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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Nov 1952, p. 15

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~ ?NJRSDYNOV. 27, 1052 T"M CANADIAN STATESMAN. nOWMANVTLLI ONTARIO "Circuit Riders' Exhihit" Shown la -United Churches ini This District WRrom Sun., Nov. 16 Io Fr., Nov. 28 Rev. Frederico Mussili, an ordained African minister who is the main figure in the motion picture, "The King's Man,"~ which will be shown in this district as a part of The United Church "Circuit Riders." A motion picture In sound and umentary flavour that is some- colour, filmed in Aleica, and fell- thing new in missionaey repart- ing the truc staey aI the growth ing." af an Africen boy from the prim- Of the film, Mes. Ralph Wilson itive Icar o! the lorest ta an hon- of Angola xrites: 'We, who have oured place as a Christian min- lived in Angola and are familiar ister, will be the Meature af the with the beauty af its Ilowers, "Circuit Ridera' Exhibit" af the1 ita music, and who know and United Church of Canada, which ilove its people, are thrilled by the will be shown at The United i vividness and accuiateness with Church, Tyrone, on Surtday, Nov. which our Angola is portraycd." 16, at 7:30 p.m. The film bas been produced by The pictorial Exhibit also in- Rev. Anson Moorbouse of the cludes a display oI large pictures United Church Committee on depicting many phases of the Missionary Education, and was Church's work in Canada and Iilmed an the United Chuj7ch's abeoad. There will be an oppar- mission field in Angola. tunity foc discussion an the The "King's Man" is the stary Cbuech's task in the world today, af an African boy, Frederica Mus- and a display aI books for sale. sili, wha becomes a pastar in the There are ten af these Circuit African church. He was born Ridera' Exhibits touring the cent- into a warld af superstitions and cal area of Canada through the lear. Thraugh the ministeation Faîl mantha. of the Church of Christ in Africa, In Oshawa Presbytcry, the Ex- he develapa steadily until fear is hibit is under the direction aI overcome by faith. The King's Rev. G. D. Empey, Hamptan,'and Man, as bis people cail hlm, naw Rcv. D. J. Lute, Tyrone.ý Other ministers ta others who eeach out points in the arca bcing visited to him. include: The sequence af the avinganji, (Time-8 pin.) the spirit dancees, is a rare anc. Tyrone, Sunday, November 16 Neyer before have bath sound Ennisklllen, Tuesday, Nov. 18 and picture been captueed for Blackstack, Wednesday, Nov. 19 outsiders. The grace and rhythm Hampton, Thursday. Nov. 20 o! the Alcicans are revealed in Bowmanville, Friday, Nov. 21 the singing games af the girls at (St. Paul's) Means scbool. The spirit of the Newcastle, Monday, Nov, 24 Aleicans as they work i. reveal- Newtonville, Tuesday, N4v. 25 ed in the inging o! the wamen Orono, Wedncsday, Nov. 26 as they pound their corn. The Port Perry, Tbursday, Nov. 27 harmony of the Africans as thcy Courtice, Friday, Navember 28 sing their hYmns bas been ac- C - (Ebenezer Church) claîmed by ail wbo have seen this V 'The film, "The King's Man," film. As. one observer remarked, *resents in 55 minutes a pictuce "This film is not anl inform- oI authentic African life. with ative, if la a real experience in Seven the background sound and worsbip." music recoeded in Abica. This The United Church bas chosen film bas been eeceiving high praise the "Circuit Ridera' Exhibit", as ithroughout the United States and a novel way aI aharing this timely .iCanada. William Hockman, the message with aIl wbo are inter- Chuech Editor o! "Educational ested in our community. Screen" in the United States re- £ nd adàa 'dmeno n' 1 'ido,- Il stat,"Tenatieusi" ndTYRONE Y% sroyir The Ide . . . Christmas Gifi c O -~ e I r""' A/If A very fine Rernembrance Day and Communion Service was ob-1 served on Sunday with Rex'. D. Lute officiating. Namnes written in the Book of Memory who made the supreme sacrifice. were: Gordon Cowling, Norman Thomp- son and Lorne Yeo, 1939-1945. Next Sunday morning the Young People's will take the service and also assist in the cvening, Nov. 16, which is the first day of the Circuit Riders' Exhibit in our district, and will be presented at the regular Fel- lowship meeting in Tyrone at 7:30 p.m. Regular meeting of Women's Institute postponed until the ev- ening of Nov. 28. Mr. and Mes. A. Coverly and Sheila, Mr. and Mes. J. Murdoch and baby, Bowmanville, visited Me. and Mrs. W. Park. Mr. and Mes. J. Wismer and Frank, Islington: Mr. and Mrs. J. Colbary, Brooklin, visited, Me. and Mrs. K. Colbar.. Be'rnice and Ross Hall, Bow- manville, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hall. Misses Phyllis and Ada Good- fellow spent Tuesday at H. Philp's home. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Leach, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mes. A. iYoungmnan. Mr. and Mes. H. Hall, Mrs. K. Colbarv visited Mes. Erie Stain- ton in'Oshawa Hospital. 1Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stainton and children with Mr. and Mrs. rR. Moase, Oshawa. Mrs. R. HatherlY is spending a week at her home. Mr. and Mrs H. Philp. Ronald FOR MEN HORLY_ Send flowers to your lady fair ITo let her know you really rare; To show her that you're not so dumb Give ber a big, commercial 'Mum. Carnations are really at their best. Take your rhoire, we'll do the rest: Selection good, the prire is rlgbt, IDelivcry prompt both day and night. Graham Florist ENNISKILLEN PHONE 2468 IFlowers for aIl occasions and Marilyn, Miss Jean Philp visited Mr. and Mrs. Gcrald Philp, Castîctan. Mr. and Mrs. Thea Downs and !amily, Lakelield, viuited Mr. and Mes. R. Vietue and Mr. and Mis. Leon Moore. Mvr. and Mrs. T. Janczyn and farnily visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Elliott, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. R.,ý Maynard, Vivian and Joy, visitcd Mr. and Mes. Heney Wood, Oshawa. Miss Velma Fxndlay, Dean Findlay, Unionville; Mrs. Nellie Westlake, Mr. Jack Richards and Mr. Arthur Richards, Assinaboia, Sask., visited Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Bigelow. .Me. and Mrs. H. Perfect, Mr. and Mrs. R. Perfect, Cobourg, with Mr. and Mrs. T. Gibbs. Mr. and Mrs. J. Park and fani- ily, Peterborough, with Mr. and Mes. Walter Park Jr. Grace Gibbs and Linda Mount- joy had their tonsils removed. Hope you will bath be feeling better soon. Me. and Mes. Ewart Bragg and family, Bowmanville; Me. and Mes. Lloyd Skinner and family with Mr. and Mes. Walter Park. Mr. and Mes. M. Tabb and Kenneth visited Mr. and Mrs. Donald Druey, Lindsay. Me. and Mrs. M. Elford and children, Port Perey; F. C. Wil- liam Murdoch, Prince Edward Island; Miss Florence Murdoch and Jack Mantle, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mes. Lloyd Skinner and lamily wcre gucsts of Me. and Mes. M. Tabb. Me. John Maynard visited his daughter Phyllis Maynard, Bow- manville. Mr. and Mes. S. Osbore, To- ronto, visited Me. and Mrs. L. J. Goodman. Me. and Mes. E. Prcscott, Mes. K. Hardy and Miss Grace Smith were dinner guests of Me. and Mes. A. Abbatt, Oshawa. Mr. and Mes. J. Simipson and family, Trenton, with Me. and Mes. D. Stainton. Sorey ta learn Mn. James Ail- dread is in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvilllc; also Mr. James Colwill has been quite sick. We wish theni bath a specdy rccov- ey. Mr. and Mrs. John Oke, Osh- awa, visited her sister, Mes. Alma Yellowlees. Me. and Mes. J. A. Rosevear, Esther Ann and Jacqueline,, visit- cd Mr. I. W. Lance, Millbrook. Mes. James Alldread is with her daughte, Mes. H. Strong, Salemi. Me. and Mes. K.. A. Vietue and John visited Mes. Chas. Shaw, Oshawa. Mn.. R. Glaspell i. cxhibiting shcep at the Royal WintcrFair. Me. and Mes. Walter Rahm visited Me. and Mes. Pcrcy Hay- ward, Bowmanville. W.M.S. meeting was held at the home af Mrs. Percy Werry with1 9 ladies and four childeen in at- tendance. President Mes. A. Hilîs presided. Treasure gave a fine report. Mes. J. Broame conduct- ed theworship service. the theme being "The Bible as a Means afI Grace." Mes. J. C. Cook read the scipture. We were pleased ta have Mes. Chas. Daw, Hampton,( who gave a vcry lntercsting talk on hospitality in thec homes. Mrs. R. Glaspeil, geoup leader, presid-1 ed,, with the study book "Along1 African Trails" and also thankcd Mrs. Daw and Mes. Broome for their wondeful messages. Mes.1 E. White voiced a vote af thanks ta the hostess. Christmas meet-E ing will be Mes. R. Glaspell's. A1 social hall hour was enjoycd. & 25-Year Goodyear Employees Attend Party at Royal York Eightecn Goodyear employeca wcrc among those who attended a dinner at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, Saturday, Nov. 8th, Ion 25-year service men and wamen. Me. E. J. Thomas, Akron, presi- dent af the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, was peesent as well as other high-eanking of- ficiais. Chairman was Harley Alîman, Plant Manager, who welcomed those present and said that 86 had geaduated ta the 25-yeae pin ranka in 1952, bringing the total number since 1926 ta 607. They are scattered acroas the Dominion, lrom Vancouver ta St. John. Me. Alîman saîd that the pin was a symbol of appreciation ferni Goodyeae ta the employees wha conteibuted ta the geowth and development of the company in Canada. Me. Thomas, president o! the U.S. campany, and Mn. R. C. Berkinshaw, peesident o! Goodyear in Canada, expresscd congratulations. Bowmanville 25-ycar graduates who attended wcre, R. Aider, H. Armstrong, A. Bell. A. Dcwell, W. Fice, R. Fry, W. Heard, E. Hen- ning, R. Hutchinsan, H. Kelly, A. Kilpatrick, J. Kimble. A. Mo!- fatt, G. Montgomery, W. J. Onm- istan. W. Shatter, Mary Wallacc and H. Wright. BURKETON Mes. Harry Rahm spent e week with ber son at Saintlicld. Me. and Mca. S. Pede, Mrs. Leila Cochrane and Caral Anne Binneil with Mes. Harry Rahm. Mes. E. Adams and Mes. A. J. Smith werc in Peterborough re- cently. Mrs. Rosa Hubbaed, Oshawa, with bis parents, Mr. and Mes. Ben Hubbaed. Mr. and Mes. R. Bothwell, Osh- awa, visitcd Mr. and Mca. Merle Hubbard. Me. and Mca. A. J. Tompkins spent a day in Peterborough.* Rasemary Greer. Oshawa,. spent a week with ber geendmatber, I Mes. J. Greer. Remembrance Day service was held at marning service in the United Church an Sunday. Bueketon W.A. are baving their bazear and tea Thursday after- noon, Nov. 13tb. A Hallowe'en perty was hcld at the school with the childeen rcparting a veey fine tume and good prizes. The Orono News Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Boyd Mrs. Elizabeth J. BlevMtt, wife have rented- apartment at Mrs. of the late Almon Blewett, ass- John Turner's. , y ed away at New Toronto Ji her Mr. and Mes. Vagg and famiy 82nd year. She was mother of have moved from Staples Farm, Iva, Leonard and Lloyd, and sist- Cob Hill, to the Mill House. Mr. er of Mrs. Robert Rainey and Mr. and Mes. Warner and sons are George Taylor, Orono. Interment now living on the Staples Farm. Was in Orono Cemetery, Nov. 3rd. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. The Anglican Church W. A. Wm. Bunting on the birth of a held a bazaar and tea Thursday girl, sister for Fred. alternoon in the Parlsh Hall which Mr. and Mrs. Schmid (Helen -was a real success as ail booths Lewis) and farnily, Newcastle, weee weil patronized. moved last week to the house they Mr. Henry Swancott was taken recently puechased from York's ta Memorial Hospital, Bowman- on Church St. South., ville last Thursday. Miss Minnie Hall passed away Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mercer were at Mrs. H. Beown's Nursing among the out-of-town guests at Home. Newcastle, early Satueday. Mille - Piper wedding at Bow- Funeral was on Monday. Inter- inanville last Satueday. ment in Orono Cemetery. Rev. and Mrs. J. Kitchen and Mns. C. S. McLaren is teaching lamily accompanied by Mn.. J. G. at Newcastle Public School while Jackson, Orono, were dinner Me. Feank McMullen is ill in guests of Mr. and Mes. C. Glass I)owmanville Hospital. and Ray, Friday, it being the oc- Glad to sce Mr. Hcsper Dean is casion of Mes. Jackson's 88th able to be driving his truck alter biethday. cutting two linger. very deep, Mr. Wilbur Henry and lady whilc at woek in the bake shop. fricnd, Toronto. visited with Cecil A full bus load of Orono W. I. Glass and family. district ladies enjoycd the trip to Me. and Mrs. Alan Duesberey, Toronto last Wednesday. Miss Nancy Oliver, Toronto, visit- Mrs. James Major, Mrs. Gordon ed her parents, Mr. and Mes. Jack Winter and Mrs. Vîrti'?- Wilson all Hudson. hcld demonstrations in their Me. and Mrs. Bruce Meecer homes last wcek. wcrc in Oshawa reccntly. Mes. James Richards attended Oroh'o Public Library will soon the district meeting in Peter- be moved from over the Fiee Hall borough on Tucsday and was down to the store just north of luncheon gucat of Mr. J. D. Fer- The Orono Times office. Mr. guson, Rock Island Qucbec, Man- William Watson has been busy aging Director o! Spencer Sup- glving the store a face lifting ports, Mrs. Richards received coat of paint. congratulations on ncaching her Mes. Wiggins, Beampton, visit- 21st annivesary this mnonth with ed her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Spencer Co. H. Staples, who with Mr. and Last Sunday evening a special Mrs. Carl Billings, just rettÜrned Service of Remembrancè was from a conducted tour of parts held in Orono United Chuech. of the United States which wis Hon. Major John Foote, V.C., M. organized by the Farmers' Fed- P.P., was the special speaker. eation. Bowmanville Legion and Band Me. John B. Moat and Miss wee in~ attendance. Special mus- Beetha Gilîmnan, Oakville, visitcd ic by Orono Church Choir was en- Miss Minnie Hall at Mes.' H. joyed by the many who attended. Brown's, Newcastle, who is very The schools were closed -on ill. Tuesday, Nov. Il. Ms eneHoyi tyn Miss Bertha Cain was in To- Mir soniaene Hooey. tyn ronto on Tuesday wt e oLarneHoy Mrs. Wm. Cobbledick visited Mr. William Morris, brother of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rosboeough, Emnma, John Morris and Mes. C. Niagara Falls, Ont. Brown, passed away in Ottawa on Miss JoAnne Cornish is homel Oct. 28. fromn Memnorial Hospital, Bow-1 Mrs. Wm. Uglowv, Ncwtonville, manville and is out around again. 1 visited Mr. and Mes. Cecil Jones. NE WTON VILLE Me. and Mes. Harvey Gilbank, BaflyduIf, with Me. and Mes. Wes- ley Gilbank. Mr. Frank Gilmer la having bis housé shingled. Mn. and Mes. Edgar Whittakee, Hamilton, with Mr. and Mes. Ar- thur Redknap. Miss Alice Nesbitt and Miss Jean Wade, Toronto, were homne for the wcekend. Mr. and Mes. Lanson Milîson and Iamily moved ta Newcastle on Saturday. Me, and Mes. Hugh Stapleton and Mn. and Mes. William Hal- lowell with Me. and Mes. Bert Ballagh, Copenhagen, N.Y. Me. and Mes. Wilbert Han- cock, Peterborough, callcd on friends here Satucday. Mes, Charles Reid and daugbt- er Miss Hazel Reid and Mes. Al- fred Graham. Toronto, with Me. and Mrs. Wilîred Wood. Mes. George Stapleton la in Memoriai Hospital, Bowmanviile. Mes. Harold Caswell is in charge of her scbool at Ceooked Ceeek. Mes. Raymond Bruce with frienda at Bancroft while Mr. Bruce was deer hunting. Mes. William Stapleton ia not enjaying the beat af hcalth. Hec daugbter, Mrs. Lennox Vaasey, Pont McNichoi, is staying with her. Me. and Mes. Jack Lennie and son Stephen, Scarboro. with Me. and Mes. Willred Cox. Me. and Mes. Clinton Farrow and Me. and Mes. Sidney Lan- caster attended the Ice Capades in Toronto. Me. and Mes. Peecy Farrow, Starkville, with Me. and Mes. Wiilis Farrow. Me. And Mes. Clilton Robb, Montreal, arc at their cottage bore. Bud Joncs, Queen's, Kingston; Miss Shirley Jelff, Napance; Miss Fac Joncs, Toronto, and Carmen Cornish, Orono, wit4 Me. and Mes. Willis Joncs. Mes. Sadie Lamb, Toronto, and Me. and Mes. Kcnneth Kitchen, Port Hope, with Me. and Mes. R. S. Johaston. Me. and Mes. Lawrence Saveey, Oshawa, with Me. and Mes. Mel- ville Joncs. Me. and Mes. S. R. Nichais, Part Carling, with Mr. and Mes. Sidney Lancaster. Wc are soery to hear that aur minister, Rev. D. T. Lancaster, is in Oshawa Hospital. Congratulations ta Me. and Mes. Henry Reichrath, who wcre mareied in Outremont-Maunt Royal Preshyterian Church on Nov. lst. Me. and Mes. Sam Buttcry and daughtec. Marian, Salem, and Me.1 and Mes. Charles Wclsh and Iam-1 ily. Bawmanvillc, with Mes. John Lancaster. That is the most perfect gov- ernment under which a weong to the humblest is 'an affront to all.-Solon. WANTED TO RENT SINALL STORE 600 -800 sq. f t. in Bowmanville. Ail Replies Confidential. Singer Sewing- Machine Co. DIAL 3060 47 Walton Street, Port Hope, Ont. Debenture Issue (Continued feoni Page One) individual consumera considcrab- Iy. There are 2,000 reidential connections in Bowmanville, plus cannections for industry. Slight Rate Increase Commissioner Elliott later cx- plained that considcring the tot- al coat o! going ta the lake for water, cambined with all mci- dental expenses, "the water rate ta industry and individual usera should increase only by approx- imately 10 per'cent." Route of the peoposcd new 16 inch water pipe cernes ouf af Lake Ontario at the East Beach, up Simipson Ave., along the Wharf Rd., thence along the 'Base Line ta Duke St., north on Duke ta Argyle, along the Goodyear prapcrty ta Queen's Ave., north on this avenue ta Qucen St., thence up Division St., ta Cburch St. and over ta the pump bouse. Mr. Elliott, a member o! the P.U.C. bar the past 10 years, had this ta say ta Council: 'We ledl thia la the only solution. We re- gret wc have ta came and have the Corporation guarantee the debenture issue o! $350,000, but wc leel we arc justified ta go ahead and spend this maney. The only solution is ta go ta the lake," he said. Lake la Only Solution Coun. Wilfrid Canruthers said that going ta the lake appeans to be the only solution for the pees- cnt water shortage peoblem. "I leel the P.U.C. bas looked inta the matter carebully," he said, "and as Council, we should ac- cept It. I think appeaval should be given." He moved second reading af the by-law. Such ac- tion was taken. The by-law is now in the banda a! the Municipal Board. If they apprave the expenditure, Council will be obliged ta give the by-law third rcading. This will enable the Commission ta get started on the project this spring with the increase in watcr supply benebît- ting Bowmanvilic consumers by next fll, allowing for an eight month construction period. Remembrance Day (Contlnued Ironi Page One) munity, looking very smart ih their regalia and perfoeming well as musicians. Suppoeted by a fine turnout af members af the Legion and aI the Woman's Aux- iliary they gave ta the observance of the solenin occasion an aie which would bave been fan less noticeable an a woeking day. Although those standing around Iound the wind chill, it was acf- ually better than average weather that favourcd the ceremonies this year. Legion Attends St. John's Anglican Church Atter tbe Cenataph service members af the Canadian Legion attended the morning service at St. John's Anglican Church where they swelicd the congeegatian ta oveeflowing proportions. Led by their band and coloues the mem- bers pa.raded down Temperance Street ta be met at the doar o! the Church by the Rector, Rcv. Warren Turner. The coloues were deposited in the Sanctuarv. Familiar hymna, including "Faith of Our Fathers' selected by MaNlar Little, were sung. Mr. Turner spoke on the "~Pur- pose o! Victory." Abter suggest- ing variaus reasons which led men ta answer the caîl ta the colours, be went on ta point ouf that whatevee thase reasans might be, stîli the reason that aur arma had heen granted victory lies in the text - that wc might serve Him without bear. The preacher went on ta eniphasize the impor- coins, 'In God we- trust.' That'may! ices. Rev. C. W. i-utton was at be quite ail right but the place Albert St., Oshawa, for the sec- ta have those words inscribed is vices and spoke avec CKLB. inside, in the hcart." Sa in his Friday evening the first Fall short sermon the preacher ce- Dance af the O.N.0; Club was celicd ta hiÉ hearers the purpose beid at the Recreational Centre af victary, that is that wre may Music was supplied by Tommy serve God without fear. Langiey's Orchestra, Lindsay. Foi-; St. John's Choir under the iowing wcrc prize winners: Door direction o! Mes. E. V. Luck cap- prize-Cecil Hamilton-, spot dance ably rendcrcd the setting of the -Joyce Venning, Howard Say- 23cd Psalm known as "Brother well: annivecsary waitz-Mr. and James' Air." Mes. John Grieve; elimination- Leaving Church it was good ta Mr. and Mes. Ivan Thompsan. hear from bath members o! the Tuesdav marning. Nov. Il there Legion and others in the congre-, was a gaad turnaut at the Com- gatian expressions o! appeecia- munitv Hall ta pay tribute ta aur tion for the waemth and beauty Honoe'ed Dead o! the twa Great aI the service, 0 Wars. Rev. George Nicholson and, In welcoming the Legion and Rev. C. W. Hutton led in prayers the Woman's Auxiliary ta St. and the National Antheni and John's Church, Me. Turner took hymns were sung. At the Ceno- the occasion ta congeatulate theni taph the names were read hy. veey warmly on the obviaus suc- Reeve George Black. Mrs. Henrv cess o! their cureent building Mahaffey placed the wreath an .d campaign. the silence was observed. Specicil Invitation 1 1 For Wom.n to loin The Newcasle Canadicm Club Speaker- et the November I meeting of thc Women's Canadian Club Manday alternoon, Nov. 17, Miss Claire Aluin and Miss1 at St. Jahn's Parish Hall, will be Canal Jane Austin, Oakvillc, both Jean Cameron Marjoribanks, a students at Toronto Normal1 member af the national execut- School, spent lest wcek at Claire'. ive af the United Nations Assoc- home whilc they werc teaching1 iation in Canada. Hec subject at Beawn's School.1 will be "The United Nations." Mr. and Mes. W. J. Hancock,' Me.. Maejoeibanks is noted as Peterboro, spent Saturday with1 an outstanding speaker and is Me. and Mes. Clarence Allun. 1 much in dcmand throughout On- We are soery to hear that Me.. faria as a speaker on the United George Meadows fell and injurcd1 National. and international ai himself and was taken ta Mem-1 laies. She has just returned from anial Hospital, &owmanville. 1 .New Yack whcrc she attendcd the Mes. Fred Grnani, Kirby, vis-1 opening sessions of the General ited her sister, Mes. George Glan-1 Assembly af the United Nations, ville. Mes. Gardon Ash went Women of Bowmanvillc and out ta Kieby Wcdnesday aI tee- disric ar inite teattndnoon with Mes. Graham. Whilc disric ar inite taattndthere Mes. Ash visitcd the school wheee she was se pleascd ta sec some a! her former pupils and BLACKSTOCK~ ta meet their teacher, Miss Haen- Me. and Mes: Alex Clements, 1&s. Jack Crago has been away NorwodwithMr.andMes. Rus- from her school for a fcw days NoewodwithMe.andowing to a bad cold. scîl Mountjoy. W r lae eseM.F Miss Marion Graham, Vancouv- W r lae ascM.F er, who is attending Toronto Uni- McMullen out again alter hi. vcrstyvistedRev.andMrs C.illness. verstyvistedRev.andMrs C. Miss Margaret Ash spent Tues-à W. Hutton. day and Wednesday in Toronta Mes. Archie Newton, Toronto, with hec aunt, Mes. R. G. Wright, and Mes. Charles Cax (Mabel and while there thcy attended the Crawford) Cleveland, visîted Mes. IeCpds George Crawford and Me. and IeCpds Mrs.J. W Peace.Miss Minie Hall, Qeona, passcd Mes J.W. eare.away at the home of Mes. Herb Me. and Mes. Stanley Malcolm, Brown Satueday. Had she lived Bawmanville, with Me. and Mes. until November 2lst she would Neil Malcolmi. have attained the ripe aid age Me. and Mes. N. S. McNally, of 90 yeaes. Coîbarne, with Mrs. Joseph Ford- Mx-. and Mes. Aenold Tanikin- er. son and family, Toranto, spent Me. and Mrls. Rupert Byes, the weekend with Me. and Mis. Bowmanvillc; Mes. R. Lansing Chris Barchard. and Miss Phemia Hooey, Toronto, Congeatulations are extcndcd with .Me. and Mes. Heeman ta Mes. T. Sclby af Grand Coulce, Hooey. Sask.. upon eeaching his 94th Me. Richaed Van Camp, Kempt- v carSat Hallowe'en time, Oct. 31.1 ville Ageicultueal College and 1~r cbabote Itelt MissDoren Va Cam, Peer-Isaac Sclby and uncle af Mes. Sam borough Normal School, with Me. Powell, Mes. Ere Wicks and Mes. and Mes. Stanlord Van Camp.- Marie Gartshone, is cnjaying*the Dareen was a student teacher near veey best o! hcalth. Although Janctville lest wcck. having lcft Newcastle aven 40 Me. Glen Lancer, Kcmptville ycaes ago, he still keeps in touch Ageicultural College, with Me. with home town news by being and Mes. E. Lancer. asbcie eTeSaem Mr. Merlin Bailey, Dunnvillc, asbcic aTeSaemn with Mes. H. Bailey. United Church News Mc. nd Ms. rantFergson A congregation cxceeding in and Mes. Deummond, Toronta, numbers an average attendance with Mn. and Mes. Roy Ferguson. gathered in the United Church Mes. Levi McGill,, Peterboeough, Sunday marning ta honour in and Mes. Mark Weldon, Uxbridge, affectionate memory the honour- visited Mr. and Mes. James Parr cd dead embeacing two world and Mes. H. Bailey. wars. Mr. and Mes. Robt. Ford Mn. Jack Allin soundcd "The (Marion Taylor), Toeonto, with Last Post" follawed by two min- Me. and Mes. Neil Malcolm. utes' silence which, in tuen, was Me. and Mes. Ronald Drink- succeeded by the bugle note af water, Ottawa, with Mes. William "The Reveille." Van Camp. The choie rendeed the anthcm Mr. and Mes. Alex Johnston "O Saviour of the Woeld" which are visiting Me. and Me@. Roy was quite in kceping with the Aveey, Tilbury. atmospheee gaveening the service. Bill Fergusorq i. a member of The minister's subi ect was the Durham County Teamn, judg- "Lesser Calvaries" rcminding his ing this week at the Royal Wir.ter hearees that there was an in- Fair. tegeated relationship betweent Miss Gertrude Henry, Toronto, these "Lesser Calvaries" exper- with Mes. James Henry. îenced by those who went forth Miss Pearl Wright, Toronto, and failed ta retuen and the with Mr. and Mes. Carl Weight. "Central Calvary" upon which Mes. M. Franks, Peterborough, the Central Christ was crucified. is visiting her sister, Mn. and Mes. Continuing this mood at the ev- Lesilie Mauntjoy, ening service, by way of sacred Mes. Allan Moore. Shirley, sang, Rev. L. H. Turner eendered spent last weck with Mes. E. Geoffrey O'Hara's immortal com- Darcy. position "There Is No Death." Me. Robt. Smith, Peterborough,MeoraSrvc was home for the weekcnd. Mmra evc Miss Jessie McAethur, Univer-- There was a stirring Memorial sity af Toronto, with Dr. and Mes. Sevice in the Newcastle Comn-i J. A.McArhur.munity Hall on Nov. llth whichc J. A.McAnhur.was well attended. "O God Our Miss Clara Marlow, Napance, HeIp In Ages Past" and "Valiant with Me. and Mes. Wallace Mar- Hearts" were sung, Mrs. Johnt low. Garrod playing the piano. H. J.r Rev. and Mes. C. W. Huttan Jase acted as chairman and caîl-% visited relatives in Hamilton on cd on Rcv. D. R. Dewdney ta Monday.. lead in the respansive reading.z Mission Band arc holding their Rev. L. H. Turner led in prayer tea in church basement on Sat- Ior the fallen, the bereaved andj urday afternoon. the waundcd. Rcv. Dewdneye A charteed bus took Institute read "For the Fallen" alter whicht membees ta the convention at the C. R. Carveth eead the names ofi. Royal York Hotel, Toronto, on those who Icîl: Thuesday. A skif An Institute Newcastle, 1914-18: W. E. Lock- Meeting of 50 Years Ago," was hart, D. M. McDonald, W. W. presented by the follawing mcm- Jase, G. H. Noden, E. A. Coulson, bers af aur Institute., Mes. A. L. p. C Gomme, G. E. Howard, A. Bailey, Mes. Roy Taylor, Mes. B. Bloom, D. W. Parker. 1939-45: Lamne Thonipsan, Mes. Earl Don- rell, Mes. George Wolfe, Mes.a Ernest Larmer and Mes. H. Bailcy. fleighbors gatheeed at the homeS Mes. Lorme Thampson sang a of Me. and Mes. Fred Toms for a solo at the convention on Wednes- social farewell party before they9 day. leave ta reside at Enniskillen. On Saturday cvcning in the They were presented with a cal-c PLENAMINS PURETESI PLENAMINS-The 2a day capsules-contai 6 essential vitam ins-p lus the bonsfite 'l of Liver and Iran. jj8ýox of 50 Cpsules qjjj!à ý 25days supply ëýZ.ùOO1 Jury & Lovei1 Phone 778 Bowmanville PAGE qJT~ ,Independent phone 2511 Newcautle Murray Butler, Alfred Alldrea4 Glenn Brooks. Korea: J. E. Belsey. Township of Clarke, 1914-18& D. C. Law, F. W. Gibson, Leland' Hooper, Lewis Spry, Rolanl White, Sam Glanville, Llone Bowen. 1939-45: Cecil Bruton; Norman Bruton, Alfred WaddelIk Joe Goldstink, John Grady, Maye nard Clough, Sidney Morgan, JadlE Barnes, Gilbert Dent Georgi Forbes, Sebert Hall, Milton Mora ton, Sidney Reid, George Rolph, Donald Powell. Mrs. E. J. Belsey andMr.M Alldread placed the memori"i wreaths. "Last Post" was ably played by, Jack Allin. Service concluded with the singing of "God Save. the Queen." St. George's Church News Afternoon Branch of the W.A. met Tuesday to make final plans for the evening meeting to Novi il at which Mrs. Marsh, Toronto; will speak. Mfter the business a new quilt was worked on and tea was served. Tuesday evening the Evening Branch met at the home of Mms Harold Gibson. There was a very large attendance and a most en, joyable evening was spent. Anâ, through the kindness of Mrs. Hyman a lovely film "Colourful South Africa" was shown by Mr.. C. Carveth, and Mrs. Hyman gave a short talk about South Africaý The members and guests were de- lighted by the pictures and moat intecsted in what Mrs. Hyman had to tell us. A short busines' meeting was held and churcý, calendars distributed. We werg pleased to welcome three ne* members, Mrs. Ail. Brown, Mr, Gray and Mrs. Jack Perri. vote of thaýnks to Mrs. Hyman andî Mr. Carveth was moved by Mrs, Ken Stephenson, seconded bý Mis. Fred Thomas.r On Sunday, at Matins, a verý beautiful service commemoratea the fallen of two wars. The.ser- vice concluded with two minutee. silence and the words: "Grant them 0 Lord, eternal rest, and may light perpetual shine around them." United Church Choir Give Excellent Concert Newcastle United Church was more than ordinarily patronize on Wednesday evâning for the choir concert created and diretý. ed by Mr. Neil S. Stewart, organ-6 ist. The choral aggregation nunii. bered 27 with Mrs. Higginbottomn as guest artist showing her powers of elocution. Rev. L. H. Turner tendered a hearty welcome ta the assembled audience and expressed apprec- iation to the personnel of the Merrie Married Couples Club for the merging of their programn With this event by way of col- lective patronage. An instrumental "Overture" op- ened the program with Mrs. C. A. Cowan at the piano and Mr. Stewart at the organ. This open- ing number was possessed of a finesse rich in its shading and velvety in its cadencies auguring a cultural feast which in its development did not disappoint the anticipation of those present. The program was a texture of infinite variety, the splendour and dignity of sacred compositions by way of anthems, rollicking cre- scendos emanating frorn the full throê.ted chorus of the men in numbers such as "We'll Rant and We'll Roar" and the policeman's sang from the "Pirates of Pen- zance.' j Miss Jane Bennett and MVrs. James Brown delighted their cli- entile by the superb renderlng of that splendidly idyllic compos-i ition from Edward German's "Merrie England" the "Shep- herd's Dance". This rendering possessed of a harmony of voice and a delightful technique evoked much applause.. Compositions "My eonnie Lass" and "Rolling Down ta Rio" were superbly rendered by the choir. The personnel of the choir to- gether with the supporting artist, Mrs. Higginbotham were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jose a%

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