THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVTLLE. ONTAMO TH!IRSDAY, NOV. 5'?, 1052 Dowmanville Branch G.A. Visits Dlackstock St. John's Branch The Novemben meeting o! St. John's Anglican G. A., Black- stock, was held on Nov. 18 in the Panish Hall. The Blackstock Branch was happy ta welcama the nawly fonmed Branch o! the G. A. from Bowmanvillle, wbo, with their leader, Mrs. Bridgland, and thair Ractor's wife, Mrs. W. Turner. nîumbered 1I visitons. The meeting was presidad aven by Shirley Hamilton and Betty McArtbur acted as Secretery in the absence of Ruth Hamilton. Joan Venning led in prayer, and Betty McArthur gave the Bible reading. The President, on be- bal! o! her Branch, extended a warm welcome ta the visitons, nnd expressed the hope thet it wauld be the first a! many times that the Branches might get ta- -$ether and enjoy an evening o! 4un and work. *Discussions wene held eislng ftram the minutes of the lest meet- i ng and aiso fnam correspondence eceived. Chie! amongst this wes waes the letter receivad from the Diocesen Girls' sacretery in To- ronto, wherein it had been de- cided thet the G. A. shah ba rep- resented et the Coronetion in June by six Ring of Honour mem- bers from across the Dominion. The oceen passage for each girl chosen to be me't hy the Ecclesi- astical Province and the nilway fare ta be met by the Diocesan W. A. fnom which eecb girl is chosen. This is a rare bonor for the G. A. Branches tbroughaut the Do- minion. The Dorcas Study was led by the Leader, Mrs. G. Nicholson, follawed by a pragram o! games and cantasts. The lunch, pre- pared and served by the girls themselves brgpugbt the meeting ta a close. On behaîf of the Bowmenvîlle G. A. Mrs. Bridgland extended a heerty vote o! thenks ta the Blackstock Brench for a very in- teresting, delightfui and profitable evening. Mrs. J. McArthur, Mrs. J. Ham- ilton, Mrs. W. Batemen and Mrs. G. Nicholson ettendad a most un- usuel sale in Toronto on Satur- day lest when the seelskin rugs, slippers and fur mittens were sold at the W. A. House. This is the ennual sale and comprises the year's work o! the Eskimo wom- en in the Baffin Island Branches o! the W. A. The Eskimo womnen et Pengnin- tung, Baffin Island, are doing this wark in order ta raise money te buy matenials ta build their own churcb. The men o! the congre- gation are giving their time and labor to the actual construction o! the building. Memoial Hospital Appeal mer- its your support. Give genenous- ly. Duy NOW and SAVE for CHRISTMAS NORGE SPACE HEATERS Medium Size Regular $ 129.00 Speciul $109.00 SERVIS WASHING MACHINE Complete with pump - Regular $2 19.00 Special - $189.00 TUDHOPE ELECTRIC RANGES Four-burner- Regular $205.00 Special -$ 179.00 NORGE ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR 8 cubic feet ---------- ---OnIy $339.00 Addison - Westinghouse - Motorola - Pye TELEVISION SETS Generous trade-in allowance on your old radio T.V. Sets - from $289.OP CHROME KITCHEN SETS Extension table and 4 chairs------------ $69.50 NEW RUGS 6' x9' size ---- --.$49.50 CHESTERFIELD SUITE Regular $ 179.00 --- Special $ 139.00 G. E. ELECTRIC KETTLES Regular $14.50 $12.50 Sunbeami MIXMASTERS Complete Regular $6450 $54.50 Westinghouse IIRONS Regular $14.50 $12.50 . E. FLOOR POLISHERS ]Regular $6450 $54.50, USED APPLIANCES BEACH REFRIGERATOR 6 eu. ft. reconditioned and guaranteed --------- ---- ------- -- ---- $ 9 5 GENERAL REFRIGERATOR 6 cu. f t., two years old ---- - -------- ----------$ 129.00 ACME ELECTRIC RANGE one year aid --------- FINDLAY COAL RANGE $99.000 In excellent condition - ---- ------------ $ 90 GURNEY COAL RANGE $90 Complete with$3Q ail burners ---- Only $90 STE WART WARNER T.V. SET 16" screen, new guarantee,1 one year aid---- LOW DOWN PAYMENTt - EASY MIURPHY, Furniture & Appliauco Store - In Bowmnville - PHONE 811 - la Oshawa PHONE 3-8834 52 KINI $299.00 TERMS G ST. W. 117 SIMCOE ST. S. STARK VILLE Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls and family in Toronto last week. Rev. Gardiner, Canton. wau in charge of the service at Shiloh on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robinson and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Morley Robinson and family, Mrs. R. Mc- Kay and daughter, Bronte, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Boughen on Sun- day. Mrs. Llew Hallowell and Jim spent the week-end in Toronto and attended the Royal Winter Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rogers and family, Mount Albert, Mr. and Mrs. D. Shutka and family, Osh- awa, with Mr. and Mrs. M. Shut- ka. Mr. Llew Hallowell, Mary and Maurice, spent Sunday in Toron- to and were guests of Miss Beul- ah Hallowell. Farm Forum met at Mr. Orme Falls' Monday evening. Next meeting will be at Mr. Ewart Robinson's. Mr. J. Hallowell has returned from a visit in Toronto. Lake Shore, Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin spent the weekend in Toronto. While there they attended a Glee Club Concert of Hart House and Rochester and Corneli Universi- ties. Mr. Lloyd Martin is a mem- ber of the H art House Glee Club. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin, Lloyd and Joyce, attended the funeral of Mr. Charles Melia, Beaverton. Mr. and Mrs. E. Archer and family, Campbellford, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Baskerville. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. McCool and family. Canton; Mrs. Roy McKay, Mrs. Geo. Inglehart and family, Bronte; Mr. and Mrs. N. Rainey and family, Orono, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred. Mrs. E. Gilbank and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Bedwin. Misses Blanche, Dora and Alice Taylor, Courtice and Mr. R. Business Directqry LEGAL W. R. STRIKE, Q.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public King St. W., Bowmanville Phone, Office 688 - Residence 553 MISS APHA 1. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publie Successor to M. G. V. Gould Temperance St. - Bowmanville W. F. WARD, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to Loan 91/z King Street E., Bowmanville, Ontario Phones: Office 825 - House 409 CONANT & CONANT Barristers and Solicitors Gordon D. Conant, Q.C. Roger G. Conant, B.A. Offices: Oshawa, Ont., 7 ½ Sîmcoe St. S. Phone 3-2227 Ajax, Ontario - Phone 25 DENTAL DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noon Saturday Closed Sunday Office Phone 790 House Phone 3609 iDR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his homne 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanvile Office 1-ours: 9 arn. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone 604. REAL IESTATE Properties Sold - Rented Managed and Appraised L. M. ALLISON Real Estate Broker Newcastle, Ont. Phone 2566 Two blocks north of treffic signal, Newcastle H. G. (Hap) GILL Real Estate 8 Second Street Properties Sold - Rented Managed and Appraised Members o! the Canadian and Ontario Real Estate Boards H. G. Gui, Realtor Phone Bowmanville 3514 ARCHITECT Before you build, consuit an architèct HERBERT G. COLE, M.R.A.LC. Telephone Bowmanville 3653 AUDITING MONTEfTH & MONTEITH Chartered Accountants 37 King St. E. Oshawa MIr. Gardon W. Riehl, C.A, resident partner. OPTOMETRY KEITH A. BILLETT Optometrist Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.=. Monday ta Saturday except Wednesday 9 -12 Evenngs by Appointment 74 SL, W.- Bowmanville Starme visited Mn. and Mns. Ar- thur Bedwin. Mn. and Mrs. W. Holmes are visiting Mr. and Mn.. Bob Shu- pak, Toronto. Miss Isobel Clemence, Gaît, visited Mr. and Mns. Holmes. The home o! Mn. and Mrs. Bill Lake was on Nov. 20 the scene o! a Silver Wedding Annivensary celebration in honon o! Mr. and Mns. Claire Bombald (nee Win- nlfred Lake) of Truro, Nova Scotia. They were presented wîth a silver rose bowl and silver tnay. Present wene Mns. Harold Skin- ner and Mn. and Mrs. Ai! Brown and famiiy. While Mn. and Mrs. Bombard were here, they visited meny friends and relatives. Nesileion Sialion Miss Rase Mountjoy visited a couple o! days with ber cousin, Mrs. Gardon McLean, Uxbridge. Mn. and Mns. Bruce Heaslip were business visitons ta Toronto on Tuesday. Mrs. J. W. Irwine is visiting with Mn. and Mmi. Inwine, Lind- say. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Colley and family, Whitby, visited Mn. end Mrs. T. G. Langfeld. Miss Marilyn Metcalfe, Toronto, visited ber uncle, Mn. Kitchenen Burton. Mn. and Mrs. J. Tomkins, Ta- rante, visited Mrs. Emerton and Mn. Noon. Mns. Albert Wright celled on ber aunt, Mrs. Rebecca Dickey. Mn. and Mns. Grant Thompson spent Sundey with Mn. and Mns. Jas. Thampson, Beaverton. Mn. and Mrs. Charles Gist wene in Port Hope on Monday. Mrs. Gîst vîsîted ber docton and !nîends hope she will sean be feeling much better. Mn. Mervin Nesbitt wha is wonking in Toronto was home fan the weekend. Mns. Clifford Hetz and twa small deughtens, Erie, Pennsyl- vania. spent the past week wîth Mn. and Mms. Ceci Wilson and family. Mn. Hetz and aider son and daughten came fan the week- end and ail returned ta Erie on Sunday. Mrs. Bruce Heaslip, Mrs. Cecil Wilson, Miss Ruth Proutt and Mrs. Grant Tbompson spent Mon- day afternoon at Port Penny Hos- pital, helpîng check equîpment and supplies in preparetian fan the opening of the Comnmunity Hospital at an eenly date.' A very successful pot luck sup-ý per was held ig the basement o! the Presbyterien Church on Fi- day evening. Short addresses wene given by Rev, G. Nicholson and Rev. C. W. Hutton, and Mn. McComb welcomed the ministens end their families from neighbon- ing churches. Mns. Gist, on be- haif o! the Ladies' Aid, thenked aIl who attended and those who assisted sa generously with food' and donations. Proceeds were $500.00. Mn. Grant Campbeil sbowed soe very interesting educational films ta the large gathering. Mn. and Mrs. Harry McLeugh- lin and Lawrence and Mrs. Jas. Forder were Sundey guests o! Mn. and Mrs. Gernet Murray and femily, Victoria Corners. Mrs. S. Staples visited ber brother, Mn. Walter Sharpe on hem way home from a meeting o! the Provincial Board o! the Fed- erated Wemen's Institutes o! On- terio. Mrs. Staples of Cavan re- places Mrs. Ira Lowe o! Ida wbo passed away recently, and had been Federated Representative for several years. ]PALiz; BLACKSTOCK The L.O.B.A. held the first 1euchre party of the season at the lodge rooms last Friday night. There were seven tables and the prizes were won by Mrs. John McKee and Cecil Hill. Mrs. Nelson Mollon, Sunder-ý land, visited last week with ber son, Harold Martyn and Mrs. Martyn. At the nomination last Friday afternoon George Black was re- elected to the position of Reeve of Cartwright Township. This year for the first time there is the position o! Deputy-Reeve. Ivan Cochrane and Wesley Sweet were nominated for this office. For counicillors, Allan Suggitt, Howard Forder, Bruce Ashton and Orr Venning were nominated with three to be elected.. Donald Thompson and Norman Edgerton were also nominated but did not 1let their namnes stand for election. 1 The election will be on Mon- day with voting hours from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. t Wilfred Jackson and Joe Brad- rburn were re-elected by acclam- ation to the School Area Board. Aise on the Board are Wallace Marlow, John Hamilton and Dick Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Manson, Stratford, visited Dr. and Mrs. J. A. McArthur. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Strong and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Ross Curtis at Orillia on Sunday.' Mrs. Robert Bruce who has been with the Curtis iamily for several weeks. returned home. Mrs. W. Archer visited friends at Beaverton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Hambly, Winnipeg, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bailey and Mrs. Fred Bai- ley. Mrs. Robert Ford anid family sent the beautiful baskets of f'mums to the United Church on 1Sunday in memory of Mr. Ford. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Saywell rand Margaret, and Mrs. W. A. 1Van Camp were Sunday supper fguests of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bailey. Mrs. William Van Camp vîsited Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Drinkwater, Ottawa, for the weekend. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Saywefl were in Oshawa on Sunday to visit Mr. Burke, Mrs. Sakywell's CHANGE 0F INCOME TAX DISTRICT NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS RESIDING IN DURHAMI HALIBURTON AND VICTORIA COUNTIES The Counties of Durham, Haliburton and Victoria, formerly under the jurisdiction of the Toronto District Taxation Office, have now been transferred to the jurisdiction of the District Taxation Office at Belleville, Ontario, located at 311 Front Street. Ac- cordingly, the records of, ail taxpayers residing in these three Counties have been transferred from the District Taxation Office at Toronto, to their new location, and any related correspondence or general inquiries on taxation matters, should be directed to the District Taxation Office at Belleville. Remittances of tax by individuals and cor- porations, and tax deducted at the source by employers resident in the counties of Durham, Haliburton and Victoria, should be mailed or delivered ta the District Taxation Office at Belleville. Taxpayers (bath individuals and corporations) resident in the above-mentioned Counties, who form- erly filed their apprapriate Incarne Tax returns and Succession Duty returns with the District Taxation Office at Toronto, will file their returns for 1952 and subsequent taxation yearz with the District Taxation Office at Belleville. DEPARTMENT 0F NATIONAL REVENUE TAXATION DIVISION of Oshawa, will conduct the services in Kendal at 2:30 Sunday -school will be held at 1:30 p.m. This service is for al three appointments, Newtonville, Shiloh and Kendel. The !ollow- ing Sunday aiternoon the one service will be held at Newton- ville with Sbiloh having their turn the Sundey after that. The long awaîted rein came in good measure lest week. How- ever. a good crawd turned out for the turkey supper and bazaer put on by the W.A. on Wednesdey evening in spite o! the down p ur of rein and thickening fog. Con- sidereble praise o! the deliciaus suppen was freely expressed by meny from Orono, Kirby, Stark- ville and Newtonville. After sup- per, they proceeded aven ta the Orange Hall for the bazaar and a good old neighbounly visit. R. L. Hoy auctioned of! the remnain- ing articles. The total for the ev- ening reached a pleasing smn 1 P BURKETON Mrs. Newton Taylar and Stan- lcv visited with her brother, Mr. Jamnes Stark who i. 111 at his home, Enfield. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Taylor, Mr. Cy'rus Ashton attended the Roy- al Wlnter Fair. Mrs. C. Gatchell and Tom Gatcheil were Sunday guests with Mrs. James Gatcheli and family. Mr. and Mrs. Cleonce Rahm, Westan. with Mrs. H. Rahm. Mrs. Morris Cochrane, Miss Irene Canfield, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. B. Hubbard. Mr. and Mrs. K. Bothwell, Maple Grove, with Mr. and Mii. Merle Hubbard. A social evening was held at the school on Nov. 18 when edu- cational films were shown. Rev. and Mrs. Seymour will show films on Africa Friday ev- ening in the church. Sympathy is extended ta Mrs. Frank Webber in the death of her husband. Mr. and Mrs. R. Carter and Wayne, Peterborough; Miss Isabel Carter, Toronto, with their par- ents. 3 father, who has been very ill in Oshawa Hospital.' W. A. of St. John's Church held its November meeting in the Par- ish Hall on Thursday evening, Nov. 20 with the President, Mrs. J. McArthur presiding. Mrs. Nicholson based the devotional service on the worship connected with the last chapter of the Study Book "Looking South." This chapter was taken by Mrs. T. Smith and was entltled 'lYou Can't Do It by Yoursell" of the beginning of Evangelical Youth Conferences in Sauth America. Onward Christian Soldiens was the hymn sung. Interesting items fromn the monthly bulletin were read by the Secretary. The binth- day box received a donation from Mrs. Ira Argue. Mrs. Nicholson reponted the G. A- girls had en- textained the branch from Bow- manville and a very enjoyable ev- enlng had been spent. It was de- cided that ail future flaral trib- utes ta deceased members be re- placed with a special W. A. card and that $5.00 be sent to "The Memorial Fund for the Women's Auxiliary." The meeting was closed by the Rector and refresh- ments served by hostess Miss Eva Parr and group, Mrs. Argue, Mrs. Archer and Mrs. Langfeid. Blackstock Badminton Club are very grateful ta the Burketon Dramatie Society who presented their welI known play "Aaron Slick from Punkin' Crick" in the Corpmunity Hall last Thursday night. They did this free o! charge as ail the pnoceeds are be- ing given ta the Memorial Hos- pital, Port Perry. Thanks also ta Mrs. Hector Shortridge who did not charge for the hall and ta Henry Thompson who took charge at the door. Well over $40.00 was realized by the combined efforts of many. ENFIELD Mr. and Mrs. G. Bowman, Mary Helen and Roland vislted wlth Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Pa9coe, Colum- bus. Mrs. C. Tapp, Mrs. E. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mair and Ronnie, Toronto; Mr. and Mns. J. Ormis- ton. Brooklin, with Mrs. W. J. Ormiston. Mf. and Mrs. James Brown and Lynn, Newcastle; Mr. Frank- lin Tamblyn, Hamiltoni, at W. Bowman's., Mr. A. E. Niddery, Toronto, at W. Pascoe's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Samis were pleasantly surprised Saturday ev- ening when 35 relatives gathered to help celebrate their lOth wed- ding anniversary. After the pres- entation o! a chenille bedspread and an occasional chair the even- ing was spent in playing cards followed by an especially nice lunch. There were visîirs fromn Manilla, Columbus, Mount Zion, Oshawa, Union and Enfield. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Grass, Columbus. and Mr. and Mrs. God- frey Bowman attended a birthday party for Mr. T. R. Bowman, Blackstock, held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Bowman. Elmer Lee won second prize on a horse at the Royal Winter Fair. Burketori folk presented their play "Aaron Slick from Punkin' Crick" Friday night, and it was enjoyed immensely. The mnusic was gneatly enjoyed also. KENDAL A much needed addition is being made on Carson's Hill these days with the erection o! posts along the steep embank- ments. Mrs. Mike Bosanac and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jilîsen spent a few days lest week in the Simcoe dis- trict. Mr. and Mrs. Eîddie Couroux, Ray and Marie, Visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Lowes, Peterboro. A large number o! friends and relatives attended the funeral o! the late Fred Brimacombe who passed away in Bowmnanville Hospital, Tuesday, Nov. 18. The service was held in Kirby churcul on Friday with interment in Orono cemetery. Heartfelt symi- pathy is extended ta Mrs. 'Rrima- REAL SAVING! DOLE-FANCY SPECIAL! FRUIT COCKTAIL 2o>29,< CLARKS-OLD LONDON TOWNE SPECIALI 24 ,--2. TREMEND OUS VALUE! SOAP POWDER SPECIAL! OXYDOLP.:3 5e OUTSTANDING VALUE! HOME FEATURE! TOMATO -CATS U P o20< INSTITlUTE 0F CULINARY ARTS COOK BOOKS, Over 20 Tities to Choose from - Ail Illustrated Regular 25e WITH EACH PURCHASE 0F $3.00 ORDER GOOD WILL OFFER10 THIS WEEK ONLY - --------lcea. Moirs - Christmas Assortrnent CHOCOLATES 3-lb.. Box $195 FINE ASST.--CHRISTMAS FINE ASSORTMENT-CHRISTMAS CARDS m1225ý CÀANDY elo ag3 CRAWFORD'S-CLAN CLARK'S-PLUM SHORTBREAD 'n> 99W PUDDING "gi, -41W AUSTRALIAN SAXON IA-CUT-M IXED CURRAN TS c g24 P E E L 19 GOLO BELL-GOLDEN AUSTRALIAN-Soedless--Sultandi RAISINS lkc>*242 RAISINS ZBg43Ç Ontario Grown IRISH . COBBLER P T T E THIS WEEK ONLY 10 1,B. BG 39Ç No. 1 Seedless FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT SIZE 96's 10 for 49Ç California - Sweet Juicy ORANGES SIZE 344's 18 for- 38Ç S AVYE IMARD MIX 12-1b. carton $4.29 S AVYE S AV E FRENCHI CREAMS 22-lb. carton $6.39 Values Ef!ectve n1ur'ý1dy, Frday &Sr aurcIey, Nolv. ?7týi, 9$ & 29th 'SALADA' TUA ARE YOU ORGANIZING A CHRISTMAS PARTY? BUY YOUR CANDIES IN BULK Creamn and Gumn BELLS 14-1b, carton $4.29 KIRBY Mr. Perrin. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reid, Mn. and Mns. Hartweil Loweny, Mrs. Annie Patterson, Mrs. Bill Wannen and Mn. and Mrs. Even Quantnili ettended the funenal service o! the late Mn. James Swanbrick at Kendal on Tuesday aftennoan, Nov. 18. Sym- pathy is extended ta bis bereav- ed family. Many o! aur cammunity en- joyed a turkey supper on Wed- nesday night. Some attended at Kendal and same et Leskamd. The sympathy o! the wbole community is extended ta Mrs. Fred Brimecambe in the death o! ber husband. The funeral service wes beld in Kirby Church on Fmi- day afternoon, Rev. J. Kitchen taking the service. Tbe many floral tnibutes attested the lave and esteem in whicb he was held. Our newlyweds, Mn. and Mrs. TERRIFIC VALUE-HEREFORD CORNED BEEF Ernest F<ansberry were given e presentation on Friday night et Leskard sehool. Mr. and Mr$. Ransberry were presented with a lovely china cabinet and table. lamp. The evening was spent i1j dancing and playing cards. ; Mr. and Mrs. Ken Shackleton and family visited Sunday with iher parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Allin. Ladies-please remember the Christmas meeting of the W.M.S. next week-and try to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Les Reid and family with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reid. Mrs. Thompson attended the turkey supper at Pontypool on Friday night. Pictures from the National Film > Board were shown at the school on Tuesday night, Nov. 18. Mrs. Annie Patterson visited Mrs. Thompson on Friday aftere noon.___ THE CAMADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTAMO IpArq-P. ineqwpr SPECIAL! 12 0 -- 3 ,