- - -l- - - --, - - - --- - - --", - ,- PAGE TWEN;TY TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVtLLe. ONTARIO THURSDAY, DEC. 11. 1952 PROIE 33o~ BIB THS1 CARDS 0F THANKS REYNOLDS-Mr. and Mrs. Art 1I wîsh to thank Dr. Keith Reynolds are happy to announce, Slemon, nurses and staff of Mcm- the birth o! their son, Stehe orial Hospital, Bowînanvîlle; Rev. Johh December 3rd, 1952 at ID. J. Lute; also those who sent Memorial Hospital, Bowmnanville. mie cards and flowers while I was A brother for Debbie. 30-1* in the hospital. ______ rGwen Murphy. 50-1* SMITH-Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smithi <nec Evelyn Hepburn) vwish to[ We wish to extend our heart- announce the birth o! their feit thanks and appreciation forl daughter, Eleanor Grace, at the arts of kindness and mess- Memoria] Hospital, Eowmanville ages of sympathy received from on Thursdlay, November 27th' relatives, friends and neighbors 1952. 50-1r in our loss oL a loving mother,f ir.Henry Rusk. - 1 Mrs. Sid MallowelL. 50-I11 ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Munday wish to announce the engagement of their daughter. Joan Agnes, to Ivan Claude Matthews, son of 1\r. and Mrs. D. M. Bernard. Newcastle. The mnarriage will take place quietly December l8th. à 50-1 DEATHS HODGINS-At 8 Duke Street, Bowmanville, on Saturday, Dec. 6th, 19521. Anna Christiana Mc- Dýougai], widoxv of Ensiey Hod- gins, dear miother of Dr. Lya]1 Hodgins and Mrs. A. B. Schinbein, tVancouver; Thomas A. Hodgins of Lucan, and Edward E. Hod- gins o! Whiting, Indiana. Funeral service was held Tuesday, Dec. 9th at Lucan, Ontario. Internment St. James Cemetery, Clandeboye. NOKES, Grace - In Memorial Hospital on Friday, December 5, 1Q52, Grace Nokes, beloved wife of the late James Nokes, in her 80th year. The funeral was held from Northcutt & Smith Funieral Home, 53 Division St., Bowman- fville, on Monday, December th, at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bow- n'anville Cemetery. 50-1 IN MEMORIAM CLARKE-In loving memory of1 our dear mother who entered into iýest on December 3rd, 1938: In our Ionely hcearts of thinking Thoughls of you are ever near, We who loved you sadly mniss you. As it dawns another year. --Sadly missed by daughter Hilda and family, Rochester, N.Y. 50-1* THOMPSON-In loving memoryt of a dear mother, Lillie Maud Yellowlees, who passed awayc December l3th, 1947: She left us suddenly Mer thoughts unkiiown.i, But shie left us memories l We are proud to own.f -Lovingyly remembered by sons and daughtcrs. 50-ife 1',,--,CMING EVENTS Articles For Sale LARGE size Moffatt electric range. Phone 3374. 50-1 NEW, fiat hav rack; also 80-gai. spray tank. Phone 2337. 50-1* CHRISTMAS trees at Bill Drew's. Middle Road, $1 .00 eacli. 49-22> THREE pairs boy's skates. sizes 6, 8 and 9. Larry Dewoll, Phone 2052. 50-1* KELVINATOR Refrigerator. 6 cu. ft.. excellent condition. Phone 764 or caîl at 36 Jane St. 01* EHPTij i.v'.M res T r sÇ,,.a ie, o W'e wish to thank our neigah- and up, delivered. Phone 3074 or bours and friends for al their cail at 128 Liberty St. N. 50-1 kindness and help at the time of our recent ire. Sincerely ap- PAIR of girl's tube skates, white preciated by boots, size 5 '-. new last vear. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Phone 449. 50-If Stevens and family. ILSxviefgure skates, size Z0k , good condition. Phone 680. lMr. and Mrs. Simon McCay, Tyrone. and family sincerely thank aIl their friends for cards, -flowers and congratulations on the occasion of their sixtieth wvedding anniver s a r y. Special thanks to Rev. and M\,rs. Lute, Women*s Institute, also Mrs. Davey and dau-gliters. 50* XVe wish to thank our faînily, friends and neighbours for the lovely gifts and flowers on our 4Oth wedding anniversary, Dec. 7th: also to the. Ladies' Auxiliary Canadian Legion for the lovely bouquet o! flowers. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hayes. 50-1 * 1 wish ta sincerely tbaak Dr. Ferguson, Dr. Austin, nurses and staff of Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville; also ahl the relatives, friends and aeigahbours for gifts, cards and fruit sent to me during my stay in hospital. Special thanks to Long Sault W.A. and Home and Scbool Club. Byron Farrell. 50-1 1 wisb to thank ail my aeigh- bours, relatives and friends; also Brown's Home and Scbool Club and the ladies of the W.A., United Church, Newcastle, for their cards of sympathy and aIl other acts of kindness and help during my rocent illness. Mrs. Frank Parker. 50-1 At tbis time I wvisb to sincerely thank :aIl those xvho during my recent illness sent lowers, gifts, cards and visited me both in the hospital and since returning home. Also ail who have called inquir- ing, or helped la any way. It lias meant sa much to 'me and my famiiv. Special thanks to Dr. Sturgis, Dr. Rundie, superintend- ent, nurses and staff of Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, who made my stay there so pleasant. Mrs. Jas. Biggs. 50-1* The Bowmanville Homo and 1 would like to express my School Club is sponsoring the Ross thanks to Doctors Birks, McKay Caldwell Sinaers Friday, January and Ferguson, and to the staff of 23rd, la the Town Hall. 50-112 Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, for care and kindness, and also Goodyear Employees' Recreation 1to every fricnd and neighbour Club Bingo Friday, December 12,1I wlîo 50 kindly remembered me at 8 p.m., la Goodyear Recation xitb loveiy flowers, cards, bas- Hall. $20 Jackpot. Admission1 kets of fruit, candy and letters, 50C. 49-2 also "kind deeds" and inquiries Mwhile la hospital and since re- Maple Grove Wýomen's Institute1 turning home. A sincere "tbank xvili hold a sale o! home madeyo'toal baking at Kitson's Locker, B3ow- Ms's. O. Richmond. manville, on Fridav, Dec. l9th. 01 comiî-encing,, at 2 p.11. 50-1- 0 BinoDane ndDi,,,,,Dec- ~ ember l9th, auspices BowmilanviICN 111e C e itr Candin L.gon Pipe Band. u ANDe To Credtr Bingo starts 7:30 p.m. Dancing ADOHR 0to i a.i. 501 iq the Estate of CHARLES JAMES PORTER Reservc Fridia Jiîuar\l 3th. ALL persulîs baving dlaims 1953, loîr concert by Barbershop against the estate of the above Quartettes. Osliawai Chapter, ifnm'nioned, late o! R.R. No. 1, St. Pauls Uitedi Church. pn- Nestleton, in the County of Dur- sored by St. Paul's Mens Club. ham, who died at the said R.R. 50-11 No. 1, Nestleton, on the 28th day --1 of October, 1952, are required to Ladies -while YOU are up file proof of same witb the to\vn Saturdnv~, Dec. 13tlh, doing iînx1ccrsign1ed on or before thec lSth 3 our Christimas shopping. come dav o! Januarx-, 1953. After that up to Union ialîl and hav e after-, date th, Public Trustee will pro- noon tea. and aiso huy vour! cedtodsrueteetae wecknd akiîg.Sposorci Y laving regard only to tbe cdaims the ladies o! St. Joseph's Church. of \vhich lhe then"shalbave had 50- 1 notice. Dated at Toronto this 4th ____elp__Wanted id heaubiof usec E-OKEEP- - Appy -Crto Osgoode Hall, Toronto, Coach Liiies. King' St. E., Bow- 50fil~taO' inianville. 5 () - 1- I QUANTITY of 36-inch well tl and top. For particulars Phone 2918. 50-1* PIANO and bench, in excellent condition, $125.00. Phone 1030 Clarke. 50-1* PAYNE'S pure, sweet apple cider by the gallon or keg. Deliveries. Phone Clarke 2811. 45-8 rPILE of hardwood, 8 ft. lengths. -About 25 single cords. $45.00. M. 7Murphy, Tyrone. 50-l* CHRISTMAS Trees - Spruce, Scotch Pine and Memlock. Phone 3139. 50-2 ONTARIO potatoes, 50 and 75 lbý bags, delivered ln Bowmanville. »Phone 2473. 36-tf DîNETTE suite-table, 4 chairs, china cabinet; also ice box. Phone 3171. 50-P, Articles For Sale BED, brass with springs; dresser, solîd oak, four drawer with mnirror; skiis, 6 t., maple, with poles; overcoat. brown, size 34, like new. Phone 3603. 50-.1* JOHNSON outboard motor, single cylinder; Westinghouse mixmias- ter, used twice, make niee Christ- mas giLt. Phone 3033 before 7 p.n. s50-î" HARDWOOD - Choice body maple; hard and soft slab wood; also elm and maple. Phone 18r331 Bethany. 50-4* SAVE by buying our blankets, motor rugs, y arns, headsquares, nylons and help increase our hospital donation. Bowmanville Wool Company. 50-1* SUPER Pioncer chaiîi saws, ai sîzes, ask for a demonstration at Farm Equipment & Automdtive, 134 King St. E., Bowmanville, Phone 689. 50-1 GOOD baled hay - Alfalfa, Clover and Timothy mnixture.1 Truck or carload lots only. Xal-1 ter Frank, R.R. 5, Bowmanville.1 Phone 2403. 50-1* THE Fairway 'ood Market spec- ializes in makingc gif t baskets of fruit and groceries suitable for ail from cilîdren to organizations, S1.00 up. Order now. Phone 674. 50-2 RUGS - save up to 1,ý on new. reversible, Broadloom ruas made from yourold woo]]ens, clothing, carpets, etc. AI] the Iatest Decorator shades. Phone 3446. 24-tf VENETIAN BLINDS. 25 different colours of tapes, là slat colours. Flexalum. Aluminum or Steel, measured and installed free of CERISE taffeta cvening gown, Fabric Centre. 17-11t size 14, ivorn once; raccoon coat, - size 16. Phono 822, 5()-j* NEW shipments of table, floor, vanity and pin-up lamps just ar- McCLARY electric range, four- rived for your early Christmas element, used, good condition. selection. Small deposit will hold Phono 845. 50-1your purchase for Xmas Eve NEW Brunswick potatocs, $3.50 eiey ori oPoe480. 800 evenings. 49-2* GIRL'S brown winter coat, size 14; red flannel suit, size 12, al in good condition, cheap. Phone 3067. j,'O-1 I NOW on display - Smalley 60 and 30 Hatchet Milîs at Virtue's Garage, Tyrone. Phone 2882. SKI set for man, skillfully made hickory, complete with poles, used only once, 7 t. Phono 616. 50-i WE are so crowded that xve have reduced bundreds of toys and gifts to clear. Elliott's Varietv House, opposite Garton's. 50-1 * WOOD -eut any lengths, bard- Wood, $20; mixed, $18; ap1 Wood, $16 per cord; delivered.ý Leslie Coombes, Phoneo-2581. RENFEW Cookrite cook stové. with reservoir, like new; purebred Holstein bull, 10 mnnths old. Roy MeLaughlin, Nestieton, Ontario. Phono Blackstock 17r3. 50-1~ CHRISTMAS Trees for Sale- Order early and get a fresh eut tree when you xvant it. Spruce, Scotch Pine and Balsami. Phone 655 or eall at Cîream Barley Park. GIRL'S xine coat, size 12, In ex- cellent condition, $10; also pair of girl's C.C.M. tube skates and boots, size 5, white, excellent condition. Phone 683. .50-1 TABLE, six chair s and buffet, Eaglish oak; small oil cook stove and: pipes. Can be seen between PLUMVBING, Heatin1g and Oil Bumners installed anywhere in Durham County. Reasonable rates and highest qualityv. For free estimates cal] S. Biain Elliott, Heating, Plumbing & Tinsmithing, Phone 3248. 29-tf *For the Latest Papers For the Finest Paints *For the Best Workmanship S. G. PRESTON & SON PHONE 2417 - 912! TI1L E CERAMIC .PLASTIC RUBBER - MARBOLEUM H. G. Heal Phone 29W! Boivmanville 14-t! TURKEYS Speciai Select Quality I>resscd and Delivered Satisfaction Guaranteed Phil Finney PHIONE 2309 50-1 Christmas Trees SPRUCE and BALSAM Apply 101 Scugog Street - Plione 3503 - FREE.-DELIVERY 49-2* 3 and 4:30 p.m. on Saturdav at WASHING machine, small apt. back of 109 Church St. 5()-j size, cost $79.50 (Monitor Electric) - good as new, for $45.00; dishes EIGHT-piece dining room suite; (quantity) dinner, tea and soup, Canadian Beauty rang«ette, A-1 veg. and platters, etc. the whole condition; C.C.M. bicycle, good for $5.00; kitchen range, large condition, good buy. Phono 952. McClary, with oil humner and 50-1 water front, needs new oven door, --for $25.00; bed, solid, neat, wood- DRY hardwoocl, S18 cord; dry on with springs and mnattress if cedar, $10 cord; softxvood slabs, desired, for $15.00; chairs, wooden $10 cord. Re-sawed into stovecomdchi,$.0 lcars lengths, deliverod. Phone Clarke commech ir, $3.00;old chila, 253(. 4-tfcoal or wood with xvater front, FOR your Christiias paîrty - foi, $18.00; wash boler, dopper, Special reduced prices on case, nearx- new, for .$6.00; tub stand, lots of oranges and cnde-- a woodeni tub stand, for $1.00; brcad Domandiesqtntobox.cot I.39 new fr f 50c- fruitî OFFICE clerks wanicc1. mie oî( For 50-1 dishes, antiques, for $5.00 (glass); feniale, Higli Schoul eaucatioii0or i Fo i ent ice box, oak, good, 50 lb. size, equivalent. Write Box 909, c/o1 LINOLEUM-Jaspe, Marboleumi, 1 S20.00. Caîl Friday or Saturday, The Canadian Statesmnan. 50-1 TWO unfurnislied rooins. Phone tile; ail sizes, latost designs. best Mrs. L. C. Mason, Phono 553. ______ - -~ I n84. 50-1*lîrides; printed instruction for 0l HOUSEKEEPER wanted to do- laying supplied. H. G. Mca],_______________ genoral lîousewor-k, live in, quiet FOUR-rooîîî apartment, centrai Phono 2.902. Car9Fr al homie, faiîîily of thrce aduits in[location, adults only. Protestant.CasF rS l Bownîanville. Wr-ite post office W Mrite P.O. Box 459. 48-tf W. F. ALLIS-Chalmors tractor; Box 453, giving, full particulars. ICMOTBErosial used Case DO tractor; uised M.M. '40 MERCURY Convertible, fully 49- '1cr entema, cntrl lcaton.trator Ne Qukerspae hat-equipped, good condition. Apply forgetlean cntrl ocaio.crs; Pressure Systems. Used De- 4 Orchard View. 50-l': WANTED-M\ani for stead travel ;Phone :3095. 50-l- Lavai mnilker; used Woods grind- amoag consuiiiers ini Bownianville. FOUR rooms, decorated,liran er; used Gem miik cooler: used *33 FORD V-8, new radiator, good Permanent coiliection %witli large soit %vtr yrttlard aind Find]av Condor stove. W. H. tires, $60. Phono 2419. 50-1* manufacturer. 0O11 i v reliable1 'tor, hycM'rototalO.aBstaînerBrow nCase Dealer, King St. W., '39 CHEV, Coupe, la A-i condi- hustler consiclered. Write Raw Ipeere. Wrt ,O o Bowmanville. 5- leigb's Dept. ML-L-14t,-131, 1\1ontI Bethanv village. 50-5'501ion. Phone Clarke 25SL. .50-1' real. .30-1 Livestock For SaE- oR E I E TWO Usod Cars - 1950 Austin, BOWMUANVILLE Public Sch-oois S l in excellent condition; 1941> Aus- require one Kindergarten teacher. ONE voung gander or xiii trado. BALSAM - SPRUCE titi, fair condition. Appiy Frank's Duties to commence Jaiiuary th, Phone 2985.54SOTHPEGageSc ogt. 50-1 cumulative sIcîc ave plan la f- Il YORKSHIRE pigs, 8 weeks Joe CoprS 1941 PONTIAC Coupe, overaul- 195. SAplar . sio ulifiatin hned54.5ac-EVIE. cAIO d and new paint job, $200 dw feet Aply tatig qaliicaions ol. Pono 543 501 SRVIC ..STAIONand balance on easy terms, at experience and anme o! las t in- HOLSTEIN cxdct rse igS.E Phone 3432 - 219241 Facîn Equipment & Automotive, speo. tat .Jme,~ Garnet Rickard, Phono 2813. 1 50-2* 134 King St. E., Bowmanville,1 Treas., Bowmanville Public Sehool 1 ________________ Board. 49-2 30- ORS o ae uIseeto Phone 689 or residence 3312. GNRLdtnussfrnwI PUREBRED Holstein lheifer from of articles for your Cbristmasi5- GENRA dtynuse fr ew4r4 dam, due rigbt away. Neil selection: La-Z-Boy chairs, coffee USED Trucks for Sale - 1952 30-cdhopitl t ortPec~ MacomBuretnPhne Port tables, end tables, cushions, blan- Dodge ---ton pick-up, small mile- Ontario. Saiary S175 per nionth Perr.v 191r2_1. 30-1* kets, sprîng-filled mattresses, bcdiage, like new. 1949 G.MIC. 04- gi-os.s with annual increments. - pillows, cedar chests, stuidios,lton pick-up, deluxe cab, 8-phy 44 bouc week. 8-hour rotatina,35 PULLETS - Lgtussex X, davenports, etc. See our kiddies'l tires, in splendid condition. 193 1 shift. 21 davs vacation after one! New Hamipshîire, readyý to lay; departaieît l'or tricycles. doîl j Cle.'.-ton pick-up, deluxe cab,1 pear, plus8 statutorv ioidays: white porcelain cook 'stove, r- prams, kindergarteiî table and new condition. 1941 Chev. 1'!240f also O. R. Supervisor. Accoin-, sorvoir and shelf, colnparatveiy chair sets, chrome and Wood pick-up, la good condition, lots o! inodation if desired at low cost.[ new, Carl Wright, Blackstock. 1 rockers. etc. F.ariv select ion is 1 service xct. Phono 3353-ask forr Apply Superintendent. 50-2 I O-1l advised. Phone 480. 49-3 Sid or Dean. o*1V ELECTION1 'CARDS 0F THANKSý It is an honor and prîvilege for me, at thîs time, to have the pleasure of thanking the citizens of Bowmanville for their support in electing me to the Town Council last Mondav. I sincerely appreciate the help. of those Who worked and voted on my behaîf and pledge my conscientious ef- forts to the task ahead of Council Nelson E. Osborne. 50-1 I wish to take this opportunity of thank'ing my supporters during the election campaign last Mon. day. It was a real pleasure tc be retuxned to counicil for anothei terrn to finish the wvork which haE been started. In 1953, it is my plan to give as much time e~ possible to town business so thal this commuaity may be a bettei coînmuni'Ly for us ail. Fred Cole. 50-1 Many thanks to the citizens of Bowmanvillc who votcd and worked for me during the mun- icipal elections on Monday. 1 appreciate the confidence you have placed la me and shall do everything I can to iustify your belief that I can inake a contri- bution to town affairs. Although thîs is nîy Lirst year in council, it w~ill be a privilege to do ,01at I can for the overaîl good of the community. Claude Kilmer. 50-i To the Ratepayers oL the Township of Darlington: I xvould like to thaak ail of those who supported me la the election for Deputy Reeve, cspec- ially those wbo voluntarily used their time and automobiles in the interests o! my election. At this time I wish you ail a Merry Christmas and that you may have bappiness and pros- perity throughout the New Year. Sincerely, Garnet B. Rickard. 50-1 To the Ratepayers oL the Towvn of Bowmanvilie. Ladies ai-d Gentlemen: 1 would like, at this timie, to thank everyone who supported, me in the recent municipal elec- tion and to state also that it lias been a real pleasure to have served you for the four- vears that I have been a member of your Town Coulicil. I amn also takincg this oppor- tunity of extending Season's Greetings to aIl and of wishing the nexv Mayor and Council every success for the coming year. Sincerely, Melville S. Dale. 50-i Work Wanted 1 FOR bulldozing, gradin g, excavat- ing, etc., eal] Taylor Bros., Osh- awa 3-3831 or Whîitby 2687. 18-tf DARLINGTON Abattoir, Hamp- ton, for custom killing. Phone 3243. 32-tf STORM windows, made-to-mea- sure, built-in cuphoards. Alex Grant. 18 Mill Lane. 49-21 INSULATION - Blowiîg nmethod, with rock xvool: \,vor'kmaaship guaraatcd. Froc estimates. Harly L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 49-tf PRACTICAL nurse wishes per- manient position. Some light houisehold duties. Reasonable. Write Box 905, c/o Statesman Office. 49-2 SKATE SHARPENING Latest Equipment for ArtifieiliIce. C. F. JAMIESON Tire Shop 48-tf BULLDOZJNG AND EXCAVATING By Hlour or Contract - Free Estimates Given - Wm. Tripp PONERR109-r-42 POTNERY0R.R-42 14-tf PAINTING PAPER HANGJNG Full Selection of PARALAC PAINTS and PAPERS -. FREE ESTIMATES - Hfoward S. Brookinq a PHONE 2702 42-tf WORK WANTED Now Is The Time ... FOR THOSE INSIDE JOBS OP CONCRETE Waterproofing and Mason Work' when season permits Prompt Attention - Economy; L. Turner P.O. Box 177 Phone 3231 5O-i Wanted WOULD anyone travelling to Winnipeg by train before Christ- 1 mas kindly Phono Orono 52.r1i as person desires companioiiship and ,would gladly remunerate. 50-1 Real Estate For Sale1 TENDERS WANTED 'GO in business for yourself at 454 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. Store will be vacant as of Jan- uary Ist, 1953. See H. V. Bate- man, 410 Athol St. E., Oshawa. 45-tf FIVE-room, i ½ storey, îoveiy brick home, close to schools, churches and transportation. Mas 4-piece bath, fireplace, oil furn- acc and modern kitchen. Apply SCOTT REAL ESTATE $3,000 down - f ive rooms, brick, 4-piece bath, hot air beating, tile kitchen, garage, large lot. $2,500 full price, three rooms, on Wilson Rd. in Oshawa, about $800 down. If you wish to buy or sel consuit us. Donald Scott Real Estate 78 King St. West Phone 663 or 2251 after five or 25' Prince St., Oshawa Phono 3-2612 50-1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 100 acres north of Dale on the Peterborough road withi 9-room bouse and good bank barns, hog peas and ben bouse, bydro, well watered. Price $10.000. Easy terms. 5-roomn house in Newcastle, about 1 acre of land. Immediate poss- ession, will accept $1.000 cash down payment. We have several service stations for sale, also arms, large and small. H. C. Pedwell Newvcastle Phono Clarke 38SSL Agent for 50-1 NIXON REAL ESTATE Income Home 2 storey, 10-room, solid brick home, close to shopping centre, one block to stores, bus, etc., 3- piece bath on each floor, hot air heating wvitb ou, new roof, beavy wiring. Producing substantial in- coîne. $9,000. Terms. 5-room frame bouse, shed, garage, approximately l '. acres. $3.000 cash. Immediate possession. Lovelv 8-room, 1 '1- storey brick and frame, bot air heating, 4- picce bath, hardwood floors, good basement, insulated, venetian blinds. $11,000. $4,000 xviii handle. 100-acre farm, la Darlington Township, dlay loam, large barn, stable, garage, frame bouse, 6 rooms, 5 acres bush, 12 acres faîl wheat, creek, spring. $6,300. Terms. Other dwcllings and farms. James Nixon, Broker 160 Liborty St. N., Bowmanville Phone 682 50-1* DE WITII REAL ESTATE 158-acre farm, Emily Township, 8 miles froni Peterborough, 115 acres workable, nmilk contract, dlay loam, running creek, 3 wells, good barn with hydro, frame 9-roomed bouse with hydro; close to bigh- way, scbool, railway station and village. Price $13.500. Easy 100-acre f arin, Cartwright Town- ship, dlay loam, all workable, level land, 2 wells, 11 j miles from two highways, good road, good haras 96 x 36 and 22 x 50 feet, water system in stable, cement floors, hen bouse 27 x 19 feet, double garage, 9-roorned modemn, brick bouse. Price $17,000. Cash $7.000. One o! the best farms la 160-acre farm, Haldimand Town- ship, close to sehool and village, soil dlay loam and sandy loam, 140 acres workabie, 125 x 32 feet barn, modemn stabling, good water supply, cement floors, bydro, bon bouse; two fram-e bouses, 5 and 7 rooms, with bathroonîs. Price $15,000. Easy terms. 150-acre farm, Glarke Township, 1 mile frorn highway, sandy loam, 80 acres workahle, 20 acres of wood, rest pasture, spring, well, good barn, cement floors, bon bouse, pig Pen, garage; 9-roomed frame bouse, hydro, modern kit- chea. Price'$9.000. Terms. 100-acre farm, Cartwvright Town- ship, 90 acres workable, 2 wells, 88 x 36 eet barn, cement floors, stahling, pig pen, hon house, gar- age; 7-roomed frame bouse. Shool bus comes along. Price $6.000. Easy terms. 50-acre farm, Clarke Townisbip,' i4-mile from highway, close to village, large barn..cement floors, 2 wells, good road: l5-roomed frame bouse, water, hydro. Prico $8,500. Terîns. Have other farms, homes, etc. John F. DelVith. Realtor King Street W.' Newý%castie Phone 3341 .50-1 SEAS ON'S GREETINGS from Carload Groceleria BLACKSTOCK OPEN EVENINGS - December i6th to 24th 50-11I TENDERS will be received by the undersigned for the purchase of a 1940 G.M.C. 2-ton dump truck, up to December 2th, 1952. which mnay be seen at the Town Shed, Church St. Mighest or any tender not necessarily accepted. A. J. LYLE, Town Clerk. 50-2 TENDERS WANTED y 9 ýs y ýS it r LI D r Notices Turkey Shoot will be beld ai Raymond Bottrell's, ¼.'-mile forth of Newcastle on Saturday, Dec. l3th, at 1:30 p.m.5-1 .Marvel Graduate, Miss Muriel Hindman, is employed as al licensed operator at Wanda's Beauty Sbop, ]Phone 2851. Open Tuesday and Thursday nights, Wednesday afternoon and Satuir- day morning.501 Register ___ Tues., 4 - 6 PM for Ballet, Tap W1 Scoteli-Legion HalV 81 Queen St. IRENIE IIARVI Y IA.C.C.M., R.M.T. Room and B3oard FOR boarders or pensioners. Write Box 908, c/o The Canadian Statesman. 50-1* ROOM and Board available, gentleman prefcrred. Phione 3232. 50-1 Repairs REPAIRS to a]l makies of refrig- erators, domestie and commercial: milking coolers. Higgon Elec- trie, 42 King St. E., Phione 438. 25-tf SHOE REPAIRS Sharpen Skcates Repair Rubhers and Zippers LLOYD ELLIS Shoe Repair 39 King St. W. Bownîanville 48-tf See me for-remarkably LOWt RATES ON AUTO INSURANCE DIRK BRINKMAN Ii.I.. 3, BtIIKLTON Phone 78-r-42 Fort Perry 4.9-4 Lost BLACK and tan hound, mediun size. Vicinity of Clarke Hll Phone 7131 Bethany. 50-1* STRAYED from Lot 33, Con. 4. Clarke, Wed., Dec. 3rd, one grey Durham heifer, coming two year J oid, smail horns, one round punch hole in left ear. F. Pike, Phone Orono 86r5. 50-1' Found PAIR of iady's tan and grey' wedge shoes picked up by mis. take in a Bowmanville store on Monday afternoon. Owner may dlaim same by phoning 2851. 50-1 Nursing Ser-vice STRATHAVEN Resthoime, Home for the Aged, Invalids, Bed Pat-. ients, 264 King St. E., Bowman- ville. Formerly the Gienn-Larra Tourist Home. E. Alice Hodgert, Phone 555. 41-tf Middle Green Villa NURSING HOME A Home Awvay from Home, Kindness and Good Care our Aim Approved by Doctors. PHONE E. AUSTIN. Jr. Bowmanville 2974 Two miles East of Bowmanville 44-tf Pets For Sale CHRISTMAS puppies, Registered Cocker Spaniel. Mrs. Lorne Hoskin, R.R. 1, Burketon, Phone Blackstock 89r3. 50-1 For Hire FOR MIRE - New, heavy duty chainsaw, by the hour, day or job. Phone after six, 2068. 50-2* Wanted To Rent HOUSE, cottage or apartment in or within three miles of Bow- inanville. Urgently needed. Please phone 633. 50-10 Wanted To Buy BEFORE selling your live poultry try us. Our prices arc higher. M.l Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, Phone 7 r 13. reverse charges. 51-tf WANTED - Live poultry, goose[ eathers, feather ticks, scrap iron, rags and metals. Raw furs and deerskins. Phone 3-2043 Oshawa collect. 4-t Personal j HYGIENTO SUPPLIES - rubL1 goods) mailed postpaid in plaÇl% sealed envelope with price list. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov-Rub-. ber Co., Box 91, Hami.lton, 9pt Sunday Scbool meeting at 11~ a.m. bas increased the attendance - to 126 pupils. Christmas ente r- tainment will ho held on Frîday, - December 19. Deepest sympatby is extended 1 to Mr. W. Wilson Mosier and faînily in the loss of a loving wife and mother. Mrs. Ru fus Clarke, Br'antford. visited lier mother, Mrs. W. S., Boyce at Mrs. C. Penfound's. Mr. anîd Mrs. Robert Evan5,,?I Charles and Douglas, Bowman-j ville; Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Pen- found, Whitby, were Suaday ;vis- itors with thoir parents. Other, visitors were Mrs. Rufus Clarke, Î' Murray, Jimmy and Iiarold, Brantford, with Mr. and MrS. C. - Penfound. C.G.I.T. and Explorers met at Courtice United Church Wednes- . day evcning. Mr. Franîk Walter was present to belp in the re- . bearsal o!fltic processional and recessional hymrîs for the Christ- ' mias Vesper Service. Presideni. Luise Wehnert was in tho chair. The ushers for Sunday rehearsed by taking up the offering for the meeting. Those taking part iin the Candle-Lighting Ceremnony liad a short rehearsal. Sunbeamn and Rainbow Groups met in their groups to record atteîîdance a, Churchi and Sunday Sehool. A large congregation assembled Suinday, evening to bave a share with the C.G.I.T. groups and Ex- plorers la the National C.G.I.T. Christmas Vesper Service. Three special aumbers by the choir add- ed greatly to the service. Louise Wehnert, president, read a Christ- ias story. Mrs. Sumerville brouglht a very inspiring Christ- mas message about a Christian Chinese girl. Those taking part . in the Candie Lighting Ceremony xvere Miss Muriel Taite, Leader;, Candle Lighters: Louise Wehnert, Lorna Taite, Peggy Welsh, Mar- jorie Marcinieu and Beverley Burgessi. Betty Wilson, Marie Brown and Nancy Brown acted as ushers. f Courtice C.G.I.T. groups will take part ini the Vesper Service - at Westmount Church next Sun- day evc.ning. Young People's Union met in Ehenezer Church Monday even- ' ang. Ia the absenîce of the presi- dent, Mr. Ron Brooks occupie.0 the cbair. Plans were made forpileir> Christmas party on Dec. 22, .iss , Vlarjorie Somerville was in c 2efge of a very interesting Bible Quiz. Everyone enjoyed Christmas carol ingiog. Attendance 19. Mernorial Mospital Appeal mer- is your support. Give generous- i 1 -- .1 .1ï - v1M . --r - !----.- r 1' i ~14 1 1 (- SEALED TENDERS âddressed to the undersigned and endorsed "TENDER FOR TEMPORARY ADDITION, PUBLIC BUILDING, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO," will be received in the office o! t he Secretary, until 3:00 P.M. (E.S.T.), THURSDAY, DECEM- BER 18, 1952. Plans and specification can ho seen and forms of tender obtained at the offices of the Chie! Archi- tect, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, Ontario, the District Architect, 36 Adelaide Street East, Toronto, Ontario, and at the Pub- lic Building, Bowmanville, Ont. Tenders will not be considered unless made on these forms and la accordance with the conditions set forth therein. Each tender must be accom- panied by a certified cheque on a chartered bank in Canada, pay- able to the order of the IvLinister of Public Works, or Bearer Bonds as specified in the Lorm. of tender, for 10% of the amount of the tender. The Department, tbrough the office of the District Architeet, 36 Adelaide Street East, Toronto, Ontario, wi]l supply blue-prints and specification of the work on deposit of a sum- of $25.00 in the Lorm of a certified bank cheque payable to the order of the Min- ister of Public Works. The de- posit will be released on the re- turn of the blue-prints and spec- ification within a month fromn the date o! reception of tenders. If not returned within tbat period the deposit will ho forfeited. ROBERT FORTIER, Acting Secretary. Department o! Public Works, Ottawa, November 28, 1952. 1 1 1 TH URSDAT, DLMC. il.- 1952