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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Dec 1952, p. 18

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- a n a * JJt/ TV cana. V LAJLJfl, t/fl .1. ~tLb.It/ TIIIJR ?~W rAT'3AnA~1 ~'?Aq'I'@I1A~a ~ AWT~7?? TV fI~?~'A ~?f% Religious Education in Schools Subject of Enlightening Address By Rev.T. A. Morgan ai H. & S. Club Christmnas decorations and the ing a charge in Alberta. Mr. Mor- singing o! Christmas carols ap- gan, who is a native o! Hamilton, propriately accompanied the De- is a graduate o! Emmanuel Col- lege, Toronto, and was ordained cember meeting o! the Home .and in 1943. He carne to Bowmanville School Association held in the !rom St. George's Church, Toron- Central School on Wedncsday to. night, Dcc. 3. Guest speaker was Mr. Morgan said he feit that his Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, minister subject was one in which members o! Trinity United Church, whosc o! the Home and School Associa- topic, "FReligious Education in the tion, as parents, would be vitally Public Schools", provided much interested. food for thought. Mrs. Geo. Ontario schools, With the con- Buchan was convenor o! program. sent o! local sehool boards, have Mrs. R. Hu1-,tchinson, president, a period o! rcligious instruction presided. Following a most har- an d open classes with a Bible monious, vocal trio number, "Beth- reading and prayer. In Alberta, lchem", ung by Mrs. L. W. Van where Mr. Morgan had his first Driel, Mrs. S. R. Jamnes and Mrs. charge, bis was the only church D. R. Alldread, accornpanied by for 50 miles and the sehools were Miss Leta Bragg, Mrs. James led so scattered that he was only able in carol singing which was. an to get around to each, once in enjoyable feature o! the evening. two wceks for a half hour period Introducing Rev. T. Arthur o! religious instruction. Morgan, who came to Trinity in "T'here is a trernendous job to June o! this year, Mrs. S. R . James be donc in such parts o! the coun- spoke o! his five years' experiencetr" esiifwaetogv as General Secretary o!fte e 'try"he bsdif w aento givle ligious Education Council, folow- enthe abaceudtanenthet Cold Wave $7-5Complete Arthur Huyck Who specializes in the most recent and advanced meth- ods in permanent waving and haircutting, will be at Bowmanville on Mon., Wed. and Friday of each week. HUYCK'S House OF Style at the rear of Coffee Shop Royal Conservatory of Music of Toronto MUDWINTER EXAMINATIONS FEBRUARY, 1953 Applications und fe.s must eoh the Conservatory flot luter thon JAN. 10, 1953 15COLLEGE STREET eTORONTO 28, ONT. ilili pentecostal services and the other a study with African girls. Mrs. Don Tennant, Mrs. Lyall Lowery and Mrs. H. Mercer, Orono, and Mrs. Bill Cochrane and Mrs. Bill Wannan spent Tues- day in Peterborough. Several attended the dance at Leskard on Friday night for the Memorial Hospital Fund, Bow- manville. Mr. and Mrs. Milt Wannan spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wannan. Miss Marion McKelvey, Toron- to, with Mrs. F. Brimacombe. Mrs. Chas. Cooper, Orono, Hospital Auxiliary Members at Work Edna Jacques At Holstein Meet Gives Sparkling Address Edna Jaques o! Toronto, one of Canada's best known and be- loved poets, brought much en- joyrnent through her address to Holstein Breeders o! Durham County at their annual turkey banquet held at Orono Tuesday evening, Dec. 2nd. The banquet, receiving a great deal o! praise frorn those attend- ing, was catered to by the Wornan's Association o! the Orono United Church. Mr. Neil Malcolmn, president o! the Durham County Holstein As- sociation, acted as chairman. A large number of Junior Farmers representing the 4-H club were guests o! the Holstein Association with recognition being observed for their splendid work. Super- ior Certificates were presented to breeders for milk production by Mr. George McLaughlin of Elm- croft Farrns, Oshawa. Honor was further bestowed on Mr. Earle Brown with the presentation of a "True Type" model cow in re- cognition o! his accomplishments during the year. A humorous address by Edna Jacques was the feature of the evening. As a poet Edna Jacques rates high and in 1951 one o! her poerns was voted the best in the United States for the year. She was born in Ontario later moving to Saskatchewan. Her address touched on many of her out- standing and never-to-be-forgot- ten experiences during her trav- els. These experiences were in- terspersed with sorne very won- derful poerns written by her. Other entertainment on the pro- gram was a comie singer from Oshawa and also community sing- ing. KIRBY The Christmas meeting o! the W.M.S. was held Dec. 3rd with Mrs. Bryson presiding. Mrs. H. Lowery, organist, opened the meeting with quiet Christmas music. Christmas scripture read- ings were taken by Mrs. Gus Wil- son and Mrs. Clarence Allun. Mrs. Bryson led in a meditation and prayer in which ail took part. Mrs. H. Lowery rendered a Christ- mas solo and Mrs. Hartemunk gave an interest'ng account o! Christmas in Holland. Mrs. E. Quantrill was in charge o! the study book !rom which she read two letters written by a mis- sionary in Angola. One letter gave us a vivid picture of their PERMA NENT WAVES Designed for You Alone That is an ofirich solution prepared for "your own" particular type o! hair. No excessive heat - a luke- warm process. church would like to give." aThe report o! the Hope Cor [mission on education pointed oi the importance o! developir character in children and th( considered the only basis for su( developrnent to be by the teaf] ing o! rcligious principles. T] supports what the Church has fe for years, Mr. Morgan added. The Hope Commission recon mendcd extending courses o! ig ligious instruction to the hig schools, where credits for the. courses would be given towar college entrance. At present Bri ish Columbia is the only provinc using this systcm, with the ei ception o! New!oundland, wher the schools are under church cor "I L* ,ce trol. It is feIt that such courses Hr Xr would give young people a back-Hos r e r f grudo! faith, ethics and moralseBr d rso a-to carry into adult living. made in the United State's whîchMa yP ze show that the schools have an important role to play in char- For some years past people have acter building, !ollowing the home been talking about the horse be- and fricndship groups in import- comîing an extinct animal on the ance. At the bottorn o! the list farms o! Durhamn County and cîse- in influence werc Sunday Schools wherc. But this prediction was and churches. The church has flatly and irnpressively contra- tried to remedy this by providing dicted by the extensive and suc- groups o! interest to school age cessful showing o! ight and heavy children, Mr. Morgan said. horses at the recent Royal Winter Mr. Morgan also quoted the con- Fair at Toronto. To prove this clusion reached by Dr. Ernest statement we are glad to list at Ligon, head o! the Psychology lcast some o! the prize winnings Dept. o! Union College, Schenec- at this great international show: tady, who studied the question, W. H. Lindsay o! Camnpbell- "What is Christian chaxiacter?" croft. did exceptionally well with and that o! psychologists all over his standard bred roadster horses, the United States who met in con- taking prizes as follows: vention at Washington to arrive Standard bred 2 yr. olds-2nd at what makes up "healthy" char- p r i z e on "Stewart Worthy acter. Their !indings were much Princc". the sarne, corresponding almost Standard Bred Stallion-Re- exactly with the Beatitudes of serve Champion on "Stewart Jesus. Worthy Prince." From this research, a course has Gcld Mares-2nd on "Brownies been worked out and is in use in Playgirl". private sehools and Y.M.C.A.'s in Two animais, progeny o! one the U.S., which teaches the prin- damn-lst with "Brownies Play ciples o! Christian character with- Girl" and "Stewart Worthy out giving offense to any religious Prince". group or those opposed to re- Futurity Class-2nd on "Stew- ligious teaching in the school. Mr. art Worthy Prince". Morgan expressed the hope that Single Horse in harness over we may sec suchi a course adopt- 15-2-3rd with 'Mark Stout" in a cd here. class o! 5 entries. Home and church have donc ex- Canadian owncd and bred cellent work together, he said, class-4th with "Lady Lee" in a and with the schools added, w'e class of 7 entries. can have a greater generation Single Horse in Harness under than ever before. 15-2--3rd with "Lady Lee" in a Miss Marjorie Couch o! Central class of 8 entries. School tcaching staff, expressed Pair o! Trotters, over 15-2-2nd to Mr. Morgan the appreciation o! prize. all present for his fine address. Pair o! Trotters, under 15-2- Minutes were rcad by Mrs. H. 3rd in a class of 6 entries. Pickard, Secretary; treasurer's Single Harness Horse, paceand report given for Mrs. F. Cole by action-4th with "Mark Stout" in Mrs. Bruce Milne, and letters a class of 9 entries. were read by corresponding secre- Fifteen hundred dollars prize tary, Mrs. Perfect. These includ- money, Mather Road Stake-6th cd a note o! thanks fromn Mrs. Muriel Syrnons who has been ini, for a plant sent by the associa- 11i//, tion. A special Christmnas colc.- tion cither for a ncedy farnily here or to be donated to the Children's Aid Society, Port Hope, was tak-_ f en, Mrs. D. R. Alldread at the piano played a lively march whileI ahl filed past the table at the front and dropped in their contribu- tion. Miss Leta Bragg presided at the piano for opening and closing ex-- ercises. The president announced that the January meeting would *~' take the fornm o! "Fathers' Night" and would be sponsored by the Lions Club. Tîme! the corrector when our judgments err.-Lord Byron. Let a DUR O do Rindiess 5wisa CHEESE lb 73c Ontario M id Coloured CHEESE b 39c ANPG Cheese Individuals BLACK DIAMOND 3/-b2.59 Kraft Hanidi Snack Y CH3EESE ]MOULS '"-lb 2,5cRH Ana Page Fume us BREAD FRUIT CAKE 24-oz 3ib$139 LOAF c RING$1.3SLICED 1 7c DEEP CUT SPECIALS! Salada Brown Label TEA Aylmner Cream Style cOIR1V Mapie Leaf MCINCEMEAT Margarine (Regular) Yukon Club (Contents only) GIGl]«ER ALE Yukon Club (Contents only) SODA SAVE 9% lb 99c Z SAVE 7% 20-oz tins 27c SAVE 10% 2-lb in 35c SAVE 11% b33c Z SAVE 80% 30-oz bîls 23c SAVE 9% Z30-oz btfss Zlc tt nii' ~t1 e P.E.I. Canada No. 1, FuIIy Matured, Excellent Keper, POTATOES 50-1b. bag $2n29 TANGERINES Florida Large No. 1, Sweet 176's à.,:25C ORANGES Calif. Navel, Seedless 220's doz 45C LETTREC Arizona Iceberg - No. 1 each 19C CELERY STALKS Bradford - Pascal No. 1 2 for 29c SAVE ON MEAT AT A&P RED OR BLUE BRAND BEEF Steaks or Roasts PORTERHOUSE WING or SIRLOIN lb75 DONELESS ROUND FLAT RIB DRISKET PRIME RIB ROAST RUMP ROAST VEAL ROAST Doneloss COD FILLETSFehCut PRICES EFFECTIVE IJNTIL SATURDAV, DEC. lb 79e ib23e lb 69( l69C lb 49c l37e out ng .cy ch hiIs ,lt re- Igh se ird PHONE 703 HAYES* HEFLIN . WALKER JAGG~R k HERATKE - OWMANVILLE3 FRIDAY - SATURDAY - DEC. 12 - 13 More than 30 wornen from this district. spend countless hours working on be- haif of Memorial Hospital through the Women's Auviliary. Here, four members measure cloth in the Auxiliary Room at the hospital. They are doing their bit in supporting Mern- orial Hospital but they need your help when it cornes to dollars to free the hospital of debt. Frorn left to right above are: Mrs. Wes.Cawker, Mrs. Joe O'Neill, Mrs. W. H. Birks and Mrs. V. H. Storey. the .rumpzng ! sAVING TIME ... REDUC- - LBOR ... INCREAS- ING PRODUCTION. DURO Pîimps, dcsigned for Farm duty, supply frcshi water whcrc and Misen you necd it . .. ini the homne . . barn ... poultry yard... truck garden ... provides reserve for tire protection. Sece our Plumber or DURO dealer for fuil information about the type of DURO Shallow or Deep \VclI Punip you need, or writc for fcoldcer, "Running Water, the Farm Neceuaity", Man's Besi Friend ! 1 YOU'LL be the fellow in the doghouse if fîre or other disaster catches you without dependable, up-to-date Insur- a nce. Better eall on this Agency today. When disaster strikes, a man's best friend is his Insurance Agent!j StuartI R. James INSURANCE- REAL ESTATE Phone: Office 681 Res. 493 Ring Street. Bowmanville f PUMPS & SOFTENERS LIMITED PFa3 LONDON - CANADA JACK BROUGHR PLUMBING AND HEATING Bowman aile Division St. S PHIONE 615 1Durham Counîy it he Royal Fair with "Lady Lee" in a class of 8 entries. Then G. E. Robinson of Cavan Township did exceedingly weIl, cornpeting with Percheron breed- ers from ail over Canada. His prizes were: First prize on a 6-horse tearn in a class of 4 entries. Second prize on a 2-horse team in a class of 16 entries. Third prize on a 4-horse team in a class of 6 entries. Grant Henry of Millbrook, Cav- an Twp., won several prizes on his saddle horses. Ralph Saddler of Nestleton won a numnber of prizes with his hack- neys. Mr. Elmer Lee of Enfiold won second prize in the Light Express or Delivery Horse Class, in a class o! 15 entries. W. J. Boyd and Son o! Orono won several- prizes with their Clydesdale colts, and also won prizes on Oats. Look flot mournfully to the past-it cornes not back again; wisely improve the present-it is thine; go forth to meet the shad- owy future without fear. and with a manly heart.-Longfellow. Siafford Bros. Monîumental Works Phone Whitby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Precise workmanship and careful attention to detail are your assurance when you choose from the widc sciection o! imported and domctstic Granites and Marbles in stock. Patterson. Mrs. Thompson entertainï some friends to a card part$, oit Monday night.1 Mrs. Patterson, Mrs. C. Wt Cooper, Mrs. Bill Cochrane, Mr, and Mrs. Bill Wannan and h& spent Monday afternoon in OJ awa. Mrs. G. W. Crumbak, Montreal, visited her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. P. Bigelow and family with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mut Wannai Mrs. Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. Bilh Wannan and Ross with Mr. andý WEDE~r~A -TFUESDAY - EC. 17 - 18 14,The Most Exciting hlovie ofthe Year! LEO McCAREY'S Mwy Son John HHELEN VAN ROBERT DEAN HDDPER'S Grue AIStar Vori-thin "WAND FLEX" - wth ex- pansion bracelet, 10 kt. gold-Ilhled top, stoînless steel bock . . .. $42.50 acl V.ri-th in "FRANCINE" 10 kt. gold-filled top, stainies, steel bock .. .. $5250 Veri-thln "CHIA RLOTTE" 17 jewel move- ment, 10 kt. gold- filled cos. $6500 HOOPER'S IFT SHOP 28 King St. W. lowmanville Phone 747 j2 1~ i ~1 J! 1. CASH 2. CHARGE 3. BUDGET TERMS 4. LAY-AWAY PAGE EIGHTEEN MONDAY - TUESDAY - DEC. 15 - 16 1 1 4_ WAYS TO BU) 1 mi THE CANADIAN -,TATr.qMA19 MMMàvte-. ISDAY, DEC. 11, 1952 .7ra JCt aýted.eÎa41 0"e- i-ýd -i + te -,ý - * -ý- -.- 1--, - 0 * die * m

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