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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Nov 1952, p. 14

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S.and Nrs. Roy Nichols, Courtice, ain Hosis Io Over 1200 Friends 1 Aimual Darlinglon Football Partq There was plcnty ai enthus- ésin 1200 people and lots ai aning and entertainment et the UY W. Nichols perty in New- Ca.tle Community Hall on Friday ~ight. Many guests were quick ta uaY that if was the best Darlington ]Football Dance whicb bas been lield, altbough the huge crowd Maade if a bit crowded. 1George Wade and His Cor- huskers starfed early witb their fie music, giving the young peple plenty ai appartunity for every kind ai dancing fram reai Jitterbugging ta old time squares. Every year this group seem ta iniprave. Anid *wen dancers got over- heated from fthc exercise, they Çould take f ime out for a quick trip ta the celler where Bihl Smith and e crew iroin bis heverage çermpany dispensed free pop by the thousands ai bottles during the evening. Shomfly aiter ten 'clock, the Program steted witb John M. James, M.P., acting as Master ai Ceremonies. Included in the show was Dorotby Merrehl, ac- cardionist and pianist for the pest several years, wha again tbriiled the audience witb ber beautiful ienditions. 1 A new feeture, added this yeer, brougbt a local vocelist, Grantt Brooks, ta the stage where he1 fed a cheemy singsong and leterc hang fwa number, the lattert awalkîng My Baby Back Home"'I with ail the gestures and effectsç Gi crooner Jabnny Ray.v * Other newcamers ta the pro-c gram included veteren entertein-v êr Clame Rause, known as the bne-man band, who, during bis Iwo acts, pleyed prectically every instrument in the book with j ;%musing and entertaining effeet. j Pscostumes were most intrigu-p Another acf, fresh irom the Ta- t ironta Exhibition. saw three net- Corne bIoL. ROYAL SWINTER FAIR NOV. 14-22 8 Big Days O=ampon horses, estoc graE n an iseeds..cdairy proc fruit and vegetable % x it nd scores of other tactions, featuring *Junior Former Activities * otcular Horse Show aftemoons and oenings * £.C.MP. Musical Ride A> cal agent about reaced rallares ROYAL CI S£ eoeiMg ives ai Finlend, The Kepples,i 1father and two daugbtcrs, 11 ane 10, put on an emazing variety o tumbiing and belancing, the Iiký ai wbich bas neyer been seec iocally. t This year. presentations wcs4 Llimited ta men's teams, and an]3 1the captains appeared ta eaccepj trophies for ather then fthc senici football event. Art Reynolds pre. sented the Jack Reynolds Memr oriel Trophy ta Captain Bol Johnson ai tbe Courtice senici football team wbo were runners. up in the finals ai the league Clarke Werry presentcd flic E. A Werry and Sons Trophy ta Cap- tain Doug. Woodlock aiflthc Hamp. ton Juniors wbo won the chenu pianship. The entire Enniskillen Senioi soccer team came ta the pletorm to accept their hanors. This iç the first time tbey bave won tbe Maurice Breslin Tropby and Mr, Breslin wes on band ta meke the presentetion, ta Captain Clarke Werry. Vice-President ai the Leegue, Mike Nemiz, also pre- sented the teem witb a ncw foot- bell. As aiwys' the selection of "Miss Darlington" wes awaited witb eagerness. There was a huge cheer from the crawd as Dr. George Werry, senior judge af the event, brouglit Miss Joar Munday ta the piatform ta re- ceive hier beeutiul banner anc the giits wbicb go with the title. Lest year's winner, Miss Dorothy Skinner, presented Miss Munday with a beautiful eight-setting cbest ai Community Plate Silver- ware and, whule the crawd roared its appraval, thec new Miss Darl- ington bowed very nicely in ap- preciation. She is daugliter ai Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Munday, Maple Grave, and bas been cm- ployed et tbe Maple Leaf Fire In- surance office et Columbus for the past tbree and a bahf yeers. As the pragrem drew ta a con- clusion, Harold Balsan, Secretery- rreasurer ai the Leegue, came ta platform and cxpressed tlic thanks ai the large gathering ta M~tr. and Mrs. Nichais for the won- derful perty. He wes assistcd by Mtike Nemîz, vice-president, who presented Mrs. Nichols with a beautiful bouquet ai flowers. General Motars ai Canada also -howed their apprecietion ai Mr. and Mrs. Nichols fine gesture in holding this party by pmesenting the hostess witb a second bouquet. Bath Mr. and Mrs. Nichols ex- pressed their sincere pleesure in seeing s0 many ai their friends again and thenked them for coin- Ig. The crowd respanded with rirce rausing cheers. During the program, the Ward- n ai the United Cou.ntics, Herry ampbeil, spoke brieily, paying ribute ta Mr. Nichais and his Taork as a citizen and Reeve ai )arlington Township. LONG SAULT Mrs. Mary Johns is holidaying with hem sister, Mrs. 1. Little, Kendal. Mm. and Mrs. C. Penwemden visited Mm. and Mrs. R. Sim. Mm. and Mms. F. O. Smith, Gloria and Bob and A. Bennett, Bowmanville, witb Mm. and Mrs. F. G. Smith. Mr. and Mms. Walter Vaneyk weme in Delhi lest week. Giad ta repart Mms. D. B. Fer- DEAD STOCK DEAD and CRIPPLED Faim animais removed promptly for sanitary disposai Telephone Collect: Toronto - EMpire 3-3636 Cobourg - 1266 CORDON YOUNG LIMITED LESKARD UNITED CHURCH Anniversary Services. Sunday, November 16 -3 p.m. - Guest Preacher MCR. S. G. SAYWELL, Oshawa KIRBY CHOIR - 7:30 P.M. - Guest Preacher BEV. G. EMPEY, Hampton ORONO CHOIR ALL ARE CORDIALLy INVITED TURIKEY BANQUET and MUSICAL PROGRAMME WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19 ai 6 p.. (Until Ail Are Served) The ladies of Leskerd bave planned for you a meal that you will always remember. Aduits - $1.25 Children under 12 - 60e SCone With Your Friends lor A Grand Evening - I TEE CANADIAN STATESMANBMN.wuVML, ONTARIO ________________ _TEURSDAY, NOV. SÇ, 19M J1T' 1school teaching should be includ- of the farm wiil run eylw Yed and the teacher's contribution She must take ani interest ini prov tht woen can handie after the farnily. One member of civic offices capably; (b) Many the Forum said "the wlfe lu rwoen who have no desire or worth er weight in gold.Y community work, have done a fermer. vry fine job, of homemaking. ai: Those who do teke an outside in- ofterests get a fresh outlook on BAKTC OU everyday problems li the home. Aveyitreedgup eta Women have a vote - nd if they the home af Mr. and Mis. Rblph en work outside the borne, they w~ill Larmer ta d*scuss the burnling re be able to form their own apin- question of the week. ly ions politically; (c) I there i That women have a placé li >1 any co -aperation between the publie affairs was deiinitely Dr ma andwife it fllow tha theagreed. Thatth home and young wife wiIl back up her husband femily would tae first place. in bis various activities; (d) There That iat every women, meybe to is a place for intelligent women even a lesser degree than maxinl iDoltir fitted for leadership ixi publie lite. 'r Next meeting will be et Mr. axid That the woman with na interests Me.A on'. outside the four wells ai ber home would be a very dufl cam- HAMPON FRUMpanion'ta say the leat, were A31~YWL~±~ AJL~LIYA same of aur fixidings. (Intended for last week) We feit that smre parts of the Hampton Farmn Forum met at question were bardly well enough 'rthe home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd defined and left a big scape for )r Broome. The question under differexit opinions as ta what wu is discussion was "Farming As a Mxeant. leaer" Or ou hk A splendid recreetion perlod e. young man cen be successful if coniducted by Mr. and Mrs. D. Le he has the ambition or drive to Dorreil and a lovely lunch provld- :e work on the farm and also likes ed by the hostess were vlery much Le animais. He should also have a enjoyed. goodly sumn of money to purchase Next meeting will be at the If Mr. and,Mrs. Roy W. Nichols continue holding last year's winner, Miss-Dorothy Skinner. This group shows stock, farmi equipment, etc. home ai Mr. and Mis. Norman' their annual Darlîngton Football Dance in years ahead, they from lef t ta right: host Roy Nichols, Miss Skinner, Miss Last but flot least, a good wife Mountjoy. )fwill nave to find a bigger hall than even the spacious Munday, hostess Mrs. Roy Nichols, Douglas Youngson who bose h asse as oto tmnPRV NCoOU d Newcastle Community building. Last Friday night, well presented Mrs. Nichols with a bouquet on behaîf of General agreed that they wouldn't cere ta emte h oeoor n % over 1,200 people squeezed fnto the building for the most Motors of Canada and Harold Balson, Secretary-Treasurer farmn without their wives ta help Mrs. Earle Osborne with 13 pres. ,f successful affair to date. At the conclusion of an interesting of the Darlington Football League, who also expressed ap- them. Or as they put it, a well n.TpcwsFamW e i nprogram of professional entertainment, Miss Joan Munday preciation to Mr. and Mrs. Nichols and presented Mrs. run home, meals on time, clothes Publ Tic ws " efetarm Womi was acclaîmed "Miss Darlington" for this year and received Nichols with flowers. bas he batles of arming."wAil en have a ëecial place in publié' a beutiul hes ofCom uniy Plte ilvr, resnte bythat and we ladies didn't have ta ýffairs. Experience ini activities twist their arms to make them i their local cammunities ih say it either." good training and important to success in broader fields. Women Lunch was served by the hast- da a better job ai homemaking . .... firs.She heers and sees how _71 .........PROVIDENCE FORUM other people work. Discussions f~in the home bring about e wider Y~j(Intended for lest week) outlook on lufe ta the whole fam- U Our Forum met ta begin the ilY. seasan et the home af Mr. and A woman shauld definitely sup- SMrs. Oscar Luxton with 16 pres-orbehsan ineangn ent. Our topic for discussion was public afeirs.' This brings about "To Farm or Not ta Farm."l a spirit of co-operation and then Our young people feel they with the husbend and wife be- wouldn't went ta advise any lieving in one enother they will young man ta farmn or flot ta go much ierther in whatever field farm. The rest of the group ai public activity they have ches- think if he is gaing ta make farm- en, but they should flot let this ing his life's work. there are sev- interferè with their home lufe. eral tbings necessary. He must Tbey sbould also share with their have a liking for the open air husbands plans for community lufe, rather than looking for and national betterment in polit- maney. He must be able ta take ica1 fields. the hard knacks of farmn loss, Next meeting et Mr. and Mns. sucb as animais dying and t., Neil Mutton's. Nov. 17. chickens not laying when they SE C R wrong time and sa on and be ableSP N E ta always smile. He cauld start as a farm helper ta see bow he CORSZTIERE will like it, then as a farma man- ager before lie starts on his awn (Registered since 1931) farm. MRS. J. E. RICHARDS The fermer's wiie is his real Box 33 - Orano --------- helper; without ber the success Telephane 27-r-16 Champions of the Seniors in the Darlington Football sented the winners with a hrand new football. FrWi left League were on 4and at the Nichols' party Friday night to to right, Back row: Russ McLaughlin, manager; Fred iffin, . receive, for the Iirst time, the beautiful Breslin Trophy. Luke McLaughlîn, Jim McLaughlin, Carl McLaughlin, Carl- Maurice Breslin made the presentation with Capt. Clarke Brunt, Ivan Sharp, Ross Sharp. Front row: Bill Howells,- Werry responding on behaîf of the team. It wîll be recalled Grant Werry, Glen VanCamp, Keith McGill, Clarke Werry, that Enniskillen defeated Courtice in the finals earlîer this captain; Reg Griffin, Joe McGill, IRalph Virtue. faîl. Mike Nemiz, vice-president of the league also pre- rell is gradually iniproving in ing their mental capacity, thought flf~ Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvîlle. that their situation as homemak- F R H E HOLIDAY SEASOIR W. A. meeting at Mrs. Gordon Durha Countv ers prevented themn framn doing Baker's, Tuesday et 2:30. bath jobs well. Sa, who wisbes Miss Grace Smith vis ited ta send ta parhiament as represen- friends in Oshawa, Sundey. tatives of the nation, women who Rd M rcio Cere Dan't forget Home and Scbooal F'AR IV FO)RUM pqS Red Marachino Cherries. meeting Fridey evening, Nov. 14, small minority ai women contend- 6-oz. bottie 26c 16-oz. bottle 59 with Mr. Walter Vaneyk and Mr. ed women sbould' pursue their asfe' Art Youngman, program oi-agstaiiemiton'sgadlsso servie com KENDAL FORUM letters. It had been a very îvî oiia miin eadesa discussion and thoroughlyl en- Come.-' oz - - - Chrhsriewill be cen- Kendal Fermn Forum met at the joyed. Refresbments were serv- Terwarceton a con- axe zee7o.pg18 celled Sundey evening, Nov. 16. home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Stoker ed during a social heuf hour. test conducted by Mrs. Morley Wagstaiie's on Monday nigbt, November 10, Next Monday night the Forum McAllister. An enjoyeble lulnch gac Ch-* - pkg.3C ENTNISVTTTLTL go ttnace h will be beld et the home ai Mr. wes served and the evening clos- resU&z 4 members of Kendal Women's and Mrs. Reg. Elliott. ed witb lively music by Don Set- * n 3-oz. pkg. i Institute were invited on this __________ terington and Newt Taylor. 16 - -AC Service Club met et Mrs. John occasion ta take part in the dis- Griffin's with 15 present. Ar- cussion "Farmn Wome'n in Public NEWTONVILLE FORUMHA TO FRU rangements were made for aur -Life." The Forums were askedHAPO FRU dance, Nov. 15. Remeinder ai ta give their opinions on four Newtonville Ferm Forum met C R A T 4 evening wes spent socielly. We statements: (a) Women have e et the home ai Mr. and Mrs. Stan Hampton Forum met et the 4oz. pkg. were pleased ta welcome Mrs. speciel contribution ta bring ta ley Rowe with 18 present ta dis- home ai Mr. and Mrs. Bruce WALAIUAT -4- 23c Norman Wilson, eIrs. Robert public affairs. This statement cuss "'Ferming as a Cereer." - Clarke. - - - Our Forum believes a Svanefelt ta aur club. Lunch was effirmed and it was men- After the broadcast, we werelwomen shoiild be an active par- A M N S19C wias served hy Mrs. G. Yeo, M/rs.toeQhtardco nteUi-dvddit w rusada-tcpn npbi far smc E t c h IV ai w fa ai wi Pr mi no wi Ca fa] Sa Mi ce. Mi Os ani Br tan( nel ~mlOshawa, witil Mr. and tisasvr few attained a -po--j Mr. and Mrs. Don Setterington i~~i4IGaePnaneFitr 4-oz. pkg. c rs. R. Mitchell. itîcal Position. If they- werc suit- etrandteFamFrmtiG. .N.4FRMlace Pin7-az pkg. Mr. and Mrs. Mel McCune and ed ta politis they %would ave eek. A both 4 e ople aFotitn e.hisiii e hervl,~~~~~~~~ Ve c e s R a . w th M . r l d t e w rl . A cat s s The discussion centred around S. S. 4 Fa xm Forum w as heldC Mxd F ru its2 2 n d M rs. H arold A s ton. conducted by M rs. R eg. E lliott th la e a w m n n s ci t . et t e o e ai M . n rs C a th M r. and M rs. D an M etaggert, pap r theas ehotmwroef'en-.ulaO a n g P ee - C7-as. k 2 21 c rc A ndb r. W 4tr e gu on wern dea ase g ie a *sipnai A l agreed wom en had a Osborne w itb 25 resent. The C l O a ge P eJ-z.p g 8 Mcc. Lbret mFrm on the leit special contribution ta make ta topic for discussion: ,Farm Wom- ! Mr.LaeLamb with ber hand side and write the titie ai e public afiairs. Some thought en in Public Lufe' The folwn: e ls asn g 3 ather, Mrs. W. J. Steinton, Oro- sang beginning witb each i the their best contribution was the were the questions for discussionaedes asn .e-1lunch. owever al felt the pres- What are your views on the fol-.1 uct1-z M.adMsFrni er r.Jh rfi.Msence of wmen added substantil- lwing statements? e-m asis - k.23c îhMr. and Mrs. FrniP e rry Ma etr. JoneGrifino r . E. Ben- ly ta Public afairs. (a) Women have a special cona eddM sa asn it. Mr.and st. Pec Va nttrmidfoa visit. Outets for wmen give them tribution ta bring ta Public af--oz. asis . 25c îMr- akMso. alFr oan Miss Nancy Wood with ber~ a better outlook and break the fairs; (b) A woman who is active a BY lec dR isn iml hMr. and Mrs. rF Ergus nn mother, Mrs. VerjiaWod Toron- mlonotonv. Eevn considercd in cammunitv work cen do a bet-EEEE milycck wiîh Mr and Mr. Ew j and attended the hockey îIiese activities 'were beneficial ter hamemnakin.- job than a wom-FRD LIV RY îneroc. rooan M. ndgaine et Maple Leaf Gardons. but shauld nat interiere witb the anFwho asEno1)lEerL 1 Yutsîd rs. Raymond Bottreli. New- godoatehoe brhome (>As n o ante soud istle. ~~~Miss June Butson. Oshawa, odothhoe rhme(cAwmasou ; r.Wle k wit b it heî mother, NMis. j. But- I was agreed that wonicn show ber interest in public affeirs r. and Mrs. WOlter Oke withson could be ai great assistance ta by supparting ber busband in bis rh. and Mrs. mOliver Hubbard,. their busbands in public afiairs, publice ctivities: (d) Wamen are baw. .G1.. eein e aid and encouragement. flot suited ta politirs. Y -E 1O ,'S Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton, Lois Asbton's, Nov. 15 at 2:30 p.m. The greatest discussion resulted (a) W e gree especiallv in env an id Charles, with Mr. and Mrs. iMm.r Harrv Fergus00, Oshawa. froin the disegreement o-er field that affects childrein such M ATS AND GIROCERIES uce Ashton, Purple Hill. j %with Mr. and î\Irs. Carl Ferguson. whetlxer %%ýon-en were suîted ta, as Cbildren's Aid Society and Mr. and Mrs. James Bennett Coiîgratulatinsta r n pltc..oe mllmnrt, public bealth nursing, since worn 55 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 3367 ýd Petsy. Toronxto: Mrs. E. Ben- Mrs . Arthuîr Briant on (.e1ebrating thought thev lacked the mental en have a very defiîîitc- band in tt, Fenelon Fells, with Mm. and their 25th w edding anniversary. capacitl., while others, flot doubt- raising the [imily. XVe also think a .. . - ,

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