- 'r - - ~ -r------------- - - -~ - v STHfURSDAY. DEC. 11. 1952 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. 1ROWMANMLP. fN9'AIIIO Sixtieth, Wedding Anniversary Of Mr. and Nrs. Simon McCoy and Mrs. Simon MCoy Mr. ar.d Mrs. S. McCoy (nee haPPily celebrated their 6thi Amelia Thompson>, were mar- wedding anniversary invth theirl ried Dec. 7th, 1892, at Pontypool. famlly, friends and relatives ont The first eight years they hived Saturday evenhng, Dec. 6th, in! at New Park and for 52 years the Community Hall,i have resided in Tyrone commun- Ail their family were present ity. ich included: Mr. and Mrs. Many friends called to offer arnet McCoy, Bowmanvi]Ic: Mr. congratulations, coming fromn Tor- and Mrs. Lorne McCoy, Brooki in:! onto, Fenelon Falls, Stouffville, Mr. and Mrs. Alber-t Pouiter Whitb-,, Oshawa, Bowmanville, (Verna),' Oshawa; six grand- Orono, Hampton, Haydon, Burke- children and il great-grand- ton and Tyrone. çhildren.1 1, A beautiful three-tier weddingî bake graced the head table fi ank- Ofcr lc n e with candles and bouquets. AShdueD a nU licios turev dnner as sr- ce u Da nU ved by Tyrone Women'sInstitute. Men's Hockey Lge. JShort speeches ofcogau- tions were given by their sons ercy and Lorne- McCoy. Rev I The executive to handie the af- D.Lute made a short speech and fairs of the Bowmanvillc Men's proposed the toast to the bride Hockey League was chosen at a and groom. A very fitting, reply league meeting held recently, *as made by Mr. McCo '., I with Jack Coole being elected ,. Their daughter, Verna, precrint- president of the loup. Id ber mother xith a bouqueti Other officers chosen are: 'f roses and mums, and their so Frank Burns, secretary-treasurer; ,<; t rsetd ad vt'ý Tomi Cowan, Ron Parker, Front g purse. The bride xvas a iso pre- S treet teara representdtives; Bob I;sented with a bowl of sixt 'v ccd Craig, Ralph Kelly for Foresters; troses by nieces, Mrs. R. Dev'nan1 Lloyd Hamilton, Don Masters, <May), Miss Dolly Thompso n andj Goodyear; Bud Virtue, AI Strike, m -. J. Douglas (Jean), of Tor- Combinecs. Jack McNulty was î 6nto. appointed to make arrangements J'Many lovely flowcrs, cards and foi-"fee~ tifts were received b * yMr. and The following schedule was ýNMrs. McCoy on this happy oc- 1d'-îwn Lit: eion. Dec. 11,7:30-Goodyear vs. MAS FLOWERS AND PLANTS For your convenience we have miade arrangemients with the T.V. SHOP to handie cut flowers, î potted plants, etc. S. Juickman & Son BOWMANVILLE - ONTARIO Greenhouses: Phone 780 TV. Shop: Phone 3262 j MODEL D-162 Large Six.-Low Price You couldn't get a better value in a big, family -size refrigcrZ' ator than this 8.7 eu. ft. Kelvinator! Store 28 Ibs. of frozen foods and ice cubes in the roorn frozen f(x>d rhe%t. White Polystyrene meat tray has rcar plastic çover. The big 12. quart cris.per has independently-supported glass rover s,.hich akso serves as a %heif. Interior hilighted in heautiful Sirato- Blue. Sheif arra-16.9 sq. ft. Net capacitv-8.7 eu. ft. Overali dimensions: sidth. 31 3,16"; depth. 29 3, 16"; hcight. 57 13 16". Only Kolvinator Has The Famous Polorsphre S.aied-ln-Ste.l Unit, with 5-vear Warranty F.F. Morris Co. 7 o THERÈ ISA'BEttEk E ,RGR TR Front St.; 9:00 - Foresters vs.t Treas.-Ruth Lamb; Birthday bc Combines. - Chester Milîs; Librarian- Dec. 18, 7:30-Combines vs. Nancy Wood; Temperance-Gar Front St.; 9:00-Goodyear vs. For- Beckett; Peace-Lorna Weari esters. Press Reporter-Ted Yeo; Piai Jan. 8, 7:30-Foresters vs. Front ists-Elenor Heard and Ray As] St., 9:00-Goodyear vs. Combines, ton. eJan. 15. 7:30.--Combines vs. Foresters; 9:00-Front St. vs. Goodyear; Jan. 22, 7 :30-Foresters T R N vs. Goodyear; 9:00-Front St. vs. T R N sCombines. Christmas meeting of W.M.. xvas held at Mrs. Ralph Gla. ri ENNISKILLEN pell's Dec. 4wt a splendi A. Hilîs, in charge. Group leade Annuai turkey banquet of Ennis- Mrs. F. Werry had chargec -killen Football Association was program. Worship service wa held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. taken by several ladies alon Russell 'McLaughlin on Wednes- with Christmas carols with Mn day night, Dec. 3rd. The mem- R. Roy as pianist for meeting bers and their ladies. 44 in all, She also played two piano solc sat down to a table laden with which everyone enjoyed. Mrs.1 turkey and chicken.' After sup- Wright gave the chapter of th per the boys invited their hostess- study book and Mrs. Percy \Verr es and hostess, and resident of read a Christmas story. A socLî the community to join them at time was enjoyed. 26 quartsc »the hall to dance. fruit have been sent into Mem 3 The dance celebrated the fact orial Hospital, Bowmanville. Th~ 1that the boys were the victors January meeting at Mrs. Russe] this past season. We do hope you Wright's. lads make this an annual affair. W.M.S. officers for 1953 are Ruth Wilson's band supplied the Past President - Mrs. Russe] music for both round and square Wright; President-Mrs. A. Hilli dancing. Russ MeLaughlin prov- Vice-Pres.-Mrs. J. C. Cook; Se( ed to be an adept "caller" to lead -Mrs. W. Miller; Treas.-Mrs. F s0 many grunt and groaners Werry; Pianist-Mrs. C. W. Wood through the square dances. bey; Ass't Pianist-Mrs. G. Ail Prizes were donated by Allan dread; Temp. Sec.-Mrs. G. AiU Werry and were won bv Mr. anddra;CisinSe rsi- Mrs. Lloyd Slemon, Haydon, and Mrs. R. Clapp; Corr. Sec.-MrE Miss Celia Gif fin and Mrs. El- W. Macdonald; Travelling Baske mer Lee, Enfield. The cakes -Mrs. J. Hilîs; Mission Band- were donated by Pontypool and Mrs. M. Tabb, Mrs. W. Rahm an Weston Bakeries and beverages Mrs. J. C. Cook; C.G.I.T.-Mre were donated by Coca-Cola, Pure Lorne Annis; Baby Band-Mrs. A Springs, and Pepsi Cola. On be- Hamilton; Auditors-Miss Jeai haîf of the Football Association Philp and Mrs. Leon Moore Bill Howell thanked Mr. and Mrs. Group Leaders-Mrs. R. Glaspell Rusell McLaughlin for opening Mrs. S. T. Hoar, Mrs. R. Wrigh their home to the boys. The boys and Mrs. Doonan. proved the perfect hosts by serv- Sorry to learn Arthur Rahr ingc soft drinks during intermis- is quite ill. We wish hlm sions and a delicious lunch at speedy recovery. midnight. Mcs. Johin Lillicrapp returne( Service Club ladies met at the home Sunday after spendîng sev home of Mrs. J. Slemon with 14 eral weeks with lier daughter, Mr members present. Following bus- and Mrs. F. L. Byam. iness the evening, was spent in Miss Mary Bcoomfield, Vernon sewing. Lunch was served by ville; Miss Helen Miller, R.N. Mcs. L. Stairîton, Mrs. L. Wearn, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. W Mrs. E. McNair and hostess. Come J. Miller and Beth. to the next meeting at Mrs. H. Mrs. Richard Hawkey, Bowý Ashton's, Dec. 16. It's in the form manville, visited hier sister, Mrs of a Christmas party. G. Phare. Mr. and Mrs. Sandv Moore, Sympathy is extended to Mrs Evelyn and Louise, Port Perry, G. Phare, Mrs. R. Hawkey, Mr with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin. N. Collacott on the passing oi Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson and their sister, Mrs. Chas. Phi1lips family visited Mr. and Mrs. Ray- Maidstone. Mr. and Mrs. N mond ]3ottrell, Newcastle, and Collacott, Lance Phare and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Sandercock, C. W. Woodley attended the fun- Orono. eral on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Bradburn, Mc. and Mcrs. J. Gibbs and Blackstock, with Mrs. James Michael with Mr. and Mrs. Rl Adm. adMs.E1. er adPerfect, Bowmanville. Mr. nd rs. . A Wery ad 1Bobbie Wood, Oshawa, w'ith Mr Betty Jane took Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Roy Maynard and Viv- Jas. A. Wecry foc a drive in the ian Chamberlain visîted at thc sunset and remained for tea. home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stainton Oshawa. and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Mc. and Mrs. J. Oliver and C. Milîs, Port Perry. cideFnlnFls r n Mrs. Verna Wood and Mr. and cilrenH.Feneon agls, MNoran r.dMrs. S R. Pethick . to ih Oshawa, visited the McCoy home, Mr. nd Ms. , R.Pethck.This Sunday is White Gift Sun- Mr. and -Mrs. Russell McLaugh- day. A special programn is plan- lin visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry ned. Evecyone is invited. McLaughlin at Nestîcton. MVr' and Mrs. Edward Nelson We are sorcy to report that Mrs. and Don, Woolec; Mrs. Hettie Mc- O. C. Ashton broke lier leg las t Laughlin, Coîborne. wece dinner week and is in the Memocial Hos- ussSna fM.adMs pital, Bowmanville. We wish liergEts Snay fM. n.r a speedy recovery. E onn Misses Icene Ferguson and Car- adchM re n visited Mc. ad Mrs oh Wright spent Sunday with Miss a.dLeis, elcomied. adMs Elenor Heard. W eiWloe Mc. and Mrs. Ciayton Yco and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Virtie, family, Fort Locing: Miss Alice Mrs. Otto Virtue visited Mr. and Stevenson and Mr. Harold Stev- Mrs. T. Findlay, Thocnhill. enson, Thornhill, at Mr. and Mcs..Mr. and Mcs. Allan Wood, Mrs. Lorne Lamb's. ' F. May, Millbrook; Rev. and Mcs. Mr. nd rs. ossPageandD. Lute and children were dinner fMc. a Ndwat Mrs. os Paged guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Brent. faMr.aned at Mrs. E.tur Page's Stuart Hall is taking a course atM. and Mrs. A.thur Brnt's.m at the Variety Village, Toronto. iyvsdMr. and Mrs. . us n fam-.Mr. and Mrs. G. Astley, Picker- ilyvistedMc.andMrs Flntofing, visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Denby. Park. Haydon; Mc. and Mrs. Howard Mr. and Mrs: H. W. Joncs, Toc- Hubbard, Nottingham, Sask., with onto, visited Mc. and Mrs. J. A. Mvr. and Mrs. Walter Oke. Rosevear. Mr.an Mr. eonrdBradley Mc. and Mcs. 'Peter Murdoch, Mc. nd M. Leoard Go RhBowmanville, Mr. and Mcs. T. H. vified M. n MrGoRhm Tabb were dinner guests Sunday Miss Ruth Pethick was a lîttle of Mc. and Mrs. M. Tabb. visitor with Santa Claus in Toron- -__________ to on Thursday. Mrs. E. Strutt with Mc. and Mvrs. Howard Bowens, Oshawa.HA P O Misses Ruth Lamb and Gloria____ Wright were Sunday visitors with Dr. and Mrs. Robt. Angus and Mliss Reva McGill. Mcs. Bruce Angus, Toronto, were Mrs. Gordon McLeani, Uxbridge, dinner guests of Mcs. W. J. Ran- wiith Mc. and Mrs. Alvin Boyd. to)nnon Trsday.ïn vith Mc. and Mrs. H-oward Stev- guson.-' ris Mondav. Mc. and Mrs, Alvin BoydEn Mr. and Mrs W. H. Moore spent niskillen, visited Mr. and 'Mcs.1 tweek with Mr. and Mrs. Reg. James Smales Sr. ?Teaving. Tho' 1li Miss Kathleen Tink, Mc. Irvan Mrs. Clarence WoodleY, Tycone, Harrell, Oshawa, at Percy Dew- nd Mrs. Gordon Yeo, in company ellis.1 ith Mr. and Mrs. Harcy Colla- Mc. Lloyd Kersey, Toronto; Mr. utt, Bowmanville, attended the and MIrs. Ken Pooler and Larry, unecal of their aunt, Mrs. Charles Oshawva, with their parents. hillips of Maidstone, Essex. MisJa1aeSlnset Mr. and Mrs. 'Stan Aungei' (nec a week with ber aunt, Mrs. Jim tory Virtue>. Edmonton, Alta., Smales. ccce tea guests with 1Vc. and Mrs. Mcs. Jack Reynolds, Bowmran- VH. Moore Sunday. ville, at the home of hec son, Ar. Mission Band mnet Sundayl thur Reynolds. ,th President Ruth Lamb ifl Mcr. and Mcs. Harland Truli at- hargc. Chapter from the study tended the Harmony Chucch openi- ook %vas ceaci bv Mc3. A. Boyd. ing on Sunday and were guests of ýva McGill took up the collée- Mc. and Mcs. Wes Hoskin. on oif6.5c. Lorna \Vearn gave ' IMr. and Mrs. Sam Adams and t the Wocld Friends. Election I Ly,, Mrs. Clifford Colwill. Bow- 1officers for 1953 as fohlowvs: iman'ville; Mc. and Mrs. Bert Mc- 'es.-Bect Werrv: Vice Pres.-- I Mulleni and Garv, Janetville; Mr. oria Wrcight: Sec,- U-ev a Nc-' and M.\rs. Murrav Malcolm, Nestle- il; Ast. Seu'y---Gal-tii MeGill; ton, were recent visitors with Mc. )2X rry S. as- iid rs. ras ig r.. g9. ah ial ell ls; 1- il- il- rs. d rs. A. an il, ht n a ad Ir. .r. if eI td cand Mrs. H. Quarry and Mis. Mc- .Muilen. e Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stevens and Mrs. E. H. Cole attended the GOth wedding anniversary of ?4r. and Mrs. Simon McCoy, Tyront, Sat- urday evening. Miss Sandra Johnston had ber tonsils removed at Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville, on Thursday. C.G.I.T. Vesper Service will be held next Sunday evening. Guest speaker is Mrs. L. M. Somervihle of Courtice. Our CiG.I.T. mnembers attend- ed 4he Candlelight Vesper Ser- vice at Trinity Church. Bowman- ville on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Farrow attended the funeral of ber cous- in at Brooklin on Thursday. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Art Reynolds on the gif t of a son. Christmas Concert on Friday night, Dec. 19. HAYDON Plans are being made for our Christmas Tree on Dec. 18. Congratulations to Mr. and Mcs. Dan Black who celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary on Fn-_ day. Mr. Louis Ashton, Toronto. at Mr. Henry Ashton's. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon, Mr. Milton Slemon at Mr. Fred Toms, Enniskillen. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Tcewin and Judith, Bowmanville, at Mr. Wm. Trewin's. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ginn, Cadmus; Mr. Elwyn Dickie, Jan- etvihle; Miss Docothy Stainton. Enniskillen, at Mr. Dan Black's. Miss Marie Ashton, Toronto, at Mr. Ross Ashton's. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Thompson and Lynn, Bowmanville, at Mc. Rowband Thompson's. Mc. and Mrs. Brock Perry, Toronto; Miss Helen Bectcim, Oshawa, at Mr. Melville Bert- rim's. Dr. and Mrs. William Corrigan, Toronto, at Mc. Charles Rankine's. Mr. Ernest Myles, Dundas, with bis sister, Mrs. William Martin. Mc.« and Mrs. Harvey Pactnec and famlly, Tyrone, at Mr. R. Thompson's. Mrs. Wesley Thompson at Mr. Frank Osmond's, Bowmanville. Mcs. A. Read, Clayton and Ina Beryl,, Miss Au drey Hayes in Toronto. (Intended for last week) Mir. and Mcs. Frank Denby entectained sevecal at a demon- stration and dinner. W.A. held their bazaar which was well attended in EnniskilleTî Hall. Ray Ashton spent the we'ek at Mr. James Fecguson's, Bowman- ville. Miss Marie Ashton with Misses Joyce McGill and Mona Brunt, Bowmanville. Mc. and Mcs. M. Bectrim and family with Mrs. E. Gage and Ivis. E. Mark, Lindsay. LONG SAULT Mr'. and Mrs. Hugli Murphy, sDonald and Brenda, Bowman- ville; Mr. Harris, Uxbridge, andý IlMr. Earl Penwardcn at the Mur- sphy homne. Miss M. Price visited ber sister in Toronto over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fraser, Orono, with Mr. and Mrs. G. Kovacs. jHome and School met Friday r evening with a good attendance. LPres. Art Youngman presided. eThose in charge of January pro- gram and lunch are Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. rR. Clapp and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson. We then enjoyed this program: Solo, Jean Baker; songs by Gord- on Walch, Leskard, accomIpanying, himself on the guitar; piano solo, Jean Baker. Ed Youngman, Pontypool, spoke on Conservationý in different countries around the world. Charlie Penwarden thank- cd ail those taking part on the program. Lunch was serve d. Owing to so much sickness the church attendance was small on Sunday evening to hear Rev. D. Lute's inspiring sermon, "The Everlasting Light". Next Sunday evening will be "White Gift" Sun- day when the money donations will be, received also. Anyone wishing to donate good used clothing for unfortunate people in Korea kindly bring it to the church. W. A. will be held at Mrs. Fred Partner's, Dec. 16 at 2:30 p.m., 1 when there will be an exchange of Christmas gifts not to éxceed 25c. Mr. and Mrs. Rye Gibson and Sandra were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Wright, Janetville, and called on Mr. and Mrs. Gord- on Strong, Ballyduff. Mr. and Mrs. John Wright, Janetville, and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bunting, Hamilton, at Mr. and Mrs. Rye Gibson's. Mr. and Mrs. S. Pritchard, Miilbrook, and Mr. and Mrs. Eacl Duvall, Leskard, were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wright, Burketon, were Thursday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Miller before leaving for their newv homne in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Duvaîl and family and Miss Joan Camp- bell, Leskard, were Sunday din- ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Orrn Miller. Mr, and Mrs. O. Miller visited Mr. and Mrs. M. Wright, Bethany. 1 have always thought of Christmas time as a good time; a kind, forgîving, charitable, pleas- ant time, the only time I know of, in the long calendar of the year, when men and women seem by one consent to open their shut- up hearts freely.-Charles Dick- ens. PHIONE 3303 for TIIE CANADIAN STATESMAN CLASSIFIED ADS For Quîck Resuita' Industrial'Growîh of Canada Reflected in Bank of Nontreal Report 1 nu a. mu me M-eu - mua U eposifs Also Shov jReflecting the swift rate of I Canada's industrial growth, the Bank of Montreal's 135th annual statement, just published, features record figures for deposits, loans and total resources. Most notable of these are deposits of $2,147,900,- 000-the highest total in the B of M's long history. These deposits comprise the funds of more than 1,900,000 customers from coast to coast. <'Fully haîf these deposits are made up of the savings of private citizens," was the comment which George E. Moody, the local branch manager, made in a mes- sage issued today by the B of M in reviewing for its customers the highlights of its annual statement. The report, which is for the year ended October 31, shows an increase in boans of $65,811,000 over the 1951 figure. This brings total boans up to the highest rec- ord in the bank's history-$712,- 179,846. These boans, the message from the manager states, were made " . . . to business and in- dustrial enterprises for production of every kind-to farmers, fisherà men, oul men, miners, lumbermen_ Cars 1952 PONTIAC COAC Very low mileage, and undei 1951 CHEV. CLUB Ci Air conditioning, unde washers and r 1949 CHEV. halflon P Deluxe cab, heater, undei looks and runs li 1949 FORD halflon P] Far above aven 1948 FORD COACH Deluxe model, sho, 1947 CHEV. COACH New tires, heater and under, very clean, mechanically as 1947 FORD CONVERT 1947 CHEV. COACH Not reconditioned, a dleanc of this inodel offered f or s too niuch to carr 90-day gua Top condition, radio, heater, undercoating, new tires recently. 1946 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1UM5 . As is $895 Appearance and mechanical condition above average bue not quite good enough to carry our 90-day guarantee. 1946 CHEVO halflon PICK-UP - $725 Only one in fifty as good as this. Runs like a '51 niodel. Should last five years with proper care. 1940 DODGE SEDAN - - - - $695 Should be good for 40,000 miles without major expense. Very dlean and guaranteed of course 1940 CHEV. COACH - - » - Excellent condition, 90-day guaranitee. 1939 PLYMOUTH COACH - - - Excellent motor. YOUR CHOICE OF 8 OR 10 1936 TO 1941 MODELS which haven't been reconditioned ai $50.00 Io $195.00 SEE un $695 $405 Si'ssonS' -Garage,- ior ""The Greatest Guarantee in the Used Car Business" I PHONE - ORONO 1031I -OPEN EVERY NIGIIT UNTIL NINF "MinutDblinder' 3For Timing .. . SCooking ... Baking.. S Home Permanents p Sickrooni Schedules and hundreds of other lises. Y# Rings a bell for any tinie 1r up to one hour. t' An Ideal Gift S$4.45 and $5.95 THE SRADIO SHOP 5f 38 RING ST. E. tf PHONE 573 M'-j A 1ID IS .Il XW . UIM and ranchers-to citizens of evecy GIF calling, and to provincial and 1 Y municipal governments and school districts." i- Strong Liquld Position Nearhy a billion dollars of the 1 bank's assets are in high grade ' government bonds and other pub- RDATCNO lic securities which have a ready 1 "ADAT TWO market. In referring to these ' holdings, the manager's reportl iw, >ITK notes that 'this money helps t0 finance government projects focr P the betterment of Canada and the4 wehfare of ber people." Amount- V. ing f0 $987,000,000, these holdings . represent the greater portion ofl the bank's quickly available as -I~ sets, which total $1,552,000,000J, I equivalent to 70 per cent of liabil- 1.'-- ities f0 the public. '~ Total resources have also reach- cd an ali-time high, at $2,286,- 4 477,930-an increase of close to L $65,000,000 over the 1951 year If end figure and an aIl time record ~,,~ v1 et~aBi for Canada's senior banking insti- Alyud s rpi h tution. Dî bread. Brad lowers itif auto- 1 maticalyn levers to uh A little given seasonably eu~ os o e sI Imy wt- i cuses a great gift.-Geocge Hec-1.4 out popping or bangÏng. bect. W And what toast-cvcry suice Salike fromn first to hast. Corne jin and se ih. ý$ a 14 'be $1795 air cnditonin ýrcoating OU1 $1795~ I ercoaingwindhiel le nianyextrs. 1 10fohe 'ICI(-P $107 rcoatnz, xcelent ires - -IP$1795 "d air conditionigI I $1095- - $1795 roatm g co nd ien. . IC -P --$1075 $4.0 rcoatinç, exclerondtires keo as'5 miodel.1 Iodl ACKUP s-$895 1 sal -- $1095095$49.00 catin nte riran od LAI a