THIJRSDAY. DEC. 25, 1952 fl. ~ 1 excavation of the Manchaster Ship ,uÙawa Couple IWOB 1inDowRlaRv1Ue' Canal. That w as a big day," hie mused. "A whole ox was roestad in the On Christmas Eve 50 Years Ago 190arket ur."terarig F akat squaere. ra i Having movad ta Oshawa fnom'dan his wiia had been during the Cburch, the couple lived [n Baw- Bowmanville iu 1909 a well- depression when ha %vas withoIat . manville for savan yeers. They, known couple, Mn. and 'Mrs. WNil- work for sevan yeers. have ana son, the Reverend Dr., liam Ridig. ing tret Eat,1 Mrs. Riding signed hlm off with; W. F. Riding, formerly of Rock- « Oshawa, Olebraed thair golden 1 BtI intls orhm r il nie hrh otel weddlng auniversarv on Tuesdey 'u v intls u oeorfedUaa hrh otel Dec. 23, wheu they 'ware et home go into debt, and lots did." t, who i. now minister o! the Flnst ta thain relatives end friands dur- was easy to sae that thay have Presbyterîen Church. Union City. been and still ara a perfect team, Pantisylvenia. Thera are two ing the aiternoon and eveniug. each eagar ta give credit to the grandchildren, Pan] and Barbera. Young for thair yearsi, the other.j Dr. and Mrs. Riding and their cot ple are in good haalth and ara childnen wera hare for the necep- àn;rasted iu local affairs. Mns. Tbey couldn't think whv they; tian on Tuesdey' and e brother, ~ing la still a perticular house- bad chosen Christmas Bye fon Mn. Samuel Cale and Mrs. Cola, ~per, pnoud ni ban shining homne their waddlng day. Mrs. Riding o! Wataskiwin. Alberta, wera also *4j]Mr. RIding indulges in his recallad tbay bed beau courtlugl here fon the celebration. o~urite hobby of carpentnv and for fivejy ars, dnning which time __________ f aiture fiuishing, and k'cas- they ha iunishied and pnepered I ally plays the instrument ha Ia home. Than tbay dacided itBE H Y lisbeau masterng for 35 yeaas,Iwudba rnefliatopBE H N the Frnch horn. Wbilla luBow mannied on Christmes Eveaend____ mnanvilla he a vs employed et the my notanonhm.Holiday Visitoru Dominion Ongen & Piano Co. and( Mrs. Riding i. the former Missj plaead withi their baud. Lana Cola. deughtan of Mr. and! Miss Paticia McBean, teacher Love of fine furuiture cornes j Mrs. Semuel Cola, o! Bowm-an- li at Fallis Scbool, left Fniclay for fram bis rnan.v years of ermploy-j ville. Mr. Riding cama from Mean- I er home ncar Cornwall ta spand ment with the Williams' Piano chester. England. in 1886, as a boy the Christmas vacation. Company. WXhen the com anyoftan with his mother who was Mrs. Hugli McDonald, Toronto, was disbanded l'vr. Ridin gbecame a lraady a young xidow. Ris i[s visiting han mother, Mrs. Rich- au émplovNee of Genaral Motons.j father'bad coma ta Canada ahcad. ard Fellis. The couple are memibars of of tham eand while ivonking on Robent Rvlav. Grava Prepera- Centre Street United Chunch. the linking up of the Canadienj tory School, Lakefiald, is veca- 'We have liad our ups and Pacifie Reilwey was teken ili tiauing with bis parants, Mn. and downs,' laughad Mn.. Riding, "but ývith tha prealent "mountain' Mn.. Bruce Ryley. -, -Alesnt seemn like fifty fever" and died lu Crow's Nast Miss Lanratta Rowan, lraquais 'Yeuý -. .We've seau goad Pess, British Columbia. Whan Falls; Camneron Rowen, Quean's timas end bed times, and coma tha uaws reechad the littla fam- University, Kingston, witb thair thrangh thamn togethen." Wank- ly in Eugland thay wera packed parants, Mn. and Mn.. Walter ing together, she thought, wes the end waiting et Liverpool ta sailIRawan, secret a! a happy merriege. ta Canada, so they canie ta jain "A wife should be willing ta do relatives lu Bowmanville. Mns. Caci McGill, Toonto, with han shara, aspacialiy if e man Oua ai Mr. Ridiug's most vividberpants, n. adM. ae loses bis job," sha daclaed. And mamonies ai bis boybaod is the Mr.Kndou. Ant e n .Mr. Riding necalled what e won- turniug ai the first sod for the _MnauMn.A otNesad To Dur Costomers and Friends * 0 In the spirit of friendship and good will of Christmastimne, we thank our many friends and customers for your patronage ta each and every one of you- wve wish the best of everything! BOWMANVILLE CLEANERS & DYERS -IShirley, Toronto, with Mr. and tc*vq Mrs. Clarence Neals. Mrs. William Cavanso has ra- Sceived word o! the sudden death of ber sister, Mrs. Nellie Steples in New Westiiinster, B.C. Mrs. Staples, the former Nellie Gui- espie, lived here bafore moviug nto British Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Davis, Linds, are welcomed to the village. They purchased the uew home bnilt by Walter Rowland. Mr. Norman Lowes, University af Toronto. wlth bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lowas. Mr. ar'd Mn.. Harold White, R. iR. 1, Ida, a receut bride and Jgroom, were guests et a party i Bethany Town Hall Satunday ev- euîng when relatives and friands from Cayeu, Millbrook, Ida, Springvilla, Pontypool, Manvers and Bethany praseuted themn with a studio couch and matching table. The eddress was read by Miss Marie Carr. Mr. White express- ed tha thanks of himself and his wife, the former Jane Stinson o! Millbrook, for the gift and espec- ially the committae, Miss Irene Trick and Messrs. Harry McCam-. us, AMthun Stewart, Murray Log- an, Cneighton Cari- and Russell White, who had arranged the cale- bration.e School Annual Concert The annuel concert by the pupîls o! Bethany Public Scbool was held in the town hall and was lergely attanded Carolyn Smith gave thé "Welcome" reci- tation, followed by the entine school singiug "O Canada," "Merry Cbristmas" and "Hay, Hay, Ho." Recitations were giv- an by Tommy Rayson, Melvin Smalt, Bobby Edmunds, Ross Jor- dan, Dianua Mulligan, Allen Smith, Howard Morton, Patricia Bigelow, Lai-ny Lamb. A dialogue "Tbe Christmas Lesson" was act- ed by Lerry Lamb as the teachar, with Carolyn Smith, Ross Jordan, Ronald Jackson, Bobby Edmuuds, Howard Morton and Randy Long- field. as the pupils. Patricia Fallis and Glan Wright in charmiug red and white cost- umes, did a tap dancing routine. A second dialogue "Uncle Joe's Wîll" had Donald Smith as the lawyer, with Joan Morton, Bruce Wright, George Scott, Donald Scott, Leone Jordan, Neil Finuey and Donald Smelt as the pros- pective heirs and Wallace Cooper as "Uncle Joe". Muriel Sheckletou and Phyllis Bristow sang 'Silvar Belîs". Tap dancing numibers were given by Dianne Muligen, Sally Coburu, Jane Fellis and Leone Smith. The nid nursery story of "The Old Woman Who Lived in e Shoa" was well givan with Muriel Sheckleton as the OId Wornau and ail the pupils ni the kindergertan group as hem nanv childrau, xvho were visited by other story book MEt CANADIAN STArESMi,N BOWMANVT1I. ONTARIO 11935 Mr. Smith was elected a member of Cavan Council, rep- reseuting the township for seven yearu as counicillor, one year as Deputy Reeve and two years. as Reeve. He has always been a faithful member at St. Patul's Anglican Church ln Bethany and was a' Wanden for many years. Hi. wife bas also been veny active in the work of the cburch and in the Woman's Auxiliary. They have a iamily ai seven: the sons aIl being progressive farmens, Charles and Mervyn botb owuing ianms on Highway 7A in Cayeu Townsbip; Emory, on the Cavan-Menvers boundany. Thein four daughters are Mrs. Carl Porteous (Ive) of R. R. 1, Cav- an; Mrs. Norman Breitbwaite <Mildred) o! Cayeu; Mrs. Gordon Moffatt (Olive) of Bowmanville; Mns. Kenneth Braithwaite, (Hel- en) of Peterborough. There are 11 graridchildren: John and Allan Moffatt of Bowmanville! Ross, Leora, Glen, Barrie and Murray Smitb of Cavan; Leon Braith- waite. Cayeu; Faye and Cathanine Braithwaite, Peterborough, and Ray Porteous, Caveu. The immediate iamilv present- ed themn with a dlock on this wed- cncrnpm tsemnig gifts: Little ---- ---- Jack Horner, Little Boy Blue,1,e Little Ho Peep. The Little Pigi thet want to Market, Bakar's ManW Jack and Jili. King Cola and bis thraa fiddlers. Little Miss Muf- fett ware acte/j by Jack Dnrahm, Tommy Rayson, Sharon Bigalow ,I Melvin Smalt, Randy Langfiald, Allan Smith, Ronald Jackson, Allen Bristow, Bobby Edmnnds and Jane Fallis. In conclusion the entira group sang "Sulent Night". A ilag dril by the HOLIDAY senior pupils lu red. white and blua costumes was well carniad GETNSi ont. Sharon Bigelow and Jane Fallis sang "Frosty the Snom- May happiness Adialogua 'Christmas Surpris- and good chott ez< . vas given by Dianne Bigalnw, MagrtLane. Leone Smith, Brande Rom-en and Melcolm ~b. yours et Smieit. Patricia Bigelow, John Jackson.,~ Tommy Ravson, Lerry Lamb, Jane )f Failis. Hom'ard Morton and Bobby Edrnunds sang 'Away in a Mang- eBrende Rowan and Joan Morton, onM a e 'ýang a duet -~Santa Clans Is Com- onM a e ing To Town". The final dialogua M. P. andA Houisakeepar" lhed frDr Peter Coburoi and Murray Smith frDra as two bachelors, xith Phyllisi Bristomw, Paul Pomeroy. Muriell Sheckleton. Colleen Dnrahmi, Donl na Durh:am and Sallv Coburu as1 prospective housekeepers. A char-, us group ramn the Sernior Rocom Wý -.gTheres A Song in the Air*'.iM Joaii %orton gave a monologue! Y Sa!~ Christmraýz Presents." Pupiis o! the Junîor Roorn gavea a folk dance.~ Shaion Bi:gelow gave aGod bve' r1Ecî!aIiooi and tIlle entire -choo! grop ý anc To\lani, Seilr ' Preitv Cr~m~Trea anc i .H.cae Cosnes b>.aita Clausi. The .--.---~-.--- ti i t] s ti WEDNESDAY, DEC. 24- PEE WEE HOCKEY, al Ieams 9:00 - 10:30 BANTAM HOCKEY, al ieams 10:30 - 11:30 See your captain re tisle youir teani picys FIGURE SKATING CLUB - 4 -6 p.m. PUBLIC SKATING 8 Io 10 p.m. ADMISSION Adults 35e - Chiidren 200 THURSDAYI DEC. 25 - FREE SKATING To Everyone on Çhrisimas Day front 2 Jo 4 p.m. PUBLIC SKATING 8 le 10 p.m. AD.MISSION - Adulîs 35r - Children 20é FRIDAY, DEC. 26 - Midgei & Juvenile League - 2:00 - 3:30 Ail teanis - consuit captain for tirne you play PUBLIC SKATING ADULTS ONLY 8 Io 10 p.m. ADMISSION -_ _ 3e "Old Genteman' finaily arrived i fDrr ~Gi. Peterborough; Leslie Pritch-! in time to distribute the gifts from OBILA RU Y LÂard. Cavan; Bruce McGill, Law-' the tree. _____ rence Staples, Thomas Staples, i 1Mr. Hope Rayson, trustee, %vas MSURYHAO YE'Offa Staplcs, Vincent Jackson. chimn r ae ay, music : Lesl:e Challicc Lavérne Me- teacher for Manvers township Mrs. Mary Alice Ryiey of Beth-! Kinley Harry . OBrian. Clarence! schools, was pianlst, end the tap ai gd8 ers idî t Neals, Lloyd Kennedy, Otto S pen- dancing numbers were trained by Joseph's Hospital. Peterborough, cer, Calvin Reynolds. William! Miss Jtne Wright. Dec. 14, following an ilness of Hannah, William Rowan, J. C. Toail those who had assistedj several weeks. Ci msey lrnc oTnad' and to the teachers, Mrs. Orboe There are Marly ta mourn the Witr1oan'al fBhiay Wright and Miss Velma Thexton, passlng of this gentlé lady wîho omBrceiathome;survivngaeher - Mr, Rayson expressed the thanks had been a particularly active s~*rc thme e agtr of the trustee board and the par- member of the communty. Her Ms James Turnbull (Alice) of ents for the excellent entertain- graclous personality and keen in Peterborough; three grandson:,, ment teeat n al te afair of he il-Harry' and Robert Ryley of Beth-. m ent.S ho l ar y aere t inl alon btmmeraf i s f t e dv l - a y and Jam es R yley T ur bull of ' nte CchSunday S choolPaY laghe ws bongjust wo menorti Toronto. Her husband Harrv ai eta n the fome ar Aic1 Heaton.Ryley predeceased her 261 held their annual Christmas party MeGill, and was the lest surviv- years ago. Friday evening. Supper wvas, ing member of the family of the SBuMra's Cin tefmlypot served and the following program late Joseph McGill and Eliza St. MansCetery. o tma enjcyed which included recita- Pritchard, who were among the Wecann wo thik ofthemusoi tions by the Primary group, very early settlers of Manverà oed h a wt sn Dianne Muiligan, John Jackson, Township. orte pt flf ete Bobby Edmunds, Eleanor Port- In her younger years she taught Aothe haeth oe Wefre eous, Jane Feuls, Ronald Jackson, school. Following her marriage A nd stili their sulent ministries Ross Jordan Muriel Sheckleton she bead an able partner in her within our hearts have and Phyllis Bristow sang "Silver sheb Belis". Creighton and'MreCr o s business (Ryley & I place. sang two nuers withnd guit arr c- sGeneral Store has been es- As when on earth they walked ý coani wnme Miss uitElsie tablished continuously for over I xith us and met us face to caronigaena reMing lieRich- 92 years). face." theso Hopiaea rdi"Emmai Mrs. Ryley took a very active - tHpitald ardtor Rev. James part in ail the women's organiz- Gaon Wil" aneor "Christmas ations of the former Presbyterian The 1951 census listed 7,217ý GoodWil." aneFallis sang "I Church and later in the United; authors, editors and journalists in Saw Mummy Kissing Sauta Church. For many years she was Canada, of whieh 5,596 were mien Claus". Barbara Baker gave a a teacher in the Sunday Schools and 1,621 womnen. recitation. Mrs. Harvey Fallis f_________________and___________ and Mrs. Preston Neals sang "Star oabt hrhsan sepcal remembered for ber leadership of of the East". Christmas carols the Young Men's Bible Class. She were sung throughout the even- had been a member of the Beth- ipg, with Miss Gladys Bigelow et ayWmnsIsiueee ic the ian. Ms. . Crr oldtheit was organized and held several story of "The Night Before Christ- offices iu this organization. She mas" . Santa Claus arrived to a aetdatsa ela distribute the gifts from th wasicantandwatstasorerl as a Csmslg freery hchIld anist of St. Paul's Anglican somehingfor verychil inthe Church and Bethany Presbyterian Sunday School. Church. Golden lVeddlnt The fur4eral service, held fo Mr.andMrs Jon Sitho!'the United Church on W'ednesday Mr. ad Mr. Joh Smih ofwas one nf the largest ever wt Bethany quietiy observed their nessed in the village. The church Golden Wedding anniversery on wsfle eodsaigcpct Dec. 17, receiving congratulationsasdithedproesson satncapactye circl ifsfrmti lre cemetery was over a mile in ~ ciceof relatives and friends. leugth. Rev. James Hampson had The wedding ceremony of 50 charge nf the service with Rev. T. years ago took place in St. Paul's S. Gauit ni St,. Paul's assisting. Anglican Church, with Rev. Henry Mrs. Clarence Rowan presided at F. Burgess officiating. Miss Olive the organ. Lamb (now. Mrs. Wellington Mc- Palîbearers were Roy McGill, Gee) of Cavani was their brides- Lloyd Ashton, Harvey MeGill, ail M AY maid and Mr.. Herbert Kennedy of Enniskllleu; Stewart McGill. attended the groom. Mrs. Alice Centreville: Louis McGîll and McGrath played. the w.edding Gibson Lowery oi Bethany. T H IS music. Bearing the many beautiful Mr. Smilth, now 78 years oi age, floral offerings were Harold Row- is a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. an, Springvulle: Harold Tate, John Smith Sr. and his wife, who Centreville; Cecil McGill, Ken- [s seven years his junior was the neth Mason of Toronto; Charles former Lila Gillis, a daughter nf Staples, Bridgenorth; Earl Mc- the late Mr. and Mns. Thomas Gil- TOP lis. ding annlversary, whîch was held Following a wedding supper at very quîetly due ta the poorTHEM the home oi the bride', parents, heaîth of the bride. and groom. H h the bride and groom went im- Mr. Smith had recently under- rnediately ta their first homle On gone an operation and is just con- L Lot 22, Con. 9, Manvers Town- valescing. Mn.. Smith who suf-ALL ship. "Fiity yeers ago people fered, a broken hip gets around E rarely went on honeymoons" Mn. with ditficulty. 'Yet we have a VD.F5V8B51 Smith observes, lot ta be thankful for", says Mr. Service Station He ha. been a fermer ail hi. Smith. "Our family are ail close ifetime, ably assisted by hi. wiie. ta us, we see some ni themn every Corner Seven years after their marniage day." King & Scugog hey moved into Cavan Township The community join lu theirStet aud lived on a iarma now owned congratulations tu this worthy Stet ,y Cecil Wards, later moving ta couple and trust they will both he inm now owned by their soon be improved in health andj of Betbany It is 10 vears since occasions. PROCLAMATION DOXING DAY Friday, Dàc. 26, '152 1 hereby declare Frlday, December 26th, 1952, as Boxing Day for the Town of, Bowmanville and request ail citizens to observe the same. Sidney Liffbii Mayoir Town of Bownianville GOD SAVE THE QUEEN Wee<'s Acti"vities ai the Arena SATURDAYI DEC. 27 - FIGURE SKATING CLUB - 9 to il ar. PUBLIC SKATING 2 Io 4 p.m. ADMISSION Aduits 35e; Chidren 20f 8:30 p.m. INT. ""A" HOCKEY COBOURG vs. BOWMANVILLE BARONS Reservcd.- 65r' - Rush 50r - Children 250 SUNDAYI DEC. 28- GOODYEAR HOCKEY - Iob 3 p.m. FAMILY SKATING- 3 Io 5 p.m. MONDAY, DEC. 29- FREE SKATING Public School Boys Oniy 3 Io 5 p.m. Men's Town League- 7:30 Io 10:30 TUESDAY, DEC. 30- FREE SKATING Public School Girls Only 3 Io 5 p.m. PUBLIC SKATING 8 Io 10p.m. AD31ISSION - Adults 350 - Children 20e New Year's Eve Special! ""FANCY DRESS CARNIVlAL" Skating- 9 p.m. Io 1 a.m. ADMISSION *-- _____500 Allin's Neat Market N. J. ALLIN & SON Memorial I I PAGE Ratepayers Have pathern to avoid a featy . LJntil Dec. 3lst charged on unpaid taxes et the ro Pay Their Taxes The last Installment of 1952 taxes was due on November 25, Abolut 15 per cent of Bownman- Mr. Oke said. ville's ratepayers have not yet paièt their 1952 taxes according to The numnber of factories in Cati- rax Collector Clarence Oke, and ada increased fromn 24.800 in, 1939 have# only until December 31 to to 38,100 -in 1952. L 0 A.NS ~$0 2te$2 00 dosrsiturre e.,,s lymîiy, n.t rem- Phne -487*JonphoAene r 1-YEsitMan, gie.crni. OPEN 30TURaVI UNI6N lon aab eiet c i urasigtwn aM no sîeCu.y* oS