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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Dec 1952, p. 1

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dbe tai "Durham Count y' s Great Family Journal" VOLUME 98 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, -DECEMBER 25th, 1952 7e PER COP~ NUMBER 52 o . o I *. o * e Si O . Any way you want to look ai it, artificial ice has been a life- saver to the Memoriai Arena. In a joint statement issued this weelc, Arena Chairman Bob Watt and Sec'y-Treas. Cliff Samis esti- mate the profit after only four weeks of operation at between $1800 and $2000. And this amount includes payment for building an office and laying sidewalk from the machine. room to the back door of the Arena. An interesting item in the fin- ancial report is the fact that ice rental receipts brought in more rnoney than Intermediate "A" hockey with public skating only a couple of hundred dollars bc- hind. When it is considered that with- out artificial ice there would have been no skating, fancy or plain, \_*and no hockey for the four weeks which have been so active, even the severest critics must admit that the installation has been worthwhile. The report is as follows for the period Nov. 23 ta Dec. 20, in- clusive: Receipts ]Balance on hand ----------$ 640.27 ntermediate A Hockey. 1034.70 unior B Hockey------_ 109.85 Public Skating -------- --840.35 Rentais ----------------- 1069.00 Lun.c)i. Counter Profit --- 342.42 3th Milestone Gilbert Jones It just seems lîke yesterday that the Dominion Store opened its store in Bowmanville wheme the Simpson Order Office is now located. But an item in the "Signpast," an attractive and in- teresting hause argan, issued by this popular chain store organ- ization, states: "Gilbert Joncs started with Dominion on October 30, 1922, as a clerk in the Bowmnanville store. In, 1923 he was promotcd ta manager and mcmained in Bow- manville in this position until 1942 when he was apýointed Supervisor in the present North- Central Ontario District. Mr. Joncs was born in England and is an ardent fisherman. Two of his sans are cmployed in the meat dcpartmcnts at Whitby and Peter- borough." The Statesman joins with Gil- bert's many friends in congratu- lating hlm in climbing the laddcr of success and qualifying as a member of the Dominion Store* 30-Year Club. Liquor Charges Laid Ini Raids at Lotus And Pontypool irrovincial police frorn the Bov- t Expenditures Power------- $ 293.93 Coal ----- -- 34.50 Labor ----- 166.50 Supplies --- --190,21 Telephone --- 10.85 Advertsing ---- 28.83 Tickets and Printing ---100.70 Paint------------- 28.75 Maintainence --16.82 Office construc- tion; const. sidewaik ---467.70 Total ---------- $1338.7S Balance ------------------- $2703,83 The management have attempt- cd to put the Arena on an accur- ate cost accountancy basis and on their figures an estimate of $60 per day bas been arrived at for operating expenses. Natur. ally, after a couple of months con- tinued operation, it will be easie: ta determine if their system has neglected to include some major item. If everything goes well, witl our hockey teams cantinuing to draw good support and the inter- est in skating does not lag, the Arena should be able ta showa very good profit at the end of the year. At the moment, the man- agement committee will make no forecast but they are very pleased with resuits ta date and have high bopes for the future. Foresters Party For Children Greatly Enijoyed Bowmanville Court, Canadian Order of Foresters, held its an- nual Christmas Tree and Concert in the Odd Fcllaws Hall an Sat- urday under the chairmanship of C.R. Bob Craig. Santa Claus arrived on sche- dule ta hand aut presents and oranges ta the large number of children present. O, F. Robson showcd films of wintcr sports and alsa mavies of this year's Santa Claus Parade in Toronto. Six children from the audience made the drawings for poultry and prize winners were the foi. lowing: turkeys: A. W. Mrrar,, Oshawa; J. Shaw, Oshawa; geese, John Baker, Sauina; Mrs. E. L. Ott, Wellington St., Bowmanvillc; chicken, T. C. Gatchell, Carlisle Ave., Bawmanville, and Joan Graham, Liberty St. N., Bowman- ville. A program o! entertainment was presented by the children with recitiatians given by Lamne Thompson, Ben Thompson, Carol Grecnhamn, Jim Masterson, Alvin Masterson, Donald Masterson, Ed- die Jansen and Diane MacNab. Piano solos were played by Linda Potts and Lamna Abernethy; a piano duet by Marian and Lamna Abcrncthy, and vocal salas [by Linda Masterson and Mary Jean Billett. A dialogue was given by Glen, Bob and Grace Blackburn. Heavy Damage Resuit of Auto Crash A 1951 car belonging ta Miller's Taxi and another 1951 model awned by Stuart Preston wce heavily damaged in a crash early Saturday marning. Neither Mr. Preston nor Fred Seymour, the driver o! the Miller taxi, were injured, howevcr. Police said that Seymour wvas at Maple Grave on hi$ way to Oshawa whcn struck by the car driven by Preston. Preston stat- cd that be was forced ta swerve inta the path o! the Miller taxi in order ta avoid striking a third vehicle which was passing the taxi at the time. Th~e third car did not stop aftcr the crash omanvîîîe and Peterborough de- Piz1 tachments aided the residence oi1Prz inners William Hackwood, Pantypool,lAt Legion early Saturday momning and seiz- ingo and Dance eci a quantity o! beer and liquor. ____ Hackwood wiii be charged with Members o! the Canadianý illegal possession of liquor, Police!i Legion and their friends enjoyd said.1 a fine time at a Bingo and danýe, Taking part in the raid were1 sponsored by the Legian Pipe Cpi. L. E. Throop, Const. Art Band, and held in the Legion Hall Watson and Const. Douglas Kost- Fmîday night, Dec. 19. ka o! the Bowmanviile detach- There wcre a number of daws, ment and Sgt. Palmateer and two with the winnems as foliows: other officers of the Peterborough Olga Kalynko, Oshawa; William detachment. Meikle, Oshawa; P. Hayes, R. R. Police also visited the dance at1 2, Oshawa; Mutton's Service Lotus an Friday night and seizedj Centre, Bowmanville; Gord Pear- several bottles o! liicugr theme. son, Oshawa: Kari Brann. O§h- Those carrying the botties will be! awa; Wm. Eiiiott: E. E. Tripp, R.1 charged with illegal possession o! R., Oshawa; R. Barrnage, Oshawa; liquor, police stated. X. R. Hodgson, Oshawa. Nlemorial Arena Highly Pleased With Operations for First Month Showing Profit Well 'on to $2,000 ýClass Room Parties Police Offer Ai sAt Public Schools I : rn oReal Jolly far Children in Central and Ontario rSt. public schoois brought the LIAYo Drive JFail term ta a happy close last eFriday afternoon with classroomn Police Chief Sidney Ver rparties. Fine programmes were Bowmariviilc and Cpi. put on hy the children, and cvery Throop, head of the Bowmz roam had its own decorated Detachr-nent of the Ontari( Christmas tree. Each child re- vincial Police, have issu( ceivcd candy and an orange be- appeal and a warning ta fore dcparting homeward for two ists of West Durham for th( weeks' hoiidays. da,, seasons of Christmaý The High School closed oni New Year's. Thursday. foilowing a bout wilh These can he best sumn- 1end of term examinations. Re- in the admonition: "If yau 1leascd from studying, the boys- don't drive; and if you and girls celebrated wvith volley-- don't drink."' It is csp( bail playaffs in the gymnasium, important for motorists t, and the traditional game between serve this mule during the h the staff and students, in which season, they stated. Local the Fifth Formers were the vic-1 will be keeping a close wa tors. Supper wvas scrved. in the 1 this district to sec that LAsscmbly Hall, and a dance1 carried out. wound up festivities. Many oth- i Ail seven officers of the cm cxciting events took place, in- detachment will be or. cluding the arrival of* Santa, Christmnas Eve and New Claus. and the. B.H.S. Scrcech'Eve to enforce traffic regulz Owl in this issue has a full ac- Cpi. Throop said. Théir count which you will enjoy read-. wili be lightened if those pf in£.gJ attending parties and d Kany Needy Families Remembered With Christmas Cheer Thru Efforts 0f Clubs, Legionand SalIvation Army Through the special Christmas In addition, Christmas hampers *vork of the Bowmanville Salva- going to families with small Lion Army, the three service clubs children alsa contained clothes and several other organizations in and toys. Baskets donated ta the town and district, a good three expectant mothers contain- many needy families in West Dur- ed a complete layette of baby's ham will have a Merry Christmas clothing in addition to the gro- who might otherwise have few or ceries. none of the treats always associat- The "Sally Ann" pays for this ed with the Christmnas season. Christmas work through its The Salvation Army this year Christmas chimney donations and [istributed 30 Christmas baskets the money collected by singing ta needy families in Bowman- Christmas carois. This year il vil and the surrounding district. received a big assist from the Each of these baskets contained Bowmanvillc Rotary Club 'whG aham, potatoes, carrots, turnips, donated $53.75 which club mem- oranges, apples, a fruit cake, bers had given for Christmas riincemeat, pie crust mix, cookies, work. Sizeable donations were assorted nuts, dates, cheese, a also, made to the Salvation Army lrge jar of jam and another large by the "Our Night Out Club," jar of peanut butter. Biackstock, and Loyal Orange Lodge, Pontypool. W~omnen's Institute The pupils of Grade 8 at the Public School donated a iovely Announce Town Hall doil and a box of doil clothes for one littie girl and the Sunday Rest Roomn Decorated School of the Haimpton United Church gave 1 1 Christmas stock. Boniwanville Womcn's InstitÙte ings containing candy, oranges met Dec. 18 with Mrs. C. Johns and other Christmas treats to the Dresiding. It was announced that Army for distribution. These ;e rest room on Temperance St. stockings, along with 24 more, -as been re-decorated and looks wcrc taken to the Bowmanvilie 6ery smart with white and red Memorial Hospital Sunday after. vproc walls and rcd chairs. The (Continucd on Page Seven) 11l cali was to read a verse fromn iChristmas carol. The chair was taken by Mrs. G. 'Welcome Caller i a] ti hi '4W a( o] WE AL lOI INi ..' . ~ . . . .o.. ..] Chrs massr M.M Chri Bachar Ge. W.Jams N Do iho on ae Geore GahamBihJame ~ A Mrs. .. Doihaaw-Baktc r.W G acad -SS o ,Cak Mr.Ce.B w a nil Ms ele Wlh - Slma Mrs.JohnCarer -BuretonMis Glays chlolee - Shin Mrs. Har y F ee m a - apl Gr ve M s. oss N. arr Be han Me Mrs.Wm.Mercr - Kenal Mss raceSmih - LongSaut9Y Mrs.Waler Rhm Tyrne r. Jck ayne - Pntypolro.u Mrs.Wm.Wanan Kiby Mss laie Tompon - Nesietn ~ fr Mrs.Leoard obhn - esteto Mrs Luu Jeehl - Lous jo ~'1r. Carls Aldr - akehor, ClrkeMrs M.E. M HoI - orrsh on the Mrs.... RFsr rfi nikilnE.Yug a rasRosRpre h Mrs.~~W A L JO N I Alc .Jns -NwovheA."aey ihrs -BHS cec w h Mrs.C. Tompsn - Courice se Sar * oodyear Employees 'hristmas Party a lappy Occasion Around 400 bappy children and ne 200 parents wcre gucsts o! ýGoodyear Employces Recre- in Club for their annual Christ- as Trce on Saturday, Dec. 20. ie cbldren rcceived gifts, candy id oranges from Santa's helpers. The Carr Brothers, a comedy m frorn Toronto, supplied the iertainment that kcpt the ildren in a happy frame of mind til Santa Claus arrived, and om then on ail eyes wcre on ly aid St. Nick. Santa talked the children and sang with mi, and it was evident from awide-eyed look on their facesi t thcy werc enjoying cveryl ýod of seeing and bcing with dvie ad Wrnig - Thieves Break Into Post Office Staff ,dvic andWarnng - C.N.R. Express Office Deserve Great Praise 1Dn' Drive At the Station For Efficient -Service Bowmnvile olic qustined Some idea a! the tremendous - Bomanvllepolie qestincdvolume of mail handied by the Donfl Drink two men Tuesday morning in con- Bowmanville Post Office myb __________ Inection with the break-in late gleancd fram the fact that in ito o sticlydivrc thirdrnkig ndS aturday night or carly Sunday the four days from Monday L. E. driving a:tivitics. morning at the Canadian Nation- morningo atwe aFia ianville The four officers of the Bow-mrig 130,000 outgaing picces ýo Pro-imanvilie Town Police wiii also al Raiway express office and of mail wcre pasted. cd an Ibe on duty on these two nights ba ggagc roam in the C.N.R. sta- Tbis is an average o! 32,500 motor- ta check on dmunken driving and tion bere. No arrests bave yet ýpicces a day as compared with i the normnal daiiy average of bc- Le bhl- other breaches of the law. been made but bath local and C. tween 2,000 and 3,000 picces. is and Remember, there are no turkey N. R. police are continuing their Pastmasteî- John B. Kent me- dinncrs servcd in police celis. investigation. ported, however, that people are ed up One television set is known ta learning ta do their Christmas drink Loca Str f ,3 have been stolen from the baggage mailing early and as a esuit drive LclSoes ro ad, i hogtthta eohePakseovrbyls Fia «iall On oxingDayather pieces of baggage may be instead o! mucli nearer Christmas ao oh- O fc missing. Officiais at the local CN. as in the past. The *mail this oliday But Post Ofic pen express office stated that they year flowed mare evenly and as police ____ couid not be certain just how a result was handicd more itch in Persans wbo arc subject ta many articles were stolen in the speediy and efficiently. it is indigestion, nervousncss, bang- break-in until after aIl Christmas In additipn ta the tempomaryi avers or just plain tiredness fol- baggagc has becn reccived. staff listed in last wcek's issuei OPP lowing the festivities o! Christmas Thieves cntemed the express the foliawing permanent Post duty Day will be picased and relieved, building by smashing a window Office employees have been do- Year's ta ieamn that thev wiil have a in the office and then forcing the ing yeoman work in bandlingE ations, day ta recaver before going back lock on the express shed door. Chita1al: et cil duties ta work. They also knocked the handie off!I Ross Souch, Miss Winnifred ýersons Boxing Day, Dececmber '16 has the zafe but were uùîable ta open Trewirî, Elgin ileard, Larry lances been proclaimed as a holida'y, ut, Dewcll and Len Dodds. Busiest man in the universe to-night will be the bearded gentleman shown above - none other than old St. Nicholas him- self, known more familiarly to children throughout the world as Santa Claus. Aithougb bis job is' made tougher ecd year by less snow and more television aerials, he aiways manages to complete his rounds and has guaranteed ta leave some presents from his sack of toys for all good boys and girls in Bowman- ville and district again this Christras Eve.1 New Canadians H«tv# Jolly Christmas Party Over 90 New Canadians set their English books aside at Cent- ral Publie c ShoQl last Tuesday evening ta hold their anual Christmas party. For somne it was their !îrst Christmas party in Canada, the land in which they bave chosen ta live. The New Canadians jained in the singing o! Christmas camais in bath English and their native language, with Daniel Carte at the piano. A programme cansist. ing o! varied numbers by the Vanklavemen sisters, Leona Semp- lonius, Odry Milienaar and Mrs, De Jong was much enjoycd. A movie on Canadian life was shown by Merle Slute, one a! the instructors of the New Canadians class. Through the good womk of Jake Kapteyn, Santa Claus amriv- ed ta distripute presents toa ai !rom a heavliy laden tmee. A delicious lunch was servcd by Marjorie Couch, instructrcss, and a cammittee o! girls. -' .~Lt r. J )nics and Health, wha introduced Irs. S. Black. Twa carols, ane a 'rcnch-Canadian lullaby a n d "Here Wc Go a'Wassailing" were charmîngly sung. Mrs. L. .zoddard then gave a reading tell- ig the stary of the last 12 haurs before, thebirtli of the Babe lin Bethlehçm Mrs. I.M ,%uttery g~ave a resume ,) local'linUinternational affairs or the year aftcr which Mrs. G. ichards read the annual report mi Home Economîcs and Health rm the recent convention in Ta- onto. Christmas werc led by Mrs. C. ;atcheil and a guessing contest eld. Mrs. AlIchin and Mrs. F. ackman distributed the small cx- hange gifts ta members and rinds. Mrs. Johns thanked ail who had :ntributcd ta the pleasure af the fternoon, Mrs. Alichin and her committee ýrvcd rcfrcshments and ail lcft ie hall ta the cheery greetings o! frry Christmas and a Happy ew Year. t mal: 7c PER COPZ - 1 9 ' tan NUMBER 52 1 âlbhà r'w'

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