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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Dec 1952, p. 7

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------ TPItRDAY, DEC. 25, 1052 TRE CANADIAN STAT!ESMAN. BOWMAWV?!TU ONTARIO day morning before Magistrate R. B. Baxter. They paid fines of the charges. A numberà of S finesi tfor traffic violations were also ISOCIAL AND PERSONAL I PHONE 3303 'fMrs. George White. Bowman- ville, was enterbained at the home Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Joint are Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Jones and o e rnduheMs o spending, Christmias in Lindsay. son Pbilip, accompanied by Mrs.Go e, rgrnoduer1,Mrs. Dn Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tremeer are Cheesman, Ottawa, visited his Goodie Orono, Dec. 17. il be spendlng Christmas with relatives mother, Mrs. Giddus Jones. present were: Mr. and Mrs. Chari- ini Midland. Karen Clarke, Sheila Coverly, ton McBride, Peterborough; Mrs. Mrs E:war Ader as eenJoan Leddy, Douglas Delaney took Harvey Hardy, Mrs. Laura Pen- Mrs.EJwrd Alerhas eenpart in the dancing at the Arm- found, Bowmanville; Mrs. Sam visitlng her daughter, Mrs. John ourles in Oshawa last Saturday. Dewell, Mrs. Elmer Wiîour, Mrs. Carpenter, Guelph. Miss Helen Morris was called Art Blanchard, Mrs. Laverne Mr. and Mrs. George Downey, to1 Oshawa last week due 10 the Clemens, Mrs. Will White and Toronto, were weekend guests of1 serious illness of her sister, Mrs. Mrs. Clarence Tink, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Clem. Percy, Otta- pital. by Misses Violet and Bertha Os- aare sipending Christmas witb Mrs. J. W. Knighb and Mr. and borne, Temperance St.. of the sîster. Miss Beryl Percy. Mrs. Dick Metcalfe, Toronto, are sudden passîng of their sister, Miss Olga Tod is spending the spending the Christmas holidaY Agnes Pearl, wife o! the late Rev. ýChrstmas holidays with ber sist- with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Knight, C. Melville Wright at East Orange, 1er Mr. tu rgt ai- Detroit. N.J., on Dec. 18. Interment was ton. Mr. Ralph H. Carruthers, New in Lakeview Cemetery, Madoc, Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson is spend- York City, is spending the Christ- Ontario, on Dec. 21. She is sur- ingChrstns i Toont ~ 1 mas holiday wibh his parents, Mr. vived by a son, Dr. Kennetb O. be n orontackHth-nd Mrs. W. H. Carruthers, IWright o! Victoria, B.C., and a inrson, r n r. akHth Scegog St. daughber, Mrs. D. Lite of East Mr.andMrs C.H. udly ad Msses Barbara Edgebt, Monc- Orange, N.J., also two sisters NMr. asnding .C.Hrîsulemasndbhton, N.B., and Catharine Camp- mentionedaovadarthr Mr.andMrs Ramon Coe.bell, n urses- in -training at the Ed. Osborne of Toronto. Mrs. Mn. nd ~¶r. Rymod Cle.Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal,I Wright wvas a dpughter of the late Kitchener. have been enjoying a week's va- M.adMs elObreo Mr. and Mrs. John Brooks, cation with the latîer's parents, Shaw's School district. She wvIIi Welland, spent the weekend witi. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Campbell, be remembered by many older bis parents; Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Maple Grove. citîzens as one o! the most brul- Brooks, Silver St. W reethainls eek' liant students and graduates of Mrs.Errsî untanddauh W rerettha înîas Bowmanville High School hav- Mrs. rnes Hun anddaug- list of donations to the Memorialigbe wre eodnm ter, Sharon Anne, Eastview, aré Hospital Appeal Fund, Mr. and igbe wre eodnm spendîng Christmas holidays wibb Mrs. Wm. Brown, R. R. 1 Tyrone, ber o! scbolarships on her gradu- Mrs. R. Wtheridge.were incorrectly listcd as dona _at- on Miss Martha Jarvis is spending ing $2.00. The amount should -_________ Christmas and New Year holidays have read $5.00. Winner of Legion with ber sister, Mrs. Geo. P. Free- The Ontario Older Boys' Par- land, and ber niece, Mrs. D. D. liament which meets this year at'$1500 Draw Returns Chittenden, Toronto. the Ontario Ladies' College, Whit- Mrs. A. H. Fisher, 272 William by, holds ils formal opening on $500 to Legion St., Belleville, in renewing ber Friday evening, Dec. 26th. It is_____ subscription ta The Statesman, to be regretted that Durham1 Bowmanville Branch No. 178 of writes: I always read it from cov- County is not sending a member, the Canadian Legion realized $500 er 10 cover and enjoy il. or at least we haveni't heard of amoefm hiCrnao dw Mr. Ray Dudley is spending candidate being electcd. more frothteir oronto n- Christ.mas and New Year's in Four men arrested by Provîn-nicptddu10tee- Scotland, 'guest o! the Duke of cial Police at a dance at Lotus on1 erosity of Miss B. Mclntosh, New- Montrose at their' castle. He will Friday night on charges of illegal castle, bolder of the winning tick- t give a concert New Year's Eve for possession of liquor appeared in et.E Lady Malcolm and guests. Bowmanville Police Court Tues- The ticket was good for a re- 1 ~ _turn 'plane ticket for two to the 0 A very, merry rHRISTMAS fo aul our frendsi VANJRJEL'S STORE Centre St. STRJINITY UNE~ Minister: Rev. T. A. Morgan, B.A. 11:00 A.M. - "Looking Backwards" 7:30 P.M. - Moving Picture Mr. D. C. Peters, L.T.C.M., Director of Music. Phyllis Challis Barrett, A.T.C.M., Organist. St. Iohn's Anglican Church, .ev. Warren Turner, B.A., B.D. Christmas :- Christmas Eve 11:30 P.M. - -Choral Eucharist Christmas Day 8 :00 A-NI. - Holy Communion 10:30 A.M. - Choral Eucharist A One.Hour Faînily Service Coronation of! Queen Elizabeth II in London, England, next June, plus $500 expense money, or an alternative $1,500 in ca'sh. Miss Mclntosh accepted $ 1,000 in cash for winning the draw and thereby enabled the Branch to apply the extra $500 to the building fund for ils new hall, which Was great- ly appreciated by the Legion. CHRISTMAS EXCITEMENT (This poem was wrîtten by, Mary Ann Grace, R. R. 3, Bow- manville, when she was 13 years old. She is now attending O.C.V. 1. in Oshawa, in Grade 10, and is 15 years ol) ETom and Joanie clad in nigIh clothes From the stairs did rush, Mom and Daddy from the clooi way, iShouted: "Hush, bush, bush!" I Tom and Joanie were rni ht- r- I Recenfly Wed ai St. John's Mr. and Mrs. Clifford James Miller, whose marriage took place in St. John's Anglican Church, Bowmanville, last month, are seen leaving the church following the ceremony. The bride is the former Constance Bernice Piper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Piper, Bowmanville, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Miller, Hampton. Rev. Harold Turner1 Gives Christmas Story At Rotary Club Turkey dinners with bot mince pie, presents, Christmas carols and the traditional Christmas story told by Rev. Harold Turner, min- ister of St. Paul's United Church, were the ingredients which made the annual Rotary Christmas Party at the Balmoral Hobel on Friday a markcd sucess. Amemres trcnted of thefor he A lare prntedotforetuh' Christmas meeting and ail re- ceived a present of the Rotary book "Adventure In Service" from President Garnet Rickard. In addition, members and guests received another present from Sergeant-at-Arms Blain Elliott, pincbbitting for old St. Nicholas Mark Roenigk celebrated a birth- day. Rev. Harold Turner was the speaker at the gatbering and told the ageless story of bbc birth and boyhood of Jesus Christ in a most pleasing and impressive mianner. He was introduced by Rotarian L. W. Dippeil and thanked by Ro- tarian Arthur Morgan. Robarian R. R. Stevens recciv- ed the thanks of the club mem- bers for bis annual treat of spark- ling fresb apple cider from bis Maple Grove orchards. Many compliments were heard by Robarians on the super-duper Christmas dinner served by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Weese, hosts of The Balmoral. Needy Families -À ---- n e. (Continued from Page One) 4 sthey scramled to he tcrer Hearty singing of traditionfal no yLet n r.Jh Btenosearchesd inevey coer Christmas carois such as "Silent amm and itrîbud Mrt othe Bu n godesdi teyse. Night" and "O Little Town of Hp atints tir te h Andm and Daddy came ung Bethlehem" was led by Rotarjan, Bowmanville Branch 178 of Mom vry srunningai Keith Siemon with Don S hay at teCnda einas os "Children, it isn't rnorning, tepao oaiisdgit much of its Christmas work for And you must go back to bedl" their pocîkets to coîntribute $57.25 nedy familiestruhteSl to help brighten the Christmas of e houhteSl neey fmiles n te twn ndvation Armny and donated $100 ~"Mommy, when wilî S a n t a ned ailsintetw n for this purpose. The Lcgion's corne" this money was turned 9ver to the wr sntrsrce niey1 Salvation Army for distribution. oki o etitde i~Joanie asked with glee, asie efc veterans and any needv am] SMommy answered wîth asie efc attendance pin-swr can be given a Christmas basket ~"Just you wait and see!" presented to Rotarians Walter from these funds. Reynolds, for one year's perfect Bowmanville Kinsm-en Club *Soon they heard some sleigh belîs attendance and to Keith Jackson conccntratcd its Christmas giving Jingling in the snow. and Don Morris for thrce years. on one ncedy Bowmanvilo fam- "Santa Claus os coming, Guests \verc Rotarian Donald ily this year and donated the $32 Back to bed you go!" Lucas, Lindsay, and Harvc 'y collected from Kinsmen mcmn- Brooks, Maple Grove. Rotarian bers 10 the wife of a Bowmaiiville, Santa Claus was oh so jolly, On this Christmas night. Tom and Joanie in their bedroom Slept with alI their might. 1 Tom and Joanie soon were dream - ing 0 f Santa Claus' sleigh. The bag of goodies and the rein-1 Rushing naway. A Soon the children were awakened Mr Bv their mother's caîl; Corneon don forbreakfast,~A ch il drenY Hurrv, hurry ail!" id1 lu A ~ We Say Io you, "Merry (.nrstmats' tEA 1 Yf have a gay day filled viîth good gifts, good cheer, good lriends, plus Our sincere S9 1f good wishes! -LA N DE R a 04 HARDWARE yF 51fal1OFtl ~t "e w~i, il c di S tI*e YuletlJe seaçon. A y Yf SSCHWARZ BROS. * BOWMANVILLE ~1 i A -- - -- - -------------------= A, FANCY AT THE Memoria I SKATING 18 I I DRESS t Arena - 9 P.m. bI am -PRIZES Przefo es Des18Gr Prize for Besi Dressed Girl Prize for Besi Dressed Body Prize for Besf Dressed Lady Prize for Best Dressed Moupl Prize for Most Original Costume Prize for Oldest Person Skating Plus 10 Miscellaneous Door Prizes FUN MAKINO FAVOURS FOR EVERYONE Admission - - - - - 50C per - MAKE THIS NEW YEAR'S EVE FAlMILY NJGHT AT THE MEMORIAL, ARENA person s man who is in bospital in serious !Toronto for rnany years. Since 'and tbis sumamer vi.sited Detroit condition.i the passing of Mr. Kîrkendall, 1 Flint and Toronto. She has been Bowmanville Lions Club pro-'i she has made her home in Bowv- able to attend church and exnjoya vided 15 Christmas baskets for1 manvîlle with her daughter, Mrs. getting out around, as well as the blind persons in Durham nd' Bagnell. visits of famnily and triends. Be- Northumberland this year, distr i-! She has 'enjoyed good healtb fore her recent illness, Éhe atten- buting about 10 in town, 'four in: ith the exception of an illness ded a turkey supper whlch she the surrounding district and oneý this faîl. She is a good travel 1er thoroughly enjoyed. in Cobourg. The Lions also pro-, vided transportation for the blind 10 their Christmas party at ________________ the recreation centre in South 1 _____________ lates at this Christmas paity1" _-_____ ail the blind from this district. l - The local Lons Club also con- Seals Campaign in West Durham.~ To our customers and friends: Sincere Wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year X Wanda's Beauly Shop ANDSTF TÈD CHURCHl 1sf Sunday Aller Christmas 8.00 A.M. - Holy Communion 11:00 A.M. - Matins 3:00)PM Holy Baptism 7:00 P.M. - Carol, Service JANUARY lst- 10:09) .A.M. - HoIy Communion PAGE SEVEN -1 a ,. 1 1 m 18

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