.~URSDAY, DEC. 5. 19! 52 'lmECAMADUN ISTATESMAN. DOWILAKVULLE.ONTAUI PG FV More Donations 'Received for Hospital Fund -Coninued from last week) Mr. and Mrs. John Berry 5.00 Mr. and Mrs. H. Boyd _ 2.00 Mr. and Mrs. F. Brown 1.00 Mr. and Mrs. W. Cathcart 5.00 Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Chat- terton ---------------- 5.00 Mr. and Mrs. H. Cowling 2.00 Mr. Argus Curtis -------- 1.00 Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Curtis 2.00 Mr-. Wm. W: Curtis ----- 1.00 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hale -- 2.00 ~' Mr. Sid HallowelI - 1.00 UIr. and Mrs. Joe Jillison 5.00 ~jss Addle Milîson - .50 $~iss Dawn Moffat 10.00 'q r. and Mrs. S. Moffat -- 10.00 r. and Mrs. John Patton 20.00 Oi.Roy Patton ý 5.00 er Mr and Mrs. H. Prescott-. 1.00 Mr. and lNrs. Neil Rainey 3.00 Mr' and ?r.E tapleton 5.OQ Mr. J.J. W. Stringer --- 10.00 Mr. and Xgrs. C. Thertell 2.00 Mss Elizabeth Winn ----- 5.00 ,Mr. Fred Winn --------------- 5.00 M AY aur Mr. Wm. Winn ----__ Mr-. Howard Allun Mr. and Ms-s. Roy Berry- Ms-. and Ms-s. U. M. Bul- lock Ms-. and Ms-s. Harold Dean Mr. and Ms-s. H. Pedwell Ms-. Francis Pike Mrs. Nellie Pollard --- Mr. and Mrs. G. Power - Mr. and Mrs. C. Stapleton Mr. and Mrs. A. Turner.- Ms-. and Mrs. Les. Alldread Mr. and Mrs. Norm Allia Ms-. and Ms-s. Vance Allia Mr. H. Barlow _ -------- Ms-. and Ms-s. S. Bars-abal Ms-. and Ms-s. R. Boughen Mr. George Bowen-- Mr. and Ms-s. Wm. Boyd - Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bunting Mr. W. Burnette Miss Lizzie Burns____ Ms-. Ross Carleton Mr. Wm. Carmena-- Miss F. M. Cobbledick__ Mr-. John Cossar 2.00: 2.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 25.00 2.00 2.00 25.00 5.00 2.00 2.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 1.00 .50 2.00 1.00 1.00 hearty greetings ta pu glow with aur thanizs and appreciation for your patronage and friendship of the past year -may Christmas fa' or you with the very best of everything' W« H. BROWN Case Dealer I I 4 t I I I i I I I I w w q en~ tbijt Jstg .t D Ms-s. E. F. Curtis ) Miss Mabel Davey- )Mr. Alfred Dobson Mrs. Susie Duncan )Mr. and Mrs. L. Falls- Ms-. and Mrs. O. Falls -- Mr. and Mrs* H. Farow- Mr. and Ms-s. V. Farrow _ Mr. -and Ms-s. R. C. For. rester- Mr. and Mrs. C. Gilmer Ms-s. Elizabeth Glanville. Mr. John Gordon --- -- Mr. Cecil Graham......----- Mr. and Mrs. L. Hallowell Miss Norma Hallowell-- Ms-. and Mrs. H. E. Han- cock -------------------- Mrs. John Hends-y Mr. and Mrs. D. Hooper Ms-. and Mrs. John Hudson Rev. and Mrs. J. Kitchen Mr. Ali. Little Miss Annie Little-------- Ms-. and Mrs. S. O. Martin Mr. Jack Moffatt ------- Ms-. and Ms-s. H. Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Morton- Mr. and Mrs. R. McCallion Mr. Douglas- McGee ---- Ms-s. Mastha McKenna Mr. Cornelius Paulusse- Mr. Frank Reader Mr. Ewart Robinson.----- Ms-s. Maty Jane Saundes Mr. Wm. Savesy.-y ------ Mrs. James Searl-------- Mr. and Mrs. W. Seymour Miss Edith Sherwrn ----- Mr. R. E. Sherwin ------- Mr. and Mrs. M. Shutka.- Mrs. Neil Smith ---------- Mr. A. J. Souch --------- Mr. and Ms-s. Har-old Souch Ms-. and Mrs. H. J. Souch Mr. an-d Mrs. Wm. Stainton Ms-. and Mrs. Adam Stec Mr. J. F. Stevenson --- Mrs. Minie E. Stutt Mrs. Isabel Thoman -- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Todd- Mr. and Mrs. G. Trimm -- Miss Agnes Waddel Mrs. Letitia Walsh ------ Mr. and Mrs. G. Watson-- Ms-. and Mrs. E. C. West- heuser -------------- Ms-. and Mrs. Ben Whyte Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Williams Mrs. Emma Winter------- Mr. W. Wybenga ------ Mr. and Mrs. J. As-mstroang Miss Audrey Biilings ---- Mr. and Ms-s. Carl Billings Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Butters Mrs. Annie Evans------- Mr. and M4rs. P. Farrow__- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fuesten Ms-. and Ms-s. J. C. Gamey Mr. and Ms-s. A. Gers-y ---- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall- Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hall -- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hamm Mr. Percy Lunn ----- Ms-. and Mrs. John Morris Mr. and Mrs. McGee ---- Mr. Arthus- McKay Mr. T. A. Reid- Mr. and Ms-s. O. W. Roîpli Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rowe Miss Mary Sommes-ville - Dr. E. C. Sye ----------- Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Todd BOWMANVILLE Ms-. Robt. Battle Mr. and Ms-s. Melvin Bell Ms-. and Ms-s. F, Blunt-- Ms-. and Ms-s. W. Bs-adea-- Ms-. and Ms-s. Ai Bnooking Ms-. and Ms-s. S. Cassont--- Ms-. and Ms-s. Paul Chant Mr. Edwin Clapp Ms-. A. J. Claytan Ms-. and Ms-s. Ralph Cale Ms-. and Mrs. Milt. Cas-son Ms-. and Ms-s. John Davis Ms-. and Mrs. Carl Devitt Mr. and Ms-s. Gea. Graham Ms-. and Ms-s. B. Heavysege Ms-. and Ms-s. H. Henning Ms-. and Ms-s. H. Hoffman Independent Ondes- of For- esters, Bowmanville - Ms-. and Mrs. Allen Irvine Ms-. C. Kelly ------------ Ms-s. Jean Kennedy ------- Ms-. Robes-t Kers- ---- Mr-. and Ms-s. R. D. Kerr- Mrs. K. Longmuir.------ Ms-s. Helen Maughan ---- Ms-. and Ms-s. R. Meadows Ms-. and Ms-s. Wm. Mitchell Ms-. and Ms-s. Mel Moore Ms-. Wm. Moore -------- Ms-. and Ms-s. C. E. Mosris Ms-. and Ms-s. E. McDonald Mr. and Ms-s. McGill---- Ms-. Walter Oke ---------- Ms-. and Ms-s. R. Oniniston- Ms-. and Ms-s. Wm. Polley Ms-. and Ms-s. K. Porter Ms-. and Ms-s. E. Reader Ms-s. Ruby Reid --------- Ms-. and Ms-s. G. E. Richards Ms-. and Ms-s. Keith Rawe Ms-. and Ms-s. H. G. Saund- es - - - - - - - - ----- - Mr-. Bruce Semple Ms-. and Ms-s. Ray Shane Ms-. Has-sy Smith .- Ms-. and Ms-s. Stan Smith. Irs. Sybil Snelli .---- ----- Ir and Ms-s. Geo. Thrather Iiss Helen VanDusen ----- 10.00 10.00 25.00 4.00 50.00 United Steel Workers, Loc- al 2375. Bowmanville- Ms-s. Edith Cale Mrs. Maude Cary Ms-s. Edith Elliott Mr. and Mrs. E. Fairey Mr. and Mns. Las-ne Fisher Miss Mystie Hall -------- Mr. and Ms-s. J. H. High- field.------------- . ----- Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Johns Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Milne Miss Ida Moore Mr' and Ms-s. AI Osbor-ne Ms-. E. F. Poil -------- Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Rehder Ms-. and Mrs. W. Slaght --- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Spars-ow Mr. and Ms-s. A. Thampsoa Ms-s. Marion Wiseman- 5.00 25.00 2.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 2.00 1.00 10.00 2.00 5.00 2.00 2.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 10.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 2.00 10.00 2.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 1.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 3.05 M:-. Austin White DARLkNGTON 100.00 2.00 1.04 10.00 50.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 5.00 2.00 30.00 10.00 10.100 10.00 5.00 5.040 10.(M 2.00: 42.15 5.00 1.00 5.00 2.00 2.00 5.00 5.001 1.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 50.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 10.00 1.00 10.00 -TRUMDAY, DEC.-". 191. Average incarne of Canadians in 1949 was $900; in the U.S. the figure was $1,440 per capita, Switzerland $850. Sweden $820, Britain $775, Russia $310. NEWCSTLEAnnual Athleilc à Mr. and Mrs. K. Yewrich 10.00 Mr.an Ms.H. Britton 100 0 L! 0Mr. and Mrs. E. Alldread -_ 5.00 re iB y oMs-. and Ms-s. T. AUldsead 2.00 Sport iAnnonuuv1 0Ms-. and Ms-s. C. Bas-chard 10.00 S .W U~ 0 Mis Estella Blackburn- 10.00____ 0Mr. Fred Blackburn -___ 20.00 The setting fol the "Annue.1 0 AVR Athletic Awands Night" at the 0 MAVERSOntario Tr-aining School for Boys,f Township of Manvers (Mr. had a Chs-istmas touch due ta it 0 Allen Bees)-) - 25.00 being held lates- in the season than 0 usual. A bsightly decorated tree 0 along with a big table filled with 0MAIL tabs, crests and.- traphies werel 0Miss Charlotte Abbott, spot-lighted. adding glamaus- toaa 0 Oshawa --------P5.00 gala evening.. 0Ms-. Chas. R. Balles, Osh- Chairman W. Hoît. academîc 0 awa ------------- ------ 10.00) teacher, gat thingas-rolling by Mr. Fs-ank H. Kydd, Ce- .ds-awing attention ta the pro- 4 ballas, Cuba ----------oo0.00 gramme slogan "Recreation is the DFit/Lieut. Richard Love- Health-Beat of a Nation". He kmn Ottawa-------------- -1.00) then asked that "O Canada" be Ms-. and Ms-s. Frank L. sung and the 230 assembled stood Mason, Oshawa --------- 50.00 ta open the special night. U Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Neal, Dis-ectly foliowing, each House a Oschard Park, N.Y. --- 100.00 was called on ta smng their re- 4Mr. S. W. Haynes, Cobour-g .50 spective sangs, which i#ere very 4Ms-s. Mary Jackson, Mill- well done. 4 iken, Ontarioa---------- 200.00 Superintendent J. J. Brown was IMs-s. V. Peacock, Oshawa 25.00 asked for a few words la connec- 4Mrj. Gea. Bagnelli----------- 5.00 tion with his views and thoughts IMs-. and Ms-s. C. R. Bickle 2.00 o! the entire programme dus-ing Ms-s. Annie Bounsal ------- 2.00 1952. Ms-. Browa felt that an Ms-. and Ms-s. N. Bnooking 5.00 adequate and a reasoaably well Ms-. and Ms-s. Rupert Byers 10.00 handled athietic program was ta Ms-. and Ms-s. W. A. Cale.- 2.00 be climaxed with the preseata- Ms-. and Ms-s. Jas. Cooper 10.00 tion of ail the awards displayed. Ms-. and Ms-s. W P. Corbett 5.00 He feit, too, that the summer had 5Ms-. and Ms-s. J. Cowiing 10.00 been a ts-ying one in some sespects, )Ms-. and Ms-s. W. Crawford 1.00 due ta the extensive work ps-o- )Ms-. and Ms-s. Ai!. Deweil 15.00 jects, but that a satîsfactory con- M r. and Ms-s. Jack Dunn 3.00 clusion was made la every league Mrs. and Ms-s. M. Roenigk 100.00 with play-offs and champions de- Miss Betty Flaxman --------- 10.00 clared. Mrss. T. E. Flaxman ------- 10.00 The capable chais-man asked Mr. and Mrs. E. Hansen 5.00 Ms-. F. Yates ta introduce thei Mr. nd rs.W. arrson 5.00 guest speaker. Ia making the1 Ms-. Wm. Harrison Jr.------ 5.00 boys acquainted with Ms-. Paul, 1Ms-. and Ms-s. T. His-cock 10.00 Summierville, Chie! Sports An-i Ms-s. M. J. Hutchinson ---5.00 nounces- for radio station CKLB, Ms-. Ross Jackman ----------- 5.00 Ms-. Yates moade it kaown that aur Ms-. and Ms-s. R. Jackman 10.00 guest had sesided in Oshawa 1Ms-. Raiph Kelly ---------- - 2.00( about three years. He has always Ms-. and Ms-s. L. Leddy ----5.00 handied sports broadcasting, be- Ms-. and Ms-s. John Living 5.00 ing keenly interested ia al Ms-. R. Maynasd-d------------- 1.00 bs-anches of athletics, aithough he« Ms-. and Ms-s. N. McCuiioch 2.00 does not take aa active pas-t in Rev. and Ms-s. R. Nicholson 5.00 sports. At one time he played' Ms-. and Ms-s. Edsall Olives 20.00 for Balmy Beach Rugby team Ms-. and Ms-s. C. Piper ---- 2.00 unden Ted Reeves' guidance. The Ms-. and Ms-s. Raiph Poole 2.00 amount of travelling ta bs-oad- Ms- and Ms-s. G. F. Pus-dy 20.00 cast and see many major spos-ting, Ms-. and Mss L. Richards 10.00 events acs-oss the province, wit- Ms-. Harrison Roycroft ---- 5.00 nessing the World Ses-les, plus Ms-. and Ms-s. Ray Stacey - 5.00 the Grey Cup final warmed the Ms-. and Ms-s. R. Stephens 125.00 audience immediately ta the M-.R.. Street ---------- 25.00 speaker- as his backgrurndn b .o Ms-. and h7rs. Wm. Laird- 10.00 Ms-. and Ms-s. Ralph Stutt 5.00 came knawn.-------------------- 5.00 Ms-. and K'u. F. Gardan 1IMr. and Ms-s. E. Thampson 5.00 ThthmofM.Su evie' 1.0 Lak10.00 Ms-. and Ms-s. F. Thampson 10.00 speech was the 11passibilities of d 2.00 Ms-. Claytoa Re,-d Lo1.0 United Rubbes-, Cas-k, Lin-eahndveybopeetb- 10).00Ms-. Allan Stainto.N -- 5.00 oleum and Plastic Wos-k- ecmind soedy aoutrsetadin 10.00 Ms-. and Mns. D. Stnaw- es-s of America, Local athlete laone odtmay bousaach- 5.0o bridge ---- 1.00 No. 397, Goodyears-------50.00 ae tesinge f the act tahat 5.00 Ms-. and Ms-s. R. Thompson 2.00 Ms-. and Ms-s Elgin Varcoe 15.00 seach the top in spis-ts, much basic 10.00 Miss May Trewîn ------ 5.00 Ms-. Ges-ard Verby---------- 2.00 hard work must be done before 25.00 Mr. and Ms-s. Wm. Trewin 5.00 Ms-. and Ms-s. G. Wiseman- 5.00 ehigteuimeanfnly 10.00 Ms-. and Ms-s. Alvin Boyd 5.00 Ms-s. L. R. Wood--------- 10.00seain the m u tiat ge aad inabig 1o.o)o Ms-. and Ms-s. W. T. Cox.- 5.00 Ms-s. E. Wordea -------------- 10.00 time sports. Thea, tao, one can 10.00 Ms-. and Ms-s. L. R. Cs-ydes-- Ms-. and Ms-s. W. E. C. derive from games and cantest 10.00 man- 10.00 Wos-kman-------------- 5.00 much self-satisfaction and social 5.00 Ms-s. John Dosland 2.00 Ms-. and Ms-s. T. Wrigh---- 4.00 pleasure by knowing how ta pan- 5.00 Ms-. and Ms-s. R. Farrow 1.00 ticipate and develop as you play. s5.o Ms-. and Ms-s. J. Griffin-_~ 5.00 By putting intoalal spos-ts the Mr. and Ms-s. Russelli Gdf- LONG SAULT amount of time and effort o fin 2.00 wish ta spend ane dermies. an Ms-. and Ms-s. M. Hobbs- 10.00 equal amount o! self satisfaction. Ms-. R. J. Hodgson------- 5.00 Ms-. and Ms-s. Wmn. Sim, Osha- He went on ta tell some inside 5.00o Mr. and Ms-s. B. Hogas-th 20.00 wa, wes-e entestained ta a tus-key stonies about the great athietes la 10.00 Miss Elsie Horban ---------- .50 dianes- at the home o! Ms-. and bsblhce n ubbig 2.0Ms- and Ms-s. B. Johnson 1.00 Mrs. R. Sim an Sunday. Ms-. and basebaithe hoky andeerugbyfbsing- 20 Ms-: and Ms-s. G. A. Lead- Ms-s. Frank Alexander. Bowman- ing erta thesoysalng !ingy 10.00! beates ------------------ - 2.00 ville, wes-e also Sunday a! tes-- es-s because hie had talked ta them 2.00 Ms-. Gas-net Linton ---- 2.00 noon visitas-s. personally. 4.00 Ms-s., Adelaide McGill - 1.00 Chus-ch ses-vice will be at the He concluded with the thought 10.00 Mr. A. J. McLaggan~ 5.00 usual hour Sunday evening. that "Who knows but that ane 2.00 Mn. and Ms-s. R. MNi-- 5.00 Sorry ta repart that more of day some boys sitting here tanight M.and Ms-s. Alber-t Oke 10.00 the Baker family have the may be consides-ed tops in some j 50.00 Ms. E a geM-s. - ----------- 50.00 mumps, also Ms-. G. Kayacs is 111 field of athietics for Canada, not__ 5.0 Mr an Mr. . Pthik__ 5000and under the doctos-'s cas-e. only la teami games but theOcagii'sCrsm -m 1.00 Ms-. C. E. Shas-ts-dge -- 5.00 Ms- and Ms-s. John Wright, 1956 Olympic Games. atheOneaani'Chsma 2.00 Mns. T.Semn 2.00 Janetville, with Ms-. and Ms-s. Rye John Gr-aham thanked the 5.00 Mn. and Ms-s. L. Stainton 10.0 Gibson. speaker for coming ta the school and ever-grateful for your confidence and 5.00 Ms-. and Ms-s. R. A. Sudds 10.00 Ms-. and Ms-s. Sidney Martin, and giving his valuable time tai 5.00 Ms-. and Ms-s. J. A. Wes-ry 15.00 Oshawa, with Mr. and Ms-s. Stan bring an inspis-ing, fsiendly and! 2.50 Ms-. and Ms-s. Richard Wid- Gable. intes-esting talk ta the boys. 1 5.00 dicombe ---------------- 5.00 Ms.1dM-.JmsSih h anrao a u wsd friendship, wc extend to you our sincerest Ms-. Jas. Woinarauski--- 1.00 Bsian and Jackie, Pas-t Pes-ry, night, the handing out of same 225 5.00 Ms-. Gosdons oron-------1000 with Ms-. and Ms-s. A. J. McLag- cups, crests and tabs, was taken and warmest wishes for your Holiday * 5.0M.Gro rw ------1.0gan. cas-e of by Physical Dis-actas- Wm. 5.00()Ms-. and Ms-s. Jas. Brown 10.00 Ms-. and Ms-s. Rye Gibson and Bagneil. He in tus-n asked guests 10:00 )Ms-. and Ms-s. G. Chastran 2.00 Sandra with Ms-. and Mrs. Gardon and each member of staff ta nay it bc a H-appy one! 1. Ms-. and Ms-s. E. Courtice 2.00 Bentlev, Port Pers-y. assist him from tima ta time by 1.00 Ms-. Fred H. Ellis - ---------- 5.00 We wish the Editos- and Staff congratulating each boy as hies-e- 1.00 Ms-. and Ms-s. Russell Gay 50.00 the Season's Greetings. ceived his prize. 5.00 IMs-. and Ms-s. Thos. Oattes 2.00 House staff s-emas-ks ta the ps-o-. 2.001 Ars. and Ms-s. Fred Owen 2.00 gram department were axtended 5.00 Miss Joyce Robinson ---- 2.00 PHONE 3303 by Ms-. K. Heran o! Cents-e who o m n il 2.00 Rev. and Ms-s. L. Samas-- on behaif o! staff and boys passed 2.00 ville- ---------------- 5.00 for on their appreciation for the was-k 2.00 Mn. and Ms-s. H. Sweetman 5.00 TECNDA TTSA planned, put into action and 3.00 Ms-. and Ms-s. O. Ashton- 2.00 THE (JANADaIAN STATESMANclu Frigid Locker System 1.0Ms-. and Ms-s. J. Slemon- 10.00 CLASSIFIED ADS biroughetaa suessulcncu 2.00 'The chais-man bs-ought the ev- 5.00 CARTWRIGHT For Qulek Resuits ening ta a close with the boys 2.39 O.N.O. Club ----- - 50.00 singing "God Save The Quean"......-....... - -. ..D.>~E~mU>Î 5.00 2.00 CrsmsGetns 5.00 2.00 2.00 .5.004 100 TeCroaina h o na ow avle hog l fies V'e recal? the u'arrn and friendy iYU Y Sad ao Sidney Little lO)ah>y of our customers ansd Iriends. 9Y U YS n' ao In this spirit of good Iellowship, we 9 1.0ý iil' Reeve Morley Vanstone Deputy Reeve Me extend our .incerest wishes 10 you. fRe-e I Crisrna - previous COUNCILLORS :- Alytepeace adjo.y ohismscopyights,1 be 1zu1h Ûk forez-er anîd eter! C.fH TucNNelson Osborne Norman IN________________ Optometriat Wiifrid Carruthers Walter Di '~ Disney BIdz. N0T1CEOPP. P.O. Fred Cole 0. D. Ro OSHAWA -Phone 5-6143 Nfo Milk Delivery o 11 Christmas or New Year's Day It i possible optheys at aase. We as-e daing it for Kindly oçder enough rnilk on Wednesday t othars and can do it for you.ad loteemoy s cover your needs until Friday delivery.___ '1.A thoraugh examination is good radalohe mive eyae insus-ance. If yau do not ~naad giasses you will be advised. UALIf yau. do need themn you cannat Safford ta deiay.fianbeawne Keep ftadb inr joins in wishing the citizens of Bowméanville the c( GL NR E DAIET ml orvso dulîs the mind and. isa severe handicap in eve-y I PHONE~~~~ 44 OMNILhie pay env elope lails. Most of PHONE 444 BOWMANVILLE ~~~ Ls, unl.-nowingl ' -, have poor visionbebghadmeranmateNe Ya insnedegree « Know the con- ditin ofYoureý e andkeep fit. ~ Cpynîrghted) elvilie S. Dale SScott )eGeer obson :rence Oke ompliments of the season. May ihis Christmas Season ir bring good health, happiness and prosperity. Lward Night Traînig School Guesi Speaker STARK VILLE Shiloh people attended- service at Kendal on Sunday afternoon and enjoyed Christ.mas music. The service was in charge of Rev. Atkinson, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Gilmer, Bowmanvifle, attended Christmas 'concert at Starkville School on Friday evening. Mr. Orme Fails is driving a new Ford car. Mr. Arthur McKay is a patient in Memorial Hospital. Bowman- ville, as also is Mrs. Westheuser. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Farrow en- tertained friends at dinner last week. Among the guests: Mr. and M.rs. Widdus, Millbrook; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reid and family and Mrs. Lycett, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hallowell at Mr. Llew Hallowell's. Several attended the Christmas concert at Crooked Creek Thurs- day evening and enjoyed a fine programme. Mr. Jake Hallowell is spending a holiday in Toronto. Starkville Christmas concert was well attended Friday even- ing and ail enjoyed a pleasant pro- gramme. Mr. Llew Hallowell, chairman, in his remarks accred- ited the pupils, Miss Stewart and Mr. Neil Stewart for~ the fine ev- ening. Santa arrived in good time, read his letters, distributed the gifts from the well-laden tree and made a flourishing exit, leav- ing aillai a gay, happy mood. The most recent census lists 105,000 teachers, 5,422 professors, 35,138 nurses, 9,038 lawyers and 14,325 doctors. ý52 JOAN'S BEAUTY CENTRE CLARKE Mr. and Mrs. H. Allen Mr. and Ms-s. L. Clysdale Mr. and Ms-s. Ernest Eley Mrs. Edna Efliatt Mr. Roy Ellis ----- Mr. and 14irs. H. ElliottL- Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hoad Ms-. and Mrs. Jas. Imlack Ms-. and Mns. J. Kimbail - Messrs. Jake and John Kordas -------------- Mr. and Mrs. C. Martin -- Ms-. C. W. Martin, (Pro- ceeds of community dance). Leskard - --- Mr. and Ms-s. H. Nixon-- Mr. George Pope ------- Mr. and Ms-s. E. Rainey --- Ms-. and Mrs. Mel Samis -- Mr. and Mrs. D. Stapleton Mr. W. H. Tebble.......----- Mrs.' Chas-les and Arthur Thompson ----------- Mr. and Ms-s. O. Vanbelle- Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaabelle Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Wade Ms-. H. L. Wade (picture show) $S. S. No. 1, Clar-ke ----------------- Mr. and Ms-s. E. Webster - Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilson Woman's Association of Kirby United Church Ms-. and Mrs. F. Wors-ell -- Messrs. Fred and Richard G lover -------------- Ms-. and Mrs. W. Holmes Mr. andMrs._B. Jaynes -- ll1(RRY (UlR»5Tffi} MAY THIS HOLIDAY SEASON 89 ONE 0F HAPPINESS AND JOI FOR RACH OP- OUR FRIENOS AND CUSTOMERS! pAcqu prvi,