girls' Sewing Club was hcld on Satur- day afternoon, Nov. 8, at Black- stock High School with five girls present. Offîcers elected are: Pres.-Jean Thompson; Sec'y- Treas.-Beth Prautt; Press Rep, -Joyce Hooey and Mrs. L. Thompson andl Mrs. H. Bailey as leaders. The discussion centered around selecting good fabric for' the dress, also the sewing boxes and their contents. Next meeting Nov. 29 at the bigh school. Roll call--Suggestions for club name. BLACKSTOCK FORUM Blackstock Farm Forum had a gaod attendance at the home o! Mn. and Mrs. Norman Mountjoy. The topic o! farm mechanization LOCKETS $4.95 Up DRESSER SETS $9.95 up SET was a live subject in the mmid o everyone. We are o! the opinion that thius anea is flot over-mechanized and as long as only 32 per cent o! farmn homes and buildings have a 't- er pressure system we -apl some distance yet. We arti under-mecbanized, although stnl run to the extreme along one line of equipment. Most farmiers r ta keep established on a sound basis. Where large machines are r quired we think customn operato are best. If none availabie th co-operative use o! machine might be undertaken. Chairman H. Sanderson declar ed the discussion over and aske recreation committee. Mr. a Mrs. S. VanCamp to take ovel After two most difficult conf4 the bostess served a delightA.4 lunch. Next meeting Dec. lst at Mr, and Mrs. E. M. Larmer's. - Rave that a 0 DOOR GLASS WINDSHIELD Installed Now While You Wait JOE COOPER'S Service Station 218 King St. E. PHONE 3432 -'i RONSON LIGHTERS $6.50 Up ALARM CLOCKS $695u TRAVELLING $5.95 up MARRI'Sý Jewellery 43 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 463 PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL. SATURDAV, NOV. 22nd. DEEP CUT SPECIALSOI MARRIS Jewellery Ladies' 17-Jewel Watches. Many smnart designs ta choose from. Every watch a precision time-piece. $22.50 Up Choose from: BULOVA GRUEN - WESTFIELD BINOCULARS $8.95 up em- 1 ý 1 PAGE EIGET TEM CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE.. ONTARIO "RMSDAY,, NOV. ", IOU _ j 1

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