TRURSDAY, NOV. 27, 1952 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVYLLE, ONT/dUO PAGE THIRTEEN Dr. H. Rundie Leai With One Week Le SWith only one week left in the Àtfirst schedule it looks like Dr. H. B. Rundie bas cinched the high average honors. The old Doc has been sensational throughout the flrst schedule. This week he topped bis bowling with an 860 triple, 248-321-291, to boost his average to 246 and this put him 7 points up on runner-up Jake Westlake. Ai Osborne was over the 800 mark witb 817 made up 31-9-208. Eight other bowlers were over 700. Bill Bates 780, Matt Harrison 768, Russ Hallman S731, Murray Tighe 729. Sam Woods 728, Art Spicer 722 Bob Stocker 715, Ross McKnigbt 703. Glen Lander won the Royal Theatre tickets for high single game 339. Five other 300 scores were recorded: Dr. Rundie 321, Al Osborne 317, Aif Samelis 315, Ross Wright 308, Bill Hearle 305 Doc Slemon's team bit the dead - wood for high triple of 3635 whilej George Piper's team had high single of 1349. Bob Watt won low honors with 109 while Ab Tweedle had 110. Garfield Clarke had low triple, 445. Men'"s Major Leagi End of 1Oth Week 1 Standing at End of Ten Team W L ]Bates ----- 20 10 Siemon 19 Il Osborne---- 18 12 Elliott ----- 16 14 R. McKnigbt 15 15 Cale - ---- 14 16 Little -.1 14 16 ýnth Week Pins Pts. 33728 49 32592 46 33052 42 33471 39 32360 35 31990 33 32745 32 ICE 1 AVAIL BOWMAN Memorial FOR DE1 Phone Bowma d.s High Averages Df frMajors frAiiey Chatter Bob Watt, the league president, was away off bis game on Wed- nesday night. Bob was throwing themn down the gutter with ali pins standing. We guess BobUs mind was more on the rînk open- ing than on bowling, and Bob and bis workers bave certainly done a- wonderful job in maktng the rink one of tbe best in Ontario. From the Major League bowlers to Bob Watt-a tip of tbe bat. B._____l Sid Nichols, bowling for DaveB.Hae McKnight's team, bad one of bis G. Elliott -- -- ----- best nigbts and came up with al R. Maynard-------- 267 and a 232 to belp take seven R. McKnight -------------- - points from Reg Hearle's outfit. M. Harrison -------------- -- Murray Tigbe was s0 proud of Dr. Siemon-------- bis 729 triple that lie had a poster A. Piper ---------------------- made up with bis three scores and D. Taylor----------------- bad it banging at bis desk in the B. Poilev-------------------- office ot the Goodyear Co. 1 B Bates -- -------------------- Frank "Bell Telophone" Wil- T. Bagnel -------- - --- lianris' bowling hasn't improved E. Brock ------------ very much tbis year inasmuch as J.« Gay, --------------------- being able to hit the five-pin. We S. Woods ---------------------- lost count of how many times J. Graham ------------- - Frank missed it.1 K. Luxton -- Glad to see Doug Taylor up and R. Oke -- ------------ around after bis operation. N. O'Rourke ------------- We had so many requests from E. Rutidie -------------- the bowlers to publish the aver- C. Rundie - ------ ages of ail the Major League bowl- B. Mimne--------------- ers that we have done so in ti i H. Janzeni----- ----- week's paper. You wilI notic'- B. Williamns------------ that at ast we bave reacbed the M. Yourth ---- --- ------- 50 per cent mark for 200 or bet- A. Spicce---------- --- --- ter average. J. Brough ---- -------- W. DeGeer- E. Perfect --------- J. K nigbt -- - ----------- eStn igD. McKnight ---------- P. Canlla First Schedule R. Hian - ---- ------ __ _ _F. W illiam s ------------- J. Coohe N. ORourke- 13 17 32395 31'B. Moses-------- D. McKnight. 14 16 31162 31 R. Hearle .----------- G. Piper - 13 17 31715 30' FI.C. Osborne ------------ Hearle 12 18 31122 27 P. Yeo - Bagnell----i 12 18 31580 26 H. Bennett ------------------ Individual Averages G. Piper------------------ Dr. Rundle ---------------------- 246 T. Phillips ------------ B. W estlake 9I371 1-. Palmer - ---------- ----- A. Osborne ---- ----------------- 2331 S Trewvîn ----- ---------- B. Begley ----- ------------ iW. Craig - --------------------- J. Lander ------------------- M . Corson ----------------- J. Callan----------------------- R. Wright --- ----------------- MIM E F. Blunt ---------- ------ G. SLander ------ ------- G.Samîs------------------ A B LEC. Oke ---------------- A. Bell -------------------- R. Richards ------- -------- A. Tweedle ----------------- F. Cole ------------------- R . F ry - - ------------ -- [If ILLE ~A. Samehîs -------- -------- 'V L EM. Dale-------------- B. Watt - C. Anderson ----------- ------ 1 A ren a 1 ~~~E. L. Oliver ------------- JB Cale------------------- MTighe- -------------------- C. Wrigbt ------------------- TAILS B. Stocker ----------- ----- R. Brock ------------------ J. Hawes ------- Dr. Austin ---------------- - -- D. Little - -- ----------- inville 7 2 8 G. Clarke --------------- nv le 7 8J. Cole ------ ------- S. N ichiols - -- ---- --- 233 232 230 229h 228 222 221 221 218 218 216 216 214 213 212 212 212 211 208 208 207 206 206 205 205 204 204 203 203 203 202 202 202 201 201 200 200 200 200 199 198 197 197 195 194 194 194 194 193 193 193 192 191 190 189 189 189 189 189 189 188 188 187 185 185 183 183 182 182 181 181 180 180 178 178 17'7 177 176 175 169 145 GRIPS HARO IN SOFI GOING SNOW il SIUSH le MUD The GENERAL. ESPECIALLY FOR REAR WHEELS Here is a new kind of tire-especially do- signed and built for our kind of winters! bts tread is douhle-thick and cleated It grips hard in soft going-zips through snow, slush and mud, where others slip, spin, bog down. A pair on your rear wheels saves you the risks of faulty traction. The nuisance of being stalled. The expense of being towed. FREE SERVICE You need WINTER-CLEATS for snow, slush* mud. We'll store your present rear tires and switch thern back when the time cornes. SLUSHY, ICY OUTTS-. y u pull away easily witii Winter-Cleats. INCLINEO DRIVEWAYS... sure traction is provided by Winter-C1,a ts. UNIMPROVED ROADS-. Winter-Cleats are made ta GRIP in mud and mire. GENRA*OnF. JAMqIESONÏ TIRE TIRE SHOP1 46 Ring Si. W. Bowmanville Phone 467 Canadian Champs Put On Exhibition, Local Bird Chasers Defeat Peterboro The Bowmanville Badminton IClub bas been the scene of two maor events this montb. OnTuesday, Nov. 18, Dick Birch, Canada's outstanding Badminton player, put on an exhibition, as- sisted by Bill Purcell, son of tbe famous Jack Purcell, former world's professional badminton champion. Birch also brought witbhlm Canada's top lady play- erBarbara Ince and Jobnny ersbal Some of Bowmanville's top stars also' took part in the exhibition: Gary Tigbe, Bihl Burg- ess, Roy Swindells and Ernie Neil- son. Marg Nichols was the only lady player of the local club to belp out. Approximately 250 spectators were on hand to see Dick Bircb perform. On Saturday, Nov. 22 the local club played host to the Peterbor- ough Club and the home town bird-chasers came out on top, il matches to 5. In the ladies' doubles onhy one Bowmanvihle team won when Coîheen Hutchinson and M arlyn Leask defeated Graham and Nlc- Kee in straight games. The tbree 1teams to go down to defeat were Dippeil and James, Swindells and ,Kent and Cole and Nichols. In tbe men's doubles, Bowman- ville won 3 out of 4. The win- ners were Tigbe and Burgess, Roughley and Gallagher, Austin and Legge. Kent and Neilson lost to Elmfsley and Donoghue in two straight games. In the mixed evet with ail matches evened up the local boys and girls put bn the pressure and won seven matches to one. Ahl top teams wvon, with the Bow-, manville team of Leask and Legge going down to defeat at the bands Of Baker and Graham of Peter- borough. After the matches, Marg Nich- ols and ber social committee serv- ed a lovely lunch to all players and spectators. Tournament Chairman Bo b Kent, has the ladder competition ail set up and from this the teams to represent Bowmanville in the Central Ontario Tournament will be picked. The tournament is to be held the last Saturday of Feb- ruary, 1953.1 Bowmanville Barons Saturday e v e n i n g demonstrated their league-leading ability before a capacity crowd in Memorial Arena when tbey fought to an 8-5 win over Cobourg Cornets on arti- ficial ice., The hockey baptism of the newly installed ice appropriately brought together two teams whîch, in 1949, clashed in the feature event when the Arena was first opened under natural ice con- ditions. More than 1,400 spectators crowded the seats ai-d lined the walls to holler the hometown club to victory. Altbough billed as an exhibition game, the spirited hockey played certainly forecastsl tougb tussels when Lakeshore in- termediate "A" tilts get underway locally. Fresh from league victories over Port Hope and Trenton, thel Barons wasted little time break- ing into the scoring column in the Saturday nigbt ý fixture. Buck Cowle potted the first marker on passes from Maxie Yourth and Don Gilbooly at the 19 second mark. Bird Centres Line Some fans found it strange to see Bob Bird centering a line rather than patrolling a wing with his former high-scoring Gil- hooly-Yourth cronies. but the puck-chasing Bird seems at home at centre: he scored Bowman- ville's fifth goal at the 17 minute mark in the second stanza on a SU PERFIN E Virglin WooI See Tip Top'$ Gold Star selection for Fail. Pic 'n pics- flannels-. fancy yarns - perfectly tailored for real comfort and handsome appearance. Mode-fo-measur. Ohronges $56.50 and $65.50 ites them ut DRESLIN'S BOWMAN VILLE touthorlzed dealer for ip TOPDai3ors pass from Lloyd Hamilton. One thing certain, Buck Cowlei bas bit bis stride on a wîng with Gilboohy. A natural fast skater, the peppery Cowle skated rings aroun theopposition in a fine: effort of dlean hockey. Don Gilbooly was the star in the goal-getting department. five goals, one unassisted. Other marksmen over the contest were Don Masters, and George Piper, the man witb tbe get-up-and-go. By the seven minute mark in tbe first frame the local wigglers of the shinny stick were two goals up on the visiting Cornets, but Co-1 bourg isn't tbe kind of a club to drop too far into the background. Casey chalked up a counter at 9:121 to Put the visitors back in the pictu re. Piper Gets One About that time George Piper g«~t skating in bis old form. Hie! bulged the twine at 9:55 to againi shove the Barons Int a corn- manding lead, but Cobourg's H.1 Cane came back at tbe 19:27 marki to bring things to a 3-2 count at the end of the first. The second stanza was a nip and tuck effort. Gilboohy potted one which was replied to by Cliff Maundrell, the old veteran who still packs one of the bardest shots in the league. Bob Bird's Counter at 17 minutes was written off by J. Greer who balanced the period ledger for Cobourg. But the final twenty minutes belonged to Bowmanville. Itý was Gilhooly, Gilhoolv, Gilhoohy -the cunning Barons' centre oni the Tommy Depew coacbed team dented the twine tbree times be- fore the 7:30 mark. Cornets' Harnden scored the hast marker at 13:35 Cornes as Tonie The 8-5 Bowmanvilhe win came as a tonie to local hockey fans -IÀ wbo now look forward eagerly to a long season of good hockey. Special mention must be made of Jim (Tieker) Crombie and Frank (Sonny) Hooper. (Oshawà Transporters) wbo donated their services in the refereeing depart- ment. On the whole, the night was a good effort. Line-ups: Barons-Geo. Gearing, Bill Bag- nehl, Fred Cowle, Dan Gerardi, Alex McKeen, R. Nichols, Bob Bird, Don Masters, Lloyd Hamil- ton. Max Yourth, Ted Barnes, Jack Rice, Geo. Piper. Tim Cox, Bud Perfect, Brooks, G. Heath, D. Gihhooly. Cobourg--Summerville, Casey, G. Campbell, J.\Greer, J. Mon- roe, J. Reeves, D. *Casey, C. Maun- drelh, R. Campbell, Hessin, H. Cane. Harnden, Young, J. Fisher. Special Meeting To Form Town Hockey League With the advent of arti- ficial ice in the Memorial Arena, enthusiasm for hockey in Bewmanvîie has reached a new high. Plans are fast going ahead for the forma- tion of a town hockey league with games to be played in the arena on Thursday nights. In order that some idea may be gieaned as to how many teams there wiIl be, a meet- ing has been called of ail in- terested players. This get- together will be held in the Arena on Sunday, Novemher 30, starting at 8 p.m. If you are interested in playlng hokey this year be sure te attend this meeting. Barons Double Score On Trenton Flyers In One Sided Garne Bowmanville Barons looked down from a familiar spot on the rest of the Lakeshore League Nov. 20 after their one-sided 13-6 win over Trenton RCAF Flyers in the Cobourg Recreational Centre. The win gave the Bowmanville team the leadership of the Lake- shore League to bring home witb them for Saturday's official open- ing of their new artificial ice plant in the Rubber Town's modern rink. TÎhe Flyers, using Cobourg as their home stand this season, felu out of first place due to the ls and are now reposing in second, one point behind the Bowman- ville crew wvbo are undefeated so far. Don Gilhooly, veteran centre Ice flash of the winners, paced the attack with five goals and thrce assists with "Buck" Cowle pick- ing Up tbree counters to be sec- ond. Don Guzzo, Flyer ace, led bis team until the mniddle of the last period when be wound up bis nigbt's activities with two goals and two assists and a match mis- conduct penalty. The penalty came when Referee Bill Hollo- way sent Guzzo to the penalty bench for two minutes. Guzzo ob- jected and was chased for bis t alk. Centre Len Beatch also icked up two goals in the losers' cause. Bowmanville - Goal, Gearing; defense, Barnes, Piper, McKeen, Perfect; f o r w a r d s , Gilbooly, Yourth, Cowle, Bird, Masters, Hamilton, Girardi, Whîteman, Rice. Trenton RCAF-Goal, MeInnis and Medley:z defense, Bulloch, Faulkner, Gaigle, Gingras; for- wards, Beatch, Bowman, Dixons Cyr, O'Meara. Referee, W. Holloway, Belle. ville: linesmnan, Bus Cane, Coi bourg. Memorial Hospital Appeal mer. its your support. Give generous ly. MARR t S JEWELLERY 'Twas the month before Christmas And ail over town Ail the wise shoppers Were settiing down. Their parcels were ready At MARR'S they'd shopped. With their gif t problems solved, Their worries they'd dropped. The people at MARR'S Arrange easy payments: There's budget and charge And quick lay-awayments. MARR'S has gifts for The family galore.. There's silver and china And watches and more. For people who smoke Choose a smart RONSON lighter... The Adonis, Diana, The smart Pencilitej For RONSON's the favourite 0f eigbt out of ten. They'rc smart, they're dependable, Styled f or women or men. So, why flot be wise, Like the shoppers so bright? Shop at MARR'S today... Give to ail a good light! MARR'S JEWELLERY Everything a man could ask for in a cigarette! Ask the men who smoke Winchester. Th.y wiII tell you ie UNPLOWED SIDE STREETS -can't bog you down with Winter-Cleats. complefely satisfying ond hv c charocter ail their own. VIRGINIA + BURLEY+TURKISH . .. Blendd Rightl 1 - - - -- --------- -- ---- . THURSDAY, NOV. 27, 1052 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, ROWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE TFEMTIM Barons Give Local Hockey Fans Grand Exhibition of a Fast Game On Opening Night Defeating Cornets 1